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Science and Technology:

Introduction 1.1
Presented by Dr. Roman Saini
About me
IAS, Doctor and trying to be a good teacher

If you want to know more, you can read online.

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What is the first thought that come in your mind when you
have to study SnT
Why is it part of syllabus
Forget about everything else, knowledge of basic sciences is part of being human

Understanding how the world around us work

Being a civil servant means taking rational, logical and analytical decisions,
science education helps with that

SnT is future of everything. All the progress, economic or otherwise, is totally

completely, utterly, dependent on SnT. So you need to be aware about all the
recent development in this field

Without basic IT skills, you cant function as a civil servant

You will be asked to implement such policies very early in your career

Corruption is inversely proportional to e-governance

Route to root out corruption

Minimise human interface using SnT in administration

Better, faster and cheaper service delivery to citizenry

Better implementation and monitoring of all the programmes and

There is considerable overlap with EnE. No watertight


General issues on Environmental Ecology, Bio-diversity and

Climate Change - that do not require subject specialisation

General Science.
Mains: a well-educated person will be able to answer them without any specialized study

e-technology in the aid of farmers

Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday life

Achievements of Indians in science & technology; indigenisation of technology and

developing new technology.

Awareness in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, robotics, nano-technology, bio-

technology and issues relating to intellectual property rights.

Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment

Disaster and disaster management.

Internal security: Cyber aspect

Why important to read it
Rule of thumb : 35-40% of paper 1 for last 6 years is coming from SnT and

2010 prelims: 18 (SnT) + 17 (EnE) = 35 questions

2011 Prelims: 15, Mains: 5

2012 Prelims: 16, Mains: 12 + 9

2013 Prelims: 13 questions (Biology - Health related [4], Plant related [4],
Physics [5]), Mains: 5/25 questions (20% of paper III)

2014 Prelims- 16 questions, Mains - 4/20 questions = 25% paper III

Resources: Decreasing order of
>50% of SnT will come from NCERTs. Out of that, at least more than 50% will
come from biology

NCERTs : 6 to 10th, plus selective reading of XI, XII NCERT of PCB

Last 10 years Prelims questions, Last 8 years Mains question papers

Nobel prize of Bio, Medicine, Physics, Chemistry (last 3 years)

The Hindu : Thursday edition (loosing its sheen, at max headlines + 2-3 basic facts)

Science Reporter (last 12 editions before the exam)

Lucent GK
Class XII Biology NCERT
Start with reading 13-16 (Organism and population, Ecosystem, BD &
conversation, Environmental issues)

12 (Biotech and its application), Followed by 8, 9, 10 (Human health, Food

production enhancement and microbes in human welfare)

4 (Reproductive health), 7 (Evolution), 5 (Principles of inheritance and variations)

6 (Human Genome Project and DNA Fingerprinting, basic definitions of


Last priority: 11 (Biotech principles and process, 1 (reproduction in organism), 2

(sexual reproduction in flowering plants), 3 (Human reproduction)
Class XI Biology NCERT
Unit V 16-22 Human Physiology

Unit I Classification of living organisms

Unit III Cellular biology

Unit IV Plant physiology

Unit II Structural organisationat last

Physics XI and XII NCERT
You can do without reading it

XI: Volume 1 and 2

Ch1: Physical World, Ch2: Units and Measurements, Ch15

(Doppler effect etc.)

XII : Vol 2:

Ch 9: Ray optics and optical instruments (TIR, rainbow, mirage,

why diamond sparkles)
Chemistry NCERT
Class XI: Part 2

Unit 14: Environmental Chemistry

Class XII: Part 1

Unit 14 Biomolecules

Unit 15 Polymers

Unit 16 Chemistry in Everyday Life

Please avoid
India Year book

No manual or big journals please

No coaching notes (at max. Vajiram)

No need to go to infinite websites of ministries or departments

(unless to resolve a very specific query)

No need for anything else. Just watch the videos and follow my
advice, you will correct more than 80% questions
Basic science facts. Ex: Which metal is liquid on room temperature,
composition of sun, forces of nature etc.

Underlining scientific principal for everyday phenomenon:

Why stars twinkle, why sun is visible technically after sunset, why do,
why do we have goose bumps etc.

Misnomer or Paradox: Lead pencil has lead? Small intestine is smaller?

Recent advances: IRNSS, Mars orbiter, Higgs Boson etc.

Why diamond sparkles or why rainbow formation occurs or why do we
see mirage on the road on a hot day

Why do we feel cold when alcohol touches skin or why leaves feel moist
or why do we sweat more in summers

Why lead pencils are a misnomer

Why snake bite doesn't always kill

Why do we start breathing heavily once we go high or why is it difficult to

make tea on high altitude
What are diamond, graphite, graphene or fullerene

Galvanised iron sheets have a coating of

What is Heavy water

Non stick cooking utensils are coated with

Monazite is an ore of

Permanent hardness of water may be removed by the addition of

The most important ore of aluminium is

What is sun made up of

Why dont we die of infection if we have so many bacteria are inside us

What all diseases are eradicated from India

Which 2 semi conductors are used for making transistors

Which of the following is a chemical change or physical change

If blood is not clotting which vitamin is to be given

What is colostrum

What is unique to an individual (DNA, Fingerprint, Sole print, retina)

What is genetic engineering boon and bane

What are different types of pollinating agents

What is biopesticide BT cotton

What is heavy metal poisoning? Is it safe for children to use lead pencil

What is CFC? Why damaging to environment

Why cant be brain transplanted, can stem cells create brain, which organs can
be transplanted: eyes, cornea, liver, kidney, brain, heart, lungs, spleen, thyroid,
testes, ovary, uterus, gall bladder

What are stem cells

What is responsible for evolution

How can you prove universe is expanding

Thorium advantage over Uranium

What is nanotech

Adaptation of desert leaves


Why always transplantation is not successful

How cold storage of food works

Common name of fungus, algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes

Transmission of diseases

What are the forces of nature

Why is small intestine small

Why do we have appendix, hairs or wisdom tooth

Eye openers
Try to read SnT for 2-4 weeks, follow my advice and you will attempt

No one in this world can attempt all the questions correctly

Even IITians and AIIMSonians, who have have spent their entire teenage
years studying science at cutting edge, are baffled by few questions in

Hard work doesn't work in science

Realistic targets with smart work is the key to success

Spread the word and be a part of this education revolution


Spread the word and help those who cannot afford coaching

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