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Cardiac Rehabilitation and

Cardiovascular Disability: Role in

Assessment and Improving
Functional Capacity

Larry F. Hamm, PhD, MAACVPR; Nanette K. Wenger, MD, MAACVPR; Ross Arena, PhD, PT, FAACVPR;
Daniel E. Forman, MD; Carl J. Lavie, MD; Todd D. Miller, MD; Randal J. Thomas, MD, MS, FAACVPR

The Social Security Administration (SSA) oversees the disability deter- K E Y W O R D S

mination process and the payment of disability benefits to Americans.
According to recent SSA data, approximately 900 000 persons are cardiac rehabilitation
receiving cardiovascular disability payments and about 145 000 adult
cardiovascular disability
claims for cardiovascular disability are processed by the SSA annually.
An objective and comprehensive examination of functional capacity is functional capacity assessment
an important part of the disability assessment process. This statement
reviews various protocols for disability assessment of aerobic capacity, social security disability
muscle function, and the physical requirements of job tasks. Cardiac
rehabilitation programs are ideal settings for conducting comprehen-
sive disability assessments of functional capacity in persons with car-
diovascular disease. In addition, exercise training provided by cardiac
rehabilitation programs can increase functional capacity in most

Author Affiliations: Exercise Science Department, School of Public Health and Health Services, The George Washington University,
Washington, District of Columbia (Dr Hamm); Division of Cardiology and Emory Heart and Vascular Center, Emory University School of
Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia (Dr Wenger); Division of Physical Therapy, Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation and Division of
Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque (Dr Arena); Brigham and Womens Hospital,
Division of Cardiovascular Medicine and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts (Dr Forman); Department of Cardiovascular
Diseases, Ochsner Medical Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, and the Department of Preventive Medicine, Pennington Biomedical Research
Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (Dr Lavie); and Division of Cardiovascular Diseases (Dr Miller) and Cardiovascular Health Clinic, Division
of Cardiovascular Diseases (Dr Thomas), Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.

This position statement was approved by the Board of Directors of the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary
Rehabilitation on July 20, 2012.

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Correspondence: Larry F. Hamm, PhD, MAACVPR, Exercise Science Department, School of Public Health and Health Services, The George
Washington University, 2033 K Street, NW, Suite 210, Washington, DC 20006 (

