AIMS South Africa Newsletter June 2016

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Inside this issue: AIMS is enabling Africas youth to become

agents of change on the continent

AIMS South Africa 1

Visiting delegation 1

Cosmology Group 2

MMED 2016 2

Masters Defence 2

PhD student visit 2 Africa has an exciting journey said Dr Solomon Assefa, graduates to 646 and to 1 210
US ahead of it and so do you. We Director IBM Research Africa. across the network once all
are determined to transform the He was speaking at the AIMS South centres have held their gradua-
CIMPA Council African continent by hiring the Africa Graduation which took tion ceremonies. As Prof. Barry
best talent to tackle the challenges place at the Muizenberg Pavilion Green, Director noted, This
of our time. But our success on 21 June 2016, where 54 year we saw the graduation of
Tutor farewell depends on you and talented, students (including 21 women) our 1000th AIMS student and it
motivated graduates like yourself. from 24 African countries is wonderful to see so many tal-
You have the power to change received Master's Degrees in ented young people in Africa
AIMSSECs first 4 the world, so go out and change Mathematical Sciences. who want to make a difference.
resource book the world, change the African This graduation brings the total
continent and make a difference, number of AIMS South Africa Continued on page 3.
Seminar 4

Network 4 Visiting delegation from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation


A delegation from the Alexander

von Humboldt Foundation, and a
representative from the German
Federal Ministry for Education
and Research, the German
Embassy and DAAD visited AIMS
South Africa from 13 to 17 June
2016 to participate in the selec-
tion process for the German
Research Chair in Mathematics
with a Specialisation in Data
Science, who will be based at
AIMS South Africa.
From left: (Front row): Dr Barnard, Ms Ziegert, Dr Bah, Dr Diop,
Ms Mager , Ms Kreilos. (2nd row): Prof. Bassett, Prof. Reddy,
Continued on page 3. Prof. Rewitsky, Dr Heil, Dr Utete (3rd row): Dr Ndifon, Prof. Gritzmann,
Dr Yocgo, Prof. Green, Dr Pflug (Back row): Prof. Sanders, Dr Binder,
Prof. Groetschel, Dr Vollmer, Prof. Becker, Ms Wittka
Research Centre updates MMED 2016: Clinic on the Meaningful
Modelling of Epidemiological Data
Cosmology Group updates
Python JEDI hack day events

different types of prob-

lems (classification/
regression problems,
outliers detection and
patterns recognition;
and similarity detec-
tion); preprocessing
Participants at the Hack Day and dimensional
reduction; real time vs.
These hack day events, organ- static analysis and front and
back-end related issues. Partic- Workshop participants
ised by the Cosmology Group
at AIMS South Africa, are ipants range from postgraduate
scheduled to take place every students to senior scientists The South African Centre in a meaningful way. The
two weeks at the AIMS South with an interest in data science for Epidemiological Modelling Clinic consisted of a series of
Africa Research Centre. The and machine learning from (SACEMA) held its7th annual lectures, discussions, and tuto-
objectives of these days are to local institutions. The first of Clinic on the Meaningful Model- rials that guided participants
develop participant skills in these hack days was held on ling of Epidemiological Data through the process of devel-
data related computer sciences; 10 June 2016. (MMED). This two-week model- oping data-based, dynamical
facilitate skills transfer between ling clinic, done in collaboration models of disease spread and
participants; create or reinforce Ms Manolya with the International Clinics on using models to answer public
collaboration and to create a Altan, a Infectious Disease Dynamics health questions.
student from and Data (ICI3D) Programme
strong core of proficient data MIT is
scientists able to tackle various visiting the
and AIMS South Africa brought There were 63 participants
problems. The hack days will Cosmology together graduate students, which included 20 AIMS South
alternate with brainstorming Group from postdoctoral scholars, and Africa Masters and Biomath
22 May until other researchers from North Honours students, 27 North
sessions, intense coding times
3 July 2016 America and Africa, with the America and African partici-
and short lectures. The range
of topics to be covered include goal of engaging the participants pants and 16 faculty members
in epidemiological modelling and mentors.
projects that use real data to
Masters Defence grapple with practical questions
On 20 June 2016, Mr Elia
Namundjebo a Research Visiting researchers
Masters student in the AIMS
South Africa Research Centre, AIMS South Africa welcomed Sango (University of Pretoria)
did his Masters Thesis Defence two visiting researchers: Prof who is an AIMS Associate
which was titled: The Double Alan Beardon (Cambridge and Research Fellow and will be
Heston Model via the Kalman AIMS) who is visiting until 21 visiting until 17 July 2016.
Filter. He was supervised by July 2016; and Prof Mamadou
Prof. Ronnie Becker.

