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Earrquate Exgneong, Ton Wes Contrence® 1982 Bahan, Rtrdam.I2N80 54100605 Seismic tests of high voltage equipment in Argentine LS.Carmona, FZabala, J Santalucfa & C.Sistema National University of San Juan, Argentine ABSTRACT: This report describes the testing Zeci1ity, the aethodology mpplied and the me sults obtained in the osionic qualification teste of tvo 500 KY measucenect tranefomere performed on the sharing table nounted at the Earthquake Research inatitue ce the Watioaal University of San Juan, Azgantine. ‘The testing facility constata Of @ shaking table the driver of which is a hydraulic Jack electronically controlled by a compster, el a mltichannel data scquisition eaten based on PC conpater. Both vere developed and built st our Institute. ‘The. two of the 500 KV measirenent transfouers tested consiat of a top chanber stsambly, = cylindrical Rotlov porcelain insulator aud the dase eagembly. To yerfor the seismic quali foation teat, ech of the transfomers was Rounted on the shaking table with ite aveal. tov en support rialng to 4 total height of 10.5 =. The electric equiqaent tested withotocd without danage the dynanic stresses gener the excitation sotion sequined by the owner, with an ssceleration reeyonse spectmin 0.4 g for their dyunio characteristics. 1 mumgopucrton Berthquakes have often affected the electric power systens of inportant areas causing the Interruption of power supply to intustries land hones, which eonetines haa extended dar ing eye. Tr the electric pover ayetena, some coape- ponte of high voltage substations have shown fo'be vary sonaitive to the snaking of atrong earthquakes. Tius, gessurenent trans. forisss, disconnecting ovitches, airoult breakers and other sinilar subevation oguip- nent of 220 KV or larger voltage havo been severely denagod on the 1975 Mivagi-Ok, Japan earthquake (Ketayese 1960), 00 the 1987 Bay of Floxty, ov Zealand earthquake (Rutiedge 1965) and on the 1989 Lona Prista, SA earthquaee (EERr 1990). ‘Tho restoration of the operation of this oquipaeat st these substations donanis tine ‘hich produces inportaat econonic losses That are Langer than the reposition cost self. For this reagon, it is neccesary to Give, in the design eid construction stages, f spscial attention to the future seismic Behavior of the electric equipsent of igh voltage substations. Because of ite very spectal features, it Figure 1. Shaking Table Schens. 12 in veich the notion of she oquipsent during the earthquace ia simuleted. Tholr Weights allow the qualification teat be performed. cn the shaking table, the equtp- Bent being nounted {a e condition eiailar to that at the substations. sh the parpose of carrying ot dyzants testa on full gone sobatation electric equipacnt subjected io acianic notion, the SEEitate Research iastitate of the Tatio- Ae convenient to verify the solenio sptitade of thie equipment aot oaly by means of ap- propriate mnorical eaalyais of sathonatioal Rotele a: nechanical teot of materiale, but ‘lao by perfoming soisnic qualification aan bal University cf San Juan, Argentine, hes designed, built and pot into operation one shaking table. Wotn this testing facility ‘ho aeiensc qualification testa cf t¥o 500 Figure 2, Shaking Teble Operation Linita. a sere Se OS Io owe ao So eo Tier Figure 3. Acceleration Second” of Stn Juaa, Argentine, Tov 23, 1977, earthquake. am Figure 4. oan Setura Periods of Seianic Tnteneities in Linay River Area Locations. KV easuronont tranatomere have been ze Gently performed. these belong t 2 set to bbe installed in substations located in a Seismic area of Argentine with nodiue Antensity level. The principal features of ‘the shaking table, the nethodology applied Guring the teats ani the oqutpaent Behavior fare described in thie report. 