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Chapter I



Education is often defined as the way of learning new knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and

habits. Education is fundamental to development and growth. Basically, even their young age, children

learn to develop their mental, moral and physical powers which they acquired from education. Education

does not always start at school, it begins at home when the parents starts to teach their child. This will be

followed by education given by teachers at school. In our society, education is extremely necessary to

achieve success in life. Thus, education is the key to seek better jobs and succeed in fully in life.

In education, it involves stud habits. A routine that we do to study easily. It cannot be change

easily. It cannot be change because it is something it is done regularly and may be good or bad. It is

simply done, no reservation, no excuses and no expectations. Study habits tell a person how much he will

learn and how far he /she want to go. The importance of study habits in students life it is plays a major

role in their academic achievement because without studies no one can be successful. Having a good

study habit has many advantage to someone. Good study habits including organize, keeping good notes,

listening in class and working every day. Having a good study habit. Can make you easier. Bad study

habits include skipping class and playing video games instead of studying that can result to failed grades

and less knowledge.

According to Menzel, cited by Rana and Kausar (2011), many students fail not because they lack

ability but because they do not have adequate study skills. Students who have difficulty in college

frequently do not have adequate study habits that affect their academic achievement. A central problem

noted was that many of these students had not learned how to take effective notes and manage time for


A study by Nagaraju (2004) found that students usually do not devote sufficient time to their

studies and seldom have proper study habits and their time student can avoid distraction from regular


Some students dont have proper study habits which is the reason why many of them fail. Having

on adequate study skill is a most. Usually because of many activities, students dont have sufficient time

to study but this is not the point here. Managing time or setting a schedule, a proper one can help the

students study easily. Achievement is generally a pedagogical terminology used while determining

learners success in formal education and which is measured through reports examinations, researches,

and ratings with numerous factors of variables exerting influenced. Essentially, the National Policy on

education (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2004) has identified school achievement contents according to

school subjects which are classified as core or elective subjects. Good study habits are essential

ingredients for excellent academic performance for every student. For study to be effective, Freeman and

mors (1993) have observed that it should be regular, intense and should cover long periods. The habits of

studying must be a sustainable one, for that matter students must see the need to develop good study


However, According to Hussain (2000) study habit refers to predispositions which students have

developed towards private readings through a period of time. According to him, study habit is a gateway

to successful achievement in studies.

According to Credi and Kunul (2008) study habits and attitudes of students are determined

through their time management ability, work method attitude toward teachers and acceptance of


Study habits indeed are the key to successful achievements in studies. Just like what Hussain

says, we researchers believe that having a good study habit can help the student learn easily. Another

thing is that a good study habits can be determined by just observing the student which was stated above.

Students who have difficulty in collage frequently do not have adequate study habits that affect their

academic achievement. A central problem noted was that many of these students had not learned how to

take effective notes and manage time for studying.

According to Hills and Ballow (2000) pointed out that glaring light could cause eye strain and

headaches. Therefore covered light bulbs and light coloured, blotters be used if possible to reduce light

intensity. In effect, light should not shine directly on the table or reading desk. Taking to consideration a

rural setting where students have to study under locally made lamps and hurricane lanterns, these should

be adjusted well enough to reduce light intensity or place at a considerable distance away from the

reading desk. It has been observed that some people cannot study without music, Hills and Ballow (2000)

agree that music is good if it does not constitute noise in itself or when used to neutralize other external


Hills and Ballow (2000) suggest the use of work diary a work diary allows the student to look at

everything he has to do and to apportion time every subject.

The study habits of a student can affect by such thing like the light they use when studying and

the time management for every subject. As a learner we must consider the light that we use when studying

because it can affect us by the light of it, when it was directly to us or too close to us. Thus it can cause

headache for a learner.

We also need to consider the time management as per the author said. Usually we do not use our

time in significant things. Therefore, as a learner we should make a schedule or list-to-do as our self-

companion. It is very useful for every learner that use this to make their study habits efficiently. These

things are can be useful when we consider it in our study habits.

