Rani Pe Pidaato

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Good afternoon ladies and gentelment.

Peace for
We all.
Thank you for coming today, for your willingness to be
part of one of the most important moments in the course of Indonesia to be
a better country.
I, Christy Zacharias, one of your presidential candidates for elections
general period of 2014 - 2018's. I feel very lucky, because today could
standing in front of you all, the determinants of the future of our beloved homeland,
Republic of Indonesia.
In this opportunity I would like to invite you to take a peek. Maybe you
spontaneously think: a peek at what's this?
Today I will take you a peek into my mind and candidates
my president. Peek vision of our mission to Indonesia, and how we are determined
to realize these plans. Peek at an Indonesian version of the future
I intend to maintain the position of Indonesia as a republic
that embrace democratic system. The main reason is because the democratic
is promoting the existence of enough space for people to express themselves.
Freedom of expression is important for countries such as Indonesia,
diversity admirable anyone. What is the meaning of a leader
if he does not heed the cry of the people being led?
Therefore, I understand that a big part of the lead Indonesia is
responsible for hearing appeals and sort out all the people, respond
your voices, effectively and objectively.
With this ideology, I was determined to realize the dream of the unity of Indonesia,
Unity, different but still one, and set the political environment
truly of the people, by the people and for the people.
In addition, I also want to maintain political pedigree Indonesia, where strength
executive, legislative and judicial parallel. In other words, government cabinets
have the right - even the obligation - to admonish and dropped me when I
do not act as they should.
This is a mechanism which I think is quite prominent. Because a
the leader must not only dare to admonish, but also to be willing reprimanded. Exist
The good leader is also given the uncertainty, because then he always
more motivated to do their best.
Thus the Indonesian government system in my hand and my vice president.
Moreover, I want to make Indonesia a country that more closely berpengang
to his own vision, Pancasila.
Indonesia has long had plans for various programs that sustain
all the principles of Pancasila. For example, to achieve a fair and humanitarian
civilized, the President has designed a system of cooperation and free schools
for remote areas about seven years ago when he was newly appointed as
president. However, until now the program is not maximized, so that
has not run as expected.
In my opinion, this is what is lacking in the current system of government Indonesia.
Thoroughness in carrying out the plan. As a result, the plan is only a plan.
Therefore, as a leader I want to create an environment of government
which underlines the need to finalize the plan.
To realize democracy led by the inner wisdom
representatives of deliberation, I would affirm the mechanisms within the
Corruption and the person in charge of taxes so that they can actually
be honest and thoughtful organization.
I also intend to reorganize the system of government subsidies, and improve
Indonesia's position at the international level to boost the role of
diplomatic and tourism appeal of our homeland so that social justice for all
Indonesian people can be achieved.
I and my deputy not new in the political environment in Indonesia. I have
understand the various programs that have been planned but failed to do or
resolved by the leaders before us.
Many people who assume twist the situation in Indonesia is difficult. I and
vice I also have to be realistic and say it is not easy, but it does not mean
impossible. Standing in front of you is a leader who is committed to
do everything in my power to make Indonesia as a country
countries that follow the guidelines of his ancestors.
Government system can be the same, be the same ideology. But the application of
could change everything. Of all the things that I mentioned today hopefully
you are satisfied peek, and feel good about what you've voyeur.
This is Indonesia's face in my hands and my vice president. Eventually,
Indonesia as a democratic state put the power in your hands, people
Indonesia. Make sure you use that power well.
Indonesian life!

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