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Quality Control Tools

QC tools are the means for

Colleting data
What is QC?
Analyzing data
Identifying root causes and
Measuring the results.
Quality Control
The process of Quality Control involves:
Choosing control subjects
Choosing units of measurement
Establishing a measurement procedure
Interpreting differences between measurement and goal.
Taking action to correct significant differences
Seven Quality Tools
Seven QC tools are
Pareto Diagram
Scatter Diagram
Cause and Effect Diagram
Check Sheet
Control Chart/Graph
Scatter Diagram
A scatter diagram is used to examine the relationship
between the two, paired, interrelated data types, such as
height and weight of a person.
A scatter diagram provides a means to find whether or not
these two data types are interrelated.
It is also utilized to determine how closely they are related
to identify a problem point that should be controlled or
Scatter Diagram
Constructing a Scatter Diagram
I. First, collect two pieces of data and create a summary table of the data.
II. Draw a diagram labeling the horizontal and vertical axes.
(It is common that the cause variable be labeled on the X axis and the effect variable be
labeled on the Y axis.)
III. Plot the data pairs on the diagram.
IV.Interpret the scatter diagram for direction and strength.
Scatter Diagram
Scatter Diagram
Method Usage Result
Used to identify a Can identify cause and
Scatter Diagram relationship between two
effect relation.
variables. Can understand the

relationship between two

Example Usage results.
Relationship between visit
made by a salesman and
x Axis volume of sales.
Number of Relationship between the
Rotations number of persons visiting a
department store and
volume of sales.
A histogram is a bar graph that shows frequency data
When creating a histogram, a range of data is divided into smaller
sections having a uniform span, and the number of data contained
in each section (the number of occurrences) is counted to develop
a frequency distribution table.
Then, a graph is formed from this table by using vertical bars, each
having the height proportional to the number of occurrences in
each section.

To determine the spread or variation of a set of data points in a

graphical form

Interval Mean Frequency

Pareto Diagram
In 19th century, Famous Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto observed
and stated that about 80% of the countrys wealth is occupied by
about 20% of the population. Also known as 80-20 rule.
In quality control, about 20% causes are responsible for 80%
Only a few causes are responsible for majority of the problems.
These few (20%) are known as vital few, whereas the rest many
(80%) are known as trivial many.
We should concentrate on vital few, not on trivial many.
Pareto Diagram
A Pareto diagram is a combination of bar and line graphs of
accumulated data, where data associated with a problem are
divided into smaller groups by cause.
Check Sheet
Check sheet is basically a data collection tool by just entering check
marks on a check sheet, data can be collected for further
Stratification is the process of breaking down or sorting a large
database so that meaningful subsets or groups can be developed.
Is done before actual data collection.
Cause-Effect Diagram
A cause and effect diagram is a fish-bone diagram that presents a
systematic representation of the relationship between the effect
(result) and affecting factors (causes).
Mechanism of Quality of
Copying Machine Copying Paper

Many Copying Errors!

Malfunction of
Running out
Smudges on the the roller
of stock
copied surface
Printing too Too thin
Internal devices not lightly
working smoothly Dampened

Deterioration of
Error in
performance due
Keyboard handling placement of Dirt on the
to high
error paper (setting glass
its face up) surface
Error in selecting a
scale of reduction Error in Nicotine-
selecting stained
User Surrounding
Cause-Effect Diagram
Typical Cause Effect Diagram
Man Management Machine

Method Measurement Environment Material

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