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Cellular Signalling 25 (2013) 403416

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Signaling pathways bridging microbial-triggered inammation and cancer

Maulilio John Kipanyula a, Paul Faustin Seke Etet b, Lorella Vecchio c, Mohammed Farahna b,
Elias Nchiwan Nukenine d, Armel Herv Nwabo Kamdje d, e,
Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Sokoine University of Agriculture, P.O. Box 3016, Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro, Tanzania
Department of Basic Health Sciences, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Qassim University, Buraydah, 51452 Al-Qaseem, Saudi Arabia
Laboratory of Cytometry, Institute of Molecular Genetics, CNR, University of Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy
Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Ngaoundr, P.O. Box 454, Ngaoundr, Cameroon
Biomedical Research Center, University of British Columbia, 2222 Health Science Mall, Vancouver BC, Canada, V6T 1Z3

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Microbial-triggered inammation protects against pathogens and yet can paradoxically cause considerable sec-
Received 7 October 2012 ondary damage to host tissues that can result in tissue brosis and carcinogenesis, if persistent. In addition to
Accepted 26 October 2012 classical pathogens, gut microbiota bacteria, i.e. a group of mutualistic microorganisms permanently inhabiting
Available online 30 October 2012
the gastrointestinal tract and which plays a key role in digestion, immunity, and cancer prevention, can induce
inammation-associated cancer following the alterations of their microenvironment. Emerging experimental
Signaling pathways
evidence indicates that microbiota members like Escherichia coli and several other genotoxic and mutagenic
Microbe pathogens can cause DNA damage in various cell types. In addition, the inammatory response induced by
Infection chronic infections with pathogens like the microbiota members Helicobacter spp., which have been associated
Inammation with liver, colorectal, cervical cancers and lymphoma, for instance, can also trigger carcinogenic processes. A mi-
Carcinogenesis croenvironment including active immune cells releasing high amounts of inammatory signaling molecules can
Cancer favor the carcinogenic transformation of host cells. Pivotal molecules released during immune response such as
the macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MMIF) and the reactive oxygen and nitrogen species' products
superoxide and peroxynitrite, can further damage DNA and cause the accumulation of oncogenic mutations,
whereas pro-inammatory cytokines, adhesion molecules, and growth factors may create a microenvironment
promoting neoplastic cell survival and proliferation. Recent ndings on the implication of inammatory
signaling pathways in microbial-triggered carcinogenesis as well as the possible role of microbiota modulation
in cancer prevention are herein summarized and discussed.
2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
2. Pathogens and cancer: protective effects of inammation and mutagenic potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
2.1. Microbiota and susceptibility to infection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
2.2. Outcome of immune defense against pathogens: mutagenic responses and cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
3. Pattern-recognition receptors: example of Toll-like receptors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
3.1. TLRs, pathogen-triggered inammation, and cancer: lessons from microbiota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
3.2. TLR signaling and inammation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
4. NF-B, pathogen-triggered inammation, and cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
4.1. NF-B, infection, and cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
4.2. NF-B signaling and carcinogenesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
5. Pro-inammatory cytokines and COX-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
5.1. IL-1 and TNF- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
5.2. IL-32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
5.3. IL-8 and IL-29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
5.4. COX-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410

Corresponding author at: Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Ngaoundr, P.O. Box 454, Ngaoundr, Cameroon/Biomedical Research Center, University of British
Columbia, 2222 Health Science Mall, Vancouver BC, Canada, V6T 1Z3. Tel.: +1 604 822 0441(ofce); fax: +1 604 822 7815.
E-mail address: (A.H. Nwabo Kamdje).

0898-6568/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
404 M.J. Kipanyula et al. / Cellular Signalling 25 (2013) 403416

6. Oxygen/nitrogen species and microbial-triggered cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410

6.1. Oxidative and nitrative stress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
6.2. Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
7. Concluding remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
Disclosure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412

1. Introduction In this review, we summarize and discuss the recent ndings on

signaling pathways bridging pathogen-triggered inammation and
In the presence of pathogens or irritants and associated molecules, cancer initiation and progression. The possible role of gut microbiota
the body mounts a strong immune response termed as inamma- modulation for cancer prevention is also considered.
tion aimed at preventing tissue injury and combating infection.
Mononuclear phagocytes residing in tissues are the rst to be activat- 2. Pathogens and cancer: protective effects of inammation and
ed during innate immune response. They recognize pathogens and mutagenic potential
molecules associated with tissue damage through intracellular or
surface-expressed pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) that have in- 2.1. Microbiota and susceptibility to infection
herent capacity to directly or indirectly detect pathogen-associated
molecular patterns (PAMPs) such as microbial nucleic acids, bacterial Although the body is continuously exposed to microorganisms,
cell wall lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and proteoglycans, and fungal cell only a small fraction is pathogenic or can escape/resist immune re-
wall components like -mannan and -glucan; and danger/damage sponse whereas many live in a mutualistic relationship with the
associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), including molecules released body, such as the gut microbiota that is a group of microorganisms
by injured cells such as: nucleic acids, uric acid, ATP, amyloid and permanently inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract [5]. As already men-
cytoplasmic proteins of the S100 family [1,2], for instance. tioned, the commensal microorganisms that inhabit the mammalian
PRR signaling is an important partner of the immune system body surfaces and the gut play a critical role in many key functions
whose pivotal role is to promote the release of factors triggering the of the organism, including immune response, energy metabolism,
activation and recruitment of circulating immune cells like mono- and cancer prevention [15,17]. However, in circumstances that dis-
cytes and neutrophils, and even adaptive immune cells like lympho- turb their microenvironment they can breach the skin barrier or the
cytes, to the infection/damage site in case of persistent challenge intestinal mucosa layer and enter bloodstream, resulting in chronic
[25]: The rst transient changes in vascular wall are caused by se- inammation, and subsequently causing tissue brosis and carcino-
creted factors like prostaglandins, and nitric oxide that act on vascular genesis [24]. Certain commensal bacteria can invade colonic epithelial
smooth muscle to cause vasodilation thus increase blood ow and cells, activating early intracellular signaling systems to trigger host in-
transport more circulating leukocytes. Secondly, vascular permeabili- ammatory reactions. Such bacteria include Fusobacterium varium,
ty is further increased by inammatory mediators such as histamine Bacteroides vulgatus, Escherichia coli and Clostridium clostridioforme,
and leukotrienes that act on endothelial cells to allow plasma proteins for instance, which are commonly isolated from the mucosa of in-
and leukocytes to exit the circulation. Finally pro-inammatory cyto- ammatory bowel disease patients [25]. An in vitro study conducted
kines such as interleukin 1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor alpha by Ohkusa and collaborators [25] have reported that these commen-
(TNF-) promote immune cell inltration to the affected tissue, sal bacteria, but not probiotics, adhere to colonic epithelial cells and
whereas the chemoattractant factors direct them to the inamed invade their cytoplasm, resulting in the expression of mRNAs of
site. The immune cells recruited ght against invading bacteria, virus- IL-8, IL-6, TNF-, and CCL2 (CC motif ligand 2, chemokine), and in
es, or parasites at the infection site, while swelling (i.e. the buildup of the release of signicant amounts of IL-8 and TNF- by invaded
uids in the interstitium) and immune cell phagocytic activity host cells. Furthermore, these authors observed an increased expres-
aimed at eliminating DAMPS protect injured areas from further sion of IL-8, TNF-, and phosphorylated NF-B (nuclear factor B)
harm [6,7]. p65 in inamed epithelia with cryptitis or crypt abscess in ulcerative
Inammatory reactions are ceased following the elimination of colitis patients, in further clinical studies. In addition, H. pylori that
pathogens, but can persist in case of chronic infection or following has been reported protective effects against pathogenic bacteria and
chronic exposure to DAMPs [4,8,9], resulting in tissue brosis and car- esophageal cancer [15], can also play crucial roles in the progression
cinogenesis. The link between inammation and the risk of develop- from inammation to cancer in the stomach [26]. Recent studies in
ing cancer was reported as early as 1863, when Virchow observed a mouse colitis-associated adenocarcinoma model have indicated
that carcinogenesis tends to occur at chronic inammation sites that H. hepaticus promotes tumorigenesis [16]. Similarly, E. coli that
[10]. Subsequently, epidemiologic data have strongly indicated that induces homeostatic mucosal immune responses can also cause
chronic inammation is associated with increased risk of cancer inappropriate immune activation in genetically susceptible hosts,
[11,12]. It is estimated that about two million cancer cases are caused resulting in colitis-associated colorectal cancer [17]. Murine isolate
by infectious agents each year [13]. Agents like human papillomavi- of E. coli chronic intestinal inammation causes functional alterations
ruses, hepatitis B and C viruses, and the Gram-positive bacterium in gene expression in commensal gut bacteria [27]. Further investiga-
Helicobacter pylori, which is a gut microbiota member, are responsible tion of the mechanisms accounting for these effects might identify
for about a third of all cancers attributable to infections [13,14], which therapeutic targets for patients with inammatory bowel diseases
mainly include gastric, liver, colorectal, and cervix uteri cancers and colitis-associated colorectal cancer. Various microbiota bacteria
[15,16]. In addition, both non-mutualistic microorganisms and gut causing inammation-mediated carcinogenesis are presented in Table 1.
microbiota, i.e. mutualistic microorganisms permanently inhabiting Besides, following microenvironment changes, the microbiota mem-
the gastrointestinal tract and which play a key role in digestion, ber E. coli can alter the microbial composition in the intestinal gut in
immunity, and cancer prevention [15,17], may trigger aggravating order to induce the expansion of microorganisms with genotoxic
inammatory responses in various cancer types, including blood capabilities, including itself [13,17,26] (Fig. 1A). This alteration may
cancers such as leukemia [1820] and lymphoma [2123]. also result in an increase in epithelial cell susceptibility of hijacking
M.J. Kipanyula et al. / Cellular Signalling 25 (2013) 403416 405

