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(Ministry of Road Transport & Highways)
Government of India

Four Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307,000 to

km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecti~lglink from km
347.800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 of N B - 7 1 to
~ be executed as
BOT (Toll) project on DBFO pattern under NHDP
Phase I11
in the State of Haryana



National Highways Authority of Intlia

G-5&6, Sccror - 10,Dwarka,Ncw Dcllii - 1 I11075



H -5!2 I. Vislial. l{hnnd, (;o~iiti Nasal-,
I,uckl\ow - 2260 10, I J t t a ~I'radcsl), India

I ,I:$)

! . ,-
. I,.
% 7
National liiehwavs Authoritv of India Concession Aareernent




4 Laning o f Rohtak Jind S e c t i o ~from

~ ~III 307.000 to k ~ n ?47.800 o f NH-71. and
connecting link from kin 347.800 o f NH-71 to k m 9.400 o f NH-71A to be executed,as
BOT (Toll) prqiect on DBFO Pattern tinder N H D P Phase Ill i n the State o f Haryana
Table of Contents





3 SCHEDULE.^: PRO.IECT F A C I L I ~ ! ~ E S 180









Four laning of Rohlok JitrdSecrionfbnn ( . n ~1117.flIlfJ ro kin 3 J 7.800oj3'li-iI nnrl connrc~inglinkjiatrr I,II J47.800 oj.\"H-71
lo (.m 9.300 oj'fill. 71A lo he r.recirrrd os ROT fi~l/)l'rojec~or1 DBI-0 Pntlrrn under .\.IfDl' I'hure 111in 11reSlale u{
Nat~onalHishwevs Aulhorily of hdia Schedules

(See Clause 10. I) SITE OF THE PROJECT

1 The Site

1.1 Site of the Four-Lane Project Highway shall include the land, buildings, structures
and road works as described in Annex-l of this Schedule-A.

1.2 An inventory of the Site including the land, buildings, structures, road works, trees
and any other immovable property on, or attached to, the Site shall be prepared
jointly by the Authority Representative and the Concessionaire, and such inventory
shalt form part of the memorandum referred to in Clause 10.3.1 of the Agreement.

1.3 Additional land required for Toll Plazas, Traffic Aid Posts, Medical Aid Posts and
vehicle rescue posts or for construction of works specified in the Change of Scope
" Order issued under Clause 16 2.3 of this Agreement shall be acquired in accordance
with the provisions of Clause 10.3.6 of this Agreement. Upon acquisition, such land
shall form part of the Site and vest in the Authority.

4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 ti km 347.800 of NH-71 and connec~inglink from km
347.800 of NH.71 to km 9.400 of NH-71A to be execurcd as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Perlem under NHDP
Phase I l l in the Slate ofHaryana Page A - I
Nalional Hiohways Aulhori/v of India ~chedules

Annex - I


Site for Four-Laning

[ Note: Through suitable drawings and description in words, the land , buildings, structures
and road works comprising the site shall be specified briefly but precisely in this Annex-l ]

I. The Site
The National Highway No-71 start from NH-1 at Jalandhar passing through, district
l.urlhiana(~agrao'hon NH-95), Barnala, Sangrur in the state of a Punjab and Jind,
. .
Rohtak, Jhajjar and Rewari at Bawal City joining NH-8. 'The Project road takes 'off
from existing chainage Km 307.000 of NH-71 at the junction of Proposed Bypassat
Jind City and passing through Shadipur, Julana, Lakhan Majra (Krn.347+800) joining
at NH-71A (Km. 9+400)with Rohtak bypass desigmhainage Km. 355+600-ofNH-71
on .the basis of existing and design chainage. The proposed road will bypass the
towns of Julana, Lakhan ~ a j r aand Rohtak and will.join at Chainage 9+400 of the '

NH-71A Rohtak - Panipat just outside Rohtak city. The project road, so located,
covers-40.800 Krn as per existing chairiage and 48.600 Km between originating and
terminating points as per proposed chainage. The entire lengths of the project road
fall in the State of Haryana under Rohtak and Jind District.

2. Land

The site of the project Highway comprises the land (Existing Right of Way, ROW) as
described in Appendix A-1

3. . Cariiageway

The present carriageway of the Project Highway is two-lane with Earthen Shoulder
on both sides at most of the stretch of the road. An inventory of existing carriageway
is presented at Appendix A- 2.
Major Bridges

The site includes no Major Bridges.

Railway Over Bridges

The site includes no Railway Over Sridges.

4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from krn 307.0i0'10 km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link from km
347:800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 ofNH-7 lA to be,executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under NHDP
Phase 111 in the Stare of Haryana. Page A - 2
National H~ohwaysAuthorily of lndia Schedules
- -\

6. Grade Separators

The site includes no Grade Separators.

7. Minor...Bridges .

The details of the Minor Bridges are as per Appendlx A-3

8. Culverts

The details of the Culverts are as per Appendix A-4.

9. Bus bays and Truck Lay byes

There are no bus byes and truck lay byes on the Project Highway.

10, Permanent Bridge, Bypass or Tunnel costing Rs 50 crore or more - Nil

4 Lanirtg of Rahtak Jind
347.800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 ofNH-7IA to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under NHDP
Phase 111 in the Stale of Haryana Pag8A - 3
National Hiqhwavs Authority of India Schedules ,,

Appendix -.A1

Existing ROW
. .

Existing Chainage (Urn) iota,

S.No. Remarks ' .
'(in m)
From To
1 307+000 347+800 25

4 Laning of Rohtzk J~ndSecrion from km 307 000 to km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link from km
347 800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH.7IA to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under NHDP
Phase 111 in the Slate of Haryana Page A - 4
Nafional H~qhwaysAulhorily of India Schedules

Appendrx - A 2

Existing Carrlageway Width

Width (both Side) (both Side)

7.0 1.5 1.O to 2.0

4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 3b7.0~0ro krn 347:80~ of NH-71 and connecting link from
347.800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH-7IAfo be cxecuted as BOT [Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under
Phase 111 in the State of Haryana
Nabonal Hiohways Aulhorilv of India Schedl~iss

Appendix - A3

Details of Existing Minor Bridges

4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 to km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting
347.800 of NH-71 to km 9 400 of NH-71A to be execured as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern
Phase Ill in rhe Srate of Haryana Page A - 6
National Hiohwavs Authqritv of India Schedul~

Appendix A-4

1 308+293
-1 x 8.31 1x10
2 313715 Slab 1 x 9.03 1x10
3 319566 Slab 1x747
4 316+013 Slab 1 x 4 329 1x10

5 1 319+416 Slab
------ 1 x 2.85 1x10

6 1 320~937 Slab 1 x3772 1x10

7 327~492 Slab 1 x 11.22 1x10
8 328+452 Slab 1 x 3.3 Ix i 0

9 1 332+792 Slab 1 x 2.788 1x10 .

10 1 333+157 Slab 1 x 3 395 1x10

12 333+794 Slab 1 x 2.563 , 1x l 0

13 336+458 Slab Ix 4.31 5 1x10
14 337+522 Slab
1 x 3.006
1 x 2.862
16 1 337~867 Slab - ' .Ix 4.297 1x10 -
17 337+936 Slab 1 x 5.000 1x i 0
18 338+823 Slab 1 x2.42 1x10
19 339+432 . Slab 1 x 4.45 1x10
20 339+779 Slab 1 x4.15 1 x 10
21 340+117 Slab 1 x 5.217 1x10
22 1I - - --
940t264 I
Slab I
1 x 6.4 I
. ?. .x. 1. 0- I
23 '1 340+468 Slab Ix4.37 :lxia
24 1 341t099 Slab 1 1 x4.07 1 1x10

36 1 345+503 Slab 1 x3.69 ' 1 1x10

1 3' / 346+087 1 Slab 1 1~4.53 1 1x10 1
38 / 346+382 Slab Ix 3 5 6 1x10

4 L a n ~ n gof Rohrak J ~ n dSecr~onfrom km 307 000 a *m 347 800 of NH-71 and connecting l ~ n kfrom h
347 800 of N H - 7 1 10 km 3 400 of NH-71A lo be executed 8 s B I) projec~on DBFO Pattern under NHDP
Phase III In rhe Srate of Haryana
4 . .
Page A 7 -
~ a l i o n aHiqhwavs
l Aulhorilv of India Schedules


'1 Sr. No.. 1 Chainage ( 1 Site I

4 Laning of Rohrak Jind Secrion from km 307.00b t i km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link from
347.800 of NH-7 I co km 9.400 ofNH-71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) proiecton
. . DBFO Pattern under
Phase 111 in the State of Haryana Page A - 8
National Hiqhways Authority of India Schedules


(See Clause 2. I )


1 Development of the Project Hlghway

Development of the Project ~ i ~ h wshall a ~include construction of the Project

Highway as described in this Schedule-B and in ~chedule;~.

2 Four-Laning

2.1 Four-Laning shall include the Four-Lane Project ~ i g h w as

a ~described in Annex-l of
this Schedule-8 and Annex-l of Schedule-C.

2.2 Four-Laning shall be completed by the C.oncessionaire in conformity with the

Specifications andstandards set forth in Annex-l of schedule-D.

3 Laning of Rohfak lind Section born krn 307.000 to km j47.800 of NH-71 and c o ~ e c t i n elink Fro
347.800 of NH-7 I to krn 9.400 ofNH-7 l A to be executed as BOT (Toll) prole:ct on DBFO ~ a t t e under
Phase 111 in the State of Haryana Page B - 1
. ..
. .,
National Hiahwavs Authority of India Schedules
i. ..
.. -.
, .,
\ L*

$.'.' ., A

Annex - l cry .

,!.. - ?

d, .;..;-;. -
Description of 4-laning
fb..,'.'' :
1 Width o f carriageway
1.I The carriageway shall be 2 x 8.75 meters (7.0 + 1.5 + 0.25) wide. -'..
. ., h

2 Project Facllities 'w'


) -
Project facilities shall be constructed in conformity with Annex-l of Schedule-C.
3 Specifications and standards
;..-fi 1,
The Project Highway shall be constructed in conformity with the Specifications and
Standards specified in Annex-l of Schedule-0.

4 Other Features of Four Laning

4.1 Cross Sections

The Project Highway shall be improved to 4-lane contlguration with paved shoulder
with or without Service Roads. The entire road portion shall be 4-lane including the
bridges and other structures. 'The typical cross sect~onsalong with different types of
cross section required to be developed in different segments of the project highway
are indicated in Appendix B-I.

4.2 Alignment Plan and Longitudinal Section

The'Plan & Profile of project highway is given at Appendix 6-2in soft copy.
4.3 Service Road , ,. . .-
p. ..
Service Roads shall be provided in.lengths indicated in Appendix 8-3 4.,
, 4.4 Proposed Right of Way
The details of the Proposed ROW are given in Appendix 8-4.
. .
c;' ,- . .
- -.

. . 4.5 Proposed Bypasses . .

. . -
The details of the proposed bypasses are given in Appendix 8-5.

4 ianing o f Rohtzk Jind Section from krn 307.000'to'km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link fro
347.800 of ~ ~ : ro7 krn 1 9.400 of NH-7LA ro be executed as BOT (To10 project on DBFO Pattern under N
Phase I l l in the State of H q a n a Page'B - 2
, !
National Hjghways Authonty of lndia Schedules

4.6 At Grade Intersection

At grade intersections shall be provided at the intersection of service roads and all
intersecting roads .at locations specified'in Appendix 9-6 for major and minor

4.7 Grade Separated Interchanges

The grade separated interchanges shall be as provided as given at Appendix B-7.

4.8 Underpasses

Vehicular and Cattle underpass shall be provided at location given at Appendix 8-8.

4.9 Major Bridges

No Major Bridge is proposed for the project.

4.10 Minor Bridges

- . . ~

Minor bridges as listed in Appendix B-9 shall be provided, widened, reconstructed,

or extended.

4.11 Culverts

Culverts shall be provided, widened, reconstructed, or extended as listed in

Appendix 8-10

4 Lanlng o f Rohrak lmd Sect~onfrom kk 307.000 to km 347 800 of NH.71 and connecting llnk t?
347 800 ofNH-71 to krn 9 400 of NH-71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under
Phase Ill ~nrhe State of Haryana Page 6 - 3
Nalional Hiqhways Aufhorilv of Indie Schedules

Appendix B-I

Proposed Chainage
C/S : . Length (~rn'.)

1 4 301
1 1 11




, ,




Type - 2

Type 4

Type - 2

Type - 4

' .





316.550 320.600 Type - 2 4.050


7 322.125 322.950 Type - 4 0.825

8 322.950 / 323.900 Type - 3 0.950

9 323.900 325.050 Type - 4 1.150

I 11 1, 326.375 ( 327.750 ( ' Type- 1 I , 1.375 1

13 329.050 329.850 -
Type 4 0.800

14 329.850 331.150 Type - 1 ' 1.300

15 ' 331.150 331.400 Type - 3

16 331.400 334.750 Type - 1

17 334.750 335.750 Type- 3 .

18 335.750 336.500 Type - 4

19 336.500 337.450 Type - 3


20 1 337.450 338.600 Type - 1 1.150

21 338.600 339300 Type - 4

A nn

4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section born krn 307000 to krn 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link fro
347.800 of NH-7 1 to km 9.400 of NH-7 l A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project
Phase 111 in the State of Haryana' Page 6 - 4
National Hi~hwaysAuthority of India Schedule$

34 354.350 . 355.030 Type - 4 0.6~0

35 355.030 355.600 Type 3 - 0.570

Type 1 -Widening on LHS

Type 2 -Widening on RHS

Ty'pe 3 New Construction

Type 4- Four Lane with Service Road

'1 6 4
4 Laning of Rohtak 1 i n d ' ~ e c t i o nfrom krn 307:000 to km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link fi
347.800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH-7 IA to be executed as BOT (Toll) . . ~. r o.i e c on
t DBFO Pattenn u n d e ~
Phase 111 in the State of Haryana Psge 8 5 - y v
National Hiqhwavs Authoritv of lndia Schedules

Appendix 6.2

Plan B Profile L.
i .

(Refer CD enclosed) '+

4 LaningofRohtak Jind Section from km 307 000 to krn 347.800 ofNH.71 and connecting link from km 347.800 ofNH- I
71 to km 9.400 ofNH-71A to bc executed as BOT (Toll) projccl on DBFO Pattern under NHDP Phase I l l in the State of
Haryana Page 6- 6
National H;~hwavsAuthoritv of India Schedules

Appendix 8-3

Proposed Chainage
SI. ~ e & h of service Road Width Side-
No. (in Km) (m)
From To
1 308+450 309+200 0.750 7+00 Both Side

2 315+800 316+550 0.750 7+00 Both S i d e

3 322+125 . 322+950 0.825 7+00 Both Side

4 323+900 325+050 1.150 .7+00 Both Side

, -! The aggregate length of Service Road on both side of project highway Is 18.710 krn.


4 Lan~ng Jlnd Sect~onfrom km 307 000 to am 347 SO0 ofNH-71 and connecllng link from km 347.800 ofNH- !
71 to km 9.400 ofNH-71A to he executed as DOT (Toll) prolect on DBFO Panern under NHDP Phase Ill in [he Stare of I

Haryana Page B- 7 I

- I
National H;uhwavs Aulhorilv of India Schedules

Appendix 8-4


Existing Chainage (km) Design Chalnage (km) Proposed ROW (m)
No. .
From To From To

1 307t000 347t800 307+000 355t600 60

4 Laning o f Rohtak Jind Section horn krn 307.000 to k n 347.800 ofNH-7 I and conneciing link from km 347.800 of N H -
7 1 to krn 9.400 ofNH-71A to be executed as DOT (Toll) project on DBFO Palten under NHDP Phase I11 in the Staic of
Haryana Page B- 8
Nalional Hiqhways Authorily oilndia Schedules

Appendix 5-5


SL NO. Name of Bypass start Bypass end Design Proposed

Bypass length carriageway
Existing Design Existing Design
chainage chalnage chainage chalnage

1 Julana 320t600 320+600 325t700 326+375 5 775

bypass 2x875
2 Lakhan 334+070 334+750 336+500 337t450 2.700 meters (7.0
Majra t 1 5 + 0.25)

Bypass wide
3 Rohtak 347t800 348t775 9+400 of 355+600 6,825
bypass NH-71A
Total Bypass length , 15.300

4 Laning o f R o h ~ a kJind Section from km ;07.000 to

km 347.800ofNH-71 and connecting link from km 347.800 of NH.
7 1 to krn 9.400 ofNH-7 l A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Paltern under NHDP Phase I11 In rhe Slate of
Haryana Page 8- 9
National Hiqhways Authority of India Schedules

Appendix B-6

Sr. Exlstlng Design Chalnage Category of existing Type of Remarks

No. Chainage Road JuncUon

Start of Julana
1 320t600 . ' 320+600 NH-71. Junction
. . Bypass

End of Julana
2 329700 326+375 NH-71 Junctlan

Start of ~ a k h a n
3 3344070 334+?51) NH-71 Junction MaIra Rypass'

End of Lakhan Majra

4 336+500 . 337+450 NH-71 Y Jundon Bypass

Start of Rohtak
5 347+800 . 348+775 NH-71 . . Y Junction
Bypass.. .

4 Laning of Rohrak Jind Sec~ionfrom k m 307.000 to km 347.800 ofNH.71 and connecting link from km 347.800 of NH-
71 to km 9.400 of NH-71.4 to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pauern under NHDP Phase 111 in the State of
Hzryana Page 8-10
National Hicrhways Aolhorilv of India ~chedies


Sr. Existing Deslgn Side Carriageway

NO. Chalnage Chalnage ( Left IRight) Width (m)
I 307t530 307+530 lefl 3.9 Village Road

314+840 314+840 Crossing 33 Village Road '

lo 315+580 315+580 C~ossing 3.5 Village Road

l1315+800 315+800 Left 3.5 Village Road
- - -- Right
316t190 316t190 I 55 Vlllage Road
l3 316+570 316+570 Right 3.2 Village R w d

l4 1 '316t640 1 316+640 1 Right 1 4.0 ( Village Road I

l5 317+550 ' 317+550 Fight 3.0 Village Road
16 325t320 3251915 Right 4.3 Village Road
17 325t970 326675 Right 25 Village Road .

I l9

/ 3261430

1 327i045

1 l efl


I Village Road
327t400 328+010 Rtght 7.O V~llageRoad

1 20 3271500 328+080 Lefl 2.5 Village Road

21 3271620 328+220 4.0 Villaae Road

Page El- 1 I
Nalional Hiohways Authorily of India ~chedules

39 344+600 345+400 Left 3.5 Village Road

40 345+610 346+410 Grossing 5.5 Village Road
' 41 347t020 347+820 Right 3.5 Village Road
--- .

4 Laning o f Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 to km 347.800 of N H - i l and connecting link from km 3 4
71 to km 9.400 o f NH-71A to be executed as ROT (Toll]I project on DBFO Partern under NHDP Phase 111 in the S~a\eo f
Nalional Hiqhwavs Authorily of lndia Schedules

Appendix 8-7


-s 0

z .-0
0" m
- 0 u
B w

NH-71 & New 4 PSC Girder with 1 x 15.00+ 1 x

1 Bypass 355+06O
E n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O f NH Lane RCC Slab 30 00+ 1 x 15 00 -.24m 5'5rn
1 l a

4 Laning ofRohtak Jind Section from krn 307.000 to krn 347.800 ofNH-71 and connecting link from km 347 800 of NH- I
7 ) to km 9.400 ofNH-7lA to be execured as BOT(Tol1) project on DBFO Pattern under NHDP Phase I l l in the State of
Haryana Page 0- 13
Nationel Hiohwsys Aulhoritv of India Schedules

Appendfx B-8
- d) cn
Cn m 2 ' C
(II '
C .-'I7 .-m
i; .c
%a $ 2 ~ 31-"
0 f
Z uI
u E .;; :a 5 P
,-01 2 :2 ?St., e a
U) U) a m 0 a .2
0 CI
W a Y
-C .
New RCC 'Ox
ixl0.5m 24 m 5.5m
1 308t818 308+823 Road to Village Kinana '
Lane Structures
2X2 RCC Box 5.5m
2 316+180 316+180 Road to Jaijaiwanli Village 1x10.5m 24 rn
New2X2 RCCBox 5.5m
3 322+495 Road to Julana 1x10.5in 24m
Julana Lane Structures
Bypass New RCCBox
4 324t300 Road to Gohana Village 24 m
1~10.51~1 5.5m
Lane Strudures

5 328t750 329+440
New 2 X
Road to ~ a i h w a l a . ~ ~ l l a ~ e
24 5.5m
. . .-
Lane str,,dures

Lakhan Maira 336+123 ,
New 2 X
R ~ ~ ~ ~ S H - I G A
* RCC Box 1x10.5m 24 m 5.5m
. . -. <.
. . 1 ane
RCC so'
7 338t045 339t000 Road to indorgarh Village 1~10.5m' 24; 5.5m
Lane Strucl,,res
-- ... .-.
New RCC 'Ox
8 343+100 344+050 Road to ~ h a ~ w a t i pVillage
ur 1x10.5m 24 m 5.5m
Lane Structures
... ,

9 345+%5 34ti+S;I.? Road to Thitholi Village .

Cane Structures
'Oh Ncw 2 X 2 RCC Bow
350t500 Hoad to Sanghi Villege Ix10.5m 24 m 5.5m
L1u Bypass --. \-
Cane Structutes


m rn
c d)
P :- 0 *
d L zz 3 2 :5 5 .CE
G J .D
E: 8 T;J =c
0 0
g "-52
.-a 2 :P Em$ P
Lz ao ec 9;;
k * 0
0 U) ae < :
324t746 Road lo Surakhera V~llage
New 2 X 2 RCC Box
~ypass lx7m 24 m 4.5m
Lane Structures

Road to Nas~rpurand Ne
353t285 lx7m 24m 45m
Charnaaa villepr

4 Laning of Rohtak llnd Secrlcn ficm k n 307 000 l o krn 34
7 1 to km 9 400 of NI1.7 lA ro be executed as DOT (Toll) pi
Q National Highways Authority of India - Schedules

Appendix 6-9



al m P, C
ol m
m .- - 8 P m e 0 2
=V.- .-m u h
$5 =a
O 9e.s g:
5o .c e mae eJ % g
-z g u o gO tZ ;~ ~" o 7,g
m .,-

a'z:u E'Z
a 2 C
E m
0 =
ea 5


313.766 313+766 Rlght
:: 1 S1abiOpen
3 r 95 2 4 rn
of ex~sllng
Bridge to New 4

2X2 RCC Slab 8 Open of existlng
2 5
332t473 333+163 Right Lane Foundallon
l2 24
Br~dgeto New 4
-. -


339+981 340+900 Skew

2X 2
RCC Slab 8 Open
1 x7,5 24
of existing
Bridge to New 4

4 )
350+490 - Lane
RCC 'lab
3 x 12.5 24 rn
Construction of
New 4 lane

4Lan~ngof Rohtak lind Sect~onfrom km !07 000 to km

347 800 of NH-71 to km 9 400 ofKH-7lA to be execuled as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Panern under
NHDP Phase 111 ~n the State ofHaryana Page 6-15
1 1 1 1 1
x N


'ON 3901t18 I

'ON'S r- N m
National Hiohways Aulhorify of India Schedules

Appendix 5-70
A. Reconstruction I Widening and New Construction Scheme for Slab Culverts
-. ' ,

4 Laning of Rohrak Jind Section km 307.000 to km 347.8
71 ro km 9.400 of NH-71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) proje f
National Hiqhwavs Authority of India Schedules '

d., . a '
\ ' ,'

. .. ' r - ,
* -'
. .
.. e
d-:- . .
(-. ,:' -
) -\
- .

9 .-,

'-..- I. . .

;. -3.
A'; )

15 362t230 Aox New Cnnr:lr~~cliilr~ . - 4.00 32.0m

-6 Rohlak Bypass ' 352t690 Box New Conslruction 4.00 32.0m
47. 354t081 Box New Construction 32.0m
48 355t035 Box New Construclion ., - 4.00 32.0m

B. Reconstruction I Widening and New Construction Scheme for Pipe Culverts

ase Ill in the $ate o f

' . Haryana
National Hiohways Atrlhorih of India Schedules
National Hiqhways Authoniv of India Schedules


48 339+E26 %339+497 Pipe Culyert HP Culvert 1 x SO0 lZo0 Reconstruction

49 341 +904 342+825 Pipe Culvert HP Culvert 1 x 900 I2O0 Reconslruction
50 343+075 343998 Pipe Culvert HP Culvert 1 x 900 -. l2O0 Reconstruction
1 x 1200 Reconslruction
51 344+495 345+418 Pipe Culverl HP Cvlvert 1 x 900 32.0m
1 x 1200 Reconstruction
52 347+482 348t405 Pipe Culvert HP Culvert 1 x 900 Proposed 32.0m

1 x 1200 Reconslruclion
53 347+623 348+547 Pipe Culvert HP Culvert 1 x 800 Proposed 32.0m
4 .
54 349+450 HP Culvert 1 x 1200 New Conslruction 32.0m
55 351+129 HP Culvert 1 X 1200 New Conslruction 32.0m
- ' 0

351+930 HP Culvert 1 x 1200 New Construclion

HP Culvert 1 x 1200 New Conslruction
57 Rohtak 352+379 32,0m
----- Bypass .
58 352+882 HP Culvert 1 X 1200 New Construction 32.0m
59 353+678 HP Culvert 1 x 1200 . New Construction 32.0~
60 354t717 HP Culvert 0 New Construction 44,6m

4 Laning o f Rohtak iind Section horn h 307.000 to & 147.8

71 to km 9.400 of NH-7 I A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under NHDP -
Page 8 - 20
National Highways AuthoriW of India Schedules

(See Clause 2.1)
I Project Facilities
The Concessionaire shall construct the Project Facilit~esin accordance with the provisions of
this Agreement. Such Project Facilities shall include:
(a) Toll Plaza; : 1 No.
(b) Roadside Furniture: : Yes
Street Lighting; : Yes
Pedestrian Facilities; : Yes
Landscaping and Tree Piantation, . Yes
Rest Areas; : 1 No.
Truck Lay-byes; : No.
Bus-bays and Bus Shelters; : Yes
Cattle Crossings; i:YP
Development of site for wayside amenities; : Yes
Traffic Aid Posts; : Yes
Medical Aid Posts; . Yes
Vehicle Rescue Posts; and :Yes'
Telecom System. : Yes

2 Project Facilities for Four-Laning

Project Facilities forming part of Four-Laning and to be completed on or before the

Project Completion Date have been described in Annex-l of this Schedule-C.

4 Laning ofRohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 to km 347.800 ofNH-71 and connecting link From km 347.800 of
NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH-71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under NHDP Phase Ill in thc !
State of Haryana Page C - 1
W .

National Hiqhways Authorifv of India Schedules

Annex I -
Project Facilities for Four-Laning

1. Project ~ a c i l i t i e s

The Concessionaire shall construct the project Facilities described in this Annex-l to
form part of the Four-Lane Project Highway. The Project Facilities shall include:

(a) Toll Plazas;

(b) Roadside Furniture;

(c) Pedestrian Facilities;

(d) Tree Plantation;

(e) Truck Lay-byes;

(f) Bus-bays and Bus Shelters; and
(g) others (to be specified)
Highway Lighting
Highway Patrol
Telecorn Svstem
Development of site for wayside amenities
Traffic Aid Posts
Medical Aid Posts
Vehicle Rescue Posts

Highway'Traffic Management System

2. Description of Project Facilities ..? -

4 , -

Each of the Project Facilities is briefly descr~bed

4 Laning of Rohtak lind Section from km 307.000 to km 347.800 ofNH.71 and connecting link from km 347.800 o
NH-71 to krn 9.400 ofNH-71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) projec~on DBFO Pattern under NI-IDP Phase I l [ in the
, State of Haryana Page C - 2
I '-,
National Hiohways AvfhoriV of India Schedules

a) Toll Plaza (1 no.)

One number of Toll Plaza has been recommended at Chainage Km. 340+400
(ext.) (Design Chainage Km. 341t375).
Specifications and other requirements of the toll plazas shall be strictly as per

b) Rest Area (1 No.)

1 No. of Rest Area at Chainage Km 346+900 (ext.) (Design Chainage Km.

'? c) Road Side Furniture

The provision of road side furniture shall be finalized as per NHAl Manual of
Specifications and in consultation with the Independent Consultant.

(i) Traffic Signs and Pavement Markings

Traffic signs and pavement markings shal! .include roadside signs,
overhead signs; curb mounted signs and,road markings along the Project
Highway. The design and marking for the Project Highway shall be as per
the design standard indicated in Schedule-D and the location for various
treatments shall be finalized in consultation with the lndependent

(ii) Metal Beam Crash Barrier, Concrete Crash Barriers, Separators (M. S.

(iii) Traffic Safety Devices wherever required

(iv) , Boundary Stones

(v) Hectometer IKilometer Stones

(vi) Traffic Blinker Signal (L.E.D) at intersections

d) Pedestrian Facilities

Pedestrian facilities in the form of guard rails, footpath, lighting, etc shall be provided
as per required.

e) Landscaping and Tree Plantation

Landscaping of Highway shall be.done on, but

.. 102
Laning of Rohtak Jind Secrion from km 307.000 to lan 347.800 ofNH-
g link from km 347.800 of
NH-71 to km 9.400 ofNH-71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) projecl on DBFO Pattern under NHDP Phase 111 in the

* .o't' .

State of Haryana ' Page C - 3 I

National Hiqhways Authorih, of lndia Schedules


Grade Separated Intersections

At-Grade islands of the intersection locations

Toll Plaza area

f) Bus Bays IBus shelters (44 Nos.)

The concessionaire shall provide minimum of 44 nos. of Bus Bays along the project
highway and the Incations are given in Appendix C-1. The design of Bus Bays should
be aesthetically pleased with surrounding. The locations of these bus bays shal! be
finalized by the concessionaire in consultation w ~ t hthe IC.

g) Others
The following facilities shall be provided as per Concession Agreement .
1) Highway Lighting
The truck laybyes and 50 m length (minimum) of the Project Highway on its
either side shall be illuminated at night to provide a minimum illumination of
' 4DLux.

2) Highway Patro!

Minimum 2 nos. of Highway Patrol unit shall be provided.

3) Ambulances

Minimum 2 nos, of Ambulance unit shall be provided.

4) Cranes

Minimum 2 nos. of cranes shall be provided.

5) Advance Traffic Management System

Minimum 1 nos. of system.

Note: In case of any discrepancy in number or location of any of the project facility
mentioned in this Annex I, the Independent ~ngineershall finalize the number1location of
these facilities as per site requirement.
.q ~ \ g hi..

4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section From krn 307.060 to km 347.800 of NH-
# @#:,:
NH-71to krn 9.400 ofNH-71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under NHDP Phase 111 in the
State of Haryana
cting link from krn 347.800 of

Page C - 4
:c... . "
National Hiqhways Aulhority of India Schedules

Appendix C - i
------ -- --
St. Left Right
No' Existing Chainage Proposed Chainage
Existing Chainage Proposed Chainage
- - .
1 307+450 307+450 307+600 307+600
2 308+450 308+350 309+200 309+350
3 310t650 31 0+650 310+850 310+850
4 312+100 312*100 312+300 312+300
5 313+6CO 313+600 313+600 313+60C
6 315+700 315+700 316+750 316+750
7 317t450 31 7+450 317+650 317+650
8 320+350 320t350 320+500 320+500
9 325+760 326+435 325+760 326+435
10 328+100 328+790 328+370 328+060
11 330+020 330+720 330+270 330+970
12 330+950 331+640 331+090 331 +775
13 334+000 334+685 334+050 334+735 .
14 336+600 337+570 336+600 337+570
15 337+550 338+515 338+550 339+575
- -

16 340+975 341 +950 341+225 342+200

17 342+600 343+570 343+675 344+650
18 343+930 344t900 343+930 344+900
19 345+020 346+000 346+025 347+000
20 347+625 348+600 347+625 348+600
21 350+000 351+050
Rohlak Bypass Rohtak Bypass
22 353+200 353+450

.., .....L -

Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 to km 347.800 ofNH-71 and connecting link From km 347.800 of
NH-71 ro km 9.400 of NH-71A to be execuLed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Panem under NHDP Phase 111 in h e
Stare of Haryana Page C - 5
Nationil Hiqhwavs ~"fhorifyof India Schedules


(See Clause 2.1)


1 Four-Laning

The Concessionaire shall comply with the Specifications and Standards set forth in Annex-I of
this Schedule-D for constructioll of the Four Lane Project Highway.

p i -

. ,


. -
":. -.

- .

- _


.. 185 ..
. 9
4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 to km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link from km
NH-7 I to krn 9.400 of NH-71A 10be executed as BOT (Toll) projecL on DBFO Panern under NHDP Phase Ill in the
State of Haryana Page D - 1 ....
..... .
National Hiahwavs Aufhorilv of India Schedules

Annex - I


Specifications and Standards for Four-Laning

1 Manual of Specifications and Standards to apply

of Paragraph 2 of this h e x - 1 , [Four-Laning] of the Project
Subject to provisio~~s
Highway shall conform to the Manual of Standards & Specifications for Four Laning of
Highways - 1RC:SP:BA - 2009 published by IRC in October, 2009 (An authdnticated
copy of the Manual has been provided to the Concessionaire as parts of the bid

2 ~eviationsfrom the Manual

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the aforesaid Manual, the following
Specifications and Standards shall apply 'to the Four Lane Project Highway, and for purposes of
this Agreement, the aforesaid Manual shall be deemed to be amende&to the extent set.forth

1 1 1 I ( Clause Reference I
Location Item ~ e s c r i ~ t i oofnDeviation
Para of 4 lane Manual






- , .

4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 to km 347.800 ofNH-71 and connecting link from km 347.800 of
NH-71 10 km 9.400 ofNH-7iA to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under NHDP Phase 111 in the
Page D - 2 1

State of Haryana

. '
j '

. ... . FORFOUR LANING . .

i ..
, f

..I1::;;::::* ..



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I .:.
. . . . Published by
i . :'.

i Karna Koli Marg. ........

1. ' '.. , .:
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Sector 6, R.K.'Puram,,
New Delhi-110022
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; >, jr?acking and Postage chargss ex!!a)

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Published in October, 2009

(The Righls 01 ~~rb1icatio.n

and dranslatian are reserved)

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Printed at Ind~aOffset Press, New Delhi-110 064

(500 copies)
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.. . , C'JNTEMTS: ' .
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.. . Si. No. . ~artici~lars

)i . .

f General specifications and ~$!-tdards

~ e r s o n n e l othe
. .>
. Committee
... ... .

: . ?. General
. .

.. .

2. Geonreiric Design and Genera!.Featltres. . . . .

; ... . . .
,. 3 Intersections and Grade Separators .
I:.;.'. -

I"' , ,..
' 4. . Embankment and Cut Sections

, , ' , 5 pavement Design .. '

. . . .
: ..
, 6 ,Highway Drainage . ' 55

7 Design of Slructures 63
":i 1: . .:.. ,

8 , ater rials 81

. . ~raffic
control DeviceslRbad ~ a f e t i ~ e v i c e s j ~ Side
o a dFurniture. , . '89
. ,

. .
, ' 10 . Toll Plazas
. . I . '

.i , 11 ~ a n d s c a ~and
i n ~~ i e Plantation
e .. . :. ' ,

, , . .
. . 12 Project Facilities.
. .
. .
. .

13 . Special Requirements for Hill doads . .

. .
Appendix -1

Appendix :2

1. . I ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ : ~ ~ - ~

0,lh-June, 200'3)
. -
1 :'.'

1. . Shri V.K:Sinha ~ h ~ h d&ec(or

l . -
General I. hAinislry of Shipping.
(Conve?or) Road Transport 8 Highways. Deptt. of Road T F g~
.,- Highways,Transport Bhavan, New Delhi - 110 001
: .:
!. .
2. . Shri Nirmaljit Sinyh -
TheP;ddl. Director C;enerai I!, Ministr;] cf Shipping,
1 :. Y
(Co-Convenor) ~ o a ; f ~ r a n s p o r IHighways,
& Dept!. of Road T P 8~
a n , Delhi - 110 001
; Highylays, ~ r a n s ~ o l l ~ h a vN,ev/

. ' . 3 , , i h r i C. Kandaiamy . T& ~hii?fi"~in&r

(R) (S8 R I llinistrj O! ,

I ...
. ..,. (Member-Secretary) . ; Shipping, Road Transportand Highways, . .
~ r i New Delhi 210001, -
'. ~ r $ n s ~BhaGan, -
.. , .
. '.
~. ? . . ,. . ., ~ i n i t i e r s :.. .
. .
4. Shri R.D. Ram .~ngi~e~i;in-~hief-cum-Addl. Comm. -cum-$1.
secretary, Rural Construclion Deptt., . .
.. ' . . . - . - . .

I. . ., Vishweshwaraiya Bhawan Campus,

II.:: .' . . ... .Patna t.BOO O i 5
I . 5. . 5hri Shailendra Kurnaf , chief 'Engin,e,er (NtI). M.P. P.W.0,. '
F : ..;. satbura,13h*.an, 1st Floor. Bhopal - 462'003
i , .

. .
, . .
Shri H.s; Chahal 1 -.,':.. Vice chancellor; Deenbandhu Chotturam
Universi!~of Science &Technology,
. .

i!: . .
b , . ~uithal,Sonipat
. i!
. :7. prof. S.S. chakrab&ily ' Managing ~irector,Consulting Engp Sewices (1)
1 . . . . . Itd., 57,'~ehruPlace, New Delhi ;110 019
[ ,

1 9: Shri P. K. Oatta
. .
' ~ x & t i v i Director. Consulting Engg. Sepices (I)
. ,Pvt. Ltd.., 57,,Nehru Place, 5th . Floor
. .
, . , . ,

i . . . . New'~.elhi I10
. 016 -
j . .

! . . 9. ~ h iH.i 0. Vala chief ngineer (R 8 6)Depll. G9vt of Gujarat.

. 81ock,No-14; New Sachivalaya,
, -.,
. ' .
' Gandhinagar :382 010 ..

1i 10. . ~ h o d a ~ k a r ,:'.
s ~ & A N. ' chief Engineer, Ministry of Shipping. Road .
1 : . . . Transport'& Highways, Transporl Bhavan, . '., .

i New Delhi -'I10 001

' ,.
11. Shri 0. P. ~ u p t a DG (RD) &AS, MOST.(Reld.)
1i '

I ...

- .
i . ..
.12. Shri Vishl,\/as Jaiil Managing Director, Cons1.1ltingEngineersGroup
iI LtlJ., E-I2, Moji Colony,'~\~lal\/iya
hlagar, ,laipur
.. .
1 .13. Shii A. C. Bortlr~lci c h i d Engineer (N. H.VJorks?,Assam. Cbsndmari,
1. -Guwahati 731 013
1 . '
~ h rc~.'G.
1 . .
l4. i blarathe"
Chief Engineer, Nasik Public Works Region,
Trimbak Roatl, Nasik - 422 002
I. .
I.. I Shri Pitlahi Roy Managing Director, Lea Associates (SA) Pvt. LIC.
I . ' , Choudhu~f 8-li~27,.bdohyan Co-op. lndi~strialEstate,
1.. .
fvlathurd Roacl New Delhi. 110 044
i< s'
'1 6. Shri A. 0. I\larain : DG (RU)&AS,F/IOST(Retd.), B-'186, Sector-26,
. . Noida.- 203 30.1 ? .

1 . ' 17. ~ h rArun

i Kurnar ' :- ~ n ~ i n e e r - i n - ~ h i eP fPVVD,
;~. b.s Club, ' ;
i . . .'.
-Mahajan -
Shimla 171 001 .:
; 18. Shri B. C. Pradhan - Chief Engineer (NH), Sachivalya Marg, ' '

!,. Unit-IV, Bhubaneshwar-751 001 Orissa

1 19. Shri S: K.Puri .Member (kchnicai), Nalional llighways~uthority
-.' India, Plot No:G - 5 8 6, Dwarka, Sector 10.
. . '

! '
.: 'NebvDelhi--110075 . .
, ,
. .
. ! . ,
20. Shri K. 8. Rajoria
. : EncjinCkr-in-Chief, Delhi PWD (~etd:),;~-25, ..
I . .
. . . . :

' Gfeater KgilashPart II Enclave, NeL! Qelhi 110 048 -

j . . . .
,21. Shri V. Raviridranath'.' . ' .chief F;nginP;~,r(R R R) R ~ a n a g i nDirector,
!i . '. .
. . .
, . ..
.' APRDC, Room No. 207, NH Building,Eriummanzil,

i .. . . . " Hydonbad. 500 082

. . . . .

! 22. i N. Oas'. ':.. .

~ h. ..rS.. . .chief ~"ginee;(~ech.),~ i n i s t l of
' , y shipping, ..

I ' Road Transport'&Highways, Transpoit Bhawan, ,

! ; , .. New Delhi 110 001 _ . . . -

i . 23. Shri Ramesh Chandra :. .Ch:ef ~n~inser(Rohini),

Delhi Development
1 '
Authority, sector-3, Near Deepali Chowk, Rohini,
. : . , . . Delhi -.I10 085
f . .
24 Shii ~ a r n a s h a i k a r: . ' , pist ~ecretary~eneral.IRC. C-478. 11 lo or.
! .
Sharma. w - 110 018
Vlkas ~ u r i , ' ~ eDelhi
i 25. Shri N. K. Sharma 'chief ~ngineer,National Highways,
11 ~aGsthanPWD, Jaipur - 302 006
. .

26. Shri K. B Lal Singhal E-in-C Havana PWD (Retd.), House No. 684,
Sector 16, Panchkula - 134 109 (Halyana)
11 . .
- 27. ' Dr.&I. G. Tarnhankar Diri-ctor - ~ r a i j eScientist (SERC;-5) (3etd.j 8
1.. Former Errlaritws$r,isniis? (CSIR),8H-1/44..

1;: fiendriya \/ihar, Settci-'1.1, Kharshar,

iI s
. .Navi E.ilpmhai--.?Id210
j ....:,
28. Shri P.S. Tyagi ..

.. .. . . . . .
. .
~ d :
..Fl,d ~;201,\lasundra !!,allay ~ b a f r n e n tGI-1.3,
1''. . .
Sector VI, \/asundra, Dis!t. ~hazia'barl-19 .
. .
. .
1:.'.,;' . 29. . M4. V. C. Verma . Executive Qirecior-mil ark stir^$ Grienlal S:ructn!.al

. . .
. Engis. ~."t.Ltcl., 2.1,Cornrcercial C~~icplex,
* : ;.
I1 :. 1
'{ ~ a l c h klarg,
a Oiploinatic End.
New Delhi - 1'10 02'1
. . , .. ... . . . . ..
. _ . .
. 30. Shri Ghasi Ram pe,puty Director General (03S). HQ DGBR,. . . . .

1::; -.,. . ' ' .., .

-. 5adak Bhavan, 8 h g Road, Naraina;
Delhi Cant...l\lewDelt~i.110 . . O'IO

I.I - 1:.
... .
31. . P. ~hrivastavi
C O ~0. Director (Design), E.-in-CBranch. Kastimir H r ~ u s e ,
'P. 0.AHQ, Rajaji Marg. New Delhi - 110 011 -
1. . . 32.. ShriKrishna Kumar : .'Chief Engineer, UP PWD. 96. M. G. Mary.
I '

. Lucknow - 226 001

1 .. .. " . .
: . 33: .. Dr. , C. Roy Executive ~irector,Consulting E ~ g gServices
. (I)
.Pvt. Ltd., 57, Nehru Place, 5th Roar,
New Delhi - 110 019 .
Managing Director,
Tandon Consultanls (P)itd.. 17, Link Road,
Jangpura Exln., New Delhi - 110 014

35. . Shri 0.0. Sharma' I - 1 ~ 0 3ChittaianjanPark,

, h - 110 01.9
~ e Delhi . ,

. 36. . Shri Anil Banchor -

Head Business Expansion,ACC Concrete

: ..:'.
Limited. Leela Business Park. 3rd Floor,
Opp. Hotel ~eela,~ndheri ~urla~oad,
Andheri (East) ~ u r n b a-i4.00 059
. II - 371 Co1.A. K. Bhasin Senior Joinl President, MISJaypee Ganga .
I. - ,
i lnfristrucl~~re
Corpn. Ltd., Seclor-128,
I Noida-201 304
I 38. Shri Asholc Kumar
i :,

-. '

... h

1 .
Ex-OHicio Members
'I. Shri D.E. Deshpande . (Presidenl, IRC).Secrelary to the Govt, of
klaharashtra,Sachivalaya, ivlumbai
2. The Director General I\/linislryofShipping, RoadTransporlS. Highways,
.(Road Development) 8. ' .Transport Bhawan; New Delhi 110 00!
Special Secretarjt to the
.Govt. of India
3. Shri R. P, lndoria ' '~ecietatyGeneial, Indian ~ o a d ~s o n ~ r e.s.s. , .
Kama Koti ivlarg, Seclor-6, R. K. Puram, .

New Delhi - .110i022 . . .

. :' . . . . .
I .

1. Shri.N. V. ?vierani
. .
. .
... Former ~ r i n c i ~secretary
ai to Govt:of Mahara'shtra ' . . .. . .
' . . .,PWD, Flat No. 1344, ~uildincj~-47,~darsh'~agar,
. . . .. , Worli., Mumbai :;400025 .. . .

_-~ . .. . .
. .
. '

. . .. . .
__ .. '
.___ .
. . . . .

. 193
. .

.. IRC:SPjM2009

Ex-Officio Memb,ers
. . . . .
1. Shri D.B:.Deshpancle (President, 1RC)Secretary lo the GO\/~.
"'7 'Maha!ashtra,Sachivalaya, Eil\lrnbai . . .
i . . . .... . . . , . _ . . . : .- .
t 2. of$hippifig,
?he Wrector ~ e n e r ~ l . ~ i ? i & Road rianiporl & Higl~ways,
, : ~ e- w11.0.001
I ' ' ' .
I (Road Development)& ~ r , a ? s ~ q ~ ,. ~ h. a i v a. n.Delhi ( _

. . . . $p.ecial Secretary to the . . '. . . . .

-.q .

. . .. . .
, :
' GO^. of lndia . . . ... .. . . .
' ,,

, . . 3. : . . R:P. Indona
Shri : secretary ~ i n a i e llidian
, ~ o s d ~r b n ~ t s s s .
, '

. . . _ Karna Koti Marg, Sector-6,R..#,,Puram,

. .
New Dalhi 110 022 . . . -
,p +rresponding Member :. . ,

. . .
:'- .
1 , .
d. .
ShriN. V. Meranj ':.- . . ' Former.Principal.Secretaryto ~ o v t of. Maharashtra
PWD, Flat No. 1344, ~uilding~-47, Adarsh Nagar.
! ..
CA 1 Worli. ~ u m b a- i400 025 ,

- .
. .
!?* i
. .
, . .
. .
. .
: i .. . . . . . . . .
. .
i .

. . . .: .
. . . .
. . . ..'
. . .
, r-.

.. . >.: . . .I . . . . . . .. . .
. I
! *.
. . .
. . . . .....: ...
? . . . .
_ . . / .
. .. . .
. .
4 : . ' _ .... ,
. .
. .
4 t .
. . . . .:
. .
\ II .. . .., . <
. .
.: . .
. . . . . . . . . .
4 I - . .
. .

.?' if . . .
. .

. . . .

~ I
I . .
i . .

n-. I
, I

?, !
:v , . . 144.
, . .

, .
i The Manual of Speciflcation~~ Standards for Four laning of )-lighWays through Public ,

: .
Private qarlricrship has been irnder the consid~rationof Project Preparation, Contract
!. F~lanagement& Qualityty.Assurancecommittee (GI) since ~anua$20.09.~i~e'draftwas
1 . ... . . ..
disci~ssedby G-1' Committee in a number ofmeetihgs.
1. . .
i, .
- '

The Project preparation, contract Management & Qua~it~~ssurarlce ~om&ttee(per-
,, soilnel giver1 below) in its meeting held on 25.05.2009 has finalized the ~ V ~ Iand
J ~rec-
. ; cmrnencled its si~bn~ission to the General Specifications 8 Standards Committee(GSS) '
i. .

. for their consideration. . '
. .

. .
Puri, S.K. - Convenor
Datta. P.K.' - ' ~c-convenor
Ramana, K. Venkata -. .. Member:Secretary .
. .
.. Members. . .

Alam, Perwez ' . . ~Limar,~ahesh

Bahadur,'A.P. . Mahalaha,R.S.
Basu,B.K, . , Nirma1,S.K.
Rhasin,Col:A.K. Panda,K.c.
~hakra~ani,~. Patwardhan,S.V.
Datta,Arnitabha Ra0,P.R
~avc,~irti Sarin,A:K.
: / .
. .
1. :. Gajria,Maj Gen. K.T. Sharma,M.P. . . .
. j /;,.:+- , .
.Ganesan,K.R.S. . .~harma;~.~.
Gupta,D.P. ' Sinha,N.K
~errna,~ a jV.C.

Ex-Officio ~ernb'er
' (D.B. Deshpan'de)
. ,~ecreiary~eneral,IRC
f (R.P. Indoria) . ..
The draft Manual was approved by lhe General Specifications and Standards
I Committee(GSS)in its meeting held on 10.06.2009 and the Executive Committee in ils
the Secretary General, IRC to place thesame
n1ee:ing held on 16.06 2009 and'auli.~i!i~zed
. .
before Council. Thedocument was approyed by [he IRC Council in its 1881h meeling I.~eld
on 19.06.2009and !he Secretary General ~\/as'authorized to incorporate the comments
! offered by the Council inembers and [hereafterhave it printed.
. . .
.i . ,

* ...
j ....
$ ...
a:... ,
. .

1r::.-: :

. ::. .I.I This Manual is applicable for Four Laning of Highways through Public Private
'., . . ' ,Partnership (PPP) mode. The scope of the work shall be as defined, in the Concession
. .. . .. Agreement. This Manual shall be read harmoniously with the intent of the Concession
. '.Agreement.

1.2 The project Highway and the project facilities shall conform to the requiremerits ..
. .of design-aridsuecifications set out in this
Manual, which arc the minimum prcscribed.
T h e project repqrl and other information provided by theAuthorilyl shall be the
Concession.direonly for its own reference and fol carrying out further investigations. The
Concessionaire shall be solely respondible for undertaking all the.necessary surveys,
:.investigations arid detailed designs in accordante with good industry practice and due
diligence, and:shall have no cl.aim against the Authority for any loss, damage, risk, costs,
liabilities or oblj'gations arising out of or in .iel.ation to the project report and other
information provided by tl~eAuthority.. . . I .

:. - ' '1.3 At least 2 weeks prior to commencement of the work, the.Conce.ssionalreshall

1. ' "

! . . . -draw up a ~ c ~ a l i t y ~ s s u r a Manual
n c e (QAM).covering'tbeQuality System (QS), Quality
! . , '
Assurance Plan (QAP! and documentation for all aspects of the bridge and road works .:
. !
. .
and send three copies each to the Independent Engineer (IE) for review. The class of
quality assurance shall not be less than.Q-3.(Refer'lRC:SP;47 and lRC:SP:57).
!!; '
.1:4 The codes, Standards and Pchnicai .Specificationsapplicable for the design
and construction of project components are: .. .
i . .
; . .
i) . Indian Roads Congress (IRC) Codes and Standards; ( ~ e f e r
' ' Appendix-2).

j ii) Specificationsfor Road and Bridge Wol ks issued by the Ministry of Road
Transport & Highways(M0RTH) hereinafter referred 10 as MORTH or
Ministry's Specifications.

iii) kn3 other standards referred to in the Manual and any supplement issued
with the bid document.

1.5 Latest version of the Codes, Standards, Specifications, etc., notifiedlpublished

at least 60 days before the last date of bid submission shall be considered applicable.

1.6 The terms 'Ministry of Surface Transport', 'Ministry of Shipping, Road

Transport 8 Highways' and 'Ministry of Road Transport and Highways' or any successor
or substituie thereof shall be.considered as synonymous.
. ..1..7
..' . :~.heterms,'lns~ectoi' and.'Engineerr used in MORTH Specifications shall be.
... .deemed to be .subskltuted by the term ."independent Engineern;to'the extent it is ,

- ..;consistent w.ith the provisigns of the Concession Agreement and thls Manual. The role of
., 1he.IndependegtEngineer shall be as definedin the concession Agreement. I
.. 1.8 ln case of any conflict or incoosistencjl in the provisions of the applicable IKC
. . Codes, Standards . or.MORTH
. Specifications, the provisions contained in this Manual
shall apply,.. ..
. . . . .

..: 1.9 In the absence of any specific provision on any,particular issue in the aforesaid
.. ' - i
Codes or specifications read in conjunctiorl with the Specifications and Standards
contained in this Manual, the following standards shall apply in order of priority.

. . .
i) 0ure'au of lndian Standards (01s) ,'
. . . . .
~rneiicao~bsociationof State ~ i ~ h w and
a b Transportalion Officials . .
. . .,. , . ':(AASHTO) Standards or Arnerican.Society for Testing and Materials.
. . . . . .. .. (ASTM) Standards or Euro Codes 'or. Blitish
. Standards or Australian : . .
.. .
.. .. .. Standards
p iii) Any other specificationslstandards by the ~oncessionaii-eand
. .
. . .r reviewed by the I.

I '.
.All items of building works shall conform to Central Public Works Department .
.(CPWD) Specifications for Class Ibuilding works2and stapdards given in the National
..BuildingCode (NBC)); For the Project Highway through the state entity, to the extent ;
> .
:s'pecific provisionsfor building works are made in IRClMORTHSpecifications;the'same
... shall prevail:o&r the CPWDINBC provlsions Forthis purpose, building works shal! be .
: .deemed .to include .ioll.plaza compiek, road furniture, roadside facilities, landscape "

elements sihd10r any other woths incidental to the buildingworks. . . . . .

.. ... .. . . .
. .
' II .
.Guldilines s the concession ~ ~ r e e r n e n t
for Preparing ~ d h e d u l e of
. . . . . . . . '
Certain paras (full orpart) In Sections 1to 13 of!hls Phanual refe'r to the Schedulesof the
Concession Agreement. While finallzlng the feasibilitylljroject report for the Project
,.Highway, and the scope of the project, each of these paras should be carefully examined
'. .and addressed by the Authority with a view to making approprlate provisions in the
Schedulesof..thaConce'ssionAgreernent. (Alist of the Paras that refer to such Schedules , .
., has been.providtjd at Appendix-1 for ready reference).
. ... . . . . - .: '

. .1.12 . . Alternative.Stacdards a n d ~ ~ e c i f i c a t i o n s . .
. . ... , . . . .

:The 'requirements stated in the Manual are the minimum. The Concessionaire will,
however, be. free to adopt international practices,
and standards to bring In innovatio

The Slale Governmenl may prescribe conc

. .
. .
. - better or comparable with the standards prescribed In the Manual. The specifications and '

, techniques whichare not included in the MORTHIIRC Specificatlons shall be supported

. '

., :
with.authentic standards and specifications mentioned in Para 1.9. Such a proposalshall
be submitted by the Concessionaire to the lndependent Engineer. In case, the
. . Independent Engineer is of the opinion that the' proposal submitted by the pi ":, . : ' . ?

Concessionaire is not in conformity with any of the international standards or codesithen
'. . . he will record .his reasons and. convey the same to the Concessionaire for compliance.
. . A record ,shall be kept by the Independent Engineer, of the non-compliance by the
. .. Concessionaire of the minimum Specifications and Standards specified in the Manual.
Adverse consequences, if any, arising from any such nor)-compliance,shall be treated as.
- "Concessionaire Default" and shall be dealf in accordance with the piovisions of the'

::. ConcessionAgreeinent.

. .. . .
. .

: ' '. . 1.13

, ' ~ e n e r acqnsideratlons
l for Plandne, K)est$n and ~onatructl6,n '. , .
. .
" ... .The PcoJect ~ i g h w a
y planned as a "partially access controlled hlghwaynwhere
. .. access to the. highway shall be provided only at pre-determinedlocations. In doing so, the'
. .: . :Concessionaire shall take measures~toovercomethe physicaland operational constraints
and plan, 'design and construct the Project Highway using appropriate methods,
, . management techniques and technologies. General
considerations shall, without being .
."limited to, be as foHows:~
I. , . .
i! . a) - The constraints
;3 ' . .
' ,

. .
s i ~ a i in the existing highway are in the form of limitation
' ., .~ h e , ~ h ~cb~lstraints
/ . ,
.. or'l'iglit-of wov, un-regulated access, inadequate service roads and,

i u'nberpasses, numerous atagradejuncllons, lack of physical separation

! ' .
.. 'between'loc.dl,andthrough traff is ctc. Tho operation constralnts arlse.out
: .. . o f 'ftie necessity.or possibility of closing a portion of the road for
I' . . .' 'construction and/ or diverting the traffic to temporary diversions, thereby
.;1 . ' '
. . reducing' the capacity and Safety of the existing highway. The solutions
.cvolvcl:l by the C~zncsssionaireshall be such that those nparatinnal
1. : . .cbh.'straints are overcome through appropriate plannlng, deslgn and
i construction method, techniques end technologies end by adopting
.' . .. suitable fraffic management measures.
iI . . . ,
! b) . safety of design . .
~ l l ' d , i ? i i ~shall
n s be safe to ensure that the~rojectHighway or any part
'. thereof (for example embankment, pavement, retaining structures,
: . bridges, culverts, etc) does not collapse (global stability) 'nor its
serviceabilitylperformance (for example settlement, roughness,
undulations, deflections, etc) deteriorates below acceptable level as
I prescribed in Schedule K of the'~oncession~greement.
The Project Highway shall not only be safe but also durable. This would
mean-thatthe deteriorat~n~ of
effects climate and environment (for example
b"" ?
1 '
wetting and drying, freezing and thawing, if applicable, temperature
.. , differences, aggressive environment leading to corrosion, etc) in addition

4 .;
to the traffic shall be duly c0nsidered.h design and construction to make
the Project ~ i ~ h wdurable,

1:.. . .
. d) ' Mitigating disruptive effectsof construction
. .

... . .:.
. , . The plann,ing, dgrign~nd.m~struction of thshi~hwayshallbe such that . .
.,..... b, ''.theconstructionof Project ~ i ~ h 8oes w a not
~ have.adverseImpact on the
. . ... . .. .
.::...; . . . . . .. . , .:envlromrnent and does notdlsrypt the lives and business activities of the
. :. . people livlng close to the ?rojq$t ,~icjhway.'.
. . . . . . . .....
1. . , I . sbety during ~ ~ n s t r u e t ~i c tdnOperatian &@lntenance

!. -
.! 1.14.1 .T?e Concessionaireshall devel&. implement and administer a surveillance
and safety pjpgrame forproviding a safe environment on'or about the Project Highway,
e .

I.. ' :and

. .
bhall. ~ o. . ~ ~ l ~thewsafety
i t h requirements.iet
. : . . .. . . . .
forth in the Concession Agreement.

. . . . .
' 114.2 'Befiret a r k g up any construictiotj 6rmdinte"ance operation/work, the
' ----
, , ~.Concessionaire'skallprepare a Traffic Manage.hent Plan for each work zone and furnish
1i - '

. ' .
.it to the independent ~ n ~ i n efor e rcommentsduly incorporating the following:
I... ::. .
. , . :
,. I) . '. Desi,gbats a site ~ a f e t ~ ~ e i i h e a by
d eadgalified Safety Officer.
.. . . .
. . ' ....
II) . .,' ~rafilcsafety devices
. . as p e i l ~ ~ : ~ with
~ : 5the5 following specifications:
.... . .
.&, . . a) Signages of retro-ref!ective sheet of high'intensity grade.
. . . .
. . . . . . . . . '
Delineators in the form of cones/drums (300to 500 mm dia and
' : b) '-
. i' .
.. .
1000 m m high) made.of plasticlrubber having retro reflective red
. . .
. . . and white bond, at a spacing.of maximum 5 m along with a reflective'
' .

. .
tape(red and whiteband) to be tied in between the gaps of cones1
. . . . . . .
drums. A bulblflasherusing solar energy is to be placed on the top of '

. . . . t h e coneldrum for night delineation.


