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01: Prokaryotes and


An inside-out origin of the

EK cell
- models always assumed that the
nucleus and endomembrane
system evolved within the
cytoplasm of a PK cell
- a PK nucleus-like cell extruded
membrane-bound blebs beyond
its cell wall; these blebs
functioned to facilitate material
exchange with ectosymbiotic proto-
- the cytoplasm was then formed through
the expansion of blebs around proto-
mitochondria, with continuous spaces
between the blebs giving rise to the
endoplasmic reticulum, which later
evolved into the EK secretory system
- further bleb-fusion steps yielded a
continuous plasma membrane which
served to isolate the endoplasmic
reticulum from the environment
- mitochondria are derived from
endosymbiotic alfa-proteobacteria via


NUCLEUS: novel structure formed within the
boundaries of an existing, and largely unaltered,
plasma membrane (outside-in models)
result of sequential phagocytosis and
not clear whether mitochondria were acquired
before or after the nucleus
fusion of a symbiotic community composed of all
3 partners
ENDOSPORE MODEL: nucleus evolved when a Figure 1
cell enclosed its sister after cell division, similar Inside-out model for the evolution of eukaryotic
to the way in which endospores are formed in cell organization. Model showing the stepwise
certain Gram-positive bacteria
evolution of eukaryotic cell organization from (A) an
require supplementary explanations for the
eocyte ancestor with a single bounding membrane
origins of: endomembrane system, physical
continuity of inner and outer nuclear and a glycoprotein rich cell wall (S-layer) interacting
membranes, formation of nuclear pores with epibiotic -proteobacteria (proto-
EK genome likely represents a combination of 2 mitochondria). (B) We envision the eocyte cell
genomes: archaeal and proteobacterial forming protrusions, aided by protein-membrane
more recent phylogenetic data have suggested interactions at the protrusion neck. These
that mitochondria were present in the last EK
protrusions facilitated material exchange with proto-
common ancestor; this has lad to the formulation
of new autogenous models in which the mitochondria. (C) Selection for a greater area of
acquisition of mitochondria predates the contact between the symbionts would have led to
formation of nuclear compartment bleb enlargement and the eventual loss of the S-layer
from the protrusions. (D) Blebs would have then
been further stabilized by the development of a
symmetric nuclear pore outer ring complex (Figure 2)
and through the establishment of LINC complexes
that, following the gradual loss of the S-layer,
physically connected the original cell body (the
nascent nuclear compartment) to the inner bleb lipids; in fact, they bear many similarities to
membranes. (E) With the expansion of blebs to those found in bacteria; this strongly suggests
that EK acquired their bacterium-like lipids from
enclose the proto-mitochondria, a process that
mitochondria; modern evidences:
would have facilitated the acquisition of bacterial o mitochondria retain a critical role in EK fatty
lipid biosynthesis machinery by the host, the site of acid metabolism and in lipid synthesis,
cell growth would have progressively shifted to the generating many of their own lipids
cytoplasm, facilitated by the development of (cardiolipin)
regulated traffic through the nuclear pore. At the o ER is the major site of lipid and membrane
same time, the spaces between blebs would have synthesis in modern EK, with many of the
enzymes involved found concentrated at the
enabled the gradual maturation of proteins secreted
ER-mitochondrial contact sites
into the environment via the perinuclear space o connections between ER and mitochondria
through glycosylation and proteolytic remain important sites of lipid traffic in
cleavage. (F) Finally, bleb fusion would have modern EK
connected cytoplasmic compartments and driven the o inositol lipids (ubiquitous in EK, but a tiny
formation of an intact plasma membrane, perhaps fraction of the total lipids in membranes), are
common in EK and archaea, but not bacteria
through a process akin to phagocytosis whereby one
- so, phagocytosis is a phenomenon that appeared
bleb enveloped the whole. This simple topological after the acquisition of mitochondria because
transition would have isolated the endoplasmic archaeal membranes are not likely to go through
reticulum from the outside world, driven the full the changes needed for engulfment (they are too
development of a system of vesicular trafficking, and rigid)
established strict vertical transmission of - cellular and nuclear divisions: at first, the nuclear
membrane would have been continued with the
mitochondria, leading to a cell with modern
ER, so the division of the cell is the same as the
eukaryotic cell organization. division of the nucleus; in modern cells, there is
open and closed mitosis, depending on the
DE ROSS: the starting point was a proto- integrity of the nuclear membrane;
eukaryote with a double membrane that secreted
membranous extracellular vesicles that fused to
form an enclosing plasma membrane