Statement of the problem

The study aims to determine the factors that affect the study habits of the STEM students in

ONHS-Main 2016-2017.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following question:

1) What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. Age
1.2. Gender
1.3. Academic background
2) What are the school related factors that affects the study habits of students in terms of:
2.1 Schedule

2.2 Facilities

3) How family related factors affects the students study habits in terms of:
3.1 Socio Economic Status
3.2 Conduciveness of Household setting

4) How can the community affect the students study habits?


These are the hypotheses were formulated based on the research question

There is no significant relationship between students study habit and the school related factors.

There is no significant relationship between students study habit and the family related factors

Significance of the study

The administration is the core of the effective organization essentially for the school. It is

important to have research about the factors regarding the poor study habit of students for the following


The result of this thesis will benefit the school, teachers, students, parents of the students and the

researchers as well. For in this study, the school will know the reasons why their students had poor study

habits and they can immediately make possible action towards the concern. In this way, the school will be

given an idea on how they can help their students regarding the students decreasing academic

performances at school.

To the Administrators, who are the ones who make policies of the school. Through this study,

they can formulate new policies, rules and regulations that will help the students know importance of

good education and value their good study habits that will bring them good performances at school.

To the teachers, who facilitates the learning of students. Through this study, they can find or

think of a new way on how they can increase the interest of their students upon studying.

To the students, they will be given an idea to know more about themselves and how they can

improve their study habits in a better way.

To the parents, who motivates their child which is one of the reason why students attend classes.

In this study, the parents will be able to know on how they can motivate, improve and help their child

regarding their study habits.

To the researchers, this study will provide them more information and be able them to

understand more about the factors that affects the students study habits.

Furthermore, this study will not only benefit those are mentioned about but also those who are

concern about this study.

Scope and limitation

The study is bounded only in Orani National High School Main specifically in the G11-STEM


The study will only consider the following information such as age, gender, academic

background. Also it consider the students schedule, facilities. Another thing to consider is the effect of the

family to the students study habits, such as socio economic status, conduciveness household setting.

Lastly, how can the community affect the students habits.

Chapter II


This Chapter contains different article that will explain the importance of the variables expressed

in the previous chapter. The outline of the literature will be patterned in the structure of the statement of

the problem.

Related Literature


According to Bakare (1977) it is better to develop study habits in secondary school students. It is

the proper time and age to cultivate study habits. At this age students are quite matured. They are able to

know what is good and what is bad. They can avoid bad things and invite good things with the help of


According to Douglas (2000) the values of reading cannot be emphasized. Through reading

human beings have the tools to transmit knowledge to each succeeding generation. Every child must be

fully competent in reading to succeed in school and discharge responsibilities as a citizen in a democratic

society. Reading is the foundation of much enjoyment in life and it is closely related to vocational

efficiency. Thus, reading must start at an early age for the child to be more familiar on how to value

reading as a part of study habits.

In an investigation regarding approaches to studying among Greek university students, E.

Andreou, Vlachos, and G. Andreou (2006) noted that factors such as gender, age, academic discipline,

and handedness may all influence approaches to studying. These researchers found that more mature

students tended to utilize deep approaches to studying, but that study approaches more often involved an

interaction between multiple factors such as age and gender.

Age is another factor to be considered because based on the citations above, it can really affect

the students study habits. True indeed that secondary students are more matured to think what is good or

bad study habits for them. They have more experiences or learnings on how to have a good study habits

or how they can manage their studies well. Reading at an early age is a stepping stone on having a good

study habit in the future. If the student used to read books he can improve his/her reading skills which is

a big factor in learning. Those students who are in high school or college are more patient to study

because they already know what they want and they have a goal to reach and achieve.