Table 1 instance. Various non-microbiota pathogens causing inammation-

Various microbiota bacteria causing inammation-associated carcinogenesis. mediated carcinogenesis or aggravating cancer aggressiveness are
Bacteria Types of cancer presented in Table 2.
The question why/how microbiota members can become pathogenic
Bacillus spp. Bladder cancer [66]
Bacteroides spp. Colorectal cancer [74,155,156] and start or favor the establishment of microbial chronic inammatory
Enterobacter spp. Solid [136,157,158] and blood cancers [34,35] diseases eventually resulting in cancer has been puzzling the scientic
Enterococcus spp. Solid cancers [137,138,157] community for decades. It has been hypothesized that the relatively
Escherichia coli Breast [159], bladder [66], and colorectal [17,160] cancers,
low burden of microbes in urban environment may have a profound in-
renal cell carcinoma [33], acute myeloid leukemia [18]
Helicobacter spp. Gastric, liver, cervical [13,26], esophageal [15], uence on the immune function and eventually on inammation-
and colon [16] cancers, lymphoma [21,105] mediated carcinogenesis [37]. A recent systematic review of the litera-
Klebsiella spp. Solid cancers [157,161] ture [37] revealed that up to date, only few studies have addressed the
Pseudomonas spp. Solid [64,157,160,161] and blood cancers [162165] effect of exposure to the environmental microbiota on the risk of cancer
development. Interestingly, from immunological studies it appears that
inammatory cytokines, and more frequently IL-23 released by
by various pathogenic non-microbiota bacteria (e.g. Neisseria spp. T-helper 17 (Th17) cells, are closely linked with tumor-associated in-
[28]), viruses (e.g. Hepatitis C virus [29]), fungi (e.g. Candida albicans ammation; however, the precise mechanisms accounting for the rela-
[30]), and parasites (e.g. Giardia intestinalis [31]), promoting malig- tionship between Th17/IL-23 axis and carcinogenesis are not well
nant transformation of various cell types, including epithelial cells understood. Moreover, a growing body of evidence indicates that Th17
in melanoma [32] and carcinoma [16,33], lymphocytes in several cells are associated with inammation and aberrant angiogenesis in
lymphoma and other blood cancers [22,23,3436] (Fig. 1B,C), for various cancer types, including leukemia [38], for instance. Considering

Fig. 1. Gut microbiota and carcinogenesis. Gut microbiota, a group of microorganisms permanently inhabiting the gastrointestinal tract and which plays a key role in digestion, im-
munity, and cancer prevention [15,17] can promote malignant transformation of various cell types following alterations of their microenvironment. In colorectal carcinoma genesis
(A), epithelial cells invaded by genotoxic bacteria start their transformation following DNA damage and produce inammatory factors favoring neoplastic cell survival. In
lymphomagenesis (B), the transformation of invaded lymphocytes starts following DNA damage induced by genotoxic bacteria that have entered the bloodstream. Affected
immune cells produce a large amount of pro-inammatory factors that favor neoplastic cell survival. Similarly, genotoxic bacteria can infect several other cell types that they
reach transported by the bloodstream, resulting eventually in breast, gastric, cervical, liver, and bladder cancers (C), for instance. MMIF: macrophage migration inhibitory factor.
ROS: reactive oxygen species. TLRs: Toll-like receptors.
406 M.J. Kipanyula et al. / Cellular Signalling 25 (2013) 403416