SEARCH: autonomy of nuclei in syncytia

Subcellular localization of protein N-

- extracellular protrusions arose to facilitate

material exchange with the external environment
- the starting point might have been a PK cell
similar to an eocyte: single lipid bilayer, simple
cell wall, relatively well-developed cytoskeleton
- many Archaea and eocytes exhibit protrusions to
increase the surface-to-volume ratio
- selective pressures for protrusion growth: an
increasingly intimate association with symbiotic
- inside-out model is consistent with hydrogen
hypothesis, except that, by identifying eocytes
as the most likely host, a methanogenic host
metabolism seems unlikely Model for the evolution of cell division. Cell
- mitochondria in modern EK retain close division is depicted for the ancestral eocyte (A), and
metabolic, physical and regulatory linkages with at two intermediate stages in the evolution of
ER; the ER has been found to play a critical role
in mitochondrial fission eukaryotes, before (B) or after (C)bleb fusion.
- the extent to which membrane protrusions Following the acquisition of blebs, ESCRTIII is used to
swelled beyond the S-layer would have drive the scission of cytoplasmic bridges connecting
depended on the relative osmotic pressure of the cells (likely aided by the archaeal-derived actin
cell and its environment, and the sophistication cytoskeleton [51]), while LINC complexes and the
of osmoregulation
formation of new nuclear pores restore cell and
- the stabilization of blebs would have been
facilitates by the evolution of an outer ring of nuclear organization following division. Mitochondrial
nucleoporins supporting a second area of segregation is likely aided by host induced Dynamin-
positive curvature on the outside of the cell wall mediated scission within the endoplasmic reticulum
- the majority of the structural lipids within EK cell (not depicted), as observed in modern eukaryotes
membranes are quite distinct from archaeal
ribosomes bound to rough endoplasmic reticulum
- if the LCA of all EK lacked a cell wall, its easy to (ER) into the space at the bases of blebs by the Sec
understand why different EK phyla acquired
translocase and signal recognition particles (SRP)
biochemically distinct cell walls
- regulated secretion and vesicle trafficking drove [50]. Secreted proteins could then undergo stepwise
elaboration of the cytoplasmic compartment processing using machinery adapted from that used
- the presence of a plasma membrane: to process glycoproteins in the archaeal S-layer (that
o the cell has tighter control over material is, through N-linked glycosylation of asparagine-X-
exchange with the environment, preventing serine or asparagine-X-threonine-containing proteins,
direct diffusion into and out of the ER space
and proteolysis [99]). The elaboration of ER tubules
o ensures the vertical inheritance of
and local membrane bending regulated by the Sar1
mitochondria, facilitating its coevolution with
the host GTPase, in the presence of generic SNAP Receptors
(SNAREs) (blue bars), would have enabled the
transient fusion of ER to the outer cell membrane,
releasing these glycosylated proteins into the
extracellular space. These transient openings would
have been closed by Dynamin-mediated fission.
Specialized SNARE proteins (differently colored bars)
and Dynamin (triple diagonal lines), would then have
generated vesicular intermediates to better regulate
secretion. The intercalation of additional processing
steps and the diversification of these protein families
would have yielded compartment-specific paralogs,
together with the evolution of regulatory Arf and Rab
GTPases, and a Golgi compartment. Finally,
membrane bending machinery together with
Dynamin, actin, and Rho family GTPases would have
been co-opted to drive endocytosis, phagocytosis,
and the development of the modern retrograde
trafficking pathway

- the order in which the secretory and endosomal

trafficking systems evolved is almost precisely
opposite under inside-out and outside-in models