2 Te SIAKING TABLE ‘The shaking table mentioned move has only Horizontal degree of fresdon ani hes Sion Gesigood anf tuilt keeping te mind thet the electric oquipaent of high voltage Susstations to be tested. are slender and that they have nomaliy the ceatre of grar~ ity in such a position a2 to generate a voxy igportant seiemic overturning nosent st the bese of ito supporting frare. The toating fecility 4s located sn Sen Juan City which, with ite mild ant very dry clinate, allowed The facility to be built cutdoors. ‘This fact iso sinplifies the erection of the equiy~ ent to be tested which haa a total height « Bitte larger than 10 aetera. The frano end supporting elexents of the shaking teble ere SUHEiio, “Gostoming a untt stift taough so Ghat tho findanental natural period in the slenderest equipnent to be tested vill sot Be modifies by an mount lerger then 15% "the horizontal and monoarial notion of the shaking table ia driven by « bidirections! hydraulic jesk whose action is mguiated ty a'yalve the position of vaich is soananded dy means of an electric signal sented. by coe PC through an appropriate interface. In the coaputer, inataxt to insteat, the control figorithn conpares the reel and the required Staenatic values of the shaking table notion fant enits the electric signal to aeintain oF to correct the valve position in onter to obtain the desired totion on the shaking te a of the hydraulic jack, Figure t on Linite corresponding’ to. ests tenting facility are shown in Figure 2- ‘he installation haa also the data aoqui- sition ayston to neasure and record the ote oxatic varistles vhich correspond to motions ‘oth of the shaking table andthe equipnent Under tenting. Tt tncludes escoleration ed displaconent transducers, their electroaie anplittere and filters aad the interface to introduce the satormetion ine seooad PC Welch hes the necessary software to recon it, to graphically present the motions tase @iatly and cleo to perfom their further aalyais. ‘The vhcle installation hes been doaigned by the euthors of this report, including the frene ant supports of the table, the trans Aucers and eleotroaie cirouita of the date syaton and ita software. The athors alec have supervised ite constriction ani the de- fa acquisition aysten haa eon asoenbled our Institute. 3 SEISMIC QUALIFICATION test wozTONS Ths electric sutpnent seionie qualification fig are tho experimental approach to. den Shatrate tie anliay of the Secguane te perfor ite required functions dering and after the occurrence of earthquakes. Conse 2312 quontiy, 1 i2 necessary to setect the cha feoteriaticn of the abaking table motions hat will be applied during the teats. Tey are related tthe selanio intensity levels ‘iloh are expected to ooour at ihe ate ‘ere the electrie equipment Hill be operat- on bout the seiaate activity ta Argontize, tno aost deotructive sarehgiakea Have osstre Tol at the eeatre of the wentern pert of ite territory, (Velgost 1962). for example, in, novenber 35, 1917 the eity of San Juan" ves Shove eth Yorsallt Tatedalty TEiE 97 ore Ma= 7,4 eartaqueee fron en eploeatcel iva ta distence of 60 kas Figure 9 shove “ihe scoeleration moon obtained in Sen Suan sity ca thet coseaios with a meximin accel Station 0,17 whereas one Wisse selonescope ith potiod 0,7 aoe and 10f of Saapice ioe Gated on tho sane site qeoorted 0,26 a Spectral aolerations (Carona 13705> ‘The. two. 500 HY neaauenent transfomsers ted vill te inetalled in subatations ot Hidronor's lydzoelectsie power plants, Looe ted at Linay River in Conahe Region, cae Thouaaad Kay to the south of Sandued City, shore the sctaaio tceirity ia lesser then in Unie places ho Linay River seienie risk Studies’ (Garona 1985) Figure 4, eetiaazed s'Vaise of Ovid s for apectte acceleration Gt" the ¥einot_selsnoscope on rock aite wih 4 fsve funtned gear meen return period, Woorwes we value 19.0,30 ¢ for San cusne ‘So sesanioaliy qualsty the, aibetation a asotsie epuignent Hdsoor, the ower, 8 sified. the spectral maponse aosleretion Serve shown in Piguoe Suwsth a matiaun reise 90,26 gr ho ahecing table motion to fai #11 thie’ roguizenent wae specified to be of {he sine-beet type scoelezstion, ia exeom dance with otter specifications. (IE6E 1915), (Eae%50t 1985). ‘the spectfted acceieretion Pequites a eeqience of 5 aine-beate seperat= ci'ay quietness intervals, each sinecbeat having Five complete siae waves with their aplitudes sodutated bye seaicaencidal vave find their periode ero ¢qual to the fundensne HAL hatural geciod whieh has she. equipeent lindar teeting in tho dizvotion of the aha~ ing table. applied notion. Pigaze 6 above one acceleration sine teat ad ite corsvepondiag Giaplecenent tine curve in vbich a residual ‘rele oocura. ‘The mopiitade of each s¢2=~ Seat’ acceleration aust tw sich that ihe feated equipasat seapoase woeleretion wilt be aqual or Inager shan the spectrin curve ot Figure 5. 