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I. Grand Entourage

II. Opening Program

Makabayan Song AVP Presentation

Invocation Lenybeth M. Marcelo
ESP Leader
Opening Salvo
Selected Students
Opening Remarks
Dr. Alvin T. Yalung
OIC - School Head
Dr. Christopher D. Esteban
Head Teacher III
Mr. Julius C. Aguilar
GPTA President
III. Turnover and Acceptance Ceremony

Key of Responsibility
(P) McKennedy F. Taan
(A) Yuen Nicole Joy Dela Paz

School Seal Book of Knowledge

(P) Kendie Rose Padilla (P) Reezer John Bautista
(A) Aimel Franz Rivera (A) Chrisha Mae Galicia

Bible Flower of Conservation

(P) May Anns T. Marty (P) John Paul Japlit
(A) Gwen Harvin Tarroza (A) Maria Eliza Mariano

Philippine Flag Candle of Guidance

(P) Angela Guevarra (P) Joni Yuzon Jr.
(A) Robert Andrew Manio (A) Fevy Mae Javier


IV. Dinner
Song Number
Fevy Mae Javier
Presentation of Nominees
Herzon A. Tuazon
MAPEH Teacher

V. Cotillion
VI. Candle Lighting and Exchange of Tokens
Joeann L. Marso
Goddess of Wisdom
VII. First Dance
VIII. Closing Program
Awarding Ceremony
Closing Remarks
Mr. Rizalino A. Manglicmot
Faculty President
IX. Dance the night away!


Masters of Ceremonies

SARAH: Everybody please pay attention. The program is about to start. For the School Heads,
Special Guests, Teachers and Student-Participants, please form your lines properly and
prepare for the Grand Entourage. For our visitors who will stay inside the venue, kindly
stay on your seats. Please, let us not cause any commotion and create too much noise.
You will not be allowed to go out once you are here in the venue. Avoid taking too much
pictures especially those will cause blockage to the performances and presentations of
our students. Together, let us maintain orderliness and cleanliness in this place for you to
enjoy a very memorable promenade. If you have problems, your teachers are just there to
help you. Thank you for your cooperation.


SARAH: High school life is a roller coaster ride. It is the period of unmasking possibilities, a time of
shaping ones true identity and the stage of forming lasting friendship and memories. This
night, another milestone is about to unfold in your lives as you take part in one of the most
waited moments in high school, the Junior Promenade.

Let us all welcome our lovely and gorgeous, School Heads, GPTA officers, Teachers and
Students wearing their best formal attires in their Grand Entourage.




SARAH: Please remain standing for the Makabayan Song and Invocation to be led by Mrs. Lenybeth
M. Marcelo.

(Singing of Makabayan Song)

PRAYER (Played with instrumental AVP Presentation as background)

(LENYBETH): Dear God, we thank you for bringing us all here safely. This night is a once-in-a-
lifetime event and is a very special evening for all of us. Protect us from harm and
guide us in all our actions. Let us act as ladies and gentlemen and that we may
become mature and responsible persons tonight. Give us the grace and elegance we
need throughout the whole evening and let us be able to express our heartfelt
gratitude and respect to one another.

We pray that our Junior Prom would be a success. Bless each of us the beauty and
wisdom to be able to present ourselves with poise and confidence. Let your presence
be with us all and we pray that you return us home as safely as you brought us here.
Lord, we pray that everyone would have a great time. Let it be an unforgettable
experience to cherish and become a night to definitely remember. This we ask in all
for the greater glory of your name. Amen.


SARAH: You may now take your seats

(Opening Salvo dance dance dance)

SARAH: Ladies and Gentlemen, Let us all welcome our hosts for tonights event: Mr. Francis Louie D.
Mendoza and Mrs. Kristine B. Puno! Let us give them a big round of applause!

FRANCIS: Good evening SCIS!

KRISTINE: Good evening to the handsome gentlemen and the beautiful young ladies who are all
dressed up for this exciting occasion. For sure all of you have spent time, money and
energy for this wonderful event. So we will want this event to be a big success.

FRANCIS: I definitely agree, partner! Seeing our students wearing suits and gowns and not their
usual uniforms is such a refreshing sight, isnt it? And I bet they are all excited to enjoy
the night and dance the night away.

