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chapter 6 “The relative carciyf women rapper in Japan presente an analytic pz Given that japanese ecard company execitines regard women cusuiners aati sth yt many major pop is. hy have ire beens sen ces? Expt es of QE Xs hiphop musicians as a negative example; Peg, but merely pop-male emcees and desis domaate the ory oF hiphop in japan, Some speclly muse magazines tend to exude women ees from thecaegry af ea hiphop thereby tosomeexteut cet an at al lind spot, but hie cannot serve tthe whole explanation. Quite simply, far fewer women rapees than men have been raking albums, In this ar pop same GRUSE, a vertable macho wl ee of cate Stas there something about hip hofels i expressed nights and record companies that binders women's patcpation ss rapper? so whit oes this suggest abaut the dynamics of hiphop gender, and globalization in pan? ‘When 1s apaneseatits and music magazine wets why there ate 30 ‘er woren rappers. most f the ily shrug thie shoulders Sore su gest that "hip-hop ijt a manly sing otra” and ave it a th. same ys TeSpONEE HET ect mescal dominance of men inhip-bop whetherontgein clas, inthe pei hip-hop gazes aad a ee aera een ee en (Go 1997 Krashetal (8). Another eerie ofthese ‘ie galt 25 ative fpanese groups an Slo ats, inching bot "appers ad dey (gat 1997). Of these, only eight included women (vo mined groups, tee alLfemae groups, thre solo women)! Inthe eay 000%, the Japance ap groups who achieved sme success insales wera ‘mos enlasly gros of men such 2 Rip Syme Kick the Can Cre Seis erat, lieve, King Gira and Ketsumeish, Buta we savinchp- terq sotien makeup the majority abt fn he of cers hip-hop grou he pary-rp vein, sh a Sch Dats Far, Dassen THe, Be theve groups eure man-Genderis ‘io for undersanding Which apanese hip-hop gape achive sc portance ofthe Araule fn hat no (et anslted into 3 sable presence of women rappers nso. des lth yea ofthe musi scene, whereby artists move up de- pending tir bly o pass hough industry gatekeeping scussed in ‘apr provides patil explanation fr the imbalance. we distinguish ‘etvcen fan’ power and recordcompany power, we are reminded that a ins nus ass through record conpany gates i order to gt recoding con tect album releases and acest eda promotion. The majority of these tes ae controlled by ten, and Hee prejudices regarding what 9 rapper Sold be undoubtedly pay ole, Like their ale counterparts even some fof the women in ecord-companyeacatve suites hav at times refed, shouldbe ard core (Asada) and can peter tough, inthe years te twenty St etry However, ew wore pa ct n rip ho scene have managed mar ph reen utcand mucho Seetyps Whether oaths ree of trader trethathe et because ric diferencs” bt he dened ola} “he singis" Matec and Da ee" bth snd arn arilion copes The tecrd company oad “Da Ne" eae ter groups cach Wana inet danger (oughly, ote igh noses ofa alee {Kans Hivsina, Hold, e) This Kind of marketing ategy pre sey wht males or companies ule othe charge tht hy will ryan pink tela fw cbs Wao enmeshed Es EX Yu mate epi nthe worl of commer pop. Moving up the pyeami of mas cee fos he independent evel toa tnucu larger requis, te Faustian bargain of becoming pop stars fell harshly fon them Their next single"Ne was released i heal of 1996 bt it ale ‘olive up sales expectations despites rv commetll ep with ead «ar. Rumors pce sales at around seventy than, which would have bee, enocmous i they had remained with hee indi label, but was deemed ‘complete Nop after tee previous hts. Epc Sony let the group othe pyre, ‘ids not only sadder to the top bu caso be 3 sppey slope down 32 well Yuri went onto bea talent, a clarity talking head on game and tak show). Yogy reportedly ran a lower sore fora while Ga stated for yeas to make i buck into the tecaeding sii, fc the Funky Gra mat Night restyle session diseased in chapter 3 was one of his ew fray Sack onto stage after he ad gone big and then crashed. One hiphop art commented that Gaku was aug in an imposible station. He had lat redsiity nthe dub scene because he had oie the word of pop idl. At ‘hese tine, no record company wanted to be asocated wits fall as been. Oneaspect ofthe music cene' pyar ith people location sve nb. Artists now where thee sles stand in lation to ote, a ew ‘report being completely sas, Arwe case with ast End, even atts who achieve ailionselrs are not guaranted snot eaters: In the end, Gah sanaged something of comeback, rls to mae solo albums, at