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Questions & Answers

Q: Are primary producers considered to be food Q: Is ISO 22000 just HACCP with some extensions?
manufacturers by PAS220 / ISO22002?
ISO22000 includes all aspects of Codex HACCP with the
Growing operations for fruit and vegetables / livestock / broad addition of the ISO series of standards traditional
acre crops are not currently within the scope of the FSSC22000 management commitment, documentation and records,
certification as the PAS 220 only addresses PRPs for food system management and continual improvement
manufacturers. Processing and packing of agricultural requirements as well as a few prescribed food safety
products are however covered. requirements that have not been formally defined in the
Codex HACCP principles, e.g. emergency preparedness,
Q: Can I please clarify whether there are exclusions for a operational prerequisite programmes.
sales office to be certified. If a corporate office, which does
not manufacture products but supports sites with approved Q: Is ISO 22000 recognised by Coles and Woolworths as an
supplier program, procurement etc, does this office need to acceptable std to satisfy their requirements.
be certified?
No neither ISO22000 or FSSC22000 are recognised by Coles or
In the current scheme, Head Office activities not at the Woolworths as approved standards for suppliers.
manufacturing site being audited cannot be certified. Site
activities that are supported by HO will however be Q: What is an example of an OPRP?
evaluated as part of the individual site audit.
Applicable OPRPs are dependent on the result the sites hazard
Q: How many businesses are currently certified for FSSC analysis and the resultant significant hazards identified for
22000 in Australia? control, so which PRPs are identified as OPRPs will depend.

There are only 18 Certification Bodies in the world that can Some examples of OPRPs that we have seen in the conduct of
currently certify to FSSC 22000, of which SAI Global is one of ISO22000/FSSC audits include; Allergen Management
them. There are over 500 certifications to FSSC 22000 Programmes and Cleaning / Sanitising Programmes.
worldwide and SAI Global has certified 2 companies in
Australia, with another 6 in progress. Q: You mentioned ISO 22000 did not include all
ISO 9001 quality requirements particularly customer
Q: Can you confirm if an organisation needs to be certified specifications. Are there any more?
to ISO 22000 before applying for FSSC 22000 certification?
Although food safety is a common and accepted quality
No, organisations that apply for FSSC22000 certification will parameter for food products, there are additional quality
be audited to all components of the scheme via the Stage 1 specifications for food products that need to be considered
and Stage 2 audit process. ISO 220000 is not a pre-requisite and these are not necessary to incorporate into a ISO22000
to the FSSC certification process as it is included in based FSMS.
FSSC22000 scheme requirements.
Other aspects of a companys business related to sales,
If a company is currently certified to ISO22000, they need
marketing, design/development, purchasing that must be
only have an upgrade audit against the additional FSSC
covered by an ISO9001 system may not be considered within a
requirements and PAS 220 for certification to FSSC22000 to
FSMS. Also, there are specific requirements in ISO9001
be achieved.
regarding quality policy, quality objectives and the management
review process that are not specifically required by the ISO22000
Q: Does one need to consider Ethical Policy and Procedures
FSMS standard.
with this standard?

There are no specific requirements related to Ethical Policies

or Procedures included in the requirements of the
independent standards that comprise the FSSC220000
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Copyright SAI Global 2011 ACN 050 611 642

Questions & Answers
Q: Why consider certification to FSSC 22000 while Training
supermarkets are mandating certification to BRC, WQA or
the Aldi standard? Implementing FSSC 22000

Every individual company needs to assess customer FSSC 22000 is a combination of ISO22000 Food Safety
requirements when deciding on the best standard to obtain Management Systems Requirements for any organisation in
independent certification, so if FSSC 22000 is not accepted by a the food chain, in conjunction with PAS220 (Pre-requisite
companys customers there would be no reason for a company programs) is a food safety management standard gaining in
to consider this scheme as a viable alternative. importance internationally particularly among large multi-site
food manufacturers seeking to benchmark their food safety
But, some of the benefits of FSSC 22000 include: performance. This training course outlines the requirements of
Independent ISO-based food safety scheme; Use of existing, the ISO 22000 in conjunction with PAS220 standard and how to
independent, international standards in ISO22000, PAS 220 apply them within your organisation.
or ISO/TS 220002; Same format as other ISO standards allows
ease of integration with other management systems, e.g. ISO
Duration: 2 days
9001, ISO 140001, etc; Stakeholder approval & commitment
- recognised by industry/retailers including Kraft Foods, Price: $935.00
Sydney: 16-17th November
Unilever, Kelloggs , Aldi, Costco; Independent scheme
Melbourne: 30th November 1st December
management; and Transparency
Call Advancing Food Safety on 02 9898 0344.
Q: Is an off-site warehouse included that is owned by the
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Storage, warehousing, distribution may only be included in the

scope as long as it is an activity on site and in addition to Audit & Certification
manufacturing or processing activities covered by the audit. SAI Global, Australias leading certification body, has expert
auditors who can provide audit and verification services in
the following programs:
FSSC 22000 Standards Codex HACCP
SAVE 25% - For a short time only FSSC 22000
To help you with your certification needs, purchase ISO 22000 Food Safety Management Program
AS ISO 22000-2005 PLUS ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 or its equivalent
PAS 220, in the one order and youll receive 25% off the Retail BRC Global Standard for Food Safety
price. Hurry offer ends 14 September 2011. SQF2000 Code
Retailer supplier standards, e.g. Coles Supplier
To order, call us on 131 242 (Press 1) and mention this FSSC Requirements, WQA and ALDI, Costco, McDonalds,
special offer. Spotless
*Offer valid for PDF and Hardcopy versions of AS ISO 22000-2005 and ISO/TS 2nd Party Audits against your own Standards
22002-1:2009. PAS 220 is available in Hardcopy only. Products must be
purchased in the same order. Prices include 10% GST and are subject to change Supply Chain Verification
without notice. Offer is valid from 01.09.2011 to 14.09.2011. Member
Certified Organic AS6000
discounts do not apply. Delivery charges apply to Hardcopy formats. All order
requests are to be sent to the SAI Global Customer Service team via phone ISO 9001, Quality Management
ISO 14001, Environmental Management
OHS Standards.
Contact Therese Genders to discuss your Food Safety audit
and certification requirements on 02 8206 6171 or visit for more information.

Copyright SAI Global 2011 ACN 050 611 642

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