KRISTINE: Im sure they are really excited. So, let us start the program! We are your hosts I am
Kristine Puno

FRANCIS: And I am Francis Louie Mendoza and welcome to tonights


KRISTINE: with the theme

FRANCIS: Unmask Possibilities,

KRISTINE: Form Lasting Memories

(We will thank Suppliers and Sponsors)

KARISAA LIBUNAO ENTERPRISES Over-all Stylist, Catering Services
PIQATO PHOTOGRAPHY Official Photographer
(MH Del Pilar St., San Roque, Tarlac City)
(Maliwalo, Tarlac City)
KULARTS ENTERPRISES Your printing kuya
(Brgy, Cut-cut 1st, Tarlac City, near magic star mall)


FRANCIS: To start, let us hear the opening remarks from our very hardworking and dynamic School
Head; without him, this event would not be possible; let us all welcome with a round of
applause, Dr. Alvin T. Yalung.

(SIR ALVIN): (Opening Remarks)


KRISTINE: Thank you Sir for that uplifting message. And to further enlighten us about the purpose of
this activity, and to also give us his gentle reminders, let us join our hands together for Dr.
Christopher D. Esteban.

(SIR CHRIS): (Message)

FRANCIS: Thank you, Sir for that meaningful message. And now to give us his message, as the
representative of all the beloved parents of our dazzling students, let us welcome here on
stage, the GPTA President of the SCIS High School Department, lets give a big hand to
Mr. Julius C. Aguilar.

(SIR JULIUS): (Message)


KRISTINE: Thank You, Sir Julius! Please extend our deepest gratitude to all the supportive parents
here tonight for entrusting your children to our school and for this event. And Now, let us
move on to the next part of the program. I believe that this is the most relevant tradition
done during Promenades. The Ceremonial Turn-over and acceptance Ceremonies.

FRANCIS: Right! In this part of the program, we will witness the Grade 10 Students as they pass on
and entrust to the Grade 9 Students things that hold great significance and symbolisms.
We will hear them speak a brief message to one another as they reach to each others

KRISTINE: Thats right, that is why it is very important for us to stay focused and listen to what our
dear student-representatives are going to hand over and say to each other.


FRANCIS: Lets start off for the turnover of the key of responsibility. This key symbolizes the
responsibilities that an outgoing Junior High School Student will pass on to an upcoming
Grade 10 student to become model leaders of the Junior High School Department of
SCIS. Let us call on McKennedy F. Taan for the presentation and Yuen Joy Nicole Dela
Paz for the acceptance of the Key of Responsibility

(MCKENNEDY): In behalf of the Grade 10 Students, I do hereby hand you this Key of Responsibility
which symbolizes the duties and functions laid upon your shoulders as the incoming
leaders of our institution.

(Passing of Key of Responsibility)

(YUEN): In behalf of the Grade 9 Students, I do hereby wholeheartedly and humbly accept the Key of
Responsibility that you entrusted to us. We promise to take care of our school and we will
definitely be performing the duties and functions of leadership in the name of student-


KRISTINE: Now lets have Kendie Rose G. Padilla and Aimel Franz Rivera for the turnover of our
School Seal. The School Seal symbolizes the pride and honor of studying here at Sto.
Cristo Integrated School.

(KENDIE): In behalf of the Grade 10 Students, I do hereby pass this School Seal as a symbol of our
pride and honor for studying in Sto. Cristo Integrated School. May you continue to lift-up the
name of our school so that future generations may also bring the pride and honor of being
a true Cristonian and carry on with the legacies that quality products of SCIS are known for.

(Passing of School Seal)

(AIMEL): In behalf of the Grade 9 students, we accept with pride this school seal with all our hearts.
We will do our very best to continue to protect the good name of our school. We will also
strive to achieve honor and fame not only for ourselves but also for the glory of our dear
Alma Mater, the Sto. Cristo Integrated School.

FRANCIS: Next, may we have May Anns T. Marty and Gwen Harvin Tarroza to handover of the bible.
The bible strengthens and signifies the Values and Virtues that a true SCIS Student
should possess.