DOI: 10.1097/HCR.0b013e31827aad9e CR and Cardiovascular Disability / 1

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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the United States Discuss the recommended methods for functional
affects an estimated 82 600 000 persons with more assessment of muscular function;
than half being older than 60 years. While CVD is Review the scientific basis for assessing the physi-
most prevalent in the elderly, nearly 40% of adults cal requirements of contemporary job tasks and
aged 40 to 59 years have CVD.1 In 2008, 758 324 monitoring the CV responses to performing specific
adults aged 18 to 64 years, whose primary impairment occupational tasks; and
was CVD, were receiving disability benefits from the Discuss the potential role of cardiac rehabilitation
Social Security Administration (SSA).2(p54) With the (CR) in assisting individuals in their return to oc-
increasing prevalence of obesity, physical inactivity, cupational activities.
and type 2 diabetes mellitus in the adult US popula-
tion, CVD and CVD disability claims will likely
increase in the future. Thus, it is incumbent on the SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY
SSA and medical community to identify the most
objective process for determining disability from CVD.
The SSA defines disability as the inability to Background Information on the SSA
engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of The major goal of the 1935 Social Security Act was to
any medically determinable physical or mental provide older workers with a continuing source of
impairment(s) which can be expected to result in income after retirement (originally defined as age 65
death or which has lasted or can be expected to last years). Today, approximately 30% of SSA payments
for a continuous period of not less than 12 months.2(p43) are allocated to disabled, nonretired individuals
The SSA further describes disability as individuals through 2 programs within SSA: (1) Social Security
functioning at the lower end of the physical capacity Disability Insurance provides income support to
spectrum but could pertain to individuals functioning younger workers and (2) Supplemental Security
at all levels along the physical capacity spectrum, Income (SSI) funds adults with little or no income
including persons whose work may involve high lev- who are elderly, blind, or disabled and children who
els of physical exertion. The Americans with Disabilities are blind or disabled. In 2008, 12.1 million4,5 adults
Act Amendments Act of 2008 defines disability as and children received benefits through these 2 pro-
grams. The process of applying for disability is the
(1) a physical or mental impairment that sub- same for Social Security Disability Insurance and
stantially limits one or more major life activities; Supplemental Security Income.
or (2) a record of such an impairment; or (3)
regarded as having such an impairment. Major SSA Disability Determination Process
life activities include, but are not limited to, car- The SSA uses a 5-step decision algorithm2(p8) to assess
ing for oneself, performing manual tasks, disability (Figure 1). For step 1, the applicant cannot
walking, standing, lifting, bending, and work- be engaged in substantial gainful activity (defined by
ing. A major life activity also includes the opera- an income standard of earning $1000 per month in
tion of a major bodily function, including but 2010). For step 2, the applicant must have a physical
not limited to functions of the immune system, or mental impairment that significantly limits his or her
normal cell growth, digestive, bowel, bladder, ability to work. The key point in the decision process
neurological, brain, respiratory, circulatory, occurs at step 3, where it is determined whether an
endocrine, and reproductive functions.3 applicants impairment meets or exceeds the severity
of a medical condition described in the SSA Listing of
Given these broad definitions of disability, it is Impairments (commonly referred to as the Listings),
important that individuals be assessed for disability describing more than 120 adult and 90 childhood dis-
using the most appropriate methodologies and that eases that can cause disability grouped according to
data from these assessments be interpreted in an 14 body systems. There are currently 8 adult Listings
objective manner. The purpose of this focused state- for CVD (Table 1).2(p47) Applicants who fail to meet the
ment concerning cardiovascular (CV) disability is to: criteria in 1 of the Listings proceed to steps 4 and 5.
Review the process for determining disability ac- These steps consider the applicants residual func-
cording to the SSA rules and regulations and, in tional capacity (generally defined as what the indi-
addition, according to the more general definition vidual can do in a work setting despite limitations
of disability, as used by the Americans with Dis- from medical impairments considering past work
abilities Act Amendments Act of 2008; experience, age, and education) to determine whether
Discuss the recommended methods for functional the applicant is capable of returning to his or her prior
aerobic assessment; work (step 4) or performing any work (step 5).

2 / Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 2013;33:1-11

Copyright 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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shift in the step where the majority of allowances occur
from step 3 to step 5. In 1990, approximately 60% of
allowances occurred at step 3 compared with only 26%
in 2008.2 Step 3 allowances are determined by SSA state
agencies called Disability Determination Services,
where most teams are composed of 2 people, a lay
disability examiner and a physician. Allowances at
steps 4 and 5 are more laborious, expensive, and time-
consuming and commonly are resolved before an
administrative law judge.