The stepwise evolution of eukaryotic vesicle

trafficking. From left to right the figure depicts a
simple hypothesis for the evolution of the eukaryotic
secretion and vesicle trafficking systems. Initially,
proteins (black dots) would have been secreted from
- the machinery for generating cilia might have
similarities to that generating protrusions early in
the evolution of EK
- this proposes a new model for nuclear interphase
pore insertion: the first step in the generation of
a new nuclear pore is recruitment of elements of
the outer ring of the NPC to bend the inner
nuclear membrane outwards
- cells with long lived nuclear blebs will tend to be
those characterised by low rates of compartment
fusion, as might be indicated by their having ER
and Golgi that lack fenestrae
The principle of parsimony states that we should transport genes. This conclusion is further bolstered
favour models that explain observations while by phylogenetic results supporting the eocyte
drawing on the fewest ad hoc assumptions. The hypothesis because this tree topology makes it even
inside-out model is parsimonious in that, simply by less probable that eukaryotic lipids were vertically
assuming that the cytoplasm was formed from inherited from the last common ancestor of Bacteria
extracellular blebs, it can explain diverse features of and Eukarya. If bacterial lipids were acquired from
modern eukaryotic cell organization. For example the mitochondria, then it seems almost certain that
model explains the existence of a nuclear phagocytosis could not have been the means by
compartment that lacks any internal membrane- which a close symbiosis was established between
bound organelles, why typical eukaryotic cells are mitochondria and their eukaryotic hosts. This follows
much larger than most prokaryotes yet have a because the acquisition of bacterial lipids would have
nucleus similar in size to many eocytes, why there is been a pre-requisite for the dynamic changes in
a double nuclear membrane whose periplasmic membrane structure required for phagocytosis. The
space is continuous with ER, why protein N- inside-out model is unique among competing
glycosylation is initiated in the nuclear envelope, and theories in allowing close symbiosis of mitochondria
why the ER tends to be continuous with the nuclear and their eukaryotic hosts to be established without
envelope. Outside-in models account for the nuclear- phagocytosis, minimizing the number of membrane-
ER connection, but new assumptions need to be interacting proteins affected by a changeover in
added to account for ER continuity, for the lack of membrane chemistry. Thus, phylogenetic analysis of
similarity between the S-layer and eukaryotic cell lipid biosynthesis genes provides compelling support
walls, for N-linked glycosylation machinery having for the inside-out model over alternatives that rely on
been relocalized from the plasma membrane (S- one or more early phagocytic events.
layer) to the ER, for the fusion of vesicles to form a
single nucleus that lacks functional ribosomes, and In addition to the diverse lines of evidence that are
so on. While these data come far short of ruling out compatible with the inside-out theory, it is worth
the outside-in view, we believe that the inside-out highlighting that the inside-out model involves a
model offers a simpler explanation for these data. simple series of steps, each of which draws upon
plausible ecological and selective drivers. In the early
The second class of evidence comprises assorted stages, selection favors closer and more extensive
quirky features of eukaryotes that would not be physical contact between the host and its
predicted under conventional models for the origin ectosymbiotic proto-mitochondria to improve
of eukaryotes, yet seem to arise quite simply from material exchange. Bleb growth and the elaboration
the inside-out model. Thus, the inside-out model of the ER would then have been favored by
naturally explains why ER tends to show high levels protecting the mitochondrial flora from being lost to
of continuity, even in multinucleate syncytia, where the environment and by protecting ectosymbionts
nuclei achieve high degrees of autonomy. Likewise, from parasites. In addition, elaboration of the ER
the model explains the close functional connections would have facilitated the development of a much
between ER and mitochondria and the important more sophisticated secretory system that allowed the
roles both organelles play in lipid synthesis. And, as stepwise processing of proteins prior to export.
one final example, the inside-out model provides a Movement of mitochondria into the cytoplasm would
logical explanation for the presence of have eliminated an intervening membrane, further
phosphoinositides in the nucleus and their role in enhancing metabolic exchange. And, finally,
regulating mRNA processing. formation of a complete plasma membrane would
have been advantageous because it closed-off the ER
The third class of evidence involves inferences drawn from environmental challenges, such as pathogenic
from phylogenetic analyses of eukaryotic gene bacteria or viruses, and enabled the complete control
families. Phylogenetic analysis of the Ras GTPase of protein modification during secretion.
superfamily has been used to argue that secretion
and exocytosis evolved before endocytosis (this
conclusion is, however, uncertain given the Symbiogenesis
phylogenetic tree obtained). Such an order of
evolution is predicted by the inside-out model, not - first articulated in 1910 by the Russian botanist
the outside-in model. Stronger evidence in support of Konstantin Mereschkowski and advanced and
our theory arises from phylogenomic studies that substantiated with microbiological evidence by
Lynn Margulis in 1967
identify -proteobacteria, and hence mitochondria,
as the source of eukaryotic lipid biosynthesis and
- EK organelles are thought to represent formerly hydrophobicity hypothesis: highly hydrophobic
free-living PK taken one inside the other in proteins are not easily transported through the
endosymbiosis around 1.5 billion years ago: cytosol and therefore these proteins must be
o mitochondria developed from proteobacteria: encoded in their respective organelles
Rickettsiales code disparity hypothesis: the limit on transfer
o chloroplasts developed from cyanobacteria is due to differing genetic codes and RNA editing
(nitrogen-fixing filamentous cyanobacteria) between the organelles and the nucleus
CHRISTIAN redox control hypothesis: genes encoding
DE DUVE: redox reaction proteins are retained in order to

