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Management and

Treatment Guidelines
for Cornelia de Lange

These cards highlight routine care for people with CdLS

needed by specific age groups, including infancy, early and
late childhood, adolescence and adulthood. At each age,
individuals with CdLS will have specific health care needs.

Please contact
the CdLS Foundation
at 800-753-2357
with any questions
or for more information.

OUR MISSION: The Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Foundation

is a family support organization that exists to ensure early and
accurate diagnosis of CdLS, promote research into the causes and
manifestations of the syndrome, and help people with a diagnosis
of CdLS, and others with similar characteristics, make informed
decisions throughout their lifetimes.
Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
Management and Treatment Guidelines
Based on 2007 Management Recommendations for Individuals with CdLS.*

Infancy and at the time of diagnosis

When the diagnosis of CdLS is considered, a karyotype should be
obtained (blood chromosomes should be sent and evaluated), al-
though it will typically be normal. Once the clinical diagnosis has
been made, a number of studies and services are recommended:
Renal ultrasound
Pediatric ophthalmologic evaluation with cycloplegic refraction
Hearing evaluation (otoacoustic emissions, or brainstem
auditory evoked response if audiology is abnormal)
An upper GI series to rule out malrotation and reflux if
malrotation is detected, early repair may be indicated.
Evaluation for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) includ-
ing pH probe and/or endoscopy, and, if found, treated medically
(e.g. prokinetics) or, if that fails, surgically (e.g. Nissen fundoplica-
tion, gastrostomy tube).
Developmental assessment in infancy and continuing every
one to three years.
Early intervention services initiated and continued as long as
Growth assessment using appropriate CdLS growth charts
[Kline et al., 1993a]. Treatment with high calorie formulas is often
suggested, and may help with weight gain, however, typically,
individuals with CdLS appear to grow at their own pace with a
high metabolic rate.
Support organization information should be given to the family
whenever a diagnosis is made: the CdLS Foundation,
Ensure that family has the CdLS Medical Care Card, available
from the CdLS Foundation Web site, which would be helpful in
an emergency situation (e.g. risk for volvulus).
Consider available molecular testing if parents are interested
in further pregnancies and prenatal diagnosis options. Refer for
genetic counseling if contemplating these prospects.

* American Journal of Medical Genetics, AD Kline, et al., 143A:1287-1296, 2007

Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
Management and Treatment Guidelines
Based on 2007 Management Recommendations for Individuals with CdLS.*

Early Childhood (one to eight years old)

An individual with CdLS should have regular evaluations and
immunizations with the primary care provider and:
In males, cryptorchidism (undescended testicles) should be
repaired by 18 months.
Ongoing developmental services, with school placement and
therapy issues individualized. It is likely that most individuals
will benefit from physical, occupational and speech therapy.
The use of sign language is encouraged since this will help
facilitate oral communication.
Continue to monitor growth via CdLS-specific growth charts.
Pediatric dentistry, or dentist familiar with patients with special
needs, every six months.
Pediatric ophthalmology evaluation once or annually, as indicated
by findings on first examination.
Audiology testing every two to three years.
With any clinical suspicion of worsening or initial signs of GERD, a
repeat evaluation should be performed. Endoscopy will often have
the greatest yield, but pH probe could be considered.
Any sign of potential volvulus (e.g. bilious emesis [vomiting bile]
or bilious withdrawal from gastrostomy tube, sudden acute
abdominal pain) should merit an immediate visit to the emergency
room, work-up and potential surgery.
Follow-up with appropriate subspecialists as needed.
Whenever any surgery is performed, all involved specialists should
be consulted in order to maximize the use of anesthesia and so that
the individual can undergo diagnostic or management studies as
needed at the same time.
Support organization information should be given to the family
whenever a diagnosis is made: the CdLS Foundation,
Ensure that family has the CdLS Medical Care Card, available
from the CdLS Foundation Web site, which would be helpful in an
emergency situation (e.g. risk for volvulus).
Consider available molecular testing if parents are interested in
further pregnancies and prenatal diagnosis options. Refer for ge-
netic counseling if contemplating these prospects.

* American Journal of Medical Genetics, AD Kline, et al., 143A:1287-1296, 2007

Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
Management and Treatment Guidelines
Based on 2007 Management Recommendations for Individuals with CdLS.*

Late Childhood (eight years puberty)

An individual with CdLS should have regular care through the
primary care provider and:
Orthopedic involvement may be needed for joint contractures, hip
complications, bunions, development of scoliosis, or orthotic use.
Behavioral assessment if issues arise, including ADHD, self-injuri-
ous behavior.
Ongoing developmental services, with school placement and
therapy issues individualized. It is likely that most individuals will
benefit from physical, occupational and speech therapy. The use
of sign language is encouraged since this will help facilitate oral
Continue to monitor growth via CdLS-specific growth charts.
Pediatric dentistry, or dentist familiar with patients with special
needs, every six months.
Pediatric ophthalmology evaluation once or annually, as indicated
by findings on first examination.
Audiology testing every two to three years.
With any clinical suspicion of worsening or initial signs of GERD,
a repeat evaluation should be performed. Endoscopy will often have
the greatest yield, but pH probe could be considered.
Any sign of potential volvulus (e.g. bilious emesis [vomiting bile]
or bilious withdrawal from gastrostomy tube, sudden acute
abdominal pain) should merit an immediate visit to the emergency
room, work-up and potential surgery.
Follow-up with appropriate subspecialists as needed.
Whenever any surgery is performed, all involved specialists should
be consulted in order to maximize the use of anesthesia and so that
the individual can undergo diagnostic or management studies as
needed at the same time.
Ensure that family has the CdLS Medical Care Card, available
from the CdLS Foundation Web site, which would be helpful in an
emergency situation (e.g. risk for volvulus).
Consider available molecular testing if parents are interested
in further pregnancies and prenatal diagnosis options. Refer for
genetic counseling if contemplating these prospects.

