AGada Tantra

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Mythological origin of visha

In the days of yore while the ocean churned by the Gods and demons for

obtaining ambrosia (amritha). Even prior to the production of ambrosia

ferocious looking person towards resplendent with aura and who had four

fangs, tawny hair and fiery eyes emerged the world was in despair at his site.

Because of which he was called visha or poison.

Lord Brahma deposited this poison in Jangama (mobile) and sthavara

(immobile) things (of his creation). Therefore poison is originated from

water is of two types. It resembles fire. Action is manifested in eight virulent

stages. It has ten attributes and the ailments caused by its affliction can be

treated by two categories of therapeutic measure.

Jangama visha (poison of mobile origin)

Snakes, insects, spiders scorpions house lizards, leaches, fish frog, locusts,

chameleon, dogs, lion, tiger, jackal, hyena, mongoose etc. are the fanged

animals through whose fans the poison is transmitted. The poison of these

creatures constitutes animal poison.

Stavara visha (poison of immobile origin)
The poisons of the immobile origin are the roots, leaves, fruits, bark, resin,

sap, heartwood, rhizomes, flowers, minerals are the adhishtana of Stavara


Gara visha (artificial poison)

There is another variety of poison called gara visha, which is prepared

artificially by the mixture of various substances. It produces diseases since

it takes some time for this type of poison to get metabolised and to produce

it toxic effects it does not cause instantaneous deaths of a person.

Types of various poisonous creatures

Snakes are classified into 3 categories viz. darvikara, mandali and rajilam

and they have aggravation of vayu, pitta and kapha respectively. Poisons of

all the types of snake cause aggravation of all the 3 doshas. But each

category of snake causes aggravation of a particular dosha in excess, which

is described here.

Insects are of two types viz. dusi visa (those causing chronic poisoning) and

pranahara (those causing death). The insects belonging to dusi visa category

causes red, white, black or brownish black coloration of the part of the body.

which is bitter and the area becomes covered with pimples. The patient
suffers from itching, burning sensation, eryspelas, and suppuration and

sloughing. The bite of the insects belonging to the pranahara (causing death)

category produces expending oedema, as it happens in snake site, associated

with strong smell and bleeding. The patient suffers from heaviness of the

eyes, fainting, pain and dyspnoea.

Like insects, spiders are also of 2 types viz- slow poisoning and pranahara.

The symptoms of the bite by spiders in general are edema ,pimples of white,

black, red , or yellow colour,terminal dyspnoea,burning sensation, hiccugh

and stiffness of head.

The bite by the rats of doshi visha(slow poisoning) type reduces signs and

symptoms like exudayion of blood having pale yellow colour from the site

of bite, circular patches, fever, anorexia and burning sensation.

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