4 = Panpomen rests the to of the 509 KY neagerexent tranofon for tested consist of e top chenber assti Bly, a cylindrical hollow poroslaia insula tor’ whieh houses the prisary end secondary windings, at the base sageably- 5A % 9) FT 20 0 a On og tz Tse) Pigare 5. Acceleration response speotrua required by Hidrenor. ous marine Figuce 6. Sine-beat type asceleration of shaking table aotion required ty Hidronor. One of then, an ADK 525 HC current trast- tomer was 6,5 neters in beight werees Se other, a VE 550 2/5 voltage tresaformer ves 515 stters nigh toth constituting sienter cienents. To perfor, the aeisnic qualifice Hon test, veath of the transformers vas sounted on the sheking table with {ts bolted Steel tower support rising to" total height of 10,5 ms, thus increasing ita sleaterse {Te Ss’ tery important. to properly teprolace fhe serrige condstion on the oubstations since the tover support changes the éyazate Gherasteristion of the transformer, a change Shet"tas tates into sseount i the shading Table process design. Figures 7 aod 8 stow Gach ote of the electric devices tested Sfected over the shaking table. These are Gite of e sot of tro Miaized of then mete hfectureted under Licence by Tubes Treas Blecteie in its plant at cézioba, Argentice, Ebi wiien will be located by Bldtonor tn thetr 500 HV Electric Power Trananisston Syatens substations. Petor to the skeking table tests end in oxier fo know snot natural pertots end Goapiang, invest vibration studies in other Gaile St oqual type tnstelied in Choete heel aubstation of 500 HY ALtcaré Hisctrie Power Transaision Systen of Hidronor heve ‘by means of Pigure 7. 500 KV Current Traneforaer rected over the shaking table for testing. selene type instrunentation the micro - vibrations generated by the wind and ambi- eutel exoitetion on significant pointe of the"Gelacted aeuscremest tranafomeers were reconted. Ia Figure 9 one cf these records obtained in the 500 KV current trensformer {s'shown. Hy fourier Transfom calculation the funtenental natural frequency of 1,40 hertz has been detected and from the mpli- tudes decreasing analyate aout 26 daaping has deen estimated. he microvibration m= plitudes are very lov when they are compared with that generated ty earthquakes, but. they Give a valuable informstion #2 pervom the Shaking table teat After the transformer erection oa the shaking table, tho instrunentation to mee Sure and secoM the cinenatic variables dar Ing the toate veo {nstalled. Tt inclutes € scceleronetor transducers distributes along the height of the electric device under testing und 2 strain gauges cenented on the dase of Ste poreolein ineuiator, all of then Connected tothe deta enquisition eyaten in which the ingomation was maasured and te- Coried as digital data st @ seapiing of 200 ‘ines por second in oach shansel. In like Hamer, the exoitetion notion eocoleretion £ the shaking table wan registered ty the data scquisition aysten. ‘The toate ogrried out on the shaking teble Ihave had tvo atagea: ne identification of transformer dynamics paraneters ant the shaving prodused by the required ations. Za the fiset stage one sloped step snd atmo scidal scanning notions of the shaking table vere applied in orter to determine the natu~ Fal periods, node shapes ma damping of the Slectric device unter testing. Thal? respom Se anplitudes were lesser than one=thi nt Figure 9. 500 KV Voltage Transforaer erected Piguse 9. Vind exoited microvibration of 500 KV Current Transformer recorded on Ghoele Choel Hidronor substation. ay hy Ny NAS 7 Bigure 10. Aocelerationtine curve measured on the upper part of the 500 KV Current ‘raneferser during the shaking table test that corresponding to the earthquake sequin ed notions. In the oarrent. transformer test Frequencies of 1,35 anf 1,30 hertz vere found for the fundamental oles for to Aieferent horizoatel sieetions wheress ia he voltage trensforser test thea frequox chen wore 1y6 and 2,0 norte. In both toate the denping velues Zount wore between 2,5 aul 38 of critical. ‘After the identification of the pareneters the required motions for the Equipment qualifiention vere applied. Thea Shaking table ations were of the site-beat zara Figure 11. leceleration response spectrum of Figure 10 accoleretion