2010 Recommended Revision of the CV Listings

The SSA CV listings are periodically revised with the
latest recommended revision occurring in 2010. The
SSA asked the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to convene
an expert panel to incorporate advances in the diag-
nosis and treatment of CVD into the Listings,2 with the
goal of shifting more of the allowances from steps 4
and 5 to step 3 for individuals who are ultimately
awarded disability, making the process more efficient
and economical.
During its deliberations, the IOM Committee noted
that there was significant underutilization of the exer-
cise test (ET) in the disability evaluation process.
Social Security Administration examiners have the
authority to order selective noninvasive tests, includ-
ing an ET, when this information is absent from the
Figure 1. Five-step disability determination process.2(p8) Reprinted applicant medical records. However, SSA examiners
with permission by the National Academies of Science. Courtesy generally have been reluctant to order an ET for sev-
of the National Academies Press, Washington, District of Columbia.
eral reasons, including concern about the safety of
testing, lack of clinical familiarity with the applicant,
CV Disability Statistics uncertainty concerning ownership of the test results,
Approximately 900 000 individuals receive CV disability and subsequent medical management of the appli-
payments.2(pp54-55) The number of adult CV claims sub- cant. Broader use of an ET, especially a cardiopulmo-
mitted varies modestly from year to year and has aver- nary exercise test (CPX), would enhance the objectiv-
aged 145 000 claims annually for the past 20 years.2(p55) ity of the disability determination process and facili-
Although the allowance rate using the 5-step process tate the application of the Listings.
has remained constant at about 40%, there has been a
CV Listings
Each of the individual CV Listings (as proposed by
T a b l e 1 Adult Cardiovascular Listingsa the 2010 IOM Committee) shares the requirement for
4.02 Chronic heart failure a CV anatomical abnormality plus a functional
4.04 Ischemic heart disease limitation (with a few exceptions). The anatomical
abnormality is specific to each Listing, whereas the
4.05 Recurrent arrhythmias
functional impairment is a common pathway for the
4.06 Congenital heart disease majority of the Listings and reflects an inability to
4.09 Heart transplant perform activity requiring 5 metabolic equivalents
4.10 Aneurysm of aorta or major branches
(METs) of energy expenditure. The requirement for a
functional limitation relates to the highly variable
4.11 Chronic venous insufficiency
impact on physical capacity of patients with the same
4.12 Peripheral arterial disease anatomical disease. If the results of an ET are not
Adapted from Institute of Medicine.2(p10) Reprinted with permission by the available in the applicant medical record, functional
National Academies of Science. Courtesy of the National Academies Press, capacity can be determined from the applicants
Washington, District of Columbia.
limitations of activities of daily living described in the CR and Cardiovascular Disability / 3

Copyright 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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T a b l e 2 Methodologies for Assessing Functional Aerobic Capacity
Assessment Type Advantages Disadvantages
Questionnaires Inexpensive No documented response to exercise
No clinical expertise required to administer Estimated aerobic capacity is subject to error
6MWT Inexpensive but not commonly used in general CVD Variability in the administration of the test
Ability to monitor ECG, HR, BP, SpO2 Estimated aerobic capacity is subject to error
ET Less expensive than CPX Aerobic capacity estimated from exercise workload is
Ability to monitor ECG, HR, BP, SpO2 subject to error
Widely available in clinical facilities Unable to objectively quantify level of effort
Potential for an untoward event
CPX Aerobic capacity is accurately measured Most expensive option
Ability to monitor ECG, HR, BP, SpO2 Less availability in clinical facilities
Level of effort can be documented Requires specialized equipment and specially trained staff
Potential for an untoward event
Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; CPX, cardiopulmonary exercise test; CVD, cardiovascular disease; ECG, electrocardiogram; ET, exercise test; HR, heart rate;
6MWT, 6-minute walk test; SpO2, peripheral oxygen saturation.

