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Tom Matthews is an 18 year old college

student studying mechanics and
engineering at South Staffordshire
College. He is in his final year of the
course. His favourite types of films are
romance, thrillers and psychological
dramas. He finds the psychological
dramas interesting because he is
fascinated by the way the human mind
He has a girlfriend that he has been with for 3 years, they both
love watching films together and Tom has a monthly
subscription for Empire magazine.
Toms favourite tasks include watching TV programmes such as
the Mentalist, Dexter and Heroes which are all psychological TV
dramas. Tom has worked at Greggs for 6 months and spends
his money on his car which is his pride and joy.
After he has finished college he is planning to get an
apprenticeship at a well-known engineering company such as
Sapphire engineering.
In his free time Tom enjoys going to the gym and socialising
with his friends. He enjoys going on social media such as
Facebook and Twitter, he loves following his favourite
celebrities like Lewis Hamilton, Michael C Hall and Rhonda

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