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Objective of the study:

There are three main objectives of the study as follows:

1. To study the status of KM in the organization and to check the competency of the
2. To study the perception of employees on the basis of job profile towards KM
3. To practice research methodology as a student

Research design: Exploratory as well as descriptive

Universe: Universe belongs to E, F and G grade employees belonging to , out of which

50 samples is selected.

Sampling design: Stratified random sampling design

Research method: Survey method

Research tool: Questionnaire and informal personal interview

Sources of data collection: Primary data and secondary data

Sample size: 50

In todays competitive market, companies are aware that their workforce must be properly trained
and fully competent over a range of tasks within any given work discipline.

Competency mapping is a process through which one assesses and determines ones strengths as
an individual worker and in some cases, as part of an organization. It generally examines two
areas: emotional intelligence or emotional quotient (EQ), and strengths of the individual in areas
like team structure, leadership, and decision-making. Large organizations frequently employ some
form of competency mapping to understand how to most effectively employ the competencies of
strengths of workers. They may also use competency mapping to analyze the combination of
strengths in different workers to produce the most effective teams and the highest quality work.

Competency mapping can also be done for contract or freelance workers, or for those seeking
employment to emphasize the specific skills which would make them valuable to a potential

Competency mapping also requires some thought, time, and analysis, and some people simply
may not want to do the work involved to sufficiently map competencies. Competency mapping
alone may not produce accurate results unless one is able to detach from the results in analyzing
past successes and failures. Many studies find that people often overestimate their abilities,
making self-competency mapping results dubious.

The value of competency mapping and identifying emotional strengths is that many employers
now purposefully screen employees to hire people with specific competencies. They may need to
hire someone who can be an effective time leader or who has demonstrated great active listening
skills. Alternately, they may need someone who enjoys taking initiative or someone who is very
good at taking direction. When individuals must seek new jobs, knowing ones competencies can
give one a competitive edge in the job market.

Usually, a person will find themselves with strengths in about five to six areas. Sometimes an area
where strengths are not present is worth developing. In other cases, competency mapping can
indicate finding work that is suited to ones strengths, or finding a department at ones current
work where one's strengths or needs as a worker can be exercised.

A problem with competency mapping, especially when conducted by an organization is that there
may be no room for an individual to work in a field that would best make use of his or her
competencies. If the company does not respond to competency mapping by reorganizing its
employees, then it can be of little short-term benefit and may actually result in greater unhappiness
on the part of individual employees. A person identified as needing to learn new things in order to
remain happy might find himself or herself in a position where no new training is ever required. If
the employer cannot provide a position for an employee that fits him or her better, competency
mapping may be of little use.

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However, competency mapping can ultimately serve the individual who decides to seek
employment in an environment where he or she perhaps can learn new things and be more
intellectually challenged. Being able to list competencies on resumes and address this area with
potential employers may help secure more satisfying work. This may not resolve issues for the
company that initially employed competency mapping, without making suggested changes. It may
find competency mapping has produced dissatisfied workers or led to a high worker turnover rate.

Competency also means the collection of success factors necessary for achieving important results
in a specific job or work role in a particular organization. Success factors are combinations of
knowledge, skills, and attributes that are described in terms of specific behaviors, and are
demonstrated by superior performers in those jobs or work roles. Attributes include: personal
characteristics, traits, motives, values or ways of thinking that impact an individuals behavior.

Competencies in organizations tend to fall into two broad categories:

- Personal Functioning Competencies. These competencies include broad success factors not tied to
a specific work function or industry (often focusing on leadership or emotional
intelligence behaviors).

- Functional/Technical Competencies. These competencies include specific success factors

within a given work function or industry.

Three other definitions are needed:

Competency Map. A competency map is a list of an individuals competencies that represent the
factors most critical to success in given jobs, departments, organizations, or industries that are part
of the individuals current career plan.

Competency Mapping. Competency mapping is a process an individual uses to identify and

describe competencies that are the most critical to success in a work situation or work role.

Top Competencies. Top competencies are the vital few competencies (four to seven, on average)
that are the most important to an individual in their ongoing career management process.
Importance to the individual is an intuitive decision based on a combination of three factors:
past demonstrated excellence in using the competency, inner passion for using the competency,
and the current or likely future demand for the competency in the individuals
current position or targeted career field.

Although the definition above for competency mapping refers to individual employees,
organizations also map competencies, but from a different perspective.
Organizations describe, or map, competencies using one or more of the following four strategies:

1. Organization-Wide (often called core competencies or those required for organization


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2. Job Family or Business Unit Competency Sets
3. Position-Specific Competency Sets
4. Competency Sets Defined Relative to the Level of Employee Contribution (i.e. Individual
Contributor, Manager, or Organizational Leader)

Limitations of research study: While conducting research, at most care was taken to collect
data in unprejudiced manner to make this study precise and truthful. But, due to certain
unavoidable reasons, there are certain limitations which are as mentioned below.

This study engrosses only a part of total number of employees working at Surat
manufacturing plant.
Research was to be conducted maintaining the decorum of the company.
Employees were busy in their work and thus did not spare much time to respond openly to
the questions asked.
Information and responses given by the respondents may be a biased due to several
Limited time span for carrying out study also restricted the research work.
As company is too large, as per their tactics and guiding principle employees were not
ready to disclose confidential facets.




Search engines GOOLGE and YAHOO.


A workshop on Competency Mapping held at MMTC Limited conducted by Mr.R.K. Mohanty


Competency Mapping Education Kit module 3 and 4-T V Rao

Handbook Of Competency Mapping - Seema Sangi

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