(MAY ANNS): In behalf of the grade 10 students, I hereby give you this bible as a symbol of Strong
Faith and Fear of the Lord. May you embody the values and virtues that will be
beneficial for mankind. Strive to be models of ethics and good disposition for the
students so that they may emulate your good will and good deeds.

(Passing of Bible)

(GWEN): In behalf of the Grade 9 students, I am overwhelmed to have received this bible. We will do
what is good and influence others to do the same. We will uphold and fight for what is right
and true and we will keep ourselves morally straight in respect to the spiritual beliefs of


KRISTINE: At this point may I call on Angela M. Guevarra and Robert Andrew I. Manio for the
turnover of the Philippine Flag. This flag symbolizes the sense of nationalism that every
Filipino student should have to show their love of country.

(ANGELA): In behalf of the grade 10 students, I am now going to turnover to you our national flag.
This flag symbolizes our love of country. May you Demonstrate the pride of being a
Filipino and properly exercise the rights and responsibilities of a true Filipino citizen.

(Passing of Philippine Flag)

(ANDREW): In behalf of the Grade 9 students, I hereby accept this flag with pride and honor. We
promise to demonstrate appropriate behavior in carrying out activities in the school and in
our community for the good of our country. We will respect and preserve of our Filipino
culture and values. And We will lift the Filipino spirit and help in achieving its sustainable
development goals.


FRANCIS: Next in line will be Reezer John Bautista and Crishia Mae L. Galicia for the turnover of the
book of knowledge. This books represents that the students have to do well in their
studies to learn and gain valuable knowledge.

(REEZER): In behalf of the grade 10 students, I hereby bequeath to you this Book of Knowledge that
holds our pursuit for academic excellence. We hope that you will use the gift of
knowledge for the good of others and not only for personal gains. May you be well-
equipped with the knowledge and skills in facing the adversaries and tasks you will
encounter ahead.

(Passing of Philippine Flag)

(CRISHIA): In behalf of the Grade 9 students, I am overwhelmed to have received this Book of
Knowledge. With this, we promise to do our best in studying our lessons in school. We
will push ourselves to learn not just in school but also everywhere we go. We will find
answers to our questions and find the right solutions for our problems. We will equip
ourselves with skill so that we can contribute in improving ourselves, helping our families
and community and building our nation.

KRISTINE: Right next, will be a very sweet gesture of giving a flower. This symbolizes the love and
our gratitude for mother nature. With this, may we call on John Paul Japlit and Eliza

(JOHN): In behalf of the Grade 10 students, I am bestowing this flower to you. Our school has always
been concerned in maintaining the cleanliness and beautifying our school to provide a
welcoming and conducive learning environment for us. May you take responsibility in
making not only our school but our surroundings clean and green. Let us not forget that this
world is our home that we live in and that we must take care of it in the best way that we

(Passing of Flower of Appreciation)

(ELIZA): In behalf of the Grade 9 students, I do accept this big responsibility. We will demonstrate
care for the environment. We will be more mindful in utilizing our resources wisely,
judiciously, and economically. With this, we take pledge to admire, protect and preserve our
environment. Together, we must act now to be eco-conscious of all our doings specially in
making our surroundings clean at all times.


FRANCIS: Finally, may we have the symbolic passing of the candle of guidance. This will be
performed by Joni Yuzon and Fevy Mae Javier. This candle represents the light that will
serve as their guide in reaching their goals and dreams in life.

(JONI): In behalf of the Grade 10 students, I am handing on to you this lighted candle as symbol of
our dreams and aspirations in life. We must keep it lit-up so that we should be reminded that
we should never stop dreaming. If the light of our candle goes out, we shall light it up again.
This is a reminder that may we all rise up in our mistakes and failures. May we be reminded
that it is essential that we must believe in ourselves and that we shall realize our full potential
so that we can shine the brightest and share the light of our dreams to others.

(Passing of Candle of Guidance)

(FEVY): In behalf of the Grade 9 students, I am willingly accepting this candle. To all of us, may we
continue to aspire and be the best of who we are with patience, perseverance and love. It is
a great challenge for us to reach our dreams but no matter how hard it is, we shall never
stop and continue to move forward. The fire that burning inside of us is very powerful; it is
with your own hands to burn it bright! Work hard for your dreams and reach for the stars!