. , ' ) Barricades using iron shad (plain) with adequate iron railingifrarne
. .
, . painted with retro-reflective paint in alternate black and white (or
.. . yellow and black) stripes. Warning lights at 5.0 m spacing shall be
. mounted on the barricades and kept lit in the dark hours and night.
. .
iii) he arrangement of traffjCduring construction and maintenance shall
. . . . . -..conform to-the requirements.of Clause 112 of MORl-H Specifications.
. . ' Ensure availability of 7 rn paved carriageway for traffic without potholes
' or other defects. At.locations.where available.carriagewayis less than .
' 7 rn, provide round the clock traffic signals '

walky-talky at both an,dsto control b o l b S

. . ,r

%. ..."

... . . .


. ..
, .
. .

'. ,-
6.' .;.
I.I .: . . h* ' . -
, .:.
1 :..
. ..
. p.

i: : .
.. :: : .
c: ,-

f , '

1,. . .
?1 . . . .. . . . . . .
iv) Sprinkling of water for dust control at work zones, haul roads and plant/ A , j

I:;:,:;, camp sites.

t-.. .:' .
, '. . .

v) . NoiselPollution suppression measures at work zones; haul roads and

piantlcamp sites. A-) ,-
kc. :

vi). Mechanical, electrical and flre safety practices.

?:.- '1.
vii) Safety .measureslike PPE (Personal Protection Equipment)for workers &,. ' '-
. . ',
. .. . -
viii) ~ i r rAid
t and ~rnergeniy~ e s ~ o ~r&yjemenk
h~e is;. ~ i n tid Box,
Ambulance, paramedical staff, alarms, etc. . .. ' .


. . &-):;
- -

ix) . . training/awaikness~~rog'iammes.
. ..

. .

Formats to maintain the accident recordslemergency regipnge prcividcd

. .
ce -
during accidents. . '. ,:. ,
. .
!.I.. . . ,-

. . . . .. . .
1 ,::;,. '. :
xi) A penalty scherne'f~rvioiations iii bf ad&ate traffic control
.:.\!. . . . . . .
devices: and proper'traffic m@agement should 'be proposed by the k.

, i . . . . .,
. ~rct5&ionaife. lncaseddefault; the amount of penalty shali. he
. paid-by e-
1I;.:. .::
I' -
. . the Concqscionaire tathe Authqrity, '.
ensati at ion
. . . .

.. *;*
xii) A scheme including insurance cover.-for thkd partyfar
workers, road useis and r o d side residents in case of d6athlinjuryldamage
to ihe vehicl.elproperiy resulting.from accidents on the Project Highway,
. .

. .

@ -

irrespective o f the. person at fault should be.prophsed 'by the a';

Concessionaire. . . L.,'

. . 4;@ .A

I.i, :
I . .
. -'..1.14.3 The Concessionaire shall a1s.o be responsibleforensurihg compliance of all

:. labour laws and regulations i'ncluding those relating to the welfare.of.workers engaged

.:both directlyand indirectlyon the Project Highway, besides their occupationalsafety and


I .

! health.
.. . . '

., .>

: . .
i . . . .

i 5 The Concessionaire shall set up field laboratory for t e ~ t i nof

, ~materials and
I ,finished products as stipulated in Clause.121 of MORTH Specifications. It.shall make
I : :.necessary arrangement$ for additionallconfirmatdrytesting of any m~terialsllproductsat
I . : . .:
. . . . .. .. the government accredited laboratory, for which:facilities at site' laboratory are not
. . . . - . .... . . .. s .
. .. ...':available;
. . . .'.. ... . .
. : .. .. . . . .:. . .
. .

I .; _1.16 ~ n r i r ~ " r n & n~ ti t i ~ a t l Measures

cn ..
1. . .
..:.:.. . . .
i : , :;The Concessionaire shall carry out lestsimonitor various parameters impacting the

j.: ':'environment of the Project-Highway keeping In view theguidelines of the Ministry of

:,'~nvironrnentand Forests and submit proposals for mitigation of adverse ellvironment
! . -.. impact includinq
., provision
, of noise barriers, etc. for' review and comments of the IE,. if any-
ji . . and undertake
i :
!.. . .
. .


I . 1.7 Utilities
I:.. , ..

The details of the new utilities which are tobe constructed or provided for along or
... .

. ; acros's the Project Highway shall be as spicified in Schedule 'B' of the Concession
Agreement. . ..
j . .

.... . ,' .1.18 Review and comments by the independent Englneer
. .. . .. . .
. . . .
s b ihe Coneesslonaire is requheij to send any diawings or documents tothe
...:;:,i. . ~ n t a ~ wh&
.;.-:.:. . i :lnQpendent Engineer for review and comments, and in the event such comments are
,. . : . received by the Concessionaire, it shall duly consider such comments in accordance with
.. ..
. .... . the Concession Agreement and Good Industry Practice ior taking appropiiate action
. .. . ... .
,. . ' .thereon, The correspondence between.'the Concessionaire and the independent
. .
... .
:.. . .. . 'Engineer shall be deemed valid only if a copy thereof is endorsed to and received by
.: .'the~uthorit~.
1 : .; :. , , ;' . . . . .

j:':,:; !.lo Definitions and Interpretation.

... . .
. ... . 1 9 -unleskspecified oLeIwis6 in this ~anual,the deiit~itionkconlabed in the ~ o d e l
. .
.'. ' :.: Concession Agreement .(MCA) for Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Highways as
. . ..
..:' . ,. :. :.publishedby the Planning Commission, Gover.nmenipfiadia, shall apply. .
... . -
. . >
. a ; . . :
.., . . . .. _.
. ?1.19.2. Built-up area shall mean sbctions of the project ~ i g h w a ~ i hqaet situated within .
:,'"." .:' $he limits of a.municipal tow^ and sfiall inclirde,section:s:of 2OO.mor @ore.lpnoArnunicipal
.'. . .:::areas where dwellingslshops-havebeen'b.ullion one'orb'oih'sidesof the Project Highway
. .
. :..':be as specified In Schedule '8'of the CidncessionAjlreement.
:. . ".. ...'onat least 50 per cent of the total le?g!h;c~mpriSingsuch.sedlon. The Built up areas shall
. .
1 .;. .: ,..
. .

..1.19.3 The definition of PCU n&d in this ~ a n u ashall

l be as pkr IRC codes anb
1. : 'Guidelines,
i "'. . . . .

. .
,120 This Manual is for 4-laning of the Project ~ i ~ h w aHowever,
y. in some stretches,
. . . . . a s indicated in Schedule '%'of the Concesslon Agreement, 6-lane divided carriageway
, .' shall be provided as part of 4-ianing of the Project Highway (Refer para 2.18). This shall
not be construed as 6-laning of the Project Highway.
1-:::..... .
I.: $
. . .
." ,
. . . . I)
. ..
. This-sectionlays d'own.thestandards for geome\ric design and general
features for.fout-lanedivided cacriageway.

. ii) a) In built-up areas,;6-lane divided carriageway along with selvice roads

shallbe provided as psrt.of 4-laningof the Project Highway. Such
. . . . . s'tretche.~where the,requirgmentof 6-laning.i.sdispensedwith and
.. only;4-lgning:with.or
. . . i c ~ and footpath is to be
~ i t h o u t s . e ~road
provided will. be .as .indicated
. . inschedule :0' of the Concession
Agreement. ... .. . ..
b) where thekis constraintof ROW ?idth. t h e ~ u t h omay
~ t ~specify
. . a bypass. The alignment of the.bypasses shall be as
. . . . .~.'constr~~ctio~of
. . . . . . specifled inSchedyle.'B'andin, cpnformity with..the site earmarked,
.!. . . .in.Schedule.'A'pf
. . . ..,. . . . . the. ConcessionAgreement. . .. .
;.. .....
1!.;..: .

. . .
. ,.
': . 'iii) heg geometric design oft he project Highway shall conform tothe standards
. . . ..
set out in.this sectibn as a miqirnurn. %

. . . . .. .. .
. .
. . . . .
. .
.., .. . . .
.. .. .. . . . .. .
, . iv) As far as
possible, uniformity of design standards shalibe maintained
throughout the length of the Project Highw.ay, In case of any change,.it
.... shall be effected in a gradual manner. . .
... . .
.. . ... .. .. . . . . . . . .
. ...
.. . . . .v) Where the existin$ road geometries ate deficient with respect to minimum
requirements and its improvements tothe prescribed standards is not
. .
. . . . :..feasible.due to any constraint in acquisition af'additiqnal .land, such

, . .-sketches shall be as.specified in Schedule 'B' of the Concession


.... .Agreement. ..

1': .
vi) Existing horizontal wrves, which are found diflcient in radius. laya~t,
transition lengthsoa.super-eley$ion.shallbe corrected to the standards
. . In this.sec'tion. .
. . .

j vli): ~n$d'6flc/&&esirjthe veeical in.resp&t of brades, layout of vertical

., curves and $ight distance shall becosrected to meet the minimum
1.' - . , . requirementsspecifiedin this sedion. .. . .. , ..
I.. 2.2 ~ e s i g nSpeed,
I . .
. . . .
/ .. 2.2.1 The design speeds given in Table 2.1 shall be adopted for various terrain

I -
classification (Terrain is classifie


:.. .
Table 2.1 Design Speed

Nature of Terrain . Cross slope of the ground Design speed (kmlhr)

. . 'Ruling Minimum
Plain and Rolling
: ------
Upto 25percent . 100 80
Mountainousand Sleep More than25 percent 60 -40 .. L ,-
i . Short'stretches (say less than 1 km) of varyingterrain met with onthe road strelch'shall not ti,
. be taken into consideration while'decidihg the terrain classification for a given section of
i . 6
.Prject Highway.. . . . . .
. . .. . .. . , . . .. .. ..
. .
. :

.. i.-
' In general, Ihe nlin$ deslgn-ipsd shill be adop!?d foi the V ~ ~ ~ O
2.23 gaometric
US . . .
I . . design fe,btures of the road. Mlnimurn de'sjgn Speed shall be @opted anly where slte '
. ;. .. .
: .
.I1 . .
i '
conilitiqs are restrictive and adequate land width'is not available. Such stretches shall
.. .be asindicaled in $chedulc?'B'.of the
. .
Concesiion ~greement.:: . . . .
. . .

-. . . ...

' .p !2.3 Right-of-way . ,.

. . . .
.' 1' ' T ~ ~ R Oavailabl&'fir
W the Project Highway shall be as ~i$en"ln Schedule 'A' of the . . --
. . . : concession Agreement. he ~uthority would,acquirethe additional land required, if any.
:.' .
The land to be acquired shall be ii-ldicatedin Schedule of the ConcessionAgreement.

. . 'l"he,minimum Right of.Way for non-urban and urba? areas should bpas prescribed'in
. -i I ~ ~ : 7 3 ' aIRC:86
nd respectively. . . .. . .; . .

. I : . . . .
. . 2.4 . - . ' . .l a n e Width. of Carriageway ' .. . . .. . .. . . .
i . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .
. .
! ..
1 1. b. e. .. 3.. ; .
The standerdlane width of t h e 6 r o j e ~ t ~ ~ i ~ h w a ~ ~ h ~ :
. i
i . . . .
. . .
\ . 2.5 Median . . . . _. . . . .. . .
, '

... , :
.. . . . -.
. i !
. .
. '

'. ! . ,2.5.1 The medisn.ahall be either ralssil or depressed. The'width of rnedlan is the
distance between Inside edges of carriageway, The type 6f rnedlan shall depend upon
i . the availability of Right of Way. The minimumwidth of median,.subjecttoavailabllity of
! Right of Way, for various be as in Table 2.2.
. . locations~shall
. .
. . . .
. .
% . .
I . able 2.2'Width of ~.e d .i a n. . "

. .-
. . . . . .
: The type and widths of median in various itiitches of .project ~ i ~ h wsheit
& be as
.. indicated in Schedule 'B'. . .
, . . . . . . ... . .. . . ... ... .. . . ..
.2.5.2 he median shall have ju'it.gblydesigned drainage systPksothatwater does

. . . ' -notstagnate-inthe median. . . . . .

.. . . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .
2.5.3 In case ofdepressed median.,a mtpifium 0 6 m width adjacent lo carriageway 1
. a
. . .
. . . , . .
...... i n either dlrectionshall bB paved. . . . . . . .

..? . . . . . '. . . . .. ! . ....
...... . . .
. . .

.: ' . .
' , 2 5 4 , As far aspossible; the median-shallbeof unifoimwldth in'a particular sec6an
'. '

of the highway: Hqwever,Whore changes are unavoidable, a transition of Tin 20 shall be


..-'. . . ,. .provided. . . (.
. .
.:2.5.5 . . In$e'-6f &.depiessed median, metal .beam type (double beam) crash
~ . . . . . . . .barriers
. shall be provided,at eit'her side of the median. Suitable shrubs as.per Section 11 .
..:. ':-. of this Manualshall beprovlded. . . . . . .
. . .
. .

.I.: : . . : . . . . . . . . . .
: . . : 2.5.6
Suitable antiglare measures such as metallplastic screens shall be provided . ,. .
, . . : in flat stretches or on horizontalcurves to reduce headlight glare from opposite traffic. The
I. .
1 : . .total height of screen including the height of the barrier shall be 1.5 m.
1 . ,

. .
.... :2.6 .
Shoulders '. - .
. , . .. . . . -
. . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . .
.1 .. ..2.6.1 .Width 0'fshouldei.s . . . .
. . . .
I ,;. ;

The shoulder width onthe outer.side (left side of cairiageway) shall be as given in
Tables2.3. and 2.4.
, . . . . ..
. .

:.' Table 2.3 Wldth qf Shoulders In P!ain and ~olllngTerrain

Type of Secflon . . . . Width of Shoulder (m)
. . . . . . . .:.
Paved Earthen Total
- . .

0pen.countrywith isolated 1.5 2.0 3.5

. . .
. . built up area
Built ",p ...... : . . _.. . : : .... ; 2 . 0 . . ..; .
-. 2.0

Approaches to grade separated

'Type of Section
' . ,

Open country with


isolated built up are.a

Table 2.4 Width of Shoulders,ln

. 1
Mountainous. . and


Steep Terrain (Hllly

. . Area).

Width of Shoulder, including draln and crash barrler

., . ::. ?.$ rlicable

1.5 (on hill side)

2.0 (on valley side)
(rn;, . ' :. . :,

. . . .
. .
, ,I
Built up area and 1.5 (on hill side) ~ a i s e dFootpath along with
approache's to . 2.0 (on valley side) :. provision-ofadequate drainage
grade separated , along and.across thefoo!path a .
. .
structures/bridges .

i . Note.:ln mountainousand sleep terrain, the-scopeof wgri 2efined:bythe~uthoritymay be two. . . . .

., . . .lane carriagew.ays on.rIifferetit alignnterits. .(cootours). .In. 'that .case,. . ' . .
IRC:SP:~~-2007Manual of Specifications and standards.for TWO-~aning of Mlgh- .
1 '

. ways shall'iipplyto the two-lane cardagewiys.ondifferent alignments (contours).

I1 2.6.2 .
. .
Type of shoulder- -
. . .. . . . . .
.,,. . I . '. ' . ;

I Thc type of shoulder shall be as below:
i) in the,buill-up section and approaches,to the grade separated structures, .
- .
the sKoultlel. sl?allbe paved in full width. " ,

ii) ~arthenshoulder6 ghall'bc covered.viith 150 mm thiqli layc~.o I yrar~ular
. .

material conforming to'the requirementsgivenin Clause401 of MORTH

iii) , In embankments with height more thair 6.0 rn,'the granular shoulder may
be raised with provisiorl of kerb channel to channelize the drainage as an
etosion control device-inaccordance with Section 6:
iv) The composition and specificationof the paved.shouldershall be.same
as of the main carriag'eway. . . '

. .. . . . . .
. . . . . . .
2.7'. ~ o a d w Width
a~ .
. .
2.7.1 he width of roadway shall dependupon the width of carriageway, shoulders
and the median: . . . .. .
. . . .

2.7.2 On horizontal curves with radius up to 300 m, width of paveme~ltand roadway

Table 2.5 Extra Width of Pavement and Roadway
In Each Carriageway
. . . . . .

. .
. . 73-100 m 0.9 m . .

iiji-3bo m. 0.6 m
.. : . . .. .. . . . . . .
2;8 . Crossfall , ',. . .' . . ,.:..
. . ...
. . . . .:. ... . .
2.8.1 The crossfall on straight section$b f road carriageway, paved shouldkrs and, . '

paved portion of.medianshall be 2.5 percentfqr bituminous surface and. 2.0 percent for , .

cement concrete surface. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .

. . .. . .2.8.2, . The crossfgll shall be unjdiregional.for eitherside carriageway sloping towards ...

. . . . the shoulder in straight leaches and toward? the'lbwkr bdge-onhorizontal curves. The , .,
... . .. camber on the existing h a d shall be modified to uriidirectiorialcrossfall.
. .
. .
. . . . . .

. ' 2.8.3
, The ixosifail for $ranular.shouldern on .straighipollions shall be i t leasi . . . .
. .. 0.5 percent'steeper than t h slope.of the pavement and p,aved shoulder subject to a . . .

: . . . . '.minimum of 3.0 percent. On super elevated sections, the eaithen portion of the shoulder .....
. . ' on thaouter side ofthe curve would be provided withreverse crossfall of 0.5percentso . :, . . :
. . .that the earth does not drain on. the sarriageway.and the storm water: drains out with . . ,,

. ,' minimum travel path. . . .
. .
. .
. .....:.2.9 .. . . ~. .e. o. r .n e. t r i.c~. ..e . s.. l .~ .n ,.'. . .. . . .
, . .
. . .
. .12.9.1 ~eornetric.desl~n shall conform to IRC:73, exceptas oiherwlse indicated In ',. .
.:. ..

. . . . . . this Manual. ,'

. . . . . .. -
. 2.9.2 ~ hd[i=ontal
l l curves shall consist of circular p~rtionflankedby spifalfransitions. . . . ' :
". at both ends. '.
. . . .
- 2.9.3 , Superelevation
Superelevation shall be limited to 7 percent, !f radius of curve is less than desirable
. . to percent, if radius is more than desirable,minirnum.
minimum radius. 11shall be,limlted
...... . .
, .
. . . .
. . . .
,. 2.9.4 ' i horizontal c"rves
~ a d iof . . . . . .

The minimum,and absolute rni~rn~irn

radii of horizontal ivarious classes o f
. terrain are given inTable 2.6 . . .
. . . .
f . .
t.:. . - . , '

3 ..
. . '.The
. . . radius of horizontal curves for various terrain conditions shall not be less'than the
I ..-. .. . .desirable minimum values given in Table 2.6 except for Sections as indicaied in
1 ;. '. , . : Schedule 'B'. For such Sections, the radius shall not be less than absolute minimum.
. .
i "

1.J :::... . 2.9.5 - Sight distance

. .
1 , .'." .-,
. . .. - . .

safe stopping'sight distance and desiiable rtiinimurn sight diStance for divlded
carriageway for various design speeds are given in Table 2,7. The desirable values of distance shall be adopted unless -there.hre site constraints. A minlmurn of safe .
:1 : .
' '

., . . .
:stopping sight.diitanoe shall be available . . .
. . throughout:. . . . .
. !. . - . . . . .. . . , . . . . , .. ' . . . .
1.::*, ., . . . ';.;.
,..:: Table 2.7 Safe Sight Distance -
. . . . .
.- .
. .
. . .


' :.
- ' . . . . . . . .
! . . , 40 .'. , ' 4-5 . ' : 80 ', ' '
1 ' ........
: .. . . . .
,.I. ,. 2.9.6 , Vertical alignment. . . ..>.
i'.. . . . . . . . . . .

..: : .2.9..6.1 The venical alignment should provide for a smooth longitudinalprofile. Grade .
1.' : ' .

; .I.&anges shall not be too frequent as to cause kinks and visual the :. . ,

. . ;profile. In thisregard, directions given in IRC :73 should be kept in view.

I.;.; ,..

1 . .. . .: ~ i a d i e n t s ' ' . ; .

. . .
. . . .y ~ h e
ruing and limiting gradients are given in Table 2.8. .. . ;?, .
Table 2.8Gradients

. .
'. 2.9..6.3 ~ o n sweepin$~erti&l
g curves shall be provided a1 all grade changes. ~ h e s e . '

i. :. shall
. . .as square parabolas. .. ..
i Design of vertical curdes and its cool shall be in
: accordance with IRC:SP 23.
1 ..:. IRC:SP:84-2009
[:. ,: '

Lateral and Vertical Clearance at Underpasses . .

.Wherever cross road is proposed to be taken below the Pioject Highway. .minimum
1 clearances at underpasses shall be asfollows:
. . . . . . . .

. . 2.10.1 ' Lateral clearance

i . .
i: . i) Full roadway width at the approaches. shall be carried through the '

!. .. . . underpass. This width shall.not be -less than 12 m(7 m carriageway

I . . '
+ 2 x 2.5 ni shoulder width on either side) indicated in Schedule '8': '
I.. .
!;,!. --"
ii) ~uardrailslcrashbarriers shall betprovided for pl.otection ofvehi~lesfrom
! ... colliding with !he abutments and piersand the deck of the structures.
. . . . . . . . , .
iii) . .
he width of citlle anbl~rped~$ria~unde~~ass
. . . shall
. not b e I s than 5 rn.
. .2.10.2 . vertical clearance. . . ....;. ...:
. . .
.: .
. . . .. . . .

, .. ' Vertical clearanci.' at. underpassesshall not be leis than the values give" below:
. .

Vetiicular underpass 5.5m . .,, , i) . .

. . -. '

. ii) . Ppdeitflan and Cattle 3;0m(\o belncreased to 4:Sm. in case certain

' ,
' '

underpass . ' . - categories of.animals'such as elephanVcamel "

. . are expected to cross the Project Highway

. .
frequently..This .will.beas specifiedinSchedule '8')
. . .. . ,
. .~he,Gvetsxis!in~ slab cw!verts and minor briijges-allowa vertical cleirance of more than

1I .
.. :2 m,these can. be used in dry seasoi, for pedestrian and cattle crossing by providing
neceasaty1oorihg:~hiswiIl'nOt be'a substitute for n o r r n a l ~ e u i r e r nof
.r . . . cattle crossings asper para 2;13;3.
' .. . :'> . . . .
t pedestrian and,
, : . .

1 .
. . . .. .. . . . .
. .
. . . .. .. .. . . . . ... :

; r
2.11 . . . Lateral and Veffical clearance at overpasses ..
. . .
. wherever any stiucture is providedwer the project ~ i ~ h wthe
a ~minimum
; clearance, at.
. ' . overpasses'shall be as follows: :
. . . . .. .
.' 2.11 .I Lateral clearance

- Full roadway width shall be car~ledthfough the overpass structure unless otherwise
. '
specified in Schedule 'B'. Provisionshall also be made for future widening of the Project
. ' Highway'tg.6-lane with saalce roads. The abutments and plers shall be provided with . ,

. . . sultable'protectlon against collision of vehicles. Crash barriers shall be provided on

. abutment side and on sldes of piers for this purpose. The ends of crash barriers shall '.

be turned away from the line'of approaching traffic. . : ..

2.11.2 ' Vertical clearance . . . .

shall be provided at all points of the carriageway of

. '
.:I .
!. :

2.12 Access Control
! 2.12.1 Access
. ,4cce& fo the Project Highway shall be pa~iallycontrolled.In genera!, a&esf lo \he project
.... . Highvday st~allbe provided at tho following localions:
i:..,. .. , . ,

i .,.. ' i) lnterseclion with National Highways

?- .:

ii) Intersectionwith State Highways

.. . .
- iii) 1nteisectiog.wlthMajor District Roads . .
. . :. . .. . ..
. iv) Intsrsectionwith Village Roadslother District Roads, subject to aminimum
: ' . ' '

' distance of 3 km froni the nearast'idersection. ' '

.. .
. ., ..
. .. C .
. .
' ' '

: T h e locations of intersections shall be specified in ~ c h e d u l e ' ~ ' . . . . .

.. .
Service roads
. . . .
.:1 . .. .
. ., .
.. Ttre location and length of service roads, to be constructed' by the
Conces.sionaire.shall'be.specified in Schedule 'B' of the Concession Agreement. The .

,. ". . .width of the service road shall be 7.0 m. . . . ,

. . . .... . . .
. : . .
.. . . 2.12.2;2 :,For thk stretchapwhere total length of a bridge is less than 60 m.and the

...,.. . ., service road isrequired 10 be provided on both.sides of the stream; then the service road,
.:: ' . ,shall continue across the stream,and suitably designed 2-lane bridge structure'shall be
. . .
.. : . . :. .- .provided. In. cases involving bridges of.60 rn length .or more, s.eparate.bridge sfructures
.'.:: . . .. .:.. '... niay not be provided and service road shall be merged with ttie Project Highwayat 50 m . .
... .. . distance before the bridge structure, unless otherwise specified in Schedule:'B1 of the
. . . .. .. :Concession
" Agreement. .. .
.I...... .... . Wherever service roads.are provided, provisionshall be made for proper'entry
1. . . - ., :and exit ramps between the main highway and the service roads, duly keeping in vlew
,, '

/: .'.:. . .'future widening of main hlghbvay to six-lanes. The layout shall be as per Fig. 2.1A
: . . 'to2.11-1. "

2.1 3 Grade Separated Structures

2.13.1 The type, location, length, number and the openings required and approach
gradients for various grade separated structures shall be as specified in Schedule 'B' of
I the Concession Agreement. The approach gradient to the grade separated structure shall
not be steeper than 2.5 percent (1 in 40).
2.1 3.2 Vehicular underpassloverpass
II '

1... . " .'

. . .

. .
, .
I ' -

1 :.

1.. :
1 ":.
I ' ..
i . .
I .

1 .
1.: .
- .!i.i'. . '

\ .:
1. .:
1' ;
I . ..

P ' . . ,-
. .

.. . . . . . . . . . . .
. ..
. . . . .. . ._ . ..
. . . .. .
FIG. -2.1GSuggestive Layout of service Road h t i o u i h g at intersection . . . .
. . . . . . . . -. . . .. . .. . . _ re
I..- ""."'-'.." . ..-,, ' ,,...
I . '
.. ,
i .!.
.shallalso be provided across other categoriesof roads-carryingan average daily traffic
I .. of more than 5000 ~ a s s e i g ecar
:. r ~ n i t(PCUS)
i on thedate of inviting bids.The s l r u c t ~ r i
:_ may be either an underpass oranoverpass depending upon the nature of terrain, vertical ,
1. , .
profile of road, availability of adequate right of way, etc. Unless otherwise specified in
schedule '0'of the"~oncession ~y reement, the~rojecl~ i ~ h w shall
a y be carried at the.
- .existing level in rural areas and the cross road would be either an underpass or overpass
.. and the. entire cost.involved in-lowering or raising the existing cross road.would be
1.. . ,
. . .' included as part of the cost of the Project .Highway. .However,. in urban areas, the cross
mad shall b e carried atthe existing level. .unless:o!h:erwise,specified in Schedule 'B' of
1 .. - . . the. ~oncesrlqn
. . . . .
~greernen1:~ecisionwhelher thecros road orme ~rojeqtHighway will
. . be carried at the existing level willbe taken at the time of preparing the feasibilily report
' . and would be based on considerations of drainage, land acquisition, provision of ramps

. .. . . .


. . . . . .for the grade separatedfacility, height of embankment agd projed economy etc.
. . . . . <
, , . .,.

. . . .2.13..3 Cattle and pebestrlan~unde.rpassloverpass. ..

': These rhallbe provided& spedfied in Schedule '8' ofthe Cancession Agreement.
i .:
. . -. -
. . 1)'. ; An ~nder~asslover~ass'for crossing of cattleand pedestrians may not ,

: . be necessa& within a distance of2 km from Vehicular underpasses. ..

.I , . Thewidth of Pedestrianor Cattle~rossirig less [hart 5 m.

I. . ,:.
. i) '
. . . shall
. .
. . .
:: lil) . The ped4strlancrossings shall have prbvlsion.fofmovemeit of physically ..
challenged persons. . .
. .
'. . ' .
. .
.. .: .. . . . . . iv) . underpasses shall be preferred
. .,to overpasses.
... .. . .. .

11 . .. , .
... .
.'* . . .
: , V) n &hall?lso be
~ e d e s t r i i "nder~asrl6verp~ss within a distance
of.200 mfrom a school orhospital or factorylindustrial area.

' . ' . . .

, .
' 2.13.4 Road over ridges ( R O B S Y R Ounder
' ~ ~ ~ r i d ~(RUBS)
es shall be provided as'
per Section-7 of this Manual;
1 2.14 Median Openings
1 2,14.1 Median.0pening.sshall not be spaced closer than 2 km. Additional controlled
! '
.'openibgs shall also be provided for igspectioh, and diversionof traffic during repair a"d
i .

:,rehabilitation.. .. . . . .
I ...
' ,

2.14.2 . Medlan'opening shall not be provided in front of the s,ervice road entry. The .

. distance betwoen the service road entry and the median qpching shall be at least equalto .
the sum of length of accelerationlane, d deceleration length. Location
. of opening shall be so decided as to istance shall however be
. . .
not less than 150 m.
3 .

I ...:: ..---.TT-z,..... :.. . . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . .-,,!. b........l.r;r-.3,ri..7n\~
. . . . . . .
. . . . . ....
? j
. -+
2.14.3 All median openings shall be providedwith additional 3.5 m wide shelter lane
j by the side of median in both directions for waiting of vehicles to take U turn. Wherever
required, horizontal geometricsof the road shall besuitably adjusted.
i.I . . .
2.14.4 Length of median ~peningshallnqtbe less tha.n.20 m.
' '

i,:;:: -


. . 2.15 Fencing
. .
. . .

1/-.. . : . Fencing shall be provided between the service road'and tho Project Highwayto prevent
I .. . . .
1 the pedestrians, local vehiclesand animals entering the highway. ~he.fencingshallbe ....
:., . either of rnetal.double beamcrash barrier or pedestrian guar'dtail'given In Para 9.10 of

i ..
2.16 Typical Crb'ss-sections . .. . . . . . .. ..
., . . . . .. . . '

. :
. .
1' .... ~ y ~ i ccrass-sectioni
il of Project Highway are gjvve$ InFlg. 2.210 2.10 for variou& .
Ii ' .: .* lpcations as below: . . .
. . . .
. .
Fig.2.2 shows typical c~osssection Type-A1 for 4-lane divided highway in op.en . . .
1 .
. country'wilh iaolat6d built-up area in ~lai~lrolling
. . . . terraid;
. without seriice. roads
and with " .
j. :. : . . . depressed median
j' .

I ... , . Fig. 2.3 gives tipicat cross section 'fype:~2for 4.-lane divlded highway in ope" , '

[ . : country i n plainlrolling terrain with setvice.roads~on~both

sides and with depressed . ; . . .
. .
I . ' . . median . . . . . . .
! . '.'
. .
. ,

Fig.2.4 slio\vs typical cross section Qpe-A3 for 4-lane d~videdhighway in opin
1 . . . country with isolated built-up area in plainirollingterrain, without service roads andwith
. . . ' . . .
i .
. .
raised median.
. .
[ ' ,

. .. . Fig. 2.5 gives typical cross section Type44 for 4-lane divided hlghway in. open
country i n plainlrolling terrain with service roads on both sides and with raised median '.
. .
I, -.
Fig. 2.6 shows typical cross section.Type-B for 4+lane divided highway in built-up
..section in plain and rolling terrain with. service roads on both sides' and with. raised
! median
. .
! ::
1. F'ig. 2,7 shows typical crosS section Type-Cl for4-lane divided highway on different
i .
\ ; '. contours in open country with isolated built-up area in mountainous terrain. . : :. ' ' -
t . .
I Fig. 2.8 shows typical cross section Type-C2 for 4-lanedivided highway ondifferent
i .
! ';. contours in built up section in mountainous terrain:

ws typical cross iectionlype-C3for4-lane divided highway atsarne level

. .
wilh isolated bud!-up area in mountainous terrain.


................ ........ -. :a
' . . . .:-)-.
. I
,..' . :,!
_ h


., .

. .. .
,. '
@ .. ; -) _
I . . ,

fl . ,

- .,:

\*p: .-
I . ' . '

. i .: : F. @
:!.,y: . , L.: ..

.'.' , . , .p-

! . '
!: .

' . .
@- L.

. i.I..:,.


.. .
4- "2.
: . ;.
6 ' ' .
.. -
; '. .

-i'. . . . --..

: - .
i.' .
i ... . - . .
. .-@ -
i. .
. ..,
... . .

i .
I; ' . .
! '
. . .

' I
'".. ' . . ~

e.. .

": ... . .


...:.f .

,*. .
i ..
'! :
: IRC:SP:84-2009
I... .
! ,..
Fig. 2.1 0 shows typical cross section Type-C4 for 4-lane divided,highwayat same level
1, ;..
.. in built up section in mountainous terrain.
I ' . .
1: . ' . 2 : Capacity of Four-lane highway

i. i:.. ,,. '.

I .
: . .
. .

1 .,..-. ;.
For the purpose of augmentation of the.facilitiesand upgradationof the Project Highway,
thedesign service volume for different terrain c9nditions a level of seylce shall be as
.specified in Table 2.9;
# ' .:,
. .
, .,
1.. .. '

' I
I. . . . . . . .
1 Table 2.9.Desfgn Service Volume for Foui-lane Highways in PCUsper day .

i, ..... . . . . .
. .
. . . . .
!. ... . . .
., . Terrain . ; Desig~lSe.wice ~ o l u m ein ?Cbs per day
(. . ...
1': '
evil of ~ e -$. c e 'Bt Level of Service 'C'
I,;. '.: - Plain and R~lling..~
: 20,0($

. .
. . 40,0$ :, .. 6'0,000 . . ..
1I . . :. .
M;ountainous and Steep
" ,. . -


1' definiti0n.d 'PCU here

' . Note : ~ h d is:'as per 'IRC Codes and Guidellilsi Bnd . not
the -, . ,

II . . . . . definition ~iven'inMCA I . . ' ... -. ..

. 1 .' '

j : .., .;.. Unless otherwi60 sp'ecified

' '
in the Concessioll Agreement, the ~ r o j + c t ' ~ i ~ hshall
w abe
1 :. ... widened lo &lane when total trafficincluding the tram6 on a c ~ i croads,
i if a+, reaches
., :the design service volume corresponding .toLevel of service 'C' for 4-lane highway
specified in Table29
i , . ... . . . . .
. . .
!! ' : ,
. ,
: . .
.. . . . . . . .
. . .
. .
I . . ... . .. ..
. .
!' . . . .
. .
I - .
I. . .

I! i.
i.. iI :
c- i
. ,

. .

I . . .
, .


. . , . . . . . . .

. .. . . . .
. .

. .. . , .
. . : .. .. .. . ... ... . . .. . * : .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .

. . ....
. .
. .. . .
.. . . .... .
1:. ..
i ... . . .
1.. ,.: ,
. ' .
. . .' . .: . ._ .. . . . .. .. . . . , .
. .. . . . . . . . . .
. . .
, , . . .. . .... . .. .. .. . . ......
. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . .-
. ..I . :

. . _ .: ;._. . '-
. , ..
. .. , . . . . .
. ' .' . . .
. ..:
. . . . ... . . . . . . . ( . : .. . . . . . .. i:. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .
. .. .. . .. . . . .
. . . . . . . . :s.ECT10~~",,:3,
1.. ..... ",:. . . . . . .. .

. . :... . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . ..
. .

\ ' :. . ' ..

1. :.;.;
. ' . ..
. . .. ., .
' . .
., . .:.. .
. .. . . .
. . . .
. . . . .. . .. . .
. . . . ... . . . .. .: . .
, .. ,
. . . . .
.. . . .
. .
. . :.
!i ...
' . . . . . .
. . . . ...
. ..
. .

!.. ..
. . . . ' . ,. .. . . .., . ._.. _. . . . .
. .
. . . . . .. . . .. . .
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. . .. . ..: . . . . . . ..;. .. . . . . : . . . ... .. . .

. . . .
. . ... . .. .. ... . . . . .. . . .. . , ,. . . . . .
.. , .
. . . . . .. . . .
. . . .. . .. .. . . .
. : . : . . . . .. . . .. . . .
:. , . .
: . . . .
1 . . .
1 :. '
. .
!. .
i .
,. . ,

. . . 3.1 .Introduction
. . .
:.. . . . 3.1.I The intersections to be provided shall,beone of the followiqg types: . .
1.. .
I. '
. . .
i) At-grade Intersections

3 :' .
.. ii) Grade separated Intersectionswithoutramps
1,1 . ; .:
. iii) interchanges. . . .
. .
.. :... .:. '.'fhe types a'nd toca.tions d.lntersections, ~ n t e r c h a n ~ eand
.:. s Grade-separated
. . .
:.... Intersections witho1.1tramps shall be based on requirements stipulated in IRC:SP:41,
. . . . .lRC:5, lRC:92, MOR'TH. Specifications for Road and Bridge works.. These
. . . . ' . specified in Schedule '~'.of'the'~oncession ~~reement.
. . .- ...
. .. : 3.1.2
_ . The existing intersections, which are deficient with respect to the minimum
.' . requirements ~ h 3 lbe
' l irnpr~vedto tho ircbbriticd:$f~hdards.Additional land, if any,
. , . :required for improving the existing intersections shall be provided by the~uthority.


, ' ' 3.2.1 The type ofi&rgictions to be abopted shall bedecidedon the basis of
!. . .' parameters4ike numberof-intersecting legs, traffic volume/spe~id,type of traffic control
i ' . . etc. Properly designed intersictions shall be provided at all at-grade crossings. Rotary
I : shall not be provided. . . ? .
i .
. .3.2.2 i) 'The intersections shall be designed baing regard to. flow, speed,
composition, distribution and future growth of traffic. Design shall be
specific to each site with due regard to physical conditions of the site p?....
b.. J

available. The design of different elements of intersection shall be done

as per IRC:SP:41 ,"Guidelineson DesignofAt-grade Intersectionsin Rural
and Urban Areas" including other criteria given in this Manual.
MORTH -Type Designsfor Intersection on National Highways may also
be referred to, wherever required to develop suitable layout and design of
At-grade Intersections.

ii) At rnulti reg intersections, the of conflict should be studied darefully

and possibilities of realigning one or more of th? intersecting legs and
combining some movements to reduce the confl[ctirig movements shall
be examined. The object shall be to simplify the design and appropriate
control devices added to ensure more efficient and safe operation.
" . . 229

.._ ....._........ . . . . . . . . . .
~~>\,,V>S.,.\,?.? ; 7 . r :
&:;-::.:. .:. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / . ' . ......>....
. .
,, . . . . . ... .. ... .. .. .. . <.A..'k.,
,I.::.. ,. iii) The channelising islands shall start from the edge of the paved shoulder.
. .
This principle shall also apply in case of MORTH - Type Designs for
f :' . lntersectionson National t-lighways.
: .. . . .

;. ;
'3.2.3 . Cross roads sttalljoin directly on to seivice roads and Ihe entry to and exit Iron?
the qroject Highway shall be through end connectjons as shdwn inWfig. 2.lAtI-i. .
[ :.
i ..
i ' . 3.3 Gyade separated Intersections and interchanges
\I*'.:. .
1 . '.- . ?.#%I .
Grade separated intersections, without ramps, shall be provided at locations

1. .. .
where traffic on cross roads is moderate to heavy. Under this type, two cross roads
' different grades (as Road Under Bridge or Road Ouer Bridge). The access
. from Project Highway to the cross roads in case of such grade separated intersections
.. . .without ramps, shall be through otherexisting roads1service roads:. :

. . - . .
. I 3.3;2 An inteichange is justifiid'at locatio"~where trafficon cioss road is heavy and

: at grade lntenection

. .. fails to handle the volume of turning. merging and diverting traffic.
. .
. I .
. :1 I
. :

3.3.3 ~ ~ o m e t r i c s t a n d a r dfor
s design.
, .

. .
. ..~ -
i - :.
1 - : '
.. The geometric.desQn standards for various gleqents of-grad! separatol.s shaii be as
i ...
given in IRC:92. Gradient for approaches shall nol be steeper than 2.5 percent ( I in 40).

i ' 3.3.4 Design of.stiuc?ures '-. '1 . - . '- .. . .

. . . . . .. . .
, besign of structures shall conform to Section 7 of this ~ a t k a lGnirn~rn
: length ofviaduct . '

:. . required to be provided shall be specified in Schedule 'B'. .:'.. . ..

. . . ... ,. . . . , . . .. .
3.3.5 Llgtiting .. . .

. .
~ l ~ h trequir&nerif
i"~ shall be as her
section 12 of this ~ a n u a l The
. top and underside of . '
. -
the grade separated structures and interchange area at the ground level upto 50 m
beyond the point'from where flaring of the main carriageway takes place shall be
I . provided with lighting.
3.4 . .. Detailed Design and Data for Review by the IE
The ~o'ncessionaireshall submit the details of the ground surveys, .traffic data, traffic
forecast, design and drawings of the inlerseclions and interchanges showing all safety
1 fealures to the Independent Engineer for review and comments, if any.
i .
I .
' .
j ..
1 ';.
1 ;..

. . . . . _ . 4.1.1

Tha design and constyctlon of the Load in embankment and in cuttings shall

:'*. ' be carried out in ac&ordance .with section 3b0 o f MORTH Specifications and the
. '.

-... . . . .- requirements, and standards and specifications given in this Section. This Section also
.... . . . . cdvers spesificatlons fopsub-yrade afid ezrthen shoulders. ' ..

* 11
. . . . . . . . . . 4.1.2

:Efforts should be made to remove the inherent deficiencies in plan and profile
::..: ; . of the existing road:-Thefinalcentre line of the roadand the road levels shall be fixed duly
. . .
. considering ali therplevant f$ctori iovkring 3trurtural soundnesssafety and f~~ndional
. . . . .

. . . requirements as per.relevantIRC Codes and p;ovisions of this Manual.

. . . ..
1i .:. . '

4.1.3 . he existing'road ernbankmerit shall-'be widenedlmodified to the. specified ' ,

I. ..
. . . . . . cross-sectional details.

. I.!. -:
i .. . .
1.2 . En~ba,rne"t
-;I : . . :.


4.2.1 The height bf the embankrnerlt shall be measured with respect to the finished
.. .. .., . . .:road levels. The f o l l o ~ i Principl~s
~g shall be kept in viewwhilefixing tlie road level: . , ,,
. .
i) No section of the road is overtopped. The finished road level shall be at
.. .
. .. . :.
. .
.. :
least 0.6 m above ground level (excepl in cutting and transition length)... . .
. .
. . ii) . The bottom of.sub-gade is generally 1:O rn above the high flood levell
high water: table. However, in tlie case of existing old roads where i t may . . . .
be difficult to fulfill this criteriodwithout needing reconstruction or raising
in substantial length, the criteria may be relaxed depending on site
. . '
conditions, ensuring that the bottom of sub-grade is 0.6 m above High
Flood Level (HFL). The HFL shoald be decided by inteiligsn! inspections;
. . . . . local'obsetiations, enquiries and studying the past records. lf raising of
. . . . : any section(s) of.the existing road is required, the same shall be specified
. . . .in schedule 'B'of the Concession Agreement.
. .
. . . . . . . . . .

. .
0.2.2, Materials and physical' requirements . .
. . .
. 4.'2.2.1 souring of materials forembantnl~ntand s~bgradecon~tr~ruction, as well as
compliance with environmental requirements in respect of excavation ahd borrow areas
under the applicable laws shall be the sole responsi he material to be used in sub-gra

. . Bearing Ratio (CBR) at the specified density an
, , .

. .. . .. . .
... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . .,,
.. ,
..... .<....: .:.:.....a....s?<.
$ :,. ':, . j.'.::.,':s.':,;;<:,
. .


4:2.2.3 The embankment and subgrade shall be compacted to satisfy the minimum
compaction requirements glven in Clause 305 of MORTH Specifications.
j :

i 4.2.3 Structural features and design of embankment

!i . . ~rnbankrnentwith height 6.0 rn or aboveshall be designad in accordance with ',

; ' ;
'I IRC:75 taking into account slope stability, bearing capacity, consolidation, settleinent and
i. safety consideratlons based on geotechnical.and'~investigationdata, Where the
embankment is to be supported on a weak stratum, appropriate remediallground

j . .. improvement meas,ures shall be taken.
; l ~ soil is retnined by suitable
Side slopes shall rlcibe s!eepcr thra 2 ~ :vn!&rs
. .
1 soil retaining structures. . .

i. ' The .side slopes shall be protected against erosion by providing a suitable .
Ii ' vegetative cover, kerkhannel, chute, stonelcement iQncreteblock pitching or any Other
. .

i suitable protectionameasures depending on the height of the'embankment and

J .
1 suseeptibilily of soil td erosion. Drainage arrangementshall be provided as per Section 6 .
1 of this Manual. . . ,.
. . .-.
I 4.2.4 . Us& of pond ash for embankment constructio~l.. ,.. . .
! . . . .
i Where pond ash is used'for embankment~constriictiofl in' pursuance of'the instructionsof . . .:
I Ihe ~ i d s t cif
~ Environme*
y and~orestsor othctwise,,theembankment shall b designed ..
i and constr~~cted in accordance with IRC: SP:58. ...
.. . .

4.3 ~ o a d w a ) i nCutting . .
. .

. lhe road.level.rh~llbefixed, keepingin.view

. the provlslpns bf relevant lRC Cudss.

. .
4.4 soif lnvestig'a'tions and Deslgn Report .'
4.4.1 General . .

i . . he Concessionaire shall carry out necessary soil surveys, and field and laboratory , ,!;.
. . inve'stigations for selecting appropriate borrow pits, identifying and treating problematic

j .ground locations, if any, and for finalizing structural featuces and design of the
embankment and cut sections and establishing improved ground properties. Areport on
the soil investigation shall be furnished along with the design. .. ..
. . ..

I '
4.4.2 Soillnvestigations for embankment
. .
I ,
Soil investigations shall cover the following:

a) Soil investigalionsand tests in accordance with'the requirements specified

in IRC:SP:19 and shall be reported in the Proforma
. ,.. given in Table 1 of


. ,..
. . .,-.,.I. /.>.'....?-:LI..,
. :...\57
I-: .
. .
lRC:SP:19;In addition ta this, all per the requirements of MORTH
i'.; . Specificationsshall be reported.
' b) In respect. Qf embankments 'with height more. than 6 rn, additional
1 ...
' ' .

investigationsandsoil tosts as per IRC:75

. .and Appendix.1O of IRC:SP:l9.

.' c) - . 'Inforniation regarding the topography, high.flood level, natural drainage

.. .. . . . . '. conditions, highest sub-soil wate.r level, and the nature and extent of

s :. inundation, If any.

1 I . -' .: ..

. . . ".d)
. ]
. ~ h e i h a i ~ i t e i i s tof
i ~embankment
s foundation including the presence of. ..
I -. . . .
! . . . .. . .. any un:suit&le~weak st~~a;;inaish;/'areas;water
. . . . . logged areas., etc. .
... . .. .
8 ,

. ... . . . .

.~lo"g.the alignment of ther~ad;,where"nstablestrata, soft material or

poor subsoil conditions have beenmat with at.thefoundalion level, the
. . soil profile shall be drawn after dete.rmi?ing through borings, the type of
. : . : soil $t different levels. The'boringSs, maximuminterval of 100 m
. . to adepth of 2 mor more below the existing ground arnecessaly. In the
. .
.. .. ., . . .. . . case pf high embankments, !he boriqgs,shall be taken down to a depth
.. . . .. equal. . to twice the helght of the. embankpent.
........ . . .
.. .. . . . . .
. .. . .
. . .
'.. . .O . ..Any partlgular toristruct~oh
. . .. . . . 'fefeatu$8.':':, .
. . . . ' . . . .. . . . " i
6f the.area or other irnpodant
. . . .. .
.. . . 8
. . . .
. . . . . . _.i
_ . . .'. . .'.
. >. . ' . .g) . .GeotechnicaI p'ropekies of.po.nd.ash,'covel~ingparameters specified in '
, :, . . ~ a 6 l e1.of.IRC:SP:58 and 0p.timum Moisture Content (0MC)- dry density.

. . . . . ,rsla$o&hipf& heavy compaction..This informationshall be furnished, in

case pond ash is used in embankm'ent construction.
... ,_. . . . . .

. 4.4.3 ' Soil investigations for cut sections .

Soil investigations,and tests shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements
specified in IRC:SP:19 and information regarding depth of water table, seepage flow,
presence of any weak, unstable or problematicstrata.

4.4.4 Qesign Report

. .

The~Concesslonaireshall prepare the de,sign repolt with all. .relevant

. details including the
follbwingf . . .
i) Road Embankment
. .
a) The detailed design of the embankment, remediallground
improvement treatment where required. For embankments with
height more than 6 rn, consti.uction methodojogy should also be
ing wallslreinforced earth structures.

43 '

. . 234
c. -

c) Design of protection measures for ~mbankmentslope and drainage.


d) Design of pond ash embankment in case use of pond ash is


e) Any additional information relevant to the design.ofembankment.

. . . .. . . . . . .
ii)' Cut Seqion .. . ... .. . . ..
.. ,
. .. . .a) . -7ype:pfcuttlng Involvedand proposed cut,slopes shall be provided
, . .in. accordance wifh the nature of the.soii~encount~ed. where
required, benching including use of slope stability measures like
: , .
- - -. . pitching, breast walls, etc. shall be adopted to make the slopes stable',
. .
and safe
. . . .. .

. , b) . Design and details of erosion control, slo(re protection'measure$..

. .
etc. ...
. .
c) In cut.sections in'hiliy terrain, the problem of seepage flow'is comrnon~ ..

'. Where suchcbndilion$ exist, necessary measures shall-betaken - --

. . . . including provision.of deep side drai~>s.tu inlel.c$t the seepage . . . .

flow and discharge the drained water into suitabli outlets to avoid
' at* darriaye to road and cut slopes. Deslgn anddetdils of drainage .,.
. ' .$rangement for sub-soil and surface,water shall :be furnished. It
. . ,.
.. .. :. ' . tjh'ould be ensured. that rain'water.and.seepage water is.quickly
. . drained out, fhe,gradient . . of .drain
. shall
. not be flatkr than 1 in 200. ..
. . .. . ..
d) ' Any other additional information tilevanth lhe design of cut s;opes..
..._. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. ..
. .
. . . . . ... . . . . I .


. . .
. . . '.
. .

. - . . . . . . . . . .
. .: . ' .. ' '

. . .
. . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . ... : . .

. .
. . . . . . .
. . .. . . . . .
. . ....
. . .
j :.
1I . . . .
1' .: . , "
,?.. .. . .
i , :
> ..
. . 5.1 ~eneral
.:1. .
. . . . .
..~;~'..'. ;
5.1.1. The design and conslruction of new pavement sections, and of strengthening
,. .: . . . . measures (overlay) lor the existing pavement shall be carried out in.iccordaico with the
.c:I:' .
.. ;:.:. .:..:
. , . 'criteria, standards and spe'cificatians.given In this .section; Where .alternative
. . : - specificati~ns01.materials are proposed to bring in innovation in design etc:,provisions
1:; .;, ': :... . .of Para
. . .,.......
1. I 2 of this Manual shall apply.

...:'. . .. .
t .
. I.-. . .,..,,'.:, .,:.
. . . . ... . . . .. 5.1.2
.' ..t .. . .. >..
... . ..*::..
The design of new pavement sections or ttrengthenjng of exiskg pavements
.. , . ..shall taka into accbrlnt allrslev~ntfactorsfbr assurlng reliable pdrformance and shall also
. :I:!...
.. . . . . . . _ . satisfy the specified'minimum performancerequirements:
* . . . . .....:.:. . . . . .
. .~
,. i.: -:. -
I..:.; :.-

1 . .:. . . . . . .5.1.3 The Concessionaire shall undertake the necessary soil, material and pave-
: ' . :
!. .. ,: ment investigations and trafficvolume and axle load studies in accordance with the good
I , ......... industry practice for preparing detailed designs. . : ..
I \ . . ;.. .
I . . .

. .. ; ;.
,:, ,:
5.1.4 The materials, mix.& and c;clnstr~ctionpractieeshall meet the requirements . .

. : :.. : ,prescribed in the MORTHll.RCSpecifications:., . . . . . .: ; . . . . . .

. ..
. .
' . .... . . ..
\ ;.......
.5.1.5 Where problematic conditions such as expansive soils; swamps or marshes, . . .'
. '

. .. flooding, poor drainage, frost susceptible areas etc. are found to exist, adequate ..
I, ,.-., . measures shall be adopted to deal with such site conditlons. :
is:;:,:',.. ... . .....
I . .
' 1 . .. ;
I :.'
.; . ..5.2 Type of Pavement

.. ' .: . .5.2.1 unless otherwise specified in Schedule 'B', the Concessionalie may adopt
. . . . . . any type (flexiblelrigid) of pavement structure for new construction.
. .
' i

I .. .5.2.2 Strengtheningof the'existing flexible pavement will be carried out by providing
[ . .
. appropriate
. bituminous overlay, unless specified otherwise in Schedule 'B' of the
:, . .

;. . . . . . 'Concession Agreement. . . . .
! '.
. .
. 5.2.3 The Authority may require provision of cement concrete.pavernen1on the new

1 ' : '

i . . ' carriageway andlor replacement of existing pavement depending upon specific site

! ' .
conditions. Such requirements shall be as specified in Schedule 'B' of the Concession

j ..
Agreement. The minimum design, construction, performance and maintenance
1' . . requirements for cement concrete
... pavements will be specified by the Aulhority and
I ' . lRC:SP:84-2W9
I' 1
i ' 5.3 Method of Design New Pavements' -

The new pavenlenl shall be designed in ascortia~lce

. . wit11 the IRC: 37 Gifidelincs for the . . .

. . . Design of .Flexible,
... . .
[,,, 4 rigid pa&rne"t
. . .

j . , '
.. . .
, ,
M ~ ~of ~design
. .

Rigid pave.rnen1s&ll be designed iti accoidaniei with the inell~bdpiesdrlbed irl IRC:5D
'.. . . . . .

.. . .' -"Guidelinesfor the0esign of.PlainJointed Rigid Padements for Highways".

I1 : -. :. . . ... .. .
. 5.4 De~ign'ee~uirements-for
New Pavement Sections
. .

/ 1:;
. . . . .
. . .
. . .
'.) 5.4.1 Flexiblk pavement- design period and strategy - . : ' ,

I... .
i) Flexible pavement shall be designed for a mininlrrm d e ~ i ~ n . ~ e rofi o15
I ,

.' .. .
-years or operation period, whichever is more. Stage construction will be.
pernlissible subject to the requirements specified in para (ii) below.
: ..

. . : '
. , ii) . Allernative strategies o r combinationof inilial design, strenglhening and
... lnaintenance can be developed. by the on cession ail-e to provide Ihe.
. .
. . . ; .: specified lev'el of pavement performanceover theoperation period subject
.. satisfyingthe)ollowing m i n i i y i d.esign.requilemenis,
. I

* .. .. .
. . . .
. .. . .
. . ..
' , . a) :.The thitknes; d f'iindbase of pave~ent$eclion is designed
. .. .. . . .. .I
. .for.a minimum design period of. 15 year$ or the operation period,
. . . . . ' 'whicheveris more.and the initial bilyminousiurfacing for a minimum
:desigiperiod o j 10 years. . . . . .- . .
1 . . .

i - . . .. . ..:.b) he pavement shall be strengthened by bituminous overlay as and

I .' when required to extend the pavement life to full operalion period.
! The thickness of bituminous overlay shall bedeterrnined on Ihe basis

1 ' . .. . .:. . , ...

.i . . ..5.4.2 . ' ~ i g i pavemeilt
d - design period and strategy .
.! .. .

j .
I . i) Rigid pavement shall be des~gnedfor a minimum 'design period of.30 '

years. The stage constl.uct~onshall not be permitted.

I The pavement Quality Concrete (PQC)shall resl over Dly Lean Concrete
(DLC) subbase of 150 mm thickness.

i iil) The DLC will rneel the rn~nirnctnicemenl and compressive slrength
requirement as prescribed in IRC:SP: end beyondthePQC . .

I (including that in shoulder, if any) b




. . . 238
, s,,.;~>'.*P
iv) Below DLC layer, a properly designed drainage layer Granular Sub Base
(GSB) of 150 mni thickness shall be provided throughout the road width.
It shall be designed to obtain a drainage coefficient of not less than20 m
: :
per day.
. . .. . .
. .
. .
5.4.3 pavement performance requirements ,
. .
i) he pavement structure shall be cbpable of giving the specified
performance over the entire.operation period. ..
ii) The new pavelnen't surface shall savsly Ihe following standards, .'
a) : Surface ~ i n i s h. . - . -As per reqcirements of
Clauses 902 and 903 of
i -.- . .MORTH Specifications .

. . .
: . I ., ,
. . b) Ro~lghnessin e ~ c lpne
h . . . . Not more than 2000.~~imlk!nfor ..
' each lane in a km Iq?'gth
i . . .. ...
I . . . . . . . ..c) Rullirlg . '
. . . . ..
. . . .

.... : In wheel path measured :.Nil : . . .

. ... -

1I . . .. . 3 m Straight
... . by . . ' Edge. . .. .. . ... ,.
1 . . d) . Cracking.or'ariyotherdistress . Nil . ,

. .
-; j . ' ' ' .
" . .~ u r i n btiie'ipi;atibngperiod, the.paVeme'nt iurfick rough"ess or any
a .
. .
.. . .
. '
structural dr ftinctional distiess shall'not exceed the values specified in
.Schedule-K of the Concession Agreement. Generally the. pavemenl
[ con$tion in termsof roughness, cracking and rutting should not deteriorate
I . .
i . . to the maximum values specified in Schedble-K for rectification, earlier :

. . than 5 years from the original.levell from the year of rectification. Any
! . . . treatment in the form of renewallovetlay.carriedout,orrequiredto restorel '. .'
j . . correcll improve the riding quality or any distress shall beof such thickness
. . and specifica!ion that will restore the riding quality to roughness not
. . . .
I exceeding 2000 mm/km. ..
. .
iv) ~ L ~ rthe i noperation
~ and rr,aintcnance period, the,pauementstrenglh shall
be evaluated periodically through defleclion measurements (Refer to para
5.8 (ii) of this Section) and the stretches exhibiting any structural deueiency
shall be rectified.
. .
5.5 Design Traffic . . . . . .
55.1 The design traffic shall be estimated.interms of cuniulative number of standard
axles (8160 kg) to be carried by the pavement during the design period.
5.5.2 . Estimate of the initial daily average traffic flow shall be -based on at least

7 days, 24 hr classified trafi ic counts,.lRC:9 may beused as guidance for carrying out the - ..
. .
traffic census. . .
5.5.3 Any. likely change in lraffic due to proposed four laning oi the facility andlor
.:. - . future development
. . plans, land use; shall .be duly considered in estimating the design
. . traffic. . . . .
. . ..
j >, . .
-. Traffic growth' rate shall be.established tor each category Of commercial
I vehicles to be considered for design of pavement. For traffic projestionqhe procedure.
- I . . . outlined in IRC:108 may-befollowed..The Concessionaire shall adopt a realisticva!ue of
I'.. .
- j .; .the rate of traffic growth, provided.that annual rate of growth of commercial vehicles shall :
I .,;., n o t be adopledless than 5 percent.
. . .
. . .
. . ,

!. . .
I '

. . .

The design traffic in case o; service road.shal1be five million standard axles.
' . .

) .

' . The crust iompogition shail be provided . ac.cordingly. . .

!'.. . . . . .
. . . . . .

. 5.6, syb.$sda
. . '

. .
. 1 .': . ..: . . . . . . .
. The subgrid; h h e t h e i in cut or fill, $h.&l meet thc' ~equir8ments'~stipulat8din Clause 305 . , . ;. . :. .
of MORTH SpecificaBons,The thickness.of subgrade shall not be less than 500 mm
I.; .
; : . .. 5.7 . Pavement Components and .
. Materials
. . . , , ..
... i ) ,The k v a m i n t for nub-base, h e and biluminoua
. , ,

. . . .sur'fsclng shall conform to. the requirements prescribed in MOKTH' .