Table 2 factor- [51], prostaglandin E2 [52], and reactive oxygen and nitro-
Various non-microbiota pathogens causing inammation-associated carcinogenesis or gen species [53,54].
aggravating cancer aggressiveness.
Body failure to terminate inammatory response results in its
Types of cancer chronicity, with the establishment of deleterious inammatory cycles
Viruses Cytomegalovirus Glioblastoma [166], prostate cancer [167] [4,8,9]. The hallmarks of chronic inammation are inammatory foci
EBV Immunoblastic lymphoma [36,103], dominated by lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages [55],
Kaposi's sarcoma [104] which produce a high amount of cytokines, chemokines, growth fac-
HBV, HCV Gastric, liver, cervical cancers [13,168]
tors, and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species that may cause contin-
Herpes viruses Kaposi's sarcoma [92,104], melanoma [32]
HIV Plasmablastic lymphoma [22,23,36], uous tissue damage [56]. Interestingly, reactive oxygen and nitrogen
Kaposi's sarcoma [104] species abundantly released in these pathological conditions may
HPV Gastric, liver, cervical [13,113,158], produce mutagenic agents, including peroxynitrite (ONOO ), for in-
prostate [167] cancers stance, which reacts with DNA and causes mutations and damages
Leukemia viruses T-cell leukemia [102], prostate cancer [167]
in proliferating cells [57,58]. The DNA alterations caused may predis-
Bacteria Acinetobacter spp. Solid [6466] and blood cancers [63]
Aeromonas spp. Solid [169] and blood cancers [170,171] pose to neoplasia [59]. In addition, the high concentrations of
Neisseria spp. Prostate [172] and cervical [31] cancers pro-inammatory cytokines and factors like TNF- and macrophage
Propionibacterium spp. Gastric [158], prostate [167,172,173] cancers migration inhibitory factor (MMIF) released by macrophages and
Staphylococcus aureus Solid cancers [64,66,160,161]
T-lymphocytes may exacerbate further DNA damage [60]. MMIF
Parasites Cryptosporidium spp. Colorectal Cancer [174,175]
Plasmodium spp. Burkitt's lymphoma [176,177] contributes to tumorigenesis by interfering with the crucial
Schistosoma spp. Bladder cancer, cholangiocarcinoma [175] cell-cycle signaling pathway cyclin/Rb/E2F [61], and also by impairing
Fungi Candida spp. Leukemia [19,20], other blood cancers [178] p53-dependent protective responses, thus causing the accumulation
Opportunistic yeast Solid and blood cancers [179] of oncogenic mutations [62]. Moreover, the inammatory microenvi-
EBV: Epstein-Barr virus. HBV: hepatitis B virus. HCV: hepatitis C virus. HIV: human im- ronment is favorable to the survival and proliferation of neoplastic
munodeciency virus. HPV: Human papillomavirus. cells [46,47], indicating that the modulation of factors fuelling chronic
inammation may have anticancer effects.
recent reports indicating that regulatory T cells have a counter- Intriguingly, a recent study has revealed that some commonly
regulatory effect on Th17 cells and even inhibiting their functions employed antineoplastic agents causing DNA damage-induced apopto-
[39,40], it can be hypothesized that continuous exposure to environmen- sis in more sensitive cells, such as transforming cells, have antibacterial
tal microbiota strengthens the inammatory cell regulatory network and activities against Acinetobacter spp. [63], non-microbiota pathogens as-
prevents the establishment of chronic inammation. Conversely, limited sociated with various solid [6466] and blood cancers [63]. These
constant exposure to environmental microbiota may favor the establish- agents include the alkaloid vincristine, the alkylating-like agent cisplat-
ment of chronic inammation. Signaling pathways accounting for in, and the small molecule doxorubicin. The current ndings indicate
inammation-mediated carcinogenesis triggered by microbiota bacteria that Acinetobacter spp. become as sensible to DNA damage as
and other pathogens are considered in the following sections. transforming cells during inammation-mediated carcinogenesis, indi-
cating the complexity of the interactions between cancer-related
2.2. Outcome of immune defense against pathogens: mutagenic pathogens and transforming cells. Similarly, eradication of the Gram-
responses and cancer negative bacterium Campylobacter jejuni in immunoproliferative small
bowel disease suppresses the related inammation-mediated lympho-
Many pathogens can cause chronic inammations, including magenesis at its early stage [21]. Future studies addressing the relation-
the protozoan Trypanosoma brucei which causes inammation- ship between bacteria and transforming cells may provide new insights
associated functional alterations [41,42], fungi like Cryptococcus in bacteria-triggered inammation and in the subsequent carcinogenic
neoformans and Aspergillus fumigatus which take advantage of immu- processes.
nocompromised hosts to cause infection [43], and various bacteria
and viruses. As discussed earlier, emerging evidence indicates a 3. Pattern-recognition receptors: example of Toll-like receptors
strong link between cancer and microbiota (Table 1) or other patho-
gens establishing chronic inammation (Table 2). The mechanisms by 3.1. TLRs, pathogen-triggered inammation, and cancer: lessons from
which different microbial pathogens contribute to cancer develop- microbiota
ment are complex. A spate of recent investigations suggests that
these mechanisms involve interplay between chronic inammation, Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs), transmembrane proteins containing
direct microbial effects on host cell physiology and, ultimately, leucine-rich repeats, are involved in sensing endogenous danger sig-
changes in tissue homeostasis. nals and play a critical role in the early innate immune response to in-
The inammatory responses that successfully eliminate PAMPs vading pathogens by sensing PAMPs, predominantly through MyD88
and DAMPs are actively terminated and the healing process starts (myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88) adaptor protein
thereafter. Early studies revealed that the phagocytosis of apoptotic [1,2]. For instance, TLR/MyD88 signaling prevents the dissemination
cells enhances the production of anti-inammatory mediators, of bystander bacteria to deeper tissues during Clostridium difcile in-
promoting anti-inammatory response [44], and conversely, recent fection, by triggering neutrophil and monocyte recruitment to the
ndings indicate that impaired phagocytosis promotes inammation, lamina propria of the large intestine through mechanisms involving
to recruit more immune cells [45], suggesting a crosstalk between chemokine signaling pathways like CCL2/CCR2 (CC receptor type
inamed tissue and immune cells. Such crosstalk would be mediated 2)- and CXCL1 (CXC motif ligand 1)/CXCR2 (CXC motif receptor
by the anti- and pro-inammatory factors abundantly produced 2); mortality is markedly increased in MyD88-decient mice follow-
by both inltrating and resident cells [46,47]. Studies in a rat ing C. difcile infection [2]. Loss of function studies have shown that
carrageenin-sponge implant model have revealed a shift from genetic silencing of PRR signaling protects against chronic inamma-
antibacterial tissue damage to tissue repair involving factors with tory diseases [67], indicating that perturbations of microbiotaPRR
both pro-inammatory and anti-inammatory effects of which the interactions may promote inammation.
effects depend on the microenvironment at the inamed site Translocation of the microbiota from the gut into the systemic
[48,49]. Such factors have been observed in humans as well and in- milieu can cause bacterial sepsis [68,69]. Recent reports suggest that
clude, for instance, metalloproteinases [50], transforming growth small leucine-rich proteoglycans such as decorin and biglycan
M.J. Kipanyula et al. / Cellular Signalling 25 (2013) 403416 407