According to Magno and Silova (2007, p. 649) argue that there is a difference: gender equality

for them means the same, i.e. the assumption that all students should receive the same interventions, at

the same time, in the same way while their preferred option gender equity implies the guarantee of fair

educational outcomes, regardless of sex differences. Finally, the concept of gender gap has been

introduced in recent years as examination performance has become equated with school and pupil

success. The gender gap indicates the ratio of girls and boys studying and passing examinations in

particular subjects, where the size and nature of the gender gap differs according to subject. Gender policy

is aimed at reducing gender gaps overall and gaps have thus narrowed in some subjects in some countries.

According to Wood, viewing education as the main instrument in producing equal life chances is

unwise because that would require the precondition that outside-school influences must also be equalized

such as family income and cultural expectations. In a society where girls and women are viewed as

unequal to boys and men, there is little possibility for schools to compensate and so equalize girls life

chances. Open competition for scarce opportunities privileges those who start out with benefits (e.g. high

family income, cultural affinity with the school). Being a girl might be seen as one of these benefits, since

girls do better in many aspects of schooling

However, according to T. Neimanis, 2001 thus, goals to be achieved through gender main

streaming in education include gender equality in enrolment and completion rates, structural equality

within the teaching profession and the addressing of gender stereotypes in school curricula and teacher


Another factor to be considered that affects the study habit of a student is gender. One of the

concern stated above is the interest of boys and girls are really different. Boys are usually interested in

subjects like technology and sports while girls are more interested in TLE. This can have an effect on

their study habit. How? As a student that is interested in some subjects, he/she will just focus on those

subjects because he/she is more eager to learn about those subject while those subject that he's/she's not

interested with will be just set aside and he/she will give less attention to it. In this case, yes, they can

focus on some subject but not all which means it's not a good study habits because it may result to failing

grades in some subjects. Another concern that can affect the study habit of students stated above is

according to wood, in our society, girls/women are viewed unequal to boys/men. As a student, if someone

don't believe in your ability, you will lose confidence. Especially when they tell you can't do something or

that subject doesn't suits you. Some of the people listen to what others say, if you are that kind of person,

you give up easily. You'll think that "oh most of the boys suits in this subject, I wont fit in" you already

lost your interest in that subject. Losing interest in one subject is a reflection of poor study habit. Another

factor to be considered that affects the study habit of a student is gender. One of the concern stated above

is the interest of boys and girls are really different. Boys are usually interested in subjects like technology

and sports while girls are more interested in TLE. This can have an effect on their study habit. How? As a

student that is interested in some subjects, he/she will just focus on those subjects because he/she is more

eager to learn about those subject while those subject that he's/she's not interested with will be just set

aside and he/she will give less attention to it. In this case, yes, they can focus on some subject but not all

which means it's not a good study habits because it may result to failing grades in some subjects. Another

concern that can affect the study habit of students stated above is according to wood, in our society,

girls/women are viewed unequal to boys/men. As a student, if someone don't believe in your ability, you

will lose confidence. Especially when they tell you can't do something or that subject doesn't suits you.

Some of the people listen to what others say, if you are that kind of person, you give uo easily. You'll

think that "oh most of the boys suits in this subject, I wont fit in" you already lost your interest in that

subject. Losing interest in one subject is a reflection of poor study habit.

Academic Background

Dr. Anwar, Ehtesham (2013) did a correlational study to investigate the degree of relationship

between study habits and academic achievement of senior secondary school students. The study revealed

high and positive relationship between study habits and academic achievement and good study habits

result in high academic achievement. It was suggested that necessary study skills must be taught to the

students with a view to improve their academic performance.

According to Crow (2007) the chief purposes of having a good study background are to acquire

more knowledge and habits which will be useful in meeting useful situations, interpreting ideas, making

judgements creating new ideas, to perfect skill and have a good study habit.

Sawar et al. (2009) in their analysis on Study Orientation of High and Low Academic Achievers

at Secondary School Level on Pakistan revealed that the high achievers had better study orientation,

study attitude than the low achievers.

