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Authority Matrix ARCI Model

Clear definition of accountability and responsibility is a critical success factor for any process
improvement project, including the implementation of best practices according to ITIL.

Without this step, people are unclear as to their roles and responsibilities within the new or improved
process and often tend to revert back to how the activities were accomplished before the project.

About The Authority Matrix - ARCI Model

The acronym ARCI stands for:

A - accountability
R - responsibility
C - consulted
I - informed

To assist with the task of identifying roles and responsibilities and communicating levels of authority, the
ARCI matrix can be used as a very useful management and communication tool. When faced with a
large project, the ARCI model can assist during the initial stakeholder analysis and project planning stage.
The ARCI model is also used to map out processes and identify areas of responsibility at the task level.

Completing this step will help to eliminate confusion of roles and responsibilities that ultimately results in
chaos, and at worst, failure to meet project goals or deliver desired process outputs.

How To Assign Roles

Identifying the individuals and groups that fit into each of these categories should be done at the
very beginning stage of building the project plan, or mapping out processes.

It is critical for everyone who has any one of these roles on a project team or work group to clearly
understand not only what their individual roles are, but equally important, to understand the roles of
everyone else. By understanding one's own role in the context of the overall big picture, there is
less chance that efforts will be duplicated and a greater opportunity for overall coordination and
integration of the efforts and deliverables.

Accountable: One person, and only one person, should be identified as being THE person who is
ultimately held accountable for the overall success/failure of an action item identified in a project
plan, or a procedure within a specific process.

Responsible: Each of these individuals is responsible for meeting specific timelines and
deliverables. These are the people who roll up their sleeves and get "down-and-dirty" in the actual

Consultant: An important, but often-overlooked, role in many project plans and process
management is that of Consultant. These are individuals who hold organizational and subject
matter knowledge and expertise critical to the overall success of the project, or process, but who
are not actually part of the project team or work group. This can include individuals from specific
departments who are knowledgeable about business processes and procedures. It may be
someone from the Human Resources department who has knowledge and skills in instructional
design. It could be someone from the Legal Department who can assist you with all of the legal
details involved with third-party contracts and agreements. These individuals are your subject

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Learn more about ITIL by visiting:

ITIL is a Registered Trade Mark and a Registered Community Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce, and is
Registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.
matter experts who can provide you with valuable background information, specific business
content, and connections to others within the organization with whom you need to meet. By
engaging key people within your organization as internal consultants, you are ensuring that what
you are building is appropriate and accurate as well. You also build stakeholder understanding and
commitment early in and throughout the project.

Informed: Project teams frequently spend so much time focusing on these first three groups that
they overlook everyone else within the organization who may be directly or indirectly impacted by
the initiative, or outcome of the process. Identify who these people are and how they will be
impacted. Build a communications strategy that ensures a continual flow of information throughout
your project life cycle, or the process flow. By conducting a stakeholder analysis, you can easily
identify each groups specific needs, after which you can craft and deliver messages that are timely
and meaningful.

Example ARCI Matrix For ITIL Incident Management

Function: Client Service Desk Network Service Desk Business Supplier

Manager Administrator Analysts Services
(Help Desk)
Incident Alerted R/I A I I I
Information Recorded I A R R
Incident A/I R/C R/C C
Incident Diagnosiss A/C R R C
Initial Support
Initial Investigation
Resolution C A/I C C
Further Support
Detailed Investigation C/I A/C/I R R C R/C
Incident Follow-up C A/R C R C
Incident Closure I A/I R
Monitoring I A/I I R I
Proactive C/I A/R R
Process Review C/I A/R C C R C

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Learn more about ITIL by visiting:

ITIL is a Registered Trade Mark and a Registered Community Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce, and is
Registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.
Want To Learn More?

1. Attend Pink Elephants ITIL Implementation Road Map at one of these locations:
Dallas, April 13 15, 2005
Minneapolis, May 4 6, 2005

This unique two track event is delivered by Pink Elephants leading consultants and includes major
sessions about how to plan and organize ITIL implementations. Click here to view the detailed
agenda, and a listing of all 2005 dates and locations:

2. Attend Pink Elephants ITIL Case Studies Symposium, which is being presented in San Francisco
on August 21 23, 2005.

The program includes numerous case studies from real IT managers who have successfully
undertaken the implementation of ITIL processes. Click here to view more details:

3. If youve already obtained Foundation Level Certification, take a giant leap forward and participate in
the ITIL Service Manager Certification Program. This is the most comprehensive, intensive and in-
depth ITIL certification course.

The program, which consists of seven modules including non-classroom assignments and three
classroom sessions, will be presented next in Toronto:

Orientation: May 20, 2005

Classroom: June 13 17, 2005
Classroom: July 11 15, 2005
Exam: August 4 5, 2005

Click here to view the detailed agenda, and other dates and locations:

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Learn more about ITIL by visiting:

ITIL is a Registered Trade Mark and a Registered Community Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce, and is
Registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

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