* American Journal of Medical Genetics, AD Kline, et al., 143A:1287-1296, 2007

Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
Management and Treatment Guidelines
Based on 2007 Management Recommendations for Individuals with CdLS.*

Adolescence (puberty 20 years)

An individual with CdLS should have regular care through the
primary care provider and:
Ongoing developmental services. School placement and therapy
issues should be individualized. Plans should be initiated early
for school or workplace placement after high school, job training
and/or higher education.
For females, consider pelvic examination with Pap smear regularly,
at least every three years, depending on sexual activity, from late
adolescence throughout adulthood. Discuss hormonal therapy with
patient and family, both from the pregnancy prevention point of
view, and management of menstruation (individualized to specific
patient and family).
Discuss recurrence risks if developmentally appropriate.
Orthopedic involvement may be needed for joint contractures, hip
complications, bunions, development of scoliosis, or orthotic use.
Behavioral assessment if issues arise, including ADHD, self-injuri-
ous behavior.
Ongoing developmental services, with school placement and
therapy issues individualized. It is likely that most individuals will
benefit from physical, occupational and speech therapy. The use
of sign language is encouraged since this will help facilitate oral
Continue to monitor growth via CdLS-specific growth charts.
Pediatric dentistry, or dentist familiar with patients with special
needs, every six months.
Pediatric ophthalmology evaluation once or annually, as indicated
by findings on first examination.
Audiology testing every two to three years.
With any clinical suspicion of worsening or initial signs of GERD,
a repeat evaluation should be performed. Endoscopy will often have
the greatest yield, but pH probe could be considered.
Any sign of potential volvulus (e.g. bilious emesis [vomiting bile]
or bilious withdrawal from gastrostomy tube, sudden acute
abdominal pain) should merit an immediate visit to the emergency
room, work-up and potential surgery.

Continued on back
Follow-up with appropriate subspecialists as needed.
Whenever any surgery is performed, all involved specialists should
be consulted in order to maximize the use of anesthesia and so that
the individual can undergo diagnostic or management studies as
needed at the same time.
Ensure that family has the CdLS Medical Care Card, available
from the CdLS Foundation Web site, which would be helpful in an
emergency situation (e.g. risk for volvulus).
Consider available molecular testing if parents are interested in
further pregnancies and prenatal diagnosis options. Refer for ge-
netic counseling if contemplating these prospects.

* American Journal of Medical Genetics, AD Kline, et al., 143A:1287-1296, 2007

Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
Management and Treatment Guidelines
Based on 2007 Management Recommendationsfor Individuals with CdLS.*

An adult individual with CdLS should have regular evaluations
with primary care provider and:
Follow blood pressure, consider baseline EKG, routine breast, or
testicular and prostate examination as per usual medical guide-
Discuss job training or work issues, higher education.
Behavioral or psychiatric assessment if issues arise,
including ADHD, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, self-injurious
behavior, depression.
Consider DEXA scan to rule out osteoporosis .
Dental evaluation should be every four to six months,
depending on compliance, ideally with pediatric dentistry,
or dentist familiar with patients with special needs.
For females, consider pelvic examination with Pap smear regularly,
at least every three years, depending on sexual activity, from late
adolescence throughout adulthood. Discuss hormonal therapy with
patient and family, both from the pregnancy prevention point of
view, and management of menstruation (individualized to specific
patient and family).
Discuss recurrence risks if developmentally appropriate.
Orthopedic involvement may be needed for joint contractures, hip
complications, bunions, development of scoliosis, or orthotic use.
Ongoing developmental services, with school placement and
therapy issues individualized. It is likely that most individuals will
benefit from physical, occupational and speech therapy. The use
of sign language is encouraged since this will help facilitate oral
Continue to monitor growth via CdLS-specific growth charts.
Pediatric dentistry, or dentist familiar with patients with special
needs, every six months.
Pediatric ophthalmology evaluation once or annually, as indicated
by findings on first examination.
Audiology testing every two to three years.

Continued on back
With any clinical suspicion of worsening or initial signs of GERD,
a repeat evaluation should be performed. Endoscopy will often have
the greatest yield, but pH probe could be considered.
Any sign of potential volvulus (e.g. bilious emesis [vomiting bile]
or bilious withdrawal from gastrostomy tube, sudden acute ab-
dominal pain) should merit an immediate visit to the emergency
room, work-up and potential surgery.
Follow-up with appropriate subspecialists as needed.
Whenever any surgery is performed, all involved specialists should
be consulted in order to maximize the use of anesthesia and so that
the individual can undergo diagnostic or management studies as
needed at the same time.
Support organization information should be given to the
family whenever a diagnosis is made: the CdLS Foundation,
Ensure that family has the CdLS Medical Care Card, available
from the CdLS Foundation Web site, which would be helpful in an
emergency situation (e.g. risk for volvulus).
Consider available molecular testing if parents are interested
in further pregnancies and prenatal diagnosis options. Refer for
genetic counseling if contemplating these prospects.

* American Journal of Medical Genetics, AD Kline, et al., 143A:1287-1296, 2007

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