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azhar.jaffar@uobasrah.edu.iq Language Functions azhar.jaffar@uobasrah.edu.

iq Language Functions

English Exercises (B) to blame

(C) to order
(D) to warn
Language Functions
6. Mother : Don't you touch my cakes ! They're for the party tonight.
1. Girl 1 : What shall I do ? I can't get into this dress anymore and I haven't any
other suitable one for the interview. (A) to request
(B) to appeal
Girl 2 : Why not borrow one of mine ? (C) to order
(D) to invite
(A) to inquire
(B) to offer Answers : 1B 2A 3B 4C 5D 6C
(C) to volunteer
(D) to advise

2. Father : Well, how did it go ?

1. Joe : That remark was uncalled for.
Son : Only second place. Tobias won first place with his Chopin Sonnet.
Raymond : I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it.
(A) to express disappointment
(B) to express dislike (A) To apologize
(C) to express wishes (B) To wish
(D) to express regret (C) To blame
(D) To forgive
3. Marco : Is anything the mater, Cassie ? You look so sad !
2. Rooney : Are we going now ?
Cassie : I've failed nearly all the subjects in my trial exam.
Mother : Yes. Don't forget to lock your room.
Marco : Well, that's bad, indeed. But the thing is, this exam is not all that
important. And, you were ill at that time, weren't you ? Otherwise, you would (A) To instruct
have done better. (B) To remind
(C) To announce
(A) to scold (D) To inform
(B) to console
(C) to defend 3. Kim : What shall we do this weekend ?
(D) to agree
May : Why don't we go on a picnic ?
4. Rachel : So, is it settled then ! Ten o'clock tomorrow ?
(A) To welcome
Albert : Right ! I'll see you then. (B) To praise
(C) To suggest
(A) to inform (D) To advise
(B) to instruct
(C) to confirm 4. May Li : How dare you accuse me of cheating !
(D) to accept
Susan : I didn't say that.
5. Father : You'll have to get much better results than this. You will fail your A
level exams at this rate. (A) To protest
(B) To complain
(A) to threaten
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(C) To appeal
(D) To warn (A) To express pity
(B) To express relief
5. Rose : Sara, may I borrow your umbrella, please ? (C) To express appreciation
(D) To express condolence
Sara : I'm sorry I can't lend it to you. Why don't you borrow one from Wendy ?
4. Prefect : No drinks will be provided on the trip.
(A) To suggest
(B) To remind Peter : That's not fair. We paid for food and drinks.
(C) To encourage
(D) To advise (A) To advise
(B) To protest
6. Charles : Gary, let's join Dark Glove's gang. (C) To suggest
(D) To warn
Gary : No, I will never join them.
5. Jenny : Should I take part in the contest ?
(A) To warn
(B) To regret Chin : Of course you should.
(C) To refuse
(D) To apologize (A) To encourage
(B) To remind
(C) To suggest
Answers : 1A 2B 3C 4A 5A 6C (D) To appeal

6. Daisy : The walkathon is on 20 June.

Anne : Are you going to take part ?

1. Owen : Please forgive me for being rude. (A) To inform

(B) To enquire
Teacher : You're forgiven. (C) To offer
(D) To suggest
(A) To regret
(B) To protest
(C) To encourage Answers : 1D 2A 3C 4B 5A 6B
(D) To forgive

2. Mother : I wonder why Sharon has not written for a long time.

Barry : Don't worry. I'm sure he is fine.

(A) To comfort
(B) To compliment
(C) To inform
(D) To remind

3. Mr. Wong : I'm donating two thousand dollars to the orphanage.

Miss Lee : Thank you so much !

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Eng Hock : It's not enough !

1. Chairman : Are there any nominations for the post of treasurer ?
(A) To advise
Alan : I propose Karen for the post. (B) To explain
(C) To refuse
(A) To agree (D) To protest
(B) To request
(C) To offer
(D) To propose
Answers : 1D 2D 3A 4D 5B 6D
2. Kelvin : I've won the first prize, Mother.

Mother : That's wonderful !

(A) To express interest

(B) To express relief
(C) To express gratitude
(D) To express pleasure

3. Monitor : Why isn't the wastepaper basket emptied ? 1. Catherine : I won't forgive her. How can she do such a thing ?

Harry : It's Roy's turn today. He never does his duty. Tim : Calm down. I'm sure she didn't mean to do it.

