Tests: Spelling, Capitalization, Word Expression - (60 Minutes)

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Iowa Assessment Notes

Emily Rinehart
Observations from Mrs. Maffin

Tests: Spelling, Capitalization, Word Expression - (60 minutes)
Emily sat at a table facing away from the other student.
She did well in the beginning, but quickly became distracted by her pencil, paper, the rats in my
office, and other things.
Emily would hum and sing. She needed several reminders to be respectful to the other student in
class and keep her voice down.
She also needed constant reminders to attend to the test and move on to the next problem.
I wondered a lot if she actually read the questions or just marked the answers.
I began to use the rats as a motivator - telling her if she worked hard on the test, we could look at
the rats when we were done. She was excited about this and agreed, yet her focus only lasted a
couple seconds until she was humming again and needing me to direct her to the next problem.

Tests: Punctuation, Reading Part 1, Word Analysis - (60 minutes)
Emily sat at a table facing away from the other student.
Emily behaved similarly during this test. I gently reminded her to use the story to help her
answer the questions on the reading tests, and that she needs to make sure she is reading every
question and not just marking answers.
Emily still hummed and sang to herself during these tests. She used the chair insert from her
classroom today, but it did not seem to help her movements and fidgeting and distraction. She
told me afterward that she did not like it. I told her she could use the smooth side of it, or that
she did not have to use it then.

Tests: Science - (35 minutes)
I was out ill - Emily was out ill as well.

Tests: Reading Part 2, Listening - (55 minutes)
Emily sat at a table facing away from the other student.
Emily was the same today. She had been sick the day before, but seemed back to herself today.
She hummed and sang to herself - even loud at times, so I had to remind her of her volume and
being respectful to the other student in our group.
I reminded Emily again with the reading to make sure she was really reading the passages and
using them to help her answer the questions on the test.
During the listening test, I reminded Emily about her voice and not to tap her pencil repeatedly
on the table. I made sure she was looking at me when I read the questions.
At one point, I had to make her erase 3 bubbles because she had filled them out, yet I had not
read those questions yet.
I did have her make up her science test since she was gone on Monday. She completed this very
quickly, so I encouraged her to go over them again. She went through the last section, but then I
could not get her to go through any more of it.

Tests: Math Part 1, Vocabulary - (45 minutes)
Emily sat at a table facing away from the other student.
Emily did not use her scratch paper for the math test at all. I kept watch and redirected her to the
test questions multiple times. She tried writing on other parts of the bubble sheet, so I made her
erase these.
I tried to use the rats as a motivator, and she really enjoyed playing with them, but she could not
seem to control herself for very long. She continued to hum and tap and move in her seat.
When she felt she was done, I encouraged her to look back at her answers. She would not do
this. I had her darken some of her bubbles more. She would try to get out of her seat and
wander around. I told her she needed to stay seated until the timer went off so she would not
distract the other student in our group. She said she was bored. I finally let her draw the last 5

Tests: Math Part 2, Computation - (50 minutes)
Emily sat at a table facing away from the other student.
Emily did use her scratch paper for 1 problem on these math tests.
She worked through the problems sporadically, though, and needed me to redirect her back to the
test multiple times. She also barked some during the testing time today.
She still hummed and sang and tapped her pencil and curled the post-it note that was holding her
place on the answer sheet. She wanted her snack and I finally let her eat it in between tests.
She completed the tests, and we had some rat time.

Social Studies - (35 minutes)
Emily sat at a table facing away from the other student.
Emily told me that she was sad that this was the last day of testing - that she liked testing and
coming to my office.
We only had one test today, but Emily still needed constant redirecting to the test questions and
marking answers.
I would tell her that she was on number 14, and she would say - no, Im not. I did that one. I
would tell her that she did not fill in an answer on her bubble sheet. She would respond oh.
Fill it in, and move on to the next one. She also kept looking through the answer sheet and
commenting about how this was the last test and the booklet was almost full. I continued to
remind her and redirect her back to the test and questions.
She completed the test, and we only had a short time left until the timer went off.
Once the time was up, Emily enjoyed some rat time. I told her she could talk to her teacher
about adding rat time to her reward chart.

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