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Tutorial Letter 102/01/2017

Human Computer Interaction


Semester 1, Assignment 1 and 2

School of Computing: Information Systems

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support you in your learning process, you will also receive some study material in printed

Assignment 01 (From chapter 1 to 9)
Total score = 80 marks (100%)

Due date: 28 February 2017

Question 1 (Chapter 1)
Explain the difference between usability goals and user experience goals. (2 marks)

Question 2 (Chapter 2)
a. What is a conceptual model? (2 marks)
b. Briefly describe the four components that make up a conceptual model. (8 marks)

Question 3 (Chapter 4)
Discuss how social media have changed the way in which students keep in touch, make contact, and
manage their social and learning life. (10 marks)

Question 4 (Chapter 5)
In HCI, we consider how interactive systems can be designed to provoke or avoid emotional responses
within users. (18 marks)

Choose the following three aspects of emotional interaction or affective computing as subheadings and
explain how interfaces and interaction experiences can engender emotions in the user. In each
subsection, use your mobile phone to give examples of specific techniques or objects that elicit various
kinds of emotional responses. The subheadings are: expressive interfaces, frustrating
interfaces, and persuasive technologies.

Question 5 (Chapter 7)
This question involves a practical data gathering exercise. Suppose you have to design a robotic toy that
looks just like a normal doll or toy car, but displays some intelligent interactive behaviour towards a child
playing with it. Your aim is to find out from a child what functionality they would like such a toy to have.
You have to conduct an interview with at least one child from pre-school to grade three (ages 6 to 9
5.1 What type of interview would you conduct with the child? Please justify your choice. (5 marks)
5.2 Formulate five appropriate interview questions. Do not include biographic questions. (5 marks)
5.3 Conduct the interview and discuss your findings with regard to emerging design ideas.(10 marks)

Question 6 (Chapter 9)
Assume that you are involved in developing a new mobile phone e-learning site for a high school
mathematics course. Suggest ways of applying the user-centered principles in this task. (20 marks)


Assignment 02 (From chapter 10)

Total score 70 marks (100%)

Due date: 05 April 2017

Question 1
This question takes you through the complete software development lifecycle for an interactive product.
You are required to design and evaluate an interactive product for booking tickets online for a cinema. A
user is supposed to be able to book a venue for watching a movie. Most cinema venues have an online
booking facility already but it can be awkward and frustrating to identify and book the seats you want. In
order for you to successfully answer this question, study the model answer provided under additional
resources (Assignment 02 Question 01.pdf)
1.1 Identify five users needs (requirements) for the online facility. Record your data in point form.
(5 marks)
1.2 Based on the user requirements, choose a user profile and produce one persona and one
scenario, capture how the user is expected to interact with the product. (5 marks)
1.3 Perform a task analysis on the main tasks associated with the ticket booking system, i.e
booking a ticket. (10 marks)
1.4 Using the data gathered in 1.1 and your subsequent analysis, identify different kinds of
requirements for the product under the following headings: environmental, user and usability.
(10 marks)

Question 2
Compare usability testing(UT) and field studies(FS) under the following headings:
2.1 The environment in which the evaluation is conducted. (3 marks)
2.2 The number of participants. (2 marks)
2.3 Data collection methods. (3 marks)
2.4 Advantages and disadvantages. (12 marks)

Question 3
Go to myUnisa under Additional resources and download the file Case study Habla Espanol. pdf.
Read the case study and answer the following questions.
3.1 What was the purpose of the usability evaluation? (2 marks)
3.2 Which challenges were encountered in carrying the usability testing of the website? (4 marks)
3.3 What kind of a setting was used in evaluating the usability of the website? (2 marks)
3.4 Which data collection methods were used to collect data? (5 marks)
3.5 How did the use of different methods build on and complement each other to give a broader
picture of the evaluation? (2 marks)
3.6 List any five issues discovered by usability testing on the banks Spanish language website.
(5 marks)

The end

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