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Monitors are portable and

can be moved from room to
room as needed
Patients are remotely monitored
by a Monitor Tech (MT),
stationed in a central location,
who has received special
training on safely monitoring
patients and intervening when
If the patient appears to be
getting out of bed or engaging in
other unsafe activity, the
monitor tech will talk to the
patient through a microphone in
the room, and/or can contact
the RN as needed.
Facts About Monitoring
Monitors do not

Patients are
observed at all
times, except
during personal
care (there is a
privacy mode for
use during bathing,
assessments, etc.)
Facts About Monitoring
Monitor Tech
communicates directly
with the patient and
family in the room Infra-
Monitor Tech contacts
nursing staff directly as
needed with safety
Video monitoring works
in both light and dark
Initiating Remote Patient Monitoring
Patients RN and Charge Nurse work
together to determine if patient meets
criteria for remote monitoring
Retrieve monitor, and set-up system
Observer will admit patient to AvaSys
System via Admission Wizard (room,
patient name, diagnosis, behaviors, RN,
RN phone number, camera number)
Perform audio and visual check, and
introduce observer
Criteria for Remote Patient
Inclusion Criteria for Appropriate Use:
Fall prevention-High Risk Alcohol/Drug withdrawal- Elopement risk:
and have one of the following: CIWAH score= __________ Hx of wandering
Disoriented/ LOS=_______________ Disoriented to place
Mobility Aid
Hard of Hearing
Language Barrier
Risk for safety related to Delirium/ Restless Other:
maintenance of medical
devices such as:
feeding tube
central line
central monitor/tele
other device
Criteria for Remote Patient
Exclusion Criteria for Appropriate Use:
Continuous monitoring no longer required Acuity change
per RN assessment

1:1 Sitter needed due to Family refuses

Stat Alert more than 3 times in 30

1:1 Sitter needed due to Patient transferred to long term care

Ineffective re-directions that result

in numerous calls to the clinical
staff for intervention
1:1 Sitter needed due to Discharged from hospital

Needs redirection four times or

greater within one hour that are
taking time away from safe
monitoring of other pts
Remote Sitter Process
Observer Admits patient to AvaSys Software via
Admission Wizard
MT enters patient information into Admission Wizard and
ensures set-up process is complete
MT documents on patient hourly, or whenever
intervention is required
RN or MT is contacted with patient concerns. Back-up
plan must be in place for communication if nurse does
not answer phone
MT helps to facilitate re-evaluation every shift to ensure
service is appropriate for patient. TSO also prompts re-
evaluation if patient is requiring frequent interventions.
Patient Safety
If an in-room sitter is needed to keep the patient safe,
Document on paper log
Utilization of continuous visual monitoring
Patient/family education to ensure patient safety
Reason for monitoring and patient activity
throughout the shift in a nursing progress note
Patient Out of Room Feature
In order to maintain the integrity of continuous
monitoring, the MT will know when a patient is taken
out of the room by staff for a test, therapy, or a walk.

The staff removing the patient from the room will

notify MT when they leave the room with the patient
and when they return.
Foreign Languages
In order to be able to communicate effectively with non-English
speaking patients, the MT will be able to play pre-recorded
commands or yes/no questions to the patient in their native
language (if available)

Languages that are currently available are Spanish, Mandarin and


The caregiver will need to alert the MT if the patient does not speak
English. The monitor tech can set the mobile monitoring unit to the
patients native language (currently only Spanish, Cantonese, or
Foreign Languages (Pre-Recorded)
Phrases and Yes/No Questions

Attention, Please do not get out of bed.

Please, stay in your bed and I will have your nurse come in to help you.
Hello, I am your AvaSys safety monitor for this shift, my name is.
I spoke with your nurse, someone is on the way to your room
Stop, Please!
Please, Stay in your bed!
Do you need to use the restroom?
Do you need a drink?
Ok, I will get someone to come into your room
Do you need your nurse?
I am sorry, I did not hear you. Please repeat your answer.
Do you understand what I said?
Stat Alert Button Feature
This addition to the monitoring software is only to be used if
patient is in imminent danger of harming themselves.

The MT activates this STAT ALERT. They are the only ones who can
turn it on or off.

It is similar to a bed alarm. If the STAT ALERT is activated, any and

all available staff must respond.

This Alarm indicates an immediate need. This alarm will not often
be a false alarm. The Monitor Tech is activating the STAT ALERT
when they see (validate) a patient in need.
Discontinuing Monitoring
Monitor Tech is notified that patient is being
discontinued from AvaSys Monitoring.
Monitor Tech will complete the Discharge Wizard in
the software which will clear the patient information
and place the unit in privacy mode.
Order discontinued by RN, and the system removed
from the room.
Cleaning the Monitor
The AvaSys device must be adequately surface disinfected between uses.

Visible soiling must be removed.

A hospital-approved disinfectant must be applied and allowed to air dry

before the next patient contact.

Follow label directions for surface contact/disinfection/dwell time. Surface

must remain wet for the stated contact time/disinfection/dwell time.

2 minutes 4 minutes
Alcohol containing Bleach product
May be used on most hard non-porous Used for cleaning:
surfaces used in healthcare Equipment after contact with patient on
Enteric/Contact Precautions
Please call Nursing Informatics at
(732)828-3000 ext.3284
for any AvaSys camera/program Issues

Thank you for your time!

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