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Nama : Nur Achmad Faizal

Kelas :X A2
No Absen :24

The Father, Son , and Sparrow

One afternoon, the boy and his father sitting on the porch of the house
like when the child 1.5 years old. Incidentally there is a sparrow perched
on a mango tree in front of them seated.

The father then asked the boy, "My son ... the bird is it?". "That sparrow
yah ..", she replied. Ten minutes later, the father again asked the child, "...
it was a bird Nakk what?". "That sparrow Father ...", she replied. After 10
minutes later, returned the father asked, "Oh nakk, the father forgot to
mention ... it was a bird what yaa?". "That sparrow yah ... The father had
not dijelasin of ideologies ...", she replied with coarse visible annoyance.

After this answer, the father directly into the room then opens an old book
which was the "Diary" father. Dad opened records about 20 years ago. The
note is then given to the child. There is written: "That evening, I sat with
my son on the porch of her beloved home. Then hinggaplah sparrow on a
shady mango tree in front of the house. My son even asked me curiously.
Many times he asked the same question, but still patiently and gently I
answered. Then question after question he continues to give me. I fixed it
gently and patiently answer ... ". Read something about "Diary" of the
father, the child was immediately tears in his eyes.

So patient and penyayangnya parents to their children. And that love will
not be timeless. However, most children do not think about it, and it
menyianyiakan parents. As menititipkan father or mother to a nursing
home. Or when the father or mother tells us something, we reject
violently, we deny it, we hurt him.
The mother had one eye
The mother had one eye, looks so embrassement. She is in fact rarely wore shabby
clothes were torn in some parts. Because the father had left us and did not provide
for us, finally the mother applied for a job at the school. She cooks in the cafeteria in
order to serve the teachers and students there. He often pretended not to know him,
because he was shy. He was so scared when his classmates knew that she was his
mother. One day, she provides lunch in the school cafeteria for him. It presents in a
dish with a side dish and dihiasnya pretty full. Not to forget she kissed and stroked
his head after thrusting a plate lunch. All of his friends who look directly whispered,
and it makes him furious. After school, he scold her all-out. "You know how
embarrassed I? If it was you just want me to be ridiculed by his friends, why do not
you just die?" he said grimly. Since then she better know hisselves. She tried to keep
a distance with him if in front of friends. He studied hard to always get ranking and
scholarships. He wanted to get out of this house. He managed to get the top job, a
beautiful wife, and blessed with a cute children. He stayed in the house which is
quite luxurious and large. One day, suddenly the mother visited without seijinku.
Setermos brought hot soup that she said cooked special for her children. See it with
the eyes of a terrible, his children shocked and cried. His wife immediately took the
children away. Again I be embarrassed and did not know what to do even less so.
I've been happy with his life at this time. But why mom will screw up my life?he
shooed her away, and his children shouted in excitement when he knew I'd throw
him out. "Never ever again dare to come to my house and scare my children old
grandmother!" I growled. *** One afternoon, his old neighbors visited the house and
handed him a letter. "It's from your mother. Your mother has died," he said. he was
silent, did not cry and did not ask a lot of her. he just received the letter and save at
his desk. Old ... he felt very uneasy. Then he opened the envelope and read a piece
of each row of letters with full of tears and emotion.

"Dear son,,I think about you all the time, I'm sorry you had to come home and make
your kids afraid of meI was very happy when I heard that you were coming at the
reunion later, but maybe I will not be able to get up from my bed to see you, I'm sorry
to have made you feel embarrassed when you started growing up.You know ....
when you were very small, you have an accident and you lose ten eyes, as a mother
I can not bear to see you grow up only with one eye, then I give you my eyes.I'm
very proud of my son who could see the world through my eyes.with all the love for
you ..

mother "

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