Hannah - Journalist of The Year

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Sheyen High

800 40 ne th
Avenue East School
West Fargo,
ND 58078
Phone: (701) 356-2160 Fax: (701) 499-
D r. P a m C r o n i n , P r i n c i p a l R y a n S a l i s b u r y, A s s t . P r i n c i p a l A m a n d a H e n r y, A s s t . P r i n c i p a l R o s s R i c h a r d s , A ct i v i t i e s D i r e ct o r
Mitch Grunig, Counselor Krystal Haugen, Counselor
Jessica Raile, Counselor J e s s i c a S t e i n e r, C o u n s e l o r

To Whom It May Concern:

Too often, I find myself disappointed reading an article where sources are unfairly unrepresented,
rolling my eyes at obviously biased headlines. Our news media is riddled with a loose grasp of the
ethics that once set us apart. As a journalism teacher, I am invested in tightening the grip on
journalistic integrity for future generations. Hannah France, whom I am nominating for Journalist of
the Year, is a champion for the same.

I met Hannah when she was a freshman, unfortunately thrown into my first publications class at
Sheyenne High. That year, we were tasked with developing both a newspaper and yearbook for a
then brand new high school, but as it was, the yearbook dominated our time much to Hannahs
dismay. Nonetheless, she came back the next year on the promise that wed begin publishing a
monthly newspaper. With her enthusiasm, we accomplished just that and more additionally
launching our weekly newscast.

Hannah eagerly took to both writing and capturing footage to tell the story of Sheyenne. By the
time she returned as a junior, she was the assistant editor-in-chief, encouraging her staff to reach for
those stories that needed to be heard over those which were easy. Now, as editor-in-chief, she
demands nothing less. This year, her staff has written stories on student homelessness, toxic
relationships, and the Dakota Access Pipeline controversy fostered by her constant guidance and

Most remarkable about Hannah, however, is that investment in ethical journalism and giving a voice
to the voiceless. She values journalistic integrity in a way I see too little of today. Her tenacity and
enthusiasm is unparalleled. For this reasons, I nominate her as Journalist of the Year. Hannah is the
kind of journalist we need for the future, with the heart and grit to move media in the right direction.


Stephanie Cwikla
Language Arts, Publications Teacher
West Fargo Sheyenne High School

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