Academic background is another factor that can affect the study habit of a student. Having a good

study/academic background can motivate the student to study more and to strive harder which means the

student can have a good study habits because he/she is aiming to get higher grades than before. Proved in

the citations above, having a good academic background results to a good study habits.


Kaushar Mehnaz (2013) found out the relationship between time management skills and

academic achievement of students. The study reported that there was a significant relation between time

planning, time management and academic performance of the students to the study habit of student.

According to Fagbemi (2001) the degree of learning depends on the amount of time the child is

actively engaged in learning. The time spent on studying helps students to retain the materials learnt,

which will eventually boost the students performance outcome during tests or examinations.

Mendezabal (2013) study showed that the participants do not have favorable study habits and

attitude. One of the unfavorable cause of poor study habits is inefficient time management or lack of

planning and concentration in their studies.

Time is really an important thing to be considered regarding studying something. Why? It is

because we believe that it takes time to fully understand and master something. Schedule is an important

thing when we talk about study habits. The fact that youve learned how to manage your time when

studying shows that you have a good study habits. Another thing is that if the child engages enough time

in studying, the things he/she studied will retain in his/her mind. Students must set time when to study

and they must learn to manage their time to have good study habits that can help them not only to have

high grades but also to learn and understand something.


According to Ryan Hannah December 13 2013, a large amount of a childs time is spent sitting in

a school classroom. This place is where they will learn the various skills deemed necessary and proper for

them to achieve success in the global society. The classroom is where they will gain an understanding of

their place in the world and the gifts that they have to offer it. It is where the student develops what they

want their future to look like, as well as knowledge of the skills needed to reach that goal. With the

classroom being such an important place in the growth of a child it is important to understand the ways in

which to affect this environment in order to receive maximum effectiveness in instruction. If schools

really do play a large role in teaching the next generation how to be successful members of society then

every precaution should be taken to make sure that the learning environment is one that helps students

thrive. If not approached correctly, a classroom can be set up in a way that stifles creativity or does not

promote a positive learning environment. There are many things that can affect this environment. There

are physical elements such as wall art, arrangement of desks, or resources. Also, there are intangible

elements such as the energy of the classroom, the rules, or the sounds within the room. Each of these can

impact a students focus and achievement in the class. They can also affect a teachers attitude in the

class. Included in each of these elements of the classroom is the emotional environment. The way in

which a teacher organizes their class, or how they control it, will yield positive or negative consequences

for their students. If a teacher is unmotivated or negative there will be a direct impact on the students

within the classroom. Similarly, if a teacher is motivated and positive they will likely have a beneficial

impact on their students as well. It is important for a teacher to understand this cause and effect in order to

understand how to organize their classroom to create a better learning Page | 2 environment. In this paper,

I will investigate several classroom adaptations and argue that their strengths outweigh their weaknesses.

Classroom lighting plays a particularly critical role in student performance (Phillips 1997)

obviously, students cannot study unless lighting is adequate, and there have been many studies reporting

optimal lighting levels.

Researchers have been studying the temperature range associated with better learning for several

decades. Harner (1974) found that the best temperature range for learning reading and math is sixty-eight

to seventy-four degrees Fahrenheit and that the ability to learn these subjects is adversely affected by

temperatures above seventy-four degrees Fahrenheit. As temperature and humidity increase, students

report greater discomfort, and their achievement and task-performance deteriorate as attention spans


Usually, at the age of 5 children go to school for them to be able to cope up with their

surroundings. Even at that age, their teachers became their second parents, classmates as their brothers

and sisters and the school as their second home. School is the place where we develop our skills and we

gain knowledge which we acquire by studying. As the childs second home, schools environment will

surely affect the childs learning. Just like what are stated above, facilities of school is a big factor that

can affect the students study habits. Less learning materials can affect the study habits of a student.

Students become more productive in their activities or projects if they have enough materials to use.

