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Crap just got real, a quote from the movie where an old alleged criminal and a

chubby foster kid is on the run from child protective welfare . In the movie Hunt

For The Wilderpeople, Hector and his foster son, Ricky, form a better relationship

as a family as they take an amazing journey through the New Zealand bush. In the

story hunt for the wilder people, Hector is a dynamic character because in the

beginning he didnt want anything to do with Ricky, then he started to accept

Ricky and finally he became more open

Hector, In the beginning didnt want anything to do with Ricky. Hector said

Bella wanted you not me. This shows That Hector didnt want Ricky at all

because Ricky was an orphan and Bella was really happy to have Ricky but Hector

didnt want to adopt Ricky. Again Hector told Ricky to leave him alone and not to

talk to him. This shows that Hector didnt want Ricky at all because Hector told

Ricky himself that to leave him alone and not call him uncle . Even though Hector

doesnt like Ricky he soon start to accept him.

Hector starts to accept Ricky and care about him. Hector let him call uncle.

This shows that Hector accepts Ricky because when Bella told Ricky to call her

aunt she also told him to call Hector uncle but he didnt want Ricky to call him that

but after all the adventure they had hec finally let Ricky call him uncle. Hector

wanted to keep adventuring with Ricky. This shows Hector now like Ricky

because now he isnt like in the beginning when he was mad at him but now he
now likes to go places with him and care about each other. Now that Hector likes

ricky his feelings are coming out.

Hector is more open to his feelings. Hector wrote a haiku. This shows

that he is more open his feelings because the things he wrote in the haiku

expressed on how he and ricky were getting along. Hector loves Ricky. This

shows that Hector is more open to his feelings is because he really never

expressed emotions toward people and now he is showing his feelings when

he wanted to go live with Ricky.

Why is it that many people are accused of crimes just by assumption

like the old alleged criminal with his chubby foster kid was? In the movie it

shows how two people can change their feelings about each other being lost

in the New Zealand bush. Why are so many people getting arrested for 5-10

years of their life for something they didnt do? Why are people mean and

just assume? What will you do to stop or prevent this Why is all of this


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