Fop President Letter To Metro Corrections Jail Director Mark Bolton

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3556 Taylor Blvd.

Louisville, KY 40215
Phone (502) 690-4736
Tracy D Dotson Dustin Miller
President Secretary

To: Mark Bolton, Director

Louisville Metro Department of Corrections


The recent ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreements between Louisville/Jefferson

County Metro Government and Louisville Corrections Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No.77
(FOP Lodge 77) has brought about the need for you and your leadership to be made aware of
some changes in said Agreement language, as well as expectations moving forward that FOP
Lodge 77 needs you and your staff to be cognizant of. Following is a list of issues to be
addressed by you and your leadership.

Contractual vacancies that need to be posted and filled (per agreement language):

CCC Job Check Post

Fugitive Unit Post
2nd Policy and Procedure Post
3rd Mailroom Post
J2 Control Room Observation Post
CCC Disciplinary Post
Training Captain Post
Training Sergeant Post
Training Officer Post
Key Control Post
J2 Mental Health Posts

We also call your attention to the language below from the negotiated Agreement with the FOP
Lodge 77 (Officers and Sergeants):

Article 11 Assignments, Transfers and Trades

Section 2. Transfers:

B. No position to fill a vacancy shall be filled by Administrative transfer for more than sixty
(60) days unless mutually agreed to by the Department and the Lodge. Upon completion of
any such Administrative transfer, the position shall be posted and filled per Article 11.

Among other applications this language means that LMDC Academy graduates cannot occupy
vacancies for longer than sixty (60) days, without agreement from FOP Lodge 77.

Listed are several issues the FOP Safety Committee has brought to the table over the last few
years that remain unresolved. FOP Lodge 77 is seeking resolutions on these egregious safety
issues, or answers to why they are not being addressed.

Camera systems that do not work properly and/or randomly go out of service
Intercom systems that do not work properly and/or randomly go out of service
Security doors (both in and out of inmate living areas) that do not work properly and/or
randomly go out of service
Departmental radio service that does not work properly. There are areas of the Jail with
no radio service at all, preventing sworn staff from calling for assistance (back-up,
medical services, etc.) if needed in emergency situations
Why inmate living areas that are crowded past capacity are not being relieved of this
overcrowding by making use of emergency bunking in gyms or related areas
Sworn Officer training such as Basic Academy, Field Training (FTO) and Annual In-
service Training have all had a reduction in training length and need to be reestablished
to past levels
Heating and cooling systems that do not work properly and/or randomly go out of service
Unconcerned or indifferent training for critical areas such as BodyScanner Operation and
Constant water leaks in various areas of the Jail which contribute to hazardous working
conditions and deadly mold and toxin buildup
An untenable vacancy situation which results in monumental overtime costs, areas of
operation unsafely running short and sworn staff burnout

Again we call your attention to the language below from the negotiated Agreements with the
FOP Lodge 77 (Officers and Sergeants) / (Lieutenants and Captains):

Article 13 / Article 12 Health and Safety

Section 1.

The Department shall take reasonable precautions to safeguard the health and safety of the
Members during their hours of work and maintain reasonable standards of safety and
sanitation, and the Lodge and all Members shall cooperate in all matters concerning the
health and safety of employees.

Director Bolton, consider yourself and anyone these issues may concern as ON NOTICE. The
Louisville Corrections Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No.77 and its Members do not consider it
unreasonable to be provided as safe and healthy a working environment as possible. On the
contrary, it is required of you in our Collective Bargaining Agreements between
Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government and Louisville Corrections Fraternal Order of
Police Lodge No.77. We do not think it is unreasonable for you to fix water leaks in working
areas, provide a camera and intercom system that works, a radio system that operates correctly or
enact emergency measures to alleviate the crowding of inmate living areas; nor do we think is
unreasonable for you to fix doors that are designed to protect as well as keep in or out staff and
inmates, or change your recruiting practices to engage and entice applicants to fill vacant
positions, or increase training at all levels to a more acceptable standard. We do not think it is
unreasonable for these or any of a number of basic security, health and safety issues that have
been enumerated to you for years to be resolved.

Louisville Corrections Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No.77 and its Members demand
demonstrated and verifiable action from you and your leadership on the issues illustrated in this
notice, as well as any outstanding issues that are relatable.

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