might have been the

first endosymbionts,
allowing the cell to
whitstand growing
amounts of free
molecular oxygen in the
it now appears that they may be formed
de novo, contradicting the
idea that they
have a symbiotic
- it is considered to be a
type of saltational


usual way to distinguish
organelles from endosymbionts
is by their reduced
genome sizes
- as an endosymbiont evolves into an organelle,
most of their genes are transferred to the host
cells genome
- there are 3 main possible fates for genes over
evolutionary time:
o loss of functionally redundant genes, in which
genes that are already represented in the
nucleus are eventually lost
o transfer of genes to the nucleus: nuclear
genes have expended and became more
complex; many nuclear genes originating from
endosymbionts have acquired novel functions
unrelated to their organelles
cDNA hypothesis: use of mRNA to transport effectively couple the need for repair and the
genes from organelles to the nucleus where they synthesis of these proteins
are converted to cDNA and incorporated into the the assembly of membrane proteins,
genome (study of genomes of flowering plants); particularly those involved in redox reactions,
later, it was observed that cDNA is more likely to requires coordinated synthesis and assembly of
recombine with its native mitochondria DNA than subunits; however, translation and protein
with the hosts genome transport coordination is more difficult to control
bulk flow hypothesis: escaped DNA is the in the cytoplasm
mechanism of gene transfer: disturbances to
organelles (autophagy, gametogenesis, cell ROBERTO CAZZOLLA GATTI: endogenosymbiosis:
stress) release DNA which is imported into the not only organelles endosymbiotic, but pieces of
nucleus and incorporated into the nuclear DNA genetic material from endosymbiotic parasites
using non-homologous end joining; (gene carriers such as viruses, retroviruses and
bacteriophages) are included in the hosts
o endosymbiont genes remain in the organelles: nuclear DNA, changing the hosts gene
plastids and mitochondria retain genes expression and contributing to the process of
encoding rRNA, tRNA, proteins involved in speciation
redox reactions, proteins required for
transcription, translation and replication
AROSE FROM BACTERIA (WIKI): - 1917: Hermann Staudinger proposed that
proteins are macromolecules made of
New mitochondria and plastids are formed only small-molecule constituents linked
together by chemical bonds
through binary fission, the form of cell division used
by bacteria and archaea. ANFINSEN(1972): all the information needed for
the protein folding is found in the AA sequence;
If a cell's mitochondria or chloroplasts are denatured protein using urea (disrupts
noncovalent bonds) and mercaptoethanol
removed, the cell does not have the means to
(reduces disulphide bonds); the structures
create new ones. For example, in some algae, such refolded spontaneously into the original form
as Euglena, the plastids can be destroyed by which minimizes the overall free energy of the
certain chemicals or prolonged absence of light protein
without otherwise affecting the cell. In such a case,
LEVINTHALs paradox: a protein folds rapidly
the plastids will not regenerate. because its AA interact locally, thus limiting the
conformational spacethat the protein has to
Transport proteins called porins are found in the explore and forcing the protein to follow a funnel-
outer membranes of mitochondria and chloroplasts like energy landscape that allows it to fold into
the most stable configuration possible
and are also found in bacterial cell membranes
- big proteins are sometimes helped by
A membrane lipid cardiolipin is exclusively found chaperones to be folded properly;
in the inner mitochondrial membrane and bacterial ROM LASKEY (1978) nucleoplasmin acted as
a chaperone, accompanying and supervising the
cell membranes.
activity of the histones
- the existence of chaperones implies that
Some mitochondria and some plastids contain some proteins have inherently unstable
single circular DNA molecules that are similar to the conformations, being able to fold in
DNA of bacteria both in size and structure. alternatively stable, but useless/toxic

Genome comparisons suggest a close AMYLOID DEPOSITS: misfolded proteins are

relationship between mitochondria and Rickettsial often insoluble and tend to form long linear and
bacteria. fibrillar aggregates

