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rounding Empowerment have strong affinity with the Earth energies, making one
feel comfortable within the environement. The Grounding Empowerment is a
simple energetic tool channeled to help ground and earth ones energies restoring
the energy balance, preventing energy leakage, elevating the energy field.

Grounding Empowerment is a powerful and useful energetic tool channeled to help :

Reduce confusion and anxiety

Restore the natural flow of energy, grounding and aligning the wearer with earths
magnetic field
Facilitate control and direction in life
Ground spiritual energies and excess energies
To make you comfortable within your surroundings
Grounding during meditation allowing clearity of thought
Sort out problems
Transmute negative into positive energies
Increase well-being and bring optimism
Balance yin and yang and align meridians
Facilitate control and direction in life
Energize phsysical body

2010, By Soul Unfoldment. All Rights Reserved


Grounding Empowerment activated by intention. No symbols, no hands position. Just

thinking when you want to activate the connection and it will active. Just simple ...

Activate To Yourself :

1. Think / mentally : "I am grounded. I am rooted and grounded in life. I am earthed.

I am safe and protected !"

2. Silent for about 10 minutes. Earth Connection will active to help ground and

earth energies restoring the energy balance, preventing energy leakage,

elevating the energy field.

Activate To Another :

1. Think / mentally : "You are grounded. You are rooted and grounded in life. You are

earthed. You are safe and protected !"

2. Silent for a few minutes, approximately 5 minutes.

You can combine this in your other healing session for others, the purpose of this
combination is to accelerate the healing progress of your patient. Do this after the healing

2010, By Soul Unfoldment. All Rights Reserved


Receive The Attunement :

1. Sit on a comfort position. Take three deep breaths, letting yourself relax.
2. Mentally / aloud : I accept the attunement of Grounding Empowerment from ...
(Teacher's name) now. Thank you !
3. Allow and let the energies flow in your whole body and enjoy them.

Pass The Attunement :

1. Sit on a comfort position. Take three deep breaths, letting yourself relax.
2. Mentally / aloud : I ask that ... (Student's name) be attuned to Grounding
Empowerment on ... (Date). Thank you !
3. Allow and let the energies flow through you from the Spirit to your student. You'll
know when this attunement have completed and the energies are stoped by itself.
Just Believe your Higher Self !

2010, By Soul Unfoldment. All Rights Reserved


Hi ...

My name Hari Andri Winarso, the Director of

Soul Unfoldment and founder of Ivanath
International. I'm also the founder of several
energy systems for healing, clearing, cleansing,
protection and others. I'm a practitioner of
several oriental traditions like as gTummo,
Pranic Healing, Indonesian Inner Power,
Certified Hypnotheraphy, Professional Member
of Tarosophy, etc.

I began my journey is not in the Reiki Healing

Systems, but in the Traditional Mystic Javanism.
In the end of 2001, I took my first attunement and become a Reiki Master
early 2002. Since then i become a certified Reiki Master Teacher and has been
attuned to a large number of healing modalities. I'm also a Mental Trainer, I
often provide the mental training for anothers through my Firewalking

And the last, Im also a writer / novelist.

2010, By Soul Unfoldment. All Rights Reserved

I Hope You Have Enjoyed To Reading And Learning This

Manual and Also Enjoy Your Attunement.


Founder Of Soul Unfoldment

2010, By Soul Unfoldment. All Rights Reserved

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