KRISTINE: Thank you ladies and gentlemen for that very meaningful and nice turnover ceremony.
With these symbols, may we all unmask the positive possibilities and form lasting
memories to become more developed individuals. And may we live with the promises
and wishes we have heard today. Let us give them a big warm of applause.


FRANCIS: Are you Hungry? If yes, I think this is one of your most awaited time for tonights activity.
We will now have or sumptuous dinner prepared and served by our event supplier,
Karissa Libunao Enterprises. Please wait for your table numbers to be called. If called,
please form your lines properly in front of the buffet table and wait for your food to be
served and return to your seats quietly. And to keep us entertained while we wait for our
food, may we call on Fevy Mae Javier of 9-Newton to give us a song number.


(We will thank Suppliers and Sponsors)
KARISAA LIBUNAO ENTERPRISES Over-all Stylist, Catering Services
PIQATO PHOTOGRAPHY Official Photographer
(MH Del Pilar St., San Roque, Tarlac City)
(Maliwalo, Tarlac City)
KULARTS ENTERPRISES Your printing kuya
(Brgy, Cut-cut 1st, Tarlac City, near magic star mall)



KRISTINE: Let us give a round of applause for everyone who showcased their talent. While everyone
is eating, stay on your seats and lend us your ears, because now, we will now announce
the nominees for our Major Prom Awards.

FRANCIS: Who are the stars of this night? And who shined the most? These awards are the

KRISTINE: 2 sets of awards for the Best Dressed Male and Female participant for both Grades 9 and
10 students.

FRANCIS: 2 awardees for the award of becoming the Cinderella of the night. 1 per each Grade level.
If you remember the story of Cinderella, from being a dirty maid, she transformed into a
very beautiful princess. They are an unexpected beauty, perhaps.

KRISTINE: Likewise, 2 awardees will be declared Frog Prince. Also 1 per each grade level. Though
the said awardees do not look like frogs during regular days, they did transform into a
very handsome Prince tonight. An unexpected transformation, shall I say.

FRANCIS: of course, we will also have our Prom Prince and Prom Princess, the standouts from our
Grade 9 Students who possessed good looks, poise and elegance all throughout this

KRISTINE: Lastly, the most prestigious award is becoming the Prom King and Prom Queen from our
Grade 10 students. They are not only nice and good-looking, but also they are also Very
Popular, Charismatic and Influential.

FRANCIS: These nominees were judged during their Registration and Grand Entourage and now
they will be assessed once again here on stage for another look.

KRISTINE: We will call on 12 dashing male nominees and 12 gorgeous female nominees for the 6
sets of awards. This means that 6 males and 6 female nominees will be awarded tonight.
If your name is called, sorry for interrupting your dinner, but please go immediately here
on stage because you might be one of our royalties tonight. You have the chance to win
prizes from our generous sponsors. To start, the male nominees are (Call the 12

FRANCIS: Let us all give them a warm round of applause. Gentlemen, please stay where you are
and assist our 12 lovely ladies who are nominated for tonights event. The nominees
are (Call 12 nominees)

(We will have a little interview for the candidates)

KRISTINE: Oops! do not go anywhere As a proof that you are very lucky to be nominated,
especially to the ladies, a very special person will serenade you. May we call on, Mr.
Cyprus Chad G. Laus/Herzon H. Tuazon to serenade our nominees.

(Mr. Laus/Tuazon Serenading)

FRANCIS: We were really amazed by our beautiful and handsome nominees and of course to our
very own Mr. Chad Laus/Herzon Tuazon. Let us give them again a big round of
applause! Ladies and gentlemen, you may now go back to your seats. Boys, please
assist your female partners.

KRISTINE: Have you enjoyed your dinner? Thank You Karrisa Libunao Enterprises for Catering us in
this event. To Our dear students, please sit back, relax and rest for a while. After which,
please prepare yourselves. In a few minutes, we will witness the gracefulness of our
lovely students for their cotillion.

(We will thank Suppliers and Sponsors)

KARISAA LIBUNAO ENTERPRISES Over-all Stylist, Catering Services
PIQATO PHOTOGRAPHY Official Photographer
(MH Del Pilar St., San Roque, Tarlac City)
(Maliwalo, Tarlac City)
KULARTS ENTERPRISES Your printing kuya
(Brgy, Cut-cut 1st, Tarlac City, near magic star mall)


FRANCIS: And now, one of the highlights of this event is about to unfold. Students from Grades 9
and Grade 10 will be presenting a choreographed dance that they have practiced to
perfection. Folks, a huge warm applause for our cotillion de honor.