tine curve. type in Figure 6 with mplitudes succes Iy snoreaged until the response sedeleration of the equipnent teated vas equal or lerser hag that specified on Fugure 5, wich vas 0,265 for both transformers ae comsoquence of their natural frequencies. In the current trenafomer the miximin Tesponae spectral sccelerstion cbtaized during tho test ves 0;50g tierees in the voltage trenafomer it vis 0,38g, both larger thea tho required Value’ given in Pigize 5. Figure 10 show he execleretion-tine curve measured in the upper part of the current tranafomer during one of te strongest sins-beat shaking table Rotions, whereas ia Figure 11 the 2,5 and 38 Aeaping’ acceleration response spectrum cam ves of the sotion applied are shown. Ta Figure 11 the value 0,21 g-correspont- ing to the Wilnot selsaoscdpe is iso shovn- ‘This ie something lessor than the value 0,268 teconted in Sen Juan durize the mover bor 23, 1977 earthquake mentioned sore, BoE eadugh for the wediua intensity golomic larva these thooe electric devices will be Installed. Noreover, thse 0,21g saienoscope Yale shove thet te tranafomer ander test ing folt the shaking teble motion in a vay ainiler to one earthquake betveen VII ant ‘YVIIT Mercalli soisnic intensity. Finally, it must te pointed out that efter ‘tue shake’ nsivher through Visual inspection nor through electric nsaoure tests any dis turbenses or damage ca the measureaext tranaformer teated have been detected. Ta this way, the selgnic qualification test of these electric. devices t be installed on ‘the substations ef Kidronor 500 KV electric power aysten, has been successfully complet oe. 5 YINAL RERKS Tt should be pointed out thet the testing facility vailt is at present the Largest one of its type in Argontine ent tho oquspacnt Seated ia the highest, heaviest and slender ost one which has Yeon seianioally qualified ona shaking table in thie ecuntry. ‘The authors would like to. thane oot Tubos ‘rena Hlectric, the nenufecturer, an Hidre~ gor, the ovner, in particular Wr, E Rinonds Eros the fomes fin aad Ws. Gy Pontoriero fro the Iatver for their support wien per aitted this testing facility 20 be construc ed and the geignic teat to be carried out. Parthemore, evea though this shaking table has only one degaee of frooion, the teste performed have been @ velusble expo rience for a totter unferstanding of te seienic beherior of special electric devic ‘the complexity of vhich venders the nathoue- ‘eal nodele insufficient to study the ay- namic propertios of these devices. In the Bear future other degrees of freedom will be sided to thie tenting facility in order to Be ale to better represent earthquake 00- ona. RBPERRICES Cemont, J.S.,08 al. 1978. HL Sioao de Cm Cote, San Juan, Argentine, dei 23 de no Yiembre de 1571 y 1a Seguridad que Provesn en Nomas Siano-seasetentee.- SEXINARIO. INPERRACIONAL SOBRE PREPARACTON PARA ATEN CON De CATASTROPES. Vike del Mar, Chil Carona, J-S-, HP. de Camona &B.G. te Uprin, 1368, illenssy ccurrence of Seis Bic Tee Svaluation by a Math Batioal Yodel of Mean Seienic Activity. PROC. HINDW WORLD CONFERENCE OW EARTHQUAKE BIGHIBERING: Yol.-2.-55-Tokye, Iapan- E.E.B.1. 1990 Lona Prieta Earshguelee ‘phaisgance Roport, Lifelines. EARTHQUAKE SPaotmA? Vol. 6 Sup-31s.-Califoraa-ish. 380-50 A ~ 1983. Guide for Soisnic Tooting ‘Procedure for Squipaesta- IN7ERIATIONAL BLECTROTECHNTCAL COMMISSION.-Coneva ~ Seitaerient. TUBE Std 344-1975 ~ Reconnendod Practice: for Setenic Quatification of Clase 12 Equipnent for luclear Power Gene rating ‘Stations.TKs DISTETURE OF ELECTRICAL, AND ELECTRONICS EXGINEERS- Yaw Yore-USA- Katayane,7.,Y.Naoui & B.Taoyana 1960. Resteraoion cf Lafelinea in Sentai efter the danage coused by the 1978 Miyagi-Ken- Oki Bartnquake.-PEOU. SEVENTH WORLD CON PERBNCE ON EARTHQUAKE BIOINEERING: Vol.&- 253.~Istanbul .Turkey. Rutledge,A-l- 1968. Earthquake Danage at egecunbe and Kewarsu ELectricorp Sabet Hone in the Bay of Plenty Serthquske on 2 Maron 1997-~ BULLETIN OF THE NM. ZEALAND autroNaL SociSTY FoR saRTHQuaKE BNGTHEER- IMG; Yol-21-N"4-267. ellingtong- Yew Zea Land. Wolponi, P. 1962. aspectos Sisnolégiccs 461 ‘gerritoric Angentine.- AOTAS 28 IAS PRIME RAS JORKADAS ARGENTINAS TE INGENTERLA.AN= SISISNICA: Tono 1-51.~ San Juan, Mendes Argentine. 2815

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