I .: . . . . ,Specifications and IRC Standards. .,. . . . .
1 ..
. . . . . . .
:ii) : where several materials will adequate.lyserveas component within the
' .' . " .'
. .
. . . . . pavement structure, a sub-base.0r.a 'base course,'the
Concessionaire shall have the option of using any of the materials1
: '..
. .. . . specifications, subject to sound engineering pr,acticeand product quality . : ' ,
; i requirements. . . .
i .
I *
5.8 ' . ..Performance~valuatlon. . . . . .

. . .
I . , ', i) .~. u g h i i & sineach lane for fulllength~hall
, be measured bi-annually using
i appropriate .approved
. method and equipment.
ii) Thestrudumlevaluati~nof the
shall bemade by taking deflection ,

measurements every 5years in accbrdance with the procedure given in

- . , .
IRC:81, unless'needed earlier for stretches exhibiting severe distress
. . .. .. . during the operation.and maintenance. period.

1 .
5.9.1 Before strengthening treatment is prescribed, a detailed pavement condiiion '

!I s u ~ e and
y evaluation shall be carried out in accordance with IRC:81 to determine
i The extent of distress and nature
I' i) -

structure, and
/ . 50
i 240
ii) Whether any special treatments e.g. provision for remedying reflection
cracking, pavement internal drainage, sub-grade improvement1
reconstruction, or rectificationof any other deficienciesaig warranted.
, :. '

5.9.2 .Necessary corrective measures to.treat the identified deficiency shall be talton
I. :.. :.,..: . alongwith strengthening
. . of.the pavement.
J ....
.. .. .
In itrekhei where {he paverne"t Is damagedldeterlor+ed to such i n extent .
that the use of Benkelman Beam method may not result in a realisb assessment of the .'
, strengthening treatm'ent, pavement shall be designed as new pavempnt.
I: .. . ,
. . . .

. : 1,..
':. .. . 5.0.4 Where 8n'exi31irly pavement Is bullt over an untreated expansivelb!ackcottor: .
,. - . soil subgrade, its improvementlstrengtheningshall be treated separately. Such stretches

! 1'. . - shall require of necessary measures such as replacemenu
I . .
. ' treatment of eipansive subgrade, drainage, etc. as per the prescribed specificatjons and . ..

.i . . : .IRC:37; and shall be designed as new pavement. Stretches to be reconstructed,whether


1 . . -: due to expansive subgrade or having grossly deteriorated, etc, shall be specified:in

, Schedule 'B'of theConoession Agreement.
. .
i.' ,
--- .
. . 5.9.5 No glao;.lar layer sllall be provlded ovir an existing bil"mindur surfacing..
1 .: .. Situations may. arise where it is envisagedto strengthen grossly deficient existing road, . ..
1.. .. - . .with a granularlayer in addition to the bituminous overlay, or where.for camber andlar
grade corrcctian kubstantial thickness of profile correctivecourse is needed. In such
I : ' . .. . cases, theexisting bituminous surfacing shall be complstely removed by scarifying1 :

! , , rnlllihg,and then ihe p ; b v s ~ ~ . ~ ~

bulll n t the
i~p,w\th granular loyor(3)'and bituminous overlay.
i . . . . and composition of bituminous surfacing (Binder course and Wearing '

. . course)
. over ..thegranular
. layer shall cqnform to IRC:37. .. . .

. .-
: : . . 5.9.6 Design of Overlay'
. . . . .
i! . . . . '

I . ' i) The tI.,ickness of the bltumlnous overlay shall be determined on the basis

! . . . of Benkelman Beam DeflectionTechnique and the design traffic as per

i ..
:? . .. . the procedure outlined in lRC:81 "Guidelines for Strengthening of Flexible
. . .
I Road Pavement using Benkelnian Beam Deflection Technique" as also
,,. . from of existing
' pav.ernent layers,
. . . .
! ii) The design peridci wi'll be the same as specified for the new pavement.
. .
sections vide Para 5.4.1 of this Section. The initial strengthening shall be
done for a minimum design period of 10 years. Subsequent strengthening
i . . to extend the pavement to full operation period shall be implemented at
the end of initial design period or earlier, in case of any structuraldistress
i , . in the pavement or if the surface roughness exceeds the value specified
i in Schedule 'K1of.theConcession Agreement.
. .
.. .

iii)- 'The design traffic will be estimated as per the proceliure described for
. new pavement.


" 241
... . ... . .
*,,.,..,..: ;...,; . ,
c . , ..
.. . . . . . .
... .,
I . '
iv) The thickness of bituminous overlayfor pavement strengthening shall not
] :. be less, than 50 mrn bituminous'concrete, after attending to the
- 1. , - ' .
requirementsof profile corrective course. .
. f'
,(- . I
, . Ii . 5.9.7 B i t u m i n o ~ ~mix
s for overlay

i) The specifications for the bituminous mixes for the overlay shall be as
specified for biturninoils surfacing for new pavement sections.

-~ i

1 .


.i )
Design@!recycled mix where provided shall conform to the requirements
of.~lause51 7 of MOR'TH Specifications.
. . . .
n 1 '

. .I . 5.9.8 Pavement
. . performarice iequikmentsiand evalyation
, .
(' . ; '
: .
. .i) The strengthened pavementshal~satisfy. fhe.minimum standard and
. . nialntenan.ce.r.equir~mentipecifigd foi,.6&w pavement sections in this
.. .. - . Manual and ~bhedule&.bfthe Cqjckssilon~greernent.
.. ..
.: . .
.'. .. . .
. . ii) Th6 performance measurement and evbl"6tion will be done as given in ..
. . this Manual. . . . .
. . .. . . .. .. . .
. . . . .5..10 ' ': . PavedShoulders
, . . '.
. .
Paved shoulders shall be provided ;as:specified in t h i s ~ a n u a l
.. .. . . i)
. . . . ..

ii) . . If the ihickness of the existing p d e d shoulder, if any,, is less than the:
. . ..

. . . '
thickneis of the existing ~dvement,the paved shoulders shall b e :
reconstructedto the:pavementthickness,
. . in the adjoining carriageway. ,.
. . 5.11 ' Construction, Workmanship and
. ,. . . I .
. .Qyality
. .
ofworks ' .

, ' , . All materials, cb'nitruction operations, workmanship, sui%a.ceflnlsh and quality.of

completed construction foi all pavement works including sub-grade, sutj-base, base
course, bitumtnous surface courses'forboth nel\~$vement and strengthening of existirig
. pavements, shoulders, service roads, etc. shall conform to the specified requirements
and complywith the provisionsof Section 900 of the MORTH Specifications.
. .
. .
5.12 .
Distress . . . . .

I . .
1 ~olwithstandinithe minimum design, specifications and slandards specified in the
'1 preceding paras for n e w and strengthening of existing pavements, if the
Ii pavement stiows premature distress in the form of cracking, rulting, patching, loss of ,:
! camber or ariy other structural or functional distress, necessary remedial measures by. ' .
I strengtheninglresurfacinglrecycling shall be nforrning to the rninimum
j . l'equirements prescribed in Schedule 'K' Agreement. In case of
I repetition of the distress, reconstruction sh

1 . ...
1'I . ,

- .

! . . . ... .....

? 5.13 Detailed Design Report

1' . .
. .
3 The new pavement design and strengthening proposals fol:n.,ulated on the
1 ' basis of the detailed investigations and studies shall be subniitted to.the Independent . .

. Er~gineeralongwith Data collection; Data Evaluation and Design Reports. : .
6 5.1 3.2 Data collection
z . Following details shall be included in the report:
. .
i ) . Soil investigation data fornew paven~en'tsasperl'able 13.2 of IRC:SP:19. ' .. '

Keport shall include OMC-dry density relatiorship wlth heavy compaction .

and soaked CBR values in,other.dat?and information as p e t
the prescribed Proforma. ..
. .i'
:ii) Test values,bf aggregate for pavement courses jsgor ~ableaI3.3.Vnd.
' .
I3:4 of IR(=:sP:?s.AII tests as per tehuirements'of M0RTl-lSpeCificaiions . . ' .
shall'be reported in addition to the k s t s and information'.induded.ii~.the
.. .
,abore.mentioned Tables.
. .
iii) Classified trafficcounts in proforma 1 of 1RC:SP:l -
1 iv) Axle load surveys and VDF values for each category of commercial
veliicles as per Proforma 4 of IRC:SP:19.

v) Estimation of traffic growth and lraffrc projections for pavementdesign.

vi) Pavement condiky data in ihe ~rc$orrnagiven in able 2 of 1 ~ ~ ~ 8 1 .
. -.
!, . v i i ) . .PavemBnt roughness data determined through appropriate method as
' approved by theAuthority.

. . .,
. ..
,.. .
I "iii) pavement deflection Data measured by ~enkelrnanBeam as perthe
1 . . ... . procedure detailedin I R C : ~Pavement
~. deflection data shall be recorded
in the prescribed Proforma videTable 3 of IRC:81. The deflection data '

shall be accompanied with the characieristics of the cub-gmdo 30il
I . .
oovering typeof sub-grade soil, field rnoislure content (at the time of
. . .
deflectiori survey), average annual rainfall in the area, and pavement
temperature at the tirne of deflection survey.'

ix) Any other relevant information.required by the Independent Engineer for

review andcornments, if any.

! 5.13.3 D.ata evaluation

The report shall inter alia cover:

i) . Data evaluated.- soil characteristics and subgrade strength, pavement

distress, pavement drainage
aspects, etc: .


; .'
1:.. ... ,
,..,. -.. .. .. . .. ,, , .. .
,@q;.y,i;.::. . ..; .. . . .
*,.,% ,..... . . .
. .
. .. . . . .
. . .
, .
I ii) Pavement deficiencies, drainage and constraints.
ii . ',
iii). Any other relevant details.
11 ..
' 5.13.4 . Detailed design

1 ..
The Report shall contain the detailed design of the preferred solution along with any
specid treatment proposed for adoption: Any daparlurgs from the specifications stated
herein shall be supported wlth authentic standards and specifications
. and accepted:
. 1: .practice. . , .
. .
' '

. . . . . .

. . . .

1 :. .
. ..

. .

.' , .
. .
. .
. .
p .

r? O ' .

c-' I .

:---, ; ' .
<,.-' 1;
.:- 1 ..... SECTION 6. - '


(7 .
1 .
. . . . ..

I I-.
. . .
P 1: . . 6.1 General . . . . . . .
1 '

6.1.1 The design and c*'nstructioti of euriace and subsurface drains f i r highway . . .
1.. ',

drainage shall b.egarriedaut in. accordarjce

' . .
. . witt~.iherequirements of this Section.
.. . . .
, 6.112 . F q r efficiin!: drgl"& .sysiemfdr the, ?"tire ~i6jedHighway including :..,
structures and facilities, directions con.tained in Clause 309 of MORTH ~pecitic$ions,
1 ' ' ..
. . IRC:SP:42and IRC:SP:50 as relevant shallbe foll6wnd.
. .
. .
.. .

!. . ' . . . . . . .....
6.1.3 In io'dsectionsin bullin& and ~tund6r~assesihereit
1. . may not be posuble to . ' '

1'!. :: . . drain out the water using gravity flow, necessary arrangement for pumping shall be'made. .
. . .. . .
. . 6.1.4 ~ ~ t a i l e d : s u & efor. ~levels proposed longitudinal drains shall be ,
.. : . . . . carried outon both sides of the'prokct Highway; The bottom levels of these drai?s shal!
. . ... .. . . meet the culverts and bridges.

. -

f .
'.. .6.2:2
. embankment, pavement,oy stru5tures.-.
, . ,.
. . . . .
The road-sidedrains shall not pose any danger.t6.traffic, slopes.of cuttings, ..
._ . . . . . .
. . . . I _ .
. . .

I,. ' .... 6.2.3 ' , A s fatas possible, lonsil'lidinalslope shall,"ot be'leis m5percent fOr lined ..

drains and '110 p~rcerit.f'orunlined drains. Permissible lion-erodible flow velocily for ' ' '
! .
i 'corresponding .earthsurface as mentioned in Clause 9.4 of IRC:SP:42 shall be kept, . . '

i in view

. be. as flat as possible and shall not

'6.2.4 The side slopes of th&unlined drains shall
be steeper than 2H: 1V.
. .
I . .

[ ,
6.2,s The drains shall be provided with CC lining inthe following situations:
ii .I)
. . .
-". When due-tospace constraint the drains are located near the toe of the
embankment or near structures.

cated in built-up areas.

'ty is morethan 0.3 rn (0.1 mis in silt and sand; and more
tiff clay.

57 '

- 94 6
i.. 6.2.6 In built-up areas; covered or piped drains, with manholes at suitable intervals
;. ' . , to desilt the pipes, shall be provided.
- .
. .
i . 6.3 . Median Drainage
!!. . . . . .
6'.3.1 Pl.opcr arrangement for drainage of median Bhall be provided. The median
! .
drain shouid have adequate longiludinal dope to the neared culvert to drain off
:transversely. . . .

!.. .. 6.3.2 ln case the car;/ageway is sloping towards unkerbed median (wider than 5 m), , . .
i '
'provision of a central swale shallbe made for draiGage of the'mediari: Theswale.shall

i slope ~'cjngitudinal!yforarainige, water intercepted by inlets .at intervatsdnd discharged
.' ,

I .: .
. . .. . . . . . .
!. . . throug'h trahsverse drains into outlet channel. . . . . .. . . .
. . . . .
ii . .:... 6.3.3 . . be turfed or paved and could becroined for
Median of width 7 m or less shall , .. . .
. . . . .
j . ' ;" drainage acrobs'the pavement. . , , .. . .. . .
; . .
. .
, .

. . .. .. . . .6.3.4
. ' .
. In superelevated sections, proper'arrangement,for drainage of.rais'ed. .
i ...carriageway and, median shall be made without .allowing water. to. drain on the other .....
. . .
!I .: caniacjeway . . . --
. .. .
I .: ..
/ . 6.4
, '
. . .
' Diainage o i Embankment with Helght Above 3 m. . .
. . .
i .
. .,:
! $4.1. . in embankments, with: height more than.3 m anci,approaches,to bridges;
1 ...... .. .;.. .special arra.ngem.entfor protection of embinkrnent'S'lbj5es spll'tje esseritiel in order to, ' '.'

! . .' . . . .ensure that emba"krnent sldpeirniintain their shape durin$ the rnonsobnseasen: In thls. , . ,
. .
.. respect, directions contained In Clause 7 of IRC;SP:42 may be follow~das'tlppropriate , .
. . '.for the cli.matic confitlops of the area
. . of. the Project,Highway. , . . , . .
I ...... .. . .
1 .
. . . .

(. . .': 6.4.2 orinage arrangement Shall include provision i f k t r b c h i h e l a t the edges of '. . ..
', the channelise ths water, and Cement Concrete (CC) lined chutes along the
. slope< a! .designed .intervals to discharge the water into side channels at the bottom
i alongwith'appropriate pro'tectionof the slope. The slope protection mat'ecial and chu'tes
i shall be'kep! well maintained at all tinies.
! .
I 6.4.3, The chute drains and drains at toe of theembankment
. .
. . shall
. be.of. Plain
. .
Cement .
:Concrete (M 15 grade), over proper bedding. . . .

j 6.5 Catch Water. rains

I . . .
615.1 'Suitable catch water drains shall be provided on the hill slope above cuttingto '
collect and remove surface water run-off from upper.reaches. Thsse drains shall be of
trapezoidal shape and stone lined and cement pointed.
i 6:5.7.

Tho catch water drains shall be designed to carry the intercepted waterto the
lvert or natural drainage channel.


, . 247
,. . . . . :. . .
6.5.3 It shall be ensured that the catch water drains are provided$Gable hill slopes
outside the periphery of slidelunstable areas. ,/
! . .
6-54 Where required, lined'chutes shall'be pi-ovldedto lead the discharge to the
catch pit of culvert or to a natural drainage channe!,

ii . 6.6
. .
Sub-surface Drains
.. '
1. . . . .
' . 6.6.1.. . be pr.ovided
The sub-surface drainage. shall
. ! r .' . .
1 ...... i) . for lowering the levelof watertable for drainage of sub-grade; -
! . - . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ,

i . . . i i ) to intercept or drain out free water in cut slopes; and. .. . . .

. .
. . ... for drainage of ~e.vious..subba,sgin situati{ns where it may .not .b i . . .
. . . . -. ..11))'
. . . practicable to extend fhe subbase.acro.ssthe shoulder. . :

' .
1 . 6.6.2 Sub-surface drains shill npl be used for surfacedralnage.
'- .
. . .
. . 5.6.3 . :. thesub-surface
. . . . . dralnf shdll be:.. ' , ,, . .
. .
f . . . i).:
,Close jointed: p e r f ~ r a t e d . ~ i or
.: ~ copen
s jointed unperforated pipes in
! . . . . : . : trenches with backfill rnato!al aroundpipss.
/ .. . . .. .
.. . . . . . . .
. : i i ) Aggregate drainqconsiiiing of free draining material in the trench without ,.

- .
. .
. .
. .
any pipe. .
, . . : . . . . : . .. , .

. 1. , .,

3 0 0 :of
. . . .. .

~ the M o ~ ~pecificitidns.
. ..
'. .
Perforated pipes and $perforated pipes shall meet.therequirements of Clause
. .

i ' ' 6.6.5 he iniernal diameter of the pipe Am.

. . shall not be le~slharil50 :
I1 .: - . . .
I 6.6.6 The sub-surface drains shall be located notless than 0.5 m 'below the .
I sub-grade.
. .
I . . . . .

1 . 6.6. . Backfill rnaterlal: ., . .

I . i ) Backfill material. shall be free draining-sand, gravel or crushed,stone ,

I ,:.
. . .
designed on inverted filtercriteria for filtration and permeability,or of an .
... 'appropriategrading conforming to the requirementiof Table 300.3 of the
I . . . . . . . MORTHSpecIfications.,
. . (

11 ' . .
. . ,

. : ii) ~hick'&& of bi~ckillrnateiial'ar&nd the pipe shall ;lot 68 lass than 150
. . mm. The minimum thickgess of material atjove the top of the pipe shall be
f 300mm. . . . .

dram outside the road pavement shall be sealed at the top to

e water into these drains.

' 1" 248

1. . . . . 6.6.9
. .

i .- u s e of Geo-textile
4 "
.' . .
The sub-surface drains may be deslgried using appropriategeotextile to

/........ . . . . i)
: ..... - , serve the funclions of filtration and separation. ' . -
'1 ; :. . . . . . . . - .
J. :. ... -

i. ;;:;.
.: ,' ',
. ,
ii) She sub-surface drains can be provided with geotextile either along.the
trench or around the pipe or both.
.I..'.... .
L .: .
. . .
1 :.:.. iii) The geotextile shall satisfy the requirements of Clause 702 of the MORTH
b'"., . .
I:;'. . ;..".
I... _ . ". .. . . .

j . .
.6,G.10 ~rsnch.axca~,stibn,laying 6t pipe;~sckfilling, snd us' of gaosynthetics shall
.: : conform to the requirements of ~ l d u s e
...... 309.3 of the MORTH Specifications. '
-. .. . . . . . . .

- . ..shall
he drain ~ " t l e ts h i l l b e a .free. butlet and _ . 'b.eprovided
. . . as per
309.3 of the ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ p e c i f i c a t i o n s .
. . .
: .. . .. . . . - . .. ,.. . . . .
ii . :..'. . .. :6.6.12 ' . Aggregate drains :
! . .
i .:. :
! . ) f he trench for aggregate drain shall be of minimum 3~ mm width and cut
1'. .
. . . . , to a depth to expose the gra~ula'r.pavement courses to be drained.
: ..
. . . .: . . .
1:. .:. .
, . .

i )
~ g g r e ~ afor
t e the drain shel'be gravel, stone aggregate or slag of grading
83 perToble 8 of IRC:SP:J2. . . .. . . . . . .

1.: :,; .. '-, .

. iii)
. The aggregate drain.shall be provided with a geo~textilewrap to act as
. . . . filtration and sepaiation layer. . . . . . ... . .
. .

;. . . . . .. .I
. .

I .:
I .
1. '..
:. 6.6.13 ~ e s i j d
n si!hsoil drainageshall be
be made to IRC:SP:42. .
bas@ on a rational bask: deference.may
. . . . .
. .
. . . - . . ... \
- .

! ....... >
I ' 6.7 . Internal Dralnage of Pavement Structure . . :
1'. ..
I . .
. ' i) Boxed type construction in which pavoment is housed h earthen shoulders
. . ' shall not be provided.. .. . .
! ' . .
, . . ii) The sub-base shall be extended acrossthe shoulders for efficient drainage

'of pavement:' . . .
. . . .

iii) The granular sub-bas'e shall be.of proper design and grading to perform
5 .
. .
satisfactorily as a &ainage layer. The drainage layer shall not have material
i . finerlhan 75 micron'size. . . . .

ivj A suitable filter of granular material or geolextile to act as filtration and

separat~onlayer shall be ~ncorporated,where necessary, between the
grade and sub-base to prevent clogging.
1.8 Survey, lnvestlgatlon and Design Report

1 ,
The ~oncesslonaireshall carry out proper s u r ~ and
~ ~investigations
s for delailed design
of the drainage system. The proposal for drainage system supp'orted with survey
investigalion,yport and detailed design report shall be submitted lo the Independent
1. ,

Engineer for review and comments, if any.

1 , . 6.8.1 ~ r a l n a ~studies
. .
. .

1 . ::... . ~
. h e i u t v e akdi~vestlgati~n
y and drainage studlos slrall ioo~do: '
. .

[ ..';' i) Alignment plan, longililciinal:and cross sbctions~co~tour'rna~.

- '

I-' .. , , , ii) Hydrological data

j ' :
. .
Drainage area, water shed delinttaiion, direcllon of flow, location of
If1.: .
' ' .
outfalls, existing surface drains,-groundsurface condition, rainfall, flood
frequency, etc.
' 1.' .. iil) . Data for hydraulic design of drains
1:: - iv) ~eo-technical.investigationsfor sub surface stra!a,'leyel of water table,
Ii :.-... seepage flow etc.
1I . . . v) Identificationof areas requidng.sub-surfacedrainage.
. :
vi) Any other relevant information
' l
1I : IRC:SP:l9;.IRC:SP:42, IRC:SP:48 and lRC:GP.:5O.rnay be referred to.

.. . . ..
.,I , - . ;
..'. . . . '
. '.6.8.2 Deslgn details
' . The report shall include: '
, 'k "

I) ~;tlmatio" bf design discharge.

li) Design of surface drains. . .
I iil) Deslgn of sub-surface drains.


Drainage arrangement plan along with cross section of drains with
longitudinal levels, cross drainage works and a strip chart.
Specificationsoj drains. .
. >I . .
vi) ~n~ additional inforrnatlon as req;lired by the IE for review of the drainage
i system. . ,
i 6.8.3 ~ e s ~ o n s i b i lfor
i t ~design and adequacy
The Concessionaire shall'be fully r'esponsible for design and adequacy of the drainage
period as per the requirements of the Concession . .
1 . . '
. .
t.. . . : .
. . . . . : SECTION ;.'I
1 i
I .
. .
. .. . . .
! ,:
. . . . . .
/ :,
. . . " '
. .

1. '

! -I
. .
. :

I) .All .bridgesshall be des'igned in accoidance with the relevant Codes,
Standards and ~pecificationsand Speclal Publications and Guidelines
. of the IRC. ,All construction of bridges shall,conform t o MORTH
;Specifications for Road-andBridge Works. ., .,

. .
ii) All bridge.^ shall have independent.super$ructure for each direcllon of
. . . . travel unless specRed otheiwise i i i Schedule 'B'; Culvertsrnay'havesingle
or independent supeistructure. . . . .
I ...
. . . - .

I: . .
. .
shall be high level .bridges unless specified otherwise in
.~.. . . :iii.) . ~ll.:hrid.~es.
!.t . : '
. . . . . . Schedule.Y3~oftheConcessio~Agreement.:
. .

iv) ~ i a d u bspans
l shaO be pr&ided if the height. of solid embankment in .,
. .
' '

built-up sectionsis more than 3.m. "

/ . , . . .
. .. . ... . . .. . .
i) .~hP&ldthof rnedlan in theculvert and bridge pdrtion shall, as far as
.possible,be kepl same as that In the approache.s.'ln case width of median
. . ', . .' ' is differeptfrgm that of approach section due to slte constraints, sult'able
. . I
. . .
. . . . . , . : transition shall be provided near approaches for.guidingvehicular traffic.
. . ,

vi)' The median ln the portlon of siructures 'shallbe ireated as below:

. , ' . , 4) ' A &tab$ . . to collect and carry .
designedbitch pit shalibe pr&videb .:
... discharge from median draln.
i I
- . :.. .
b) ~or'brid~es,where the median Is more than 1.2 m wide, the mbdlan
shall be opentcsky; The safety barrier on the median side shall be
provided at a clear distance of 0.5 m from the edge of carriageway.

i vii) Suitable provision shall be made for relaining the earth in the median
I portion either by extending the abulment wall or constructing a now
I ....
retaining wall. The abutment wall shall have.provision for taking the
I discharge from'the median;Care shall also betaken to merge the wing
. . .. . .
I . : ,

wall Ireturn .. knd flooringof the old bridge with those of the
. .wall . .new bridge.
1 ... ,

. viii).
.Any utility .service to be carried by the structures shall be specified in . '

. . Schedule 'B' of the ConcessionAgreement.

7.2 . , Deslgn Loads and Stresses
ign loads and stresses shall be as per IRC:6 apprqpriate for the
I '
arriageway, velocity of stieam, localion, altitude, environment, etc.
1 :' -.
- . 252
. .
I ' .,:, <., . . . . . . .
. . .. .
I*. ' . 7

'i .
!.. ii) All. new struclures sl~allbe designed for the condition when footpath is
j.' , used as carriageway. The footpath portion may be provided at the same
!* .. ..
level as the bridge carriageway and separated by crash barrier in non
11 : . . . - : . . bu'ilt-upareas. In b~iilt-upareas, raised footpaths shall be provided.
i .:
iii) All the components of structures sllall be designed for'a service life of
f . . .
100 years except appurtenances like crash barriers, wearing surface and
rubberized components in expansion joints and elastomeric bearings. All
3 -
? ,: .
. .
. . the requirements to achieve durability and serviceability shall be . .
1: ' . .
. implemented.
. . , . . . . . d

i.,. . . : . ..
. . . .
d '
. 7.3' Width o t ~ t t u c t u r & :' ..,
, .. .
I!. ::.:. Width of the culie,rtsan.d bridges shallbe adopted as b&w:
. . .
i - .
1 '.. . .
I: : i) New culverts
! .. , .
,i . .. ' . . .
. I
I . 0v&ali ividthbf all new culverts shall b e Cquol toroadway width of the" ,
,'. ..
approaches. The outer most face of raitlnglparapot shall Be in line with :
. .
. . . . the outer most edgeof shoulder, Typical:cross section of the new culverts .
for a 4-lane project highway is given in Fig. 7.1.

. .

.. .. .. . , . .

Fig: 7.1 Cross Section of Pipe Culverts at Road Level

4-Lane Divided Highway
. .
ii)' .. New bridges
. .

. a) . ~he.overall.byidth of new bridges shail be: same as the roadway width ,

' .of the appro ache,^. AII. new bridges shall. have a footpath on left side
I ..
. . of the traffic. Typical cross section of such type of new br/dge with
. . .
i .'. . footpath for a.4-lane project highwa$:is given inFig. 7.2.
b) Where the daily traffic in PCUs exceeds 30,000'at the time of
feasibility study1 bidding, the width of new bridge shall be as per
Six-lane standards vide details given in Fig. 7.3 with footpath. Sucll
bridges shall be indicated in Schedule '0'..
i ..
I .r . '
. . . .
. . . . .
:. . Fig: 7.2. cross section of Bridge at Deck Level - withFootpath
1.. . .
. .. .:. .. . . . ., . . . . .
4-Lane Divided Highway
. . .. .
. . .
. .
. . . .
. :j., :..- . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . .

. : . . ..
Fig. 7.3 cross section of Brldge at beck Level - with Footpath
4-Lane Divided ~ighway(Bolh sides new Bridges for 6-Lane Standards)

. .

-c) where the lenith of bridge'structure including grade separated

str?ldures exceeds on5 km,provision shall be made for passing
p.lace at the rate of one passing place for evpry one km (or part
.. . .: .thereof).These shall be indicated in Schedule 'B' of the Concession
. . .. .. .

Agreement:Mowever, no passing place would be provided where

. structures
. are six- lane wide. . .
'iii) Existing. . . culverts
. . .
. .. . . . . . . .
a) ~ l l c u l v e r t swhich are structurally distressed or not having sufficient
. . .
venV size shall be feconstructed as new structures of width as per
1 Sub Para 7.3 (i) of this Section.
! b) All existing culverts which are not to be reconstructed shall be
qua1 to Ihe roadway width of the approaches.

67 - '

- .

. . .
. . . ....... ., . , . : ..! . :.:,+:.
c) The culverts and Hume pipe structures shall be widened so as to
make the deck width same as specified in.Sub Para 7.3 (i) of this
Secfion. If the width of additional widening is less than 0.5 m on
either side, the widening of the structure maybe dispensed withand .
. . traffic shall be guided with the help of crash barriers in a transition of
, .
1in 20 on either side approaches,
List of eulvert&o be reconsl~uctedandior *idened ~ha~lbes~ecified
.. . . . . d) in Schedhle 'B' 6fth.e ~oncession~grdem:ent.
. . .
. . .
. .iv) xis sting bridges. .

aj All Gridges which are structurally distressed shall be reconsiructed

.as new.bridges of.widtK.a's.perSub P ~ r 7.3
a (il).
-. . .. ' . . .
b) components like bearings, expansionjoinls, rei!ings, crash barrlers, .
. . '... . wearing surface, etc., which are not. in sound condition, shall be . ,

. . .
. .
Minor non-structuralworks shall be suitably-repaired, '. .
. . 9 . .

;. c) If:the width of additionalwidening is 'l.O m (0.5 m on each side).or ' . . , .

' . . " . less,.ttie widening of the structure may be dispensed'wiihand traffic . ,

-shall be guided with. the help of crash barriers in a transltion of

.. .I'in 20 on either side approaches.
d) . T h e bridges -having 2-lane c a r ~ ! l a ~ e wparticularly
a~ -those with
: . T-beamlBox type supbstructure with welllpile foundation, which are
In sound condition, may be retained and proper transition between
,, approach and bridge sball'be provided. Typical cross sections at
deck level for bridge^ wlth and without footpaths showing new bridge .
-: On one side and existing 24ane.bridge on.the o\her side are giyen in
'Fig.i7,4A and 7.4 8' respectively.' . .
. .
e) he width $ the new structures constructed on the other side of the
. . . . :existing brldge shall be as specified in Sub Para 7.3 (il) of thls
. . .. . . %.,..Section, ..:. ,. , . .. .
1'. . .

1 . '. . . .. . ' f j '1. . ~ i ~ t ~ 6 f . b ~ i d ~ ~ ' s t r u cbe

t " rrekostr.&ted
eslo andlor widened shall

i! . . be Schedule IB1.of the Cencession Agreement.

'- '
' '
. I .

. . 4,'
7.4 . StructureTypes. , 'Id

] ..
i i) . The bridge structure should aesthetically blend with the environment.
ii) The type and span arrangement may be flxed so as to provide rid~ng
I iii) Wherever box girders are proposed for superstructure, the minimum clear
j . . . .
depth inside the box shall be 1.50 m with suilable openings in the

6b i
- . 255 I
. . I
. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .i, . . 1
Fig. 7.4A cross Section of Bridge al Deck Level- With Footpath
(T-BeamlBox Girder Type 1 Well1 Pile Foundation)
. .
4-Lane Dixided Highway (One side new Bridge and othersides'Existing for 2-Lane Briae),
.. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. ..:.
. . . . : . .. .. . . .
. .
: ... . .. . . : . . . .
. . .
... , ,
. .

. . .._. . . . '. . ...

. . . '_
. . . .'
. . Fig. 7.48 Cross Seclion of Bridge at Deck.~evel-,Without Footpath
o x Tyiie 1 Well IPile Foundation),
( ~ - ~ e a m ! ~Girder
4-Lane Divided Hlghway (One side new Bridge and other sldes Exlsting for 2-Lane Bridge) ,

diaphragms and box to facilitate inspection. Hainchas of minimum size

. . . . ..::of.300 mrn .(h'orizontal) and 150:mm'(vertical) shall. be provided at the . .
. .. . :..
. extreme cornersof section; Suitable 'arrangements for lighting
. .
-' . . ; 1 shall be made to enable inspectionof the box. . . .
.... . . , . .
. . , . . . . . .
. . iv) , 7hefollowi"~tyoes of.siructwresshall notbe accepted.

i! a) Drop in spans,withhalved joints (diculations)

estle type framesfor subslructures '

truction of structures like cable stayed! suspe"sion bridgebr with

techniques is envisaged, it shall be specified in Schedule '0'of
cession Agreement.

' 8

". . 256
i. .. -...................

. . .. . . . . . . . . . ;.
. . . . I . . .
. . . . .. . .
. .
. . . .

. ! :;
. !!. ' . ..
. . .

f ' : ' . ' .. . :

I '.
I:'." ' '

I -.: . 1RC:SP:84-2009
. . -..
i .
f.5 Hydrology
I '

i1, . . . . At1 the s'tructures shall have adequatewaterway,which shall in any care be not less than . .
! .' '
that of existing bridge (ex'cept when such walerways can be .reduced in cases like
.clogging'or silting of spans; etc.). discharge shall be evaluated for flootl ol

i ..

1'I..:. , .
. 1OO-year. return'period.
. .
. .
'. I. .
, .
. .
' 7.6 ~ub~o
~ ni i le s t i ~ a t i o n s . .

- .
i ~ n d e ~ e n d esub-soil
nt .invistigations>hall be carried out to,establish the soil
. . . . . . . '
:, .
'required for detailed design of foundations in accordance with relevant provisions of
. . .
I. :
I .
,IRC:78. and. IJIORTH Spscifications,
, . ,

1 :..'.. ..
. 7;7 ::. . Culverp and,sridger using Pipes . . . .
1; ;
; .

: . .
. , .. ..i) Reinforced concrete pipesforculverts and bridge'structures shali'be of
18 . :..
I , .
. . . ,
' Non Pressure (NP) - 4 type conformi?g to the requirements of IS: 458:
i . . .. .. . . . .' . . . Mlnlmurn diameter of pipes for new pipe culverts shall be 1200 mml . . .
I.. :....
- ii). ~ x i s ~ b ~ c u ~ of

1, . .
I.', .
' v ediameter
ns 90_0mm afidabgv_e,,which are in sound
. .. conditionand functioning satisfactorily, may be extended, using pipes of
I .'.' ..
i . . '
, ' same diameter. All culverts having.pipe diameter.lessthan 900 mmshall
I: .
..:. .-, of minirnum 1200 mm diameter under both the ,

' . : 'carriqgeways. Minin~l~m depth of eatfh cushion,ove~:glpeinc1.udin.groad .
i .,. . . . ,' crust shall not be less than 1000 mnl for newlrecoristructed culveds. In
i . . . case of existing sound and safeculverk, a minimum cushion of 600 rnm
!.. , .. ' .
., .. . .
may be'acceptable. In case the cushion is insufficient, encasing of pipe in
:I, 1; , .
. ., . .
' concrete shall be ensured. Floor protbction shall be as specified in the

. relevant IRC Codes and Specificatiok. .

... . .
. .
i, , . .. . ... . . . . ..
! . . . 7.d " Temporary.Works . . '.
. ; .. . . . .. .
t .
! . ' :.
. i ' , . - 7..8.1 Form work
f ' . . . .. '

1 .. '
- . ' 'The ~~"cessioriaire
shall be respopsiblc for.the .&ife,workabl.e design and methodology
(' '
for all temporary or: permanent forins, staging-and.centeri'ng.requlredfor supportingand. L
-formingthe-concreteof shape, dlmensions and surface finish as shown on the drawings
I ,

! '

. . .
1. .: (Refer IRC:87). Adequate foundati0.n for the staging shall be ensured, ~edundancyin
? support system shall also be ensured by providing.diagonals and actddiiional members. ' . .la

i The following guidelines shall be adopted:
: .
i) Formwork shall be of steel, marine ply or laminated plywood.
! '

ii) Only such shuttering oil (release agent)shallbe used, which permits easy
removal ci shutlers wilhout leaving stains o~.othermarks on.the surface of
the concrete. Reqair-eme:itsgiven under Clause 3.5 of IRC:87 shall also
be com~liedwith.
. . iii) In case' of tubular staging of heights more than 10 m, special attention
shall be paid to the structc~raladequacy of the system, efficacy of the
Connections (clamps etc), and foundations. Foundationblocks of adequate
e t ~be provided'under tho hase plates
thicknessin ~ 1 5 t e f i a n ~ . c o n c rShill
to provent differential 'setuemants. All bent tu6u1ar props shall be
straightened belore re.-use. and .the member wlth deviation from
straightness more than 1 in 600 ofits length shall not be re-used. For . .
re-used props, suitable.;edvdion in the permissible loads shall be made
depending upon their conditi~nin'accordancewith recommendations of .
thernanufacturerand as reviewed .. b j the IE. .'
. ...: . I
. . . ..
In case of prestressed 'Concrete members, the side forms shall be
' ed as early a~'~os$ib!e ah@thesoffitforms shall.&r,mit movement
of member without rest<a..intf:wtienprestress is applied, Form supports
a n d forms for cast-in-situ.~membersshall.riot'beremoved until sufficient
\ . prestrep has been applied to car[$ all inticipatedloads during '
i' I . construction stage.
. .
1. ,. - '

.I - , . .
. . : .
. . .v) , ,Ade,quatefoundations for formkock shall be ensured.. .
. . : . .. . . . . .
7.8.2 .,. : Speclal tokporary'and
enabilng works
, . . .
: ,
., ' . ,. ,
. '.:I . ,. . . . . . . . ' , ( .

' ~ e s i ~ n s , ~ d r a . wand
l n ~ smethodology~p~oposed
by tho Concessionaire In the use of '. '

.specialtemporary and enabling works like Launching Girders, Cantilever Construction

Equipment, Tall Formwork, Shoring for Earth Retention,Lifting and Handling Equipments
and the like shall be submitted to the'lridependent Engineer (IE) for his review and
: comment's if any., The Concessi6nai!e.shall .be fully responsible for the design and .
.structural adequa'G of all temporary and enabling works; Review by lE shall not relieve the
Concessionaire of this responsibility

1j 7.9 .Fo.undations and sub-structures

. .
7.9.1 he design of foundations
. . . end sub-structurks shallconform to IRC:78,

7.9.2 Op.en foundations . , , . . .

. .

-The design.of open 'foundations shall conform to IRC:78. Floor. prote,ction shall be
provlded as.per Section 2500 of MORTH Specifications.
.. .
. . . . .

. 7.6,?. ... ~ l l.foundattons

e , ,

ign of pile'foundatlons shall be done as per IRC:78. 'The

naire shall submit a method staternent supported by the


. ... . .. , .. . .
f .

r, ......
a) Bore-log details for each foundation; . .
I .
. ' ' .' :b) Design assumptions;
5 '
i .: 2 . . . . . . .
1 ..
1: .:.. . . c) Design calculations both:for single pile or group
. .of piles and for pile "

, type;. . . .. .
I .; :
f ::. . . d) ~ ~ p e .piles-~ored
of castiin-situ piles and driven,piles; . .
1 .:-;.'. . ..;, . .
e)':' procedure adopted for installationaf jjiles;
. .

'w . '
-; ?
. . . .
, ..
. .
1, . y : . ' . f) Arrangements for load testing of piles;. . '. . .
. .
g) Formit $0; reporting of test results.

, . . .
I . . ... . .
L< .:...
. . . . .:. . ii) he ,66ii;s,sioniire shill submit the following information. .regarding +

. . system of pillng: . . . . . .
I:, . . . . . . ... , . . . .

f ,:. '
. .
. a) ~ e n e r a ~ f e a t u i ~ sprocesslsystem
~ttie al~ngwithspe~if~ations

... . , ,

/". '. . . . .standards; . ,

.: .. :. . . .
. .
-- .... . b) . Authenticated copies of~icensela~reement,
if any; ,. .

c) Details of plant and kquipmentto he used along with'the names of

. . . . manufacturers a'nd name of. processlsystem;
!.. ..... : . ,. . . -

1. . :
. . .
. .


Details of projects where the processlsystern hasbeen successfully
if any;
. ..
. . ,,. . . . . . . . . ..
. ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . :.. . .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . .
. . . .
.. . . .. .. .
i1 '" ' .
. . . . . %. .. ., . .. . : ....
1 .. . . . . . f) . Acceptance testsand criteria.;
' , ........'
i , .

1 .. ' : . g) lkstallatibnand ~ n a i n t e ~ npibcedure

ce and schedule; and .. , .

7.9.4 Well foundations . .

. .
ij For conventional method of well sinlting, the Concessionaire shall submit
'a method'slatement includit~gthe following: ,
a). Design calculations and drawings,
b) . Procedure for sinking andplugging o'f well, ...
. .
. .
. . . . .. ..

c). Format for reporting of lest results.

ii) If proprietary system of well sinking like jack down method is proposed to
be used, the Corlcessionaire shall submit relevant .... informationcovering
. .
inter-alia the following:
. , . . .
General features of the system along with specifications and
standards and justification for the thickness of steining proposed b
be adopted;
~uthenticatedcopies of licenselagreement,if any;
.Details of plant and equipment to be used along with the names of
manufacturers and name of processl~~stern;
.I. .

'~etailsof projects where the processls'ystemhas been successfully

Limitations, if any;
. .
. . :.. . .
. . f) ;Acceptance tests and criteria;
. . . . .
. .

i,. . . . . . . : . . . . g) .lnsia~ation
a,nd maintenanceprocedure and schedule; and

. .
.. ..i i. i. ) ~ ~ h e ~ o n c e s s l o ninahis
l r ~~ e t h o t ~tat6ment
k shall include the procedure .. .
. . . . . ..fsr sinklng hy speclal methods, carrylng,outtests, if any,'of wells including
. .. . design criteria/calculati.onS, drawings and formats for reporting test results.
1:. ' . . . . . . .... ..... . . . . .. . . s
. .

I. . . . . . .

[i .. . :. ..: s ~
c h shall be provided as per clause 2i7 of IRC:6 and ~eclion2700 of MORTH
~ f l ~ r i a slabs
~ ~ . B ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ .~ ; . : . . . . :
. '
, .' ;. . .

i ' 7.11 . - Superstructures

i .;
! . . .., .
. .
. . . .
. . . . . .

7.111 Thedesign of reinforced and pre-stressed concrete superstructuresshall be .

' : .
as per IRC:21 and IRC:, 8 respectively.The design of steel and steel-concrete conyosite,
I .super structures shall conform to IRC:24 and IRC:22 respectively.
. - . . .
! . .
7.11.2 The ~ohcessionalreshall submit Method ~latsmentindicating interaiia the .
1 ,

. folloiing:.
, .. . . .
. . . .
, . ' . .
.". . '
. . . .
.. . .. . .. i),. . . ..Sources of materials;

1 . .
ii) Design, erection'and removal of formwork,
: . iii) ... ~ a ~ oofucasting
t yard togeiher with necessary details; . . . .
. . . . . .

' iv) ' ~roduction,transportation, laying, compacting and curing of concrete,

! oncreting ill cast-in-situconslruction,side shifting ofgi~.ders,

. . lacing of girders on the bearings,

I '
- . 73 260.
I* . ,-


1i P.

lRC.SP:84-2009 ..".


I vi) Details of constructionjoints,

) -

1i La- .
!I. vii) Prestressing systern, if required,
viii) fvlethodology and equipment f~r'sideshifting and
. . . . ..
launching of pre-cast
girders, . . . . .

1. :' ..
1: ix) Key personnel for execution andsupervision,
i ';:: .'..
, .

x) Testing and sampling procedure;

1. .
xi) Equipment details.

1.1.'. .'
'.. 7.12 Bearings
1 :.. . . .
. . . 7.2.
'All bearings shali be easily accessible for inspection, maintenance and
.. .
replacement. Suitable permanent airangements shall be made fqr inspection of bearings
: . hon bridge deck. Drsiyi, a i d s y r r i i r i ~ i o of
~ ~bearings
s a as per IRC:83 /Pan I, I1
s t ~ be
! . . . .. and Ill). Spherical bearings shall~onformto the require?erits of BS:54OO0Thimaprials .
" ' ,

i; ; .. . . . of bearings may however conform to the relevant BIS codes nearest to the,specifications
. . .. given in 'BS:5400. ?he drawing of bearings shall include the layout plan showing exact.
/,i 1.. .. . loca!inn on.topof pity and abl-ltmentcap and.the type qf bearingsi,e: fixedlfreelrntational


:; . . . .at each location along with notes for proper installatlon. The bearing should cater for
? '

i . 'movement i r i both longitudinal 'and lateral direction in respect of bridge.str.ucluresmore

j . :: than I 2 m wide.
I. . . . . . . . .
. .
!: . . . 7.12.2 The concessionaire shall procure bearings only from the manufacturers
[: . . : approved ~ Y M O R T H . . "
. .

' 1; '
:7.42.3 The Concessionaire. 6ha11submit detailed speciflcstiono, deiiOns and
drawings including installailan. drawings
replacement procedure,.
. .
and maintenance manual lnooiporating the .
. .

! .. ;. '.*l

3% -
[ . :_' 7.12.4 The ~oncessioniireshall obtain and submit a complete Quality Assurance PI,
. -
. , Programn~e(QAP) from t h i manufacturer. The QAP shall give the full details of the
i process ofquality control, raw material testing, various stages of manufacture, testing of
i1 . . bearing components as well as testing of complete bearing in conformity with relevant .
! . . part of IRC:83, prior to the commencement of manufacture of the bearings.

7.12.5 In addition to the routine testing of the materials and bearings at the P-
manufacturer's premises, the Concess~onarreshall arrange testing of random samples
! T

of one percent (minimum one number of each lype) of bearings from independent agency .-

I approved by the IE. r

.6 The Concnss~ona~re shall subn~lta certlflcate of conftrmalion regarding quallty ,-
rol measures taken durlny manufacture of the bearlngs and the materlal conforming

I - r

. . 261 1I ,..

1 F

' to the prescribed standards andspecifications. Full lot of bearings oithe sample found to
1 have inferior sgecificalions to those certifiedby the manufacturer or to have major
discrepancy in material specificationsorwhich fail to meetthe acceptance criteria, shall
be rejected.
I . ... .
. .

7.13 Expansion Joints

. : . . . .

i) . . Structures shall have minimum number of expansion]oints.f his may be

achieved by adopting longer spans, makingthe superstructure continuous
.. 'or by adopting integrated structures. Expansion joints shall cor~formto
: IRC:SP: 69. The Corlcesslonaire shall furnlsh~guaranteelproprietary :.

indemnity bonds from the manufacturerstsuppliersof expansionjoints fcr

a perlod of 10 years. . . . . . . . .

ii) ' For existing bridges all expansion joints., which areolder than I S years
. . shall bereplaced. . . . . . .
. . . .
.. hec concessionaire shall procure expansionjoints oolj flom maiufacturers
:. . approved by MORTH. : . . : .. . . .. . .

iu) The expansion joints should cater.for movement in bolhlongit.udinaland '.

lateral direction in respect of bridge structures more than 12m wide.
. .

. wearing
. . Coat ...

. i) The wearing coat may be either bituminousconcreteor cemer~tconcrete.

For new bridges ahd culverts, the wearing coat shall have unidjrectional
,':camber and shall be in conformity with 'Section 2700 of MORTH
... .' . Specificatioris. For existing bridges, the cambef'as .existing may be, . .'

. 'retained..
'. . . . . . . . I .
. .

I ' .
1.); .. Wearing coat:older
. shall be replaced..
than 15,year$or In damag%dldlitr~ssed
condition . .

I ' . .: . .. .,
7.15.1 ' ' ~ ~ i n f & c eearth
d ret~iningstructuresshall not be provided for height more than
i 6 m unless othelwise specified, and nearwater bodies. Such structures should be given
i! special attention in design, construction, ground improvement where necessary,
maintenance and seleclion.,of System/System design. Loca1.and global~stabilityof the
'I structure'~hal1be ensured. : ...

7.15.2 ~ e s i ~ccreditation
~ n andwarranty for life of the structure from the approved
supplierlmanwfactuier shail be obtained and furnished. A qualified and experienced
technical representative of the approved si~pplierlmanufacturershall be present on site
! throughout during the ca n phases to ensure that the quality of the works
executed by the Conce rdance with good indi~strypraclice.
i .
5 -
- . 26.2.
I . _ .................
. . .. . . . . . :
I ....
: .... IRC:SP:84-2009
I.' '
1 -.: ..

1.. : . 7.15.3 'rhe.Concessionaire shall submit relevant informationon the system covering
1: I '.
inter-alia the following;
. .

i) General features of the system along .with specificationsand standards;

ii) ~uthenicatedcopies of licenselagreemen!, if any;

iI ". .'' '

1. ., . . lii) Details gf plant and equipment to be used along with the names of
I ..
. i'.: manufacturers and name of proceSslsystem; . .

1. ::., . . .
. . . . . . . .
-I .:. . . . .i ) Details ~f projects where the pcocesslsyste,mhas.beensuccessfully used;
': . ..
.],:.; ' ... ...

. . . .
"1 . . ~imitatid?s';if
,. any; . . .
: ' .
I.:*.:. ;
:..;, . . .

. . .. .. . .
.. vi) Acceptance tests and criteria;
. .

Is:. vii) Installation and maintenance procedure and schedule;'and

1.-::; 1
. . . .
. . . .. ,.
::... . . '- viii) Performance
. . warranty. . .

. 1 . . .

1: . . . . .
. . . .
. ' 7.1 5.4 ' TheConcrs.ionaire ;hall &brnit method ststernktit inclidiiig'the f0110wiq:
.. , . .
. .:.,,
. . . ' . i) Design assumptions calculationsand drawings,
. .
: .

. . .
. . . . ii) Construction ~.rocedure, ' . , . , ,
v... :

I,!.; :, . : ,
. 'I..: iii)
Tests tobe conducted including frequency and-lheformats f ~ r t e ' ~ o r t i n ~
, . :

. ;.' . .... the testresults . . . . . . .. .

. . ... .. . . . .. . .!' .
i.. ... . . . . . . . . . : .' . .
. .
. .
" .
he packagirig of reinforcing elements shall clearly indicate the name of the

: . . . . . .'7.15.5.
$ .

.. .1 . ..
.- rnanufacturerlsupplier and brand name, date of production, expiry, if any and batch
, . . ' . ' identification
% '
number along with the manufacturers test certificates. . .
i - .
I '

'., .TI6 River Training and Protective Works
i . .. .
i ..River training and protective works shall be providedwherever required for ensuring the
i, . . . .. 'safety of bridges and their approaches on either side. The special features and design of
i . .various types. of. river
;. ' .. . .trainilng
, and
. protectiveworks shall be. in.eccordance
. . .
. .
with IRC:89.
i : . . . . . . . . . . .
I . . .. . .. 7.17 . ~ a f e. tBdrriers
..~ . . . . . .:'. .
. . . . . . .
:[ :
; '
i) Foc.bridgeswithout foot paths, concrete crash barriers shall beprovided
. .
I . .
at the edge of the carriageway.onall new brldges. ..
. . . .
! ii) The type design for the crash barriers may be adopted as per IRC:5. The
design loading for the crash barriers shall be as per Clause 209.7 of

For bridges with foot paths, pedestrian railirtg shall be provided on the
e fooipath
outer s ~ d of
I:.. .
I . liv) Therailings of existing.bridgesshall be replaced by crash barriers,where
specified in Schedule 'B'of the Concession Agreement.
I '

V) ~arapetslfiailingsof the existing bridgeslculverts to be repairedlreplaced
shall be specified irr Schedule 'U'ol the ConcessionAg~.eement.

I' . . 7.1 8;1 ~ n l o s otherdie
s speclfied'in ~chedule'~'otthe
~ ~ n c e s s i a n ~ ~ r e e r nROB1
RUB to be.provided shsl1.k as specified in this Manva1,yiih particular refeience lothe,
provjsions~ofPara 7.'3 of this Section; .. . .
. .

. 1.'! ;. - '.
. , . .

!. . .7.18.2 ' ~ o a overbridge

d (road bter rail) . ,

i! . .
i) In case a 2-lane bridge exists over the railway tracks, another two-lane
.I.,.: bridg.eshsll be constructed for one side traffic. The treatment to existing
. . .
; .
.. . . . .
structure..shallbe given as in-Sub-para7.3(iv) of this section.
. . . .. .. .. .. . .. .
! .
. . . 4) In case the bridge is to be piovididover an existing level crossing, twin '.

' . 2-lane brid.ges shall be.constructed with overall width as given in Sub; .
Para 7.3 (ii) of this Section. If the aiignme(1tof road at the existing railway ,

crossing has skew angle more,than45', the alignment of road or of pied

. :
abujment shall be suitably designed to reduce skew angle up to 45'.
iii)""~he'horizontaland ve;tical cleaiandeg to be provided shall be as per ' ..
requirement of the Railway authorities. . .

I. :,.
. ' ,

.iv) The ~oncessipnslreshall be required to obtain approvals of all designs .

. _ I . ' . . . . and.?
.. .. th?,c~ncerne.dRailway iuth?rities.
I . *. '.< v)
. "

I 'he'c.&~tyubtion of k ~ ~ w i t hthe
' i nrailway'boundary shall be under the
i : . i .

. . .' . siipervision of Railway authorities.

! . .
. .. .
: .vi) The approach gradient shall not be steeper than 1 in 40.
7.18.3 '.."Road under bridges (road under railway line),
i . . i) Full roadway. width as in the approaches shall pass below the bridge
i : : 'structureallowingforwidening of Project.Highway to 6-lane at alater date.

Theservice roadswhere providedshall be continued in the bridge portion
: also., :
. . . . I., . .

1 ii) The vertical and lateral clearances shall be as per guidelines given in
Section 2 of thls Manual.
.. :
. .
'ii) . ~ h e s estructures shall be designed to carry railway loads. The
Concessionaire shall be required to obtain approvals of all designs and
drawings from the concernad Railway authorities. The design of struclure
shall be in accoidance with relevant Railway codes.
- .

.77. 264
. .
. ... ..
, ..
. ...,.
. .
1 ' . . .

ii:.:. ;. IRC;SP:84-2009.
. . .
,:,: ::.... . . .
:.:. . .
(iv) 'the construction of RUB and its approaches *hall be carried out in
conformitywith the terms specified in thea'pproval granted by the Railway

. authorities. . .
. .
. . -
. 7.19 Grade Separated koed ~trui;ti~.res . .

i) , l'he location, type and length ofgrade separated structures to be provided .

on the Project Highway shall be as specified in. Schedule
- '0' of the
Concession Agreement.
. .
' ii) ?he vellieal and'lateral clearance; as per fequir&nentsgiveiiri .
Section 2 of this Manual. Desigr! of sjructllres shall conform to
reqi~irernenlsspecified in this Manual.. . . . .
, /.,'<.' . '

I .
I.:::-.'. . . . . .
. .
,,7.20 ,
Drainage . .
!.... . . . .
I... . . :: . . . ' .__ . .
f:,:;:,:. . '1 An effecliye draindgesystPrn for the bridge decli'sha~~be planned, designed and

......... insta!led so as to edsure that water frorn'the deckis taken dqwn to ground levelldrainage '
I ............... -courses,byadaquate size of drainage spouts and pipes. The type of such arrangement ...
i -
shall b.e.~pe8fi8d'ln,Sche.dule : .:
. . . @'df the Concession Agbe~iient.
' ' '
1.:. ..... .
I.. . . : ~ .. . .
. . . : ,,
., . . a
. . . .
. .
I.::.:.. . . . . . ,..2, ~ t r u c ' t .~ rin.Mafih
.i s . ~nvlronment.. .:.. .
j i , . . . : ..
f . .'. . :
i ' . . . . .,
. . . . . . .
. .
. ... . .
;. '. . Necessary rn~asuresltrea!ments,
it1marine environment shall be '
;. ., .,
.as specified in Schedule '8' of thc Concession
. . kgre'ement.
. . . . .
i: ..
!,. . . . . . .. .
, ...

. . . ::,. . 7.22 . . . Repairs and Strengthening . . . . . . . . . . .

'. .
i) ~trbctuierrequiring repairs and strengthening shall'be apecllled in:'
Schedule:'B1of !.he Concession Agreement. This shall. be based on"
detailed condilion survey of existing structures and shall bringout Ihe nalure
and extent of repairs to be carried out, covering the following ir! addition
to other specific requirements:- . . . ..
: ,

a) Repairlreplacementof damaged:railings and parapets, provision of

crash barriers,
. .

b) Replacenlent of wearing coat (aid wearing coat shall be removed

. ' and replaced by bituminouswearing coat).,
c) -Replacementof expansion jolnts, . .
. . .. , .

d) Replacement of bearings,
I '
.. . . .

> e) . Struclural repairs to sub.struc~urelsuperstructure, including

I replacement of substructure/superstructure if required
f) Repair lo flooring and protection works.

265 . .
ii) The ~oncessionaireshall-submit repairs-and strengthening plan for
. . p.ara:(i) above !o. the 1nd.ep.endent Engineer.for.reviewand
, . comments, .if any.:far all.othq~struci'ures.withminor deficiencies,.nd
affecting structural inadequacies and jn.te.grity, appropriate reljair.
rneasures may bb proposedand subrnilted to the Independent ~ n ~ i n e e:r
for review and comments, if any.
iii) Strengthenipglrehabilitation work shall becarried out in accordance with
1 ..;;
' . relevant IRC Codes and G~~idelines. . .
1. . . iv) The Concessionaire shall take up repair andwideriing of existing bridge .
1 .. ;
= .
at a particular site only after the new bridge a\ that site is constructed and

?I . . '
the same can be used by Ihe traffic. Before taking up the worksof repair '. '.
. .
I . '.
and widening of the existing bridge, the concessionaire shall make all ,..
!. . 'arrangementsto ensure that both way traffic can use the new bridge and .. . ,"

. a smooth flow pf traflic ismaintained. he Concessionaire shall takeall ..

'11 :I- ., .
: .
, precautions to guard against any traffic accident due to such diversion . .
and shall use all necessary road sIgns,:traffic management measures ... .
' ',

. . etc. for the purpose. ~ f t ecomple%on

r of repair and widening of the existing .. ' .
bridge, all arrangements shall be made so that both the old and the new . ' ' . ,

..: bridges at the site can-beused by the ~raffrc.Repairworks forsubstructure,


,I, .
.. .
. .foundation, and abutment etc., which will r,ot affect or disturb the flow of .. .
: .traffic over t11e:existing bridges, rnay,.however, be taken up befoie
: completion of the new bridge. In such cases where new 2-lane bridges is. . .
. ...

' '

not required to be constructed before COD; the existing bridge shall be.
.!i -. repairedlstrengthenedby suiiably regulating the traffic on the bridge or by "
. i, .

' ! "tempora.rydiversion.
! 1

i 7.23 Design Report,

! ' The Concessionaire shall furnish the design report including the follow~ngto the
I Independent Eng~neerfor his review and comments, if any.
I Sub soil exploration report as per IRC:78 as specified in Para 7.6 above.
I . i)
Hydrological investigation report including'designdischarge calculation
; j: ii)
for the bridges; in case of any change in the proposed waterway of any . ,
I '. bridge as specified inpara 7.5 above.
. .. , . iii)' . Designs and drawings of temporary works, foundations, substructures . .
.. and superstructure of structures
iv) Detailed report regarding the bridges whose width is less than the roadway
i width and the proposal for their improvement.

i 4
er informatior)relevant to lh~!design report.


--- _ .....
._.__ . . . . ... ..
7.24 Responsibility for Design and Structural Adequacy
j The Concessionaire shall be fullyrespon'sible for the design,structural .adequacy and
i' - . . - , detailing of tiridge .and culve.rt siructures. .Review. by IE 'shall not relieve the
Concessionaireof this responsibility. . .
!> . .. .' . .. . .
35 ' " .> . .

. .

. . .
. . . . . . . . .: . . .. . . .
I.'.' , . . . . .
. . . ..
!:' . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .
I .
. . .. . .. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
II...': ' . . ..
.. . . .
. ..
. . . .
. .. . .
. .
. .
.. i .
. . . . . ., C
i . :. ... . . . .
! . .
. .
. .
. .