orchestrate TLR crosstalk during inammation [70,71]. Septic inam- may have an effect on the prevention of colorectal cancer by scaveng-
mation evokes early responses which include activation of the gene ing toxic compounds or preventing their generation in situ [75]. This
encoding decorin; decorin protein level is increased in the plasma of hypothesis should be investigated, considering the importance for co-
septic patients and mouse models, and decorin increases the expres- lorectal cancer prophylaxis.
sion of pro-inammatory molecules in cancer cells [70]. Interestingly, Interestingly, other recent studies have shown that infections with
the ndings from recent studies aiming at unraveling the mecha- H. pylori activate oncogenic signaling pathways like Sonic Hedgehog
nisms used by decorin signaling to control inammation and tumor [26] and Wnt [76,77], which have been reported anti-apoptotic ef-
growth revealed two mechanisms [70]: i) rst, decorin may act as fects and the ability to confer stem-like properties to transforming
an endogenous ligand of TLR2 and TLR4 to stimulate the production cells in various solid and blood cancers (for review see [78,79] and
of pro-inammatory molecules, including programmed cell death [80,81]), respectively. In the APCMin/+ mouse, an animal model of
protein 4 (PDCD4), in macrophages; ii) second, decorin may prevent human colon cancer where a mutation in the murine homolog of
translational repression of PDCD4 by decreasing the activity of the Wnt inhibitor APC gene is induced, a recent report has indicated
transforming growth factor (TGF)-1 and the expression of the key that gut microbiota accelerate tumor growth in comparison with
regulator of oncogenic processes miR-21, which is also a translational wild type mice [82], suggesting a role for the Wnt signaling pathway
inhibitor of PDCD4. In addition, still in these studies, increases in in that context. Rapid tumor growth occurred concomitantly with
PDCD4 levels led to decreases in the expression of the anti- systemic anemia, suggesting a role for intestinal barrier damage and
inammatory cytokine IL-10, thereby making the cytokine prole erythropoiesis-stimulating mitogens. The microbial cell wall compo-
more pro-inammatory. Furthermore, increases in expression of nent LPS accounted for at least part of the cell growth acceleration ob-
pro-inammatory molecules have been associated with tumor served, via c-Jun/JNK signaling pathway. In addition, inltrating
growth promotion and poor patient outcomes in hepatocellular carci- CD11b + myeloid cells released high levels of phosphorylated STAT3
noma [72], for instance. (p-Tyr705) in colonic tumors. These ndings indicate that gut
Experimental evidence suggests that TLRs are key players in microbiota-triggered tumor growth acceleration observed in APC
pathogen-triggered inammation-mediated carcinogenesis. Gut-derived (Min/+) mice is mediated by the c-Jun/JNK and STAT3 signaling
LPS has demonstrated the ability to promote hepatocellular carcinoma pathways in combination with anemia. These ndings point out the
development by activating TLR4 expression on myeloid-derived immune complexity of the mechanisms accounting for the inammatory and
cells in different types of liver injury models, including concanavalin carcinogenic effects of microbiota bacteria.
A-induced hepatitis model, which mimics human viral hepatitis [3], fur-
ther indicating that gut microbiota and TLR4 signaling modulation may 3.2. TLR signaling and inammation
represent potential avenues for therapeutic intervention aimed at treat-
ment of hepatitis virus-induced hepatitis and prevention of hepatocellu- TLRs recognize bacterial, viral, and parasite PAMPs in the extracellu-
lar carcinoma. Similarly, Ochi and collaborators [73] have found that lar environment (TLR1, 2, 46, 11) or in endolysosomes (TLR3, 79,
TLR4 signaling plays a key role in the cellular and molecular mechanisms 10). They can bind several PAMPs/DAMPs and are thought to even
bridging chronic pancreatic broinammatory disease and pancreatic bind common self molecules such as heat shock proteins and brin-
carcinogenesis. These investigators observed that TLR4 signaling ogen, suggesting a link between the stereotypic inammatory response
triggered by LPS exacerbates pancreatic inammation and accelerates triggered by TLRs and autoimmune diseases [83,84]. Stimulation of
tumorigenesis, whereas TLR4 inhibition or blockade of the MyD88- TLRs by the corresponding PAMPs or DAMPs initiates signaling cas-
independent Toll/IL-1 receptor domain-containing adapter-inducing cades leading to the activation of transcription factors, such as AP-1,
interferon- (TRIF) pathway have protective effects against pancreatic NF-B, and interferon regulatory factors (IRFs). TLR signaling is trans-
cancer. Surprisingly, blockade of the MyD88-dependent pathway exacer- duced in the cytoplasm by a Toll/ IL-1 receptor (TIR) domain, which
bated pancreatic inammation and malignant progression, through den- is the docking site of TIR-containing cytoplasmic adaptor proteins
dritic cell (DC)-mediated induction of pancreatic antigen-restricted that are critical in orchestrating the signal transduction pathways
Th2-deviated CD4 (+) T cells. Such pro-tumorigenic and bro- after TLR and IL-1 receptor activation. TIR adaptor molecules mainly in-
inammatory effects of MyD88 inhibition indicate the complexity of clude signaling proteins like MyD88, MyD88 adaptor-like (MAL), TRIF,
TLR signaling in carcinogenesis. TRIF-related adaptor molecule (TRAM), and the negative regulator of
In addition, Uronis and collaborators [74] have demonstrated that TLR pathways SARM (sterile-alpha and Armadillo motif containing
bacterial-induced inammation drives progression from adenoma to protein) [85,86]. Except for TLR3 all TLRs engage the adaptor MyD88,
invasive carcinoma in azoxymethane (AOM oncogene)-exposed however either directly as IL-1R (TLR5, 711, and heterodimeric
IL-10 knockout mice, a model of colitis-associated colorectal cancer. TLR1-TLR2 and TLR2-TLR6) or in association with the adaptor MAL/
These investigators have observed colon tumors in 62% of TIRAP (Toll-IL-1 receptor (TIR) domain containing adaptor protein.
AOM-IL-10(/) mice against only 20% in AOM-wild-type mice; e.g. TLR4, and heterodimeric TLR1-TLR2 and TLR2-TLR6).
and tumor multiplicity directly correlated with the presence of MyD88 signaling is transduced through a death domain (DD)
colitis. Interestingly, IL-10(/) mice mono-associated with the which mediates interactions with the DD of the serine/threonine ki-
mildly colitogenic bacterium B. vulgatus displayed signicantly re- nase IRAK4, the clustering of which would result in its autophospho-
duced colitis and colorectal tumor multiplicity; and germ-free rylation within the receptor complex, allowing a kinase activity-
AOM-treated IL-10(/) mice were devoid of tumors. In addition, dependent binding of IRAK4 DD to the DD of the related kinases
AOM-treated IL-10 (/) or MyD88 (/) mice displayed a re- IRAK1 and 2 [87]. The MyD88IRAK4IRAK1/2 complex nucleate a
duced mRNA expression of TNF- and IL-12p40, a known component larger complex including, E3 ubiquitin ligases like TRAF6 (tumor ne-
of IL-12 and IL-23. These mice showed no signs of tumor develop- crosis factor receptor associated factor 6), cIAP1 (cellular inhibitor
ment, indicating that the TLR/MyD88 pathway is essential for of apoptosis-1), and cIAP2, and the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme
microbiota-induced development of colitis-associated colorectal can- Ubc13 (ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2N), in the case of TLR4
cer. These ndings also indicate that intestinal microbiota modulation [88,89]. TRAF6 catalyzes the formation of polyubiquitin chains on ly-
may decrease cancer risk in inammatory bowel disease. Accordingly, sines within itself and in IL-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 (IRAK1),
it has been hypothesized that probiotics, i.e. live microorganisms con- promoting the K63-linked polyubiquitination of cIAPs and the re-
ferring a health benet on the host when administered in adequate cruitment of adaptor proteins TAB2 and 3, resulting in the activation
amounts, are capable of transient modulation of the microbiota, that of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinasekinase
have been successfully used to manage inammatory bowel disease (MAPKKK) TAK1 (transforming growth factor--activated kinase 1)
408 M.J. Kipanyula et al. / Cellular Signalling 25 (2013) 403416