CIMPA Administrative Council

PhD student visits US On Friday 3 June, Prof Barry is a UNESCO category 2
Green, was one of seven centre. Its role is to promote
Ms Dinna Ranirina, a PhD Hardin, also from Vanderbilt selected to become members research and higher education
student in the AIMS South University, about her PhD of the Administrative Council in pure or applied mathematics
Africa Research Centre, was a topic. This exchange was more for CIMPA (Centre Interna- and interactions between the
visiting student at Vanderbilt focused on the theoretical tional de Mathmatiques two as well as related disci-
University in Nashville Tennes- part of the method from her Pures et Appliques/ plines. CIMPAs main task is
see in the Department of research at AIMS South Africa International Center for Pure the organisation of research
Mathematics from 1 January to which is being supervised by and Applied Mathematics). schools. This is the bulk of its
31 May 2016. Within this time, Prof. Johan de Villiers. The council will assume its activities and is focussed on
she worked with her host su- functions in January 2017. areas where there is a real
pervisor Prof. Mike Neamtu on She also attended the 15th CIMPA is an international drive to shine a spotlight on,
a paper mainly focused on Ra- international conference in organisation working for the or develop, mathematics or
tional B-splines which is still in Approximation theory which development of mathematics where there is scope for a
progress. In parallel to this was held in San Antonio, Texas research in developing coun- research project. For more
project, she also had discus- from 22-25 May 2016. tries. It was founded in France information please visit http://
sions with with Prof. Doug in 1978, is based in Nice and
Graduation continued ... Delegation visit continued ...
Members of the delegation
included: Prof. Peter Gritz-
mann; Prof. Martin Groetschel;
Dr Andrea Binder; Dr Anne
The students themselves had Pflug; Dr Simone Heil; Ms
a lot to say about their expe- Michaela Kreilos and Ms
riences at AIMS, expressing Daniela Mager. The delega-
their appreciation for the tion was joined by Ms Phillina
support and motivation they Wittka (DAAD) and Ms Eva
received being part of the Ziegert from the German
Dr Solomon Assefa Embassy.
AIMS family and their plans
for the future. Ms Karimatou Vivienne Lawack Deputy
Djenabou, from Cameroon, Vice-Chancellor, Academic, The selection committee Prof. Groetschel
noted that when the students University of the Western was comprised of Prof. Peter
Cape. Gritzmann (TU Mnchen),
were not talking about math-
Prof. Thandi Mgwebi, Director Prof. Martin Groetschel
ematics they talked about
of Research at the University (President Berlin-Brandenburg
their home cultures, "I feel
Academy of Sciences and
like I have explored more of the Western Cape and an
Humanities, Prof. Barry
than half of the African conti- AIMS Advisory Board mem-
Green (Director AIMS South
nent with the talks I have had ber presented a number of
Africa); Prof. Daya Reddy
with my fellow students who AIMS Scholarships Awards to
(South African Research
were from 24 different those students who had per- Chair in Computational
African countries. Mr Nelson formed exceptionally during Mechanics, UCT and Chair
Kyakutwika, from Uganda their year of study. of the AIMS Council) and
said, In the future I visualise The Stephen Hawking Prof. Ingrid Rewitsky
myself being a member of Scholarship, named in hon- (Executive Head: Department
the core team deciding the our of the world-renowned of Mathematical Sciences, Prof. Gritzmann
destiny of Africa. At AIMS I physicist went to Mr Robin Vice-Dean (Teaching): Faculty
got more that just a degree, Msiska, from Zambia. of Science, SU). On 14 June, the four candi-
AIMS is preparing Africas The Martin Rees Scholarship, dates for the Research Chair
greatest minds for their future named in honour of Lord The meetings commenced presented public lectures:
careers. Mr Robin Msiska, Martin Rees, who is widely with an introduction by Dr "Machine Learning and Big
from Zambia shared a poem acknowledged as one of the Andrea Binder, Head of the Data: from Astronomy to
he had written which con- world's leading astronomers Alexander von Humboldt Society" by Prof. Bruce
tained the phrase, Our role and cosmologists, was Selection Department, on the Bassett, UCT and AIMS
is to be agents of change. awarded to Mr Lamin work that the Foundation South Africa
Juwara, from Gambia. does. This was followed by "Compressed Sensing:
The ceremony was officiated The Paul G. Allen Scholar- presentations about AIMS Exploiting Redundancy in
by Prof. Eugene Cloete, Vice- ship, endowed by the from Prof. Barry Green, Prof. Data" by Dr Bubacarr Bah,
Rector Research, Innovation Microsoft co-founder and Jeff Sanders (Academic Direc- Mathematical Sciences,
and Postgraduate studies, philanthropist, was awarded tor, AIMS South Africa), Dr University of Texas at Aus-
Stellenbosch University, to Ms Frether Getachew Wilfred Ndifon (IDRC Junior tin, Texas, USA
Prof. Danie Visser, Deputy Kebede, from Ethiopia. Research Chair, AIMS South "Mathematical Models for
Vice-Chancellor, University Africa/Ghana), Dr Simukai Signal and Image Analysis"
And two Dr Victor Roth-
of Cape Town and Prof. Utete (Senior Researcher, by Dr El Hadji Samba Diop,
schild Scholarships, went to AIMS South Africa) and Dr University of Thies, Senegal
Barrie Barnard (Academic "Statistical Physics, Large
Manager, AIMSSEC). Deviation Theory, and Data
Science" by Dr Jrgen
Special events planned for the Vollmer, Department of
week included the following: Mathematics, University of
On 13 June, a public lecture Goettingen, Germany
titled: "Is mathematics use-
ful?" by Prof Martin Grotschel, On Friday 17 June, a public
President Berlin-Brandenburg lecture titled: Identifying
Academy of Sciences and homogenous risks Theory
Humanities, held at Stellen- and practical issues by Prof.
bosch University. Peter Gritzmann, Munich TU
Mnchen, was held at AIMS
South Africa.
Front row: Dr Alan Stroebel (NRF), Mr Jean Bernoulli Ravelomanana,
Ms Frether Getachew Kebede, Prof. Thandi Mgwebi, Mr Sogo Pierre
Sanon Back row: Prof. Jeff Sanders, Mr Robin Msiska, Mr Lamin
Juwara, Prof. Barry Green
Tutors farewell Seminar
On 20 June 2016, a special
thank you ceremony was held On 20 June 2016 Prof. Alan
for all the tutors at AIMS Beardon gave a seminar to
South Africa. The tutors for students titled: A problem
the year were Martha on magic squares. In this talk
Kamkuemah (head tutor), he discussed a little of the
Alberto Cazzaniga, Yae Gaba, history and a few old and new
Grace Mwakyoma, Carine results on magic squares.
Umulisa, Mebratu Wakeni,
Pascal Wild, Mahmoud
Hashim, Gael Mboussa-Anga,
Michal Morzywolek, Elbasher
Mohamed and Mahmoud Network Graduations