. . i) Ail materials to be used.inworks shail be in conformitywih the requireinents. . . .
laid down for relevant item in IRCIMORTH Specifications unless othetwise
specified in this Section. If. the Concessionaire proposes to use any
material, which is not covered in IRCIMORTH Specifications, It'shall
conform to relevant IndianStandards, if there ere any, or to the International
Standards. Proprietary products proposed to be used shall be proven by
use'in comparable international road and bridge projects, and:shall be
supported with authenticatedlicensingarrangementwith the manufacturer. .

ii) ?he ~dncessionaireshall identify the proposed sources of mate;iadand

submit. the proposal prior to delivery. If it is found that proposedsources
of supply do not produce uniform and satisfactor)! products at any .time
during sxcdution, the ~oncessionilreshall procure acceptahlet!nateiials.
. .
conforming to the specificatipns .from
. . dher . .
sources. . .
. .
. '

iii) In cake of manufactured items. the ~bnccssionaireshall submit details

, . pertainirlg to the produc~processlsy~!em covering interalia: , .
.. . . . . . .
. ' . ;

Name of manufacturer and n h e of ~ ~ o d u c ~ ~ ~ o c e s s ~ s ~ s t e r n ;

* a)
b) General features 'of the productlprocesslsystem along with ' '

! specifications ond standards adopted for thc producVprocessl .

c) Authenticated copies of licenselagreement;
d) Details' of projects where the productfprocesslsystem has been
successfully used;

f) kcceptanbi
. . tests and criteria;
. .

g) Installation'and maintenance procedure and schedule; and

h) Performance warranty.

8.2 Structural Concrete

m e t e for use in structures shall conform to the Clauses 302.6 to . .

IRC:21 and Section 1700 of MORTH ~pecificatjons'; ... Whereve~High


. . 269 :
. .

. . . .
.. .; Any type of cement specifiedin 1RC:21 may be usedfor the works subject to limitations,
. .
,any, spgclfied therein. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . '

. _ . . . . . .
. .. . .. . . . . . _ . . :
. . .:. . 8.4 1.. Coarse Abgregates . . . .. /
. .

' ~efo.rec.ommencern6ntof the workb, at least thke samples, in iccord.anco with the .
: procedure laid down in IS;2430, shall be taken Jor.each quarry source to ascertah the
. . . .quality;..suitabilityand fi!ness.of ttie available material for use,in the works. ~ r e s test's
' h
. shall be..conducted in case there is any change In the sourceior the type of rock.being
. . The proposal, along with acopy of t'estrepo&,,
. . . quarried:
.. . , .
. .
. .
. . . . . . . .

I ? . .
. i) . All fine aggregates shall confor~nto1~:383and tests for confdrmity sllall
. .

... be carried out &.per 18:2306 (Part 1 to ~ l l l ) .he fineness modulus of fhe . .

. ,. .). - ag,gregatesshall be between 2.0 and:3.5. . . .. .

; "

.. , . . . .
. % .
. . . . . . . .ii) . ~ e f b r et h e commencement of the works, at least'three.samplesps per
. 1632430 shall be taken for each quarry source to ascertain t,he quauty,
. . .. . '
. suitability and fitness of ttie available materlalfor use in the works aid the . '

. . . . . . . :.proposalalong with a copy of test repQrtsshall be.submltted to the IE for

.! . . . . . . '

. . . review and comments, if'any. .

. . . . . . . . . . '

. . ' , iii) Fine aggregates h a v i n k i t i " ? itkali-silica reaction shall not b6 usid.

I , . . i) ., Water for use in the works for mixing and curlng of concrete shall be in
i conformity with Clause 302.4 of 1RC:Zl.
I - . .'
, ..
ii) ',Water each source shall. be tested before the start of works and'
: ''. . 'thereafter every three mdnths and afler:each monsoontill the completion
. . .
1 'of the:works and the proposal along with a copy o.ftest reports shall be
1 : . . submitted to the IE for r9vii.y and comments, if a.ny
. . . .
i . .
. .

I ' . . 8.7 ' . ~hekical~dmixtures

1 ' 8.7.1 1. ' '~h&.followin~
guidelines shall applyin selection and use of admixlures:
and meet the
Admixtures generating hydrogen or nitrogen or containing nitrates,
sulphides, sulphates, or any other material liable to affect!tie reinforcement,
embedments or concrete shall not be used.
iii) Compatibility of admixture with .the cement belng used shall betested
before actual use in the works. 'The test shall be repeated in caseofchange
of type or grade or source of cement.
. . . . : ..
- ,

iv) Admixtures shall not impair the durability of concrete. They shall not
combine with the ingredients to form harmful compounds or endanger the
protection of reinforcement against corrosion.
, .:
j ..:. . ,.
tI :' . . ..: v) T h e packaging .of admixtures shall clearly indicate the name of the.
j .....
i:: ':',
: m,anufacturer/supplier, brand name (name of the product), date. of
.. ... .. . .

. .... .... ... .. . .

. : 'production and expi& batchlidentificationnumber.

. .
. . . . . 8.7.i... .
..; . . . . . . Specifications, following informationshall'also be furnished:
in a d d i t i o i i g the delailg
itlpulated in c 2 u g e 1012.1 of M~RTH
. .,

.<:: .. ., .' . . .
. . '

. .
. . . .
. . _ .. ' i) pH value and colour. : . - .
. . . '

Latest data o'f test and name ofthe laboratory. . .

.... . . ii)
,..... . .. . . . . . .
. . . . ..' . .
. ..
....,. iii) Shelf life, maxirnuM and minimum temperature for storage, precautions
. . ...
.t9be taken while mixlng and..any other'instructians for use.'.
..... . .

. - . . .
; . . 8.81' Steel farprestresslng .' :. ..
, . . . '. ..", .
. .
I' '1 ' ..
:.,' , .In additidn t o the reguirement,men~9nedin~ i a ~ ~ e . 1 0i ~f MORTH
9.2 Spedficatiiohs.the
. I"
i : .
'. . ' :
steel for prestressing shall satisfy follawlng condiiionsi

1 . : . . . . .. . . .
1'. .: .' i) Uncoated stress relieved low relaxation steel.conforniing'to:IS:14268.
. . . . ii) Prestressing steel shall be subjected toacceptance tests in respect o f '
. .
modulus of elasticity, relaxation loss at 1.000 hrs., minimum ~ltimat~tensile
I',: ."' ' . '. . strength., stress-strain,curve etc. prior to actual ,use on works as per
. ..
:" ' ..'.'. .
. . . .
gciidelines contained'ln 8814447. The modulus of ela'slicityvalue, as per
I....:.' . . . . - . : "acc&ptanck testg, shalf@nform to the design value, which shallbe within
. I..'.. . . a range hot more than 5percent between the maximum andthe minimum.
I . . . . .

. .

, .
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ - t ~ , ~ t e l t ~ ,Steel
~ n t e n s' i o n e d
Only Fe 500 grade of steel shall be used on works and all reinforcing
I., . . . .
steel for use in works-shall be procured from mainlmajor producers. Fe
41 5 grade of steel can also be-usedwhere permissible as per IRCCodes

... .. , ,

8 5'

.. 271 . .

. .
j ;.,
. .
) only fresh steel shall be brought Every bar shall be inspected
I ...: before assembling on the wdrk; and 8efective;briltle orzburnt bars shall

.. . :.
be discarded. Cracked ends of bars'shall be cut before use..
0nlyThermo.MechanicallyTreated(TMT) bars conformingto 1831786 shall
be used .
. as rei.nforcingsteel.

(.... . .. . . :
. . .. .. . . . , .

iv) A l l reinforcemeilt.shal1~ be free from.loose.rustand coats of paints, oil, .

mud or any other substance, which may destroy or reduce bond. The
1: ,,
I :. ;reinforcement bars bent and fixed in position shall be free from loose rust
...or scales, coats of paints, oi!, mgd or c$loride contamination and other
I . .
;. '
corrosion products,, Where cleaning of corroded portions is required,
! . .
' .
proposal for'effective method of cleaning such as sandblasting shall be
!! . . . , submitted to the If for prior review and comments. :.
. ,
. . . .
. . .
.' . v) .: Proprietary stee1,products will'be permissible provided:th'ey
. .. conf,orm to
. . . .
. .
.the minimum requirements.
. . _.: ..
... .
..... . -.. ..
8.8.3 . Steel for.bearlngs . ., ...
. . .. . .

II.'.:';, '.
. .' :

~ i l steel,
d high terisile steel, cast steel,.steel forgings, and stainless sfeel shall conform to
the provisionsmntained in Clause 925.1 of IRC:83(Pail Ill). .,. . ..

1 . . .
. . . . .
. .
8.8.4 : ~tnlcturil . . tee;'..
. . .
, - . . , . All structuralsteel, castings and forgings; tisteners (bolts,nuts, washers'and rivets),welding .

'. :. 'j consurnables'and wireropes and cables shall conform to the provisionsof Clause 505.1.2,
.. 505.2,505.3,505.4and 505.6 respectivelyof I R C : ~ ~ .
1.. . . . . .

I.'' ..
' 8.9

Bitumen shall be

bitumen of viscosity grade. complying with, Indian Standard '

. . . ' . . Specifications for "Paving bitumen: 18;73:2006 of grade appropriate for the traffic and
' . .
': cllrnatic conditions of the Project Highway. The heavily trafficked roads in hot.areas may . .
.flnd harder grade bltumen more appropriate whlle pavements in mountalnous regions
. . . subject to sub-zero temperatures duringwinter months carrying relatively lo,werfrafflcloads
. . and subject to the phenomenonof "Frost Heave" may Hnd less viscous bitumen resistant
to fatigue a.nd cold cracking more'appropriate.
1.: 8.10 Storage of Materials

1 All materials shall be stored at proper places so as to prevent their deterioration or

d to ensure the preservationof Ihe~rquality and fitness for the
has deteriorated or has been damaged or is othenvise


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i ? : .'
. . . . . . .
." . . . -
' considered defective after review by the Independent Engineer shall not be used in the
worksand shall be removed from site by the Concessionaire at his cost. Such materials

. ..

.. -
. . .
p . . . . . :.
! .... shall not be made acceptableb y any modifications. hd
i... . . :.,
- . . :
, ,. ::
M )
. ' . 8.11 Report to: be .submitted . . *d'
,. ,.,,.,

. . .
. .
. .'
. ._. :.
_ _.
'The Concessionaire shall prepare and.submit report'containing test results of all
. -
.:- ..
:..A. and finished products proposed to be used in theproject Highway. . . .
... !.. ........materials . . -
.. _ . ., . . . . . . . . . . .. . f' .:
. . . . . . . . .: .
. . . '
.... . W'

.a .
:>'.. .. . .
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- 7
. .


. .. .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .
. . ,
. .. . . .
. .
' I . : j . . - "
. . , . . . . ,
.. ' ,. . .
, . I:,. .
i . . .
. . ;
... . .
. f ..:, . . .
ii. ''.
' ' ' .
' 9. . General
i. . . .
.' Traffic Control Devicesi Road Safety DevicesiRoadSide Furniture shall compriseof road
' .
. . .
. signs,.road markings, object markers, hazard markers, studs, delineators;att~nuators,
. .
:-.:. . . . ' - . safety barriers, pedestrian goard rails, bbundary stones, kilometre stones, etc.
.,.. '..: .;: .Guidelinesgiven in IRC:8, IRC:25, IRC:26, IRC:35, IRC:67, lRC:i9, IRC:103 and Section
.. . :.
..... .. . . . .800 of MORTH Specifications shall be used for providing these items ~~nless otherwise
.:. -.: . .. *' .
.,. . . . . ..'.. .specified in this Section. ...
( . .

1.: .....
1.. :. :.
!. ... ~ h g t h r e types
e of road signs vir., manda~ovlregulatorvsig& ca~tlonaty~wainin~
! ... . . ' and informatory signs shall he provided as given in IRC67 and Section 802 of MORTH
. .. . -. - " ' Specifications.'Proper signs shall be provided for left in and left out at service roads for
. . . . safe guidance of traffic. Clustering and proliferation of road sign's shall be avoided for
. .
enhancing their effectiveness.
i.. .
. 9.2.1 The material and specifications for Road ~ i ~ n s : s h abe
i l governed by the
!. Specifications for.Road andBridge Works issued by the MORTH.',.: ., . . . .. . ..
, . . . . . . . . . . . \. '..

j .
' 9.2.2 i n ~ m a r k i n g ~ : . ~ i t k . ~ t ~ p ' ~ i Qwaj!
TRF~IF?C~~IIb e . ~ n r r e s ~ b n droad h ~ ;signs,
.. ;..
:%.. . merging or diverging traffic signs, Inno clnscd <igns; ria$ ,narrowing ilgni, slip rosdsl
I diversion signs, compulsory:k&ep leftlright signs, or any other signsas per lRC:67.
. . ...
. .
:, - ' .. 9.2.3 Wherever the project ~ i g h w a alignment
y is oh a cu'we,there shall be advance
. . ,
. .; cautlanary signs for sharp curves (dependingon whether it is on leftor right) and dicvron,
signs (rectangular in shape with traffic yellow background arrow) at theouter

'.. . . ' eqge of the curvo. The 3ign for thc curvc ahead particuldrly in mountainous and steep

- . . . . . tertain shall always be accompaniedwith chevrsil signs at Ihe outer edge of the curve and
'.. appropriate delineation. '.,

. .
. . 4.2.4 The Specifications and standards of roads signs such as chevron, overhead,
etc.; whicti are not covered by IRC:67 would be as per InternationalSiandards.. . . .
. .
! , : 9.2.5 All road signs shall be with reiio-reflective sheeting of hig; intensity grade with
; . . encapsulated lens fixed over aluminium sub-strata asper Clause 801 of MORTH
I Sp~cifications.

mounted signs shall be supported on GI pipes. Overhead signs shall be

ucturally sound gantry or cantileve~structuremade
. , of, ,GI pip'es.
. ...... Its height,
.I . . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

.. 275
I .: . . \ . . . . .
+ . . . . . . . .,.
1 ;.,,>* L%.,..
I ' .
! lateral clearance and installation shall be as per MORTH Sp.ecifications. The
i ... ..
. pedestal supporting the gantry or cantilever structure of the overhead signs shall be flushed
j ::, at the ground level and in no case shall protrude
. .
more than I50 mrn above ground level.
. . .
i s size of overhead traffic signs sl~alibe specified in Schedule 'R'
: ~ o c a l i ~and9.2.7
.:. . . of the ~onc$ssioh~ ~ r e e m e nThe t . following .conditions'may be. consi@red while
. . . . .
. . . . . .. .... . deciding'about the locations of over'head slgns:
. . .
' I .

. . ... . . I . I ) ~ r a f i volume
c atoinearcapacity, . . . . .
. . . . . . . .. . , . , . ..
. .. . . . . . ... .
. . . . a

. : ii), -Restrictedsight distance, -:-'. . : . .

. .
'..&. ....
. . .
. . .. 1

. .
. . . . , . _. .. .

.!'+ . iv) lnsl~ffi~ient

space for grbund mounted signs, ...
. .
. .
v) Distances of importact and ?ute highways at suitable intervals, . . . .

... .v() : Before major intersections.,

. . . . .
. I:.. ..
. .

9.2.8 . NOsign, signal or any other device ereded for traffic contiol, &fic guidance
' -. .I .

.. , , andlor tra~cinfoimationshall obscure any other traficsign. Further, Re signs and siinals
. . . . . . .
' "all not carry any advertisement. . . . .
.. . . .
. . . ... . ' . .

..:, . .- . .99.9'-
. ~ i c &I\ :,
h ramp $tiail haye si9'is.mduntid P n n ~ ~ ~ t s i n. dhi &. name
t i ~ of the , . . ., , '. .

. . . place. and
. . .t~~itiiporltaritio~ds
. .
. ,. . - . . it weul ! lead to..
. . ."- : . . . . . . . . , . .. . . . . _ .
.....* . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .
.>:* .' , 9.3 ............. ..i k.:,i.i r. .g. a. . ....
. ' .. ~ o i t I ' ' ~ a '" '

. .
.: . . . .:. .. .. .. . ...
. . . . . . . :' ..
. .
...... -.. .
. . .:. ,
'. .

, : Ail road markings shali,;onform lo IRC:)~. bad markinbrihall kmprise bf carriageway . . , ..

. .. :... markings, narklngs on intersections, hazardous locations, parklng areas, etc;.Where . . . . .
... . . service roads are provided, proper layout and.roadmarkings shall beensured so that

. . . merging with traffic is safe. The markings shallbe done by means of a self propelled
machine whlch.has a sa-tisfactory.cut-off.value capable .of applying 'broken line .
. .
. .

Ii, '.. . '.:9.3.1 Material

. .. . .
I . ,
i : Hot applied thermopla;tic paint with glass beads
. . shall be used as road
i marking material.
I .

1 -ii) Road markings may also be in the formof prefabricated sheet material,
e.g. plastic sheets, which may beset into Ihe pavement wilh upper surface
i flush with the pavement surface.
i 9.4 Road Delineators '
rs. hazard markers and object markers as given
. ' "

92 .

, 2:16
. .
. .
...>.... -.
. . . . . . . . . ....,.
. .
.I. . .
, t

i: 9.4,l Roadway Indicators

Circular Iron Posts of 1.0 rn heighl covered with reflectorisedsynthetic rnateriallfilm, aS
per criteria, placement and spacing given in IRC:79 shall be pt'ovided.
i 9.4.2 ' -~aza.rdIVIarkers shall tje provided asgiven iri'IRC:79. In addition; the objects
, ,close to the road shall be paintedwith black and yellow stripes using the paint conforming
i! to 1S:164.
. .
. .
I . . .
9.4.3 Object Markers shall he as givenin IRC:79. ln addition, the kerbsio
the mediansltraffic islands shall be painted with black and white stripes.(blackandyellow . .

a .stripes at highly ha2ard.o~~locations) using the paint conforming to IS:164.

. 9.4.4 Lighted Bollards shall be provided ill the ~~~edidnltrafficislands

ofoll m~jorl . .
. .
i . minor junctions as per InternationalStandards. ..
i . .
. . ' . 9.5 Raise.d Pavement ~ a r k e r s(Cat's EyeslRoi~dStuds) .' '. . .
cat's eyes.or road studs shall be provided to improve thevisibilify in night-timeand .
1 : The

wet-weather cc?n~idns.. These shill be p r i s m t i ~ r e t r ~ r e f l e c t i v e ~makers,

p&t~~~~ ......
'I . conforming to ASTM:D 4280 arid provided
. . as.perTable
. . 9,li-' . . . - . , . . , .
. . . . ... . ..
. .

1I ' ., s.s '. attenlitbis.

. .
. . . . .


. .
. . . .. . . . .
.. ...
t;. Atlenwator,s'~hall.'b i provided at'hazard mar$rs locations given in I R C ; ~ ~&uct"ral
; . . columns of'la~ge-direction signs, illumination Iimp,,po.ststsand, at.appioachin6 Iraffii : :
i islands of toll piazd:' I!' shall take repeated iinpacts withbut'any additidnal recovery ....
! . . . . . . shall
'.procedures and with 'minimal or no repairs. The' atlenuators .modules . . be . . . .
moulded from HDPE plastic. The design, size, number of modules, etc. of atlenuators ' "
'. i sliall be as perlnternational
. . . Standards.
. . . and. location,
. . specific duly considering,
. . . the . . .
liltcly. impact. , ,
. . . .
! . .
. . .
' : , . . .
fi 9.7 ' Road ~ i ahd:,~edi
i i &i safety Barriers
. . . . . . . .
. . .
, .
j . ,There are two typesof safety barriers viz., roadside safety barriers, and median safety
i barri'ers.
, .
i. . .

f Table 9.1 Warrants for Road Studs

, .

Till Ihe grade comcsto

S. Description of sectlons Length of sectlon to be Spaclng Location of studs

No. . provlderl wlthstuds ' ofstuds

. i ' . : - '
. .
3 All major/mlnor(unctions' (I) 100 m on elther slde dl

5 rn '
. . ~en!re..ofthocarrlageway
' '
and rnedlan openlngs - . . Ihe junclion/madian .
. . . opening (approachingside)
I . . . . -1

1: (11) Three Rows of studs a! 0.15 m . across' the main

a spacing of 0.15.m carrlageway and.the
cross roads (approaching
.--; ,
side 50 rn before !lie

1: :
I :.
. .
4 All buill-upareas . .

5 i~ncontrolled ~edesfria~
Lenglhof built-uparea
- .

One row of studs across crossings toe main carriageway

. 5m Centre ofthe carriageway

I . . .:,
crossings . . . . . .
. ,
. . . .
.. .
. . . .

.' Note : . . .: . . . ..
. . . . . . .
;.. 1:' solar ~tudssha'llbe providedfor lbcatiok at ki. No. 3 (i) and 5 in ?able 9.1.
. . 2.. White. colour road studs.shall be-used at locations where lane marking in white
, . 'colour Is prescribed i? , . . . .
. . . . . .
I ' 'i;'
. . ... IRC:35,- Amber oolour shall be used a! locafions wheie lane marking iK amber
1. ; . ::
. . .
' .
.. '
colour is prescribed in ,
. IRC:~~; R L cblour
' .
~ may be used to indicate no entry (gke conlrafiow side).
I. ,.' .
i '"
" ' 9.7.1 . Road side safety barriers .
. .,
:: ;i) ; Warrants: The Idngituainal roadside'barriers.arebasically meant to shield
. .r .twotype's.of roadside.hazards I;e.embanRm'ents and roadside obstacles
! and also for preventing the the sharp curves. The
warrants for a fill se~ti6n
in terms of the height and slope needing protection
. . . '
. with roadside ba&rs;are. st~owr!inFig.'S.l. The barrier is not warranted .
for en?bankment,having a fill slope of 3H:l.V or flatter;The warrants for
roadside objects are mainly dependent upon theiype of obstacle and the

- probability of their being hit.Abarrier shall be installed only if the result of


. ' vehicle striklng the bariier Is llkely to be less severe than the severity of
. ' . . accldent resulting frgm the vehicle lrnpactingthe ilnshielded obstacle.
. .
I ' Some ofthecommonly encountered roadside obstacles are bridge piers,

abutments and railing ends, roadside.rock,mass, culverts, pipes and


. . headwalls cut slopes, retainlng walls, lighting supports, traffic signs and'
" .. signal Gpports, trees and uti1ity;pole.s. . . . .
. . . ,.
. . .
I ii) ~ y p e sof Roadside Safety Barriers
I1 : .
The.ce are three types of longitudinal roadside safety barriers vi.z:. - . -
I .
. . . .. . . . .
. a) Flexible type (like wire r .. .. . . .

- ' '

. .
. .

I.! . .
278 i

. . . . . . . . ..
. . . . . . . . . ......
. . . ..,;-A,:
.. !
. .. . .
1. ;,;, '. . '. . .

1i .:?. -;. . . . .
. . .
, ..

I ':.
. .
. . .
. . . . . . . .

. .
' C

. L

. . . I

. .
. . ..
1 .
. .
D .
' . . 0.1 . . ,
. . . . . . . .

. . . . . . .
. . . . ..
1, - .

. . . .
. .
. .

. . A', . !
' '
. .
o 3 - 6 9 . 12 . . 15 ' 18 .

. .
. '\--


Fig. 9.1 Warrants for &adside Barriers

I ' 3
. . I


95 . .

I . .
.. 279
.,. :.; . :
' b) Semi-rigid type like
1 ... "W' beam type steel barrier
i Thrie beam type steel barrier
These stael barriers are of strong post type and usually remain
functional afler moderate ~ollisionsthereby eliminating the need for
imrnediate repair.
. . ;c ) : Rigid type(like cbncrete crash barrkrs). . . . " . ' '

.... ': iii). :;. Road

' Side Steel Barriers :. .
.... . . . . .
.... a) Deslgn Asp&ts i'~he.;'~%bern type safety'b8rrier consists cf '.-
. . i .. steel posts apda 3 minthick "W,Qpamrail element which is spaced .

. . '. . . away from the posts. The spacer minimizesvehicular snagglng and ',
. . . . . . . . ,reduces the likelihood of a vehicle'vaultlngover the barrier.The steel . . . .
. .. . . .. . posts and the blocking 0u.t spacer shall both be channel section.of . .
. . . . 75 rnm x.150 rnm Slze and 5 mm thick. The rail shall be 700 rnm '. .

. . . . .
aboveground le?el.and postsshall be spaced 2 m center-io-center.
.. Typical details.areshownin Fig. 9.2. . .
. . 2
The thrie beam safel) barrier shall have posts and spacers similar . ,

'. .to .the ones mentionsd qbove for "W beam type. The rail shall be

. . . . . . . . . . placed at 850 mm above the ground level..This barrier has higher -

I ..:. . .. .
.initial.coslthar! the "W" beam type but Is less prone to damages to
i vehicle collisions especially for shallow angle impacts. Typical details
i ' ..:.' . .
.. . . . of Tbrie beam barrierare shown in Fig. 9.3. .

. . . he "W'! beam, the Thrie beam and the posts spacers and fasteners . ' .

. . ,.for steel barriers shall be galvanized by hof dip process. .

. . . . .: .
. .
. . '- b). - End treatrnent'for steel barrier nuntr treated end of the roadside :
.. . . barrjer can be hazardous; if hit, because the barrier beam .can .
. . .
. . . . .. penetrate the passengercompartment and cause the impact vehicle .

.: to stop abruptly, End treatments should, therefore, form an'integral .

. .
. ..
, part of safetybarriersand the end treatment not spear vault or rolla .
. .. . . .vehicle for head on or angled .impacts. The .two end treatments
recommended far steel barriers are "Turned down guarerai! and .
Anchored in backslope". , , ,

. : . .Turneddown guardrails have the " W or Thrie sections reduced from . '

: 'I . full height toground.levelwi!h.a gentle slope over a distance of 8 to

.:' ....
I.,. ' '2. . ,
a " 9 rn.The fumed dawn rail is intended to collapse on impact allowing
1.. - - , " . .
' . the vehicle to.pass over it without becoming airborne or unstable. In :
i order io locate the barrier terminal away from the traveled way and ..
. .

to minimizedrivers'reaction to a hazard near the road by gradually . -'
. introducinga parallel barrier installation or to transition a roadside
1 . . barrier nearer the roadway such as a bridge parapet or a railing, the
d down rail shall be flared away from the roadway. Suggested
rates depending upon the design speed and type of barrier are
Table 9.2.


. I :c..: ., ..I . . , ... ...-.:,, ...:..... . . . . . .
. . .
. . .
.. . . ....

. ' Fig+'9.2Typicel ~etails'of"w';Beam Section

. . . . '.. .
. .
. ., .. . . . . .
. . 3 .

. . . . ' Note ;* All dimensions are h m m

, l . '
.. . . . . . .. . .

. . . .
. .

.. : ., I

. . . .

. . . I . _. .
. . '. : . . .
. . .
.. . . .Fig. 9.3Typical ~etails.of~ h r i eBeam Section
. . .. . . .. .
. .

. .. .. .
. .
. .
i . . . :-All dimensions are in mm
. .
. . . .
. ,
1 :;.,..
). ..:
:..... . .
: . .
. .
. .

j:!;',.. ..
. .

1.: -:.,
. .
.: Table 9.2 Flare Rates
1:;. . . . . . .. . Design speed in Flare Rates
. . .. .. ..

..... - . . .
. . .
. . . .
km per hour
Rigid barriers Seml-rlgld barrlers
17:l 13:l
80 . 14:l . . - .11:1
.. ..
6.0". ' 11:l . . .' . . . 9:l' '..
. . 40 8:l 7: 1
The posts in Be end treatment shou!d have?hesame c:o~s.szc:ionn
as provided in t'ke main barrier. . ,

At road cross-&#ions incutting or if the road transilions from cut to

fill, the safety barrlers can be'anchored In back slopes..The back
. . . . . .. . . . . .. slope covering ti-ie.anchored.portion of the barrler should be graded
. . . . .. .. .. . ',flat with side slopes preferably -notst'eeperthan 10:l. fhe anchored
. . .' ... . . . . .
.. .. .. . . \ .
. .
' a '

portion should develop a tensile stren,gh in the rat1elementcto prevent
. . , . the rail from pulling'out of the anchorabe. Tha barrier can also be
. . ... . .: . . anchored in an earth berm specially oonstruct~dfethia purpbae
. 2'. :'. . . . . . . . .
. . . . ... . . .
' . I '
. prnvid~~d the new berm itself is not a ha-r.ard,tothe traffic.Tha earth'
:.:.. ........
; ,

. . . .. .. . . , . . berm shoq(dbe made imper&.us to erosion.

. . . . ..: .
,.: .; ,

:.. .. .. .. .i.
... . ... . .. . . . .

, .
,. ,% c). .~lackment: Placement recoinmendalions determine :the, exact
. . . . layout of the barrier and shall: be the design'sngineer
. 1:'
keeping in view' the lateral offset of the barrier and flare.rate. The

! . . .::. ...
j . . .. . .. . ... , . .
. . . final layout shall be asite-specific combinationof th8'se factors; The
*i . ' .
! ,. .
. :. '. '
barriers shall be as far away from the traffic as possible 'and shall
., . .
,i . .
, ,
, . . preferably have uniformclear&ncebetweenthe traficand the hazard.
i! : :. , . .
.! . ..:. As far as possible the safetibaker shall be placed beyond 2.5 m of
! . . ' . .. the traveled way, For long and continuous stretches, this offset is not
j : ;.. . . critical. The distance between the barrier and the hazard shall not
i .
. . .: be less than the dnflection cf the barrier by an impact of a full sized
I . .
. ' .
. - vehicle.ln case of embankments, a minimum distance of 600 mm
I . . . . .
.. . .
I. .
. ' shall be maintained between the barrieiandthe start of embankment
. . slope of a:hazardlto prevent the wheelsf~omdropping over the edge.
. .
. . Typical details are shown in Fig, 9.4. . . . . .
I . . . .
1 . . .
: '
. . . . Flatter flare rates may be used particularly where extensive grading
1; would be required to ensure a flat approach from the traveled.way
j .. subject to Ihe availability of right of way.
. I. iv) Road Side Concrete Barriers
zj Design Aspects : Roadside Concrete safety barriers are rlglo
barriers having a sloped front face and a vertical back face. The
, . . .


600 mm MINIMUtvI

Fig. 9.4 Recommended Barrier Placemenl

. .
. ,

recornrnendedd~~i~ns the cast-in-situ .and precast barriers are

shown in Fig. 95 and 9.6 respectively. Based on evaluaiion of vehicle
direction, sight'distance,'structural stability and .the psychological
effect of barrier height ondriver reaction, the most desirable height
of the.medianbarceris 800 mm. Variations upto50 mm in height of
barrieican b.e made in the total height of the barrier to meet the site
requirements. jt is, however, irnporlantto maintain the height of lower
slape:belweeri200 rnm and 350 mm so as to reduce the chances of
overt'gming o f h e vehicles. . . '

. .
. ..
. .
. . . The @ncre@.barriermay be precast in lengthsof upto 6 rn depending . ' '
%. . .' upon the feasibility of transport and lifting arrangements. Concrete
. . .
' gradcfor ths'ba~iersshall not be leaner than M30; The minimum

.. thickness of foundafiuns shall be 25 mm thick cement concrete or
' ,

. . hot .mix asphalt 'plqced at the base of barrier to provide lateral

restraint. Where mor$than 7 5 mm fhickov&lay on'the road pavement
. . . is anticipated, the:foundation step may be increased to.125mm.

. . However. longitudinal roadside 'concrete barrier should' have

elaborate footing design structurally safe iinless sufficient
. .
earth support is available.
,' . b) End ~reatrnent: Safety barrier shall be provided with 'anZend
. . treatment, whlch shall be obtained by taperind the height of
: terminating end of the median barrier withln'a length of 8 m to 9 m;. ,

'.'q) Placement : Placemerit recorn~endationsf i r roadslde steel
barriers, mentioned in para'9.7.1 (ili) (c) above are applicable to
, ' .,

1'. . . concrete barriers as

, well.
. .
! 9.7.2 Median barrlers
especially on highways
- . wilh narrow
.ol vehicles jumping across the medians

. ,.&.:.. - .'..

. . . . . -
. . . .. . ,--

4 . .
. -
t - ..
.< -
4: . ,

,w' .
. .
- ~

C:' r-.

. -.

e . .

. .' . .-
@. .i
' .-
- '
,,:3 .-

,a ,-

A. ....I


. . -
I' .-

s' 3- -

_w /--

. . . . .8
',.; -

*., :;
' a,.;




a; " , .
\.J .


- ..Y

.<.. -

, s.0

.-.-. .


\. ....

.... ,-
are a major source of accidents. Fixed objects on mediaris also require
shielding from the trafficflow. Provision of median safety barrier in such
conditions is an important requirement.
Wanants :The requirement bf a median barrier is ifunction of the width
of the.rnedian and the traffic volurne on.the wad. Fig. 9.7 indicalus the
warrants for provision of median barriers in terms of the combination of
median wid!h and ~verage.Daily~raffic(ADT) in PCUs. At ADT less~than . .

20,000 PC,Us and with medians wider than 9 m, the probabilityof avehi'cle
crossing aGoss the median is iela\ively low and medlanbarriers in such ,

cases:are optional. Medians with width,bet;hceen 9 m and 15:m do not

warrent s barrier unless !hire is an adverse his!oryof median crossovers;.
Median barriers may be impractical where a road has a large numbeiof
close1y waced median openings since the bdrrier needs to be terminapd
with an end treatment at those points.
. .

An evaluation of tho number'of median openings, accident history,. . . .

.alignmGf, sight distance, design speed, traffic volume and median width !.
shall be.made taking a decision to install a median barrier. . .
. . . .

~edia'rbar%i,shall also be provided to shield fixed objects in a nbrh.v

median. If necessary, median barriers shall be,flared to encompass a . .
fixed objec!,,w~ch,ma~ be a lanip
. post,
. foundation of overhead signs;
. .
bridge -pier etc. . .
. .
Types of Median ~ a r r i e r s :here arethree types of median safety barrier
viz., "W!beam type steel barrier, (Strongpost type), Thrie beam type steel
barrier, (Strong post type] and Conctste .barrier.^
.. . .

a) !&ee!j~edlanBarriers . . .
t s "W' beam barricr shall be similar to the
. . ~ e s l ~ n ' ~ s p e :cThe
.roadside barrier described In Para 9.7..1 (lii) (a) above exceptthat
the "W beam shall be provided on both sldes ofthe post withsimilar.
. . . dalails are indicatedin Fig, 9.8. . .
spacers. Typical
?he T h r l ~beam barrier b hail be similar to the roadside barrier .
'described.ln'~ara9;7.1 (iil) above except that the Thrie beam shall
;be provided on bolh sides of the'post with similar spacers. Typical
:details:areshown in Fig. 9.9. . . .

End Treatment : Steel median barriers shall be provided with a

"Turned-down-guardrail" end treatment as described in Para 9.7.1
(hi) (b) above except that no flaring is to be provided
Placement :At locations, where the two adjacent carriageways are
at the same level, the barrier shall be placed in the center of the
median, duly taking into consideration, the drainage requirements.
X . a..,a, a...
> I. .) .... .

. '. . . ..


.*BASED 0 ~ ~ 5 - Y E A R
'. ' ' ' PROJECTION '. .

. . . .

. . ..
. . . :. ' 6
. .
.fig.9.8 Typical 0etaiI.s of!^: Beam ~ e d i a n ~ a r r i e r

_. . *

u.6' ,

Fig. 9.9 Typical Details of Thrie Eeam Median Barrier

carriageways are ~at'different.'levels,is a function'of the slopes
between the two medians.' Recommended placement for various
combinations is Indicated In Fig. 9.10. In case the median barriers.
.:. .. need,to be flared e.g. for the protection d supports to overhead
.signs,the flare' 9.2 shall btifollowed.

b) Concrete Mefian ~8;;lsrs ' .

1. ~ e s i g i~$pe$ti.:.The
l d&iign of cast-in-situ and precast median
: barriers is indicated in Fig. 9.11 and 9,12. . '

. .
4 ' .
.: Median barriershallbe terminatedsuffrci~ntlya\niayfromthe median. . .. ...
.. .
.. . opening with the twin objectives of preventingimpact by the turning

.. . . . tfaffic and providing adequate sight distance to th-e turning tralfid. .

.. . . . .-
:. . . . The terminating end of the median barrier shall be tapered in a length

. 1.;. .
- -
, , . .... . .
2 '. : ' o f 8 t o 9 m ;

. . ,
Placement :Placement ~ecommendationbforiteetmedian.barriers
. mentioned in Para 9.72 .(lil)'(a) above apply to concrete median - .

. . barriers also.
. ..
- ' iv) 'General .. . . .
. . . .
- : Raised kerbs or drains shall not be provided between ths'ttavejed way

. . .. _: . . and the barriers. These destabilize the vehicle balance. and disturb its . .
. .. .
. . .. , . e~ullibrlumbefore i t strikss the: barrier, thus defeating the essential
. . . ' '., purpose of safetyand.redirectior~of the Impacting vehicle. Steel barriers.' , ; '.
! : . , .. ' shall be: provided iti rural seGions.whereas @ncrete.barriers.shall be .

I :. .. . ' '
provided in'b~iltiubsections; In addition to the warrants given in Para. ; . .
. . .
. ..
' , . . . .; 9:7;1 (i) and 9,'7.2 (iijabqve, the safety barriers shall also be provided at . :. '

, . .. . . .
.. . . -thefollowing locatio~s.~. ., . . . . , . . .. . .
, , ,

.. . . . . .
. .
i . a) Where embankment is retained by a retaining struclure. - .

1 . .
on valley side of highway arid steep terrain.
,I . .
b) . . .in .mountainous
, . .

, , c) Between main carriageway and footpath in bridges.

:i . .. . : .
d) 'At hazardous lo.cations Identifiedin Schedule 'B' or
I .

audit.' . . . . .
' b
' '
. .
The iequirementsGfsafety Barriers for structures are given in Para 7.17
. .
of this Manual. . . . .
9.8 Road Boundary Stones (RBS)
II :

hall be provided at the boundary on both sides of theRight of

, .
i 106
29 0.

. W .
w12 w12 I

. .. .
. . . ,

I. 1 SECTION 11 :. j '

.. . .
1 . . .
Fig. 9..10 Recommended Medlan ~ a r r l e Placement
in Non-level Median


,. . ,... j
L. -,





. .
. . . .

.. 6000

. '
. .8
, -= . :

. . . :
. .
i .

: -/(-
150 (TYFI ,.
1 . '
Is00 . 2400 I 1800 .
- . . .
50 3 0 280 30 50 '.
. . .

. ,-.
. . . .
,w' . . .
'33 N3TES :-
W ..
1. Concrete M 30
2. Placs on 25 mm g r ~ d lbed
3.'Iiigh strength deformed
(HYSD) reinforcement
4 . .Ul'dimensions are in mm

. . . .
' . .
. Fig. 9-12 Median Barrier Prkkast ~ e s i ~ n
. . . . . . . . . . . - - .. . .-
i . Way. Theseshall be sRacedat 200 rn. he boundary stones shall be of cement concrete
1 . as per Type Design given in IRC:25, The boundary stones.shall be painted with cement
I .
. primerand enamel paint and marked !RBS' by paint.

9.9 Kilometre and Hectornetre Stones

I' .
. .. , i) The kilometre stones shall b e provided at eakh kilometre on both sides of
. the Project Highway. The designand specificationof kilometre sbnes
. shall, conform to 1RC:8. The-matter to be written on various kilometre
. . . .
: stones and the pattern thereof shall be as specified in IRC:8. . .
. . .
I- -
, ,

ii)' Hectornetre (200 rn) Stones sha~l'be~rovided
at every 200 rn distance on
.both sides of the Project Highway. The design and specification of 200 m

stones shall conform to 1&~':26. The matter to be written on the 200 m ' .
. .
., stones
' shall be as spe.cifiid in IRC:26;
. .

: :
. I .
. , 3.10
, Pedestrian k a i ~ l n ~ s l ~ u aails
rd : . .

: . . .

.Pedestrian ~uardrailsof ironlsteel sections shalibe as per IRC:103. The iron1 .

. rails shall be finished witti epoxy.Primer and two coats of synthetic enamel -
. . ,
paint after 'sand blasting (appropriate corrosipn,~protoction layer shall be provided in
, ..
environment). In case ironlsteel~se~ctions 'are not suitable in corrosive
. . environment evenaff er providing corrosio~n protection layer, concr.ete guard rajls as.per
. I
R C:
~ 03 shall be provided in those se$ions. , ,; .., .

... . . .... . ,.. . ..


. ,

. . .. . . . .
! . .
' . . , . .....
, ' 9 .'Sotar Based Beacons or Flashing Signals
.. . .
. .. .. . .
. -: . These shdll be provlded at'uticontrolled pedesirian crossings; near the public gathering
.;.... places like'educational institutions, worship piaces, hospitals, etc. cross roads; and . .
. ' :median opening
. locations; .
: . .
. . . . .
. .
. .
. ' 9.12' . design Report
t '." .. . . . .

. 1.
,7he ~oncesslonsireshall submit the proposals for traffic controIIr3ad &ifetydevices and

i :road furniture together with drawings and details to the Independent Engineer for review '
and comments, if any. The proposals shall' include type, location, material
j' .:specifications, installation detailsand the, requisite warranties for satisfactory fiel,d . .

: . perfoknance (as applicable).
.1 ,:..:,-

. . . .. .
! .,. ,:. '

! .:.
[ ' . , . , (. '

, . '
:. .. ..
I "
. . .
. .

I RC:SP:84-2009
t :
,' :..
. .
. .
.. . .
1 . .. . .
t '
j . .
. .
. . . . .. .
.. 10.4 .
.. . General .
. .
. .. . . .
.. .: The ~oncessiondreshall provide t h 6 ' ~ o l Plazas
< at the locations. specified in
. . .... -Schedule 'C'. for collection of tollffee as :per the Concession,Agreement. The fee
. .

. .:. collection system shall bespeedy, &ficie_nt and user friendly. The design oftheToll Plazas . :
1 ,;
. should be such that they akaesih~ticaily~pleasin~ an.d.efr'lc'knt,aridthafee:coilsctionstaff . '
if .. .. ' '. '.' .should be quick, courteous and adequately trained.beforedeptoyrnbnt. . .

I- -
. . . .
'Location of Toll Plaza
. .

. . .. .
. . .
, 1: :!he location df loll para rhallPe.indicated'i/ S c h 6 d u l ~ ' C ~ fCoicession*&eernent.
th~ . '

- . . Their locations shall be decided keeping in vjew the following factors:..

-- . . ...

. .
: i) Land availability
. .
.. ..
ii) Stream of traffic o n ~ o lPlaza
l . . . . . .
. . . , .
... . .
. ,. ... . . iii). visibility for the:aiproaching traffic . . . .
. .
. . . .
. . . ::. . . . . ;. iv), ~easonably.
away from road ioter~ectionsafi:dlorail crossings. . :
: . . . . . . . .
,. ' .
. ,.. ... ..
. . .:
V) . Free from dsk offlooding and subrnergenca;
. .
etc. ., ' . .. ' . . .
. .. . .
. .. .. '. . ?

. . ." vi) Preferablyon flatland and awayfrom congestedurban.iocatipni

. . . . '

. . . . .
. . . .



. . .
' Land for Toll Plaza

.Adequate land for Toll Plaza shall be acquired to permlt the provision of toll lanes for a

. projected peak. hour traffic of 20 years subject to a minimum number of 16 toll lanes
including all other buildings and structures to be accommodatedat the Toll Plaza location.
'Land shall be acquired as per provisions of the concession ~greement..
1 . . ..

1 .
. .
10.9 .:
. . . . .
~ a out
y and Design ofioll Plaza . .
. . .
. .
1 . .

~ y ~ i clayout
.10.4.1 a l O~S+S tpll is &en in Fig. 1O:I. The layo"i shall provide for .
, '

.. .future,expansion of toll lane's. Stage construction ofToll Plaza in respect of number of toll '

. . lanes shall be allowed. However, other structures as envisaged.!n the,Concession.

. .
Agreement shall be provlded at the initial stage itself. .. . . . .
. . . -.
._.. 'i 3.2 m, except for tl!e lane for over dimensioned

113- .
. . . . .
. . . . . . .

'10.4.3 Traffic Islands at the toll plaza

Between each toll lane of the toll plaza, traffic islands are required lo accommodate toll
booth. These islands shali be of minimum 25 rn length and 1,8.'m width. Pratective
' . . . . . barriers of reinforced concrete and trafficimpact attenuaiors shall be'plased at the front of

-' .
each island to prevent out of control approaching vehicles crashinglint0 the toll booth.
! . . :. .They would be . painted
. with reflective chevron markings.,
1 .
10.4.4 Tall booths
3i: .

1 . . . ..: Toll booths may be provided bf prefabricated materials oi of mascnrj.The loll Sooths
1, . , shall have adequate space for seating of toll collector. computer. printer, cash box. ctc, II
' ..

. . . . should have:provision for light, fan and air conditionjng. The typical details of traffic island
. . . . . ... .with toll booth are given in Fig.. 10.2. . . . . .. . . ....
'. . *
. . . . .
. . .. .
. . . .: Toll bpoth.stial1be placed at,the centie bfeach iraffic Island.The toll booth shall'have large
. . . :. . . . .. glass windd.w to provlde the'toll collector with good vidbility of approachjng vehicles. The
. .. ... .: '.bottom,ofthetoll window should be' placed at such a height (0.9 in)above ground level so
. . . '.. . as to provide convenience of operation.The toll booths shall be ergonbmicailydesigned
*.. . '::.. and vandal. proof.
. - There shall be GCTV camera.installed at each booth: . . . . .
. . .... .. . , . . .
. . . .
10.4.5 Tunnels . . . .. . .
. . .. .. . .. . ..
. .
... -,.
...... . . . . .
: Foi the movement bet&& toll'6kcs and toll Mhbf eac?h.tolllane;akunderground
, I:

- tunnel aGoss all toll lanes shail:be provided, Its dimension would be sufficient t o
I.'j. ' . -',:: .:;. . accommodate.the required wiringlcable system and for convenient mavement of
1 . . personnel. It sh.oulij also be provided with lighting and. ventilat.ion system so that the

I .:. . movementis corivenienf. . . . . . .

. I ., ' . . ... . .
1.., .
10.4.6 Transitlon

. .:

..... A transltion of 1 in 20 to 1 in 1.0 ky

be providedfrom four-lane section to the widened . . . . .
. , width a t i o ~ F ~ a on
z asther side. . .

'. / . ;A I I the toll lanesand toll booths shall be covered with a canopy ha canopy ;hall be wide .'

! . 'enough to provide weather protection to toll operators, drivers and facilities. The canopy
.I. . ., .
.. shall be of aesthetically pleasing design with cylindrical suppoitcolumns located at traffic
. island so that there is no reslririion on visibility and lreffic rnovernenl Thevertical . .

II clearance shall be as prescribed in this Uanual.

. .
1 10.4.8 Drainage
j . w~thsurface and sub surface dra~nagesystem so (hat all
I '

i . .
!. . .
. . . ..
. .

the storm water is 'drained o f efficiently and. no
place at any area of the toll plaza.
. .ponding or stagnation
. . . .
. . of water
. .

. . .

I.' . 10i4.9 '..Equipment

. . for toll lanes '
1 ..
.... . . . . .
. . . .
i . : . . . . . . . .
! Each ent$lan& shill be equipped with a .micrO co"t~oller baied Vehicle counting-
: cum-Classifier unit ior counting the nurnber.01 vehicles and their axle number and.for
. . . . . . . identification of the Gategoryof vghlcle,..?he se~i-autoniaticfoll collection system shall
:.r . ..:.:'also
. have .a ticket issuing machine for issu'e of the tickets for u'ser fee at the press of a ' . - . . A

. :.. . ' . . butlon'on a touch panel-andentry lane controller for controlling.the.equlpm~~t,of-the entry .
',.: lane and for $ending the data to the daiaprocessing equipment at Toll plaza oPlce. Each
. . . . . toll lane.shal1 have elsctro,nically operated boom barrier along with synchr~nised system
. : fpr traffic lights.
. . . .
. .

I '. ;.'

1 .: .; .The ~lectrotiic Toll ~oliektib; (ETC) system shall konslst of. an 06 B'oirdUnit (with a
{::~rnadCard) fitted on a vehicle and a roadside antenna (Road Side Unit) to receive
. . .: . communication for.identification of its code and.other stored data .and.a system.for

.. '.
. ..
, . . . .. :. transmitting
. data to and from the'on board unit to the customer information management
1 . . . .. system through the road side unit.'
i .. - .. . . ... ,.
. '. . .. . ,

1 ; . :
. . . . . . . . . . .. .
. . . . . .
. .
. . . . . . . . . .. .
1 ... .
' 10.4.11 '~reventibnofdv&loading 8
; . .

. . . .. . . .
.' . ':..:~ollplaza ~dcatiorishall.also-beprovided with system'for checking and preventing over-. .

.. . .. . , ,
' '

I;.. - .. . - ..loadingof
. :. yehicles i t ~oll.~laza.
For this purpose, weigh in motion systems at approaches . ., ,,

:.... . . . . .to each toll lane are to'be IostaUed. Separate space for staticlveigh bridge and area to .;.. .-
..';. . ... .. .holdoff-loadedgoods from overloaded uehlcies
after the.tolI bartiers for ......
. . . . . ,each direction of travel. .. .: . . . . . . .. . . ... . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .

. . . . . . _. . _.;
. ... . . . . . . : .. .. ..
. . . . . -
. .
' . . . . I

. .: '. 10.4.12 . u umber of lanes at toll plaza . :

. . .
. .. , . L . . . . .
. . .. ' . . . . . .
. ..
% .

he total number of toll booths and lanes shill be such as to ensure the service time oi not .. .:
: more than 10 seconds per vehicle at peak flow regardless of methodology adopted for
'. .
. . ' fe~collection.For purpose of guidance following parameters are suggestedas capacity : . . :
I .

" ' -ofindividualjtoll

, .
lane for desigr1,purpose:
.. .
. . . '. . .
. . ' . . ,
. ; . . . .. . . . . ., .. . . , . .. ' . .. . . .. , , .. .. .. . .
i ' . ..-.- . . :. .
1, .:.;
I . . 1)
: . .. . . :
.':. Seml-automati~tolIlane :. . . . . . . . . - : . : . 240 veh/hour : " . . . -
. .. . .
j :
,-.:-..: . (~itorn~tic."ehicl&ntification but manual' - . . " ' . . .'
: . : . ' .. .. .
feetrans&io,j) . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
I . ..:: . .. .. . .
. . . .
. . . . .. . .. . I

. ii) ~lecironictoll c o l l e ~ t i o(ETG

~ lanes) . . . 1200vehlhour .. ' i
. , .. .. i
1 - '
. .
1 .
. .


. .

\. .:;, . .. .. ... .'.... .

-- ...

. .
At least two toll lanes in each direction of travel shall be provided with the system of
paymentthrough ETC. Not less than 2 middle toll lanes shall be capable of being used as
reversible lanes to meet the demand of tidal flow.
. .

I1 '
Toll plazas shall be designed for projected peakhour traffic of 20 years. As mentioned in
Para 10.41, the ~!agekonsiruction of t011.pIazain respect of number oftdl I ? - ~ e s , ~be
h~~il. :
allowed. If atany time, the queue of vehicles becomes so large that the waitingtime of the .

I user exceeds three minutes, the number of toil lanes sha!l be incieased so t'hatt'he
. .
i . . .
rilaxiti-turn waiting timeis brought down to less thanthree minutes.' . . . .
. . . . .. .. .. .

1! "
. For smooth arid.efficienl fuoctioning of toll collection, the following arrn&men~ :. .
facilities shall be provided: . ._. .. . -
, , '.
I . .


, ' ::. . .
i). The staff posted at the counters in the-semi-~uto,matic~sys.lem:of
collectian 'shall be provided with sufficient electronic equipment for the .
., .collectionof toll and recording data, a?d:small denominationnoteslcoins'
. . . . . ...


. . . at the start of each shift,

. . '.
. . '- . . ,
j ' . . ' .
ii) lnt'efbom facility shall be Provided betwehboothi and the office of the .' ..
. . .
. .
superv!sors. ..-...
.. : .. . . '

i ...
/ iii) If the booth is dosed for any reason, incominbtraffic shall be' guided into ;
i the adjoining working booth with the help of appropriate signs. . . . . . .
i : . .
. .
I .. iv) The eniire.fe! collectinn complex
. . . . . . . .
. . .shgll
. be-adequafelyguarded.
, .
. .
. ..

. .
. .
L '~,oncrete shall b&prbvided intheToll ~laza.&ealfltl"ding tapering zane.hom ': ?

i .. 'durability and long time serviceability consideration arid .to permit the p~vlsionof toll i
lanes'initiallyfor a projected peak hour traffic of 10 years. 'The concrete pavement maybe
i widened to provide.for future toll lanes required as per stage construction. The rigid . , ..
I . pavement shall be designed as per IRC:58. For this work, use of paver shall not be
. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .: : .
: insisted. . .
t: '10.4.15
. . . . ... .
Traffic signs.
. . . .
. '
. .
. . . . . . .
;.. . . .
. .
.. i


. , ..
. .
, . ,. . .
. . .
1i :r A well thoughi outstrategy should be evolved for provldin$iraffi&lg"sand load rriarkinei '. i
In and around tbeToII P l a i in accordance with IRC:67,anB IRC:35. The Concesslonalre
{would design the configurationlplacement of signsfor toll plaza which are,not g1ven.i".
: i!
i1 lRC:67 and furnish to I for review so as to ensure uniformity of signs i.n use
. on all the
, . .
-.highwaysacross the country.
I . . i
Signs should be placed along the Project Highway, roadway of.TollPlaza to guide and
ssistance to the drivers approaching the Toll Plaza. It is necessaty to aleri the ,
.... I

,@. 1.18 i
. ,
1 . O v. , .

&,5&?i, ...... .,-. ... . . .
: . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8 :
. . . . . . .
. .
. . .
, . . 'driver about the existence of Toll Plaza one km ahead with arepeater sign 500 m ahead.
. .
Stop sign shall always be used in combination with certain road markings such a's stop
; line and the word 'STOP'. marked
. on the pavement.
. .
,. .
% ,
The Toll Plaza sign should besupplelnentedby the sign adviginb the users of the notified
.. . .. :toll rates (fees) for various types of vehicles and exempt~dcategories of vehicles.
. '. . . . .

. :. . .~ppropriate.~igns
-. and Signals shall.als:o be pro\iided on the Canopy of till plaza to
. . :. . ;prope'rlyguide the approaching vehicles abo.ut the lane'in operation, lane applicable to
, . . . ,. . .specific category
. of. vehicle, lane with ElectronieToll System, reversible lane, etc:
.. . .- . . .
. .. .. .... . .
10.4.1 6 Road markings
. . . '.. . .'
. ;The road rnarkings.shal1be used in accordance with section.9 of this Manual. The road
, ',

. . .'markings for the Toll Plaza area shall consist of lane markings, diagonals, chevron
.,- '. liarkings. single centre 1ine.i~ provided at the'centre of carriageway at toll gate to
. .
. demarcate.each'service lane; Diagonal markings for central traffic island and chevron
. :. .... ...mafkiAgsat side-trafficisland shall be providedto guide,the dpkoaching:and separating
i .' .. ,traMc. .- . . . . ... .
. .

;,;ji,tiorder to coktrol overspeeding of the vehicle approadhirib to11 booihi transverse bar
!' . , <',
. . markings, as: per typical details
.. given in Fig:,lO..3 shali be provldsd. ......
. . . .. .... .. . . . . . . .. .. . ..:.;!:.,,~,'
, . .
. .
:..10.4..17 ~ l g h t i n. g .' . ;
.... . . . .
. . . . .
. . . ......
.....:. : . . . .
. . . . .....': \

:. . The toll phi& shall have lighti"$$$tem to provide vidbilily to drivarsfgr.:the use of facility
.: . -especiallyto access the correct service lane and also to the toll collector~:'lndian Standard
. . .
.'Code o f practice for ~ i ~ .f.i.t.i.n. .$. a f - ~ ~
b l i
g c IS:^ 944 shall@, followed. This
would be done by interior and.&xterior lighting as indicated below. ~ow@supplyshall be
.- f r o m public power supplysyst?m! but.stand by generatingsef of the c$acity .. to supply the
. .
.required power shall be providedai toll ?laza. . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. .. .Interior
. ' Llghting : ~ h e t o i l & o t h s and facilily building office shall beilluminated
. 'adequately. Indoor lighting shall be with fluorescent lamps. Lighting should be provided in
. . : such a manner that glare isavoid&j,or minirnised. The level of illumination shall be 200 to
'.. '.300Lux as per 1833646 part II. . '; . . .
. .
. .
. .. .. . . . .
. . . . -
' . x t e r i o i , ~ i ~ h t:l Lighting
, n~ of t h e ~ o l l ~ lisimportanifor
~ra enhanting~le . . . . night visibility. : . ,

: . . . . . .::The lighting system shall consist ofthe fotlowing major components. .

. . ..:
. , . . .
. .
. .. .. . . . . .
. . . . ,
. .. .
. . . i) ,. High Mast lighting . .
. .

IS to the.Toll Plaza
lip,I: -I
I " 6..
m a . "

. , , .. . . .
High Mast Lighting : Normal low light poles are not able to give the .requiredlighting
conditions. It is, therefore, necessary to install high mast. Aheight of 30 m for the rnast is
considered suitable to have uniform spread of de$ired:levelofillumination~ln.the Toll Plaza
. movement of vehicles..
. . .. . . .. . . . . .
- '. .. '. .
. . .
. . i , _ . . . . . . . :

Highway Lighting :Aminimum requirement of illurninationon the road surfaceof 40 Lux

,shall be ensured. Lighting in minimum 500 m length on both side approaches of toll plaza
shall be provided to enhance the safety at night on the Project Highway and to make,the
.drivers conscious of.their approaching Ithe toll gate. These.shT;IIbe-providedon'the mild
,steel .welded tubular po1e.of 1,O rn height from'road surface and with.2 m overhang.
~odiumvapourlamp of 200-250 watts should be provided for these,.poles on both sides
at 50 m staggered spacing. There should be provision for flashing signals for foggy weathe).
', conditions. . : :, . .
. , '
, _. ..

':.;'..~ano&~l,ghtlng: A higher level of illuminati&


. . uptg 106 Lux by providing'15~watt

' . ...
. :... .... metal halide lamps shall be provlded at the toll gat'e arid at toll booth locations. 1000-watt .
, .:' ..'.: :.'halogen
.. lamps shall be provided at the selected.ncidesof space frame of thecanopy to .
: .
-: ensure uniform
. illuminationof the area. ... . .

. .
. . . . .. . . .
. . .
. . .., . . .
. . . .
. :.'..:. . 10.4.18-
. . .
~ a t e .iupply
r . . . . . . . .
. . .. . - . . .
.> 1':. ... .,; ..
. : -.Adequatewater supply shall be provided. For woiking out wa!er rhuirement and internal
, . .
;-, drainage system. reference may bemade to IS:1172, IS5339 and IS:1742..
. .

I :. .
: ...
. Toll &za shall have fire fighting kquipment, in~ludin~smoke'detectors
and auto visual
1 . .,alarm system as per Section 4.17;l ~f Natio"al Building Code, so that the personnel .
working In the ~omplex
.. and the'office and the. road
. .users
. are protected .against
. fire
. .
/ ;,. ::..haiards,
: . . . .. . .
. .
.. ,. .
. . .. .... ' :10.4,.20 ~ d lplaza
l complex
. .
.. ...:.. Toll plaza shall have a separate office bullding so as to provide comfortable offlce space .. '

,. . ; .for manager, cashler and other Staff. There shall be separate rooms for TVmonitors,
. meetlngs,:toilets, and for the sale .ofpasses; smart cards, on board units and public
, .... . . .
interaction. The building shal! have a strong room for keeping the cash and a garage to : .
accommodate the security van (during operation of loading the collected revenue). There .
. .
.'shall be parking space in thk s a m e campus for vehicles for the staff and workers'and . '
. . : . other vehicles engaged in the operation of the Project Highway. . . . .
. .
I The size of the office complex depends on the rnrnlmum requirement of above facilities.

The office building shall be located taking into

. .