Classroom lightning is another thing to consider as stated above. Those students who have poor eyesight

will be really affected because of the lightning. Usually, students cannot study well if the light is dimmed

or they cannot see the story theyre reading. Temperature is another thing to be considered. Just like what

King and Marans said, if the temperature is too hot or too cold, students will feel discomfort. If the

student is not comfortable then it will affect his/her willingness to study.

Socio Economic Status

The methods of rearing the wards depends mainly on the occupations of the parents. The families

belonging to higher socio-economic status are more successful in making their wards to go to school for

study. This is due to the reason that these families have resources which are helpful to promote the

development of young children. In the words of Jencks (1979), The Central focus of each family always

rests on the bearing and rearing of child and its adjustment in the society. The form and style of living in

each family varies from one society to other.

Goodlad (1984) has found a relationship among the courses opted by different children belonging

to different socioeconomic status families. The students from higher income families tend towards the

costly and mores beneficial courses while the students of poor families go towards the cheaper study


Ramey (1994) view that great challenges are faced by the parents at the time when they start to

send their children to the schools. The children always have competition with their counterparts in having

the style of notebooks and type of toys. The children from rich families always use costly toys to play

which make poor children to feel low.

Socioeconomic status is one of the factors that can affect the students study habits. Children who

have enough learning materials tend to study more than those who dont have. Those children who came

from rich families have more advantage than those who came from family that is struggling financially.

True indeed that money cant buy us knowledge but it can be used in many ways. If the parents of the

student has enough money, they can buy him/her enough school materials that he can use in studying.

Stated by Ramey above, children will have more interest in studying if they have enough materials to use.

Conduciveness of Household Setting

According to Hamilton-Ekeke, Joy-Telu November 30, 2013 Environment is important to the

physical, mental, emotional and intellectual development of a child. Home environment refers to the total

home circumstance surrounding an individual or groups of individuals. In this work, it will involve a

combination of the external physical home conditions such as parents social status; parents abode as

well as income that affects their wards study habits. Study habit is operationally defined as a dedicated

scheduled and un-interrupted time to apply ones self to the task of learning. The way a child is trained at

home influences his or her study habit. Whatever the home life is, it can reflect on the childs school

work, as a child who is cherished and well cared for, usually study well. On the other hand, children who

lack parental affection; love and tender care find it difficult to form a stable relationship with other

children. Emotional disturbance helps to take away the appetite to study, unhappiness at home, and

resentment towards the teacher also causes poor student study habit. Apart from pre-school influence, the

home still exert much influence during schooling for example, situation of overcrowding in the home.

According to R.S. Douglas (1998) emotional disturbance helps to take away the appetite to study,

unhappiness at home and resentment towards the teacher also causes poor students study habits. Apart

from pre-school influence, the home still exerts much influence during schooling for example, situation of

overcrowding in the home. He added that overcrowded home will deprive one of quietness and privacy.

When several children share bed, they may sleep badly and through tiredness will be unable to

concentrate on their school work.

In another study conducted by J. Spring (2002), it was discovered that eight out of ten student

were approved of their achievement, that their parents trusted them, show them affection, encourage them

to do more. The percentage of the students also claim that they happily accepted their parent standard

value and goals. On the other hand, the under achievers were very anxious of parental dissatisfaction with

their non-achievement and seem to understand that their parental pressure was very much in which case,

they find it difficult to communicate with their parents. Also on the same study, it was discovered that a

child who was born in a broken home is more likely delinquent even the child is being influenced. When

a child is deprived of affection this in turn affects his intellectual development. The absence of mother or

father results an emotional stress which in turn may affect the student study habits.

Environment is important to the physical, mental, emotional and intellectual development of a

child. Home environment refers to the total home circumstance surrounding an individual. The way a

child is trained at home influences his or her study habit. Whatever the home life is, it can reflect on the

childs school work, as a child who is cherished and well cared for usually study well. On the other hand,

children who lack parental affection; love and tender care find it difficult to form a stable relationship

with other children.