[89,90]. In addition, K63-linked poly-ubiquitin also binds the regula- 4. NF-B, pathogen-triggered inammation, and cancer
tory subunit of the NF-B inhibitor (IB) kinase (IKK) complex
termed as NEMO, allowing its recruitment to the TLR4 signaling 4.1. NF-B, infection, and cancer
complex [91]. TAK1 mediates the activation of the downstream
MAPKs p38 and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), which are hijacked As TLR pathways, many other inammatory signaling pathways
by activating mutations in pathogen-related cancers like herpes transduce their signal through NF-B activation, including pathways
virus-associated Kaposi's sarcoma [92], and probably participate to mediated by the PRR members NLRs (nucleotide oligomerization
inammation-mediated carcinogenesis. Activated TAK1 complex domain-like receptors) [98] and C-type lectin receptors [100]. NF-B
translocates into the cytosol, where it activates: i) the kinase MKK4 signaling pathway has a critical role in human diseases and carcinogen-
that results in the phosphorylation/activation of JNK [89]; ii) and esis. Not surprisingly, mutations of NF-B signaling molecules have
the related kinases MKK3 and MKK6 for the activation of p38 [93]. been reported in several malignancies. For instance, the somatic
In turn, JNK stimulates the expression of pro-inammatory mediators mutation of TNFAIP3, the gene encoding for the deubiquitinating factor
like TNF- through an AP1 transcription factor-dependent mecha- A20, is frequently reported in human B-cell lymphomas, including
nism [94], whereas p38 activates the cAMP response element- Epstein-Barr virus-associated AIDS-related lymphoma [36] and
binding (CREB), which results in the activation of the CCAAT- Kaposi's sarcoma [101], pointing out A20 as a tumor suppressor in
enhancer-binding proteins (c/EBPs) family of transcription factors, these blood cancers. In addition, in cancer cells collected from adult
and in the subsequent induction of various genes involved in the in- T-cell leukemia patients (a fatal T-cell malignancy associated with
ammatory response, such as: cell adhesion molecules; chemokines human T-cell leukemia virus type I infection), the suppression of
like CXCL-1 and CXCL-2; and cytokines like IL-1, IL-10, IL-12, and NF-B-dependent transcriptional activity by the IB kinase 2 inhibitor
IL-32 [95,96]. IMD-0354 decreased cell survival [102]. Comparably, in EpsteinBarr
On the other hand, IKK induces the activation of the NF-B transcrip- Virus (EBV)-associated immunoblastic lymphoma, which occurs in
tion factor, which results in subsequent transcriptional responses in- immunocompromised patients such as those with AIDS or transplant
volving the MAPKs of the extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK) recipients upon primary EBV infection or following the reactivation
family that, in turn, activate the ATF (activating transcription factors)/ of a pre-existing latent EBV infection, the HIV protease inhibitor
CREB family of transcription factors, resulting in the induction of genes ritonavir inhibits the tumor growth and inltration of EBV-positive
involved in both pro- and anti-inammatory responses such as PTGS2 lymphoblastoid B cells by targeting NF-B signaling [103]. Tang
gene that encodes prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 or cyclooxy- and collaborators [104] have recently demonstrated that Kaposi's
genase 2 (COX-2), involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins [97,98]. In sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) infection is necessary, al-
addition, the canonical IKK/NF-B signaling pathway can also accumu- though, not sufcient for disease development without other cofac-
late in the nucleus and induce the expression of several other genes tors. The authors identied human immunodeciency type 1 (HIV-1)
encoding for inammatory-related molecules, including [98]: PRRs like Tat and herpes simplex virus 1/2 (HSV-1/2) as such cofactors. Interesting-
advanced glycation end product (AGE) receptors, chemokines like ly, the researchers also demonstrated that HSV-2 infection activate NF-B
CCL2 (MCP-1), CCL3 (MIP-1), CCL5 (RANTES) and CXCL1/2; growth signaling pathway, further suggesting a role of HSV-2 in the pathogenesis
factors like GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating fac- of Kaposi's sarcoma. Recent studies based on a transgenic mouse model
tor); adhesion molecules like E- and P-selectins , ICAM1 (intercellular have revealed that the prophylactic delivery of IL-15 affords protection
adhesion molecule 1) and VCAM1 (vascular cell adhesion molecule 1); against a lethal HSV-2 challenge and metastasis of B16/F10 melanoma
cytokines like IL-1, IL-12, and TNF-; metalloproteinases like MMP9; cells through NF-B dependent induction of the chemokine CCL5 by my-
the complement factor B; Caspase-11; but also, inhibitors of NF-B sig- eloid immune cells [32]. NF-B may also bridge chronic inammation and
naling like A20 and IB- , the inhibitor of macrophage activation carcinogenesis in bacterial infection-related cancer such as gastric MALT
CD200, the inhibitor of virus proliferation IFN (interferon)-, and the lymphomas associated with H. pylori and Ocular Adnexa MALT lympho-
pleiotropic cytokine IL-6. These observations indicate that NF-B can mas of whose association with Chlamydia psittaci infection has been re-
induce and also regulate the inammatory response. cently demonstrated [105].
Emerging data suggest that TLR signaling role in pathogen-
triggered inammation and carcinogenesis is complex, and therefore,
requires further investigations. For instance, Smolinska and collabo- 4.2. NF-B signaling and carcinogenesis
rators [1] have investigated the role of Src family kinases, i.e. the
largest non-receptor tyrosine kinase family, in TLR signaling, using NF-B may link inammation to cancer through its inherent abil-
primary human macrophages in combination with adenoviral ity to induce the production of adhesion molecules, MMPs, COX-2,
overexpression and small interfering RNA knockdown. The study re- pro-inammatory cytokines, and reactive oxygen and nitrogen spe-
vealed that the Src kinase Hck has a key role in LPS/TLR4-induced cies [98]. In normal inammatory response NF-B-induced adhesion
TNF- and IL-6 production. Furthermore, ndings have suggested molecules, chemokines, and vasomodulatory molecules play a key
that Hck may mediate TLR4-induced transcription of both TNF- role in the processes resulting in immune cell inltration in infected
and IL-6 by a mechanism that does not involve NF-B and MAPK tissue. However, these processes are also crucial in the inammatory
pathways, but rather leads to p38 MAPK-dependent activator protein microenvironment of cancer where adhesion molecules are used
(AP-1) binding with a complex of c-fos and JunD, pointing out the by tumor cells to facilitate migration and positioning during the
possibility of targeting Hck for the alleviation of excessive inam- metastatic process [72]. In addition, MMPs facilitate tumor invasion
mation. More recent studies involving i.p. or s.c. injection of the through their proteolytic activity and consequent ability to modulate
TLR3 interactor polyI:C (Polyinosinicpolycytidylic acid) to Lewis vascular permeability, whereas pro-inammatory and growth factors
lung carcinoma tumor-implant mice have shown that TLR3 signal- create a microenvironment favorable for cancer cell survival and
ing induces tumor regression by converting tumor supporting proliferation, as already mentioned. Interestingly, a feedback loop
macrophages into tumor suppressors [99], anticipating, therefore, between pro-inammatory cytokines, such as TNF-, for instance,
that better characterization and understanding of the signaling and NF-B activation has been suggested; such feedback loop may
pathways mediated by TLR may provide novel pharmacologic tar- be responsible for the constitutive activation of NF-B in inammato-
gets against pathogen-associated cancers. Fig. 2 illustrates how ry diseases, with crucial roles in the link between inammation and
TLR signaling downstream targets integrate to induce inammato- cancers [106,107]. However, the nature of such feedback loop has
ry effects. not yet been characterized.
M.J. Kipanyula et al. / Cellular Signalling 25 (2013) 403416 409