... .. .. .. ; ; ,> . . .. / . .
. . . .
. . . . . I - I

10.4.21 Toll audit

i . .-.
1i : . :. . . The toll plaza shall have toll audit syr$rnand fraud protection measures.The operations .
i. . . . . for toll collection, supervision, auditing and cash hand1in.g,shall be done through the .
-qualifiedpel-soslnelwith adequate number So that each operation is efficiently handled.

.. . -
.. . ' .
. ~ h e d e s iand'layout
~i of 7011Plaza bornplei including all facilities shall be owbiitted. to. !he
. .. . . .' '
.i. '
. lndependent Engineerfor revie.waqdcomments,'ifany..
.. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. .'!.. . ..'.,:.. . . .
. . . . .. . _ . . ,. . . . . . :. .,
. . ,

:;>:.,':.'1: '.
:,:. . . . .
. . . . .!'..,
. ..
. . ,.....
. ...,(..
...... I

. . . . . .

, . , ..:
. ':.'.:,
1 .....
i. ..... - '

;'i" :
:.. '
..;.;. .;:..:
. .
I... ..:.
:. ...
. .;.
.; I .....


I:. . ..: .
I..... .. . . . .
1, ;:...:
1. '

.II,I General
,.;:.. ..":
i'. . .
. , ! ;',:.:..". The Concessionaire shall plant trees a'nd shrubs of cequired number and type at the
. . ..: .. -appropriate locations within the Right of Way and in the land earmarked by the Authority
i: . . . . . . .
. .
1 ......
.....-.- for afforestation keeping in view the.IRC Guidelines onLandscaping and Tree Pkntation.
1 -.-.: ..
.. The Authority will specify the number of trees which are required to be plantediby the
j . . . . .:;.. . Corlcessionairs as compensato~yafforestationor: olhe&ise. The Concessionaireshall
. -.. I'
:. ;:,;
also maintain the trees and shrubs in good coridition.during the ConcessionPeriodas
....:.... . ..' , per the maintenance schedule. The guid.elinesgiven in this Section shall be followed, in
. :1
:.: ':. ..':'.
;,:.,. . . . .
." ..
plantation of trees and shrubs.
, . .
..-. .
.. . .

,. . 11.2 ,' Design Considerations in Various Locations . .
. . 1 .:.. ..:' . .
6 .. . ,; : '
i . . . . .11.2.1 Set-back distance of trees and other plantation .
, I . ' . : ..:' .
1 . . .:.
.. '.: Trees.on thc roadside
shall be sufficiently away.lrorn the'roadway so that they are not a
. . hazaid lu road trafllc or restrict the visibility. Most vulrierable locations in this regatd are . .:
'. ,.

lhe'inside of r:trrves, median's, junctiohcorners and cut slopes. Trees shall be placed al s
. . ' . . minimum distance:of 14 m from the.centre.'line o'f.ttie extreme.traffic lane to provide
[, .. .:.-. . ... ': recovery area for the vehicle that rlrn's off the road: Asecond row of trees 6-m.furiheraway
..:. will also be planted wherever possitjle. Preferably the first row of trees shall consist of . i

I - .
: - / .: -Specieswith thick shade and other rows of vertical type providing thin shade. Expinsion
. . .. .
I . . . . . . .of the Project Highway to G-lanes sllall be taken-intoconsideration while locatingthe trees .
f ' . -. A:.': 'so that land is free of trees when furtherwidening takes place. The distanies for . . .
.. . >

: . . . . .:(.. . alternative rows of trees shall be reckoned from the nearest edge of the unidirectional
1 . ; . . . ' . . . .carriageway. IVo plantation shall be allowedon theembankmentslopes.
. >; .

j 1; ........
. . .<'
. . . .
.:.. 11.2.2
. .;. Experierice has been that
Set-back of frees on curves
growth of thick vegetation close to the formation on inside of

, 11 .....
: , ::,
..:,::-,horizontal curve Leads to serious .reduction of sight distance and causes avoidable
accidegts withcatkleichidren sucidenly~prnbrgingfrom the side Uncontrolled treaY
vegetation, may also affect visibility of trafficcontrol devices and road slgns.'Therefore,
in plain terrain a stopplng sight distance bf 180 rn corresponding to'the design speed of
, ;
. . ., jI

! ;. . .;.. ... 100 km per hour ensured on all curved sections of the Project Highway along the. , . .
/ . -:innerrnpst lane. However, where there are siterestrictions their requirement may be
! . . .: , 'reduced to 130 m corresponding to the design speed of80 km per hour as a special . .

case. The existing treesand vegetation on the sides have to be suitably thinnedltrjmmed, i

1 . .
1 . or even removed if necessary and a regular programme of pruning of the offending trees
n as part of the maintenance operations. ', . . - ,
I . I .
, ,

125-' .

. -
. . . .. .~~!:7.::7Pr.$F&%m!1mmm~wm
1I ' .IRC:SP:84-2009 . .

I. . .

j . . In all cases, location of trees shall be checked to ensure.~that clear . vision of all highway
1I ' '
signslsignals is availableat all times to t h ~ ' r n ~ t o i i s t s . ~ l ~ ofoliage
: come: in the way of roadway lighting.. . . . . . .
, t h e or trees shall not
I . .
1 -. .
. . . . . . . . . ....
. .
. 1 2 3 .' Vsrticgl clearance
. . :of. trees .and other
. . plantations'
. . . . : . .

. .
. , . . ....... : . . .... . . . . .
-. . .
. For safe traffic operation. the vertica! clearanceawailableaiross the madwayshall be
. .
1 a
minimum.5 m. From 3his angle, the; probable . . . 9ize.of
. ..all. plants
.. . . .
. . . .
anticipated jn
. .
. ,. .: . advance,'at
.. . . . ..the time of initial planting.
.. . . .. ... . . . .. .. . . . . .
. . i :... ..\ . . .... .
. ,.
. - ..
. .

To all& for the effects of gow!h, $ind:acd
, .
trimmed td 6 m and 6.5 m ..

:. .above the pavement in rural and.urba.n areas.respedively.. :. . . . ....

. .
. . *.' . ...
. . . . . . .. . . . .
'. . .
.. . .- ",. 11.2.4 Plantatlon in medians . .
. . . . . . . I : . .. . *
. . . - . .. .

in thesectibn~ofth6Project t4i9hivaywhe're medianwidth is:hore than 3 rn,shrubs shall .. .

. . - . ... - be planted 2nd maintainedto cut off headlight glare from.traffic in the opposite direction. . ' '
. . Flowering plants and shrubs are eminently suited foi the purpose. ~hese'shallbe planted. . . . .
. . .
. . :; either Incontinuous iows or inthe form of baffles. The height of shrubs shall be maintained . , ]
. ..:. . .' . .at. 115 in to cut off the effect oftraffic liglitscoming from theopposite direction.. .
.r .*. . .%,
. .
. . .
..... - ':
' In ihe sect lo"^, where thewidth of rnediari is less than 3 m, shrubs or flowery $ants may
,:. . : be planted.In between crash barrlers:or other means like. metallplastic strips to cut off
: . . .
, I . glare shall be brovided.. . .
. . . .
. .
, -. . . . .
... . :.- The shape of shrubs and plants shall be suitably regulafedso thattheig'is no overgrowth . . .
.. ..: either vertically.or horizontally beyond:the edge of the paved median:
. , . '

, .
. " .: . '

In the vicinity of road intersactioni and median openings, median plantation +hill be
. . . . ,avoided or restricted to low-growing varieties to ensureadequatevisibility.

11.2.5 Spacing of avenue trees

I ... The spacing of avenue trees will depend on the type and growth characteristicsof trees,
i requirement of maintenance, penetration of distant views, etc. A range of 1035 rn would
1 . .

r . meet the requirement for most varieties.,

1 11.2.6 'Choice of trees

i '
. . The following guidelines shall be kept in view whileselecting the species of trees to be
, . planted:

i, I be selecled wilh due regard k soil, rainfall, temperature and

i , :, . . .

1: . . :
. , . 126

. .
. . 308
a ... ._ jl . .. . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . ,.. .. . . . . .: . :. . . . . . . .
....... <..; :,
. , . . ... _.. .......... ... .. .. . .. ..

ii ) 'Trees which become very wide shall be avoided as their maintenance
. .
would cause interfeience with traffic flow.. .. . .

iii) The species must be capable i f developing a svaight and clean bde . . .. .

upto a height of 2.5 to 3.5.mfromthe ground level. . . '

. .. ..
iv) The selected trees shall, preferably, be fast growing and wind-firm.'~hese . .
shall not be thorny or droptoo many leaies~.. . ' . .. .. ... .. . .
he t'rees shall be deeb rooted, ai shallow [oats injurebafe,$ekts..
. . ':. . . . .
. . . .
In urban areas, the species selected shall be of,iess spreading type.!$ ' . :
thai these do n6t interfere with overhead services, clear,vie.wsof signs1

. .. . .
signals, and efficiency of roadwaylightirig. . ' . . . . . . . . .
. .
I . .
. . 12.514,
. .. .Pavement-
i . ,. I

1, . . .-. . The pavement in the bus bays shall have adequate crust'with respect to the wheel loads

1 ... . , , expected. Also, the surfacing shall be strong enough to withstand forces due to frequent
. braking andacceleiatior~bythe buses. The colbur and 1extbl.e of the bus bay surfacing
. .. .shall
. ; . . . of!he main
bepieferablyilistinctive from that . c.arriageway.
. .
. . . . . . . . . .

12.5.5.''. . Drainage . .
. .
The bus bays shall have prqp$rcro$s slope to drain off theexcess water. . .
...........i .
..: . . . ...
. . . .: No water, which is like(y to .sp!a$h:.o( the,w$itirig passengers; sha'll be .'
:. :.
. . .
. '
.allowed,to collect

near the bus shelters)

. . .. . .
. .
. '

. . " . . . . ... .. . . . : . . .
" '

. . . . . . . . . i i ) ~ ~ l t i b ! b ' k ebutter @ s~clibnwi~ie~ui~~ite10n~itudinal Slope and.outlets'. ..

.. .. .. . . . . at.lntervals,to
. . . . . . . .eng.ur6
.. quickdis~6sal . of water shallbe provided.:' .: .' .
... .,... ;.
... . . ... . . . .
.. . . .

. . . . . . . . . . I . . ... . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .
. . . " . . . . 12.5.6 . . Road maikings
. . ... ....
* . . . I
. . . . . . .. . . . ..
.. : - . . pavement markings as specified in Section 9 of this ~anualkhallbe broiiided aithe'bos . . ' . .. '

. . . .. .. . . stops as shown in Fig. 12.1and 12.2.with the word 'BUS'.written prominently on:!he
.. -
.. ... . .:... . . pavement. Pedest.riancrossings shall be marked slightly behind the standing position of . . . .. . . .
. . . .. the %uses'In at'd4r"to...reduce pedestrian c0nflicts. :The kerbs shall be marked with.

. . . .:-. . .continuous yellow'linetaindicate " ~ o . ~ a r k:i ~ ~ " .. . . -..

. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. ... . .
. . . . . . . .
. .. . >

12.6 'Rest Areas ! ' . _ ..
. . . . .
,. . . .

1 , '1
.Localion and Layout of -the rest areas shall 'be as indicated in,Schedule !B' of the .
: ...
~ ~ n c ~ s r i o h ~ ~ r e e r nRest
; n tareas
. shall be provided by the Mdeksionaira d i the
~ lands '
. .

/ . . . included in the Site and procured by the ~uthority.Within the areas so provided, the
. . ,. Concessionaire shall construct and operate, be.conslructed and operated,

.*y 1
I '
. paid fadlities such as toilets; telephones.cafeteria. parking. eft
. . . . . . . . . ,
. .
. . , ,

. . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .
-J I ' . : ~a~lityf~~.$itilewoss[.~g~.shaI~be~r~~.idk~
. .
. .
a s r p i c i ~ini Para 2.13.3 of ! h i s , ~ a n ~ a'i .

..... .

. !

. 12.8.1 ~raffid~id.bosts shall be establi~heda t ~ o lPlaza l locations in accordancewith
Shepmviiianr oilhe~ n C ~ S S I o n ~ A 9 r e e r n e. ~.; t .. . . . . . . . . . . . .

' - ., 12,8.2 . The Concessionaire shall establish and operate Highway patrol unit(s)manned ,
1' by-atleast two.persons apart from the driver for every unit which shall continuously patrol
ceeding 50 km and shall remain in contact with the Control
The patrol shall render assistance to users in distress and
intervention or by calling for assislance.from Control Room,

3 18'
. .......7.;.
. . ........--..
. . . . .
. . . *><... . :
..vz-.<....*.....-......$....... .
. . > . . . .. .
.......................<. ..>v;.;!!.';?,:~.Y.~~.
1.: .
, . Crane operat'orsor ambulance as required. The patrol shall.promptly clear the road of any
. . .
[:;,.. . ...
obstruction. Where the obstructions take time to be cleared, the section shall be
I;.;;.: . . .. .. cordoned off by placing traffic cones, which shall be night. The patrol
.: ;, .
l.':. .. . . , vehicle shall be large'enough forseating at least four.personnel besides the driver and '

. .. . .
:...:..:. ... :$ carry essential trgffic gnd incidence management and safetytools. Itshall also .
............ . have a light on its top and a.siren on board. It.shall be equipped with tr'afficcones and
.... ... . .. .. . other accessories for traffic controlwhich are fully visible during night time.
... ...... . .. . .. . ..
.-'..i. ,.'. .
.... : : 12,9 .
Medical Aid Posts . . .
. . .
. . ..

-1.:') ., ..."..... . . . .
L . 129.1
. ~ ~ d i c a l ~ 6 s t ~ ' $beh estibiished
a l l . . . a.l ~ o lPlaza
l . . in. accordancewith
l~.cations ',
.., . . . .- . . . .
: . :. . , . ihe provisions of the Concession Agreement. . ' ... . . . . . .

],.".'..> . . . .
;,.:.:....;....; ,
:. : ..
.. '.'I2.9.2
Thft.Cqnc~ssb~~'iirsl~ellprovide~rnbulqnce(s)manned by at leas1lklralned
. . ..

:.and certified paramedics so that the res.pon% t/me is not more than 20 minutes of call.
i4.i air~bular\b& shall be.equlpped wlth fir61aid, life'a8ving meditdl sewicbs and supporl .. ' ' '

ystem implements for transportingthe victims to the nearest traumacare hospitals, and .
roviding.emergency medical aid during transportation of victims'from accident slte to
. .
e nearesttrauma . ., . . , . . . . . . . ., . .
..... . :. .
; . .... . . . : . . . . .
... . ,...: : .. .. . . . ;--
. .......
:.:. .. -12.1-0' ' ~ e s c u ePosts . . . . . . . . .
. . . .. . . . .. . . . . .
. '- ' ' '
. . ..',I' . . . ... . ... .. . . . . . . . . . ... . : ' . . ....
. : . . . . .:...: ..

. . ::.
.. ... ......
').' ..: .. .12.10.1' Tho ~oticc.ssionair~shell provide a vehicle i e ~ c & : ~ d satTollplaia
t location . . . .
, . . with all necessary equipment as specified in.the ConcessionAgreement, .: . . . .,:
1: .... ..; ..; .. . . . ..
i .' i.:..' :.:.'.' :12.10.2 Crane(s) shall be available at the site of theincident withiri 3O,minut&sofcall to
1, ;., ....... '

'. '.; .:.: . clear the disabledlaccidented vehicles.


1: . . . . . . .
I..;.. .,::.,,:. .
. . ... . .
1-, . .. .. . ...... . .. .. :j2.11
. . . . . .
. . . . .
. .
. .
. .
.. . . . . . . . . .
; . ' ... . '
.:;;... Tho Cbncessloriaire shall provide a TelecomSystern at' Toll piaia loca06n with all .
. . '... .. necessary equipment as s' Schedule 'B'.of th,e ConcessionAgreement: . . . :
I . .:'. .
. . . . .
. . .. . . . .
-.. ,

f . ::):,..] a ~ Management systems(HTMS)

12.12. ~ l g h w Traffic ' '
1';: :
. '. . ' li.12.1 A real time 'system working round the clock shall be e b t a d l i ~ e d hinforming
r '
.. . . . . .. ... !he road, users cf the road, traffjc, and weather corlditions on the Project Highway when . . . .
. .

I . '
. ' ..''
the daily traffic exdeeds 40,OOQPCVs; foimaking ihiarvs"tioni i s required for smobth, , .

!. .safe and efficient traffic operation,; and for providing.rescue

..'... and relief tolhe
:, .
. . . . . . . . .,
; :i"
'dislreis. The system shall be capable of.
. . . I"'
. I . .....
. . . . .
. .
. aauisitidn of data from varioiis sources s'ach as the road, the us6rs;the'
' r i

. '
\ ' .."' '
_. . . .
. . .. L-d

. .:
maintenance and operation patrol;the ambulance, and !he intervention
' . .:.
. .
. , .
ii) three way communicalion between the data source and a Central Control
.Room, the Control Room and the data sources and display units, and
between the maintenance and operation teams, through a transmission
1 .; svstem, and
I:. .. . . . . .
... . . . . .
. .

I. ....
I . . . . . . . . .hi): A Centra! Control Room to process all data and control the highway
i::. . . operation. . . . . .

. . . .! . 12;12,2 he systems,and e q u i p r n e n t i f , shall:meet'fhe.following
and environmen'talrequiremenlas specified in IS:Q000

I n . :.

. . . . . , ...

. a
. . ... . .. , .
Temperature Range of Operation
. 60C.(i ZC)'. .
-.Low of 0,OC (2 3OC) to high of
,.. , . - .
. .. - . .
1: . . . . . . . . .:. .. .. .. .... .b) ' .~el&iveHumidity of 95 percent
.. .. . . .
. . . . . . ;, . , 4 vibration ~ r e ~ & n~a&e'of')
c~ 0 Hz- 55 H i . . ...
. .. . . . . .......... . .
1 , ,: . ::!2;12.3 Dataac.qufsitlon system! Rlis shall consistof (a)AutomaticTrafficCounter
and Classifier (ATCC),:with an in.-roadloop detectors and treadles. (b) Video cameras

I1.I: : -'. .
. .
,, lit$$ wiL such
~moaitdriiiggflraftic.(c) ~ f i e r g e n c y ~ kBoxer
road is captured for video
i l insldlled at every2 km to enable any user
. . . .: .tobe Instantly in contact wi*,the Cgn.trol Room, (d) Mateorologicalsensors for capturing . . .

1.. : . '' -.dataon temperature,weather, wind, (e) Mobile radios for patrol vehicles and ambulances
. . . .
to bein communication with Central Control Room and among themselves. .. -- - .

. 1.I .. . .. . 12.1
2.4 . Em6rg)ncy.calj boxes (EC8) with loud speaker, m i h o n e activation button
with LED indicating conversatian;shall he hoosedin a vandal proof casing and operate in
. . .
. . , play mode in noise level of upto.95 decibels with In-built diagnostic features for
- .. . . automaiic detection in case of d&age
' ':. .by,'any object. Mobile communication system
':. . ' :. :.. shall domprjse. the mpblle'radio basg stati'0.n~and control centce equipments. It shall have .
: .?. ... . ,giovi'slon for mo.~nted,mobile set an.ambulances, cranes and ,patrqlling.vehicles. The
. . .
. .
. . .
. . . . '. . ~.'sy'stem shall have the facility to canned mobile to mobile, mobile to controller, and
... . .... -
. .controllerto mobile along with the systeins for waiting, holding, and transfer of calls. The . '
. : .; syste,m shall use .a palr of frequencies allotted to the Concessionalro with the
. . . .. . .'. apgtoval.of wlfless planning and coordination . (WPC),
. Deptt. ofTelecommunlcatlons
, ' . . '. and.shall.6perateforfullduplex
. . mode, . ...
I:. . : . . . . . .

m. For this . .
. . . . 1.8 m depth. The .
. .
shall be.more than
. .
angleof ? 70' to the '; . '

minlmum 10 frames that can be

shall be.installed on the .
can withstand wind ' '

be capable of sforlng minlmum semi-duplex mode and '.

vertical clea'rance available afVMS shall be 5.5 m from' ,

all be fed from the

. .
integrator locations. The locations for
le '8'. - . . .

140 3'30
' :

, . .

- '.

I L;r .-..\
:. .. ..,
,.,.. . +. .;......... .:,.,- . . . .,
. . . . . . .... ., 1......... .,. . : . ,. .. . . :. . .. .. . . . . . . - .. . . . C'. .
' '
. \ . .:,
2 ' "
. .
i IRC:SP:134-2009

i '12.12.6 The meteorologicalsensors shall comprise thermocouplelpyrometer, humidity

meter; anemometer, visibility meter and sensor for. measuring pavement surface
temperature, They shall be installedona single polewith a specificattachment and power
supply fed from the integrator. They shall have the facility to communicate on Polythene
Insulated Jelly Filled copper cables (PIJF)lOptical Fibre Cable. ..
. .

' , .
' .
12.12.7 The ~dtomaticTraffic Counte6cum-Classifier (ATCC) shall be capable of
:detecting and recording all'categories of vehicles plyingon the Project Highwaybasedon
their length and number of axles. The systerrishall be robust and capable of operating
1 ... . with minimum maintenance and.m.aybe-either piezb-electricor infrared. It should have
. . minimum accuiicy level of 99 percent. .The logic units sllall be mlcropro~es$~r based.
I The system should be able io -recordarid store vehicle data for.:a period of at least two
! : weeks with a Daily ~ r a f f i cVolume of up to 1,00,000 vehicles. The system shall have
I ' . compatibility to transfer the dataon PJJFlOptical Fibre Cabklby using any of the
1 . : . available'communicatio~mode like.GSM (Global System for Mobile~Communications)l
. . .

. I;
. .
. .
. :
. . gPRS(Ge"eral Packet ~ a d i S&i o n;ice), landline modem; C D M (code

. ...'availaGleat tli'e sit& The system shali be elettrlclsolqr power operated

the availability o'f source. : . ..
Acces3)'depending upon the effective and.econoinic oberaiion'of the particular mode'.
depending upon

1 . . .12.12.8 he ~ l d s e dCircuit ~elevidon(CCW)Surveillan~eshallcomprise ddeo
i . . ,

. ,camera, its housing and pan, and Tilt Meads. The video.ddmera shall tie mounted st a
i! . . height so as to cover the ta,rg?t length of highway and the,.housing shall be able tn
. withstand,adverse weather conditions. It shall have a 360angular travel In the horizontal
i .
plane and a tilt of 90" down fl-om @ hbrlzunlal. It 6Rall have zoom.lens with mlnlmurn power
uT 30 XI auto lrls and lllf~'al.cdri~tdr,Infraredcompatlbillty for nlght'operatlon~andremotely ' .
i. . :. . selectable operating
. . modes. It shall. . have .compatibility with co:ax!al cableloptical
. . . .fibre cable. ... . . . .
I c he main control centre shall be designed for round-the-c~ock'o~erations

1 of
I monitoring, on-line informationacquisition and processing the s'ame for decision making.
I The Main ~o'ntrolCentre shall have equipment of central computer, call centre, terminal
jtinction box, unifiterrupted.power supply (UPS)., counsel operator with monitors andjoy .
. sticks, rack accommodation, large display board; line printer and general purpose office.
. computer with monitor,.printer, fax and telephone. The system shall also have Network ' .
! . . .
' Management system .(NMS)or teal-time monitoring of .Emergency Call Boxes (ECBs)
. , . and network diagnostics. .. . . .
! ..
1 . . . .
- 12.12.10 fransmissian stein': l'llis ~hall.consistof a backbone Optical Fiber . '

1 .
.~ransmissionsystem,cable system, interface system, network management system,
Ii .
repeaterlamplification system, and power supply 'system. There shall be 3 or 4

ntres (as appropriate) housing all the interface equipment apart from the Control
rovided with, asapproprlate, cables, Interface,terminals (such as optical line
and in!erfbce, network management system equipment, optical fiber cable ..

3 2 1,
141 (%3
0 .;:, - :I.
, c
r -
interface eqbiprnent and control centre. interfdce equipment; data acquisition system
'. . ' ., interface, etc). The cables from ECBs., VMS~~.meteorolpgical
data systems, ATCC shal!
.be Polythene Insulated Jelly filled (PIJF) copper cables and those from CCTV cameras
shall be coaxial 'cable's. Repeaters/ amplifjeg.shal1be.us9.d to maintaln the quality of
. .
' All the cables shall have at least 20 percent spare capacity to.allaw for expansion.
The interface system shall be capable.of handling.thec'omposite audio, video and data'
signals at various interface levels and process.thom.
. ... . . .. . .. .. . .. ... .. .

. . . . . . . . _ ._..
. . . . :. .' . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . , '

'. - ; 1 2 1 2 1.centnl~~ntrolkoo~(~ontrol,~intI:e) ' ~ , o d r. n

fih; ~ ~ k r a l ~ o ~ t r ~ l(CCR)
. : .. .:! .shallbe the repository of all the data acquired frQm.thefield,and.theirprocessing,.stori?g,
..... .and archiving.Al1 the infoimati'onforreal timemonitoringotthe.Project Highway sha!).be.
. . ::generated. at the CCR and the relevant informationshall be disseminated to the users
. :..... . throughVariable.message signs; and to the operation and management'teams through
_ .. radio .~mnuni.c~$,on
. . '.. .,' . .mobile . ,. . system for.appropriate interyention. Another important
. :..'. !. ..: be peifotmed at the Control centre shall tie the operation of
. . . . r ..I. the.HTMS itself albng with itsvarious sub systems. ..:...........
. .
. . . .. .. . .. .,
. . . . .:. : CC.R
.. . . _. _.' .ihail have the following ininirnum'e&ipment, hardware and ~oftwqi-e.:
. . . . . .,..
. . .

, . i) A Central Computer S.ewe~withintegr&d . HTMS . and HTMS soflware

I$;. :.
. . . .
:. .... . ii) , A Traffic.Mgnager8sTerminal for.operati?"
.-. of:the integrated traffic ,
. .. . . :..
. . . . _ . ......
management systerr).
. . . . .
. .. .. .. ... . .. . ..... .... ... ....iii):.. -Caitsyst6rn
. equip&nt comprising erato^ to^ PC along yithsub-systems
, f . ,

........... and digital voicerecorder. . . . . . " . . .

. .
. .
,.. .

1 ..,. .
. . . .
. . . . :. .. .. .
. e. terminal comprising 0peiato.r
:i). ~. o...b, i.l radio PC and engineering terminal
.:. .: . . . . .: ... . . . . ..: .

. . ' .

I . . . . .

1 ..,...; . . .
.: '~omputers ~ L k v o r ~a&ernent
...... . , k
Communication System. ,', ,.
. . ( ~ ~ $ f oFiber
.... . . .. .
. .
i opticr .
. . .. .
, : _ ."
I .-. . . . . . vi) CCTV Console E,quipment , . .
j ' . . ...... '.: .: . .:, ,:: . . ... .. .. . .;.. . . . . . . .. . ...

ix) A line Printer . . . . . . . .. ,. . . '. . ..

. .. . . : . . . . . . .. .
. . . .

. .. A n Office Computer
x), . . . .. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. , -
xi), A Power Supply and back up system ......:
. . . . ,.
. .. . . . -. . . .
. . . . . .
:., ::: :12,12.12 Dissemination of information : lnformationgeneratec!Bt thecontrol Csntre ,. . :.
. : ... . . .. shall: be dissemin!ted in the folaaing rninner:
. . .. . .. .. .. ..... . .. . .
. . . . .
. .. . . .. ..

. . . .
. . .
. .
I" '.
! , - Q) To the users :
Ii > ..
1 . . . . :.' the relevant information.
1 . -..
. .
. ...

7 .

. '

I '.
1.. .. b) To the Operation and maintenance teams :By mobile phones.
! .. ' .

d) . To the trauma care centres !Via ambulances. ... ...

. .
. .
_: . . . . ..
-12.13 Operation and ~aintenancecentre . . . . . . . .
. .

. 12.13.1 There shall be operationand maintenance centre(s) either at'the toll.plara(s)or

at any other location along the'project ~ & h w as:identified.bythe
a~ Concessionaire.The . '
, land ,for the sarne shal! b?,a&uired by the Concessionaire at his.cost and risk. The
. . and maintenance centrewoulcfl~~ave
operation lsrllvwlng mlnlmum facilities: . . ...' . . .
. . . . . . . . . .> . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . ..
. . . . i): :. :~airi.coritrolcentre and ~dministrativeblock.'
, . . _.... . . .
. . . . . .- . . . . 4
1.: . .. ::.. ii) ~ q u h e nblr b&ration.anb
.. k.&ntehance a$! . S t ~ t ~ ~ e , Sfordern.
~&e .
- :.

1.:; ";j, .:,

. ,
. . . ... , . . . . . . . _ . . .
iii) stor&? spacelor e4uipnient&dmaterial far.traifiesig"s e d markings. .
, ,
.. .
. ,
i: , , . ,. i .
, '
. . ' . I

I . - . . . . . .
j.:- .,,. ... ,. ' iv) workshop. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. .
-$ I

..... . . . . . . .
. . . . .. . . . '
. . .
1; ...... V) . d e n e r d iarage and repair shop. . . . . . . .
8 . '
. . . . . .
. ., . . .
' vi) ~ e s t i la
h bo!atd
~ j. . '. . .
. . . .

vii). parking spacefor minimum 4,number of large "ehlcles and for other "' . .

ex'p'ected vehicle during peak hoursincluding

. . thosefdrwdrking staff and ' .

visi!ors. ..
. . . . .. .
: . .

1233.1 All buil,cijn; works ;tiall be designed to meet the functional requirementsand
shall'be compatible with' regional archlte~tiureand mlcro cl!mate. Lacally available mate+ ..
. . . .. .: ..
.. !...
rials shall be given.preference but riot at the cost of constr'~ctionquality: .

. . . . . . . .... . .L i
12.13.3 The circulation roads and pirkiig spaces in the Q&M c e n h shall be paved to

withsjand vehicle loa'd's and forcee dwe to frequent.acc%lerationand decelerdtion of.

vehicles. Parking baysllots shall have propercross slope and drainage. The marking of
the pariiing bays shall be as per iRC:35 to demarcate'iarking and circulation space. .' i
Parking lots shall have illuminationas provided in lS:1944 (Parts I and 11). . . i.

, . . ,
12.13.4 The whole campus of operation and maintenance centre shall have system for .
i .. security with safe entry and exit. . . . . . . i
I' ' ... .
j :.'.
! .. . . . 12.14 : Report to be submitted . . .
i . ... I
1.. . . .


! .: . The Concessionaire shall submit report contilning the proposals for pro;ision of.project
i ......
to'the IE foireview and comments, if any.

. . I
. . . .
. . .

- . . 323
. .
....... . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .,. ....?............ ,. ---lr.-.r,----*z<*-w----II
I-' ..,

1' .:.. . . .
. . .
. . . .

..... : IRC:SP:84-2009
-.;, ..

.. .. .


.' .

'13.1 General

13.1.1. . The additionallnew carriageway in hilly areas may either be constructed at the
s a m i level as that of the existing carriageway or atdifferent levelsto form a splil highway
depending upon the . feasibility
. . . and geo-tkchnicalstability of the area. . . .. .

13.1.2 The concessionaire shall pay due attention to geo-technical, environmental

andsocial aspects of hill roads and take.appropriate measures to ensure the.fcrllawing:
. ,

(The guidelines given in IRC:SP:48,may be referred to, for details).

. [:";. ._. - . . .
. . .
; .2 '
i) . disturbances:
~tabili~against~~eological .
. .. ..;... .;.
. \,,..::.
i ..:.. .:..: ....
. ..: , . . :; ..
. . ii) . . Prevention of s6il eksion.' ...
.. !,;... . . .
. iii) Provisionof efficient. drainage and preservationof.natura1drainage system,


;:. . . .

I 13.1.3
. , .. . . . .. . :. .. . .
I f there are 'any landslide prone B i a s a16ig the road alignm&, adeo;ats,
:. .

) ,;. . . . . .
I .......... .investigation shall be undertaken and appropriata remedial measures shall be provided .
. . . .
* .., .:.
q .
. .
1.; . ' . 1 .
1.: . : . .- . 13.1.I where ahy new con~tructionlreali~nment is involved, the alignment shall avoid
j.,:.. . :'. .:. :. '. large scale cutting and filling and follow the profile of land, as far as possible. -.
. . ... .
I-. :. . .
. .. .. . . .
1 :.. .......
.- ..:. ,
Areas having potehtial landslide or'settlement problems shall be avoided. Adverse
. . . impact on the environment shall be reduced by adopting p@per mitigation measures.

ji . : .; : .Refer to guidelines given in IRC:SP:48.

. . .
i' '

;. -
.... " . 13.1.5 Unstable hill slojiles shall be adequately addressed by providing appropriate
. . , , bioengineering and stabilization rnessuros.
. .
1 :::.'..

!':. ..:'. . . :". . .

:: 13.1.6 Necessary safeguar'd shall be talten to protect cic<logic~llysensitive areas like
. . . . .
% .

. i
...:.... wild life and bird sanctuaries, reserve forests, national
. . parks, etc.
. .
.. - . .
. .
. !
, . . , . .. .,. .
i .3 7 Protective structures for traffid Such as railings, roadside. safety
! . . .:... barriers, boulder nets, etc, shall be provided, where necessary..
3 . .
. . .

. . , ' 13.18 In msuntainous and steep terrain, the scope of work defined by the~uthority
! . . may be two-lane carriageways on different alignments (contours). In that case, the Manual
and Standards for two-laning of Highways shall apply to the two-lane ,
ays on different alignments (contours).

325 . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................*.--
13.2 Set Back ~ i s t a n c eatHorizontal Curves
. . .
. . ..... ...: ... .... . . .

' . ~ e ~ u i s i.&hidistance
ie should be a&slibel .acmss the inside of h~rizontalcuwes, Lack
-. of visibility in the .lateral direction may arise.due to obstruc'tions like walls, cut-slopes, ,

... . . '
wooded aroas, elc. Set back d,istance from the central line of TI%-carriageway, within
. . whlch the offending obstructions should be cleared to ensure the ngeded visibility, car) be

... . . determlnedusing the Equatlon:glven i j I.RC:52,

~ . . . . . . . . .. . . . .
. . . .

. . .
. . . . . .
At hDrizonlal kutves, ih8.gr8die"i shall:be Gasid by applying the d!adii;cdrnpendion
.,.correctionfprg!adients'steeper: than.4 p'er cent in accordance with.IRC:52,. . . . . . . . :.

- -.. . -I.

. . . .
. . . ..
bends; whek 'unavoidable, may be de$igned eiher a?.. .. circular
. . curve with a , . .

.' transition curves at each end or as a compound circular c u e . . . . .. .

. . .. . . . . .
. . .

... Design criterla given IRC:52 shall be adopted for the design of hairpin bends. At . :'
1,.'.. . , hairpin bends, thefuli roadway w1dth.shall be,surfa.cgd.
. .. . . ..
i: . ,,13.5. .
. .
,.Climbing . .
1.: ... - . . Lane . . . . . . . . .
t ' . . , . . .
-!.. .
. . ' clir.-ribinglano &dl1 bs provided, where specified in Schedule. 'B' of tho
. -j...

on cession .
" . . . .Agreement, in order to'address fhe necessi1y:of making avajlable.separate lane for safe :

. ... . . . . .
. . .. . . ..'..overtakingfor vehicle traveling uphlll.. . .
. . .
. . ...
_ . . . . , '. . . . . . .. . .. . . . :. . .
. .L .: . . . . .
. . . . . .' ~ r d p & s ~ ~a"d'i6ad'rn(lrklngs
ns shall. b.6 prol . . thattl~e
. ided. . . t$. ensure absolute right of way
-.. . . . .
1 '
. ; . .for~climbbgvehiclesisavailable. .' .
r . . . . .
. . . . .:., !. . . . . . . . . .. "'

. .
.. .
' ,
. . ..
. . . . . . .
, . ! , . . i . . . . . .
. .

1.. Heavy rock blasting should be avoided. ~ n t r o l l e dblasting shall be resorted to. Blasting . .
: shall be supervised by experienced personnel. ~!astingand related operations shall be
. .
. :
carried out in accordancewith Clause 302 of MORTH Specifications. . . . .
.. ... . . . . .
. . . ... .
. . . . . . .. . .:

. . ..:13.7 . . . - . C u tSlopes
. . . . . . . . . .

. . Cut, rendered stable in the constructionstage it.self,'.by cutiing at the . f' . .
... . correct angle and bariching etc, including
. . slope stabilizing structures like drain's,
breasf ; .
.. . . . . . .
.' ',

.walls, pitching, etc. . .

. .
. . . . . . . . .
. .; .
. . ,13.8 ' Tunnels . .

. .
. .
I . Wh.ere it-Is necessary-tocross hills or high ridges, the.various alternatives including. ' .

I to avoid deep cuts ,shall be considered . .

+ . .

, . -

........, .:................
I :,,, ,. .....,
. , ~
, .
" alternative shall be chosen. The alternative to be followed shall be indicatedin schedule
'B'of the Concession Agreement, Whereroad is to be taken through tunnel, its salient . ..

. .
. .
details shall be indicatedin
. . schedule . .
'8'of .the. ConcessionAgreement.
. . . . \. . ...
. .. . . .r
. . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . .. . .
. -.
. 13.9. . ~. r a .i n.a g
. 6 . . ' . . ' . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
. . .
fordrainage of waier from roadside, an effective system ofdrainage shdl b&canstnicpd . , . .. . .
.' to,lkd the run-offto natural water courses. In pgytlculal;:catch water dtains (Refer to para . '

6.5 of this Manual) provided above the cut slopes. IQhall be ensured that water is .,
a .

.... npt.drdinedinfo.villagesand cul<vatedland. Location of crossdrains and culverts should . . . :,... ' . i

:'- be so chosen as to av'oid erbs&n of the outlet:~rosior~control-workslikedrop w2!b, .

apron at out-fall points along with pitchinglpaving,ofthe channel shall be providedwhere
. .. . .. . . . ..
required. . . . .

/ , ' ,

..... .
., 13.10..1, Retainin$ walls shall be provided
. .
.. .
. .
. .
- ..
. .
. .

I ., '
i) To s~ppor~th=c%n hill side unstable &ta orfills,
-. -
. .. ,

1 . ,. , .'. .
. .
,. . .. ii) To achhvci $dth of roadway, where cutting intb hill.i~.h?itr.icl~J, . . . . . .
. . .
. . '

, . . ill) To arrest damage ceusedto thevalley side and the road, by underc,utting .
. .
by 4 stream or ot'herwatercaurse,:'. . ;' . . . .. . .,. . . . . . .. . . .. .
. .


. .:. .
. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . , ... . . .
. .

i .... : . .

1 . ' ' . . iv) , ~t valley where flows b e i t h e reed, . . . . .>

; . . ' . . . . t
. . .. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
! . .. .. . v) At ilaces where. the valiey side &is saturated in the r n ~ n s o o b s j ~isd.' . S! ,

. . .._
I .
likely to result in slips and damage to the road, 4

. .
. . 1
. : "i) At any other locations warranting provision of retahiniwalls.
L . ,
. . .. . .. .. . .. .., . . . . . .. . . . . .
13.10.2 . he re&ning
wallson the existing. roads shall be inspected b i t h e
....'..~oncessionaireto check and assess the requirementsof repairs andlor.strengtheningor . . . . . i
. . . .'reconst~uction,lfso rkquired;the repair, streng!hening or reconstructionwork shsil be . . , .:
. .-
'. : carried out as ,per the assessment,
... . . .
. . . . . L
. .
13.10.3 'FB,: generilfeaturesl
'. .,
, Arrangement . design, guideli"is'give" in I R C : S P : ~.~
. . . . .and '. ~!

..' may be referred to.
_ .. . . . . :.". . . . . . . . . .. . , . I
. . . .. . .
. . . . . . . . . . .. .. !

13.11 Aprons etc.

Construct~onof apron, pitchrng, flooring shall conformto Clauses 2503 to 2507 of MORTH
. . . .
i . . .-
1 . .
. . .
. . .
I . . . . . .
1. . '

1' . 13.12 'Disposal of Debris

I - :
. . . Disposal sites shall be identified by the ~oncessionairefor dispord of waste, debris.
etc. Tipping ~f waste, intovalley sides, stream channels, water bodies, andforest areas
. shall resorted to. ............... . . .
. .. .'.':
. . , ., .
..;, . . . . . . . .
. . :13.13 . Reporttobe.Subm[tted',i,:::.. .. .: . . . ... . .
. .,,: . . ...
. . . . .. . . . . . .
. . . . . . ..... . .
ha ~oncessionaireshall submit,reportcontaining proposal for speciallequiremc~ . . . in,

. .
1 ...,:.....
. . .
. :hill areas tothe I for review,and,cfirhents,, if any.
. :. .:
. .-
., ' . .
, , . . . . . . .
. . . . .

\* .
. ..
" .: ,
,. -
. -

c.. '

f' .

.. , -
. .
1 ..
. . . . . .
. -. .
.: ?

: ... .
.', '.'
-Appendix 1 - b.,

. , A

!.. ' .!

:. .
i ..'. : ':_.. . . . , . .. List
! . . , . '.
of Paras for preparing schedules of the.Concession
: ~greement(Refer Para 1.I?). .
. . .
:;.. \\

....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.
. . . ..
$ :............


':; .

- Section Para . Particulars to b.e specified
. .

,! .;
. . . . . . .
....'.' . . .
.$..._.. ....:. ..._.
'.... ..;. ..
. .. .. . \ ....
c.: '


I.!.;. ...... .,;.; . . . . . II92.

, - List of sections passlrgthmugh built-up ateas. ., ' -.'
C.:,' ,-

. ..... .':. . ..
. . . . ...,
. . ..,...
1.20 .
L . . . .

' ~ h s l l ii.i ..
iist of str~tchBs~ h ~ 8 6 ~ l ~ i i n gb8'kojided 1.
. . ..:.:. . . . : .
.part of 4-1anir.g of ths Projec'iHighGay .," ,


; : I.
] .:.' . ;:.
. . . .
. .
. .
2.1 );( (a)

2.1 ( i i ) (b)
. tL: ofstr~tcheswhere~~e~ulrementof6-laning
through built-up areas isdispensedwith
Construction of bypass, alignment and land for the
bypass ..
. 1 fl-c:-?:.Js


. .: 8
. . . . .
'. . . . L. '
i ' :
f .. - . .
2.1 (v) and for geometric improvements; and such stretchis
2I ...
, . 1.
,... . :.:.. . . . '

? ' ,
.\ 3
!.. : ;.'.: ... . . . .. 2.2.2 Land for geometric improvementsand.such stretches h..: .-

1!-,: . . .. . .
. : -- !.::.
..... . . . .
for ruling design speed . . . 9 -
!:. :. :.: . ' .
,. . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3" Right of way available and land to be acquired.
i::;... <.;. ..... 4 ,

, .:, :
. '. . . . . . . .
.. . - ' . > ' ; ,: . . . . .' 2.5.1, Type and widths of median in various stretches . : i.,.


:.... .
I.;.. ;

. .
.::..,: . ...
. .
. ' . 2.9.4 List of sections where radlus of cur& less than . . . . . . fw- ;

. .. . . .
. . : : . ..
. .; . . . . .
desirable minimum ,
. ., . . ... . .. C
u-Q -7

1 .: ......... : . 210.1 (i) Width of underpasses. .

j :;. :..;. .'. 1

\ .:".:; :

. ' . : 2.10.2 (ii) P,edestralnand cattle underpasses where vertical . c
clearance shall be 4.5 m 8 &.. ;) ,-
, '
- ..:.-,
:,: ,

i . 2.11.1 .Width of overpasses


. .
' ,
. .. . . .
I: . . . :'.. .. .. . .. . 2.12.1 Locations of intersections
i : . . . ,....:
: . '. . ' Location and,length of service roads
i . .
..::.. . .
?( . .. . . . .%.
. .".
. . . . : 2.1 2:2.2 Treatment of seyice road at bridge locations . .
I : .'i.' :, .
2.1 3;1 . ~bcationand other featuredof grade iep&t6d .:
. !
, . .: . ,
, .
' . structures
1 . ....;...'.t;..
... . - 2.13.2 Type of structure for vehicular underpass or overpass
1, :.. .
i . ;, ;. ::': ,
. and whether cross road shall be carried at the existing
Location of cattle andpedeitriai, underpasses or
. . . . . . . .
"' 329
. :

. ' : IRC:SP:84-2009

. . .
. . .
.. . .Section
. . . . . . F'ar'a. .
. .
:. .Particulars to be specified
. .:. ' '

2.18 . List 6f.sttitcheathat are not required to be constructed

.. .. . . . . .. . .. .. .. . as 6-hnes.when;traffic
.. exceeds specified design
. . . . . . .
servjce:volurne. , , , . .. .
. . . . .
: . Section 3 ' 3.1 .i& 3.1.2 ~acition.and type of inlersi~~onlinterthan~e,
. . . . . . 'fegturesand land requirements . .
. . . . . .

. . . . . 3.34 .. ~en~lh:df
viaducf atgrade separated structures . .

' 1 secti.0.n 4
. .

I (I) -
. .

exisling.road to be raised . . .

. . sictian?.,I. :. '5.2.1
. ,.: .......
. ~ ~ . ~ e $ p i i q efor
n tnew construction
. . . . . .
] 5.'2;2 " . . . Type,ofstrengthening of existingflexible
. . . . . .pavement,
. . . If

. . . .
. . . . . . . . not~bltum'~nous.overIay~
.......... .. . .
. . . ........
. .-. : 5-23 . . '. ~ e ~ i i i r e m ~ ' n~t ~. opfa v e r n e nand
t , desigri,' ,
. . . .
. .
' ' '
: . . . . . . ... .. . .:
.., i.
. . . . .
..: .').: ..:' ..performance; co;'~instruction
and maintenance . _ - .
:. .
. .. ' . . . ieqplrgrjmnts;
. . .. ...: .... :: . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. .. . 5.9.4:
. . .'....... ,.~tret~h~s:ib:be.rec.onstructed
. .
.. . .. .
... Section : .. '7.1 ,(ii).......... bridg&.&hich ace.nat required to have independent
., .... .71:. - .. . .
. . supeigiructur.e
. . . .' . . ' ' . ,,
. . . . . . . .
.. . . ... . ... .. .. . . 7.1 ( i i i ) . . ~rid&siihicharenot required to be high level bridges
. .
. .
, : . ' . 7 1( v ) : ~tiliti.s&rvides
.>. to,becarriedover thestructuiris
. .

, I

. .: . .

.. .
. :.

9 . .
. 7.3 I ) ( b
7.3 (ii),.(c)
:. :!:',..
' ' list <f:bridge.s required
. . to be 6-lane wide
iisiof-bridg4s.orgr& separated s t r u c t u r ~where -
..... passlng places'are tb be provided . :
':' , ,,

7.3 (iii)(d) List of culverts to be r9~0nstrUctedandlor widened

. - - '

- 7.3 (Iv) (f) LLst of bridge structures to bereconstructed andlor

widened : ' ,

. ' ' 7.4(v). , Requirementof special slrudures like cable stayedl

. superstructure
. .
bridge', etc: . . . '

. . :,. .
7.15.1 . ~e~uire'mentof reinforced earth retaining structures, , -
. when height more than 10 m.
. .
. 7.17(iv) Requirement of Crash barrier'sfor existinn bridnes
. ..
, . :

. .
. .. ... . . . . .
............... .,
:.,. , : .
. .
. .

. ..
. .. .. .

........ . . .
{.>..'. : :
... '

!'., , '
! . . IRC:SP:84-2009

1.'" Section Para Particulars to be specified . . . .

1 .:; ..:.: : ,;
1 .
. .

I,.!. ........ ;;
.. 7.19(i) . Location and type of grade-separated structures

, ' " . ::-

II..:....... . . 7.20 .. Type of drainage arrangement for the bridge deck
...... ..
_ -.-- . .-. '

I - -
- . - 1 - - - 1 - - - . ,
i '

. .
:.. ' . . .. 7.21 ' . ~easuresfor.protecting structures in marine
, '.:: ',
. . environment . . .
. .
iI::..i ' .....
,. . . .:'.. .. ;. :. .,.- . .
7.22 [i) ~tribilureito berepairedlstrengthened,nature and ,

.-':. .........
: . . . . . . . : extent of repairs . . . . . .
. .....
j:.:.,:. . . .. .; . .:. Section, 9
;": ' . :;. ..
. ' 9.27 ' . . . Loca'tions and:size;ofoverhead traffic sigris .
-- .." -.-
.:' . . . .

. . . 9.72 (iv) ...: tocalioas (hazardous)

. . that
. . reqc1ire3afelybarriers . .
. . . .
. Lpcation
. . . of T6II Plaza
. . . . . ..
Section 11 . : ' I?. ,.I
' .
, . ~ u.n. .i b eofi trees to be planted
. ..
. .. .; .:' .
~ .t ~ ~facilii&s'&d
... ect land for providing proj6ct . . . . .i
. ' 12.3.1 ' .....
12.3.3 . . . . . . lightlngb be provldedi . . :.
.. . _. . , . .. S 2.4.1 : . . . ' ~ocatibnand.:numbdr of truck lay-byes to b'8.provlded
. . . . . . .
i')..; .: :??:' ,.,
:. ., . .:.; . .
. '
.. ' 12.5.1 .Location andnumber.if busbays
. , providid :
1 . . . .:...'. : 1:. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .
... ..
9 .,,:.,:, .:; :, . ..
, . . , . ' .. ; ' .. . ~
12.6 , : ~ocaiionaidlayoutof rest areas . ' . ,

. . . . , .. . .
I . . .,: . . . . . . . . .
1 , . . .. . . .-... 12.12.5 . l o c. a .t i b. n .s 6 f v ~ ~ . , ' , ' ,
. . . . .
. . . .
. . .
.,i Section 13 195 ~ e .~. u. i r e ~ulclirr\bing
i ~ e l i ~ lane . .
;i1 :. ..;>.;,
. . ..

. . . .
. .
. .
. . . .
. . .
1{ ... .: ,::..I::. . .
::. -I:. .
' '
. 1.3.8 . . .. tunnel and itisalien!
: . .. ;41ig~mentlconstruction'of details
. .
. . . . . . .
; .
j. ..
:. .: Appendix 2
. . . .. . . .
National HIqhwavs ~ulhorilvo/india Schedules

(See Clause 4.1.3)

Applicable Permits
The Concessionaire shall obtain, as required under the Applicable Laws, the
following Applicable Permits on or before the Appointed Date, save and except to
the extent of a waiver granted by llle Authority in accordance with Clause 4.1.3 of
the Agreement:

(a) Permission of the State Government for extraction of boulders from

(b) Permission of Village Panchayat and Pollution Control Board for
installation of crushers;
(c) . Licence for use of explosives;
(d) Permission of the State Government for drawing water from
(e) Licence from Inspector of factories or other competent authority for
setting up Batching Plant;

(f) Clearance of Pollution Control Board for setting up Batching Plant;

(g) Clearance of Village Panchayats and Pollution Control ~ o a r dfor Asphalt


(h) Permission of 'Village Panchayat and State Ciovernment for borrow earth;

(i) Permission of State Government for cutting of trees; and

) Any other pzrmits or clearances required under Applicable Laws.

Applicable Permits, 'as required, relating to environmental protection and
conservation shall have been procured by the Authority as a Condition Precedent.

4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 to km 347.800 o:NH-71 and connecting link from km
347.800 ol NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH-71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pettern under
NHDP Phare IJI in the State ofHaryana Page E - 1
Nalional H~qhwavsAulhodv ollnd~a Schedules

(See Clause 9.1)

en The Cbainnan,
National Highways Authority of India
:% New Delhi


"Concessionaire") and the Chairman, National Highways kutfioritj of India (the
"Authority") have entered into a Concession Agreement dated ................. (the
"Agreement") whereby the Authority has agreed to the Concessionaire
undertaking Design, Engineering, Construction, Development, Finance, Operation
and Maintenance of 4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 to km
347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link from km 347.800 of NH-71to km 9.400 of
NH:71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFOT Pattern under NHDP
Phase 111 in the State of Haryana , subject to and in accordance with - the
provisions of the Agreement.

(B) The Agreement requires the Concessionaire to furnish a Performance Security to

the Authority in a sum of Rs. 14.16 cr. (Rupees Fourteen crore and Sixteen Lakhs
Only) (the "Guarantee Amount") as security for due and faithful performance of
its obligations, under and in accordance with the Agreement, during the
Construction Period (as defined in the Agreement).

(C) We, ....................... through our Branch at ......................(the "Bank")

have agreed to furnish this Bank Guarantee by way of Performance Security.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Bank hereby, unconditionally and irrevocably,

guarantees and affirms as follows:

1. The Bank hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees the due and faithful
performance of the Concessionaire's obligations dgring !he Construction Period,
-. under and in accordance with the Agreement, and agrces and undertakes to pay to
the Authority, upon its mere first written demand, and without any demur,
reservation, recourse, contest or protest, and without any reference to the
Concessionaire, such sum or sums uplo an aggregate sum of the Guarantee
Amount as the Authority shall claim, without the Authority being required to
prove or to show grounds or reasons for its demand andlor for the sum specified

2. A letter from the A hand of an Officer not below the rank of

ays Authority of India, that the
Concessionaire has due and faithful performance of all
dance with the Agreement shall be
k. The Bank further agrees that the
her the Concessionaire is in default in

4 Laning of R o h ~ a kJ ~ n dSection fro m 5 4 7 800 of NH-71 and conncctlng l ~ n kfrom km

3 4 7 800 of NH.71 ro k m 9 400 of
NHDP Phase 111 in [he S~aceof Haryana .
ap$T4ll) p r o j r ~on DRFO P211einunder
Pnge F I
. .
. . .
. . . . .
.. ' National Highways Authority of India ' ' .. .
. . Schedules

due and faithfill perrorrnance of its obligations during the Construction Period
under the Agreement and its decision that the Concessionaire is in default shall be
final, and binding on the Bank, notwithstanding any differences between the
Authority and the Concessionaire, or any dispute between them pending beforc
any court, tribunal. arbitrators or any other authority or body, or by the discharge
of the Concessionaire for any reason whatsoever.

3. In order to give effect to this Guarantee, the Authority shall be entitled to act as if
the Bank were the principal debtor and any change in the constitution of the
Concessionaire andlor the Bank, whether by their absorption with any other body
or corporation or otherwise, shall not in any way or manner affect the liability or
obligation of the Bmk undcr this Guarantee.
4. It shall not be necessary, and the Bank hereby waives any necessity, for the
Authority to proceed against the Concessionaire before presenting to the Bank its
demand under this Guarantee.

5. The A~~thorityshall have the liberty, without affecting in any manner the liability
of the Bank undcr this Guarantec, to vary at any time, tilt terms iltld oondilions of
the Agreement or toextend the time or period far the co~npliancewith, fulfil~nent
-. andl or perfomance of aH or any of the obligations of the Concessionaire
contained in the Agreement or to.postpone for any time, and from time to time,
any of the rights and powers exercisable by the Authority against the
Concessionaire, and either to enforce or forbear from enforcing any of the terms
and conditions contained in the Agreement and/or the securities available to the
Authority, and the Bank shall not be released from its liability and obligation
under these presents by any exercise by the Authority of the liberty with reference
to the matters aforesaid or by reason of time being given to the Concessionaire or
any other forbearance, indulgence, act or omission on the part of the Authority or
of any other matter or thing whatsoever which under any law relating to suretles
and guarantors would but for this provision have the effect of releasing the Bank
from its liability and obligation under this Guarantee and the Bank hereby waives
all of its rights under any such law.

6. This Guarantee is in addition to and not in substitution of any other guarantee or

security now or which may hereafter be held by the Authority in .respect of or
relating to the Agreement or for the fulfilment, compliance and/or perfornlance of
all or any of the obligations of the concessionaire under the Agreement.

. 7 Notwithstanding anything contained hereinbefore; the liability of the Bank under

il/il""'-' this Guarantee is restricted to the ~uaranteeAmount and this Guarantee will
remain in force until the earlier of the 1" (first) anniversary of the Appointed Date
ompliance of the conditions specified in paragraph 8 below and uliless a
and or claim in writing is made by the Authority on the Bank under this
rantee, no later than 6 (six) months from the date o i expiry of this Guarantee, I

ghts of the Authority under this Guarantee"shal1 be forfeited and the Bank
be relieved From its liabilities hereunder. -
e Performance Security shall cease to be in force and effect when the
Concessionaire shall have expended on Project construction an aggregate sum not
.i i-ming c i P.ohlak Jind Secrion from kn ?07.600 ro km 347.800 of NH.71 and connecting link from km
345.8iJC of i.jli.71 ro km 9.400 of NH-?!A I Q be execured 25 ROT (Toll) project nn DBFO Pailern oncici
NED? P h a e i l l in the Stair of Hzryzna. Page F - 2 I
. .
pationel Hiuhwavs Aulhorily of India Schedules

less than 20% (twenty per cent) of the Total Project Cost which is deemed to be
Rs.56.65 cr. (Rupees Fifty Six crore and Sixty Five Lakhs Only) for the purposes
of this Guarantee, and provided the Concessionaire is not in breach of this
Agreement. Upon request made by the Concessionaire for release of the
Performance Security alongwith the particulars required hereunder, duly certified
by a statutory auditor .of the Concessionaire, the Authority shall release the
Performance Security forthwith.

9. The Bink undertakes not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency, except
with the previous express consent of the Authority in writing, and declares and
warrants that it has the power to issue this Guarantee arid the undersigned has full
powers to do so on behalf of the Bank.

10. Any notice by way of request, demand or otherwise hereunder may be sent by
post addressed to the Bank at its above referred Branch, which shall be deemed to
have been duljr authorised to receive such notice and to effect payment thereof
forthwith, and if sent by post it shall be deemed to have been given at the time
when it ought to have been delivered in due course of post and in proving such
notice, when given by post, it shall be suffi~ientto prove that the envelope
containing the notice was posted and a certificate signed by an officer of the
Authority Bat the envelope was so posted shall be conclusive.

11. This Guarantee shall come into force with immediate effect and shall rerhain in
force and effecr for a period of one year and.six months or until it is released
earlier by the Autho:ity pursuanf'to the provisions of the Agreement.

Signed and sealed this o f . ..........,20 ...........


For and on behalf of
the BANK by:
h 4 I
-4 (Designation) -
(Code Number) i
4 (Address)

(i) The bank guarantee should contain the name, designation and code number of the
--.f officer(s) signing the guarantee.

l l m h * r rind n t h p r . d e f ~ i l oflhe
s he Head
(ii) ~ h n n *n
The address, telephone number a Head Office
Office of
of the
the Bank
Bank as
well as of issuing Branch shoul on the covering letter of issuing
. 336 1
4 &ing of Rohrak Jind Section from k TNH-71 and connecring link from krn
347.800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH-7 (Toll) project on DBFO Panern under
NHDP Phase Ill in [he State af Haryana. Page F - 3 II
. . . . . . . .
,, . .
.. .
. .
. .
. ..
. . . .
. . .. ..
N a ( i o n a l y of India Schedules

(See Cla~rse12.1)


1 Project Conlpletion Scl~edulc

During Construction Period, the Concessionaire shall comply with the
requirements set forth in this Schedule-G for each of the Project Milestones and
the Scheduled Four-Laning Date (the "Project Completion Schedule"). Within
15 (fifteen) days of the date of each Project Milestone, the Concessionaire shall
notify the Authority of such compliance alongwith necessary particulars thereof.

2 Project Milestone-I
2.1 Project ~ilestone-Ishall occur on the date falling on the 180th (one hundred and
eightieth) day from the Appointed Date (the "Project Milestone-l[").
2.2 . Prior to the occurrence of Project Milestone-I, the Concessionaire shall have
comm'enced construction of the Project Highway and expended not lessSthan 10%
(ten per cent) of the total capital cost set fonh in the Financial Package.

3 Project Milestone-I1

3.1 Project Milestone-11 shall occur on the date falling on the 365th (three hundred
and sixty fifth) day from the Appointed Date (the "Project Milestone-II").

3.2 Prior to the occunence of Project Milestone-11, the Concessionaire shall have
commenced construction of all bridges and expended not less than 35% (thirty
five per cent) of the total capital cost set forth in the Financial Package.