(A) To accuse (A) To demand

(B) To refuse (B) To pacify
(C) To propose (C) To claim
(D) to warn (D) To bargain

4. Rosemary : I'm sorry I'm late for the meeting. 2. Sean : Ouch ! I stepped on a nail.

Connor : It's all right. Roger : Are you all right ? Does you foot hurt ?

(A) To wish (A) To express fear

(B) To inform (B) To express displeasure
(C) To welcome (C) To express concern
(D) To forgive (D) To express relief

5. Peter : I'm afraid I've failed my driving test. 3. Dalton : I propose Bobby as our troop leader.

Jane : Don't worry, you can try again. Tom : No. He is not a good leader.

(A) To announce (A) To object

(B) To console (B) To confirm
(C) To remind (C) To brief
(D) To regret (D) To clarify

6. Father : I'm giving you five dollars for the week. 4. Robert : Give me all your money or I'll shoot.

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(D) To admire
Almond : Please don't kill me.
3. Darren : Are you coming for the concert ?
(A) To deny
(B) To claim Andrew : Which concert ? I don't know anything about it.
(C) To discourage
(D) To threaten (A) To express indifference
(B) To express disgust
5. Mother : How about this dress ? (C) To express ignorance
(D) To express fear
Amanda : No, I prefer the other one. This one makes me look so old.
4. Sarah : I hope we will make it to the finals this year.
(A) To bargain
(B) To scold Jasmine : We'll all try our best.
(C) To command
(D) To compare (A) To promise
(B) To hope
6. Derek : I'm going to stay up to watch the football finals. (C) To console
(D) To compromise
Ben : I advise you not to. You won't be able to wake up in time for school.
5. Alan : Why do you look so gloomy ?
(A) To threaten
(B) To discourage Gary : I am so sad. I feel like crying.
(C) To deny
(D) To inform (A) To express shock
(B) To express anger
(C) To express preference
Answers : 1B 2C 3A 4D 5D 6B (D) To express unhappiness

6. Andrew : He is the most popular boy in school.

Heather : He is ? I can't stand him at all !

1. Daisy : She is going to America tonight. (A) To express disgust

(B) To express envy
Tom : Who cares ! (C) To express preference
(D) To express anger
(A) To express indifference
(B) To express hope
(C) To express envy Answers : 1A 2B 3C 4B 5D 6A
(D) To express unwillingness

2. Abdul : Can you finish your assignment by Monday ?

Tammy : I'm sure I can finish my assignment on time.

(A) To compromise
(B) To assure
(C) To hope

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1. David : I wish I had his brains. Then I wouldn't have to study so hard.

Shirley : So do I.
Answers : 1C 2B 3B 4A 5D 6B
(A) To assure
(B) To confirm
(C) To agree
(D) To hope
1. Cathy : I wish I hadn't copied your essay ! Now the teacher will never trust me
2. Kerry : We won the Thomas Cup !

John : Are you sure ? (A) to express anxiety

(B) to express disappointment
(A) To suggest (C) to express regret
(B) To doubt (D) to express dislikes
(C) To assure
(D) To hope 2. Steven : Rothman ! Rothman !

Rothman : Oh ! It's you. Do come in.

3. Student : I'm sorry for making so much noise in class today.

Teacher : Don't do it again. (A) to greet

(B) to interrupt
(A) To deny (C) to invite
(B) To apologize (D) to instruct
(C) To assure
(D) To hope 3. Jane : I just can't stand ...

Joseph : Yes, I know ! You can't stand talkative people. Well, no one asked you
4. Tina : Who broke the glass ? It must be you.
to listen.
(A) To blame
(A) to confirm
(B) To confirm
(B) to interrupt
(C) To accept
(C) to accept
(D) To deny
(D) to protest
5. Hello, Ali ! Nice to see you.
4. Sam : Could you speak a little slower, please ? I don't understand French very
(A) to introduce
(B) to inform Jean : Of course. Sorry
(C) to compliment
(D) to greet (A) to demand
(B) to beg
6. Jacob : Well, it's getting late. I've to go now. See you tomorrow. (C) to direct
(D) to request
Don : See you.
5. Man : Wow ! You're looking good !
(A) to inform
(B) to take leave
(A) to compliment
(C) to promise
(B) to congratulate
(D) to offer
(C) to explain
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(D) to inform (A) to question

(B) to protest
6. Student : How did I do ? (C) to explain
(D) to decline
Teacher : You got 60%.
5. Bully : I'll get you for this ! Don't think you can ever get away with this. Nobody
Student : Only 60% ! I expected to do better. tricks me and doesn't live to regret it !