AIMSSECs first teacher

resource book published
algebra, geometry and
measures, and data handling
and probability. Each chapter
covers one mathematical con-
cept and addresses one of six
teaching strategies. The book
also has a chapter on forma- 41 students (including 9 women) graduated from
tive assessment; a chapter on AIMS Sngal on 21 June 2016
teaching and learning mathe-
matics with technology (with
a glossary) and an appendix
with more than 10 photo-
copiable resources.
In April, Cambridge University
Press (CUP) published the AIMSSEC would like to thank
first book in AIMSSECs everyone who contributed to
Mathematical Thinking series. the book: all the international
The book, written for senior lecturers who wrote chap-
phase mathematics teachers, ters, the editors who brought
is the culmination of many everything together and, most
years of work and the combine importantly, all the teachers
efforts of many people. The who attended AIMSSEC
book is based on activities courses and who trialled the
used at AIMSSECs profes- materials in their schools and 48 students (including 18 women) graduated from
classrooms, providing invalua- AIMS Ghana on 25 June 2016
sional development courses
and gives guidance for mathe- ble feedback.
matics teachers (particularly
in developing countries) to For more information about
enable them to run profes- the book download the flyer
sional development work- at
shops without the need for
an expert to lead them. The assets/files/MT/AIMSSEC-MT-
book also offers ideas for BOOK.pdf
learning activities and low
cost resources designed to To buy a copy of the book
encourage learners to think place an order online through
for themselves and to devel- CUP at
op problem solving and products/mathematical-
communication skills. thinking-in-the-lower-
secondary-classroom (free 47 students (including 17 women) graduated from
delivery in South Africa) or AIMS Cameroon on 29 June 2016
The book has 20 chapters
covering topics in number, visit the AIMSSEC offices at
65 Main Road, Muizenberg

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