medical record or by the requirement for 3 hospi- percent-predicted value, which can be derived from
talizations during the preceding year to treat the established regression equations.9 Ventilatory expired
condition.2 This latter criterion reflects both the dif- gas analysis also allows for the determination of exercise
ficulty of stabilizing the medical condition and the intensities that can be sustained for prolonged periods of
challenge for the applicant to maintain a job in the time through the detection of ventilatory threshold,
face of frequent absences to receive hospital medical which is of particular value in individuals whose occu-
treatment. pational requirements involve sustained periods of aero-
bic activity. Finally, peak respiratory exchange ratio
(RER) defined as the ratio of carbon dioxide production
ASSESSMENT OF FUNCTIONAL and oxygen uptake provides an accurate determination
CAPACITY of subject effort. Attainment of a peak RER 1.10 is
widely recognized as a valid and reliable indicator of
A comprehensive examination of functional capacity excellent patient exercise effort.1 When exercise is termi-
is a primary component of disability assessment. nated at a peak RER 1.00, in the absence of an abnor-
Cardiac rehabilitation programs represent an ideal set- mal exercise response (hemodynamic, electrocardio-
ting for the systematic assessment of cardiac disability. gram [ECG], pulse oximetry, etc), the peak Vo2 obtained
Both aerobic capacity and muscle force production may not be a valid representation of the individuals true
should be included in the quantification of functional aerobic capacity.6
capacity. The different approaches to functional During a CPX, abnormalities detected in blood pres-
capacity assessment are detailed in the following sure (hypertension or hypotension), ECG (ST-segment
sections, and the methods for assessing functional changes, arrhythmias), and/or pulse oximetry (desatu-
aerobic capacity are summarized in Table 2. ration) should be documented. Rating of perceived
exertion as well as angina and dyspnea should be
Aerobic Capacity Assessment quantified using established scales.7,10,11 Coupling
A CPX incorporates ventilatory expired gas analysis with abnormal response(s) with the exercise intensity at
traditional ET procedures, as reviewed elsewhere.6,7 The onset of the abnormality is valuable in providing rec-
use of CPX allows the most accurate quantification of ommendations for activity/occupational modifications.
aerobic capacity, expressed as peak oxygen uptake Specifically, activities corresponding to workloads that
(Vo2) in mLkg1min1. A peak aerobic capacity of 15 surpass a threshold at which ischemic ECG changes,
mLkg1min1 has been proposed as a key threshold for oxygen desaturation, onset of arrhythmias, or angina/
2(pp14-15,18) dyspnea occur should be avoided.
disability assessment. While an individual at or
below this peak Vo2 level is clearly limited, it is impor-
tant to consider aerobic capacity in relation to unique Aerobic ET Without Ventilatory Expired
energy demands of both the home and occupational Gas Analysis
setting.8 Since age and gender each have a significant Because of requirements for additional equipment
influence on aerobic capacity .in normal circumstances, and increased staff expertise, most ETs are performed
it is recommended that peak Vo2 also be reported as a without analysis of ventilatory gas. Aerobic capacity is