Related Studies

According to Miguel A. Cerna1 & Ksenia Pavliushchenko (June 9, 2015) The present study

estimates the global validity of existing constructs and serves as the basis for the development of the Self-

Reported Study Habits for International Students (SR-SHI) used to identify at-risk students in

international programs. One-year classroom observations, recollection of study habits though interviews

with high performing students show that they are mainly from low-context and individualistic countries

while most low performing students come from high-context and collectivistic countries. Among other

aspects, high performing students give opinions based on reading material and class content, use the

expression I think, ask questions in class, are on time, ask for feedback regarding assignments, take

notes in class and while studying, look for the professor after class, seat at the front of the classroom and

attend every class, study in silence and alone at regular times along the whole semester, read the material

about two weeks before the exam, review notes before the exam, talk about the content with other

students. On the other hand, low performing students remind quite the whole semester, miss at least three

classes per semester, are normally late, and sit at the back of the classroom, dont take notes in class and

never look for the professor after class-hours. It seems that specific training programs at the start and

during the semester as well as training on cultural intelligence were identified are necessary.

According to Khan, Zebun Nisa (2005) The present study was undertaken with the objectives to

find out the impact of Socio-economic Status as well as sex differences on study habits of class VII

students (100) of Government Colleges of Amroha District. The effects of two independent variables on

study habits of the aforementioned students were assessed by using two Psychological tests namely

Socio-economic Status Scale (Urban); by Dr. Kulshrestha and Raos Study Habits Inventory. The findings

indicated a significant effect of gender on study habits of the subjects. The effect of Socio-economic

Status on study habits was found to be insignificant. Interaction effect of sex difference and Socio-

economic Status was also not significant.

According to Dr. O.O. Pitan November. 2013 Educational problems are multifaceted and are

hindering factors that inhibit the maximal realization of learners endowment. These problems could be

leanerresident, schoolresident, home-resident or societalresident. One of the consequences of these

problems is academic underachievement and academic failure caused by poor or improper study habit. On

the part of the affected students, ethological suggestions to motivate them for achievement and psycho-

stimulants to develop their reading skills can be of use in reducing the effect of this educational problem,

poor study habit. Studies have established the prevalence of poor study habit among the University

undergraduates, which has led to poor performance in home assignments as well as in examinations.

Hence, this study focuses on the factors that are capable of precipitating poor study habit which aggravate

into educational problems and how they can be effectively managed to increase the level of academic

achievement in the average undergraduate .The reduction effect will go a long way to build a nation

where mediocrity will soon become a thing of the past. Integrity, as a value, will be further established as

examination malpractice will be highly curbed in our institutions of learning.

Accroding to G.I. Osa-Edoh, and A.N.G. Alutu May 10, 2012 this study examined the usefulness

of Imbibing in the students study habit as a means of enhancing their academic performance. The study

tried to delve into the fallen standard of education in Nigeria and reasons for the fallen standard from the

perspective of the stakeholders in education, the teacher, parents as well as the students themselves. The

study also examined efforts that have been put in place in die past to put an end to the fallen standard of

education. In these regard, some hypothesis were raised to find out reasons for the fallen standard.

However, the study showed a high and academic performance. Furthermore, the difference in the study

habits are attributed to the facts that students do not know how to study and those that manage to study do

not adopt effective study methods.

According to Evans Atsiaya siahi and Julius K. Maiyo 10 August, 2015 the studies on the

correlation of academic achievement have paved way for control and manipulation of related variables for

quality results in schools. In spite of the facts that schools impart uniform classroom instructions to all

students, wide range of difference is observed in their academic achievement. The study sought to

determine the relationship between study habits and academic achievement of students. A survey design

was employed in this descriptive correlation study. The target population included the 9th standard

students at Spicer Higher Secondary School. Stratified random sampling was used to select the

respondents, study habits inventory by N.M. Palsane and school examinations records was the main

instrument for data collection. Quantitative method was used to analyze field data collected. Interpretation

and recommendations of the findings was made accordingly as per computed Pearsons product moment

coefficient of correlation. Results of this study revealed a positive relationship of 0.66 between study

habits and academic achievement. The results implied that the study habits need a significant attention if

we are to improve performance. There was a clear finding that the teachers and students seem not to take

effort in developing good study habits.

