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Top 5 Truck Scale Problems

Causes of Service Calls and Repair Costs

Junction boxes Load cells
These small boxes cause big problems. They must Conventional analog load cells are known to
be opened to calibrate and service the scale, allowing have a limited lifespan in a vehicle scale. A
moisture and other debris to eventually compromise the dead load cell can be tricky to diagnose and
sensitive connections and circuitry inside. No matter how expensive to replace, requiring a laborious
well-sealed these boxes are designed to be, they remain procedure that includes recalibrating the
the most frequent cause of scale problems. scale.

Cable failure
Cables can be damaged as a result of failed
Lightning anti-rotation features that allow the load cell
A single lightning strike can cause devastat- to slowly spin, wrapping the cable around the
Rain, ice, snow, and humidity are the enemy
ing damage to load cells, cables, junction cell, and pulling on the cable. Rodents also
of many scale components, causing harm to
boxes, and the scale terminal, even in scales have a habit of testing load cell cables with
the load cell connections.
with substantial grounding features. their teeth.

Take back your truck scale

If you (and your budget) know these problems all-too-well, then you should get to know
POWERCELL PDX load cells from METTLER TOLEDO. With a revolutionary design that can
elimante each of these problems and more, youll find that these headaches are easy to forget.

Upgrade or convert the scale you already own to an advanced POWERCELL PDX load cell
system. Improve reliability, reduce service costs, and enhance weighing accuracy.

Mettler-Toledo, LLC, All rights reserved

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