(Cotillion) (the MCs will eat 5-15 minutes later)

KRISTINE: Thank you guys for that fantastic waltz! The scene a while ago really brought back fond
memories of my high school days!


FRANCIS: At this juncture, we shall now proceed in symbolic candle lighting and exchange of tokens.

KRISTINE: This is one of the most significant part of the program in which our Grade 10 students will
light their candles and hand them over the grade 9 students as a symbol of trust and
hope that the Grade 9 students are willingly accepting their responsibilities as future
grade 10 students who will take the lead in the Junior High School Department of our
school. In exchange, the Grade 9 students will hand over tokens as symbols of gratitude
for all the efforts the Grade 10 has done for our school.

FRANCIS: May we call on Mrs. Joeann M. Castro, our Goddess of Wisdom to initiate the lighting of
the Unity Candle. This will be the source of all the lights of your candles.

(JOEANN): (She will light up the Unity Candle) I am the Goddess of Wisdom and This is the unity
candle. This symbolizes that despite of our individual, cultural and social differences, we
still belong in one institution as one family.

KRISTINE: May I request our representatives from grade 10 to come here near the Unity Candle and
light their candles and pass on the light to their batch mates.

(lighting of candles)

FRANCIS: Dear Grade 10 students, please pass on the lighted candle to the grade 9 students. Grade
9 Students, give your tokens in exchange of the candles. This signifies the exchange
your promises for the good of the school.

(exchange of tokens)
KRISTINE: And thats it ladies and gentlemen. You may now turn off the lights of your candles. And
give yourselves a big round of applause.


FRANCIS: Thank you dear students. Ladies, you may now take your seats, and gentlemen, please
remain standing. We will now proceed to the traditional first dance.

KRISTINE: It is believed that during this dance, a fine gentleman can now show their affection to one
of our beautiful ladies. Kaya guys, kung may crush kayo at natotorpe kayong amininin, ito
na ang perfect timing, sunduin mo na at yayain nyo na syang sumayaw!

FRANCIS: That is right partner! At sa mga nanliligaw dyan, sulitin nyo na ang moment na ito at
maggain ng plus points sa mga nililigawan ninyo.

KRISTINE: Sa mga in a relationship na! Feel free to use the dance floor and be romantically sweet to
each other.

FRANCIS: Sa mga may di napagkasunduan diyan o sa mga gusto niyong hingan ng tawad. Take this
as your opportunity to ask forgiveness. Im sure they will understand.

KRISTINE: Sa mga single, wag mag-alala, you are still free to dance with your friends and enjoy the
sweet music.

FRANCIS: And if you want to gain new friends, ask them to dance with you! Wag na mahihiya. Basta
children, please remember to keep this event formal and decent. At dahil diyan, maestro,
play the sweetest music!

(After 3-5 songs)



KRISTINE: We are now near at end of this program. But before we dance the night away, we will now
award our Royal Winners for our Junior Prom 2017.

FRANCIS: To all nominees, may we request you to go back on stage for the announcement of

(We will thank Sponsors)

(We will call the names of the nominees)
(We will announce the winners and call significant persons to award them)
(We will thank the Sponsors again)

KRISTINE: Ladies and Gentlemen, here are our Royalties for tonights event. Let us all give them a
big round of applause!

(Have a little interview with the winners)

FRANCIS: Congratulations! You are all very well deserving! May you all be good role models for the
youth. Please remain for a while for your moment to dance for a short while and for some
Photo Oppurtunity.


KRISTINE: To formally close tonights program, may we call on the Faculty President of the SCIS
Junior High School Department, Mr. Rizalino A. Manglicmot

(SIR BOGS): (Closing Remarks)

FRANCIS: Thank you Sir Bogs! And so, without much delay, let us all get on the dance floor. Lets
party, party! We had been your hosts

KRISTINE: I am Kristine Puno

FRANCIS: and I am Francis Mendoza

KRISTINE and FRANCIS: Dance the night away!


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