4 Project Milestone-I11
4.1 Project Milestone-111 shall occur on the date falling on the 550th (five hundred
and fiftieth) day from the Appointed Date (the "Project Milestone-111").
4.2 Prior to the occurrence of Project Milestcnc-111, thz Concessionaire shall have
commenced construction of all Project Facilities and expended not less than 70%
(Seventy per cent) of the total capital cost set forth m the Financial Package,

5 Scheduled Four-Laning Date

5.1 The Scheduled Four-Laning Date shall occur on the 730th (Seven hundred and
Thirtieth) day from the Appointed Date.

5.2 On or before the Scheduled Four-Laning

completed Four-Laming in accordance with

4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from krn 307.000 to krn
347.800 of NH-71 to knl 9.400 of NH.7lA to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under
NHDP Phare ill in thc State ofHaryena P n ~ eG - I
. .
. . . . . . . . . . .
National Hiohwevs ~vthorilvol lndia SC~SO'U/SS

6 Extension of period'

Upon extension of any or all of the aforesaid Project Milestones e Scheduled

Four-Laning Date, as the case may be, llnder and in accordance ehth&
provisions of this Agreement, the Project Complction Schedule shall bc deemed
to have been amended accordingly.

5; -

4 Laning of Rohrak Jind Section from km 307.000 lo km 347.800 of NkI-71 and connecting link from km
347.800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH-71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Panern under
NHDP Phase 1I1 in the Sink o f Haryana Page G - 2
. . . .
.. . .
' ..

. -. . . .

, .
National HiahwavsAuthor;&af India .. . .
' " Schedules.
. . .

(See Clause 12.3)

. .
. .
I. ,. Drswings
Tn compl'iance of the obligations set forth in Clause 12.3 of this Agreement, the
Concessionaire shall furnish to the Independent Engineer, free of cost, all
Drawings listed in Annex-] ofthis Schedule-H.

2 Additional drawings

If the hldtpeodelfl Ellginrer determines that for discharging its duties and
functions under this ~ ~ r e e m e nitt requires
, any drawings other than those listed in
Annex-I, it may by notice require the Concessionaire to prepare and fumish such
drawings forthwith. Upon receiving a requisition to this effect, the Concessionaire
shall promptly prepare and fumish such drawings to the Independent Engineer, as
if such.&awings formed part of Annex-I of this Schedule-H. '


' .

4 Laning o f Rohtak l i n d Section from km 207 000 to km 247.800 o f NH-71 and connecting l ~ n kfrom km
347.800 o f NH-71 to km 9.100 o f NH-71A l o be executed as B O T (Toll) projecr on DBFO Pattern under
NHDP P h v e 111 in the State o f Haryana Page H I -
National Hiuhwavs ~uthoiilvof lndra Schedules

Annex - 1

List of Drawiugs

I. All the Drawings that the'concessionaire is required to.furnish rmder Clause 12.3
Specifying the Drawings for Four-L,aning are as under.
Horizontal and Vertical Alignment with details of reference pillars, Horizontal
Intersection Points, Vertical Intersection Points, elements of curves, and sight
Cross-section at 50m interval along the alignment within ROW '

Typical cross-section with details of pavement structures

Detailed drawings of individual Bridges and Structures
Detailed drawings for individual culverts
Detailed layout drawings for intersections and interchanges
. .
i Driwings for Road sign, Markings, Toll Bus bays, Parking areas, truck
Detailed layout drawings for traffic circulation for service roads, for vehicular
including cross-section drawings through vehicular and pedestrian underpasses at
the project road level and the structure bed level '

Street lighting
_ _ . .- . &Tree plantation
Traffic aid post
Medical aid post
Vehicle rescue post
Traffic management drawings for safety in construction zones
Detailed drawings of road side furniture and safety structures

Any other drawings for c ~ ~ ~ l e t of

i owork
n and srr/ely of fnst & slow vehicles and
petleslriun ant1 catllc



-. .
. . 310 r
-.+ 4 Laning o l Rohrak Jind Section from km 307.000 to km 347. connecting link from krn I
347.800 of NH-71 ro km 9.400 of NH-71A co be executed as BOT (Toll) projcct on DBFO Pattern under !

- .
. NHDP Phase Ill in [he Stale of Haryana Page H - 2 I
. . . .
. . . .
. .

. . . ~alional
. . . Hiohwavs ~uiharitv
01 lno'ia ~chedul~s , , .'

(See Clause 14.1.2)


Schedule for Tests

The Concessionaire shall, no later than 30 (thirty) days prior to the likely
completion ofFour-Laning, notify the Independent Engineer and the Authority of
its intent to subject thc Project Ilighway to Tests, and no later than 7 (seven) days
prior to the actual date of Tests, furnish to the Independent Engineer and the
Authority detailed inventory and particulars of all works and equipment forming
parr of Four-ianing.

The Concessionaire shall notify the Independent Eneinaar o f its readiness to

subject the Project Highway to Tests at any time aftcr 7 (scvcn) days from the
date of such notice, and upon receipt of such notice, the Tidependent Engineer .

shall, in consultation with the Cur~cessionaire,determine the date and time for
each Test and notify the same to the Authority who may designate its .
representative to witness the Tests. The Independent Engineer shall thereupon
c.onduct the Tests itself or. 'cause any of the Tests to be conducted in accordance
with Article 14 nnd this Schedule-I..

, . ...

Visual and physical Test: The Independent Engineer shall conduct a visual and
physical check of Four-Laning to determine that all works and equipment forming
part thereof conform to the provisions of this Agreeroent.
Test drive: The Independent Engineer shall undertake a test drive of the Project
Highway by a Car and by a fulIy loaded Truck to determine that the quality of
service conforms to the provisions of the Agreement.

Riding quality Test: Riding quality of each lane of the carriageway shall be
checked with the help of a calibrated bump integrator and the maximum
pzrmissible roughness for purposes of this Test shall be 1,800 (one thousand and
eight hundred) mm for each kilometre.

Pavewent Composition Test: c he thickness and composition of the pavement

structure shall be checked on a sample basis by digging pits to determine
conformity of such pavement structure with Specifications and Standard
sample shall consist of one pit in each direction of travel to be chosen at r
in each stretch of 5 (five) kilometres of the Project Highway. The first pit
sample shall be selected by the Independent Engineer through an open
lots and every fifth kilometre from such first pit shall form part of the sa
this pavement quality Test.

Cross-section Test: The cross-sections of the Project Highway shall be che

on a sample basis through physical measurement of their dimensions for
determining the conformity theRrjf with Specifications and Standards. For thc . . .

341- -.
Laning of Rohtak Jind Seclion from km 307.0'00'10km 147.800 of NH-71' and connecring link Iron km
, ,,;ti;

347.800 or N1-1-7I to km 9.400 oi NH.7IA to bc cxecu~ed2s BOT (Toll) project on DBFO

NHDP Phae I l l in the Stare ofHaryana
Natlonal Hluhwavs Authorilv of India Schedules

road portion, the sample shall consist of one spot to be selccted at random in each
stretch of 1 (one) kilometre of the Project Highway. The first spot for the sample
shall be selected by the Independent Engineer through an open draw of lots and
the spots located at every one kilometre from such first spot shall form pait.oPthe
sample. For the bridge portion, one spot shall be selected at random by the
Independent Engineer in each span of the bridge.

Striictural Test for bridges: All major and minor bridges constructed by the
Concessionaire shall be subjected to the Rebound Hammer and Ultrasonic Pulse
Velocity tests, to be conducted in accordance with the procedure described in
Special Report No. 17: 1996 of the IRC Highway Research Board on Non-
destructive Testing Techniques, at two spots in every span, to be chosen at
random by the Independent Engineer. Bridges with a span of I5 (fifteen) metres --.
or more shall also be subjected to load testing.

Other Tests: The Independent Engineer may require the Concessionaire to carry
out or cause to be carried additional Tests, in accordance with Good Industry
Practice, for determining the compliance of the Project Highway with .
Specifications and Standards.
Environmental audit: The Independent Engineer shall carry out a check to
determine conformity of the Project Highway- with the environmental
requirements set forth in Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits.

Safety review: Safety audit of the Project~Highwayshallhave been undertaken by

the Safety Consultant as set forth in Schedule-L, and on the basis of such audit, , .
the Independent Engineer shall determine conformity of the Project Highway with
the provisions of this Agreement.

Agency for conducting Tests

All Tests set forth in this Schedule-I shall be conducted by the Independent
Engineer or such other agency or person as it may specify in consultation with the

CompletionlProvisional Certificate
Upon successful completion of Tests, the Independent Engineer shall issue the
Completion Certificate or the Provisional Certificate, as the case may be, in .
accordance with the provisions of Article 14.

. . . .

. . 312
4 kaninc of RohtU ii"d Section from km 307.000 to Xm 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link
347.800 of NH-71,to !m 9.400 of NH-71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Panern under
NHDP Phase Ill in the Stale of Haryann Page I - 1
. -
. . . .

. .
. . . . . ~ a l i o i aHiqhways-Authorih,
l ofIndia . . . . . Schedules

(See Clalises 14.2 & 14.3)

I, ..................... (Name of the Independent Engineer), acting as lndcpendent
Engineer,' under and in accordance with the Concession Agreement dated
............(the "Agreement"), for 4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from krn
307.000 to km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link f b m krn 347.800 of NH-71
to km 9.400 of NH-71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern
under NHDP Phase 111 in the State of Haryana (the "Project Highway") on
desigil, belld, I i ~ t l t a . uperile und transfer (DBFOT) basis, through
..................(Name of Concessionaire), hereby certify that the Tesu specified
in Article 14 and Schedule-I of the Agreement have been successfully undertaken
to determine compliance of the Project Highway with the provisions of the
Agreement, and I am satisfied that the Project Highway can be safely and reliably
placed in commercial service of the Users thereof.
2 It is certified that, in terms of the aforesaid Agreement, all-works forming part of
pour-Laning] have been completed, and the Project Highway is hereby declared
fit for entry into commercial operation on this the ......... day of ...;.....20 .....


For and on behalf of


4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 to km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecring link from km
347.800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH-7 l A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under
NHDP Phase 111 in the State of Herynna Page J - 1
National H ~ q h w a ~Aulhorttv
s of India . Schedules


I, ........................(Name of the Independent Engineer), acting as Independent

Engineer, under and in accordance with the Concession Agreement dated
................ (the "Agreement"), for 4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km
307.000 to km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link from km 347.800 of NH-71
to km 9.400 of NH-71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern
undkr NHDP Phase III in the State of Haryana (the "Project Highway") on
dedgn, build, finance, operatc and transfer (DBFOT) basis through
........................ (Name of Concessionaire), hereby certify that the Tests
specified in Article 14 and Schedule-I of the Agreement have been undertaken to
determine compliance of the Project Highway with the provisions of the
Construction Works that were found to be incomplete andlor deficient have been
specified in the Punch List appended hereto, and the Concessionaire has agreed and
accepted that it shall complete andlor rectify all such works in the time and manner
set forth in the Agreement. (Some of the incomplete works have been delayed as a
'result of reasons attributable to the Authority or die to Force Majeure and the
Provisional Certificate cannot be withheld on this account. Though the remaining
incomplete works have been delayed as a result of reasons attributable to the
concessionaire,)@ I am satisfied that having regard to the nature and extent of
such incomplete works, it would not be prudent to withhold commercial operation
of the Project Highway, pending completion thereof.
In view of the foregoing, I am satisfied that the Project Highway can be safely and
reliably placed in commercial service of the Users thereof, and in terms of the
Agreement, the Project Highway is'hereby provisionally declared fit for entry into
commercial operation on this the of ........... 20 ......


For and on behalf of For and on behalf of

(Signature) (Signature)
(Name and Designation) (Name and Designation)
(Address) (Address)

@ Svike our ifnorapplicable.

4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 to km 347.800 tin^ link from km
347.800 of Nt1.71 to km 9.400 of NH-71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Panerll under
NHDP Phase Ill in the Stare ofHaryana Page J - 2
. . . .. .. .

. . . . . -. . . ,. . .
. .
. . . . National Hiahwavs Authoritv oflndia 'Schedult~s. ' . ,

(See Clause 17.2)


1 . Maintenance Requirements

I/.] The Concessionaire shall, at all times, operate and maintain the Project Highway
in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement, Applicable haws and
' ....
Applicable Permits. Jn particular, the Concessionaire shall, at all tirnes during the
. Operation period, conform to the maintenatice requirements set forth in this
Schcdiile-K (the."Maintenance Requirelpents").

. . 1.2 'Ihe Concessionaire shall repair or rectify any defect or deficiency set forth in
Paragraph 2 of this Schedule-K within the time limit specified therein and any
failure In &Is behalPshall constitute a,breach of the Agreement. Upon occurrence
of any breach hereunder, the Authority shall be entitled to recover Damages as set'
forth in Clause 17.8 of the Agreement, w i t h o ~prejudice to the rights of the
Authority under the Agreement; including Termination thereof.
2 Repairlrectification of defects and deficiencies
The obligations of the Concessionaire in respect of Maintenance Requirements
shall include repair and rectification of the defects and deficiencies sp5cified in
Annes I of this Schedule - K within the time limit set forth therein.

3 Othcr defects and deficiencies

3.1 In respect of any defect or deficiency not specified in Annex - I of this Schedule-
K, the Concessionaire shall undertake repair or rectification in accordance with
Good Industry Practice.
3.2 -
In respect of any defect or deficiency not specified in Annex I of this Schedule-
K, the Indepcndcnt Engineer may, in conformity with Good Ind~rstryPractic.e,
specify the permissible limit of deviation or deterioration with reference to the
. Specifications and Standards, and any deviation or deterioration beyond the
permissible limit shall be repaired or rectified by the Concessionaire within the
time limit specified by the Independent Engineer.
4 Extension of time limit
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary specified in this ~chedille-K,i
nature and extent of any defect, or deficiency justifies more time for its rep
rectification than the time specified herein, the Concessionaire shall be entitl
additional time in conformity with Good Industry Practice. Such additional
shall be determined by the Independent Engineer and conveyed to
Concessionaire and the Authority 'with reasons thereof.

5 Emergency repairslrestoration
." ."

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Schedule-K, if any : ,-


4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 to km 347.800 of NH.71 and connecting link from km .,

347.800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 ofNH-71A to be execute

NHDP Phase I l l in the Stzre of Haryana
(Toll) project on DBFO Panern under -- - I
- '. .
. . . .

. .
. .
. .
. .
Nalionel Hiohways ~ulh'orilvollndia
.. .
i . . . .

defect, deficiency or deterioration in the Project Highway poses a hazard to safety

or risk of damage to property, the Concessionaire shall promptly take all
reasonable measures for eliminating or minimizing such danger.

4 Daily ~ n s ~ e c t i obyn the Concessionaire

The Concessionaire shall, through its engineer, undertake a daily.visual inspecti011
of the Project Highway and maintain a record thereof in a register to be kept in
such form and manner as the Independent Engineer may specify. Such record
shall be kept in safe custody of the Concessionaire and shall be open to inspection
by the Authority and the lndepcr~dentEngineer at any time during office hours.
7 Divestment Requirements

All defects and deficiencies specified in this Schedule-K shall be repaired and
rectified by the Concessionaire so that the Project Highway conforms to the
. Maintenance Requirements on the Transfer Date.

8 Display of Schedule - K
The' Concessionaire shall display a copy of this Schedule-K at the Toll Plaza[s]
along with the Complaint Register stipulated in Article 46.

4 Lan~ngof Rohrak Jind Section irom km 307.000 to km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link from km
347.800 of NH-71 lo km 9.400 of NH-71A ro be exeiuicd as ROT (Toll) projecl on DBFO Paltetn under
NHDP Phase 111 in the Stale of Haryana Pagr K - 2
.: . ,

National Hiqhwavs ~uthorityof lndia

' . . .
. .
. . .-.
.. .

Annex - I

Repairrnectification of Defects and Deficiencies

The Concessionaire shall repair and rectify the defects and deficiencies specified in this
Annex-I df Schedule-K within the time limit set forth herein.

,. .
Nature of defect o i deficiency Time limit for
repair1 rectification

. .
f-G.1 -
(a) Carriageway and paved shoulders

(i) Breach or blockade - Temporary 1

restoration . .
of traffic within
-- 24 hours; permanent
restoration within 15

(ii) Roughness value exceeding 2,500 rnrn in n stretch - I80 days

of 1 km (as measured by a standardised
roughometer+ump integrator)

(iii) Pot holes - 48 hours

(iv) racki in^ in more than 5% of road surface in a 30 days

strctch of 1 km

(v) .Rutting exceeding 10 mmin more than 2% of road - 30 days

surface in a stretch of I km (measured with 3 m
:traight edge)

(vi) Bleedinglskidding - 7 days

(vii) Raveliing/Stripping of bitumen surface exceeding - 15 days
,-,. . .--
IOsqm is., .-

(viii) Damage to pavement edges exceeding 10 cm - 15 days (P.


(ix) Removal of debris - 6 hours

(b) Hardiearth sho~ilders,side slopes, drains and culverts

(i) Variation by more than 2% in - - 30days

. . 347
4 Laning of Rohtak lind Section from krn 301.000 to k m 347.800 of NH-11 and connecting link from krn
347.800 of NH.71 to km 9.400 oiNH-71A io be executed as BOT ('Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under
NHDP Phase Ill in the State ofHz:yana Page h' - 1
\ ..

NaNonal Hlohways Authoritv of India Schedules

the prescribed slope of camberJcross fall

- 7 days

(iii) Variation b i more than 15%

in the prescribed side (embankment) slopes ' .

(iv) Rain cutsJguIlies in slope - 7 days

(v) Damage to or silting of culverts and side - 7 days

drains during and immediately preceding the rainy

(vi) Desilting of drains in - 48 hours

urbanlsemi-urban areas

(c) Road side furniture including road signs and pavement marking
(i) Damage to shape or position; . - 48hours
poor visibility or loss of retro-reflectivity

. (d) Street lighting and telecorn (ATMS)

(i) Any major failure oithe system - 24 hours

(ii) Faults and minor failures - 8 hours

(e) Trees and plantation

(i) Obstruction in a minimum head-room of 5 m - 24 hours

above carriageway or obstruction in visibility of
road signs

(ii) Deterioration in health of trees and bushes - Timely watering and


(iii) Replacement of trees and bushes - 90days

(iv) Removal of vegetation affecting sight line and - 15 days

road structures

(ii) Defects in electrical, water and san~tary - 24 hours

4Lrining of Rohiak l n d i e c r ~ o nfrom km i07 OM to km 347 800 of NH-7 I and conntcilng ltnk from
347.800 of NH-71 ro krn 9 400 of NH.71A ro bc excculed as BOT (Toll) project on DBrO Parrern under
NHDP Phase 111 in the S r a ~ eof Haryana -
Page 'k 4
. . . .
National ~iqhwavs~ u t h b i r vof India schedules

(g) Toll plazas

(i) Failure of toll collection equipment or lighting - -8hours

(ii) Damage to toll plaza - 7 days

(h) Other Project Facilities and Approach roads

(i) Damage or deterioration in Approach Roads, - - 15 days

pedestrian facilities, truck lay-bys, bus-bays, hus-
shelters, cattle crossings, Traffic Aid Posts,
Medical Aid Posts and other works

(a) Superstructure of bridges

(i) Cracks
Temporary measures - within48hours
--- Permanent mcnsurcs - within 45 days

(li) ' Spallinglscaling - 15 days

(b) Foundations of bridge;

(i) Scouring and/or cavitation - 15 days

(c) Piers, abutments, return walls and wing walls of bridges

(i) Cracks and damages including - 30 days

settlement and tilting

(d) Bearings (metallic) of bridges

(i) Deformation .- 15 days .

(e) Joints in bridges

(i) Loosening and malfunctioning ofjoints

f!'. . :
(1') Other items relating to bridges
. .
(i) Deforming of pads in elastorneric bearirigs - 7 days
(ii) Gathering of dirt in bearings and joints; or . - 3 days
clogging of spouts, weep holes and vent-holes .!
(iii) Damage or deterioration in parapets and handrails - 3 days

Laning of Roh~skJind Scct~onfrom km 507.000 lo km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link from
347.800 of NH-71 ro krn 3 400 of NH-71A to be execuled as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern
NHDP Phase I l l in the Stare ofHaryana PogeK- 5 I
. . . .
. .. .
~alionalHiohwavs Aulhorilv dl India . . .
. .
, " ,
' , . .

(iv) Rain-cuts or erosion of banks of the side slopes of - 15 days


(v) Damage to wearing coat - 15 days

(vi) Damage or deterior~tionin approach slabs, - 30 days .

pitching, apron, toes, floor or guide bunds

(vii) Growth of vegetation affecting the structure or - 15 days .

obstructing the waterway

4 Laning of Rohrak Jind Scction from krn 307 ,000 to km 347 ,800 of NH-71 and connecting
347.800 o f NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH.71A ta be executed as BOT (Toll) p~.ojecton DBFO
NHDP Phase 111 in the State of Haryana
. . ' . . . ..
. .
. '

. .

. .
. . .. .
. . .. . .
Nelional ~iahwaysAulhorit~of India . . Schedules . . ,

(See Claz~se18.1.1)

-. .

1 Guiding principles

1.1 Safety Requirements aim a t reduction in injuries, loss of life and damage to
property resulting from accidents on the Project Highway, irrespective of the
person(s) at fault.

1.2 Users of the Project Highway include motorised and non-motorised vehicles as
well as pedestrians and animals involved in, or associated with accidents.
Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) include pedestrians as well as riders of motorised
two-wheelers, bicycles and other vehicles which do not provide adequate
. occupant protection.

1.3 Safety Requirements .apply to all phases of construction, operation and

maintenance'with emphasis on identification of factors associated with accidents,
consideration of the same, and implementation of appropriate remedial measures.

1.4 >
. Safety Requirements include measures associated with traffic management and
regulation such as road signs, pavement marking, tiaffic control devices, roadside
furniture, highway design elements, enforcement and emergency response.

2 Obligations of the Concessionaire

The Concessionaire shall abide by the following insofar as they relate to safety of
tha Users:

(a) Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits;

(b) Manual for ~ a f e t y i nRoad Design, issued by MORTH;

(c) relevant StandardstGuidelines of IRC relating to safety, road geometries,

bridges, culverts, road signs, pavement marking and roadside . .
(d) provisions of this Agreement; and

(e) Good Industry Practice.


3 Appointment of Safety Consultant

For carrying out safety audit of the Project Highway under and in accordance with
this Schedule-L, the Authority shall appoint from ~imeto time, one or more
qualified firms or organisations as its consultants (the "Safety Consultant"). The
Safety Consultant shall employi'team corn rising. wiihos: limitation, one road

4 Laning of
Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 to krn 347.800 oTNH-71 and connecting I ~ n kfrom km
347 800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH-71A robe exauted'as BOT (Toll) projec~on DBFO Pattern under
N H D P Phabc I l l in the State of Hzryana Pobc L I -
safety expert and one traffic planner to undertake safety audit of the Pro-ject

Safety measures during Development Period

No later than 90 (ninety) days from the date of this Agreement, the Authority
shall appoint a Safety Consultant for carrying out safety audit at the design stage
of the Project. The Safety Consultant shall collect data on all fatal crashes and
other road accidents which occurred on the Project Highway in the preceding two
years by obtaining copies of the relevant First Information Reports (FIRs) from
the police stations having jurisdiction. The information contained in such FIRs
shall be summarised in the form prescribed by IRC/MORTH for this purpose and
the data shall be analysed for the type of victims killed or injured, impacting
vehicles, location of accidents and other relevant factors.

The Concessionaire shall provide to the Safety Consultant, in four copies, the
relevant drawings containing the design details that have a bearing on safety of
Users (the "Safety Drawings"). Such design details shall include horizontal and
vertical alignments; sighuines; layouts of intersections; interchanges; road cross-
section; bridges and culverts; side drains; provision for parked vehicles, slow
moving vehicles (tractors, bullock carts, bicycles) and pedestrians; bus bays; truck
lay-bys; and other incidental or consequential information. The Safety Consultant
shall review the design details and forward three copies of the Safety Drawings
with its recommendations, if any, to the Independent Erigineer who shall record
its comments, if any, and forward one copy each to the Authority and the

The accident data and the des~gndetails shall be compiled, analysed and used by
the Safety Consultant for evolving a package of recommend tions consisting of
safety related measures for the Project Highway. The sa ety audit shall be
completed in a period of three months and a report thereof (the "Safety Report")
shall be submitted to the Authority, in five copies. One copy each of the Safety
Report shall be fomarded by the Authority to the Concessionaire and the
Independent Englneer forthwith.

The Concessionaire shall endeavour to incorporate the recommendations of the

Safety Report in the design of the Project Highway, as may reasonably be
required in accordance with Applicable Laws, Applicable Permits, Manuals
Guidelines of MORTH and IRC, Specifications and Standards, and Good Ind
Practice. If the Concessionaire does not agree with any or all of
recommendations, it shall state the reasons thereof and convey them t
Authority forthwith. In the event that any or all of the works and ser
recommended In the Safety Report fall beyond the scope of Schedul
Schedule-C or Schedule-D, the Concessionaire shall make a report thereon
seek the instructions of the Authority for funding such works in accordance
the provisions of Article 18.

4.5 Without prejudice to the provisions of Paragraph 4.4, the Concessionaire and the
,2 Independent Engineer shall, within IS (fifteen) days of receiving the Safety

.: 4
Lalning of RohtaX lind Section from Xm 107.000 to Xm 347.800 of NH-71 and conneciing link from k m ,

347.800 of NH.7i to km 9.400 of NH.7lA to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Paaern under . .

?-' NHDP Phase Ill in the S1312 of Haryena '. Page L - t

. . . . ... .
National Hluhwevs ~uthiritvof lndis Schedules. . . .
. I
: /

. , -
I . .
k:. c " -
Report, send their respective comments thereon to the Authority, and no later than
IS (fifteen) days of receiving such comments, the Authority shall review the same
, .-.
. . . ..


alongwith the Safety Report and by notice direct the Concessionaire to carry out
. !-.. .i
any or all of the recommendations contained therein with such modificafions as ;
the Authority may specify; provided that any works or services required to be - .
undertaken hereunder shall be governed by the provisionsof Article 18.
. .

Safe.Q measures during Construction Period

5.1 A Safety Consultant shall be appointed by the Authority, no .later than 4 (four)
months prior to the expected Project Colnplclion Date, for carrying 0.111 n safcty
audit of the cnmpleted Construction Works.

5.2 The Safety consultant shall collect and analyie the accident data foithe preceding
two years in the manner specified in Paragraph 4.1 of this Schedule-L. It shall
study the Safety Report for the Development Period and inspect the Project
Highway to assess the adequacy of safety measures. The Safety Consultant shall .
complete the safety audit within a period of 4 (four) months and submit a Safety
Report recommending a packagc of additional road safety measures, if any, that
are considered essential' for reducing accident hazards on t h e Project Highway.
Such recommendations shall be processed, nlutatis rnutand~XaTd-acted @n in
the manner set forth in Paragraphs 4.3,4.4 and 4.5 of this Schedule-L.

5.3 ' The Concessionaire shall make adequate arrangements during the. Construction
Period for the safety.of workers and road Users in accordance with the guidelines
of IRC for safety in construction zones, and notify the Authority and the
Independent Engineer about such arrangements.

6 Safcty mcasurcs during Operation Period

6.1 The Concessionaire shall develop, in~pIement,andadminister a surveillance and

safety programme for Users, .including correction of safety violations and
deficiencies and all other actions necessary to provide a safe environment in
accordance with this Agreement.

6.2 The concessionaire shall establish a Highway Safety Management Unit (the
"HSMU") to be functional on and after COD, and designate one of its
be in-charge of the HSMU. Such officer shall have specialist
training in road safety and traffic engineering by having
conducted by a reputed organisation on the subject.

6.3 Tbe Concessionaire shall keep a copy of every FIR recorded by the Po
respect to any accident occurring on the Project Highway. In addi
Concessionaire shall also collect data for all cases of accidents not recor
the Police but where a vehicle rolled over or had to be towed away. The
information so collected shall be sumrnarised in the form prescribed b; IRCl 1
MOSRTH for this purpose. The Concessionaire shall also record the exact
location of each accident on a road map. The aforesaid data shall be submitted to

4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 to km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link from km
347.800 of NH-71 lo km 9.400 of NH-71A to be execuled as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Panern under *
NHDP Phare Ill in the Stare o f Haryana Page L - 3
. . . .
Nalional Hiohwavs Aulharitv ollndia ~ctiedules'~

the Authority at the conclusion of every quarter and to the Safety Consultant as
and when appointed.

6.4 The Concessionaire shall submit to the Authority before the 31st (thirty first) May
of each year, an annual report (in ten copies) containing, without limitation, a
detailed listing and analysis of all accidents of the preceding Accounting Year and
the measures taken by the Concessionaire pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph
6.1 of this Schedule-L for averting or minimising such accidents in future.

6.5 once in every Accountir~gYear, a safety audit shall be carried out by the Safely
Consultant to be appointed by the Authority. It shall review a n d analyse the
annual report and accident data of the preceding year, and undertake an inspection
of the Project Highway. The Safety Consultant shall complete the safety audit
wirhin a period of 1 (one) month and submit 'a Safety Report recommending
specific improvements, if any, required to be made to the road, bridges, culverts,
markings, signs, road furniture and Project Facilities,. including cattle crossings
. and pedestrian crossings. Such recommendations shall .be processed, mufatis
mutandis, and acted upon in the manner set forth in Paragraphs 4.3,4.4 and. 4.5. of
' this Schedule-L. -

7 Costs and expenses -

Costs and expenses incurred inwmnection with the Safety.Requirements set forth
herein, including the provisions of Paragraph 2 of this Schedule, shall be met in
accordance with Article 18, and in particular, the remuneration of the Safety
Consultant, safety audit, and costs incidental thereto, shall be met out of the
Safety Fund.

4Laning olRohrak Jind Section from km 307.000 to km 347.800 of NH.71 and connecring link from km
347.800 of NH.7 I Lo km 9:400 of NH-71A lo be executed as BOT (Toll) projec! on DBFO Partem under
NHDP Phase III in thc State ofHaryana ' Page L - 4
. . . .
National Hiqhwavs ~uth&ity'ofinilia - . .
. . . '
. .

(See Clause19.5)


Project 4 Lnning of Rohtnk Jind Section from km 307.000 to km 347.800 of NH-Month:
Highway: 71 and connectirig link from km 347.8013 of NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH- .
71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under
NHDP Phast 111 in the State of Haryena.

C Bus

D Truck

E Three Axle

F Multi-axle

G Oversized

H Total

Note 1: The above statement does not include Local Users and vehicles travelling on

l ~ Statements for Passes have been prepared

Note 2: ~ o n t h Fee
format and are enclosed.

Remarks, if any:
- . 3 5.5
4 Laning of Roh~akJind
347.800 of NH.71 to Xm
NHDP P h s e 111 in the State of Haryana

'-.. ,
, . . . ., , . .:.
. .
'-7 . . . .
. . . .
. . . .
-, . . .. . \ . .
. .. .
. .
' Nalional Hiqhways ~ulh&ilvof India , '- . Schedules , . . .

(See Clause22.1)
Project Higbway: 4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 Week ending:
to klli 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link from km 347.800 of
NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH-71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project
I n DBFO Pa; under ?+IDl Phase 1;Uin the st[ of;aH (41 ,

ype of Vehicle No. of vehicles using the Project Highway during

Corresponding Preceding week Week of report
weeWlast year

A Fee paying Traffic

A1 Car
A3 Bus
.- Truck
.- ..-.
A5 ThreeAxle Truck
A6 .Multi-axIe Truck -
A7 Oversized vehicle
Total (A) ,.

B Local Users
B1 Car

Total (B)

C Exempted Vehieles
C1. Motor Cycle
C2 Car
C4 Bus
C5 Truck
C6 Three Axle
C7 Tractor
Total (C)
.. . . '. ...
. . . . . . . .. .. .-
....... . . . . . . . . <..,.. .!. , . > ........... : ..,
i r - .
. .
.. . .: . . a .
..:.. . . ' 1. j,. : . . . ., . . . . , , ,,. ! . 7

. . u -
. , .. : . . . .

. .
. . .Ld

. .
,. --
. . ..
. . . . . . - ., . . . -. . . T

Nabbnal ~isliw&s Aoihor;ty of India ~chedules ' . : d '.

- . -!
. .
i 2 ' -
... ,
. -
. as'-'
> -
. .
. ProjectHighway: 4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km Week ending: .......,
. ?
8 ,--
307.000 to k ~ n347.800 of NH-71 and conrlecting link from km ,{$.
347.800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH-7IA to be executed as ..I .;:; .-
I -
BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under NHDP Phase 111in . 4
the State of Haryana ., ... .-
Type of Vehicle Permitted
No. of
No, of Vehicles carrying load: @ -
(Sample d -
(Tonnes) size) 8 -
Within Up to Over 10% Over 20%
permissible 10% in and up to ih excess @P-
l~mits excess 20% in 49
&.' 0

- .

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (s) (7)

. . t;y --

13 Truck


,.i:> ,
, 'L;
C Three Axle
i.d ,
Truck 6,)
,,: j' "
D Multi-axle .-,
I .-. . .!
... :
E Total
, .


.. p

Note: Sample size shall not be less than 200 Trucks per week and 20 Trucks per day, and ,,
<.. . .%
should include a proportionate number of ~ulti-axleTmcks. . .
Remarks, if any:

4 Laning of Rohrak Jind Section from km 3 0 7 000 ro km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link from k
347.800 of NH-71 ro km 9.400 ofNH-71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under
NHDP Phase I11 in the State of Haryana Page N - 2

3 . ,

. .
. .
National Hishwavs Authority of l n i a . . . . .
. . . . .
. .

. .

(See Clause 22.3.1)


1 Traffic sampling
The Authority may, in its discretion and at its own cost, undertake traffic
sampling, pursuant to Clause 22.3, in order to determine the actual traffic on the
Project Highway. Such traffic sampling shall be undertaken through the
Independent Engineer in the manner set forth below.

2 Manual traffic count

The Independent Engineer shall employ the required number of enumerators who
shall count, classify and record all the vehicles as they pass by, and divide the
survey into fixed time periods. The count stations shall be located near the Toll
Plazas on a straight section of the road with good visibility. The survey shall be
conducted continuously for a minimum of 24 (twenty four) hours and maximum
of 7 (seven) days at a time. The count period shall be I 5 (fifteen) minutes with
results summarised hourly.

3 Automatic traffic count

For automatic traffic count to be conducted on intermittent (non-continuous)
basis, the Independent Engineer shall use suitable and standardised equipment to
classify and record the range of vehicles passing through the Toll Plazas. For this
purpose, the counter shall be checked with at least 100 (one hundred) vehicles,
including all majo~vehicletypes, over a range o f speeds to ensure that all vehicles
are being counted and classified correctly.

4 Variation between manual and automatic count

~ v e i a g eDaily Traffic. (ADT) for each type of vehicle shall be'deterrnined

separately by the aforesaid two methods and in the event that the number of
vehicles in any category, as counted by the manual method, varies by more than
1% (one per cent) of the number of such vehicles as.counted by the automatic .
. .
method, the manual and automatic count of such category of vehicles shall be
repeated, and in the event of any discrepancy between the two counts in the
second enumeration, the average thereof shall be deemed to be the actual traffic.
For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly agreed'that
consultation with the Concessionaire, adopt modified or a
traffic sampling for improving the reliability of such sampli

- .

' A 358
4 Laning of Rohrak Jind Seclion from km 307.000 to km 347.800 of NH-71 andconnecting link from km
347.800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH.71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) projecr on DBFO Panem under
NHDP Phose !ti in [he Sta[e of Haryana Pog* 0.1
0; $!!{%
c<::...o~ -7 :

* .g;

. , National HiQhways Aulhorilv of Indie . . . . . . Schedules. . . -

(See Clause 23.1)


Selection of Independent Engindcr

The provisions of Part I1 of the Standard Bidding Documents for Consultancy
Assignments: Time E h e d (Volume V) issued by the Ministry of Finance, GO1 in
July, 1997 or any substitute thereof shall apply, mutatiasn~utonds,for invitation of
bids and evaluation thereof save as otherwise provided herein.
The Authority shall invite expressions of interesc from consulting engineering
firms or bodies corporate tn undertake. and perform the duties and functions set
forth in Schedule-Q and thereupon shortlist 10 (ten) qualified fums in accordance
with pre-determined criteria. The Authority shall convey the aforesaid list of f i n s
to the Concessionaire for scrutiny and comments, if any, The Concessionaire shall
be entitled to scrutinise the relevant records of the Authority to ascertain whether
the .selection of firms has beenundertaken in accordance with the prescribed
procedure and it shall send its comments, if any, to the Authority within 15
(fifteen) days of receiving the aforesaid list of firms. Upon receipt of such
comments, if any, the Authority sl~all,aflcr considering all relevant factors,
finalise and constitute a panel of 10 (ten) firms (the "Panel of Firms") and
convey its decision to the Concessionsire.
The Authority shall invite the aforesaid firms in the Panel ofFirms to submit their
respective technical and financial offers, each in a separ'ate sealed cover. All the
technical bids so received shall be opened and pursuant to the evaluation thereof,
the Authority shall shortlist 3 (three) eligible firms on the basis of their technical
scores. The financial bids in respect of such 3 (three) firms shall be opened and
the order of priority as among these firms shall be determined on the basis of a
weighted evaluation where technical and financial scores shall be assigned
respective weights of 80:20.

In the event that the Authority shall follow the selection process specified in the
Model RFP for selection of Technical Consultants, as published by the Ministry
of Finance/ Planning Commission, the selection process specified i
Schedule-P shall be deemed to be substituted by the provisions of the said
RFP and the Concessionaire shall be entitled to scrutinise the relevant r
forming part of such selection process.
Fee and expenses
In determining the nature and quantum of duties and services to be perfo
the Independent Engineer during the Development Period and Constru
Period, the Authority shall endeavour that payments to the Independent Engineer
on account of fee and expenses do not exceed 2% (two per cent) of the Total
Project Cost. Payments not exceeding such 2% (two per cent) shall be borne
equally by the Authority and the Concessionaire in accordance with the .,:
provisions of this Agreement and any pa rnents in excess thereof shall be borne fi:' n'Ge8'p
- .

3i 9
Laning of Rohrak Jind Secrion irom km 307.000 to km 347.800 ofNH-71 and connecting link from km
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347.800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH-71A 10 be execured as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under
NHDP Phase III in the State of Haryana -
Pcge P I

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. . Nalional Hiohways Authorily 0'7 India . .
.. ~chedules . . .
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-. -? entirely by the Authori~y.

L " ' - . 2.2 The nature and quantum of duties and services to be performed 'by the
... Independent Engineer during the Operation Period shall be determined by the
r-7 Authority in conformity with the provisions of this Agreement and with' due .
regird for economy in expenditure. All payments made to the Independent ..
r-7 . . Engineer on account of fee and expenses during the Operation Period, shall be
borne equally by the Authority and the Concessionaire.
3 Constitution of fresb panel
No later than 3 (three) years from the date of this Agreement, and every 3 (three)
I-;-. years thereafter, the Authority shall prepare a fresh panel of f m s in accordance
with the criteria set forth in this Schedule-?; provided that the Authority may, at
, ? any time, prepare a fresh panel with prior written consent ofthe Concessionaire.
1 4 Appointment of government entity as Independent Engineer

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Schedule, the

Authority .may in its discretion appoint a government-owned entity as the
Independent Engineer; provided that such entity shall be a body corporate having
as one o f its primary function the provision of consulting, advisory and
supervisory services for engineering projects; provided further that a government-
owned entity which is owned or controlled by the Authority and/or MoRTH shall
-, not be eligible for appointment as Independent Engineer. &'

4 Laning of ~ o h l a k . ~ i Section
nd from k m 307.000 to k m 347.800 ofNH-71 and connecling link from km
347.800 of NH-71 lo km 9.400 of NH-71A lo be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under
NHDP Phase 111 in the Srate of Haryana . -
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National Hiqhways Autharilv of India
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Schedules 'c. '


(See Clause 23.2.1)


These Tenns of Reference for the Independent Engineer (the "TOR")are being
specified pursuant to the Concession Agreement dated ............... (the
"Agreement"), which has been entered into between the Authority and MIS VIL
Rohtak Jind Highway Private Limited (the "Concessionaire") for 4 Laning of
Rohrak Jind Section from Lm 307.000 to hti 347.800 uf NH-71 and connecting
i i n ~from km 347.800 of NH-71to km 9.400 o f NH-71A to be executed as BOT
(Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under NHDP Phase III in the State of Haryana on
design, build, finance, operate and transfer (DBFOT) basis;and a copy of which
is annexed hereto and marked as Annex-A to form part of this TOR.

1.2 This TOR shall apply to construction, operation and maintenance of the Four-
Lane Project Highway
- --- -
2 ncfinltions and interpretation

2.1 The words and expressions beginning with or in capital letters used in this TOR
an& not de.fined herein but defined in the Apeetnent sbballhave, nniess repugnant
to the context, the meaning respectively assigned to them in the Agreement.
2.2 Refcrenccs to Articles, C1a11sr.Sand Schedules in this TOR shnll, except whcrc the
context otherwise requires, be decmcd to'be references to the Articles, Clauses c
and Scl~edultsof drr: Ag~.eerr~ent, and references to Paragraphs shall be deemed to
be references to Paragraphs o f this TOR.
2.3' 'I'he rules of interpretation. stated in Clauses 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 of the Agreement ,.
shall apply, muratis murandis, to this TOR.

3 Role and functions of the Ind,ependent Engineer

3.1 ' The role and functions of the Independent Engineer shall include the following:

(i) review of the Drawings and Documents as sel forth in Paragraph 4;

(ii) review, inspection and monitoring of Construction Works as

Paragraph 5;
. .

(iii) conducting Tests on comp!etion of construction and issuing

Provisional Certificate as set forth in Paragraph 5; I
(iv) review, inspection and monitoring of O&M a s set forth in

(v) review, inspection and monitoring of Divestment Requirements as set

forth in Paragraph 7;
3 G 1"
4 Laning of Rohrak Jind Scc~ionfrom im 307.000 to krn 347.800 ofNH-71 and connecting link from km
347.800 of NH-71 t o km 9.400 of NH-71A l o be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Panern undtr
NI-IDP Phase Ill in'lhe State o f Hzryanz Page Q - 1
(vi) determining, as required under the Agreement, the costs of any works or I'

services andlor their reasonableness;

(vii) determining, as required under the Agreement, the period or any extension
thereof, for performing any duty or obligation;

(viii) assisting the Parties in resolution of disputes as set forth in Paragraph 9;


(ix) undertaking all other duties and functions in accordance with

the Agreement.

.3.2 The Independent Engineer shall discharge its duties in a fair, impartial and
efficient manner, consistent with the highest standards of professiona! integrity
and Good Industry Practice. ,

4 Development Period

4.1 During the ~eveloplnentPeriod, the Independent Engineer shall undertake a
, . detailed review of the Drawings to beturnlshed by the Concessionaire along with..
.4 . . . supPofling data, . including the geo-technical and hydrological investigations, . .
characteristics of materials from borrow areas and quarry siW, topographical
A surveys and traffic surveys. The Independent Engineer shalI complete suchreview -- -- .
and send its comrnents/observations to the Authority and the Concessionaire
within I5 (fifteen) days of receipt o f such Drawings. In panicular, such comments .., .

shall specify the conformity or.otberwise of such Drawings with the Scope of the
4, Project and Specifications and Standards.

4.2 The Independent Engineer shall review any modified Drawings or supporting
Documents sent to it by the Concessionaire and furnish its comments within 7
(seven) days of receiving such Drawings or Documents.
4.3 The Independent Engineer shall review the Drawings sent to it by the Safety
Consultant in accordance with Schedule-L and furnish its comments thereon to
the Authority and the Concessionaire within 7 (seven) days of receiving such
Drawings. The Independent Engineer shall also review the Safety Report and
furnish its commants thereon to the Authority within IS (fifteen) days of
receiving such report.
4.4 The Independent Engineer shalI review the detailed design, construction
methodology, quality assurance procedures and the procurement, engineeri
construction time schedule sent to it by the Concessionaire and fum
comments within 15 (fifteen) days of receipt thereof,

4.5 Upon reference by the Authority, the Independent Engineer shall re

comment on the EPC Contract or any other contract for construction,
and maintenance of the Project Highway, and furnish its comments wit
(seven) days from receipt ofsuch reference from the Authority.

5 Construction Period
5.1 In respect of the Drawings, Documents and Safety Report received by the
4 Laning ol'Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.008 to km 347.800 of NH-71 and connccllng link from km
347.800 of NH.71 l o km 9.400 of NH-7IA ro be cxecur
NHDP Phase Ill In the Srate of Haryana
35$T (Toll) p r o j ~ c lon DBFO Panem under
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. . . . Nations1 Highwavs~ulhorilv
of India . . . . . . . . Schedules. .... . 'b :. :
Independent Engineer for its review and comments during the Construction
Period, the provisions of Paragraph 4 shall apply, mufatis mufondis. +w'. =J

5.2 The Independent Engineer shall review the monthly progress report furnished by
the Concessionaire and send its comments thereon to the Authority and the
Concessionaire within 7 (seven) days of receipt of such report.

5.3 The Independent Engineer shall inspect the Construction Works and the Project
Highway once every month, preferably after receipt of the monthly progress
report from the ~oncessionaire,but before the 20th (twentieth) day ofeach month
in any case, and 111ake out a report of such inspection (the "Inspection Reporl")
setting forth an overview of the status, progress, quality and safety of
construction, including the .work methodology adopted, the materials used and
their sources, and conformity of Construction Works with the Scope ofthe Project
and the Specifications and Standards. in a separate section of the inspection
Report, the Independent Engineer shall describe in reasonable detail the lapses,
dafccts or dcflciehcics observed by it in tht: construction of the Project Highway. . .
The Inspection veport shall also contain a review of thc maintenance ofthe
existing lanes in conformity with the provisions of the Agreement. The
Independent Engineer -shall send a copy of its Inspection Report to the Authority .
- Concessionaire within 7 (seven) days of the inspection. . .
5.4 The 1~dcpcsde&~nglncer may inspect the Project Highway more than once in a
month if any lapses, dclects or deficiencies require such inspections.
.I. . ,

5.5 For determining that the Construction Works conform to Specifications and
Standards, the Independent Engineer shall require the Concessionaire to carry out,
or CRIISI: to be carricd out, tests on a samplc basis, to be specified by the
Independent Engineer in accordance with Good Industry Practice for quality
assurance. For purposes of this Paragraph 5.5, the tests specified in the IRC
Special Publication-1 1 (Handbook of Quality Control for Co~lstructiunof Roads
and Runways) and the Specifications for Road and Bridge Works issued by
MOSRTH (the "Quality Control Manuals") or any modification/substitution
thereof shall be deemed to be tests conforming to Good Industry Practice for
quality assurance. The Independent Engineer shall issue necessary directions to
the Concessionaire for ensuring that the tests are conducted in s fair and efficient
manner, and shall monitor and review the results thereof.
5.6 The sample size of the tests, to be specified by the Independent Engineer under
Paragraph 5;5, shall comprise 10% (ten per cent) of the quantity or nu
tests prescribed for each Category o r type of tests in the Quality Control
provided that the Independent Engineer may, for reasons to be recor
writing, increase the aforeshid samplesize by up to 10% (ten per cent) for
categories or types of tests. . ,

5.7 The timing of tests referred to in Paragraph 5.5, and the criteria for ac
rejection of their results shall be detem'ined by the Independent En
accordance with the Quality Control Manuals.The tests shall be undertaken on a
random sample basis and shall be in addition to, and independent of, the tests that
may be carried oa by the Concessionaire for its own quality assurance in
accordance with Good Industry Practice.

NHDP Phase Ill i n the State of H a r y e n a . . Pnge Q - 3

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. . . Natlonel~HiohwavsAulhorily of India.. . .. Schedules . , ,
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5.8 In the event that the Concessionaire carties out any remedial works for iemoval or
rectification of any'defects or deficiencies, the Lndependent Engineer shall require
the Concessionaire to carry out, or cause to be carried out, tests to determine that
such remedial works have brought the Construction Works into conformity with
the Specifications and Standards, and the provisions of this Paragraph 5 shall
apply to such tests.
5.9 In the went that the Concessionaire fails to achieve any of the9roject Milestones,
the Independent Engineer shall undertake a review of the progress of construction
and identify potential delays, if any. If the Independent Engineer shall determine
that colnpletion of thc Project Highway is not feasible within the time specified in
the Agreement, it shall require the Concessionaire to indicate within 15 (fifteen)
days the steps proposed to be taken to expedite progress, and the period within
which the Project Completion Date shall be achieved. Upon receipt of a report
from the Concessionaire, the Independent Engineer shall review the same and
send its comments to the Authority and the Concessionaire forthwith.

5.10 If at any time during the Construction Period, the Independent Engineer
determines that the Concessionaire has not made adequate arrangements for the ,
' safety of workers and Users in the zone of construction or that any work is being
carried out in a manner that threatens the safety of the workers and the Users, it
shall make a recommendation to the Authority forthwith, identifying the whole or
part of the Construction Works that should be suspended for ensuring safety in
respect thereof.
5.1 1 In the event that the Concessionaire carries out any remedial measures to secure
the safety of suspended works and Users, it may, by notice in writing, require the
Independent Engineer to inspect such works, and within 3 (three) days of
receiving such notice, the Independent Engineer shall inspect the suspended
works and make a report to the Authority forthwith, recommending whether or
not such suspension may be revoked by the Authority.

5.12 If suspension of Construction Works is for reasons not attributable to the

Concessionaire, the Independent Engineer shall determine the extension of dates
set forth in the Project Completion Schedule, to which the Concessionaire is
reasonably entitled, and shall notify the Authority and the Concessionaire of the

5.13 The Independent Engineer shall carry out, or cause to be carried out, all the Tests
specified in Schedule-I and issue a Completion Certificate or Provisi
Certificate, as the case may be, For carrying out its functions under this Para
5.13 and all matters incidental thereto, the Independent Engineer shall act
and in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 and Schedule-I. i
5.14 Upon reference from the Authority, the Independent Engineer shall make
and reasonable assessment of the costs of providing information, work
services as set forth in Article 16 and certify the reasonableness of such costs
payment by the Authority to the Concessiona~re
5.15 The Independent Engineer shall aid and advise the Concessionaire in preparing
the Maintenance Manual.
4Laning of Rohrak Jind Section from km 307.000 to7tm 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link from km
337.800 of NH-71 ro km 9 400 olNK-71A to be execured as 3940") project on DBFO Panern under
NHDP Phase Ill in [he Stare olHaryana .P~geQ - 4
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National Hiqhways AulhoriIV of India . .

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Operation Pcriod . . ... >
(.; :.:
In respect of the Drawings, Documents and Safety Report received by the . . ~.,
Independent Engineer for its review and comments during the Operation Period, C, ?-

the provisions of Paragraph 4 shall apply, mutatis mutandis.

G,.;'.- J

The Independent Engineer shall review the annual Maintenance Programme .J ,-

furnished by the Concessionaire and send, its comments thereon to the Authority C "'
and the C?ncessionaire within 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of the Maintenance
Programme. el, ,--

The Independent Engineer shall review the monthly status report furnished by the &.,
Concessionaire and send its comments therenn to the Authority and the
Concessionaire within 7 (seven) days of receipt of such repo~t.

The Independent Engineer shall inspect the Project Highway once every month,
preferably after receipt of the monthly status report from the Concessionaire, but
before the 20th (twentieth) day of each month in any case, and make out an O&M
Inspection Report setting forth an overview of the status, quality and safety of
O&M including its conformity with the Maintenance Requirements and Safety
Requirements. In _a separate section of the 0 & M Inspection Report, the
Independent Engineer shall describe in reasonable detail the lapses, defects or
deficiencies observed by it in O&M of the Project Highway. The Independent
E ~ ~ g i l ~sliall
e e l bend a copy of its O&M Inspection Report to the Authority and the
Concissionaire witllirl7 (seven) days of the inspection.

Thc Independent Engineer may inspect the Project Highway more than once in a
month, if any lapses, defects or deficiencies require such inspections.

The Independent Engineer shall in its O&M Inspection Report specify the tests, if
any, that the Concessionaire shall carry out, or cause to be carried out, for the
purpose of determining that thc Prujcct Highway is in conformity with the
Maintenance Requirements. It shall monitor and review the results of such tests
and the remedial measures, if any, taken by the Concessionaire in this behalf.

In respect of any defect or deficiency referred to in Paragraph 3 of Schedule-K,

the Independent Engineer shall, in conformity with Good' Industry Practice,
specify the permissible limit of deviation or deterioration with reference to the
Specifications and Standards and shall also specify the time limit for repair or
rectification of any deviation or deterioration beyond the permissible limit.
6.8 The Independent Engineer shall determine if any delay has occ
completion of repair or remedial works in accordance with the Ag
shall also determine the Damages, if any, payable by the Concessi I
Authority for such delay. i

6.9 The Independent Englneer shall examlne the request of the Concess
closure of any lane(s) of the carriageway for undertaking maint
thereof, keeping in view the need to minimise disruption in traffic i
required for completing such maintenancelrepair in accordance with Good
Industry Practice. It shall grant permission with such modifications, as it may
4 Laning 01Rohtak Jind Section irom km 307.Q00to krn 347.800 of NH-71and connecting link from krn
347.800 of NH-71 to krn 9.400 of NH-71A ro be exec OT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under
NHDP Phasc 111 in the State of Haryana ,
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.. National ~iqhways~uthorifyof India '

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deem necessary, within 3 (rhree) days of receiving a request from the

Concessionaire. Upon expiry of the permitted period of closure, the Independent
Engineer shall monitor the re-opening of such lane(s), and in case of delay,
determine the Damages payable by the Concessionaire to the Authority under
Clause 17.7.

6.10 The Independent Engineer shall monitor arid review the curing of defects and
deficiencies by the Concessionaire as set forth in Clause 19.4.

In the event that the Concessionaire notifies the Independent Engineer of any
n~odificationsthat it proposes to make to the Project Highway, the Independent
Engineer shall review the same and send its comments to the Authority and the
Concessionaire within 15 (fifteen) days of receiving the proposal.

The-IndependentEngineer shall ,undertake traffic sampling, as and when required

by the Authority, under and in accordance with Article 22 and Schedule-0.

. At any time, not earlier than 90 (ninety) days prior to Termination but not later
than 15 (fifteen) days prior to such Termination, the Independent Engineer shall,
in the presence of a representative of the Concessionaire, inspect the Project'
Highway for determining compliance by the Concessionaire with the Divestment
Requirements set forth in Clause 38.1 and, if required, cause tests to be carried
out at the Concessionaire's cost for determining such compliance. If the
lndependent Engineer determines that the status of the Project Highway is such
that its repair and rectification would require a larger amount than the sum set
forth in Clause 39.2, it shall recommend retention of the required amount in the
Escrow Account and the period of retention thereof.

The Independent Engineer shall inspect the Project Highway once in every
15(fifteen) days during a period o f 90 (ninety) days after Termination for
determining the liability of the Concessionaire under Article 39, in respect of the
defects or deficiencies specified therein. If any such defect or deficiency is found
by the Independent Engineer, it shall make a report in reasonable detail and send
it forthwith to the Authority and the Concessionaire.

Determination of costs and time

8.1 The Independent Engineer shall determine the costs, and/or their reasonableness,
that are required to be determined by it under the Agreement.

8.2 The Independent Engineer shall determine the period, or any

that is required to be determ~nedby it under the Agreement.
9 Assistance in Dispute resolution
9.1 When called upon by either Party in the event of any
Engineer shall mediate and assist the Part~esIn arriving

9.2 In the event of any disagreement between the Parties regarding the meaning,
scope and nature of Good Industry Practice, as set
4 Lening of Roh~ekJind Sect~onfrom kin 307.000 to km 347 800 of NH.71 end connecting link from km
347.800 of NH-71 10 km 9.400 of NH-71A to be exccu OT (Toll) projecl on DBFO Patfern under
NHDP Phase 111 in [he Stare of Heryana - 3??8 Pngr Q -6 *
National Hiqhwavs Aufhoritv of Indre SChedules

Agreement, the lndepe~~dcnt Engineer shall specib such meaning, scope and
nature by issuing a reasoned written statement relying on good industry practice -
and authentic literature.

. 10 Other duties and functions

The Independent Engineer shall perfornl all other duties and functions specified in
the Agreement.

11 Miscellaneous
11.1 The Independent Engineer shall notify its programme of inspection to the
Authority and to the Concessionaire, who may, in their discretion, depute their
respective representatives to be present during the inspection.

11.2 A copy of all communications, comments, instructions, Drawings or Documents

sent by the Independent Engineer to the Concessionaire pursuant to this TOR, and
a copy of all the test results with comments of the Independent Engineer thereon
shall be furnished by the Independent Engineer to the Authority forthwith.

11.3 The Independent Engineer shall obtain, and the Concessionaire shall furnish in
two copies thereof, all communications and reports required to be submitted,
under this Agreement, by the Concessiollaire to the lt~dependenlEngineer,
whereupon the Independent Engineer shall send one of the cupies to Lhe Aulhority
along with its comments thereon. .

11.4 The Independent Engineer shall retain at least one copy each of all Drawings and
Documents received by it, including 'as-built' Drawings, and keep them in its safe
11.5 Upon completion of its assignment hereunder, the Independent Engineer shall
duly cIassify and list all Drawings, Documents, results of tests and other relevant
records, and hand them over to the Authority or such other person as the
Authority may specify, and obtain written receipt thereof. Two copies of the said
documents shall also be furnished in micro film form. or in such other medium as
may be acceptable to the Authority.

- . 36 7
4 Laning of Roh~aklind Sectipn from krn 307.000 to krn 347.800 of NH-71 and
347.800 of NH-71 ro krn 9.400 of NH-71A to be executedas BOT (Toll) projec
NHDP Phase Ill in [he State of Haryzna
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' Schedules

(See Clause 2 7.1.1)
(Department of R o ~ dTransport and Highways) .

New Delbi,'the ...... ...
S.O. .............. Whereas, by the notification of the Government of India in
-: the Ministry. of Road Transport and Highways, number .***** dated the *****,
issued under section 11 of the National Highways Authority of India Act, 1988 (68-
of 1988), the Central Government has entrusted the section of Xationai Highway 4
, Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 to km 347.800 of NH-71 and
connecting link from km 347.800 ofNH-71 to km 9.400 of NH-71A to be executed
as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under NHDP Phase 111 in the State o f
Hatyana to the National Highways Authority of India. (hereinafter referred to as
the "Authority");

id Whereas, pursuant to the provisions of section 14 of the said Act, the.

Authority has entered.into an agreemtwith- ..........;......;i having its Registered'
Office at ........................;. (hereinafter referred to as "Concessionaire") fot the
development of the 4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 to km
347.800 of NH-71 w d sonnecting link from'km 347.800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 of
NH-71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under NHDP
Phase 111 in the State of Haryana on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and
Transfer (DBFOT) basis;

: Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 8A of the

. , National Highways Act, 1956 (48 of 1956), read with Rule 3 of the National
Highways Fee (Determination of Rates and Collection) Rules, 2008, read along
with National Highways Fee (Determination of Rates and Collection) Amendment
. Rules, 2010 and 2011 the Central Government, having regard to the expenditure
involved 'in building, maintenance, management and operation of the said section
' - . of the saidnational highway, interest on the capital invested, reasonable return, the
.-:. volume of traffic and the period of said agreement between the Authority and the
: Concessionaire, hereby notifies that there shall be levied and collected fees on

mechanical vehicles:for the use of the section from Km 307.000 to Km 347.800

' (Rohtak Jind) of National Highway No. 71, and connecting link From km 347.800

of NH-7 1 to km 9.400 of NH-7 1A , in the State of Haryana at the rates specified in

the aforesaid Rules and allthorises the said Concessionaire to collect and retain the
said fees on and from the date of commercial operation of the said section of
national highway, subject to and in accordance with the said Rules and the
provisions of the aforesaid agreement.