only ouster, ‘The movement of stars upand down the pyramidal inflaences the ways ‘ecotd companies jude the excitement of particular genres and sles (ae ‘Negus 1990): Overall the East find X Yul moment for lapses hip-hop ‘tin motion mojor bel signings of gap. groups ike Now, = tree- ‘oma group), but the ilure oF thee (and ot) follow-ups lo i ake seme wet CO ie PE ST Ue hts of W's aap rect = : ou raeted wend inking and consurseriam Although the experiment fil or fap (i the eyes of record companies, the formula of ete cau sumption more gene thrive in Fpan, Cutismo, Pop Music, nd Wane Consumers Osi o hip-hop women singers om te gees ace poner ‘ih lees rou nde. th esting a ps pop Cmte women aly ad a aa a Oe ‘cider enh cyt es of gap TS Ean ane. oun igh ale ithe nme ashes 6 cuoren soe ‘company executives, they would always identity young women as tne ariving cba itpract Ont sews Sra eo fils tote scl unl ao ath re etree cng = Sa aetna of ene ee. pagar tra eel pa incr cpa, nds {timp ate homer ht cessing ge fi sin ta omits uch tnx specly pap nthe wor POP Temi. A ded ute copes, th istry of ole men Frantchaneraedby ssn prdninn ts nae td vr tan Tc athoplgt mes Sul Good as we stentina Te nguage sd gre dimers ef te of ae charges wen tele posal gb te pl gp Omak Cab iter Ch) onc nating ge he “Da' Tbe O My Salo Sif rfc cl is wor junior anes igh sh tier bya writen ner kr ean en Se Treides wend ih some fase ger ike (he ul ‘Muy on ming ta st uses of pop uy no of mae tig een tons, he, te ng tnglahvok Suan argu eof Engh Mstbve sigersct “ibe apres eres he case fel hen wing adn Jase merge arenes. TFs provoctie “an alta we eet epee of serge bt Sent sogges ate dam elatnship wees nguge end ipetpfrmance coments shoul be costed we "Fong he doninan reo Te" cgi depen te midgp06 gr) sini ms caer ee 2 a nen omnes wet ie Sea GRD AGS (Go Pune ow Cb Baer Anan, nd ‘Meu unas den age mbes of women ous o he een Indo He mgd sa hs cote a Heft the cin of ‘Sttoveling tein te milsgges nd young woes ove ie snc bones Whether onthe actly rece ai dems. he Matec ronestndtsatalling pg Te eda ope CF ee verano de protons revs caahng yong momenta end fine ope aa ro thing ina oll og, TH ie A's als EVE wry HAE ape of how second compar Sw usas wuaycr, t wurexammine bow the mapping of sonia onsames suchas the hnd of woman nh by ya rea (eps erodes power eet eed cos pod geeny ig att tsp el magenta lle shone Yt his paver of cate crest eerain He of pods sath at tee mang thee songs er karte enh phe do ag sean at woes wo expen hes cusme so uae Re ‘ly, Consider hon Rts nono laa dao ce "Resa ove cena mille late ae Se oor usmle, genuine gentle vulnerable, weak and inespercace social be ‘oe pil apr (5,209, Whe tm cos a a ‘ciation 3 ferinte de old empower young wonens ec toch sn women and gis ns ben enrurd tol tl sate or otobscme cite Ths means that oun os ne wesw dee srg nd pais ‘of women’ power is inn depends oni Ib oportion Beause flr anda ck fésponsity, iit sch authority one an abies by ang Aniter media phenomenon linking catia to cpialism excurted fa ‘the mid-late 19905 the sensationalism suroanding the commadicn on of high choo gr sexality. News reports about high cht gs who ‘wl on “paid dies” with ober men zeecteda diferent use ofthe cute, ‘one that seni potently more self directed than serving tea “office lady.” Schools were quoted calling themsches Trandate” Heme pod bsalarymen to oto dinner ort sng kaaoke"The moral pc that en sued generated tsown adversng bath forthe gts who partepted inthis Penomenon and, prtaps more cently fr the ale omitted) wedi cults tha overed he senstionalstories with anguly more ateaton han abhorenc lia 2006),Themediastonn oo, reveled more around the pbs lcs condermation of he gl material motes than around questing ‘he salaymens ations in paylg forthe eevices. As Jon Tis ponte out ‘more general, young women fr sho) were not respecte for hee abilty {© produce: “The oe of thes in this pa] eevice economy wax not te make the prodicts but to consume thet [iat 1996b, 381), Catsma ‘ean allconsuming power. Yet even in cansunititm, some resistance to dominant nomsappears. Forexample aura Miler (2003) argues tht hgh sebol kg mall gal) se writing on top of srl ht prints which they the adult world, Laura Miller draws ou attention to their communication | vsitin poe groups, as oppoted to inthe mediated weld of magazines and television, These brief examples are meant toe suggestive of sae Meader

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