4 / Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 2013;33:1-11

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estimated from the workload achieved on the given Six-Minute Walk Test
modality employed (ie, ergometer or treadmill) and is
The 6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT) is frequently used in
commonly expressed in METs, where 1 MET equates
populations with chronic diseases such as those with
to 3.5 mLkg1min1. A peak MET level of 5 has been
heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-
proposed as a key threshold for disability
ease to assess functional status and prognosis.17 Pulse
assessment.2(pp14-15,18) This equa-tes to an estimated
oximetry, heart rate, ECG via telemetry, and subjective
oxygen cost of 17.5 mLkg1min1, which is higher
symptoms can be monitored during the 6MWT.
than the 15.0 mLkg1min1 threshold proposed
Research has consistently demonstrated a large and
when oxygen uptake is directly measured. This dis-
clinically unacceptable standard error of estimate
crepancy is due to the fact that estimated. aerobic
(~3.8 mLkg. 1min1) using 6MWT distance to esti-
capacity can significantly overestimate true Vo2.
mate peak Vo2 in an individual patient.18 For this
Logistical Considerations for Clinical Aerobic ET reason, the 6MWT may not be an ideal approach for
disability assessment. A 6MWT distance of 300 m or
Treadmill and lower extremity ergometry are the 2
less identifies patients with a poorer prognosis.12
most common modes utilized during ET. It is recom-
Others have proposed a graded classification accord-
mended that both modes be available to match the
ing to 6MWT distance to assess prognosis and clinical
needs of the individual patient being assessed. For
status.19 It has also been proposed that a 6MWT dis-
example, a patient with balance deficits or orthopedic
tance 500 m is considered a normal response during
limitations may have difficulty with treadmill ambula-
a disability assessment.3 Research is needed to iden-
tion and should ideally be tested on a cycle ergometer,
tify 6MWT distance thresholds that accurately quantify
although aerobic capacity is 10% to 20% lower on a
the level of disability.
cycle ergometer than on a treadmill.12 These mode-
dependent differences in aerobic capacity should be Questionnaires for Estimating Aerobic Capacity
considered during the disability assessment. When
Questionnaires that estimate aerobic capacity, such as
aerobic capacity is estimated from treadmill speed and
the Duke Activity Status Index, are available.20-23
grade, handrail. use likely results in overestimation of Although aerobic capacity estimated from these. ques-
actual peak Vo2 and can potentially invalidate the
tionnaires statistically correlates with peak Vo2 or
results of the disability assessment. For example, the
METs achieved during ET, a considerable degree of
difference in recommended thresholds to define dis-
error between questionnaire-estimated aerobic capac-
ability is 2.5 mLkg1min1 greater when estimating
ity and the ET response does exist. Thus, using
aerobic capacity from workload achieved. This dis-
questionnaires to quantify aerobic capacity for disabil-
crepancy reflects the expected error associated with
ity assessment is not currently recommended.
estimating aerobic capacity. The mean difference
between estimated and measured aerobic capacity in
Computer Adaptive Testing
patients undergoing ET for the evaluation of suspected
myocardial ischemia was greater than 7 mLkg1min1.13 An assessment tool currently under study with the
In this study, all subjects underwent an ET using the potential for determining physical function related to
aggressive Bruce protocol and were allowed to use disability is Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT),24 which
handrail support, both of which likely contributed to uses an extensive item pool specific to a diagnosis or
this large discrepancy in a synergistic fashion. condition and the patient rates his or her ability to
There are numerous ET protocols that vary greatly perform each functional task addressed in the test
in the adjustment of workload between stages and, items. CAT software assesses previous patient respons-
ideally, the ET should last about 8 to 12 minutes.12 es to select subsequent items from the pool that are
The Bruce protocol is the most aggressive in terms of appropriate to the individual level of functioning. This
speed and grade adjustment and is an inappropriate results in fewer and unnecessary items being adminis-
choice for most, if not all, patients undergoing a dis- tered. The computer software also includes rules for
ability assessment given that some level of aerobic starting, stopping, and scoring the test.
impairment is expected in this population. The degree.
of error between estimated (METs) and measured Vo2
is significantly higher when an aggressive protocol, ASSESSMENT OF MUSCLE FUNCTION
such as the Bruce, is utilized.14,15 Use of conservative
ramping protocols has been shown to minimize this Strength assessment and strength-related training
discrepancy in patients with significant functional goals are important components of exercise and
limitations16 and is recommended for patients under- potentially even more important in assessment of
going a disability assessment. potential limitations pertaining to disabilities. Strength, CR and Cardiovascular Disability / 5