(A) to express disappointment (A) to blame

(B) to express fear (B) to urge
(C) to express regret (C) to threaten
(D) to express hope (D) to protest

6. Mrs. Tan : Like me to pick you up on my way ?

Answers : 1C 2C 3B 4D 5A 6A Miss Lee : Thanks. That'll be nice.

(A) to compliment
(B) to offer
1. Ashley : I'm sure Ryan took it. I saw him near at it and then, suddenly, it wasn't (C) to accept
there anymore. (D) to confirm
(A) to urge Sponsored Links
(B) to warn
(C) to offer Answers : 1D 2C 3D 4B 5C 6C
(D) to accuse

2. Boy : Will you marry me ? 1. Student : So, the meeting is at four, right ?

Girl : Don't be silly. Who ever gets married at seventeen these days ? Teacher : That's right.

(A) to scold (A) to confirm

(B) to disagree (B) to announce
(C) to reject (C) to instruct
(D) to criticize (D) to praise

3. Child : Mummy, I'm sorry I lied. 2. Director : We need someone to draw the curtain at this point.

Mother : Well, don't do it again next time, alright ? Stage hand : Well, I'll be free then. I can do it.

(A) to forgive (A) to accept

(B) to inform (B) to agree
(C) to request (C) to confirm
(D) to apologize (D) to volunteer

4. Teacher : Now take out your Geography test books. I'm giving you a test. 3. Fay : I don't really feel like going.

Students : What ? You didn't tell us before hand ! We'll all fail ! George : Oh come on ! We're all going. It'll be lots of fun.

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(A) to invite
(B) to persuade (A) to console
(C) to beg (B) to advise
(D) to suggest (C) to instruct
(D) to suggest
4. Son : Mum, I failed my English ! I don't know how it happened. What shall I do
now ? 3. Father : What are you thinking of doing after Form Five ?

(A) to express anxiety Son : Well, if I do well enough to get to the sixth form, I'd like to do my STP.
(B) to express disappointment
(C) to express surprise (A) to express interest
(D) to express shock (B) to express likes
(C) to express hope
5. Wife : Well, I'm ready ! (D) to express satisfaction

Husband : Why don't you dress more smartly ? Do you like to look a mess ? 4. Girl 1 : You think I lied, don't you ? You think I never went to school that day at
all ?
(A) to express anxiety
(B) to request Girl 2 : Exactly. I've just realized how wrong I've been to trust you.
(C) to persuade
(D) to criticize (A) to express satisfaction
(B) to confirm
6. Girl : How can I ever trust you in future ? (C) to accept
(D) to allow
Boy : On my honor, darling, I won't ever lie to you again.
5. Girl 1 : Why can't you even try to be punctual once in a while ?
(A) to claim
(B) to explain Boy : Of course, I do ! I just can't help being held up at times.
(C) to promise
(D) to inform (A) to deny
(B) to explain
(C) to apologize
Answers : 1A 2D 3B 4A 5D 6C (D) to express fear

6. Runner : I just can't go on anymore.

1. Teacher 1 : They've improved considerably. Nowadays, they can even write
whole paragraphs without making many mistakes. Friend : Come on ! You can make it if you try.

Teacher 2 : How did you do it ? (A) to support

(B) to encourage
(A) to express satisfaction (C) to order
(B) to express hope (D) to express admiration
(C) to express admiration
(D) to express likes
Answers : 1A 2A 3C 4B 5A 6B
2. Patient : It's really boring, lying in bed all day.

Visitor : Well, you'll soon be up and about. Perhaps you should take up knitting
or something.

