Tumultuous Times Review Answers

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Tumultuous Times Exam Review

1. Explain the purpose/goals of Johnsons Great Society Programs listed below

Program Purpose
Medicare Provided health care for the elderly

Medicaid Provided health care for poor children

Head Start Pre-K program for disadvantaged youth

Office of Economic Opportunity Administered, guided, and coordinated various

(OEO) Great Society/War on Poverty programs

2. Describe the foreign and domestic policies of the President listed below

Foreign Policy Domestic Policy

Cuban Missile Crisis New Frontier
naval quarantine against Goals
Cuba increase aid to
Bay of Pigs Invasion Tried education
to overthrow communist provide health
leader; major fail insurance to the
Vietnam supports South elderly
Vietnam by sending aid make cities more
and advisors livable
John F. Kennedy
The Alliance for Progress - end poverty
To improve relations tax cut to stimulate
between the United States economic growth
and Latin America by raise minimum
providing aid wage
Peace Corps American ban racial
volunteers are sent to help discrimination
in developing countries

Vietnam responsible for the Great Society War on

escalation of forces in Poverty
Lyndon B. Vietnam Advancement of Civil Rights

Richard Nixon Dtente with China and New Federalism reduce

the Soviet Union the size and power of the
-opened relations with federal government
China Environmental Protection
-SALT Strategic Arms Agency (EPA)
Limitations Treaty to OSHA to protect workers
reduce the number of Fighting stagflation
Tumultuous Times Exam Review

nuclear weapons Energy crisis oil embargo

by Arab countries to
protest US support for

3. Define and explain the significance of the following terms associated with the
Vietnam War.

Define Explain the significance

Domino Theory If one country falls to Was the justification for US
communism then the involvement in Korea and Vietnam
surround countries will
also become
Ho Chi Minh Trail Route used by Viet Was one reason why the US had a
Cong to bring troops hard time fighting the Vietnamese
and supplies into Secret War bombed the peaceful
South Vietnam; ran countries of Laos and Cambodia
through Laos and without citizens knowing

Tet Offensive Attack by Viet Cong in Was a turning point in public

South Vietnam; was opinion against the Vietnam War;
considered a success Americans saw discrepancy
for the US between what they were seeing
and what they were being told

My Lai Massacre US soldier entered Shows the stresses of war and

Vietnamese village in was hidden from the American
search and destroy public
mission and ended up
mostly women,
children, and elderly

Gulf of Tonkin Allowed President Led to the War Powers

Resolution Johnson to increase Act/Resolution
troop involvement in
Vietnam without a
declaration of war

War Powers Act Limited the power of A response to Gulf of Tonkin

the president to
commit troops without
a declaration of war

26th Amendment Changed the voting Was a response to the draft; old
Tumultuous Times Exam Review

age to 18 enough for fightin but not for

Pentagon Papers Document released to American public learned of events
the New York Times in Vietnam
that revealed the
extent of US
involvement in
Vietnam starting the

4. Explain the significance of the court cases below

Court Case Significance

Tinker v. Des Moines Silent protest against the Vietnam war in school
Supreme Court ruled that students 1st Amendment
rights has been violated
Yoder v. Wisconsin Ruled Amish families could remove children from school
at the age of 16; violated the establishment clause of
the 1st Amendment

Miranda v. Arizona You must be informed of your rights if you are arrested;
5th Amendment

Reynolds v. Sims one person, one vote legislative districts must be

roughly equal in population
14th Amendments equal protection clause

Baker v. Carr Supreme Court ruled that reapportionment was a

federal issue
14th Amendments equal protection clause

Gideon v. Wainwright You cannot be denied an attorney because you cannot

afford one
Sixth Amendment right

5. Why was success in Vietnam so difficult to achieve?

Troops Most US soldiers were not professional soldiers but were drafted
Geography Viet Cong and NVA were familiar with the landscape; could use
terrain to conceal their movement
Tumultuous Times Exam Review

6. Describe the causes and effects of the anti-war movement. Why did
many young people oppose the Vietnam War?

Many felt that Vietnam was not an immediate threat to the safety of the
United States. As a result, there was an increase in protest movements
against the war
Many young people opposed the Vietnam War because of the draft

7. What was the significance of Nixons visit to China?

opened relations with China
8. What were the effects of the Vietnam War on Johnsons Great Society?
Johnsons Great Society programs lost funding to the high cost of the war in Vietnam

9. What was the role of the media during the Vietnam War?
The media allowed Americans to see the progress of the war on the nightly news.
They began to see discrepancies between what the government was telling them
and what they were actually seeing.
Walter Cronkite was an influential broadcaster who openly criticized the Johnson
10. What is the Watergate Scandal? What were its effects?
It was a scandal involving President Richard Nixon. He had people break into the
offices of the National Democratic Party and paid them to cover it up. He would not
release White House recordings claiming executive privilege, but the Supreme Court
ruled he had to release the tapes.
It led to Nixon being impeached by Congress. He resigned as President instead.
11. What are the causes and effects of the SALT I Treaty?
Relaxing of tensions with the Soviet Union. The treaty limited the amount of arms
of each country for 5 years. The USSR began to find loopholes to create more
12. What was the significance of Woodstock?
It was 4 days of peace and music. Many young people attended who were against
the war in Vietnam.

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