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endurance, and power are 3 aspects of function used adjustable, and recent guidelines on handgrip assess-
to denote specific properties of muscle-related func- ments reflect efforts to standardize techniques and
tion.25 The shift from sitting in a chair to standing, for increase reliability of assessments.27
example, relies on strength, the maximum force pro- Dynamic strength assessments are more complex,
duced by a muscle or group of muscles, generated by as they require measurement of force over the ROM,
muscles in the lower limbs to facilitate the lift. entailing concentric and eccentric contractions over
Endurance is the separate but related capability to time.26,27 Specialized isokinetic devices provide a tech-
sustain repeated muscular contractions over time. nological mechanism to regulate speed and resistance
One may rely on strength to lift groceries, but it to ensure stable resistance across the ROM. Although
requires endurance to carry them into a car. Endurance isokinetic assessment has a solid theoretical basis, it is
tends to be greater if the functional task entails a rela- seldom used in the clinical setting.
tively smaller percentage of ones maximal strength. Traditionally, the 1-repetition maximum (1-RM) is
Power relates to the speed with which force can be the standard of dynamic assessment, that is, the
implemented. Power characterizes critical timing of maximum resistance that can be moved 1 time
force generation, such that falling may be averted if through the full ROM. Given that strength fluctuates
force in a potentially stabilizing leg is sufficiently across a ROM, the 1-RM reflects the weakest strength
swift. Power has been correlated with mobility, inde- across the ROM. It is usually determined by adding
pendent of maximum strength. weights (using free weights or an exercise machine)
The combination of muscle strength, endurance, until an individual can no longer achieve a full ROM.
and power are often critical for disabled individuals. 1-RM evaluations reflect inherent variability in regard
It is also important to recognize the interconnection to increments of resistance added until the 1-RM is
between muscle function and aerobic capacity. Adults determined: amount of time between tries; differ-
lacking sufficient strength components predictably ences in warm-up, posture, spotting, speed of move-
have diminished mobility. Impaired strength can ment; the steps to ensure that full ROM is completed;
result directly from an underlying disease (eg, degen- and the fundamental motivation of the person being
erative disease) and be compounded by the effects of assessed. However, the 1-RM is often not used in
decreased physical activity (PA) and subsequent clinical practice. Instead, clusters of RM, such as a
deconditioning that result from the disease limitations. 4-RM or even 6-RM, can be used and are particularly
Despite the strong rationale to focus on strength, good for evaluating persons with disability or muscle
endurance, and power as elemental parts of disability weakness.
evaluations, these assessments are not straightfor-
ward and are often omitted. No single test definitively Muscle Endurance
evaluates composite muscle health. Assessments
often vary with the muscle group being tested, the Endurance is assessed by measuring the number of
type and speed of contraction, the type of equip- contractions performed using a specific percentage of
ment, and the joint range of motion (ROM). Even a 1-RM. Assessments can be made using timing of
patient size is relevant. Angles and acceleration of static contractions until fatigue, or measuring the
movement vary with the proportions between patient number of active contractions until fatigue. Endurance
and equipment and potentially influence results. assessments are not routinely incorporated into clini-
Muscle testing requires steps to achieve proper pos- cal evaluations but provide important perspective on
ture, consistent speed of movements, full ROM, and general health and functional capacity.26-28 Among
suitable warm-up. disabled adults, endurance assessments provide func-
tional perspectives, which are useful in quantifying
Muscle Strength the clinical impact of limitations from disease or
Strength can be measured statically, with no overt injury, and providing important benchmarks with
muscle movement, or dynamically, wherein the mus- which strength training and adjunctive care can be
cle changes in length.26,27 Static or isometric exercise guided and monitored.
assessment is achieved by devices that measure force
generated in the upper and lower extremities. Cable Muscle Power
tensiometers and handgrip dynamometers are popular Power evaluations are even less commonly per-
devices, because of their relative convenience and formed despite a growing body of literature highlight-
safety. However, because each assessment character- ing their clinical relevance. Assessment of power
izes only a specific muscle group and angle, there are requires expensive specialized equipment that mea-
some limitations in their capacity to assess overall sures 1-RM as well as percentages of 1-RM that are
muscular strength. Most dynamometers are now size- able to capture the associated timing dynamics. In

