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Widyka :May i take a seat?

Dinno :Sure..
Widyka :Hi.. Its a nice book.
Dinno :Oh, Hi. Do you think so? I just buy it yesterday.
Widyka :By the way, my name is Kidung, whats yours?
Dinno :I am Dinno. So, youre taking the SBMPTN test, too?
Widyka :I am.
Dinno :So.. where will you study?
Widyka :I hope to sign in Surabaya Institute of Technology. What do
you advise?
Dinno :Thats great. Make sure you dont fail on this exam.
(Widyka takes a snack from his backpack)
Widyka :Do you want one?
Dinno :Of course, i havent eaten anything.
Widyka :How about you? Which college will you choose?
Dinno :Ill go ahead for Gadjah Mada University
Widyka :Go for it!
Dinno :Learn English Literature at UGM is my dream.
Widyka :You better study harder!
Dinno :For sure.
(Widyka takes his phone)
Widyka :I dont understand why they dont have any Wi-Fi access here.
Dinno :I think the Hotspots broken.
Widyka :I dont like my phone, the cameras broken and its getting
slower and slower.
Dinno :Let me see.. Oh this is bad. I suggest you to buy a new
Widyka :You know what. Thats wasting my money, but thanks for your
advise. Do you know where to buy it at Surabaya?
Dinno :Just go to WTC, its near, just follow the signs.
Widyka :Is it possible if i buy a new phone before the exam?
Dinno :Its impossible, just dont do it now, youre not allowed to go
outside of this place. We better study or do something useful.
Widyka :Okay then, do you mind if i borrow your books?
Dinno :Ah.. you bring books in your bag, dont you? It looks full.
Widyka :Haha... i just bring snacks.
(Widyka takes another snacks)
Widyka :Wanna some of this?
Dinno :I wonder why you become so relax. The exam is only a hour
from now on.
Widyka :You just right. Give me your book!
Dinno :Would you take my pen on the floor?
Widyka :This is it.
Dinno :Thanks. Now, Follow me!
Widyka :Wait. What?
Dinno :Put all your books in to your backpack!
Widyka :You said that we have to study.
(Dinno is preparing to go)
Widyka :Wait.. whats your plan? Where will we go?
Dinno :Shall we come to canteen? Lets join, you wont regret it!
Widyka :Okay then.

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