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1. Mother : Did you enjoy yourself today, darling ? (B) to defend

(C) to advise
Daughter : Not at all. In fact, we quarrelled bitterly and we're not on speaking (D) to claim
6. Student 1 : I think it's unfair that all of us should have to stand for mistakes that
Mother : Oh dear ! Whatever did you have to be so angry about ? we never made.

(A) to express dismay Student 2 : Yes. We knew the answers. But we were not even asked.
(B) to express disappointment
(C) to express shock Student 3 : Yes. Why should we have to stand because others could not answer
(D) to express sympathy your questions ?

2. Son : We'll be camping overnight on the beach in P.D. (A) to defend

(B) to disagree
Mother : It may be a good idea to bring along a blanket, then. Don't you think so (C) to support
? (D) to deny

(A) to suggest Answers : 1A 2A 3D 4B 5B 6C

(B) to appeal
(C) to urge
(D) to direct

3. Sally : The trip will be only for eight days and we'll have to miss only five days 1. Father : No ! And that's final. You'll not go to the picnic with those irresponsible
of school. friends of yours.

Father : It's out of the question. Forget it ! You're not going. Daughter : I'll pack up my bags and leave home then.

(A) to discourage (A) to urge

(B) to threaten (B) to promise
(C) to urge (C) to threaten
(D) to order (D) to suggest

4. Son : Well, what do you think of her, Mother ? 2. Secretary 1 : You didn't do it ? But I definitely asked you to do it. I sent you a
Mother : Frankly, I'm terribly disappointed that you should even consider
marrying such a woman. Are you blinded by love, perhaps ? Secretary 2 : What note ?

(A) to scold Secretary 1 : Don't you try to pretend. You've been behaving in this
uncooperative way ever since you first started working here.
(B) to disapprove
(C) to express surprise
(A) to question
(D) to express sadness
(B) to demand
5. Father : He's an ungrateful, selfish excuse for a son. He never cares whether we (C) to order
live or die. (D) to accuse

Mother : Perhaps he's too busy to come. He's always so busy with his business 3. Boy : I was totally wrong. I'll never do such a thing again ! I'm so sorry. I feel
deals. terrible about this.

(A) to disagree Girl : Don't worry. I understand completely.

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(A) to advise 1. Mother : Hello ! Had a good day in school ?

(B) to express sympathy
(C) to console Son : Really a Black Monday ! Our teachers were short tempered, our class was
(D) to forgive like a pig sty and no food was served in the tuckshop.

4. Joan : That was beautifully sung. Parama has a marvellous voice and can deliver (A) to scold
songs very effectively too. Really talented, indeed. (B) to complain
(C) to disapprove
Jacob : Anybody can stand on a stage, sing a song and jump around. If I wanted (D) to discourage
to, I could, too. I just don't like making a complete idiot of myself like he was
doing. 2. Sister : There's someone downstairs ! I can hear little tinkling sounds and
shuffling of feet ! Boris ! You'd better go downstairs and check.
(A) to compare
(B) to disapprove Brother : What ? Me ? Oh no, I'm staying right here.
(C) to claim
(D) to offer Sister : Call yourself a male ? A lily-livered coward !

5. Sheila : Shall I make a tray of jelly for the party ? (A) to condemn
(B) to criticize
Chin : Oh, that will be nice ! (C) to urge
(D) to express anxiety
(A) to express admiration
(B) to express gratitude 3. ( On the telephone )
(C) to compliment
(D) to accept Elder sister : What is it ? Speak louder, the line is bad.

6. Pauline : Some people are just gifted artistically. Younger sister : There's something outside ! It's coming closer ! Oh, help me,
help me !
Christine : Yes, like you, for instance.
(A) to express interest
(A) to describe (B) to express shock
(B) to suggest (C) to express fear
(C) to compliment (D) to warn
(D) to compare
4. Doctor : I'm sorry but your son is dead. I ...

Mother : Dead ? Oh no ! If you hadn't insisted on operating he'd be alive still.

Answers : 1C 2D 3D 4C 5D 6C
(A) to explain
(B) to express sadness
(C) to criticize
(D) to blame

5. Secretary 1 : I have such a headache but there is this huge pile of letters to be
typed ...

Secretary 2 : Poor you ! Headaches are such awful things.