6 / Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 2013;33:1-11

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general, peak power is lowest in relation to both very conditions, as well as during psychological stress dur-
low and very high 1-RMs and greatest in relation to ing working conditions.
the movements at 60% to 85% of the 1-RMs. While this The use of additional clinical expertise (eg, occu-
may seem too theoretical to recommend as part of pational therapist, physical therapist) may be helpful
standard assessment, the impact of power on mobility when conducting job task analysis. In addition, car-
is unequivocal.29 diac rehabilitation clinical staff may require additional
training to assess job tasks.
Integrated Assessment Tests
While direct assessments of strength, endurance, and Physical Requirements From the Literature
power are each inherently problematic, the concep- Several important sources have compiled data for a
tual utility of muscle performance assessment remains wide spectrum of human PA.8,33-35 Estimates of PA are
clear. An alternative approach is to consider integra- limited by the use of many different sources with var-
tive movement assessments that incorporate aspects ied detail and methodology. In addition, data gener-
of muscle strength in tests that reflect normal activities ally do not fully account for variations in climate,
and that are relatively easy to administer. The 30-sec- body size and composition, age, and gender. Various
ond chair stand test and the Timed Up and Go Test PAs are listed as multiples of the resting MET level
are 2 assessments commonly utilized as part of geriat- ranging from sleeping (0.9 METs) to running at high
ric assessments that can be applied to others who may speeds (eg, close to 11 mph or 18 METs). The compi-
be weakened and/or susceptible to falls due to lack lation from various reports includes a wide range of
of strength.30-32 In the 30-second chair stand test, mea- PAs that include general PA, transport, domestic
surement of the number of times an individual can get chores, various occupational activities (which are
in and out of a chair has been correlated to the 1-RM important to this manuscript), and sports and recre-
in older individuals and isometric assessments of ational activities for both genders.
quadriceps strength. High test-retest reliability has
been demonstrated. Similarly, in the Timed Up and
Go Test, measurement of how long it takes for a ON-SITE JOB TASK ASSESSMENTS
patient to rise from an arm chair, walk 3 m, turn, walk
back, and sit down again has been validated as a pre- Several investigations have monitored cardiac param-
dictor of falls. It has been used as a test of strength- eters during occupational tasks.36-40 Twenty-two male
related functional mobility, particularly in relation to city bus drivers with ischemic heart disease per-
frailty and/or disability. formed an ET followed by telemetry, ambulatory
blood pressure, and subjective symptom monitoring
during work. Heart rate, blood pressure, and subjec-
ASSESSING PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS tive symptoms were approximately half the values
OF JOB TASKS reached during the ET.36 On-the-job monitoring can
be used to determine whether abnormalities mani-
fested during the ET are reproduced during actual job
Recommended Monitoring tasks. This information can be used to structure rec-
It is often not feasible to perform CPX at the work site ommendations for modified work assignments, if
but CPX can be performed in the clinical laboratory needed.
while patients are duplicating their job tasks (eg, lift- Initial research assessed CV responses during less
ing, carrying heavy objects, climbing). From a practi- strenuous occupations. More recently, research accu-
cal standpoint, ambulatory monitoring is more easily rately quantifying the CV and metabolic demands of
carried out at the work site where heart rate can be highly strenuous occupations, such as firefighters and
determined for specific job tasks and compared to ET police officers, has been conducted.39-41 Maximal heart
results. Ambulatory ECG monitoring provides useful rate responses during a fire-suppression simulation far
heart rate and heart rhythm information. In some exceeded the values obtained during a maximal ET in
clinical situations where work-induced hypertension 49 young, apparently healthy . male firefighters.39 In
or hypotension is suspected, ambulatory blood pres- another study, heart rate and Vo2 responses during a
sure monitoring, either alone or combined with ECG fire and rescue obstacle course exceeded the typically
monitoring, can also be performed during working prescribed aerobic exercise training intensities in
conditions. While more precise testing can be per- 23 apparently healthy male firefighters.40 Similar find-
formed in the laboratory (see the Simulated Job ings occurred in 30 apparently healthy police officers
Tasks section), ambulatory monitoring has the advan- and cadets completing an obstacle course.41 Assessment
tage of assessing patients during true environmental in the workplace may not be necessary when the CR and Cardiovascular Disability / 7