Fig. 2. Toll-like receptor signaling and inammation. The interactions of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), like toll-like receptors (TLRs) situated on the cell or endolysosome mem-
branes of mononuclear phagocytes, with pathogen-associated or danger associated molecule patterns trigger both the mitogen associated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase-kinase TAK1
(transforming growth factor--activated kinase 1) and the IB (inhibitor of nuclear factor B) kinase IKK signaling pathways. These pathways induce the production of either
pro-inammatory factors, or both pro- and anti-inammatory factors, according to the tissue microenvironment [98], including pro- and anti-inammatory cytokines, chemoattractant
molecules, adhesion molecules, growth factors, other PRR receptors. Activating mutations of the components of these pathways have been reported in various microbe-associated can-
cers (see text). CCL2/3/5: CC motif ligand 2,3 or 5 chemokines. cIAPs: cellular inhibitors of apoptosis. CXCL1/2: CXC motif ligand 1 or 2. ERK: extracellular-signal-regulated kinase. E3:
ubiquitin E3. GM-CSF: granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor. ICAM-1: intercellular adhesion molecule 1. IFN-: interferon beta. IL: interleukin. IRAKs: interleukin-1
receptor-associated kinases. NF-kB: nuclear factor kappa B. TNF-: tumor necrosis factor alpha. TRAF6: tumor necrosis factor receptor associated factor 6. Ubc13: ubiquitin-
conjugating enzyme E2N. VCAM-1: vascular cell adhesion molecule 1.

Interestingly, in squamous epithelium human keratinocyte prolif- transmembrane protein with a cysteine-rich extracellular domains
eration induced by bacterial LPS was found to be dependent on NF-B (CRDs) that binds TNF-. The DD of TNFR1 cytoplasmic tail interacts
activation and subsequent cyclin D1 up-regulation [108]. Thus, with the DD of the adaptor TRADD, which allows the binding of RIP1
NF-B may also contribute to the genomic instability through its to TNFR1 that results in the recruitment of TRAF-2, an adaptor for
antiapoptotic activities that prevent mutated precancerous cells the ubiquitin ligases cIAP1 and cIAP2 [98]. On the other hand, IL-1
from being eliminated [109], and through the promotion of reactive triggers IL-1R/MyD88 signaling that plays key roles in cancer devel-
oxygen species production, which has the potential to cause carcino- opment, as revealed for instance by a recent study investigating ma-
genic mutations [59,109]. In various experimental models where lignant transformation of keratinocytes [112]. More specically,
tumor growth was increased by LPS/TLR4 signaling, the inhibition of genetic and pharmacological approaches showed that the differenti-
NF-B signaling in cancer cells by ancient microbial molecules ation and pro-inammatory effects of oncogenic Ras/MAPK in
resulted in the regression of tumors and metastases [110,111], keratinocytes requires IL-1/IL-1R/MyD88 signaling, which phos-
pointing out NF-B as a new avenue for novel therapies. phorylates the NF-B inhibitor IB, resulting in NF-B activation.
Recent reports have indicated key roles for IL-1R/MyD88 and
5. Pro-inammatory cytokines and COX-2 TNFR1/TRADD signaling pathways in inammation-related carci-
nogenesis. For instance, a population based study performed in
Several pro-inammatory cytokines have been associated with Argentine women has revealed a link between TNF- promoter
inammation-mediated carcinogenesis triggered by pathogenic mi- polymorphisms in human papillomavirus infection and cervical
croorganisms. Numerous data point out IL-1, TNF-, IL-32, IL-23, cancer risk [113]. Another recent population-based study con-
and IL-6 as pivotal. In addition, recent ndings indicate that IL-8 ducted in Brazil has addressed the effect of pro-inammatory
and IL-29 can team up with the pro-inammatory factor COX-2 to cytokine gene polymorphisms on the development of gastric
trigger/sustain infection-related carcinogenesis. cancer in H. pylori-infected patients [114]. Some IL-1 mutations
(IL-1-511 C/C and IL-1-511 C/T alleles) appeared to be
5.1. IL-1 and TNF- associated with chronic gastritis in H. pylori-positive patients,
whereas associations of an IL-1 mutation (IL-1-511 C/C geno-
The pro-inammatory cytokines IL-1 and TNF- released by PRR type) and of a TNF- mutation (TNF--308) with gastric cancer
signaling amplify the inammatory response through signaling were shown. Thus, IL-1 and TNF- gene polymorphisms may be
pathways like NF-B and the oncogenic MAPK. TNF- mediates its associated with chronic gastritis and gastric cancer development
pro-inammatory effects through TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1), a type 1 in H. pylori-infected individuals.
410 M.J. Kipanyula et al. / Cellular Signalling 25 (2013) 403416

