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Regressive Memory



The trailer begins with our company 0:08 Max: Alright Im going a way for a couple of weeks your nan
indent that shows Film Scope isnt doing to well, Zac are you listening to me.
Tom: Yeah, sure yeah
It colour fades into a pan of London 0:12
(Morning) Max: Ok make sure you lock the front door ok

Then it cuts into a two shot (low Tom: Alright yeah

angle) of Tom Otkay sitting down on 0:15
his phone and his dad (Max) The audio has quiet music playing through the background of
speaking to him before walking off this dialogue.

It cuts to Tom watching his dad leave 0:21 Car starts and drives off sound effect
out of the window, it cuts to a close

Which cuts into a new scene with a Music is still quiet and building up suspense
mid shot of Tom at school working. 0:24
The shot cuts in and out of a close up
of Tom spinning his pen

It then cuts back to the mid shot of Ollie: Hey, hey man did you hear about that guy on the news
tom which pans into a two shot with 0:45 who like saw himself in a previous life
Ollie and Tom (Elliott knight is seen
in the background) Tom: No, imagine if that actually happened to you

Which cuts to a low angle mid shot 0:47 A different music sound track fades in Epic suspense trailer
behind Tom who is working on his music which makes the scene feel like Tom is investigating

This shot cuts to a screen recording As Tom is typing on the computer the keys can be heard through
of Toms Laptop as he searches up 0:59 the audio to make it seem more interactive and realistic
Past life Videos It cuts back to a
close up of Tom as he is researching
and then quick cuts back to him
clicking on a video

The video then fades back into he 1:06 Will Hall: Attention!
past life clip where a pan of an open And the same music is playing in the back ground
field is shown

It then cuts to a close up of will and 1:14 A dramatic drum sound occurs when Tom appears on the screen
then Tom in the army gear, which
cuts back to tom at home reacting to

Then carrying on from this it cuts 1:20 Will Hall: Drop and give me 10, Move like its world war 3!
back to a close up of Elias and then This intensifies the action that is occurring
cuts into Tom doing push ups (Mid
shot) and a handheld close up of tom
running through the woods

Which cuts again to the close up of 1:33 The music continues on a fits in time with the cuts, so it seems
Toms reaction as he puts his hand professional.
on his face In wonder. It fades into a
pan of London (at night) and then a
close up of tom texting We need to
talk now
Tom: Look can you not see thats me
A hand held shot is next as it cuts to 1:46 Ollie: Where
a two shot of Tom and Ollie with Tom: right there
slight movement to show some Ollie: That isnt you mate
tension. Tom: So thats just me then that can see that?

It then cuts to a compilation of a few 2:02

shots in one place at different angles, Tom: No it cant be, it cant be REAL!!
they show tracking shots and close
ups of Tom as he is panting up and Tom then is shown to be frustrated by exhaling hard
down the room and then sits down.

-Lastly the video cuts to a mid shot

of Tom with the camera facing the
mirror so Tom is in the reflection.
-It cuts to a side angle of tom as he Southworth: What if I told you that you can control your mind in
wipes his face with the towel (Shot ways you wouldnt imagine and that you are actually seeing
continuation) 2:19 your self in the future not the past.
-Which cuts to a front angle close up
of tom still wiping his face Music continues on until the drum sound effect appears again at
-To then end with the same mirror the last cut.
shot at the beginning but Tom is in
army gear and the mirror is black
and white

Regressive memory then appears on 2:24 The drum sound effect fades out to act as the end sound for the
the screen which then fades into the trailer
trailer crew text at the end.

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