(A) to console

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(B) to express sympathy

(C) to express dislikes (A) to express dissatisfaction
(D) to express regret (B) to express gratitude
(C) to express wishes
6. Daughter : I can't see why I can't go to the party. Everyone is going ! What a (D) to praise
bore !
5. Dear Marion,
Mother : Don't you dare talk to me like that !
I was so sorry to hear the news of your father's death. I met Mrs. Tang in school
(A) to request yesterday and she told me what had come to pass.
(B) to question
(C) to condemn (A) to express sadness
(D) to demand (B) to express surprise
(C) to express dislikes
(D) to apologize
Answers : 1B 2A 3C 4D 5B 6D
6. Charlotte : I think Robert Redford is the handsomest man on earth.

Jacqueline : Well, he is handsome in a certain way. But, John Travolta ! Now he

really has that certain style which, actually, Robert Redford lacks.
1. But why can't I have a new dress ? I haven't had one for ages. Mary is always
buying new dresses. I look like a poor cousin next to her. (A) to disagree
(B) to express likes
(A) to compare (C) to express preferences
(B) to criticize (D) to express dislikes
(C) to compliment
(D) to scold

2. Student : I'm sorry. I've lost your book. Answers : 1A 2C 3B 4B 5A 6C

Teacher : How could you be so careless ? Do you know how much that book cost
? 1. Onlookers : Jump ! Jump !

(A) to ask Victim trapped in building on fire : I daren't ! Oh ! I daren't !

(B) to express surprise
(C) to scold (A) to express shock
(D) to express regret (B) to express fear
(C) to disagree
3. Dear Tom, (D) to protest

I could hardly believe my ears when I heard of your marriage. I thought you 2. Policeman : What did he look like ?
were a confirmed bachelor. Congratulations to you !
Victim of robbery : He was a tall, dark man with a scar on his left cheek. He had
(A) to express shock long, dirty black hair.
(B) to express surprise
(C) to express disappointment (A) to describe
(D) to express dismay (B) to instruct
(C) to direct
4. Alice : I will never be able to repay your kindness to me and my family. All I can (D) to suggest
do is say "Thank you very much."
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1. Teenager : May I go, Mum ? Please, Mum.

3. Teacher : Don't forget to read the questions carefully so that you won't give
answers that are out of point. And keep calm. Don't worry, you'll do alright. Mother : Well, alright. But, be back by five.

(A) to advise (A) to threaten

(B) to persuade (B) to persuade
(C) to order (C) to accept
(D) to suggest (D) to consent

4. Student 1 : She's the cruelest person on earth, giving us all this homework ! 2. Officer : I need a man for a dangerous mission. He must attract the attention of
the enemy ...
Student 2 : Well, I guess she's doing it for our own good. We need to practice
Maths to get better at it. Private : Let me go, Sir.

(A) to deny (A) to volunteer

(B) to defend (B) to offer
(C) to claim (C) to request
(D) to approve (D) to suggest

5. Student 1 : How did you do for the test ? 3. Boy : So, the fact is, I've lost your father's watch.

Student 2 : Better than I expected. 70% Friend : Oh, no !

(A) to express satisfaction (A) to express surprise

(B) to express dissatisfaction (B) to express dismay
(C) to praise (C) to disapprove
(D) to congratulate (D) to deny

6. Teacher : Your brother used to be such a studious student and yet you are so 4. Mother : So you see, we can't go to the zoo today.
lazy. Why can't you try to be like your brother ?
Child : But you promised !
(A) to condemn
(B) to praise (A) to promise
(C) to compare (B) to pacify
(D) to confirm (C) to protest
(D) to explain

5. Headmaster : Tomorrow will be a school holiday.

Answers : 1B 2A 3A 4B 5A 6C
(A) to announce
(B) to describe
(C) to promise
(D) to offer

6. Boy : You did ! I saw you ! ( angry )

Girl : No, I didn't ! I didn't ! ( angry )

Mother : Calm down, now, both of you. There must have been some mistake.

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(D) to persuade
(A) to protest
(B) to pacify 5. Girl : I think I'll enter the beauty contest.
(C) to beg
(D) to discourage Sister : Are you sure ? You're rather young.

