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Marine mammals are the top predators and the largest consumers in Arctic and subarctic
environments. The majority of seal species live in cold environments and many of these
species are among the most abundant large mammals on earth. Whale species are more
evenly spread over the world, but most of the large species depend on abundant food supply
in high latitudes in summer. Many migrate to warmer waters in the winter when food is
harder to get in the colder ecosystems. This is also the case with many seabirds. Their ability
to fly makes them able to escape the harsh northern winters but enjoy the rich food supply in
these environments in the summer. The warm internal temperatures and high metabolic rate
combined with large biomass of the whales make the marine mammals and the birds the top
predators of the Arctic and subarctic environment. At least 12 species of cetaceans occur
regularly in Icelandic waters, 5 species of baleen whales and 7 species of toothed whales,
including dolphins and porpoise. In addition, 11 species have been recorded more
sporadically. Whaling has been conducted in Icelandic waters throughout the centuries and
research on the whale stocks around Iceland is therefore considered important.
Reliable abundance estimates exist for most species of large whales while such estimates are
not available for small cetaceans. In the continental shelf area, common minke
whales probably have the largest biomass while on the open ocean it is the fin whales.
Seals are also fairly common in Icelandic waters. However, further north in the high Arctic
they are even more abundant. This is also where the most numerous seal species go to breed
on the sea ice. Only two species of seals are really native to Iceland, neither of which leaves
coastal waters. However five other species from the north visit Iceland on a regular basis. The
third group of marine mammals occurring in Iceland consists of only one species, the polar
bear (Ursus maritimus). Polar bears feed almost exclusively on ice-associated seals. Most of
their life is therefore spent on drift ice in the ocean; hence they are classified as marine
mammals. Adult polar bears are also quite good swimmers if required. Polar bears are not
native to Iceland but are frequent guests, especially in cold years associated with drift ice.
Exceptions do also occur; for example two visited Iceland in the summer 2008 in a rather
warm year with no drift ice in sight. During the 20 th century about 50 polar bear visits were
recorded. It should also be mentioned here for completeness sake that one species of marine
reptile has been spotted in Icelandic waters. This is the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys
coriacea), the largest of the sea turtles and the species that can live in the coldest waters since
it is able to maintain relatively high internal temperatures. It has both been sighted alive in
the ocean and found stranded dead. However, this is very rare since Icelandic waters are
much too cold for this beast to occur on a regular basis. There are no records of marine turtles
having been caught in any type of fishing gear in Icelandic waters. Hence devices to avoid
turtle bycatch in Icelandic shrimp fisheries are totally unnecessary.

Source :

Name : Cahyo Kartiko

NIM : 165080100111010
Class : M01

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