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Graduation Performance System (GPS)

Grade 10 Global Leadership Performance Outcomes

Students initiate investigations of the world by framing questions, analyzing, and synthesizing relevant
evidence, and drawing reasonable conclusions about globally focused issues.
LEAD09-10.INV1. Identify and describe a locally, regionally, or globally focused issue and explore
relevant questions about it.
LEAD09-10.INV2. Use multiple international and domestic sources to identify relevant evidence
that addresses a globally focused question.
LEAD09-10.INV3. Analyze and integrate evidence collected to construct a response to a globally
focused question.
LEAD09-10.INV4. Develop a position that considers multiple perspectives in response to a
globally focused question.

Students recognize, articulate, and apply an understanding of different perspectives (including their own).
LEAD09-10.PERS1. Describe a personal perspective on situations, events, issues, or
LEAD09-10.PERS2. Identify and describe the perspectives of other people, groups, or schools of
LEAD09-10.PERS3. Identify and describe the way in which perspectives influence how people
interpret and respond to different situations, events, issues, or phenomena.
LEAD09-10.PERS4. Draw on an understanding of more than one perspective and/or context in
interpreting and communicating information about situations, events, issues, or phenomena.

Students select and apply appropriate tools and strategies to communicate and collaborate effectively,
meeting the needs and expectations of diverse individuals and groups.
LEAD09-10.COMM1. Identify the expectations and perspectives of diverse audiences and apply
that understanding to address the audiences needs.
LEAD09-10.COMM2. Communicate/collaborate successfully using appropriate verbal and
nonverbal strategies.
LEAD09-10.COMM3. Use appropriate resources technology, media, and/or world languages
to communicate/collaborate successfully with diverse individuals and groups.
LEAD09-10.COMM4. Reflect on audience response and/or feedback and revise communication
choices: message, strategies, and/or resources.

Students translate their ideas, concerns, and findings into appropriate and responsible individual or
collaborative actions to improve conditions.
LEAD09-10.ACT1. Identify and create opportunities for individual action to improve a situation,
event, issue, or phenomena.
LEAD09-10.ACT2. Assess options and plan actions based on evidence that indicates the
potential for impact.
LEAD09-10.ACT3. Act individually or collaboratively in responsible ways to contribute to
improvement locally, regionally, or globally.
LEAD09-10.ACT4. Reflect on one's own actions/advocacy for improvement.

2012 Asia Society 1.

Graduation Performance System (GPS)
Grade 10 Global Leadership Rubric

Scoring Dimension Emerging Developing Proficient Advanced

INVESTIGATE THE How effectively does the student initiate investigations of the world by framing questions, analyzing and synthesizing relevant
WORLD evidence, and drawing reasonable conclusions about globally focused issues?

LEAD9-10.INV1. Identifies a local, regional, Identifies and describes a Identifies and describes a locally, Identifies, describes, and frames
or globally focused issue. locally, regionally, or regionally, or globally focused questions about an issue
globally focused issue. issue and explores relevant and explains how that issue
questions about it. is locally, regionally, and/or
globally focused.
LEAD9-10.INV2. Uses a single source to Uses few international and Uses multiple international and Uses a variety of international and
identify evidence that domestic sources to identify domestic sources to identify domestic sources to identify and
addresses a globally evidence that addresses a relevant evidence that addresses weigh relevant evidence that
focused question. globally focused question. a globally focused question. addresses a globally focused
LEAD9-10.INV3. Restates or summarizes Restates or summarizes Analyzes and integrates evidence Analyzes, integrates, and
evidence collected to with some analysis, collected to construct a response synthesizes evidence to formulate
address a globally focused evidence collected to to a globally focused question. a coherent response to a globally
question. address a globally focused focused question.
LEAD9-10.INV4. Adopts an existing position Develops a position in Develops a position that Develops a position that
in response to a globally response to a globally considers multiple perspectives in considers multiple perspectives,
focused question. focused question. response to a globally focused addresses counter arguments,
question. and draws reasonable
conclusions in response to a
globally focused question.

2012 Asia Society August 2012

Graduation Performance System (GPS)
Grade 10 Global Leadership Rubric

Scoring Dimension Emerging Developing Proficient Advanced

RECOGNIZE How effectively does the student can recognize, articulate, and apply an understanding of different perspectives
PERSPECTIVES (including his/her own)?

