Beam Bending Problems 2014-15

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CVNG 2001 Structural Mechanics 2014 - 2015

Problem Sheet - Bending Stresses in Beams

Q.1 Figure 1 shows the cross-section of a prismatic I-beam which in has a span of 6 m.:
a) Determine the maximum uniformly distributed load the beam can support if smax= 165 N/mm .
b) Sketch the critical bending stress distribution for the load found in (a) if the allowable stress in
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compression and tension are 100 N/mm and 165 N/mm respectively.
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15 Fig 2

Fig 1

Q.2 A beam having a cross-section as shown in Fig. 2 supports a point load 100 kN acting at mid-span. Find the
maximum span L if the maximum tensile and compressive stresses are 150 N/mm2 and 100 N/mm2,
respectively. Sketch the critical bending stress distribution for the beam section.
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Fig 3
350 Fig 4

Q.3 The welded I- beam shown in Fig. 3 is used as a simply supported beam spanning 6 m and carries a uniformly
distributed load of 50 kN/m. Calculate the maximum bending stress in the beam section and sketch the bending
stress distribution.
CVNG 2001 Structural Mechanics 2014 - 2015

Q.4 The beam section shown in Fig. 4 is subjected to a maximum moment of 400 kNm and a maximum shear force
of 500kN. Determine if the beam cross-section is safe given that the allowable stresses in tension and
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compression are 165 N/mm and 100 N/mm , respectively. Sketch the critical bending stress distribution in the
cross section.

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