5.2. IL-32 where pathogenic roles of mutations affecting the IL-8/CXCR2/P53

signaling pathway have been shown [121]; ovary cancer, where IL-8
The role of the new pro-inammatory cytokine IL-32 over- overexpression is associated with increased tumor growth and
expressed in inammatory diseases and gastric cancer has been in- metastases [122]; and breast cancer, where the production of IL-8 ac-
vestigated in H. pylori infection [115]. In this study, IL-32 expression tivates matrix metalloproteinases and promotes invasion of breast
paralleled human gastric tissue pathology, with higher expressions epithelial and cancer cells [123].
in H. pylori-associated gastritis and gastric cancer tissue. Interestingly,
H. pylori-induced expression of IL-32 was NF-B-dependent, and as- 5.4. COX-2
sociated with the expression of pro-inammatory molecules, includ-
ing CXCL1/2, and IL-8, suggesting a role for IL-32 in the regulation COX-2 expression can also be induced by a wide range of stimuli,
of cytokine expression in H. pylori-infected gastric mucosa. Similarly, including LPS, pro-inammatory cytokines, such as IL-1 and TNF-,
in studies assessing IL-32 role in hepatitis C virus-related liver inam- and a growth factor like EGF (epidermal growth factor). The products
mation, IFN- exerted a signicant additive effect on TNF--induced of COX-2 enzyme are prostaglandins, which are key mediators of in-
but not IL-1-induced expression of IL-32 in CD14 + monocytes, ammation. Various non-steroidal anti-inammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
through a mechanism dependent on both NF-B and Janus kinase/ affect COX-2 activity by covalent modication or competition for a
signal transducers and activators of transcription (JAK/STAT) signal- substrate binding site. Indeed the long-term use of NSAIDs was
ing [116]. IL-1 and TNF- signicantly induced IL-32 expression in shown by population-based studies to reduce the risk of several can-
Huh-7.5 liver cells. Viral infection of Huh-7.5 cells resulted in an cers [124]. COX-2 is also overexpressed in various types of cancer and
11-fold increase of IL-32 mRNA expression. In addition, IL-32 involved in cellular proliferation, antiapoptotic activity, angiogenesis,
overexpression has been also observed in human hepatoma cells, and an increase of metastasis. A recent report demonstrates that
and its expression was increased by pro-inammatory stimuli. COX-2 pathway can also be induced by cigarette smoke in human
These observations point out IL-32 as a novel pro-inammatory cyto- lung broblasts, suggesting a possible mechanism for the cigarette
kine involved in HCV-associated liver inammation and cancer. Fur- smoking-triggered cancer-prone inammatory lung diseases [125].
ther investigation on the mechanism controlling the interaction of The functions of COX-2 in linking inammation to cancer are now be-
this cytokine with viral infection may provide better understanding coming a subject of intense investigation. However, there are contro-
of the link between infection-triggered inammation and carcinogen- versies regarding the exact role of COX-2 in the transformation from
esis in gastric and hepatic tissue. Interestingly, IL-32 overexpression inammation to cancer. A recent study using an esophageal rat
studies in surgically resected or biopsied specimens from patients model indirectly supports a notion that COX-2 induction might con-
with localized clear cell renal cell carcinoma (CCRCC) have suggested tribute to the progression of cancers from inammation [126].
that IL-32 is also associated with high recurrence rates of renal cell COX-2 inhibitor, celecoxib inhibits the COX-2 pathway and delays
carcinoma (RCC) further suggesting that it may be a novel prognostic the development and progression from esophageal inammation,
factor that may be useful for predicting the outcomes of the disease in metaplasia, to adenocarcinoma. In addition, another recent study
such patients [117]. demonstrated that COX-2 may be sufcient to cause inammation
and the subsequent cancerous aberrations. Within this study, it was
5.3. IL-8 and IL-29 found that the forced expression of COX-2 transgene under the con-
trol of a keratin-5 promoter causes spontaneous inammation-
Data from recent reports have demonstrated that hepatitis B virus associated transitional cell hyperplasia and transitional cell carcino-
(HBV), a major causative factor associated with the development of ma in urinary bladders of transgenic mice [127]. Nevertheless,
cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, induces a novel inammation COX-2 expression would be independent of the degree of inamma-
network involving at least three inammatory factors, i.e. IL-29 (or tion, but related to the premalignant cells that already existed in the
IFN-1), IL-8, and COX-2. Yu and collaborators [118] reported that tissue, in the context of Barrett's esophageal epithelium [128], there-
IL-29 inhibits HBV replication and IL-8 attenuates the expression of fore suggesting that COX-2 expression plays an important role in en-
IL-10R2 and the anti-HBV activity of IL-29, favoring the establishment hancing cancer development but is not an indispensable factor for the
of persistent viral infection. It increased expressions of IL-29, IL-8, and transformation of epithelial cells in the scenario of chronic inamma-
COX-2 genes in HBV-infected patients and in HBV-expressing cells tion. This notion is also supported by a recent immunohistochemical
was also observed. Furthermore, in HBV-transfected human lympho- study of human prostate cancers in which the local chronic inamma-
cytes and hepatocytes, the expression of COX-2 was enhanced by IL-8 tion has been found to be able to up-regulate COX-2 expression in ad-
production, which in turn appeared to be IL-29-dependent. Interest- jacent tumor cells and induced angiogenesis [127]. Further research
ingly, COX-2 decreased the production of IL-8, and the latter in this area is needed to understand the specic role of COX-2 in
decreased the expression of IL-29. From these ndings they have hy- linking microbial-triggered inammation and cancer. Interestingly,
pothesized that HBV infection induces a novel inammation cytokine arachidonic acids, substrates for COX-2 to produce prostaglandins,
network involving at least the three inammatory factors IL-29, IL-8, can be converted by another enzyme lipoxygenases to leukotrienes,
and COX-2, which regulate each other through positive regulation which were suggested to be another missing link between inamma-
and negative feedback. Still in these studies, the enhancement of tion and cancer [129].
COX-2 expression by IL-8 proved to be mediated through the tran-
scription factors CREB and c/EBP, and in addition MAPK signaling 6. Oxygen/nitrogen species and microbial-triggered cancer
pathways such as ERK and JNK were also involved in the regulation
of COX-2. These ndings provide new insights for the understanding 6.1. Oxidative and nitrative stress
of the mechanism by which inammatory factors regulate each other
in response to HBV infection and probably in the infection-related Recent studies have strongly indicated that oxidative and nitrative
carcinogenesis. Overexpression of IL-8 has been reported in several stress is a major player in inammation-associated carcinogenesis.
human cancers, including for instance, colon cancer, where serum Various oxygen and nitrogen species and products have been associ-
IL-8 levels is decreased in patients following anticancer treatment ated with microbial triggered inammation-associated cancer. For in-
[119]; melanoma, where the suppression of cancer cell invasion prop- stance, genital infection by high risk HPV, the main etiologic factor of
erties correlates with a downregulation of IL-8 and MAPK phosphor- cervical cancer, is not per se sufcient to induce tumor development
ylation, including p38, JNK, and ERK-1/2 [120]; prostate cancer, and oxidative stress was recently pointed out as a key pathogenic
M.J. Kipanyula et al. / Cellular Signalling 25 (2013) 403416 411