(A) to ask
(B) to advise
Answers : 1D 2A 3B 4C 5A 6B (C) to discourage
(D) to suggest

1. Suspect : I was at home all night reading. 6. Teacher : That girl is useless ! She hasn't passed up a single exercise all year !
I'm fed up !
Detective : Was anyone with you ?
Principal : Why don't you ask her mother to come and see you ?
Suspect : No. I was alone.
(A) to question
(A) to confirm (B) to console
(B) to appeal (C) to suggest
(C) to consent (D) to compel
(D) to claim

2. Son : I got a Grade 1, Mum.

Answers : 1D 2C 3A 4C 5C 6C
Mother : Oh, well done ! I always expected you to do well.

(A) to express appreciation

(B) to express admiration
(C) to express approval 1. Girl : I lost ! I lost ! Oh, everyone will be laughing at me !
(D) to express surprise
Friend : No, no. Don't worry ! I'm sure they won't. After all, they can never run
3. Man : Can I give you a lift ? as fast as you, anyway.

Lady : No, thanks. (A) to protest

(B) to console
(A) to offer (C) to criticize
(B) to volunteer (D) to blame
(C) to invite
(D) to urge 2. Girl : I take that as an insult ! Get out of here !

4. Boy : Going to town ? Boy : Oh, I am sorry ! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

Girl : Yes. (A) to forgive

(B) to protest
Boy : Well, hop in. (C) to apologize
(D) to beg
(A) to offer
(B) to direct 3. Husband : It's all your fault that we're late ! Can't you learn to dress faster ?
(C) to invite
Wife : My fault ? Rubbish. You were still shaving at eight o'clock.
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(A) to threaten
(B) to condemn 1. Father : Well, how was the test ?
(C) to disapprove
(D) to blame Son : No sweat.

4. Student : Good evening. Miss Tan, I'm so glad you could come ... but you look (A) to express disappointment
worried. Is anything the matter ? (B) to express happiness
(C) to express satisfaction
(A) to greet (D) to express dissatisfaction
(B) to welcome
(C) to invite 2. Student : May I speak to you for a moment ?
(D) to compliment
Teacher : Well, I'm rather busy at the moment. Come at ten if you're free then.
5. Boy : Hi, you look lost. Can I help you ?
(A) to apologize
Tourist : Yes, I'm trying to get to the railway station. (B) to blame
(C) to decline
(A) to offer (D) to reject
(B) to allow
(C) to direct 3. Mrs. Tang : More rice, Dear ?
(D) to greet
Mr. Tang : Thanks. I'm full.
6. Eve : George, I'm afraid I've rather bad news for you. Helen is in hospital.
(A) to decline
George : Hospital ? What happened ? (B) to deny
(C) to inform
(A) to express surprise (D) to explain
(B) to express interest
(C) to express shock 4. Mei Ling : If you want to know, I failed every single subject.
(D) to express regret
Ann : Really ?

(A) to express surprise

Answers : 1B 2C 3D 4B 5A 6C (B) to express admiration
(C) to express sympathy
(D) to accuse

5. I really appreciate the thought behind your letter. And, I felt a little better after

(A) to tell
(B) compliment
(C) to praise
(D) to explain

6. Your parents were very kind to me when I was a child and it's the least I can do
to try to repay their kindness.

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(A) to express admiration (C) to express surprise

(B) to praise (D) to express interest
(C) to express appreciation
(D) to approve 6. Sorry. I'm not trying to be rude. I'm just used to speaking in this way.

(A) to describe
(B) to explain
Answers : 1C 2D 3A 4A 5A 6C (C) to protest
(D) to deny

Answers : 1B 2A 3D 4A 5C 6B
1. Don't be angry with me, alright, Mummy ? I would have told you beforehand if I
could have.

