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Question one:
Complete the following:
1. The number of known elements up till now is.elements
2. Elements are classified according to their..and electronic
structure into metals ..and..
3. Metals have less thanelectrons in their outermost shell
4. All metals areexcept.which is a liquid
5. During the formation of MgO molecule..atom
loses..electrons which are gained byatom
6. Atoms of.tend to lose an electron or more during the
chemical reaction change intoion
7. and..atoms are examples of metal
8. During the chemical reactions, a sodium atom
(1123Na) electron and changes
9. The number of electrons in the outermost shell of a magnesium (12 24Mg) atom
is............ while that of a magnesium ion is
10. Nonmetals havethan 4 electrons in their outermost
11. Some nonmetals are gases asand others are solids
1- 118.
2- Properties.
3- Four.
4- Solids mercury.
5- Magnesium two oxygen.
6- Metals positive ion.
7- Sodium potassium.
8- Lose positive ion.
9- Two eight.
10- More.
11- Oxygen carbon.
Question two:
Write down the scientific term of each of the following:
1. Elements have luster, good conductors to heat and electricity, malleable and
ductile and they contain 1, 2 or 3 electrons in their outer electron shells

2. The only metal that exists in a liquid state..
3. An atom gave an electron or more during the chemical
4. An atom gained an electron or more during the chemical
5. An atom that doesnt give or gain any electrons
6. A bond resulting from the electric attraction between a positive ion and
negative ion .
7. A bond resulting from the participation of each of the two atoms with three
electrons ..
1- Metals.
2- Mercury.
3- Positive ion.
4- Negative ion.
5- Nobel gas.
6- Ionic bond.
7- Triple covalent bond.
Question three:
3- Give reason for :
1- When an atom gives an electron or more, it becomes a positive ion.
2- When an atom gains an electron or more, it becomes a positive ion.
3- Nobel gases dont participate in chemical reactions under the ordinary
1- Because number of positive protons more than number of negative electrons.
2- Because number of positive protons less than number of negative electrons.
3- Because their outer most energy level is filled with electrons.

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