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Technical feasibility study for

the breeding and production

of camels Meat and Milk

Introduction :
Camels play an important role in the social life of the owners of the camel in
the desert tribal communities.
There is no doubt that the social status of the individual in these
communities are directly linked to the number of animals owned by the
individual and through this gain appreciation and respect and be people of
high standing in the community.
The camel is still an important
role in performing the marriage
ceremony when some tribes in the
eastern and the western desert of
Egypt and some parts of the Gulf
countries is also a way to pay blood
money when conflicts arise
between members of the tribes.

Camel in Bedouin communities are not slaughtered only in major events

such as marriage or when the arrival of visitors with a high social status.
reluctant to jam a lot of camels for sale good animals and a guarantee and
insurance to life and interview time.
rapid economic changes that have occurred in the desert provinces of
discoveries of petroleum and tourist activity to the reluctance of many
educators profession grazing and animal husbandry in general has led
resulting in a contraction of the social and economic role for camels.

1. Marketing feasibility study.
A. Needs of the local market and the demand for the product.
B. The product.
Fattening Camels project
Milk production Project
C. Places the product display.
D. Marketing strategy and expected administrative structure.
E. . Product prices.
F. The expected production sales.
G. Competitors in the local market and similar projects and market
share for each of them.
H. Identifying and targeting consumers of the product from the first
division in the market.
I. SWOT Analysis of the product includes strengths (internal factors)
and weaknesses (internal factors) and opportunities (external
factors) and threats (external factors).
J. Glass bottles against the plastic containers (advantages and
disadvantages) and the demand for them in the eyes of consumers.
K. k. The possibility of marketing the product and neighboring
foreign markets.
2. Technical feasibility study.
A. Breeding methods, nutrition, and include the following:
B. Camels types and breeds .
C. Breeding methods of Camels
D. nutrition
a. For fattening Project
b. For milk Project
E. The expected treatment required immunizations.
F. Numbering Camels
G. records and reports:
H. Technician training methods on the registration and use of certain
computer software for evaluation and conservation.
I. The productive capacity of the project.
J. the productive capacity of the project.
K. the plant and equipment.
L. Land

M. buildings and construction works.
N. Utilities
O. Transportation.
P. Manpower and annual cost.
Q. Incorporation expenses (pre-operation).
R. Initial Camels project needs and prices of feed prices.
S. Best ways to dispose of organic waste and inorganic.
T. megawatt of electricity consumption for each of the milking
equipment and dairy factory.
U. Install surveillance cameras for the project.
V. the infrastructure of the project and its impact on the final
W. the application of the requirements of ISO 9000 Quality
Management and ISO 22000 Food Safety Management and Hazard
Analysis and Critical Control Points HACCP
3. The financial and economic feasibility study.
a. Clarify the annual yield of the project during the first three
years from the beginning of the project where it will be
productive efficiency of the project 50% - 75% - 100% of the
first year to the three in a row.

4- Social feasibility study.
a. Illustrate the importance of this project for the community in
terms of the following:
i. Some segments of society run.
ii. Provide meat markets and contribute to reduce the food gap
5. Sensitivity analysis of the project
a. Illustrate the stability of the project in front of variables feed
prices or the price of the final product.
6. Write the proposed report for this study.
7. Experts Visiting Programs to follow up on the project.
a. Nutritionist
b. Animal production expert

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