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Uses and Gratifications Theory

Information: Our production satisfies curiosity and general

interest because our productions is full of enigmas (mystery) and
suspense this satisfies curiosity because the mystery and suspense
will draw the audience into wanting to know what the storyline or
plot is about. Also from seeing small clips or hearing about it, seeing
it on a poster can also create general interest about what our
production is about.

Entertainment: Our production gives the audience essential

cultural or visual enjoyment because our production has many
aspects within it that would give visual enjoyment to the viewers.
This includes suspense and mystery, which our production wouldnt
be interesting without.

Personal Identity: Our production gains insight into ones self

because it shows the point of view of other people during the clip
instead of themselves, the way we would express this is take a lot of
point of view shots, and keeping a focus on a certain character
possibly the protagonist. Creating a character, which we focus on,
interests the audience because maybe they could relate to the
character, which makes them more interested.

Integration and Social Interaction: Our production enables one

to connect with family, friends and society because a topic of
discussion can emerge from the things that may seem interesting
from our movie that people may want to discuss, or someone has
seen the movie and felt the need to share it with people that they
know. Also our production gains insight into circumstances of
others (social empathy) the scenes in our production may make
the audience feel empathy for the protagonist because thats quite
stereotypical for them to be put into a situation where people will
empathise towards them.

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