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q.2 '
Rohiak lind Secrion from Xm 307.000
4 ~ a n i n gof

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347.800 of NH-71 lo km 9.400 of NH-71A ro be
NHDP Phase Ill in the State olHaryana -
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Na~ional~ioh&vi~ufhorilvof India ' Schedules

The fee levied and collected hereunder shall be due and payable at the
following Toll Plazas for the distance specified for each such Toll Plaza:

Location of Toll Plaza Length (in km) for which

S. No, ,
. (chainage) Fee is payable
At km 341.375 of NH.71 in the State
1. .
of Haryana

In addition'to the above, the rate of fee for use of bypass forming part of
the section of National Highway constructed with the cost of Rs. 10 cr. (Rupees ten
crore) or more, for the. base year 2007-08, shall be 1.5 times of the rate of fee
specified in sub rule 2 of National Highways Fee (Determination of Rates and
Collection) Amendment Rules, 2010' and 2011 Gazette of India dated 3*
December, 20 10 & 12h January, 20 11:

S. No. Name of Bypass Location of Toll Plaza Length of

(chainage) Bypass
I Julana Bypass . Toll Plaza I 5.775
2 Lakhan Majra ~ ~ ~ a s i Toll Plaza I 2.700
3 Rohtak Bypass Toll Plaza I


Deputy Secretary

Govcnuncnt of India

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' 369.
4 Laning of Rohtek Jind Section from krn 307.000 to krn 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link from kin .I
347.800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH-7IA to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DDFO Pattern under
NHDP Phase 111 in the State of Haryana Page R - 7
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2. ~elinlfions;:
. _ I .

(1)'lr; !hese'ioles, uol'ess the conrcit otheiwise reqdiiis,- *: . . . .

. . . .
' . ' _
. . . .,'.'(a)
. -
. ''Act" means the National Highways Act, 1856;
. . . .
(b) . .'!base ycqr';mesns the periqd from 1" ~ p r i l 2 0 0 7fo31" ~ a i c 2008:.
. .
. . .. . .
. .
.' (d) . "bypiss" means 3 section of'ihc.n'a!ional highway bypas$& a otwn;


' .. .

,. ..
. ., . . :
: .. ciy; .. .. , . .
.. .. .
. .
.. . .. . .
. . . (d) "codcessionaire" means a pcrson w i l h . ~ h o r nan agre&cn.t has been ' ; .
. .
... .. .
, ..
.: seciiob EA'oltht Act; .... ] .. . . - . . . . .. .
. . ...
'. , e " ~ e r dinto'inder
I . .
.. , () , "clivakd highway"~rneansIhny. seilion .bf pationel highway raistd ' . . .
. . . . .
. .
.. above gound lcvcl~throughsupport o f piers or columns; ' :
. 6' '
. . (9 . " c x e c ~ t i niYfhorify'*
~ means an officer i r authotity notified by the
. .

. . Central Govcniment under section 5of ihe Act; . .

. . 5
. . . .
(g) ' . "expressway" means a national highway having'a divided carriageway
. .
' . ' 1 5 .

. . .
s u i ~ b l efor high speed traflic and wifh control,of eccess; . . i
. .
(h) "finahcia1 y;ar",rlcans thc year eomrncncing on the l 8 ' d i y o r April o f , . .
.: I '
, ;-
. .
, a year and tnding'on'3.I" day of March o f the succeedingyear; .
.:.. ..
. .
.>'.!; : . . . . j.,S 1
, . . . . .
.-- ,--------..--...-,,.i,
-.[, *,p.t:y-& ~(i.11
' '

. _ .51
_.~_G. ~..:.T~RII:JI(VI'
.I .- .'
. .
.. . .
. . . . ...........-..-....-............. . ......
,' , -_i-- . _.._r_"i ; ......... -.--.--------...I__ ..-.


' ) " g i 0 5 ~vetilc1e \ ~ c i ~ $in trkpeG

~ of an) vthiclc means the total-weighl ' . .
' ; '. .
. .
the .vehicle. md -load' ceilifi~;d and registered by :the rtgistcri!~i ,
. .
Authority as permissible for that vehicle'untlcr tt~e'Motor Vchicks-Act, . . . .
I 98s (s9o f i988);' .
: G) "lane" means a lane fo;ming part of the.rnain carriageway and having A
. .
minimuni width of three mcteis and fifty centimcters; .....
. .. . ... fi) . . "mecbinical veliitl$'.kans any vehicle dri<ci.i under ils own' power
. . .
. . . b .. :' . . .
. . . . .
including a .mot& vehicle as. .defined undcr .the .Motor Vehicles
. . . . . .
. .
t$ct,1988; . . .

(I) "botificati&" m c a h a hotifica~id"~ublished

in t b i Official Gizatte;
, .
' ( m "private investment piojectn "leans a project relating to riction.of
. ,
. . . . . . . .
.. .
. natipia~.highway.pcr~ancht
, bridge, bypasior.tunnel, is he case my

: be, !FarLhich an agreement is entered into with a concessionaire;.

. .

. (n) ' "piblic funded prdj$cti' means a project whicll is 1!01

. .a. private
. . . . . . . . ,
. .
. .invert&nt project, as dcfined in clause (rn) . dn?,ihcludes'
above . . . .a . .
. .
. . . . .
private inveSi,men; project, i n ,rcspecl ot'wh(ch the a~reernerit hat

> :
. ., >.
. . .
. . , expired; . . . . . . . .; ,: : ,
. . .
. . , I.. (oj ..b ' t.d l .~ p ldn* ~mehns.hnybuilding,
~ . .for .collcc~08
s~nlcturcor bootlt:madc . ..

. . . . . . . .
offec. l , . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .
(2) Words a @ &vpressions used he?iin and not de'fined but defined iq the Natipnal,
I . .
i i -
. ....
. . . . . . ,
-. . . .

' .
,Highways ' ~ u t h o r i ~ ~ .lid;&
o . f ~ct,i.1988 shali have thc meanings respcctiucly as!igncd
. .
. . .: . . .
to. tl!em .in that I\'ct:;
. . ' . . , . . . .
'3.' ..~ e ~ o f : f c e(I)
. - The Cen~raI~ovehrnentmay b i notificatio?, !evy'f~e,for use ,
o f any seciion ofnational highway; ,pcrmaninf,bridgc, bypass or lunncl lorming pa? of.
. . ,
.. , . . .
. .:the'na.~iorial highivay, as the case may bc, in accordance. with ~ h cppvisions:of 1he;c.. . . .
. . .
rile$. . . 8

~tobic$d that t h i cintiel Gpvernmer~tmay, b y notificati~n..tsch~~
. .
any kction of,
. .
.: '

." national, highway, pemihcnt 'bidge.

. . . . . . .
.bypars or tunnel cinsm::d through a apublic,
ind iubjer! rq such conifitions as

. funded projiG'from.levy .of such'fee or part tl~creof,

_ . .. . .
. . .. . . .
. may be specified i n that notification.
.... <._ ....
. ' ' ' ' ' .'
. . (2) . The c d l i c t i o n o f fee 16viedindcr sub.i&. ( I ) ofrulc 3, shal! cornhince'within
<? . ,
forty- five days fi-oni .[he date o f complclion 6 f the section sf nation4 highway,
permanent bridge.'bypass or Lunnel, as the case may be, constructed through a public
. :
. .
funded project. .
. . . . . .

(3). ' i n case o f private investmen! projcct. thc collecfion o f fce levied undeisub-rule
. . .: I.

(1)shall bc madc i n accordance with thc terms of the agrcemcnt entered into by the
. .


,: .3

. ... ..


. ..

.. . ..





. brldgc; bypas or l\~nncl, 1111cue.

arid ailililal diawn vdhicles: .


. ..:

ar; ,

. funhcr.lhst
. . . . . . .

. . ar . .puson
.._ driver
.. ,
. k
. . .

the camiigijn(mi of
docs noi
wllcrc service road
:_ . . . . . . . . . .

. charge
. . . ',

. .

ndionil hiahway, p&inint bridge, bypass or lunnd, * C ) ~ ~ CV

be, by two wheelrig, hr::(

....... , . . . . .
fi$ pci&n~:pf\hc'fcc lcvid on a ' l .
. . . . . .
. .

. . . . . . .
of a. tk90 whcel~iis making ofthe

read" mrails such'olhV

;;nore than ten m e r a wide 6@ the*
. ,
of which
enceid [he' conesp&dinl length of ?IC~\ fmion o f ' national hidllq~.b~'

e ~;. s . . . . . .
\pied in mul~iple$he nearest ~ u ~ five.

br;e wheelers, tractors anda~limal-drawn.\.ehiclushall not be

use lhc section ofnnrrionnl highway, permanent bridge. bypan or anno! as
e a be, where a service road or allun~tiveroad is lieu or [he said
"atio,lal highway, permanent bridgc, bypass or.lrmnck -

or k~le,native road'is avaihblc and


. .IhC. _ . : . . . ...
kctlon of .
OYS ~ he Or s* . . :1
. . .
. . . . . .

. .




. .
I ..




... . .

. . ... .. .... . .

. . .

. .

. .

' . Rtc Orfee. - . (1) T ~ ralc

c ~f fee for US^ of !he !cc[iO!! !'f.nali?na'. . ,

p(mane"l b f i d ~ ,bypass or WnncI cons~ructed[!rough public fund* p!0jec!
or p + a ~inrc.+nint
c projec~slicl811
be identical. , . ' - : ..
of fee for.yle a. s e. c $ ,~~f~niitional highway'oi@l ore lane$'
Par2 0 0 0 . ~ ~ i ~the. produ~t.of Iht o f ~ l c h
' !
~ Ted
.. .
.k foIIoivi?g riles; namely:. ' ' . .
. .. . .

. ,
. .
. $& ;atc,di . fec ..pcr:km (in.
_. ...

. .Type tjr\'ehicle..
. . .. . . . . . :
. . : r .. . . . Rupees) . '., ', .. '.
. ,
, '

. Car, I H ~ Van .'?!65...

. . ......
.... YelJcle.. .
, cr Light Molor . ,
1.05 .:
'~igh, Commerc,ial Vehicle! Light Goods V e h i ~ ~ ~. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .. .

(EML) or Mulli Axle Vepicle . . . .. . .

(MAV) (three 10 six axles)

. . . .
. . . . .
vm tI-tm ~['i:?I-2 ..----..---..: -.-,
--- ,_
..--,.---.-.. ..-..--..-.
-.....;.. ;-.-..-.
i. -.---.--- 2
. .
. .

------...-- Qnl ;rn.Tw! : .)m~m'l -..---.. . ...-........... : .., -'

. f Z . . . .:
. . .r .
c"\ . ja) y;&ir~o i "j&p
or'~lv&'l br:!il~!is~t.pnto~ . .
r&~tle"means 'any rnreBnnjcrl . . . .
. .
'. . . . . .
, . . . ... ... ..
. . . . . . vehicl;. ihr vfhicle 'weigh{ if&hich
nqt.h:c;etd seven thousand five . . . 2 .

. . .
. . ' . h ~ ~ l d l ~ e d . k i l ~br~ ftah m
j rcgiste'ed
s pa.i;enel- carrying capability as specified in .
. . - ' >

. . .
thCce?iiica;e bfrellir~jdiidi,issu$d under !ti;holbr Vehicles Act, 1988 docs [lot
... .
. . . . . .
exc,c<d. twelve exctu.dingthk d&r;
;. '(i)
. 1.
.li'. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .
!.I . . . .'
' $,. '
. la,iihl
. i~l"~c~rcjai iehjcrbl!. or:']ighj
. . . goods
. vt.lhkq'
or "mini bu&"i!l$!"s '

.. . . .
_ . . an;. .&chanical
. _ _ vrfir . . gas vihiole
:. . weight ixcecding.:, S C V . .~lhou~alld
~ . . . '
. .

.. fivc hl~ndrcdkilogrrm)'but ltrr than t\veIvc thouund kil&ams
. . . . .,.... .. . : . .: ...:, :,:.
the regilkrcd
. .
: . . .~.~ .r s. e n g u i ~ T i n cap&il$
. . . . . . ...:, ..
g a syccifirb i,1& ccrhhe&. . .f. .i c. d. s w a t i ~i~...
. .. . . . . .
. ,.' .. . . . . ', u"d(r.ih<~~tor.~chiclb ~ ~ &\re LC dies no1 c.i.y c d tl~i~>y
A& 1 9 8exceeds
!. . . . . . ., ... . .

.. . .; -. . ..... . t ~ o ~ c x c l u ~the i n gjriver; ' . .

._ : . . . . *
. . . . .
. . . .> ..:. .. . .
. . .
. . .
. , (r)
' . .lsu&f& . . fiburvt.m~;nruni mcchafiicctl vehiile b"il! a .&si*(t!icie IVlidbt . ., :
,, . : =icei&ng iweh{ t)lw&nd kilogragm$ b&)euthan :wilty ~ h o ~ ~ n ~ ~ k l i o. ~.r i n ~ r
. . ., , . .>: . . . . . . . . . . .
: .,.or the'regiite&'pauenEer anyhe ca$ahili$ ar r p l , ~ ~ ~ e d ~ l n ~ & c . ~ofn l f' i c i .'t c
: . . I . . . . ..... .....
. . . . r(&&ijh iqw,d under h e Motor VI~~IPS A~t;i9/8,. . . . .~ceed+thi$
. . . . WO. .
. .. . . . . . . . .
. . . ..
. . . . .
. excluding'the driver; . . . . :

. .. .. . :... ..::..
' '

. . . . . ..
. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. _ _ .
' (*) .~h&+ k.iiruttiin .,&,hirev'.' "rrrth cqui(n!tnr
. . Or
.. '

!'"u(li.aFlh'rehf 1.:'.
~ ~ ~ a n s ' h cinsiwllon
. .
~ovinb . ..i:~$h . ,.
. ..

. '
. . . . . . . .
1 i u 1d t , vdiiclc *@ l$$~@k ; ..
e $ i p n ~ j { l a imrch&iC~llvchi~Ieeincludin~sa
.. . . . . . :. .. .. : . . . . . . _
. ..... . . . .
. @ .v&ic]: ksi
wilh a .iroa, vihiclc ?"eigFl ~cctding.,Wcnry .._ U

. .~

"., O, $. ~, Y
. .:. ,si1
*$, . .
. . ' .. kilograms b"t less tlla?&ty ;irbusand.k(logranl; and ,' . . .

. . . .

. . . . . .
.. . ' . "I& five ciorc or . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.. . . .

. . . . . .. . ._.: . ,' I ' . . .. .... . .

. bah :" . hereof, . . .
. . . . ... .:.. . " .. . . . . .
c x c d i n g Rupc$ . .
I .
. . . .
. . .... "firla crate and .up
. ,
Rupcgs . ;. .
: . . . 10 ' O ~ C , .

. . t~;~d;cdcrorc. . . . . ..: . . .
---:3.9. . . . h.j?
. F~~. c ~ . qadditiya~
. o!is .. . ,
.? . '
. .
, , . .
five crorc ol'
. . . . .
. .
. . .

.. ..

. . . Pan '.i~~ercof, . .
. .
. '
exceeding Rupees
... . . . . .
hucidied &ore . . .
. ..
. ' ,
. . . . . .
. .
.'and IJ~IO'R$~C~S
.. . ...
... . . . . .
hu'ndtcd crore.: '. -
:?or, &cry idditional "
- - v -
0.50 . . 5 . - 0 0.75 .. . . .

. 3 ~
... .. ..
. .. ...
Kupees five crorc or

. .. pan ... ~hercof. . , . . .

. . .. . . I .
. . . .
cxc,t:$ng' . R;??ccs . . .. . . . : :' :.

_ .-

. .
. . . _ _ _ _ -. - - . , . . .
- crcrc. ..
. . . :
. . . . .
.... . . . .......
. . . . . . . . lh!l c9,,+is
~ ~ t ~of oll~~io".!,~fhwa~rOn
. . fFcfY
. ! .. .'
is si~uated,the, .
. . . . . . ...a. . . . . . . . . ...:..;. . . . . . . . . . . crorc
. . .. ..b&a?s
b,i.Jge, .. . . . orI~ll!leI . . Rt~?ccs
. . . .~?sI.~'!s . . . .
pl;nlahl,t M ~ S0S1 I U ~ C I a? bc e ~ c ~ ~ ~ dlalSh ~ ~ Of. ~ ~ ~ n . *r
, '
.. . . ,o,i l;I
sv& . .
or ,,oli~nalLidl&uymd .. . spccifid . . . . ...
~hnllly.l y i r,d nrthe.raks
. C ' . . ,.-.;.. .
. . . .. . .
. .
. ..,icimJ~cnt?~GIge,
.... bypas! and_tllnncl:
. : . . . .
:.:.<. . . . .
.. . . .- . . .
. . ...~.y~--.7=~...7.1.z.r...
. .miTI m3 :~&msmt *-----
...-..........-.7=. . .
.,.. .. .. Proviicd fti~thcr.:lnt where t!~ccost ofatcl~pcriiinentbddsc, bypass or.iunnel,
. . ' '
C .
as lltc case may he, is 11% rhni~Uttpces fihy crorc; grid t l ~said
i;iit~rt~tbridge, "

bypass tir lurrnel, f ~ pzrt

m o f the section of n;lticits) Itigll~,v.\:sy,thin instcqd cif abovt
rate of fee, the rate specified under sub-rule (2) ol'tu!c J shall br applicable for
suchpcnatient bridge, bypass or t i ~ r ~ n ~ l .
, . . .

, . . . Explanation.-
. .
For the p u r b c o f this &l-rule,. . . .
. . . . . .(;I) [he .cost for priva~einvcs!!den~
, shrill be the cost its ass:sscd. by tilt - . . . . . .

. ' -. executing ~ u t h r i t ~ , ~ r i s ; t inQtation

o o f bids from ihc concessionaire ; . .
.. . . . . .
. . .
(b) lhc cost .fols,public' hltided project shall be .the cos~ns assc:ssed by'thc
. . . ~ x c e ~ t t i nauthority
g six'morhs pri&, to co!nplerion cercot
..... .. . . I ..:. : 1 ..
. . . . . .
I . . 5.. Annual.revision of iate bffec.-(I)' he ratcs iI,ceititd hndcr rule' 4 iholt be'
. . .
. increased without compounding, by three per cent, cach yea, ni!E e~icclfrom the I" day
.. . . . . , ' .
bf ~ $ 1 , '2008 .and. .such
. ,, . . .
. ,. . . .. .. . . . . . .
inc!eascd rate shall bc deenled to bc the' base'iate for'thc
. . . .
. .
. . . .. . . . . . . . ........I . . . .'
. . . . sudseqicni yeprs. . . . .
. .
. . (
. ....._ . .
: 1 .

. . . . .!2) TI!! applicable barc riles shnllbe r&iscd sn;\ually \s,irhcllcy from h p r i l Itnclt
yf?r. to reflecl the it,crcase 'in ' ~ $ l e _ ~ r i c'index,bcty~i-k.-weck
e ending on.
. . .
~anuaty.6,2007 (i.e. 208.7) pnd the Gcck ending.on pr imnediaqly nker h&ayI . df
. . . .' ..
. . . the year in whicll sic11 rcvision is uridert$k;n, bu!:sucl~ rcvisio~~
shill: bc rrs!rictd, to

(3) T h e formull for determining the applicable rate of fee shall be ~sf~lloi\.s:. . . . .
. . . . . I- 7. ' * . '

. .

1. : 9
. . (ai
for ihc purpdscs otthis sub-rule ,- ,
a p p ~ i , c ~ b l c ~ ~ t be,tll<~a;e
~ q i ~ ~ '.pay;bl
s l. ~et ~by~ thjC.urFr;
~ ,,..'
' .
, . , . . .
' 1 .
.. . (' '.'

. .. (b) .ba*e'rati.${l! bi ;hirate s&ciliid;i? ["lr.4 read ~ i t h s u b - r( l~j ol ~r r u l c 5;. . .


:.. . . . . . . .. ,:... . . . . . . . . .
: *
. ::. . .
. .
. .. .... . . . .(c).WPI 6 mean3 ihc .bholcs~lcprjcd indcx of.the yeek eliding on .OI. st~bscquent.
l o 1; ~ a ~ u a r ~ ' i m r n c b i a r e ~ ~ r e cthC ' i n ~6f rc;ision cmdcr lhCsi rul&i and '
t ddale
. . . .
.f qm o.-bv.ijlj)]
. . - -
(sj'rhe p~rson'receivin~


5 --Li

such LC ~ n t t e i w b . ~ (21bhllc
..-..-....-.----- .------- .-.---.....-.-i-i-i-,
' ' . '


. .
driver, ;rsvc. ,,I,h:
OrpCrsGn in charge of'n~chnicll~~lli,h!ercccipi, sptc;fi.i n, therein ~ h cdate
a"d ril"e
of kc.hltll amounl reieiyid, and tic ,ji!a uf.*,:hiL&'ror
whih the fee'has been received: . I

. PiOvidrd
. 'thgt where !hi k 'ir paid thmjgh smart card br .on board, un;l. '

. . ~ h a receipt shall iciiuc+j on demand Dnlr
fia"~O"cr)aan~ o f h u s ~ dzvici, .. ,

, '. . . ... . .

. .
' 0)In r e r ~ c l o fpubliclunded projeils the fee le~;~dirn"der.
these: &lei
kc. .
c0Litcd .by 6e Central Govrrnme"t, 6 tnc cxeculing auUwr;;y, ' . ;
.. . .

qrouth ifsown officials pr thr&,gh r conlacor.. '

. :.

.. .. _ . . . . . ... . I . .
. .
PriviC!* 9?1the;. Cerrtr.1
. & .n&jclti&. allow a"v or
~ G o v ~ r n t may
n~t ,' .
e"t"f2 a$hodties foapptopdie
.. the w h o l ~ o r ' n njar( l for'lhh
~ ~ f l h'fee
. . .. . PYrp:OS~I. ..
' and,r~bjcct10 suth condilio"~as may,hc r&ei&i in raid"oIifiiarion: . .
. .' . . ':
. . . . . . . . . .. , '

I Rovided funherfiat in *ie.orpriiate i n. t .e t h. phjc:r, ~ the co,h,,d . :. . . .
,. '

'he ~rovbionsof luItt shill be appmprhttd by IM ~ & l r i o n a i r c i,' iccor&

. . ;. .

... . . pmvisionr of and for the perforian&,pf';ls ,jblb:i9"s-~nder
.. . . . agrcemea . ,. '

cnlcrcd.inio by'iuch ibicc$s;onai;c., . . . .. . .: . .. . . .


. . . . . . . L

, . . .
. . . .
. .; , . , . .

Evcry.rnecuting o u f l l e r i ~ l h ~r hl li t to thc~;nfral~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ ai
" i i ,

fie c o ~ ~ ~ d oandv eabove
r I ~ ain01~n1
C p c r m i t t ~10 bc appropriated rxccul;,,g : . ,

aulhorit~ ~ n d subrruld
~ r (I) Of I I7, wilhinniney days fmij,. dale .rlht
. . closing or.
1" finrncial r l o n ~hi(ll L innl~rlrelurn sllowing lllr a,-,,ounl b6{1eclrd and thc
[+Im l l - . T : X . 3 ( i i ] +11. : ,
....-.--...------..............-..LL.. .
. . . .-.-.-------.-..---.-.--.-
jmir ik; W * I ~*16?4~3
-.=5:=~-z=-.-=L::: ---.-- ....- ...
..... .....-.-... L.: ,.......
......--..... "-...... !Z :%
b.--^--_.-i I_
. . . . ;

9. . 'l)iscout~ls.-il) 'The cxtcu~itig(IU!lloritji~jjlie ~ o " ~ e s s i ~. ~. ~. i.~.I~I~.C~SB,II~PY

. .e , . a s ! . . ,..
. .

.. ..
be, ihal!.upon request pro\oide.apass for tnt~ltiylejourneys t o cross ? tolt phz? &hic ' . . .. .

. . . . . .... . . .
. . . the specified
. period o;thcrat& ;pecili:d in subnlic (%)of iulc 9.. ;, .
. . .

( 2 ) A driler, owner 01. person in chnrge ofin olechanicnl velliclz who makes use of the
secliot~of h ~ i o f l ahighway,
l permanent bridge,'bypass or lunncl, may opt fo~*such
... . .
. and he o i she shall have to pay the rccordalce with ~ l l efollorvi~~g
rafcs, namely:- . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . (

-. . . . . . . . .
...... . . .,. . , . . . . . . . .. .....
. .... .. ...
. .
. . Amount payable
. .

. . .
' '
fee for ocr wayjourncy

Two-lhird of amount o f the . .Fifry

fee pa'j%le for fin; single. . , . payment' .
. . . .
, . journeys.. . . .
-- ----.-.
. . . . -. .. .
. . .
. .
. .
(3) . . A person who . o ~ ; n sa' rnechdnical .vehick rcgislercd .for, nc~)cdtnmercial. '
. . . .
purq0sc.f and uses it as such for commuting -011 a section o f national highway,
ptonaacnt bridge; bypass. or t"nnel, may oblairl a,pass, on paimcn; o f fcc at'the base - ''
. .
. ' .rate kr lhr p r 2@7-2008 o f Rupecf olle hund* a ~ i~f f dy p r r i l M a r month and
a . . ' . .
: '
revised' annyally in,.sccordan;c with rule 5, 'adthorising i t . to cross:thc toll b ~ a t a, .
. .
, specified in such pass: . .. . ,... . . . . . . .
. . . . .
. . . Provided that such pas's shall bc iss!~cdonly:if s i l ~ bdfivel., owner 0r.persq.n in . , . !
. ,

vclticle rcsi+s \%thin

.' char@ of such ~itcct~aniesl ;distance af twdn& kllonletcri from - . , . ?

. .
ihe i d ~ i p ~ ~specifid
. .
arr by suc!~,pcrson pnd thc use ofsuch sbction of nationsl.liighivai,.
. .
. ': . . .
. ,
.' percisneat bridge, b$j;pass
. . .or tunnel;ns the cbsc iqty hi, !!lees not exiund biynnd ~ h 1011
. . . '. .
.plaza next t o l l ~ c$cciijed. toil plaza. .' 0 .
. . .
. . . .
.' . . .
. .
. . Provided further thal nosucll pass shall he issvetl i f a service road c,r ~ I t c n ~ a ~ i v c

1.; -
rpad is
ve hiclc.
available for use by such driver, o&er or pkrson i,r charge of a rncchonieal
is:., .
* * .1.
,!.' !.
. q
. . . ....
... , 2.12.. ,; . : .. '

.. . , . ,
' ..\ . . ..
. .

. . ..
. .
., . !:.. ! ,
. . :

., .. ..> .;. . !.. . . .

c- . ". . .. :.. . 5 '
. .
. .
, .
. . . . .. . .
. . , .;
. ! .
.... .
... .-. >. . . ....
.., :;..-
'2.:' '
. .
f - ~ ....
.cross o 1011plaxu. '
.! .
. . . . . '-..'. . , ,

r- \ .
, i .: Rile b l f i e fir
.,nli j+-ove, (1) wittnui prejudice to. be lilbilib' or lhc

... .
... Ihelime .
$3 driik,ol,"cr oi
.$. . +ii
e i l michanicd vchiclc under any Inw
hi velirtjon
'..>. .... . . . . .. _ .
&iiiO,i.fd& . ychiilc u,h!ch irl&ded,ii
a &&i(al .
rrcfir of the pehissiblr
. .?.

r- .
O .
utcgorlulderr u ~ . r ~(2)l ~01 rule 4, dldl'be liable io
for its pay
such i

. :. . . .
c- ,
. . .
rile issppli[able
e r 11; r x l higher ca!egoP, 0fm~chanicsl
. .
velllFsj , .. -
/. .
. . . . . . . . ...
a driver
p,ovi\ed hlal ,he of fec'for o v ~ l i i d i n b~llfill
' , ,
. . . . . . .,_ . . . . I. . !.
% . :. ; or a ,,Gobinchugc if
a m c c h i n i ~ dv:Ilicb lo us wch nnlOna', .
6- ,*:
u,slno . national
ldghiay or ,

rndhir or. hu. vehicle Shd! be.prerenld
escess .lO+,fi$betn
. !e.oved . fr.."uch
, , , ,
. . .. . .: '
L .
. ,.
. : . -" .
.. vehicl:; ' . . :.. ....
.. . .: .. . . . .
. .
,t- .. 3

.;.. . . : . ,
. ,
: cd a, a weighbridge,i?.ta!led .
. (2) . ~h~ weiiht. qfamahani~dl
... vehiclc:as FCo . . . .
j.- ;
. . . . '
c &di2g uhdcr this rule:
shill, the bat's foi Icvyi~lylhc [CC for01. . . . . . . .
. .
. !. .
6 1
. '
, .
.. . . . . Pro,vided that wherenp
. ,
b&, iiistnlled 11 11% loll PIaa. 110 'fee, , . :
. . . ,

I? . , , . oveilol~ini
,shall.~r \evi$da h coltected. under thisylenlld the. driver@
. . Owner Or . .
,- prriin
. . vehid$ k a.l l *.li3blc
lobay fee 3~~'1cable .

.. ,
-. .
I? . . . . ,
' . ' .<. . .

.. vchiclco~ly. . . . . _ . . . . . .
if-" . .
. . . . . .
. . ' I
. . . . .
. . .
: '(i) N~ fiebe iFvied and C O I' ~ C C ~
, ~. ~
ion from paymat of Fe;

F? . .I 1, .. -
. . . . from a rtxchanical vehicle,: , . . ,

:-. s .

, (,) trnqofling and 'accom~an~ing;

.. .. ' .. ' .' ,
. .
. .
. . . , . .. , .
. .
. ..
. . .
. .(i) .:.;(he'prc~c~.Of
. ,
India: - . . t . . . . .. .. ..
. . . . . . .
. . ..:. . thi iirypresidm~
of India;, : . .
. .. .. . . .
(iii) . lllcyrimi:bjinis~er OFIndia; .. . .
. . i V c h \ e i ~ ~ s t i c elndik. '~f . .
. . .. . . . . .
. .. . .P. . ." . ' . . . ("1, . .!hkkovqnbr; . . . . . . . . . .. ' . .
. . .. . (,;): !he ~iculrnaniGovernor;. '. .
(,,iil fie nloiA Mini&; ..
. . . .
. .
. . , . . 3.
. . .
- ------_---

[W . 25.
'. I-------
I ! I
.. '
.--- -----------..-- .
' . . . (viii) the khief~inistei;.
' . . . .
. . .
.(ix) the Judgc of Soprenrc C.ourt; . .

(x) the Chairman of thc CounC'il oiSra~e;

. (xi) the speaker of thc ~ o u s co f ieople;
' (xii) the chairman ofthe ~ e ~ j r l a t i council
vc oftllc Slate;
. . . . - . . . a*.. of thc SPIC;
(xiii) the Speaker of the ~e~islativc.~ssembl~
. .... . ...
I i. . .
' : ' . . . . . . (xiv) the chief justice of HigtiCourt;
.. .
. .:.
,, , .. , .. (G) . . o f Highcourt;
. Jitdge
. .,. the

. : . . . . .. . .. . . . . .
-... ,
. ...*? . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . ...
i . . .
.! . . (xvi) Ministen ofstates; and . .
.. :. ... .. ... . . . . - . .

, (xvii) Foreign digflitarics&I State visit.
. , .

. ".. . (b) used t'ar onicial by,-. , . . . '

, .
. . (i) the Minist? of Defence including those which are cligible for
. . .
. . ,exemption' in accorde;lcc kith the.provisions if lhz indiiin 70!l (P.ny
. .
. a d Air
.. Force) Act, 1901 and rules made tbereundcr. as extended to
. . .. . N ~a ~V
sb;~ .
:. .
. a .. . .
. .
(ii) ihc Cbnfrsl and Stale m e d fdrtfs in uniform including para rni1ita.y , '. .
. . ... '-
. . . ..
. ..
[orces and police; . .
. . . .. . !
. . .
. . . (iii) an executive Magistrate; . '
. . . . . . . .. . n .
. #

- ----
! (iv) a fire-fightin$dcpartm;ni or orianisation;
(e) the National llighyay ,Authority or ally other organisation or . .*
. .
.. using such vehicle for irlspcction, survey, construclion oi operation and
. . . . .
mai~ilenancethzrcoc and . . . . . .
(c) tlscd as amhulancc. .
. .
. . . . . .
. .
. .. . '

. . 12. -
. display
b f 1nrormafion.- (1)The executing tuihoiity or the co~ssionairc,.as
'. the. case. r?~ai:bb, shall.publiL a notice specifying the aniount of fcc to'bc charged'fpm
. . :
'. ihk mechanical 'vellicle,' in.a~'leastone Novspapcr, crch ih Gglish'aid ven~acular
. .
, . :
lango4e, hiving a wide circutatidn in such ores.
. .'I . . .
L .
. . .. .
. . .
~ ~ ( 2 ) !'h'e executing ?;lthority shail prorninenlly di$ay in Hindi ant1 'gnglish on;
. .
. . .
. thousand mcters ahead orthe toll plaza and ill English and local langpge.fivc hundred
. ..
. . , mctirsihead oithe toll )liia,- . - . .

. .. .
(i)the ambunt of fee payable fo; each class of vchiclzs and the discounts available
. .
under rule.9; ' .
.- .

. ' ' ! !"..4.+<. a,: .. . . .

, :. .
. . . . .
. . ... .. . .. . ., ._. . .,, .

- C -..-- --.--..--- --. -.-'111C---.--...-.-..
.------.--.---"."-.--.-.*- (;A%Irl'f! OF.-- ,,. ..-.,-.-. ...-.-.-..
-_-.------......--..-- .. .... ....-.----._._
....J!??~&~?I?~~JJJ - ..
, .
(ii) the categories of vehicles ~kcrn~~edfrorn pbmenr if Tee; and : ., .. . . ' . .. . ..
. . . .
. .
(iii).rhr name, odd!esr and telrfio~~r
or conact cumbzr orthe ex:ru~i!rg authority
: or the concessionairr. is the caic may be.
. . . . :.
. . . . .
. . '.
. .
.. .
. . . .

.. .

(3) Thc height of rhe display boards, their quality and sizc of lettering shall be
clearly'visibleand legible to the users,
. . . .
13. Unaulhiirkcd eollceli&.- (I) An officer aythoriscd by the central Government ." ' ;. - .

:'. :: or by the e e c ~ ~ i ?uthority,

ng as t h e ~ a may
s ~. ..bc,..ry the e,xcist&
.. .. . .
Follectnl. if. ' . . --
, ,.
. ... . .
any, by the executing authority or the'concessh~nire,as. tho case may be, and.r'ecover . .
. I+ same from such butl~orityor cpnc~ssionrire,along wiih an additianal
. .
equal 13 . . . .
. . fivc per cent, of the, excess fee colleclpd:
twenty , ..
.. ....
. .
. , Provided tl~atno relovery of such execsi re; shall be'madc unless an opporlunify of . ::.
hearing has bftigiveri lo !he er~uji"gaulhority a r concessionaire,+ thc dep-maybe. . . ...
. .. . .. . . ..
. .: . .
' .,' :
Any Jrivtr, owncr or pcrson incharge of a mechan'ical vchick aggrieved by . .. .
) . . . . .
. r
. :.. .

bauthoriscd collcctio~
off&, may lodgt atomplaint with ihe oficcr aulhoriscd by.
' '
,. . . '
.. 'f
. .

.;he Central Government or the executing autl~ority,.as tho casemay bc,,'in ~his.bcbalf,,
i '

. .who shall. aItcr. .hcorinj: ihc bass an order on such cornplalnl fo(rcfund o f excess '.!... ' .
. . . . .. . .

. .
.. - and damages for the inconrenie~icc;iffirid by such user yithin thirty days. .. .
. . . :
-. -. -

: -.~ . .~
, . ..
, 14. Failure lo' ply Ice.- (1) If any drivcr, owner or in chn!gc of a: ' :. , .
. .
. .
,mechanical vehicle doc; not pay or to pay the fee for use'of national highway, .: . .
. . :
perrrianent bri:dge, bypass or tun;icl, his or her vehicle shall not be allowed to use such
. :. '.
'sectiqn of nationei highway, pcminent bridge, bypass or tunnel and in: carc such
.. . .
.. .

'vehicle obslructs Ulc no&?l ,low .df tiafic, the executing' au!&rity or the . i( .
1 .
conccssio;airc, aslhe care.may h.'rnayget iuch obstructing vehicle rcmoycd rrom thc ,
.. . . ..
i . .
n?tional l,ighw&, perniancn~Cidge, bypass or tuilncl; w the case.may b!; . . . . !

. . . . ,
. . $ .

(2) .- heret the drivcr or the person in tharge of a mechanical xhiclc refuses or faiis '

5' .'to pay.the fee levied under these rulcs,thc same shill bc recovered
. .
frcrn the, registered . .,
. .
ownciof the rkechanicsl vehicl~." .. '

. . , .
' , ; : ;A ,
. .
. . . . . .
. .:
or the execr~tingauthority, a3 the case

Provided that the ~ e n ~ r hGoveynmu~t

........ . .!, . . . .

..: . ,::. ;: .
,> :. .> may bc, may, at any' t h e , for reasons. to ba-recorded. in.writing,
. . withdraw such' ' . . . . ;
,.. ',. P P ' . . . . .. '
. . .i . .
. ;.. . !.:, permissian. . . .
.>'; .,'. . '.',; . , . ' % . . . . ,
.. ,
:.: :. ..:!_

. . . . .
. .;. 1.
.;'S. ::. . ,' .
. Provided hither'that where'the Central Government or ..tht executing a"lhprity, '
. .
<; ,.
8.a a i the c a s c may be, do not allow installation of'ati additional barrier by the .
.. 3 3 .j; . . . ..
. .......
.::. . . .-$
.. . --. , . .
.... '
: . . . . . .
... ... . .. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . ..
:: . :

, .
... . .
- .
?83 j
; ./
p.. '.
b 7

6 :
. jm
$J~&-W!~ 1.. . . . .
..., -- ....... ,

q% . 5 r ~ d r n' T X n : - . mvlirPr Rahor a ~ ?R?im m*.."

.m ;r S f . q t.2 T. . m. xmc

(mT O ) m . .1 vn.
.~ .
. m ; .
..,W.ay.$-m.~ t i .
. . . _ m ; t mir m .m

. . . . . FR;R.irir. . .
. ..

... . U s 6
to .t...LI-
IS L . -6 .
z LI-

s . : 22
- . .
6' . .
.sfi?r '$&. *..z,[ : , . .
.. . .. .
*.. .hi G. Rv, . . . . . !. .
. .. &.w:m '* . . .. .
., .
. .
. m:a,PJi Tit .I.

. .
. . .
--: ..
. . . . . . :,'
. , .
' .
:*, o.rr. 1.15. i2.25 .3.4o + ., ... . '4.50 .
.' +r@mrn.
. '
* wm.

. ;
. .
.,.. .. . . . :
. . . .

. . . . . . . .:.. . .
. . .

. .
*&jlh&tll.: . ;
. .. . ,

. :

.. . .. ..
. . ,
'sStrg m'm . . ' ' . .
. . . ** ...mfkti$ . 0.50. . 0.i.s . .' I . S O . , ' . 2.25". .3

. . . .
. .
3fbK . .'. ' '8 . . . ..
.. . . .
. . . . . .

. .
OF INDIA :P.XI'RAORIlINARY4-.-.~~'L~:$:~,~~ . t

i: .

. . ~ m ' m p ~ ~ . ' r & w & w ~ ~ ~ ~ . % m ~ . h . ~

,.. . h**KS;snI':
. . .. . . . ...: .

.. .. . . . . . . . .
. 9

. .

. . ... . .
. . . .
. %

. $,I . . . _.. _ . . .
. . :
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. . .. . . . .
. - I. :

. . .. .. . . ..
. . .. . . ..... ...
. , .k
. .

. .
'. I
. .. . . , . ':i . .
:.:. . . . . . . .. . ..<. .
. I
. . .
:.., . . . . ..ii ;,.,.; ;':!,.\V; :,.. .. . . . . . , ' i , , . ..,..!..;..'.; s..;. ,:
..I.. .,.>..
. . . . .,,.;-: ....... . .i. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ;...A:.. .r;.
... .
L f ' .

'. .
- - - - - -
. .-: -. - .-' ...;..,... ,. -. ...--I.--..
@r J! -Ssc. :

3- ,

. 1 1 . . . - ......
.? J&STRY OF abbi~ks~oiir . AND ....!
~ C W P .I Y S
: .,. . .

- ... . ; , ,
.- . . .,,.woTyC+~low :

. . . . . . . :.-. .
I-' ... .
Mew Relhj, I c 3rd ~ e c c m b c r ,10' ~.~' .'
I i' .. ,


.. .. . . ........I(
. . .
. :;, ...
...]V, ! 'CJL%hk)4n
. .
..:; .*$..
i f he pauet~~hfini&
., . ..
. .
~ ~ i. ~. ~ ~ ! . ~
by hr s c c t i m ~ o f . ~ ~ ; :..,;:.:.#.:
. .
. a ' " : . .
- .

1 ':,I . . >
. . . . .. - ..: . ... . .-.:
. .'
. . I. . . ....Highwayi kt,l9j6 (4k it'lija th;cennd$wykcsnt hci;bY mkcs the fol~okinl . . *
. f .
.N~S .. ~ m d .;i hV~. ~.:'
' ~ ~. O..M.. I .' '.*N' ~ @~~m&ati&
~WIP O ~ ~ O I U~ ~ l ~ e c ~ i i f .i ~ , ,
--. . ;.* . ." nungly:.,. ., .* ..'. .. . - ..-,;;, -::v:
RUIW, iw~, . . L ,
, : . . . . -2;. .'..., . . ,#.

. ... ,
. .. .. . . . . . .,+'*., L...

. I ' '
. 1. ..:,(I)'. Thes! ha!r;)rmaybe...... y s ~ ~,~: * . .of- . , ..
c?Jh! l h ~ ~ +. ~.r l.a .l I .U g. b w a.(D&on'~alim
. .. , ,

kites ind C O U ; $ O ~ ) ~ ~ ~~tlles, ~ D I2Qt'O. ': ' . ...: .'. .. :.

. . .. .
. . '-
. . . . *. . . "
. .
.. .. . .. . .. . .. . ..
, '.

. . >.:!. ! :
. (2j . T~&'&II pir . . . in". . fwe b. .l ~ c ~ ~. ~ :n
.. .fhail& ~ f .t h. c ~., ~ ~.1"~l'he~flitiJl
. ... .. fm
... . . . . . . .
........ .
.. . . . . . . .;:-.
: :........... ... . . .
.;: Y,: :.. . .. .;.. .. . . .. .. .
. I .

*;- . . .
. , . . ... . .-
'. . .. -. '>*A:.::..:.".:>.,
. .. :I. . ;' ;: . r. . . . .... - . . . . .
t -9

. I . a '

- ..
. . .2 . . ..'in. .~il'.~d6omi K$& : , : ~ c ~ ~.: .~ c t t r..-. m i.~. a.rim
.t t o n AUIes,
. .: . . &1t~b'3n1 , '

.. . .. . 1.'
1 7

:. .- :. . . ~. .O.(icreiiiien
P . . .. . . '

. . . .. . . . . ...
p?.:;<: & A ! o :;; saited,in,G:4J..
. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .... . . :::\:::.
. . .. . '
. .:; ,:.. .,.., . . . . .
.: . . .. . ../ , . :. ,. , . -. .. . . .

.. I

. .

-9 .. . . . . . . .
. . . .: .... . -
. . .
. . .. . ..
"j . .
-7; . . . . .. . . . .
. . .
+-y I
. . . .
- ,j
! '

. .

hvYP hat while compurlq! the fee fur r section g f a naial~

. . ..

?&:bps f?ms'i:pG, lcngtb of ad hyplrr x h i j b txc,udd fion.he '

lel~gtllof,w{k.sectioa ofnational highway:

. .
......... ..,, ...;... . . .
. ._ -.. .
I I :
. . .

["I::1l+g4 !(i)]
....... -----
. -. ......
~ C :Rgh?pl

:. ' . ;
' . I .

..... . . '

.. . .
Provided finher thnt .j/htrc the cost of sych bypass si lesr han lupees im c t c q ' " .

, .
. the rateof fcc for the ust aid
. . . . . .. .. . . . . then bypasshall be the ranle es thdof of Ihe
highway of which it fomj ipid;..'::.'. . .
naci~n~l .--.-. ....... - - .- . .. -. .. . . .

. . .
. .
..... . . .
' , 3. m!t 5. (a) in :;ub-r~lc(4,for.Fe k
In the shid,,._in .. rds and figure "tie
. * ': . .
, :. .. , .
w+,~din~,m~~~djatell ~ ~ ~ ~ ~y~~!l,:tht.k~~d~,?th~:,~h~~&le
~ l ~ ~ o f . $ ~.
. .
ptice index mo& cSDeccrubiiof
~ ~ ' ) i e $ ' ~ h ~ & @ ' & & ~ . ' - " !:Y.':. .:, %: -.
, . . , . .-
' . .\' , .
. (b)
. : (3),. :.
to subah . . . . . s.

. . . . (i) ...In .Explanatiolr,

. . ,in,clrysc (c), for .words, fipru 2nd. lttfars *the . . . .
. . .
. . . . p+ indbi bf &
. ..nyk . .. . . 6. suhicq!;rit
. . ..efldiota f~ I"lant~ql~,
. . . ..:.... . thc
:, . . . * b,,

words.@tho ;vhol&de phcc indcg foro!&i:mon?h. of Docembar o t tht

. , ,
.m e d l e. .d ._.
i ih b b . . .
, .
.. . . .
., fa:nlu~btim,ihc
. hllowjng:jiio~lbu~tion. .Y . .I beb$im*
. r&:: . .
. . , .
. I

. . I
; , *
. . ..,:. . , .i.i:~l$&$,o?!:, ,.-*,%.,,;:.. . :,< ;1% , : . ;,-, .: 8 a +
. .
, !...
. .
. .. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . ., . .i? t q ~ b ma+
$thejtvision i ipr br )..Y 2@8@. by.anlyir$ H.
. . . . .' . .
1 0 h e x f o r ~ h ~imnth$f
6 0 1 ~ ~pic0 e &aF& 2067 O.e. 2 lbq,tha '-. : '

' . . .. .. , . .. ::jeep. .or: van'. ?illb c 0.6794

tht kta For car. .. compu,d;belqi:.
. . . . . . . . . 2 ;

.. . . .
! ,I * .'
. . offee.
. . . (I) No l&&llbe levied Rnd hleCtee

'. Ill:1 ~ ~ c m p l i fibfl

. ,.,'... ........
o n pajnieit
. a mocl~nicelvtrhicb,.- . . .

. ... . . . . . .. . . ..
" . ..

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-. ..
. - ~SR'IS(E~-I~
NcwDel!i, tbt 12th lanuary, 201 1
exercije of thepowm~conftrredby lhc3.~llon9 of the National Highways Act,
. .

I '
1. '
... (48.of 1956),Lhe.GCncral Govemment'haeby make the following mlm further to ainend
I . 1 the.NQiooAl.H~ghways~ e (~clemiinationof
e R&S and Collection) Rules, 2908, namely:.
i I. ,(1) These ru!u may, be caH~dihe Natlonal Highways Fee (Geterrninatlo~,of Flab
and Csllection) ~me~dmcnt.kdles, 201 1.
i .
. . . .
, (2) .' They shafl 'comej,nb force on the date of their publi+ion in ths Oacial ' ..

! Gazette. , ,
. .
(3) They $hall-not apply to a g n i e n t s adconhach execuled and bids invijed pri$r ' .
1 to the publieation ofUitst.rults. . ...
. .
. ..
. .
.. .. . ,2. {a) : In Nafional.Highways
. Fee (~eterminstibnof Rates and dollection) Rules. 2008
(henhnftar refend to as hi said rulu), in sub-nle (2) of lulid, ; ' . .
, ,

I . .
I .
(i) .for the table. thc'following table shall be substituted, namely:-

Type of Vehlcle
. . . .
Base me of fee .
. . . . . . . .._ ' Per
@,!I?. ,.

Car, Jeep, Van or L i ~ hMotat

t Vehicle 0.65
bight Comniwcl Vehicle, Light Ow& Vehlcle or'ivtiniBus 1.05
BS orTnckflwo,Axlu). . . . . . :. .... ...:. 220
Thnaexls commsrcid Mbicles . ; 2,40 .
Heavy' Constnrctlon ' Machii.ry;HCM) or Earth Moving 3.45 , .
Equip'mant @ME)or Multi Axle Vehicle (MAV) (four to six . .
. .

: (ii) in the explanation; for para '(d)', tl~cfollowing shall be substituted, namely:.

veh1cle'"means heavy .constiuction machincryor earth moving equipment ormechanical , .

. .vchiclr.Including a nidti.zxlc vehicle with six N ~ or

J vehicle (inclqlve of the axle OF
i . [ ~ m 1. 1 - ~3(i)]' . . yciTiir::~rrmW + 5 .
. ...
the bniler, if any) wirh'a grossvehicle weight exceeding fwenty five Ihousmd kilop&s but
. . . .
less than sixty ?lousand kilogains;"; '
. .
. .
. . (iii) itlheexplanatii, after paia '(e)', the following rhall'bc inrertcd, namely:.
. .

. '(0 Three-Axle Vehicle means any mechanical vehicle having threc.wla (inclusive
. .
' . , of the axle of the trailer, if any) and with a.gross vehicle weight, less than or qua1 to twenty

1 1
five thousand lo'lograms;";

Insub-rule (4) of rule 4,- for the lable relating to bare rub of fee, the foll&ng ..

i , . shaU be substiMed naolely:.

. .
, .
. Base rate of fee ( R u m urr
. . vehicle
. . oer trid -.

. .1 1

. '
Cost of permanent
bridge, or tunnel
(Rupees In crorej .
Car,Jecp, Light .
. Van
a l Vehlcle,
Llght ; I,ight
Truck Tbree-axle
or . cammcrcial
But vchlelu.
HCM, Oiekize
or . Vehlcle

.. Motor Goods . . . .
.. - .
. ' Vchlrle Vehicle or . . .
. . .
Mlnl Bus
10 to 1s 5' .ZXI IS 16.50 n 3 0 ; -,.
) .
. , '
For every &.idi~ional
Rupees five crore or
I . 1.50 3 3.30 450 6
1 part thereof, exceeding
, i
! . . . ' Rupees . aore .
1, . . . ;.: , and up 10 Rupccs one ',
hundred crore. .:

. j 1. '. . .:.
. . For every additional
- Rupees five cron or .
. . . . . . . . . . . part therqof, cxy+ing : .,.

. 1.15
. . . . . . -... ...
2.25 . . 2.45. 3.40.
, .

.. . -, . .. ......
. .
Rups one hundred ,'

cron and upto Rupees

. . '

wo hundnd crore. . .
For e ~ r yadditional ' 0.50 0.75 . 1.50 1.65 225 3 -
Rupees f!ve crore or .
part.theryf, exyeding . .
Rupces two .hundred'
crore. . ,, -
. . . .. . . . , .

3. . For B U ~ - N I C(6) of r ~ l 6t of the said rules, tlie following shall be subslituted, namely:.

"(6) (a). The fee shdl bc collected by the Central Government or UE cxccuting
Autllority ns the use may be end for a spcclficd period 111 acco~dancevilh the tcrms of
ngrecmcnt entercd by the Coacasio~~aire.
- - . - -.-....-... . ...:' ,:.:.' .;. :..". . . .:.. . .. .....
. . 'q:..
. l.\
. . . ..
. ;?*\ . .

6 . . . ' ..

T H E G , U E ~ : O E ~ D ~ A:EXTRAORD~~ARY
. . . .

p t F ' ~ ~ C ~ $ ~ O n ~ t ~shall

e l nbee nleviable
t t
1the endiof the
'~greuncntis OVtl, the feqshall be cokeled by ihe
PAR^ I-SEC. 3(i)]

' .,
:.;:I, -

' ;
.I. . :
. of- the- fee on die date of:
6 ~ a t nrte of 40%
Cenpl ~ o d ~ .t :. e x e r ; d t i q ~ , i d h oa~reduced I. L.
tranrfer o f ~ h . & t i o n . o f ~ ~ i o ~ ~ ~ ibridge,
.. ~ , or bypas, as the case may be, lo be
~ h w atunnel
revised &nuaJIy.ina c c d r d ~ %ih~el;ruler:.

public fundtd.prqject, thcffefeeileviable !0'40% of.the met fee for such section
of National~High~ys,~bn'~c,:huurtl.lor~byPass
as lhe case may be, to bc revised annually in

. ~eserules;'!.
accotdancedfb . i.
. ... . . . . '
. . . I

4. .. In rule $ aftv:s~~"le;(3J,1hchbv~o~shall
be inserted. namely:-
. .. . . .
. . . .
:. '
. . . I
"(3~)Alpcrson, w%o o m a conmc;clal vehicle (atcluding vehicle plying under .
! '

National Permi!);~sftrtd~ith~addresson the Re~strniio" of a particular di&t . . .- .

. Certificate
. ' --- -:
a?d uts such vehicle fcu commuting on.a rccfion of the Nat!dnalHighway, permanent bridge..
b .

,iurvrcl or bypa?s,.asihsohre& be leiad user i s

bb, which Is!ocnted within tfidtdi:~tric~.shall
on all toll $&a; rvhlch .&-located athin that district, -at ihe rat6 of fifty pwcint i f the I
..... I
prescribed rate of.fce: . . .I
-Provided that no such conksion shall be.provided;i@se~ce road or alternative road .
. . . .
is ~vailablefor useby such commercial vehicles." . . ' .
. . . . . . . . j
. .
YAYA, JL Secy..
. , . . .
~ote:-The p&cipal rulq k r e published videriurhber G.S. R. 838(E) dstcd th;5'Decembcr, . . .
%iWnd amended Gde G.S.R. 950(E), deted the 3" Dewnber,2010.
. ... ..
.. 0

!@. -.

$??.. .

, - ,/!v
Pfinhd by rho Manogu, Oovcmmcnl of Indig Prcx. n i n ~Road. Mayspd~i.N~,,~ ~ l l , i - 1 1 0 0 b , l L-.
, ~ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - - -
end Pablijhcd by (IN Coomllcr or !'ublita[io,,;, )3cll,i.~100j(.
, -.__--__.. ---..----- :

8 . . .?
.-:a .. , ,

. .
-- . --
...... _
.'. . .
Wl n-BG (I)
f--&-IFk .

. . . - ~ ~ ~ ~ t I 4 e c34ub-sec'tioi.(i)
t i o n
- . . ~ ' i r ~
. I
., .. . . , ' . PuBIJSAED'BYArnORflY
. !
'., .' U. 141 . . . ~ 1,2 , 2 0 1 l h 22,1932
~ , ~
' : NO. 14) NEW DEW,WEDNESDAY, JANVARY 12, ~OIUPAUSA 21,1932 . . . ., .
. . . +**&* ' .
. . . JrArqpm
i. . .
d w,12 m,201 1 . . .
.. ..
; : : ~ - m&. ~
. w~
, f+i .(~ ~
s (n
~ ~f- ~~m n
, ~ ~& ~~,195s ~ , 2M o~ ~o Z aR *T ~. ~ aR jV Ih~ .~ W* Tm ~ +C t~ ~~ ~ ~
) (i9sd+4i)
. . .. .: t,Wfq+.
! ., . I: (11 n m * t ~ m * t a n ~.........
* ~ m ) , ~ b b ~ , 21 d m &

. . .
.. . . . . . . . . .

........................... . . . . ........
. . . . <.>a,.--*
.. . . . : . .. , , . . . . . . . . . .,.<..',
. 1 .

............................. ::: . . .. .. . .. . . . . , ,. .>. . I.. .

i , .
ti31.4 $<ht414;~ipgrn

' . zoos 2 ima

ftw, 5 fti-m, * v rt a g,sso(aj,
. . .. . . . . .
.. :. .... .... . ... ... ... ... ... .. . .+
. . . . . . .
. . .
. ,. . . . . : . . , : : : : ..,. ::; >;,!.;,.i,..i
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... . . . ., .- . . . . .. ::. :.P . . , . _ . .
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. . . . . .!
. . .
._ . .
.. .. . . . . . . x .

. . .. .. ._. .. ' .
. ... . . :
. . . .
. .. . . . . . . . . . .
. . .. ; ..:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .
' ~ a t i o n ghl i ~ h w a y S ' ~ u l h oof
r i llndia
~ Schedules
. . . . .

.. .
-. . .

(See Clause 31.1.2)

THIS ESCROW AGREEMENT is entered into on this the of ..........20,...
incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and having its
rcgistcrcd officc at ..................(hereinafter referred to as the "Concessionnire"
which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof,
include its successors, permitted assigns and substitutes);
2 and particulars of Lenders' Representative and having its
registered office at ...............
acting for and'on behalf of the Senior Lenders as
their duly authorised agent with regard to matters arising out of or in relation to
this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Lenders' Representative" which
expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, include its
successors and substitutes);
3 and particulars of the Escrow Bank and having its
rcgistcred officc at ........................
(hereinnfler referred t o a; the "Escrow
Bank" which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning
thereof, include its successors and substitutes); and
4 The National Highways Authority of India, established under the National
Highways Authority Act 1988, represented by its Chairman and having its
principal offices at G-5 & 6, Sector 10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 (hereinafter
referred to as the "Authority" which expression shall, unless repugnant to the
context or meaning thereof, include its administrators, successors and assigns).


(A) The Authority has entered into a Concession Agreement dated .................... . .
with the Concessionaire (the "Concession Agreementn) for 4 Laning of Rohtak
Jind Section from km 307.000 to km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link from
kin 347.800 o f NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH-71A to be executed as BOT (Toll)
project on DBFO Pattern under NHDP Phase I11 in the State of Haryana on
design, build, finance, operate and transfer (DBFOT)basis, And a copy of
is annexed heretoand marked as Annex-A to form part of this Agreement.

(B) Senior Lenders have agreed to finance the Project in accordance with the t
and conditions set forth in the Financing Agreements.

(C) The Concession Agreement requires the Concessionaire to establish

Account, in~eralia, on the t e n s and conditions stated therein.

NOW, THEREFORE, in considerati~nof the foregoing and the respective

and agreements set forth in this Agreemefit, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby

Laning olRohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 ro km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link froni km
347,800 oS NH-71 to kn! 9.400 of NH-71 A co be executed as BOT (1'011) project on DBFO Pattern under .._-I.
NHDP Phase Ill in the State of Haryana .Pages- I I
. : . . . . . . . .
Nationel Hi~hwavsAuthorilv of India .Schedules

acknowledged, and intending to be legally bonnd hereby, the Parties agree as follows:


1.1 Definitions .

In this Agreement, the following words and expressions shall, unless repugnant to
the context or meaning thereof, have the meaning hereinafter respectively-
assigned to them:

"Agreement" means this Escrow Agreement and k y amendment thereto made in

accordance wilh theprovisions contained herein; . . .

"Concession Agreement" means the Concession Agreement referred to in

Recital (A) above and annexed hereto as Annex-A, and shall include all o f its
Recitals and Schedules and any amendments made thereto in accordance with the
provisions contained in this behalf therein;
. "Cure Period" means the period specified in this Agreement for curing any . . .
breach or default of any provision of this Agreement by $e Concessionaire, and
shall commence from the dateon which a notice is delivered by the Authority or
the Lenders' Representative, as the case may be, to the Concessionaire asking the
latter to cure the breach or default specified in such notice; . .
"Escrow Account" means an escrow account established in t e r m of and under
this Agreement, andshall include the Sub-Accounts;

"Escrow Default" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Clause 6.1;
"Lenders' Representative"' means the person referred to as the Lenders'
Representative in the foregoing Recitals;
"Parties" means the parties to this Agreement collectively and "Party" shall mean
any of the Parties to this Agreement individually;
"Payment Date" means, in relation to any payment specified in Clause 4.1, the
date(s) specified for such payment; and I

"Sub-Accounts" means the. respective Sub-Accounts of the Escrow A C C O U ~ ~into

which the monies specified in Clause 4.1 would be credited every month and paid
out if due, and if not due in a month then appropriated proportionately in s
month and retained in the respective Sub Accounts and paid out therefrom o
. Payment Date($.