factor cooperating with this pathogenic agent to induce carcinogene- the unique cells making use of glycolysis mediated by HIF-1 for ATP
sis. A study involving tissues collected from patients revealed that in generation constitutively even during normoxia, whereas other cell
dysplastic tissues the oxidative modication of DNA and proteins types use this metabolic system only during hypoxia [141]. Recent
involved in cell morphogenesis and terminal differentiation may pro- studies from Staples et al. [142] have demonstrated that severe hyp-
vide the conditions for the neoplastic progression; in addition, cancer oxia during monocyte to macrophage differentiation as observed in
tissues seem to attain an improved control on oxidative damage and tumors, wounds, arthritic joints, and other sites of inammation, re-
selectively reduced carbonyl adducts on key detoxifying/pro-survival sults in macrophages with a pattern of gene expression distinct
proteins [130]. Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) is an enzyme- from those maturing in normoxia, characterized by a transcriptionally
catalyzing nitric oxide (NO) production induced by TNF-, IL-1, up-regulated HIF-1 mRNA, pointing out HIF-1 as an important play-
and NF-B, among other inammatory factors [131], which was er in chronic inammation. Hara and colleagues [141] reported that
found to be overexpressed in chronic inammatory diseases and var- the deletion of the Mint3/Apba3 gene in mice abrogates macrophage
ious types of cancer [132]. Similarly, in the chronic inammation in- functions and increases resistance to LPS-induced septic shock, indi-
duced by liver uke (Opisthorchis viverrini) infection, the major risk cating a malfunction of TLR4 response. Interestingly, the ATP level
factor for cholangiocarcinoma in Northeastern Thailand, increases in macrophages of mutant mice lacking Apba3 gene was reduced to
levels of pro-inammatory cytokines, NF-B, COX-2, iNOS activity, 60% of the level observed in wild type cells: Reductions of
and disturb the homeostasis of oxidants/anti-oxidants and DNA re- ATP-dependent activities such as glycolysis, cytokine production,
pair enzymes [133]. Thus, oxidative and nitrative stress-related DNA and motility were observed as well, indicating that unraveling the
damage may occur as the consequence of the overproduction of reac- specic function of APBA3 in macrophages might allow the develop-
tive oxygen and nitrogen species in inamed target cells. Similarly, ment of therapeutics regulating aberrant macrophage function during
nitrative DNA damage via NF-B activation leading to tumor develop- infection and the subsequent inammatory response, and will allow
ment have been reported in urinary bladder cancer associated with further understanding of mechanisms governing septic shock associ-
infections with the parasite Schistosoma haematobium [134]. ated TLR4 inammatory response.
Another recent study [135] has revealed that NO derived iNOS can HIF-1 is expressed in acute and chronically inamed site [143].
induce apoptosis in H. pylori through a pERK pc-Fos/c-Jun HIF-1 regulates the transcription of several genes in response to hyp-
c-Myc ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) spermine oxidase (SMO) oxic stress and changes in growth factors, and plays an important role
pathway. Indeed alterations in the availability and metabolism into in tumor angiogenesis and growth. Crohn disease-associated E. coli
polyamines of L-arginine (L-Arg), controlled by NOS and arginase promote gastrointestinal inammatory disorders by activation of
enzymes, through mechanisms like competition for L-Arg substrate HIF-dependent responses. Mimouna et al. [143] have reported that
by H. pylori arginase and induction of host macrophage arginase II HIF-1 is maximally expressed in inamed ileal epithelium of
(Arg2) may explain failure of this apoptotic process, and contribute Crohn disease patients, in concomitance with the expression of
therefore to the deregulation of the host immune response to the in- CEACAM6 (carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule
fections. Targeting such signaling pathways may serve as potential 6 or CD66c), a protein that acts as a receptor of adherent-invasive
therapeutic targets in H. pylori-associated carcinogenesis. E. coli. The expression of CEACAM6 in transgenic mice expressing
The intestinal commensal Gram-negative bacteria of the Entero- this receptor induced the production of HIF-1 and the activation of
bacter spp. have been signicantly associated with solid cancer VEGF receptor signaling, and downstream analyses on human intesti-
development [136] and more severe disease in cancer patients nal epithelial cells silenced for hif-1, highlighted the crucial role of
[137]. Interestingly, E. faecalis produces extracellular superoxide and CEACAM6 in the production of the latter pro-angiogenic factors,
promotes chromosome instability via infected macrophage-induced highlighting the crucial role of adherent-invasive E. coli as promoter
bystander effects mediated by 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE), a dif- of inammatory disorders and neoplastic cell favoring environment
fusible breakdown product of -6 polyunsaturated fatty acids; and in the gastrointestinal tract. HIF-1 protein plays a major role in
IL-10 knockout mice colonized with superoxide-producing E faecalis mediating this effect, and therefore may represent a good target for
developed inammation and colorectal cancer, whereas colonization colorectal cancer treatment.
with a superoxide-decient strain resulted in inammation but not A phase II study trial in patients diagnosed with HPV revealed the
cancer [138]. The potential of antioxidants as anti-tumorigenic agents presence of non-HIF-1 ligand-induced VEGF, which was associated
of has been revealed by a transgenic Rac1 model of Kaposi's sarcoma with a high risk head and neck squamous cell carcinomas' [144], indi-
[139], the major HIV-associated malignancy, whose hallmark is the cating the presence of activating mutations hijacking the HIF-1 recep-
proliferation of spindle cells, inammatory inltrate, and aberrant an- tor signaling pathway. Comparably, angiogenesis promotion through
giogenesis caused by Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV) infection the enhancement of HIF-1 and VEGF expressions induced by the
[104]. The expression of Rac1, a small GTPase triggering reactive oxy- overexpression of HPV type 16 oncoproteins has been reported in
gen species (ROS) production by NADPH-oxidases, is sufcient to non-small cell lung cancer cells [145]. HPV E7 oncoprotein enhances
cause Kaposi's sarcoma-like tumors in transgenic mice through HIF-1-mediated transcription by inhibiting binding of histone
mechanisms involving ROS-driven proliferation mechanisms, AKT deacetylases HDAC1, HDAC4, and HDAC7 to increase the expression
signaling, and hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1)-related angio- of pro-angiogenic factors in cervical cancer cells [146], indicating
genesis, pointing out host and viral genes triggering Rac1 or ROS pro- that HPV oncoproteins may induce a microenvironment favorable to
duction as key determinants of Kaposi's sarcoma onset and potential their replication through epigenetic control of various genes, includ-
chemopreventive or therapeutic targets [139]. A growing body of ing genes encoding for HIF-1 and the genes it regulates.
evidence has pointed out the ROS product HIF-1 as a major player Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major risk factor for the de-
in microbial-triggered carcinogenesis. velopment of hepatocellular carcinoma [13]. HCV gene expression in-
duces oxidative stress, which in turn induces the stabilization of
6.2. Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 HIF-1, followed by VEGF and angiogenic cytokine release, leading
to tumorigenic neovascularization in vivo [147]. Such HIF-1 stabili-
HIF-1 is a heterodimeric transcription factor and key regulator zation requests the activation of NF-B, STAT-3, PI3K/Akt, and
responsible for the induction of genes that facilitate adaptation and p42/44 mitogen-activated protein kinase. A study aimed at clarifying
survival of cells during hypoxia. HIF-1 consists of a constitutively whether human papillomavirus (HPV) directly affects the oncogene-
expressed subunit HIF-1 and an oxygen sensitive subunit HIF-1 sis and biologic behavior of tonsillar cancer revealed that compared
(or its paralogs HIF-2 and HIF-3) [140]. Macrophages would be with HPV-negative patients, HPV-positive tonsillar cancer patients
412 M.J. Kipanyula et al. / Cellular Signalling 25 (2013) 403416

have a HIF-1- overexpression [148]. Furthermore, recent studies Disclosure

have suggested that HCV glycoproteins would perturb tight and
adherens junction protein expression, and increase hepatoma migra- All authors have participated to the bibliographic research, to
tion and expression of epithelial to mesenchymal transition markers manuscript preparation, and have approved the nal version of the
Snail and Twist via stabilizing HIF-1 and genes it regulates. As men- manuscript.
tioned earlier, HIF- regulates various genes involved in tumor Authors declare no competing nancial interest.
growth and metastasis, including VEGF and transforming growth
factor-beta (TGF-), whose neutralization showed different roles for
VEGF and TGF- in regulating hepatoma polarity and migration, re-
spectively, indicating a dual role for HIF-1 in the cellular processes
Authors are grateful to their respective institutions for constant
that are deregulated in many human cancers and in the viral life
support and particularly to Dr. Mazzini for his insightful observations.
cycle [149]. Similarly, hypoxia and HIF-1 up-regulate both latent
and lytic Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus replication and
may play a central role in the life cycle of this virus [150]. From References
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