Study habits are related to academic achievements of students and according to evans and julius,

the studies between of academic achievement are to cover and control the variable for quality results in

school and study habits need a significant that to proof of performance to teachers and students in clear

and to take a effort of good developing study habits. Students study habits can either benefit the student or

not because sometimes the malpractices of study habits may occur intentionally like not taking down

notes, sitting at the back of the class, not listening to the professor, always absent in class and most of the

time is late in the class and the other one intentionally listen to the professor ,taking down notes, sits at

the front of the class and always present in the class and because of these study habits can either benefit

the student or not. Students study habits can either benefit the student or not because sometimes the

malpractices of study habits may occur intentionally like not taking down notes, sitting at the back of the

class, not listening to the professor, always absent in class and most of the time is late in the class and the

other one intentionally listen to the professor ,taking down notes, sits at the front of the class and always

present in the class and because of these study habits can either benefit the student or not. Many factors

effects the students learning like leaner resident societal resident and home resident and the consequence

or the outcome of these is the students underachievement or poor academic performance that is caused by

students poor study habits or malpractices of study habits that is associated to the factors above. The

student teachers motivation can affects the students study habits because if the teacher is not takong any

effort to teach their students so do the studnets too they will not going to take effort to learn from their

teachers. The parents and teachers also plays a significant role to students study habits, they are the one

who will promote autonomy,relatedness and comptence for a child to have determination. The

environment level also have significant role in the students study habits because the children will adopt to

their environment.

According to nal akrolu Vol 15, No 4 (2014) this study examined the relationships among

learning styles, study habits, and learning performances in an online programming language course.

Sixty-two sophomore students who enrolled in an online introductory programming course participated in

the study. Kolbs Learning Style Inventory (LSI) was used to measure the students learning styles.

Another inventory developed by the researcher was used to determine learners study habits. An

achievement test was used to put forward their learning performances. As a result, significant

relationships between learning styles, study habits, and learning performances were revealed. The results

present some ideas about distance learners learning styles and study habits for instructors who wish to

incorporate synchronous courses and support learners.

According to Amora, Sharicka Anne Veronica P. Bonote, Paulyn Y March 16, 2013 there had

been many studies conducted about the study habits of the students and its implication on the students

academic performance. However, results varies in different settings whether urban or rural, the very

reason why researchers chose this study. The purpose of the study focused on the Study Habits of the

Grade-V and Grade-VI pupils in Baluarte Elementary School for the School Year 2012- 2013. This study

was conducted to find out the factors affecting the study habits of the students in that particular area. The

study was anchored on the Self-Determination Theory of Edward Deci and Richard M. Ryan because

internal and external factors wither in Inside the school or outside the school and even in their homes can

contribute to the respondents auto no my, competence and relatedness which will form into their

individual self determination to do well in every task and even to their study habits. For the schema of the

study the researchers consider the following independent variables: Students Profile i n terms of their

Parental Involvement, Family Monthly Income, Learning Styles and Academic Performance getting the

3rd grading grades of the Major subjects such as English, Math, Science and Filipino. For the Dependent

variable which is the Study Habits, the researchers chose to focus on the two variables: Time

Management and Study Techniques. The study sought to prove the formulated null hypotheses that there

are no study habits of the respondents in terms of their time management and study techniques and there

are no significant differences in the respondents Study Habits when group according to their Parental

Involvement, Family Monthly Income, Learning Style, Academic Performance and their Teachers

Personality. The researchers formulated 38 self-developed survey questionnaire validated by the panel of

experts in the field of Educational Research. The study used quantitative method mainly the descriptive

Statistics getting the Frequency and Percentage in organizing, describing, analyzing and presenting the

data. It used Purposive Sampling in choosing thirty four (34) respondents that answered the 38-

itemquestionnaire validated. Through the said sampling technique, the researchers arrived with 11

respondents from Grade-V and 23 respondents from the Grade-VI. The results of the study that were

gathered showed that there were high significant differences in the respondents time management and

study techniques when grouped according to their Parental Involvement and Teachers Personality. Parents

and teachers plays important role in promoting autonomy, competence and relatedness that will produced

a more self-determined students. Results also revealed that there were significant differences in the

respondents study habit in terms of their Family monthly Income and academic performance.