1.2 Interpretation
1.2.1 References to Lenders' Representative shall, unless repugnant to the co
meaning thereof, mean references to the Lenders' Representative, acting
on behalf of Senior Lenders.
1.2.2 The words and expressions beginning with capital letters and defined in
4 Lsning 44
of Rohtak Jind Section from krn 307.800 to m 7.800 of NH-71 and connecting link fro
j47.800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 ol'NH-71A l o be executed as BOT (Toll) projecl on DBFO Paltern undcr
NHDP Phase 111 i n the Stale of Haryana Pnge S 2-
. . .
. .. . . ..
* , . .
. . . . ..
. .
National ~iqhw&s ~ulhon?vof India Schedules'

Agreement shall have the meaning ascribed thereto herein, and the words and
expressions used in this Agreement and not defined herein but defined in the
Concession Agreement shall, unless repugnant to the context, have the meaning
ascribed thereto in the Concession Agreement. .
1.2.3 References to Clauses are, unless stated otherwise, references to Clauses of this

1.2.4 . The rules of interpretation stated in Clauses 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 of the Concession
Agreement shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to this Agreement.

2.1 Escrow Bank to act as trustee

2.1 .I The Concessionaire hereby appoints the Escrow Bank to act as trustee for the
Authority, the Lenders' Representative and the Concessionaire in connection
herewith and authorises the Escrow Bank to exercise such rights, powers,
authorities and discretion as are specifically delegated to the Escrow Bank by the
terms hereof together with all such rights, powers, authorities and discretion as are
reasonably incidental hereto, and the Escrow Bank accepts such appointment
pursuant to the terms hereof.
2.1.2 The Concessionaire hereby declares that all rights, title and ~nterestin and to the
., Escrow Account shall be vested in the Escrow Bank and held in trust for the
Authority, the Lenders' Representative and the Concessionaire, and applied in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement. No person other than the Authority,
thc Lcndcn' Representative and the Concessionaire shall have any tights
hereunder as the beneticiaries of, or as third party beneficiaries under this

2.2 Acceptance of Escrow Bank

The Escrow Bank hereby agrees to act as such and to accept all payments and
other amounts to be delivered to and held by the Escrow Bank pursuant tn the
provisions of this Agreement. The Escrow Sank shall hold ai-td safeguard the
Escrow Account during the term of this Agreement and shall treat the amount in
the Escrow Account as monies deposited by the Concessionaire, Senior Lende
or the Authority with the Escrow Bank. In performing its functions and d
under this Agreement, the Escrow Bank shall act in trust for the benefit of, an
agent for, the Authority, the Lenders' Representative and the Concessionair
their nominees, successors or assigns, in accordance with the provisions of

2.3 Establishment and operation of Escrow Account

2.3.1 Within 30 (thirty) days from the date ofthis Agreement, and in any case prior to
the Appointed Date, the Concessionaire shall open and establish l e Escrow
Account with the ............................ (name oEBranch) Branch of the Escrow
Bank. The Escrow Account shalI be denominated in Rupees.

4 Lanine. of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307 000 to km 347.800 of NH-71 and connectme. link from km
3 4 7 . 8 0 6 0 1 . ~ ~ -to7 1km 9.400 of NH-71A ro be executed as BOT (Toll) projec[ on D B F Pattern
~ under
NHDP Phase IIJ in the State of Haryana f'ageS- 3
. .
.. . .
.. .
~alionalh ' i ~ h ~ a ~ ~ k ~ l h o India
rilvoi Schedules

2.3.2 The Escrow Bank shall maintain the Escrow Account in accordance with the
terms of this Agreement and its usual practices and applicable regulations, and
pay the maximum rate of interest payable to similar customers on the balance in
the said account from time to time.

2.3.3 The Escrow Bank and the Concessionaire shall, after consultation with the
Lenders' Representative, agree on the detailed mandates, terms and conditions,
and operating procedures for the Escrow Account, but in the event of any conflict
or inconsistency between this Agreement and such mandates, terms and
conditions, or procedures, this Agreement shall prevail.

2.4 Escrow Bank's fee

The Escrow Bank shall be entitled to receive its fee and expenses in an amount,
-2 and at such times, as may be agreed between the Escrow Bank and the
Concessionaire. For the avoidance of doubt, such fee and expenses shall form part
-4 . of the O&M Expenses and shall be appropriated from the Escrow Account in
accordance with Clause 4.1.
-4 . . . .
2,s Rights of the parties
- -
The rights of the Authority, the Lenders' Representative and the Concessionaire
in the monies held in the Escrow Account are set forth in their entirety in this
Agreement and the Authority, the Lenders' Representative and the Concessionaire
shall have no other rights against or to the monies in the Escrow Account.

2.6 Substitution of the Concessionaire

The Parties hereto acknowledge and agree that upon substitution of the
Concessionaire with the Nominated Company, pursuant to the Substitution
Agreement, it shall be deemed for the purposes of this Agreement that the
Nominated Company is a Party hereto and the Nominated Company shall
accordingly be deemed to have succeeded to the rights and obligations of the
Concessionaire under this Agreement on and with effect from the date of -- .-_
substitution of the Concessionaire with the Nominated Company.


3.1 Deposits by the Concessionaire

3.1.1 The Conoeu~onaireagrees a 3 undertaker that it shall deposit into
the Escrow Account with:

(a) all monies received in relation to the Project from any source, including
the Senior Lenders, lenders of Subordinated Debt and the Authority;
(b) all funds received by the Concessionaire from its share-holders, in any
manner or form;

(c) all Fee levied and collected by the Concessionaire;

(d) ' any other revenues, rentals, capital receipts, as the case may

4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 of NH-71and connecting link from km' . .
37.800 o f NH.71 to km 9.400 o f N H - 7 I A to be executed as BOT (Toll) projecl on DBFO Parrcrn under
NHDP Phasc 111 in thc of Haryana Page S - 4 8
. . .
. . . . . . . . . . :. . +'. ..'< . .!. ,

~ a l i o n a~l i b h w a v s~uthorillyof India. ' bhed"ls's 4. '

. - \ ,-

/,: '.
be, from or in respect ofthe Project Highway; and ,:.> ,-
'v-'. .

. . (e) . all proceeds received pursuant to any insurance claims.

. . .. . p:$.:.:; *
? .
.. . - -
3.1.2 . The Concessionaire may at any time make deposits o f its other funds into the
Escrow Account, provided that the provisions of this Agreement shall apply to
. .
- .<
.. >

such deposits.
c.:.:-.'.-., -

3.2 : Deposits by the Authority

The Authority agrees and undertakes that, as and when due and payable, it shall
a:;I ..--.

deposit into and/or credit the Escrow Account with:

(a) &ant and any other monies disbursed by the- Authority to the &@ ,q

Revenue Shortfall Loan; .

all Fee collected by the Authority in exercise of its rights r~nderthe
. Concession Agreement; and .*.e
Hi. L.J

(d) Termination Payments:

Provided that, notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 4.1.1, the Authority shall
be entitled to appiopriaie -from the aforesaidamounts, any Concession Fee due
and payable to it by the'concessionaire, and the balance remaining shall be
deposited into the Escrow Account.

3.3 Deposits by Senior Lendcrs
2 -.
The Lenders' Representative agrees, confirms .and undertakes that the Senior CP'
Lenders shall deposit into and/or credit the Escrow Account with all

ditbuisements made by them in relation to or in respect of the Project; provided

that notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the

Senior Lenders shall be entitled to make direct payments to the EPC Contractor
under and in accordance with the express provisions contained in this behalf in.
. ; .
'. . .

the Financing Agreements. P

- r-,
3.4 Interest on deposits b
The Escrow Bank agrees and undertakes that all interest 'W
of the Escrow Account shall be credited to the Escrow Account; -7

Escrow Bank shall be entitled to appropriate therefrom the fee id:

to 11 from the Concessionaire in relation to the Escrow

balance remaining to the Escrow Account. V

Ly' . .
&< . ,.. 7.

4.1 Withdrawals during Concession Period ?

4.1.1 At the beginning of every mbnth, or at such shoner intervals as the Lenders'

ani in^ of Rohfak Jind Section from km 30j.000 to km 347.800 ofNH.71 and connecting link from km
. -
b+ k '

347.800 of NH-71 lo km ?.COO ofNt!-71A to be executed 2s BOT (Toll) projecf on UBFO Partern under -d
NHDP Phase I l l in the Stare of Haryanz, Page S S - . L b . .

f7 Representative and the Concessionaire may by written instructions determine, the
Escrow Bank shall withdraw amounts from the Escrow Account and appropriate
.Pi them in the following order by depositing such amounts in the relevant Sub-
Accounts for making due payments, and if such payments are not due in any
q month, then retain such monies in such Sub-Accounts and pay out therefrom on -.
the Payment Date($:
(a) all taxes due and payable by the Concessionaire for and in respect of the
a. Project Highway;

(b) all payments relating to construction of the Project Highway, subject to

and in accordance with the conditions, if any, set forth in the Financing

(c) O&M Expenses, subject to the ceiling, if any, set forth in the Financing

(d) O&M Expenses incurred by the Authority, provided it certifies to the

Escrow Bank that it had incurred such expenses in accordance with the
provisions of the Concession Agreement and that the amounts claimed are
due to it from the Concessionaire;
.Y (e) Concession Fee due and payable to the Authority;

(f) monthly proportionate provision of Debt Service due in an Accounting


((g) Premium due and payable to the Authority;)

(h) all payments and Damages certified by the Authority as due and payable
to it by the Concessionaire pursuant to the Concession Agreement,
including repayment of Revenue Shortfall Loan;

(i). monthly proportionate provision of debt service payments due in .an

Accounting Year in respect of Subordinated Debt;

(j) any reserve req~iirementsset forth in the Financing Agreements; and '

. .
(k) balance, ifany, in accordance with the instructions of the Concessionaire.
,< 4.1.2 No later than 60 (sixty) days prior to the commencement of each Accoun
Year, the Concessionaire shall provide to the Escrow'Bank, with prior
approval of t h e Lenders' Representative, details of the amounts likely
required for each of the payment obligations set forth in this Clause 4.1;
that such amounts may be subsequently modified, with prior written ap
- f a
the Lenders' Representative, if fresh information received during the cou
year makes such modification necessary.

;. 4.2 Withdrawals upon Termination

Upon Termination of the Concession Agreement, all amounts standing to the

credit of the Escrow Account shall, notwithstanding anything in this Agreement,
-? 4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Seclion from km 307.000 of NH-71 and connecting link from km
347.800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 of N H - 7 1 ~to be execuled as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Panem under
5 . NHDP Phase I11 in the Statenf Haryana Pages- 6 I
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Nslional ~ i o h w a v~i o l h o r iofl ~India
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be appropriated and dealt with in the following order:
(a) all taxes due and payable by the Concessionaire for and in respect of the
Project Highway;

(b) 90% (ninety per cent) of Debt Due excluding Subordinated Debt;
(c) outstanding Concession Fee;

.(d) all payments and Damages certified by the Authority as due and payable it by the Concessionaire pursuant to the Concession Agreement,
including {Premjum,} repayment of Revenue Shortfall Loan and any
claims in connccticn with or arising- out of Termination;

(e) retedtlon and payments arising out of, or in relati011 lo, liability for dcfect.ts
arrd deficiencies set firth in Article 39 o f thc Concession Agreement m.. 1
., -
(f) outstanding Debt Service including the balance of Debt Due; #& -.,) ..-

(g) outstanding Subordinated Debt;

- - .

(h) incurred or accrued O&M Expenses;

(i) any other payments required to be made under the Concession Agreement;

(i) balance, if any, in accordance with the instructions of the Concessionaire:

Provided that the disbursements specified in Sub-clause (i)of this Clause 4.2 shall
be undertaken only after the Vesting Certificate has been issued by the Authority.

4.3 Application of insufficient funds

Funds in the Escrow Account shall be applied in the serial order of priority set
forth in Clauses 4.1 and 4.2, as the case may be. If the funds available are not
sufficient to meet all the requirements, the Escrow Barlk shall apply such funds in
the serial order of priority until exhaustion thereof.

4.4 Application of insurance proceeds . '

Notwithstanding anything in this ~ ~ i e e m e n the

t , proceeds from all
claims, except life and injury, shall be deposited into andlor
Escrow Account and utilised for any necessary repair,
reinslatement, replacement, improvement, delivery or installation of the Proj
Highway, and the balance remaining, if any, shall be applied in
the provisions contained in this behalf in the Financing Agreements.
4.5 Withdrawals during Suspension

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreemenl, the

Authority may exercise all or any of the rights of the Concerrionairc during the
period of Suspension under Article 36 of the Concession Agreement. Any
4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 to km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link from km
347.800 of NH-7 I to km 9.400 of NH-7 I A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under
NHDP Phase 111 in Ihe State of Haryana Page S-7
instructions given by the Authority to the Escrow Bank during such period shall
be complied with as if such instructions were given by the Concessionaire under
this Agreement and all actions o f the Authority hereunder shall be deemed to have
been taken for and on behalf of the ~oncessionaire.
5,l Segregation of funds

Monies and other property received by the Escrow Bank under this Agreement
shall, until used or applied in accordance with this Agreement, be held by the
Escrow Bank in trust for the purposes for which they were received, and shall be
segregated from other funds and property of the ~ s c i o wBtnk.
5.2 Notification of balances
7 (seven) business days prior to each Payment Date (and for this purpose the
Escrow Bank shall be entitled to rely on an affirmation by the Concessionaire
andlor the Lenders' Representative as to the relevant Payment Dates), the Escrow
Bank shall notify the.Lenders' Representative of the balances in the Escrow
Account and Sub-Accounts as at the close of business on the immediately
preceding business day.

5.3 Communications and notices

In discharge of its duties and obligations hereunder,the Escrow Bank:

(a) may, in the absence of bad faith or gross negligence on its pan, rely as to
any matters. of fact which might reasonably be expected to be within the
knowledge of the Concessionaire upon a certificate signed by or on behalf
o f the Concessionaire;

(b) may, in the absence of bad faith or gross negligence on its pan, rely upon
the authenticity of any communication or document believed by it to be
authentic; ..
. .

(c) shall, within 5 (five) business days after receipt, deliver a copy to the
Lenders' Representative of any notice or document received by it in its
capacity as the Escrow Bank from the Concessionaire or any. other person
heieunder or in connection h'erewith; and

(d) shall, within 5 (five) business days after receipt, deliver a co
Concessionaire of any notice or document received by it
Lenders' Representative in connection herewith.

5,4 No set off

he Escrow Bank agrees not to claim or exercise any right ofset off, banker's I~en
or other right or remedy with respect 10 amounts standing to the credit of the
Escrow Account. For [he avoidance of doubt, it is hereby acknowledged and
agreed by the Escrow Bank that the monies and properties held by the Escrow
Bank in the Escrow ~ c c o u n t i h a l l as part of the assets of lhc
4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 and connecting link from km
347.800 of NH-71t o km9.400 of NH.7lA to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under ,
NHDP Phnsc 111 in the State of Huyann -
Page S 8
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National Hiqhwavs Authority ollndia . Schsdulss

Escrow Bank and be~ng trust property, shall in the case of bankruptcy or
liquidation of the Escrow Bank, be wholly excluded from the assets of the Escrow
Bank in such bankruptcy or liquidation.

5.5 Regulatory approvals

The Esc'row Bank shall use its best efforts to procure, and thereafter maintain and'
comply with, all regulatory approvals required for it to establish and operate the
Escrow Account. The Escrow Bank represents and warrants that it. is not aware of
any reason why such regulatory approvals,will not ordinarily be granted to the
Escrow Bank.


6.1.1 Following events shall constitute an event of default by the Concessionaire

(anttEscrow Defalilt") unless such event of default has occurred as a result of
Force Majeure or any act or omission of the Authority or the Lenders'
' Representative: .

(a) the Concessionaire commits breach of this Agreement by failing to deposit

any receipts into the Escrow Account as provided herein and fails to cure
such breach by depositing the same into the Escrow Account within a
.. Cure Period of 5 (five) business days;

(b) the Concessionaire causes the Escrow Balk tu trinsfcr funds to any
account of the Concessiona~rein breach of the terms of this Agreement
and fails to cure such breach by depositing the relevant funds into the
Escrow Account or any Sub-Account in which such transfer should have
been made, within a Cure Period of 5 (five) business days; or

(c) the Concessionaire commits or causes any other breach of the provisions
of this Agreement and fails to cure the same within a Cure Period of 5
(five) business days.
6.1.2 ' Upon occurrence of an Escrow Default, the consequences
with underand in accordance with the provisions of the Concession


7.1 ' Duration of the Escrow Agreement
This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect so long as
to be advanced or is outstanding from the Concessionaire in respect of the debt,
guarantee or financial assistance received by it from the Senior Lenders, or any of
its obligations to the Authority remain to be discharged, unless terminated earlier
by consent of all the Parties or otherwise in accordance with the provisions of this
7.2 Substitution of Escrow Bank
4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from krn 307.000 to km 347.800 ofNH-71 and connecting link from'km
\J . :.

347.800 of NH.71 to krn 9.400 of NH-71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under 5.;
NHDP Phase III in the State of Haryana Pogr S-9 !

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Nalional Hiohwavs Aulhorilv oflndia Schedules

The Concessionaire may, by not less than 45 (forty five) days prior notice to the
Escrow Bank, the Authority and the Lenders' Representative, terminate this
- Agreement and appoint a new Escrow Bank, provided that the new Escrow Bank
. is acceptable to the Lenders' Representative and arrangements are made
satisfactory to the Lenders' Representative for transfer of amounts deposited in
the Escrow Account to a new Escrow Account established with the successor
Escrow Bank. The termination of this Agreement shall take effect only upon
coming into force ofan Escrow Agreement with the substitute Escrow Bank.
7.3 Closure of Escrow Account
The Escrow Bank shall, at the request of the Concessionaire and the Lenders'
Representative made on or after the payment by tine Concessionaire of all
outstanding amounts under the Concession Agreement and the Financing
Agreements including the payments specified in Clause 4.2, and upon
confirmation of receipt of such payments, close the Escrow Account and Sub-
Accounts and pay any amount standing to the credit thereof to the Concessionaire.
Upon closure of the Escrow Account hereunder, the Escrow Agreement shall be
deemed t o be terminated.
8.1 Supplementary escrow agreement
The Lenders' Representative and the concessionaire shall be entitled to enter into
a supplemen!ary escrow agreement with the Escrow Bank providing, inter alia,
for detailed procedures and documentation for withdrawals from Sub-'Accounts
pursuant to Clause 4.1.1 and for matters not covered under this Agreement such
as the rights and obligations o f Senior Lenders and lenders of Subordinated Debt,
investment of surplus funds, restrictions on withdrawals by the Concessionaire in
the event of breach of this Agreement or upon occurrence of an Escrow Default,
procedures relating to operation of the Escrow Account and withdrawal
therefrom, reporting requirements and any matters incidental thereto; provided
that such supplementary escrow agreement shall not contain any provisionwhich
is inconsistent with this Agreement and i n the everit of any conflict or
inconsistency between provisions of this Agreement and such
escrow agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail.

9.1 General indemnity
9.1.1 The ~oncwsioiairewill indemnify, defend and hold the
and the Senior ~enders,acting through the Lenders' Representative, harmless
against any and all proceedings, actions and third party claims for any loss,
damage, cost and expense arising out of any breach by the Concessionaire of any
of its obligations under this Agreement or on account of failure of the
concessionaire to comply with Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits.
9.1.2 The Authority will indemnify, defend and hold the Concessionaire .hamless
against any and all proceedings, actions and third party claims for any loss.

Laning of Rohrak Jind Section from krn 307.000 to krn 347.800 ofNH-71 and connec~inglink from krn
347.800 of NH-71 ro km 9.400 of NH.71A to be execuled as DOT [Toll) project on DBFO Panern under
NHDP Phwe I11 in the Slate ofHaryana Pogr S - 10
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National Hiqhwavs Aulhorilv of India Schedules

damage, cost and expense arising out of failure of the Authority to fulfil any of its
obligations under this Agreement materially and adversely affecting the
performance of the Concessionaire's obligations under the Concession Agreement
or this Agreement other than any loss, damage, cost and expense arising out of
acts done in discharge of their lawful functions by the Authority, its oficers;
servants and agents.

9.1.3 The Escrow Bank will indemnify, defend and hold the Concessionaire harmless
against any and all proceedings, actions and third party claims for any loss,
damage, cost and expense arising out of failure of the Escrow Bank to fulfil its
obligations under this Agreement materially and adversely affecting the
. performance of !he Concessionaire's obligations under the Concession Agreement
other than any loss, damage, cost and expense, arising out of acu done in
discharge of their lawful functions by the Escrow Bank, its officers, servants and

9.2 Notice and contest of claims

In the event that any Party hereto receives a claim from a third party in respect of
which it is entitled to the benefit ofan indemit~underClause 9.1 or in respect of
which it is entitlcd to reimbursement (the "Indemnified Party"), it shall notify
the other Party rcspol~sible for indcrnnifying such claim hereunder (the
"Indemnifying Party") within I > (fifteen) days of receipt o l the r;laim and shall
not settle or pay the claim without-the prior approval of the Indemnifying Party,
which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. In the event that
the Indemnifying Party wishes to contest or dispute the claim, it may conduct the
proceedings in the name of the Indemnified Party and shall bear all costs involved
in contesting the same. The Indemnified Party shall provide all cooperation and
assistance in contesting any claim and shall sign all such writings and documents
as the Indemnifying Party may reasonably require.


Dispute resolution

10.1.1 Any dispute, difference or claim arising out of or in conr~ection with 'k$ /VEWD+
Agreement, which is not resolved amicably, shall be decided finally by reference
to arbitration to a Board of Arbitrators comprising one nominee of each Party to
the drspute, and where the number of such nominees is an even number, the
nominees shall elect another person to such Board. Such arbitration shall be held
in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the International Centre for
Alternative Dispute Resolution, New Delhi (the "Rules") or such other rules as
may be mutually agreed by the Parties, and shall be subject to the provisions of
the Arbitration and Conciliation Act. 1996.

10.1.2 The Arbitrators shall issue a reasoned award and such award shall be final and
binding on the Parties. The venue of arbitration shall be Delhi and the language of
arbitration shall be English.


4 r"!
Laning of Rohtak J ~ n dSection from km 307.000 to km 347 800 of NH.7 I and connecting link from km
347.800 of NH-7 I to krn 9 400 of NH-71A ro be execured as BOT (Toll) project on DBEO Pattern under
NHDP Phwe Ill in the State o f Haryana PogeS- I 1
11.1 Governing law and jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with and

governed by the laws of India, and the Courts at Delhi shall have jurisdiction over
all matters arising out ofor relating to this Agreement.

11.2 Waiver of sovereign immunity

The Authority unconditionally and irrevocably:

(a) agrees that the execution, delivery and performance by it o f this

Agreement constitute commercial acts done and performed for
soinnercial purpos:;

(b) agrees that, should any proceedings be brought against it or its assets,
property or revenues in any jurisdiction in relation to this Agreement or
any iransaction contemplated- by this Agreement, no immunity (whether
by reason of sovereignty or otherwise) from such proceedings shall be
claimed by or on behalf of the Authority with respect to its assets;

(c) waives any right of immunity which it or its assets, property or revenues --_ _
now has, may acquire in the future or which may be attributed to it in any
jurisdiction; and

(d) consents generally in respect of the enforcement of any judgement or

award against it in any such proceedings to the giving of any relief or the
issue of any process in any jurisdiction in connection with such
proceedings (including the making, enforcement or execution against it or
in respect of any assets, property or revenues whatsoever irrespective of
their use or intended use o f any order or judgement that may be made or
given in connection therewith).
11.3 Priority of agreements

In the event of any conflict between the Concession Agreement and this
Agreement, the provisions contained in the Concession Agreement shall prevail
over this Agreement.

11.4 Alteration of terms

All additions, amendments, modifications and variations to this Agreement

be effectual and binding only if in writing and signed by the duly autho
representatives of the Parties.

11.5 Waiver

11.5.1 Waiver by any Party of a default by another Party in the observance and
performance of any provision of or obligations under this Agreement:

(a) shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any other or subsequent

default hereof or of ather of or obligations under this

4 Lsning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307:000 to and connecting link from km
347.000 of NH-71to km 9.400 of NH-7IA to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Patfern under
NHDP Phase Ill in the State of Haryana Pogc S - I2 1
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National Hiqhwavs Authoritv of India Schedules


(b) shall not be effective unless it is in writing and executed by a duly

authorised representative of the Party; and

(c) shall not affect the validity or enforceability of this Agreement in any

11.5.2 Neither the failure by any Party to insist on any occasion upon the performance of
the te&s,-conditions and provisions of this Agreement or 'any obligation
thereurider nor time or other indulgence granted by any Party to another Party.
. shall be treated or deemed as waiver ofsuch breach or acceptarrce of any variation
or the relinquisli~rlc~rt
of any such right hereunder.

11.6 No third party beneficiaries

.This Agreement. is solely for the benefit of the Parties and no other person or
entity shall have any rights hereunder.

11.7 ' Survival

11.7.1 Termination of this Agreement:

(a) shall not relieve the Partiks of any obligations hereunder which expressly
,, or by ilnplicatio~lsurvive termination hereof; and

(h) except as otherwise pruvided in ally provision of this Agreement expressly

limiting the liability of either Party, shall not relieve either Party of any
obligations or liabilities for loss or damage to the other Party arising out
, of, or caused by, acts or omissions of such Party prior to the effectiveness
of such termination or arising out of such termination.

11 -7.2 All obligations surviving the cancellation, expiration or termination of this

Agreement shall only survive for a period of 3 (three) years following the date of
such termination or expiry of this Agreement.

11.8 Severability
If for any reason whatever any provision of this ~ ~ r e e m e isn tor becomes invalid,
illegal or unenforceable or is declared by any court of competent jurisdi '
any other instrumentality to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable the . ,
legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be
manner, and the Parties will negotiate in good faith with a view to
or more provisions which may be substituted for such invalid, unen
illegal provisions, as nearly as is practicable to such invalid,
unenforceable provision. Failure to agree upon any such provisions .
subject to dispute resolution under Clause10.1 of this Agreement or o

11.9 Successors and assigns


This Agreement shall be. binding on and s h a i r e to the benefit of the Paniei
and their respective successors aid pem'itted assigns. :.
42 3
4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from krn 307.000 to km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecling link from krn '

347.800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH-71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBF0,Paitern under
NHDP Phase Ill in the State of Haryana Page S - I1
National Hiohwavs Aufhorrlv of Inda Schedules

11.10 Notices

All notices or other communications to be given or made under this Agreement

shall be in writing and shall either be delivered personally or sent by courier or
registered post with an additional copy to be sent by facsimile or e-mail. The
address for service of each Party,its facsimile number or e-mail are set out under
its name on the signing pages hereto. A notice shall be effective upon actual
receipt thereof, save that where it is received after 5.30 (five thirty) p.m. on a
business day, or on a day that is not a busihess day, the notice shall be deemed to
be received on the first business day following the date of actual receipt. Without
prejudice to the foregoing, a Party giving or making a notice or communication by
facsimile or e-mail shall promptly deliver a copy thereof personally, or send it by
courier or registered post to the addressee of such notice or communication. It is
hereby agreed and acknowledged that any Party may by notice change the address
to which such notices and communications to it are to be delivered or mailed.
Such change shall be effective when all the Parties have notice of it.
11.11 Language
. .

All notices, certificates, correspondence and proceedings under or in connection

with this Agreement shall b e in English.
11.12 Authorised representatives
f- Each of the Parties shall, by noticeS'in writing, designate their respective
authorised representatives through whom only all communications shall be made.
A Party hereto shall be entitled to remove andlor substitute or make fresh
appointment of such authorised representative by similar notice.
, .
. . 11.13 Original Document
This Agreement may be executed in four counterparts, each of which when
executed and delivered shall constitute an original of this Agreement.

. .
4 Laning,of Rohtak Jind Section from krn 307.000 to krn 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link from km
347.800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH-7IA to be execu~edas BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Partcm under
NHDP P h ~ lli
c i n ~ h Statc
c of Haryana P a g e r - 14 1 '
CONCESSIONAIRE has been affixed AND
For and on behalf of
pursuant to the resolution passed by the SENIOR LENDERS by
Board of Directors of the Concessionaire ~ ~~ ~ d~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~
at its meeting held on the ......... day of
20.. . .. hereunto affixed in the presence (Signature)
cf .........., Director, who has signed these mame)
presents in token thereof and ........., (Designation)
Company Secretary 1 Atlthorised Officer (Fax No.)
who has countersigned the same in token (e-mail address)
thereof ':


Fcr and on behalf of For and on behalf of
(Signature) (Signature) . .

(Name) (Name)
(Designation (Designation)
(Address) (Address)
(Fax No.) (Fax No.) .
(e-mail (e-mail address)
In the presence of:

To be affixed in accordance with the anicles of association of the Concessionaire. Pi;'.,,3 -'* .

4 Laning of Rohtak lind Section horn km 107.000 to krn 347.100 of NH-II and connecting link from krn
347.800 otNH.71 to km 9.400 of NH-71A lo be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under
NHDP Phase Ill !n the State of Haryana Page S 15. -
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%- < Nalional Hiqhwavs Aulhorilv of India schedules

(See Clause 33.2.1)


1 Panel of Chartered Accountants
. .

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 33.2.1 of the Agreement, the Authority and
the Concessionaire shall prepare a mutually agreed panel of 10 (ten) reputable
firms of Chartered Accountants having their registered offices in India (the
"Panel of Chartered Accountants"). The criteria for preparing such Panel and
the procedure to be ~doptedin this behalf shall be as set forth in this Schedule-T.

2 Invitation for empanelment

The Authority shall invite offers from all reputable firms of Chartered
Accountants who fulfil the following eligibility criteria, namely:

(a) the f i n should have conducted statutory audit of the annual accounts of at
least one hundred companies registered under the companies Act, 1956,
of which at least ten should have been public sector undeitakings; . .

(b) the firm should have at least 5 (five) practising Chartered Accountants on
its rolls, each with a minimum experience of ten years in the profession;

(c) .the firm or any of its partners should not have been disqualified or black-
listed by the Comptroller and Auditor General of lndia or the Authority;
. and,

(d) the firm should have an office in the State or in an adjacent State with at
least 2 (two) practising Chartered Accountants on its rolls in such State.

2.2 lnterested firms meeting the eligibility criteria shall be required to submit a
statement of their capability including the bio-data of all the practising Chartered
Accountants on its rolls. In particular, each firm shall be required to furnish year-
wise information relating to the names of all the companies with an annual
turnover exceeding Rs. 100,00,00,000 (Rs. one hundred crore) whose annual
accounts were iudited by such firm in any of the preceding 5 (five) A c c o u n t i k

Evaluation and selection

The information furnished by each firm shall be scrutinised and evalua
Authority and 1 (one) point shall be awarded for each annual
companies specified in Paragraph 2.2 above. (For the avoidance of
which has conducted audit of the annual accounts of any such corn
years shall be awarded five points).

3.2 The Authority shall prepare a list of all the eligible firms along with the points
scored by each, such fim and 10 (ten) firms scoring the highest pointsshall be
identified and included in the draft Pan 1
hartered Accountants.

4 l i n i n g of RohlakJind Section from krn 307:oab to km 347.800 ofNH-71 and connecting link born km .
347.800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH-71A to be executed as BOT (Toll) . - on DBFO.Pancrn under
. ..proiecl
NHDP Phase Ill i n the State o f Haryana Page 7 - 1
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Nalional Hiahwavs Aulhorilv of India Schedules LP

c- ,-
4 Consultation with the Concessionaire
G;.. .

. . ,.TheAuthority shall convey the aforesaid panel of f i n s to the Concessionaire for -#

scrutiny and comments, if any. The ~oncessionaireshall be entitled to scrutinise 'J

. .
the reIevant records of the Authority to ascertain whether the selectio? of firms . . ., , -
- .
. ,
has been undertaken in accordance with,the prescribedprocedure and it shall send
its comments;if any, to the Authority within 15 (fifteen) days of receiving the
c:' ..
. .

aforesaid panel. G',-. . ..


. . .-
5 ' Mutually agreed panel G..J
5.1 The Authority shall, after considering all relevant factors including the comments,
if any, of the Concessionaire, finalise and constitute a panel of 10 (ten)' firms
which shall be deemed to be the mutually agreed Panel of Chartered Accountants.
5.2 After completion of every five years from the date of preparing the mutually
agreed Panel of Chartered Accountants, or such earlier period as may be agreed
between the Authority and the Concessionaire, a new panel shall be prepared in
accordance with the provisions of this Schedule - T.

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4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 to km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link-from km -7
347.800 of NH-71 io km 9.400 of NH.7lA to be executed as BOT (Toll) projecr on DBFO Pattern under a'.,-
Pagt T - 2
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NHDP Phase I l l in the State of Haryzna -7
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.-* National Hiuhwavs Authority of India Schedules

(See Clause38.4)


1 The Chairman, National Highways Authority of India (the "Author,ity") refers to

the Concession Agreement dated ....................(the "Agreement") entered
into between the Authority and M/s VIL Rohtak Jind Highway Private Limited
(the "Concessionaire") for 4 Laning of Rohtak lind Section from km 307.000 to
km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link from krn 347.800 of NH-71 to km
9.400 or"NiI-71k to be executed as BOT (Toll) groject on DBFO Pattern under
NHDP Phase 111 in the State of Haryana (the "Project Highway") on design,
build, finance, operate and transfer ("DBFOT")basis.
4d 2 The Authority hereby acknowledges compliance and fulfilment by the Concessionaire
of the Divestment Requirements set forth in Clause 38.1 of the Agreement on the
-9 basis that upon issue of this Vesting Certificate, the Authority shall be deemed to
-3 have acquired, and all title and interest of the Concessionaire in or about the
,-.> Project Highway shall be deemed to have vested unto the Authority, free from any
enc~mbrances,charges and liens whatsoever.
3 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary'contained hereinabove, it shall be a .
condition of this Vesting Certificate that nothing contained herein shall be construed
or interpreted as waiving the obligation of the Concessionaire to rectify and remedy
any defect or deficiency in any of the Divestment Requirements andlor relieving the
Concessionaire in any manner of the same.
Signed this of ............., 2 0 Delhi.


For and on behalf of For and on behalf of
(Signature) (Signature)
(Name) (Name)
(Designation) (Designation) .
(Address) (Address)

In the presence of: I

1: 2.

4 Lening of Rohlak Jind Section from kn 307.b00 t o km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link from km
347.800 of NH.71 lo km 9.400 of NH.7lA ro be execured as DOT (Toll). .project
- on DBFO Pallern under
NHDP Phase I l l in !he Slate of H a r y n a Page U - 1
. . . . . . . . . .
.'~alional~ i o h w a i s~ulhorilvof I n d i a schedules
F" ,:
p ' , ,;: )
(See Clause 40.3:l) * .

e:j -
.. AGREEMENT is entered into on this the of
....a*. 20 ....

&&" .--.
1 I The National Highways Authority of India, established under the National 2 9

Highways Authority Act 1988, represented by its Ciiairtrlan arid having its
principal offices at G-5 & 6, Sector 10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 (hereinafter
referred to' as the "Authority" which expression shall unless repugnant t o . the
context ur rneanit~gthereof iilcludc its administrators, success&s and assigns);
&' '+-



inborporatcd under the provisions - of the Companies .Act, 1956 and, having its
registered office at B -5/2l, Vishal K'RaKd; Gomiti Nagar, ~!cknow 226010, - . . 48)' y-., 'I

Uttar Pradesh, lndia , (hereinafter referred to as the "Concessionaire".which w

expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof inclide, Its dJ8ip =-,
. . .......
.... .
successors and pertuitted assigns and substitut&); ..
. ._!

.,. ,--

3 and particulars of Lenders' Representative and having i


J --:
its registered office at ...................1 ...., acting for and on behalf of the Senior
. .
Lenders as their duly authorised agent with regard to matters arising out of'or in .. -
' ,

,relation to this Agreement (bereinatler referred to as the "Lenders'

. .
a.'-' --
~ e ~ r e s e n t a t i v e "which
, expression shall unless repugnant to the context or

meaning thereof include its successors and substitutes);

e ,-

(A) a The Authority has entered into a ~oncessioriAgreement dated ..................

w'ith the Concessionaire. (the "Cohcession Agreement") for 4 Lanin
Jind Section from km 307.000 to km 347.800 o f ~ ~ - and 7 1 connecti
km 347.800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH-71A to be executed as
project on DBFO Pattern under NHDP Phase I11 in the State of'
design, build, finance, operate and transfer basis (DBFOT), and a copy
annexed hereto and marked as Annex-A to form part of this Agreement.

(B) Senior Lenders have agreed to finance the ~roject'inaccordance with the terms
and.conditions set forth in the Financing Agreements.

(C) Senior Lenders have requested the Abthority to enter inti this substitution
Agreeme"t for securing their interestj fhrough assignment, transfer.and
substitution of the Concession to a Nominated Company in accordance with 'the
'4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section 'from krn 30f000 to krn 347.800 ofNH.71 and co"ncc;ing link fro& krn .
347.800 of NH-71 to kni 9.400 of NH-71A to be ex
NHDP Phase I11 in the State of Haryana . 4e19BOT (Toll)
. project on DBPO Panern under
:. ~ n g .Yr - I
. .
. . . ..
National Hiqhwavs Authorilv of India Schedules
. .

provisions of this Agreement and the Concession Agreement.

(D) In order to enable implementation of the Project including its financing,

construction, operation and maintenance, the Authority has agreed and undertaken
to transfer and assign the'concession to a Noininated Company in accordance -.
with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and the Concession

NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the respective covenants

and agreements set forth in this Agreement, the receipt and suficiency of which is hereby
acknowledged, and intending to be legally bound hereby, the Parties agree as follows;

1.1 Definitions

. .
In this Substitution ~ ~ r e e m e nthe
t , following words and exprcsiions shall, unless
.. repugnant, to the context or meaning thereof, have the meaning hereina'fter
respective!^ assigned to them: . . , . . ~

"Agreement" means this Substitution Agreement and any amendment thereto . :

made in accordance with the provisions contained in this Agreement;

"Financial Default" means occurrence of a material breach of the terms and

conditions of the Financing Agreements or a continuous default in Debt Service
by the Concessionaire for a minimum period of 3 (three) months;

"LendersJ Representative" means the person referred to as the Lenders'

Representative in the foregoing Recitals;

"Nominated Company" means a company, incorporated under the provisions of

the Companies Act, 1956, ?elected by the Lenders' Representative, on behalf of
Senior Lenders, and proposed to the Authority for assignmenthransfer of the
Concession as provided in this Agreement;

"Notice of Financial Dcfault" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Clause
3.2.1; and
"Parties" means the parties to this Agreement collectively and
any of the Parties to this Agreement individually.


References to Lenders' Representative shall,, unless repugnant to the con

meaning thereof, mean references to the Lenders' ~e~resentative, acting for and
on behalf of Senior Lenders. -

4 - 30
Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from krn 307:0(r0 to km 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link from km
347.800 of NH-71 lo km 9.400 of.NH.71A to be cxecu!cd as BOT(Toll) projea on DRFO Pancrn under
NHDP Phase 111 in the State of Heryana Pnpr V - 3
National Hi~hwavsAulhorilvaf India Schedules

1.2.2 References to Clauses are, unless stated otherwise, references to Clauses of this

1.2.3 The words and expressions beginning with capital letters a d defined in this
Agreement shall have the meaning ascribed thereto herein. and the words and
expressions used in this Agreenient and not defined herein but defined in the
Concession Agreement shall, unless repugnant to the context, have the meaning
ascribed thereto in the Concession Agreement.

1.2.4 The rules of interpretation stated in Clauses 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 of the Concession
Agreement shall apply, rn~rtatisrnutnndis,to this Agreement.


2.1 Assignment of rights and title

The Concessionaire hereby agrees to assign the rights, title and interest in the
~on'cessionto, and in favour of, the Lenders' Representative.pursuant to and in
accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the Concession Agreement
by way of security in respect of financing by the Senior Lenders under the
Financing Agreements.

3.1 Rights of substitution

3.1.1 Pursuant to the rights, title and interest assigned under Clause:2.1, the Lenders'
l<epresentativ'e shall be entitled to substitute the Concessionaire b y a Nominated
Company under and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the
Concession Agreement.

3.1.2 The Authority hereby agrees to substitute the Concessionaire by endorsement on

the Concession Agreement in favour of the, Nominated Company selected by the
, Lenders' Representative in accordance with this Agreement. (For the avoidance of
doubt, the Senior Lenders or the Lenders' Representative shatl not be entitled to
operate and maintain the Project Highway as Concessionaire either individu

3.2 .Substitution upon occurrence of Financial Default

3.2.1 Upon occurrence of a Financial Default, the Lenders' Representative may

notice to the Concessionaire (the "Notice of Financial Default") alon
particulars thereof, and send a copy to the Authority for its information and
record. A Notice of Financial Default under this Clause 3 shall be conclusive
evidence of such Financial Default aid it shall be final and binding upon the
Concessionaire for the purposes of this Agreement.
- . 431
4 I.aning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000ro k m 347.800 ofNH-71 and connecting link from km
347.800 of NH.71 to km 9,400 of NtC71A 10 be cxeculed as BOT (Toll) projcct on DBFO Patlcrn under
NHDP Phase Ill in the Slate of Haryana Pnge V - 3
("'7 National Hiqhwavs Authority of India Schedules

3.2.2 Upon issue of a Notice of Financial Default hereunder, the Lenders'

Representative may, without prejudice to any of its rights or remedies under this
~ g r e e m e n tor the Financing Agreements, substitute the Concessionaire by a . -
Nominated Company in axordance with the of thk ~ ~ r e e m i n t .. . . .

3.2.3 At any time after the' Lenders' ~ e ~ r e s e n t a t i vhas

e issued a Notice of Financial'
. -.
Default, it may by notice require the Authority to suspend all the rights .of the ' '

Concessionaire and undertake the operation and maintenance of the Project

Highway in accordance with the provisions of Article 36. of the Concession
. . .
Agreement, and upon receipt of such notice, the Authority shall undertake
, , , -
Suspension under and in accordance with the provisions of the Concession
Agreement. The aforesaid Suspension shall be revoked upon substitution of ;he
Concessionaire by a Nominated Company, and in the event such substitution is
not completed within 180 (one hundred and eighty) days from the date of such
Suspension, the Authority may terminate the Concession Agreement forthwith by
issuing a Termination Notice in accordance with the provisions of the Concession
Agreement; provided that upon writien request from the Lenders' Representative .
and the Concessionaire, the Authority may extend the period of 180
(one hundredand eighty) days by a period not exceeding 90 (ninety) days. For the . .
avoidance of doubt, the Authority expressly agrees and. undertakes to .terminate
the Concession Agreement forthwith, upon receipt o f a written request from the
~enders'Representative at any time after 240 (two hundred and forty) days from
the date of Suspension hereunder.

3.3 Substitution upon occurrencg of ~oncessionaireDefault

3.3.1 Upon occurrence of a Concessionaire Default, the Authority shall by a notice

inform the Lenders' Representative of its intention to issue a Termination Notice
and, grant 15 (fifteen) days time to the 'lenderss Representative to make a
representation, stating the intention to substitute the Concessionaire by a
Nominated Company.

3.3.2 In the event that the Lenders' Representative makes a representation to the
Authority within the period of 15 (fifteen) days specified in Clause 3.3.1, stating
that it intends to substitute the Concessionaire by a Nominated Company, the
Lenders' Representative shall be entitled to undertake and compIete the
substitution of the Concessionaire by a Nominated Company in accordance wit q'
the provisions of this Agreement within a Period of 180 (one hundred and e i "@"' :
days from the date of such representation, and the Authority shall eiiher with
Termination or undertake Suspension for the aforesaid period of 180 (one hun
and 'eighty) days; provided that upon written request from the Lende *
Representative and the Concessionaire, the Aufhoriry shall extend the aforeraid'h 4 1.*
period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days by a period not exceeding 90 (ninety)

. . 4 32
Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from krn 307.000 to krn 347.800 ofNH-71 and connecting link from km

347.800 oiNII-71 to krn 9.400 oTNk1-71A to be executed as 801 (Toil) project on DBFO Pancm under
NHDP Phase Ill in the Slate of Haryana Pnge V - 4
National Hlohweus Authorily of India Schedule$

3.4 Procedure for substitution

3.4.1 The Authority and the Concessionaire hereby agree that on or after the date of
Notice of Financial Default or the date of representation to the Authority under ,

Clause 3.3.2, as the case may be, the Lenders' Representative may, without
prejudice to any of the other rights or remedies of the Senior Lenders, invite,
negotiate and procure offers, either by private negotiations or public auction or
tenders for the take over and transfer of the Project Highway including the
Concession to the Nominated Company upon such Nominated Company's
.. of the liabilities and obligations of the Concessionaire towards the
Authority under the Concession Agreemedt and towards the Sedior Lenders ur~der .
the Financing Agreements.

3.4.2 To be eligible for substitution in place of the Concessionaire, the Nominated

Company shall be required to fulfil the eligibility criteria that were laid down by
the Authority for shortlisting the bidders for award of the Concession; provided
that ihe Lenders' Representative may represent to the Authority that all or any of
such criteria may be waived in the interest of the Project, and if thp. Authority ..
determines that such waiver shall not have any material adverse effect on the
Prjtct, it may waive all or any ofsuch eligibility criteria.
3.4.3 Upon selection of a Nominated Company, the Lenders' Representative shall
request the Authority to:

(a) acccdc to transfer to the Nominated Company the right to construct,

operate and maintain the Project Highway in accordance with the
provisions of the Concession Agreement;

(b) endorse and transfer the Concession to the Nominated Company, on the
same terms and conditions, for the residual Concession Period; and

(c) . enter into a Substitution Agreement withthe ~enders'Represhtative and

the Nominated Company on. the same terms as are contained in this

3.4.4 If the Authority has any objection to +he transfer of Concession in fav
Nominated Company in accordance with this Agreement, it shall w
(fifteen) days from the date of proposal made by the Lenders' Repres
give a reasoned order after hearing the Lenders' Representative. If
objection is raised by the Authority, the Nominated Company shall be d
have been accepted. The Authority thereupon shall transfer and endorse the
Concession within 15 (fifteen) days of its acceptanceldeemed acceptance of the
Nominated Company; provided that in the event of such objection by the
Authority, the Lenders' Representative may propose another Nominated
Company whereupon the procedure set forth in this Clause 3.4 shall be followed
1 Laning of R o h a k lind Seclion from krn 307000 to krn 341.800 olNH-71 and mnnerhng link from krn
347.800 ofNH.71 to km 9.400 of NH-71A lo bc executed as 11) project on DBFO Panern under
NHDP Phase I11 in the State of ~ a r y a n a . . Pngt V - s
P . . . ... - . .. .. . .. . . . . . . .
National Highways Authority of lndia Schedules
for substitution of such Nominated Company in place ofthe Concessionaire.

Selection to be binding

'The decision of the Lenders' Representative and the Authority in selection of the
Nominated Company shall be final and binding on the Concessionaire. 'The
Concessionaire irrevocably a@ees and waives any right to challenge the actions
of the Lenders' Representative or the Senior Lenders or the Authority taken
pursuant to this Agreement including the transferlassignment o f the Concession in
favour of the Nominated Company. The Concessionaire agrees and confinns that
it shall nct have any right to seek revaluation of arsets of the Project or the
Concessionaire's shares. It is hereby acknowledged by the Parties that the rights
of the Lenders' Representative are irrevocable and shall not be contested in any
proceedings before any court or Authority and the Concessionaire shall have no
right or remedy to prevent, obstruct or restrain the Authority or the Lenders'
Representative from effecting or causing the transfer by substitution and
endorsement of the Concession as requested by the Lenders' Representative.
Substitution of Nominated Company in Project Agreements

The Concessionaire shall ensure and procure that each Project Agreement
contains provisions'that entitle the Nominated Company to step into such Project
Agreement; in its discretion, in place and substitution of the Concessionaire in the
event of such Nominated Company's assumption of the liabilities and obligations
of the Concessionaire under the ~once'ssionAgreement.


5.1 Termination upon occurrence of Financial Default

At any time after issue of a Notice of Financial Default, the Lenders'

Representative may by a notice in writing require the- Authority to terminate the .
. .i

Concession Agreement forthwith; and upon receipt of such notice, the Aut
shall undertake Termination under and in accordance with
Article 37 of the Concession Agreement.

5.2 Termination when no Nominated Company is selected

In the event that no Nominated Company acceptable to the

and recommended by the Lenders' Representative within
hundred and eighty) days or any extension thereofas set

the provisions thereof.

. --
Authority may terminate the Concession Agreement forthwith in accordance with
.?*. : .
. . 434
of NH-71 and conncc~inglink from km
4 I-aning of R ~ h l i kJind Section from km 307.000 lo km 347.800
347.800 of NH-71 LO km 9.400 ol'NH-71A lo be execuled as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO P a w n under
NHDP Phase 111 in the Start of Haryana -
Pnge V 6
.. . . .-,..
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National Hiahwavs Aulhoritv of India , Schedules

5.3 Realisation of Debt Due

The Authority and the Concessionaire hereby acknowledge and agree that,
without prejudice to their any other right or remedy, the Lenders' Representative
is entitled to receive from the Concessionaire, without any further reference to or
consent of the Concessionaire, the Debt Due upon Termination of the Concession
Agreement. For realisation of the Debt Due, the Lenders' Representative shall be
entitled to make its claim from the Escrow Account in accordance with the
provisions of the Concession Agreement and the Escrow Agreement.

6.1 Duration of the Agreement

This Agreement shall come into force from the date hereof and shall expire at the
earliest to occur ofthe following events:

(a) Termination of the Agreement; or

- -

(b) no sum remains to be advanced, or is outstanding to the Senior Lenders,

under the Financing Agreements.

7.1 General indemnity

7.1.1 The Concessionaire will indemnify, defend and hold the Authority and the
Lenders' Representative harmless against any and all proceedings, actions and
third party claims for any loss, damage, cost and expense of whatever kind and
nature,arising out uf ally breach by the Concessio~laireof any of its obligatioils
under this Agreement or on account of failure of the Concessionalre to comply
with Applicable Laws and Applicable Permits.

7.1.2 The Authority will indemnify, defend and hold the Concessionaire
against any and all proceedings, actions and third party claims fo
damage, cost and expense arising out of failure ofthe Authority to fu
obligations under this Agreement, materially and adversely a
performance of the Concessionaire's obligations under the Concession
or this Agreement, other than any loss, damage, cost and expense, arls~
acts done in discharge of their lawful functions by the Authority, its officers,
servants and agents.

7.1.3 The Lenders' Representative will indemnify, defend and hold the Concessionaire
harmless against any and all proceedings, actions and third party claims for any
loss, damage, cost and expense arising out of failure of the Lenders' ,
Representative to fulfil its obligations under this Agreement, materially and iI

4 Laning of Rohrak Jind Section from

347.800 o f h'H.71 to km 9.400 of NH.71A to be,
NHDP Phase 111 in the Stare of Hzryana . .
307.000 to k 347.800 of NH-71 and connecting link from km
fs 801 (Toll) project on DBFO Pattern under
Pngr V - i
. .
. .,
. .

[T. . .
. . . .. . . :;,. . . . :; .... :!?:.: ;;. !, . , .. ._. , . . . .' : , . . . . . .. ' . .
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: , L . ; !: , , ,
' - .....
p, . ' , . . .
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National Hiqhwevs Authorilv ollndie Schedules

adversely affecting the performance of the Concessionaire's obligations under the

Concession Agreement, other than any loss, damage, cost and expense, arising out
of acts done in discharge of their lawful functions by the Lenders' Representative,
its officers, servants and agents.

7.2 Notice a ~ l dcontest of claims

In the event that any Party hereto receives a claim from a third party in respect of
which it is entitled to the benefit of an indemnity under Clause 7.1 or in respect of
which it is entitled to reimbursement (the "Indenlnilied Party"), it shall notify
the other Parry resporsible for indcmnifiing zud! c l e h hereuider (the
"Indemnifying Party") within 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of the claim and shall
not settle or pay the claim without the prior approval of the Indemnifying Party,
such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. In the event that the
Indemnifying Party wishes to contest or dispute the claim, it may conduct the
proceedings in the name of the Indemnified Party and shall bear all costs involved
in contesting the same. The Indemnified Party shall provide all cooperation and
assistance in contesting any claim and shall sign all such writings and documents
as the Indemnifying Party may reasonably require.

8.1 Dispute resolution

8.1.1 Any dispute, difference or claim arising out of or in connection with this
Agreement which is not resolved amicably shall be decided by reference to
arbitration to a Board of Arbitrators comprising one nominee each of the
Authority, Concessionaire and the Lenders' Representative. Such arbitration shall
be held- in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the International Centre for
Alternative Dispute Resolution, New Delhi (the "Rules") or such other rules as
may be mutually agreed by the Parties, and shall be subject to provisions of the
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.
8.1.2 The Arbitrators shall issue a reasoned award end such
binding on the Parties. The venue of arbitration shall be
arbitration shall be English.


9.1 Governing law and jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in

governed by the laws of India, and the Courts at Delhi shall have jurisdiction over
all matters arising out of or relating to this Agreement.

9.2 Waiver of sovereign immunity - '

4 36
4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from kni 307.000 to krn 347.800 of NH-71 and connec~inglink from km
347.800 of NH-71 10 krn 9.400 of Ntl.7IA lo he exccuted DOT (Toll) projecl on DBFO Panern under ,
NHDP Phase 111 in the Sta~cof Haryana Pngr V .8
:,'i :,
. . . . . . . . . . . #.! < I : . . . . . r ., .,:. .,%-,,a> . :.;,:., .. 1. . .. : . . . . . . . . . . .
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.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .,
National Hiohwavs Authorilv of India Schedules

'The Authority unconditionally and irrevocably:

(a) agrees that the execution, delivery and performance by it of this

Agreement constitute commercial acts done and performed for
commercial purpose;

(b) agrees that, should any proceedings be brought against it or its assets,
property or revenues in any jurisdiction in relation to this Agreement or
any transaction contemplated by this Agreement, no immunity (whether
by reason of sovereignty or otherwise) from such proceedings shall bc
ciaimed by or on behalf of the Authoriiy with respect to its assets;

(c) waives any right of immunity which it or its assets, property or revenues
now has, may acquire in the future or which may be attributed to it in any
jurisdiction; and

(d) conscnts generally in respect of the enforcement of any judgement or

award against it in any such proceedings to the giving of any relief or the
issue of any process in any jurisdiction in connection with such
proceedings (including the making, enforcclment or execution against it or
in respect of any assets, property or revenues whatsoever irrespective of
their use or intended use of any order or judgement that may be made or
given in connection therewith).

9.3 Priority of agreements

In the event of any conflict between the Concession Agreement and this
Agreement, the provisions contained in the Concession Agreement shall prevail
over this Agreement.

9.4 ~ l t e r a t i o hof terms

All additions, amendments, modifications and variations to this Agreement shall

be effectual and binding only if in writing and signed by the duly authorised
representatives of the Parties.

9.5 Waiver

9.5.1 . Waiver by any Party of a default by another Party in the

performance of any provision of or obligations under this Agreement:

(a) shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any other or subsequent

default hereof or of other provisions of or obligations under this

(b) shall not be effective unless it riting and executed by a duly

4 Laninn o f Rohtak Jind Sec~ionfrom krn 307.000 to km 347.800 of NH.71 and connectina link from km
347.806of NH-71 to krn 9.400 of NH.7 I A lo bc excculcd as BOT (Toll) project on D R F Pattern
~ under
NHDP Phase I l l in the Slate o f Haryanz Pngr V - 9
f-' Nalional Hiqhwavs Aulhoritv ollndia Schedules

autllorised representative of the Party; and
r> . (c) shall not affect the validity or enforceability of this Agreement in any
9,5.2 Neither the failure by either Party to insist on any occasion upon the performance
of the terms, conditions and provisions of this Agreement or any obligation
thereunder nor time or other indulgence granted by a Party to another Party shall
be treated or deemed as waiver of such breach or acceptance of any variation or
the relinquishment of any such right hereunder.

9.6 N; third party beneficiaries

This Agreement is solely for the benefit of the Parties and no other person or
entity shall have any rights hereunder.

7 9.7 Survival
- -- -
?! 9.7.1 Termination of this Agreement:
2- .

'y .
(a) shall not relieve the Parties of any obligations hereunder which,..expressly
or by implication survive termination hereof;
... '
. . . ....

. . .. .. . . .
except as otherwise provided in any prbCiiion of this Agreement e$%sly
. :::.::::.

?;j (b)
limiting the liability of either Party, shall not relieve either Party of any
: 1
obligations or liabilities for loss or damage to the other Party arisingout of
\ or caused by acts or omissions of such Party prior to the effectiveness, of
. . . .i such termination or arising out of such termination.

9.7.2 All obligations surviving the cancellation, expiration or termination of this

Agreement shall only survive for a period of 3 (three) years following the date of
such termination or expiry of this Agreement.


If for any reason whatever any provision of this Agreement is or becomes i

illegal or unenforceable or is declared by any court of competent jurisdi
any other instrumentality to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the
legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected
manner, and the Parties will negotiate in good faith with a view to agreeing
or more provisions which may be substituted for such invalid, unenforceable or
illegal provisions, as nearly as is practicable to such invalid, illegal or
unenforceable provision. Failure to agree upon any such provjsions shall not be
subject to dispute resolution under Clause 8 of this Agreement or otherwise.
4 Laning o f Rohtak Jind Seclion from km 307.0.00 to km 347.800 of NH-7 I and connecling link from km
347.800 of Nil-71 to km 9.400 of NH-7LA to be (Toll) project pn DBFO Pattern under
NHDP Phase 111 i n ~ h eStale ofHaryana . . PngLY- 10
. ,
. .
. , . .
. . . . . . . . . .
National H;qhways Autharitv 01 India schedules

9.9 Successors and assigns

This Agreement shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties
and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

9.10 Notices

All notices or other communications to be given or made under this Agreement . .

shall be in writing, shall either be delivered personally or sent by courier or

registered post with an nrlditinnal copy to bc scnt by facsimile or e-mail. Ti,e
address for scmicc of cach Party, its facsimilc number and e-mail address are set
out under its name on the signing pages hereto. A notice shall be effective upon
actual receipt thereof, save that where it is received after 5.30 (five thirty). p.m. on
any day, or on a day.that is a public holiday, the notice shall be deemed to be
received on the first working day following the date of actual receipt. Without
prejudice to the foregoing, a Party g,iving or making a nothe or communication by
facsimi!e dr e-inail shall promptly deliver a copy thereof persoually, .or send it by .,
'courier or registered post to the addressee of such notice or communicarion. It is . I

hereby agreed and acknowledged that any Party may by notice change the address. . .
to which 'such notices and communications to it are to be delivered or mailed. : I,

., Such change shall be effective when all the Partieshave notice of it.

9.11 Language

All notices, certificates, correspondence and proceedings under or in connection

with this,Agreement shall be in English. .

9.12 Authorised representatives

Each of the Parties shall by notice in writing designate their respective authorised
representatives through 'whdm only all communications shall be made. A Party
hereto shall be entitled to remove andlor substitute or make fresh appointment of
such authorised representative by similar notice.

9.13 Original Document

This Agreement may be executed in three counterparts, each of which when

executed and delivered shall constitute an original of this

4 Laningof Rohtak Jind Section from k m

347.800 of NH,7I ro krn 9.400 of NH-71 A to be executed as BOT (Toll) project on DBFO Paffcrn under
NHDP Phase I l l in the S~ateof Ha:yanz Pnge V - 1 1
. .
. .
. .
. .
. . . .
. . ' . :
. .
National Hiahivavs Aulhorifv of India ' '~chedule;




CONCESSIONAIRE has been affixed AND
For and ori behalf of
pursuant to the resolution passed by the NATIONAL HIGHWAYS
Board of Directors ofthe Concessionaire at AUTHORITY OF INDIA by:
its meeting held on the ......... day of
20.. .... hereunto affixed in the presence of (Signature)
.......... Director, who has signed these (Name)
presents in token thereof and ..........
Company Secretary / Authorised Officer . (Fax No.)
who has countersigned the same in token (e-mail address)
thereof ':


For and on behalf of
SENIOR LENDERS by the Lenders' Representative:
(e-mail address)

In the presence of:

. . -440
'To be affixed in accordance with the anicles of association of the Concessionairc.
4 Laning of Rohtak Jind Section from km 307.000 to km 347.800 olNH-71 and connecting link from km
347.800 of NH-71 to km 9.400 of NH.7lA to be exe'cuted as DOT (Toll) project on DRFO Palte~nu,nder
NHDP Phase 111 in the StaleofHaryana Pngc v - 12

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