LEAD9-10.PERS1. Adopts another persons Describes a perspective on Describes a personal perspective Expresses his/her personal
perspective on situations, situations, events, issues, or on situations, events, issues, or perspective on situations, events,
events, or phenomena. phenomena. phenomena. issues, or phenomena and
identifies influences on that

LEAD9-10.PERS2. Recognizes that other Identifies the perspectives Identifies and describes the Explains the perspectives of other
people, groups, or schools of other people, groups, or perspectives of other people, people, groups, or schools of
of thought have a schools of thought. groups, or schools of thought. thought and identifies possible
perspective different from influences on those perspectives,
his/her own. including access to information
and resources.
LEAD9-10.PERS3. Recognizes that Identifies how perspectives Identifies and describes the way Explains how perspectives
perspectives affect how affect how people react to in which perspectives influence influence human interactions,
people react to different different situations, events, how people interpret and respond affecting peoples understandings
situations, events, issues, or issues, or phenomena. to different situations, events, of situations, events, issues, or
phenomena. issues, or phenomena. phenomena.

LEAD9-10.PERS4. Identifies the role his/her Uses an understanding of Draws on an understanding of Applies an understanding of
own perspective plays in perspective and/or context more than one perspective and/or multiple perspectives and/or
interpreting and in interpreting and context in interpreting and contexts in interpreting and
communicating information communicating information communicating information about communicating information about
about situations, events, about situations, events, situations, events, issues, or situations, events, issues, or
issues, or phenomena. issues, or phenomena. phenomena. phenomena.

2012 Asia Society August 2012

Graduation Performance System (GPS)
Grade 10 Global Leadership Rubric

Scoring Dimension Emerging Developing Proficient Advanced

COMMUNICATE How effectively does the student select and apply appropriate communication and collaboration tools and strategies, meeting the
IDEAS needs and expectations of diverse individuals and groups?

LEAD9-10.COMM1. Identifies the expectations Identifies the expectations Identifies the expectations and Identifies and understands the
and perspective of an and perspectives of diverse perspectives of diverse audiences expectations and perspectives of
audience. audiences. and applies that understanding to diverse audiences and applies
address the audiences needs. that understanding to meet the
audiences needs.

LEAD9-10.COMM2. Attempts to Communicates/collaborates Communicates/collaborates Communicates/collaborates

communicate/collaborate using verbal and nonverbal successfully using appropriate effectively using appropriate
using verbal and nonverbal strategies. verbal and nonverbal strategies. verbal and nonverbal strategies,
strategies. and identifies how he/she
selected and applied those
strategies to meet the needs of
the audience or collaborators.
LEAD9-10.COMM3. Attempts to use resources Uses resources Uses appropriate resources Selects and applies appropriate
technology, media, and/or technology, media, and/or technology, media, and/or world resources technology, media,
world languages to world languages to languages to and/or world languages to
communicate with diverse communicate with diverse communicate/collaborate communicate and collaborate
individuals and groups. individuals and groups with successfully with diverse effectively with diverse individuals
limited success. individuals and groups. and groups.
LEAD9-10.COMM4. Attempts to reflect on Reflects on audience Reflects on audience response Reflects on audience response
audience response and/or response and/or feedback and/or feedback and revises and/or feedback and successfully
feedback. and attempts to revise communication choices: revises communication choices
communication choices: message, strategies, and/or based on the impact of
message, strategies, and/or resources. communication.

2012 Asia Society August 2012

Graduation Performance System (GPS)
Grade 10 Global Leadership Rubric

Scoring Dimension Emerging Developing Proficient Advanced

TAKE ACTION How well does the student translate his/her ideas, concerns, and findings into appropriate and responsible individual or collaborative
actions to improve conditions?

LEAD9-10.ACT1. Recognizes the need for Identifies opportunities for Identifies and creates Identifies collaborators across
improvement to a situation, individual action to improve opportunities for individual action disciplines and industries and
event, issue, or a situation, event, issue or to improve a situation, event, creates opportunities for
phenomena. phenomena. issue, or phenomena. individual or collaborative action
to improve a situation, event,
issue, or phenomena.
LEAD9-10.ACT2. Plans actions based on the Plans actions based on Assesses options and plans Assesses options and plans
perceived potential for limited evidence or the actions based on evidence that actions based on evidence that
impact. perceived potential for indicates the potential for impact. indicates the potential for impact,
impact. taking into account previous
approaches, varied perspectives,
and/or potential consequences.
LEAD9-10.ACT3. Recognizes an opportunity Acts, individually or Acts individually or collaboratively Acts, individually or
to act, individually or collaboratively, to contribute in responsible ways to contribute collaboratively, in creative and
collaboratively, to contribute to improvement locally, to improvement locally, regionally, responsible ways to contribute to
to improvement locally, regionally, or globally. or globally. improvement locally, regionally,
regionally, or globally. and/or globally and assess the
impact of the action.
LEAD9-10.ACT4. Attempts to reflect on Reflects minimally on Reflects on one's own Reflects on his/her
his/her actions/advocacy for his/her actions/advocacy for actions/advocacy for actions/advocacy for
improvement. improvement. improvement. improvement and considers
implications for future

2012 Asia Society August 2012

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