Respondents will really spend ample amount for the school works and if lack of financial capacity, it

would really affect their academic performances. On the other hand learning styles did not show any

significance on the respondents study habit because whether the learner was Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic

or a combination of any were capable of managing their time efficiently and apply varied study

techniques regardless of what kind of learner he/she was. The principal conclusion formulated was that

there was a need to consider the family Monthly Income in all plans of the school because it will affect

the Academic performances of the respondents.

However according to Mr. Amarveer Singh and Dr. Jai Pal Singh Vyas (November, 2014) the

study deals with the relationship among the academic achievement of students and the socioeconomic

status of parents in selected primary schools of Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh. The environment of

family plays a significant role in the educational and social development of children. The important

family conditions that have significant role in the determination of educational achievement and social

behaviour of students are the income level of parents, the educational level of parents and the health

status and also the living standard of family. The present study reveal that the socio-economic status of

parents does not make significant effect on the educational achievement of students but the parental

educational level health status of children has a significant role in determining the educational

achievement and social adjustment of the children. Apart from these factors, the democratic environment

at home and the availability of means of recreation play a significant role in the academic performance of

students at primary level.

According to Dr. Sanjay Kumar Volume 5, Number 1 (2015) this study attempts to find out

perception on study habits of undergraduate students and analyze relationship between study habits and

academic performance and various other factors that affects study habit. It is generally believed that a

student learns effective study habits in school. So college students are generally assumed to have effective

study habits, but, the environment of school and college are very different and need of effective study

habits is even more at college level as compared to school. So, this paper consist of details about why

effective study habits are needed at college level and effective study habits that a college student must

have in order to learn and eventually score better.

According to Fatemeh Mashayekhi, Shideh Rafati, Mahdie Mashayekhi, Foozieh Rafati,

Mohamad Reza Mohamadisardoo, and Emad Yahaghi Number 6 (June-2014) pp. 182-187 learner s

improvement of academic performance of learners is one of the main objectives of educational centers,

because academic performance is the essential for success and progress. Different factors such as

individuals learning styles and studying skills can influence academic performance. Because students are

the main axis of development in any society, this study examined the relationship between study habits

with academic achievement. In this study descriptive correlation study, 220 undergraduate students of

Islamic Azad University Jiroft Branch, randomly selected and studied from both College of Humanities

and Agriculture. Instruments included demographic information on checklist and study habits

questionnaire (PSSHI). Data collected and analyzed by statistical software SPSS v.21, T-test and Pearson

correlation. The results showed that 89% of students have relatively desirable study habits, between the

two variables, study habits and academic achievement there was a correlation. Between the Score study

habits there was a significant positive correlation with academic achievement(r=0.175, p=0.009). Given

that variable, such as study habits have a significant relationship with the academic achievement and can

be changed with education, it is recommended that those involved with student education and academic

culture by teaching the students in this context, to take effective steps to improve the quality of students'


The study that were conducting by J. Spring show the different between achievers and under

achievers wherein the achievers where not in pressure that their parents trust them but on the other hand

the under achievers experience lot of pressure to meet their parents expectation. Generally effective study

habits happens in school where in the student can study with provided materials but totally different in

college wherein the student or college students need a time management for them to score better. A sixty

two sophomore students are enrolled in an online programing and used to measure the students learning

style in study habits and in achievement test are used to develop their learner . The ideas about the

distance of learning style and study habits for instructors who wish to exist of courage and support



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