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Postal voting is a convenient Postal votes are usually sent
out around 10 days before

Christopher Hill
and easyway of voting.

As a registered voter, instead of

voting in person at a polling
X election day.

Once you have received your

station, you can choose to have postal voting pack read the
your ballot papers sent to you enclosed instructions, complete
which you can then return in a
freepost envelope.
your postal vote and return it as
soon as possible in the prepaid
for a City that works
envelopes provided.

Postal Vote applications close on March 8th

23rd City of London
To apply for a Postal vote, visit my website at: to download
Dear Friend, Common
the forms. Alternatively, contact the City of London Electoral Services on 0800 587 553.

You have until the close of poll at 8pm on election day to return your postal vote.
My connection with the Ward of Farringdon
Within is almost lifelong. My father had a
building business with offices at Gresham
X Council
Election 2017
If you dont make the post, you can still drop your postal vote off at the House on Holborn Viaduct. As a small boy, he
Farringdon Within Polling Station on election day, Thursday 23rd March. used to take me to work with him on Saturday
mornings. Many years later I managed that MY PRIORITIES FOR
March same business.
X Subsequently I qualified as a solicitor, became

Farringdon Within Polling Station a partner in a City firm and now have my own
Election Day Memo
ur S

Reclaim the streets for residents

Cutlers Hall legal practice in the City. I hold an MBA from

A4 4 Warwick Lane,
0 Cranfield School of Management, am a
Polling Day is: New London liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Tackle rough sleeping in the City
Thursday 23rd March Bishops Ct eS EC4M 7BR
t Plumbers and have recently served as a
Old Bailey

Your polling station is at: Old School Governor. Improving air quality
Warwick Lane

Cutlers Hall, I live with my family in the Barbican and am

4 Warwick Lane, rner
ebu e Cutlers typical of people who live and work in the
Reinvigorate the City for residents
L La n Hall
London EC4M 7BR Ward. If elected, I will stay close to the
Stock Exchange residents and businesses of Farringdon Within The best Brexit for the City
Polls open at 8am
Warwick Lane

rt St
White Ha
Old Bailey

to make sure that your voice is heard during

Amen Ct Paternoster
Polls close at 8pm Square what promises to be a period of rapid change
in our City.
You have eight votes, Temple Bar Contact Chris:
Best wishes,
please use them all! Ludg
ate H
Ludgate H
St Pauls
Creed C

Christopher Hill
Creed L

n Ct

St P

The City of London is about to go through a period of rapid
for a City that works change. This is an opportunity for us to make the City a better
Promoted by Christopher Hill, 203 Cromwell Tower, Barbican, London, EC2Y 8DD place in which to live and work.
Printed by Vale Press Ltd, 6 Willersey Business Park, Willersey, Worcestershire WR12 7RR
Brexit will profoundly change the City. It
seems inevitable that some businesses The City's status as the World's
will relocate away. leading Financial Centre and the
Financial Capital of Europe is under
Empty buildings will need to be threat. The Corporation must do
repurposed. This is an opportunity to everything it can to retain as many of
RECLAIM THE reinvigorate the City by encouraging the advantages of the single market as
STREETS FOR RESIDENTS residential development. In 1939 the possible. I am keen to understand the
City of London was home to 40,000 Brexit challenges facing your
The City has a medieval street plan which is extremely people and had a working population of business and to support you in
ill suited to HGVs, buses and cars but perfectly suited to about 150,000; it is now home to less lobbying for the best
walking and riding a bike. More pedestrians have been killed in than 10,000 people and has a working possible terms.
the City than any other type of road user. We need to reclaim the population of more than 450,000.
streets for residents, pedestrians and cyclists.
Farringdon Within is identified as a
However frustrated they may be by the traffic, cyclists and pedestrians Ward for residential development.
must obey the law. I would encourage the police to prosecute cyclists Barts Square will add 235 flats and houses but there is room for more. In 2013 the City successfully
who jump red lights. campaigned for an exemption from the right to change of use from office to residential without planning
consent. Consequently, the Corporation can control the rate of change.
The redesign of Bank Junction is a good start but much more can
be done. There are simple actions we can take now to make High quality residential development will encourage retail and service businesses to open and make the
walking and cycling safe for short journeys. For example City a better place in which to live and work. I want to encourage people to move back into our City.
pedestrian only streets cost little and vastly improve
the local environment. We can get this done
quickly and effectively.


You have probably noticed that rough sleeping on the
streets of London has increased again. The number of AIR QUALITY
rough sleepers doubled between 2010 and 2015.
Pollution has rightly become a worry for residents. The City of London is the world's leading Financial
The causes are the lack of affordable housing, cuts to Centre but it also has the worst air quality of any capital city in Europe.
social care, cuts to local authority funding and cuts to
grants to voluntary organisations which provide hostel Short term effects include sore eyes, a tickly cough or dry throat. Long term, 40,000 people a year die
places. prematurely from NO2 pollution alone in the UK.

Approximately half the rough sleepers are British nationals There are two problem pollutants, NO2 or Nitrogen Dioxide, and the concentration of tiny soot particles
and half vulnerable European economic migrants, often called PM2.5. On the 22 January 2017 the level of PM2.5 particles in the City was higher than that recorded
the victims of people traffickers. on the same day in Beijing.

The Corporation runs an outreach programme and The City's narrow streets, bounded by tall buildings create street canyons which trap polluted air.
supports St Mungos which provides emergency
accommodation and support. The City can do more. Deciding upon the most realistic and effective policies to clean up the City's air is difficult. To start with
there is not enough data. The City does not measure air quality. King's College London have four air quality
The root causes of the problem need to be tackled. The measuring sites in the City but none of them are in the ward of Farringdon Within.
City recently passed up an opportunity to build affordable
housing at Bernard Morgan House in Golden Lane. Even without data we know that we must reduce road traffic, encourage walking and cycling and make
what remains on the road cleaner. We can use the planning process to reduce emissions from buildings.
The City has resources and a powerful voice which we
must use. I want to make sure that these things happen.

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