(A) to ask
1. Student : I'm sorry but I didn't bring my book.
(B) to plead
(C) to compel Teacher : Again ! Well, this is he second time you've done it this week. If you do
(D) to urge it just once more, you will have to leave the class.
2. Do come if you possible can. I'm eager to see you. Also, its' now the rambutan (A) to command
season and my trees are laden. We can roam around the town too. (B) to criticize
(C) to warn
(A) to urge (D) to complain
(B) to advise
(C) to invite 2. Boy : Will you come to the pictures with me ?
(D) to explain
Girl : Yes. I'd love to.
3. Till we meet again, take care. Please send my warmest regards to your mother.
(A) to request
(A) to warn (B) to invite
(B) to advise (C) to offer
(C) to express interest (D) to suggest
(D) to take leave
3. Child : Mother, can I come with you ?
4. Miss Leong : I must go and help her. I'll see you later at the party.
Mother : I guess so. Come on, then.
Student : Yes, alright.
(A) to consent
(A) to take leave (B) to thank
(B) to announce (C) to direct
(C) to instruct (D) to suggest
(D) to promise
4. Girl 1 : I don't think it's going to rain. Do you ?
5. Boy : That's it. You'll see the railway station in front of you.
Girl 2 : Well, if I were you, I'd take an umbrella with me, anyway.
Tourist : Oh ! Can it be so close by then ? I'd never have expected so.
(A) to offer
(A) to express anxiety (B) to urge
(B) to express dismay
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(C) to advise
(D) to threaten Student : But there was not enough time for us to do it. How could we have
finished that exercise in ten minutes ?
5. Teacher : Well, at long last, I have received a reply from the scholarship board
regarding your application. (A) to deny
(B) to protest
Student : You have ? Well, ... so ... did I ... I mean ... (C) to disagree
(D) to scold
(A) to express interest
(B) to express anxiety 4. Student 1 : You stole my pen, didn't you ? You thief !
(C) to express fear
(D) to express surprise Student 2 : What ? Me ?

6. Teacher : Look and see for yourself. (A) to accuse

(B) to ask
Student : ( Looks at letter ) Oh ! Oh ! I got it ! I got it ! Oh boy ! (C) to announce
(D) to blame
(A) to express shock
(B) to express surprise 5. Teacher : Didn't you apply for the scholarship for needy children ?
(C) to express happiness
(D) to express satisfaction Mariah : Not actually. It was the scholarship for servicemen's children.

(A) to deny
(B) to reject
Answers : 1C 2B 3A 4C 5B 6C (C) to disagree
(D) to decline

6. Husband : It's all your fault that we're late. Can't you learn to dress faster ?
1. Girl 1 : I'm sure to fail ! I just can't understand Maths. I might as well give up. Wife : My fault ? Rubbish. You were still shaving at eight o'clock.
Girl 2 : Don't give up. You will understand it. Just keep trying and you will (A) to threaten
succeed. (B) to condemn
(C) to disapprove
(A) to explain
(D) to blame
(B) to confirm
(C) to agree
(D) to encourage
Answers : 1D 2A 3B 4A 5C 6D
2. Boy : Oh, I'm so sorry I'm late. I missed the bus !
1. Girl 1 : What shall I do ? I can't get into this dress anymore and I haven't any
Girl : I'm sick and tired of your being late. We're through ! other suitable one for the interview.

(A) to apologize Girl 2 : Why not borrow one of mine ?

(B) to explain
(C) to persuade (A) to inquire
(D) to claim (B) to offer
(C) to volunteer
3. Teacher : All the girls who didn't finish this exercise will have to stay back after (D) to advise
school to do it.
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2. Father : Well, how did it go ?

Son : Only second place. Tobias won first place with his Chopin Sonnet.

(A) to express disappointment

(B) to express dislike
(C) to express wishes
(D) to express regret

3. Marco : Is anything the mater, Cassie ? You look so sad !

Cassie : I've failed nearly all the subjects in my trial exam.

Marco : Well, that's bad, indeed. But the thing is, this exam is not all that
important. And, you were ill at that time, weren't you ? Otherwise, you would
have done better.

(A) to scold
(B) to console
(C) to defend
(D) to agree

4. Rachel : So, is it settled then ! Ten o'clock tomorrow ?

Albert : Right ! I'll see you then.

(A) to inform
(B) to instruct
(C) to confirm
(D) to accept

5. Father : You'll have to get much better results than this. You will fail your A
level exams at this rate.

(A) to threaten
(B) to blame
(C) to order
(D) to warn

6. Mother : Don't you touch my cakes ! They're for the party tonight.

(A) to request
(B) to appeal
(C) to order
(D) to invite

Answers : 1B 2A 3B 4C 5D 6C


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