- this conformational change is more likely

Genome comparisons suggest a close to occur in proteins that have repetitive
relationship between plastids and cyanobacteria. amino acid motifs (polyglutamine
Huntingtons disease)
Many genes in the genomes of mitochondria INFECTING CONFORMATIONS: often, the toxic
proteins are capable to interact with other native
and chloroplasts have been lost or transferred to the copies of the same protein, catalysing their
nucleus of the host cell. Consequently, the transition in the toxic state;
chromosomes of many eukaryotes contain genes
that originated from the genomes of mitochondria - many proteins move from alfa helix to
beta sheet;
and plastids. - misfolded proteins cause diseases =
prions (Creutzfeldt-Jakob, kuru) and can
Mitochondrial and plastid ribosomes are more be transmitted between species; they also
similar to those of bacteria (70S) than those of occur naturally in unicellular organisms
- protein aggregation diseases are not
exclusive to the central nervous system;
Proteins created by mitochondria and they can also appear in periphereal
chloroplasts use N-formylmethionine as the tissues; in general, the genes and protein
initiating amino acid, as do proteins created by products involved in these kinds of
diseases are called amyloidogenic
bacteria but not proteins created by eukaryotic
nuclear genes or archaea
Alzheimer's disease
Parkinson's disease
Protein misfolding and Parkinson's disease
degenerative diseases Parkinson's disease
Parkinson's disease - ribosomal RNA trees are prone to long branch
Parkinson's disease attraction artifacts to a greater extend than trees
based on AA sequences
Parkinson's disease
- sometimes, there occurs lateral/horizontal gene
Parkinson's disease transfer, but: which genes were transferred and
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis which ones represent the true species
Huntington's disease
- other way of explaining the conflict is to invoke
whole genome fusions followed by selective loss
of half the genes;

NORMAN PACE: the right gene for analyses: (1)

the gene must be universal (2) the gene must
have resisted lateral gene transfer (3) the gene
must be large enough to provide useful
phylogenetic information

LAURENCE A. MORAN (added criteria): (4) the

gene must be unique, or if it isnt, paralogues
must be easily recognized (5) the gene must
encode a protein because its much more
accurate to analyse AA sequences than nuclei
acid sequence (6) the gene must be highly
conserved in order to retain significant sequence
similarity at the deepest level
at those criteria, ribosomal RNA doesnt do so
- part of the problem in using rRNA sequences in
- the pure form of the tree of life was now deep phylogenies is that they are too divergent
abandoned and replaced with a net of life - the phylogeny of ATPase was one of the
concept strongest bits of evidence for the Three Domain
Hypothesis back in 1989 but further work has
shown that these genes (proteins) now refute the
- Hsp70 is the main chaperone in all species: it is
responsible for the correct folding of proteins as
they are synthesised
- diversity among bacteria seems to be ancient
- all trees have potential problems of saturation
and long branch attraction

complexity hypothesis: there is a core of genes

that have never been transferred from one
species to another because they are all part of a
large complex; they represent the true
phylogeny of a lineage and all other genes have
been acquired later; this true core is made of
genes that are involved in translation;

CARL WOOSE: (1) archebacteria form a FORD DOOLITTLE, contra arguments:

monophyletic group, (2) this clade is sufficiently some key translation components do not
different from all other PK to deserve elevation to agree with the rRNA tree, refuting the idea that
a separate domain called Archaea (the other 2 all genes of the complex evolved together
domains are Bacteria and Eukarya), (3) EK are parts of rRNA that interact with ribosomal
more closely related to archaebacterial than to proteins are highly conserved so there is very
other PK, (4) the root of the universal tree of life little difference between species; the parts that
lies in the branch leading to Bacteria dont interact are the ones that are variable;
lateral gene transfer of rRNA genes from one
species to another wouldnt have much effect
- growing recognition that SSU- based (sequence since the only parts that differ are the parts that
of the small ribosomal RNA subunit) trees are not arent necessary
as reliable as we once thought it does not mean that the genes werent
transferred, but that theyve always been
transferred together
he proposes a Darwinian threshold: after this
We have, for several decades, thought that our moment organisms can be related as a tree; the
job was to uncover the structure of a Tree of Life, first to pass the threshold were bacteria and then
whose reality we did not question. But really, archaebacteria
what we have been doing is testing Darwins
hypothesis that a tree is the appropriate
representation of lifes history, back to the
beginning. Like any hypothesis, it could be false. THE PHYLOGENY TREE (UCLA.BERKLEY)
CARL WOESE: discovered Archaebacteria and - domains: Bacteria, Archaea, Eukaryota: no one of
proposed the 3 domain hypothesis that not only these groups is ancestral to the others, and each
claims that archaebacteria are a domain, but also shares certain features with the others as well as
claims that EK descend from a primitive having unique characteristics of its own
primitive life existed as a community of cells
- it appears that the most of the biological
that freely exchanged genes; they shared a basic diversity of EK lies among protists, and many
translation system for making proteins, but had scientists feel it is just as inappropriate to lump
little else in common all protists into a kingdom as it was to group all

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