Copyright 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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physiological response to exercise is normal and the Technologies, Inc, Hanover, Maryland), that can
peak aerobic capacity achieved exceeds physical expand the range of the simulated testing. Simulated
demands for a given occupation. However, in occupa- job task testing does not account for psychological or
tions with extreme physical demands, a clinical ET may environmental stress that may be encountered by the
be insufficient to determine clearance to return to work. patient on the job. Occupational therapists can provide
In such cases, a comprehensive functional assessment valuable additional expertise for this type of testing.
in the clinical setting in addition to a real or simulated Continuous ECG monitoring and intermittent blood
work site assessment is recommended. pressure determinations can provide documentation
While ET constitutes the standard by which cardiac of myocardial ischemia, cardiac dysrhythmias, and
abnormality is customarily assessed, it does not hypotensive or hypertensive episodes that may be
account for potential instability that can be induced elicited by the job task simulation. The equipment
by mental strain.42 Adults who show no signs of car- necessary for this monitoring is readily available in
diac instability during routine exercise assessments outpatient CR facilities. Occupational therapists can
may develop ischemia, arrhythmia, and other manifes- provide additional expertise for simulated job task
tations of cardiac instability in a stressful employment assessments.
environment. This is an additional reason to conduct
a disability assessment in the workplace. Telemetry or
ambulatory ECG monitoring during workplace assess- ROLE OF CARDIAC REHABILITATION IN
ment may reveal significant consequences that are IMPROVING FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY
otherwise not apparent. Additional research is needed
to resolve issues related to work site assessment and Since its origins in the 1950s, the aim of CR services has
establish its value. been to assess, manage, and reverse disability in
patients with cardiac conditions49,50 and these remain
pertinent and important today. Research has shown
SIMULATED JOB TASKS that CR is safe and effective, resulting in multiple sig-
nificant patient benefits, including improvements in
Simulating selected physical requirements of job tasks all-cause mortality, cardiac morbidity, physical work
in a clinical setting can provide valuable information capacity, return to work, control of CVD risk factors,
concerning ability to return to work,43-46 especially and quality of life.51-55
when the physical requirements of the job are sub- Cardiac rehabilitation is indicated for 6 specific
stantially different from the work performed during an groups of patients: myocardial infarction, percutane-
ET. Monitoring should include continuous ECG telem- ous coronary intervention, coronary artery bypass
etry, intermittent blood pressure determinations, and graft surgery, chronic stable angina, heart valve sur-
assessment of symptoms. gery, and/or heart transplantation. While evidence
The first step in assessing simulated job tasks is to suggests benefits of CR for patients with heart failure
identify job-related tasks that are agreed to by the and with peripheral arterial disease, these conditions
patient, management, and, if appropriate, the union. are not currently included in the Centers for Medicare
The simulation of job tasks should include specific & Medicaid Services indications for CR but are
information related to the performance of each PA. included in selected clinical guidelines.51 Less is
For example, if the task is lifting and carrying, the known about the impact of CR in patients with other
information should include the minimum and maxi- CV conditions associated with CV disability, such as
mum weight to be lifted, the height of lifting, and the high-grade arrhythmias, hypertrophic cardiomyopa-
distance walked while carrying. A standardized thy, or congenital heart disease.
weight-carrying and weight-lifting test protocol46,47 or Disability in patients with a recent cardiac event is
1 customized to reflect specific job tasks can be used. significant and relatively common. The average exer-
Compared to handgrip testing, weight-carrying cise capacity for patients entering a CR program was
resulted in significantly higher heart rate, systolic only 4 METs and 5.5 METs in women and men,
blood. pressure, rate-pressure product, ventilation, respectively, which approaches levels seen in patients
and Vo2 in patients with coronary heart disease.48 with heart failure and is consistent with CV disabil-
Most assessments can be conducted using existing ity.56 Cardiac rehabilitation can increase aerobic exer-
equipment or purchasing inexpensive additional cise capacity by 20% to 30%, with the greatest increase
equipment (eg, adjustable shelving unit, crates to hold in patients who are the most disabled at entry.53,57 If a
free weights). A significantly more sophisticated and disability assessment was performed prior to a patient
expensive approach involves the use of specialized completing CR, a subsequent second assessment
work simulators, such as the Simulator II (BTE should be completed.

8 / Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 2013;33:1-11

Copyright 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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Several key steps can help maximize the role of CR health and the resultant inability to work. Social
programs in the assessment, treatment, and reversal of Security Administration should support research on
CV disability: the disability-related effects of health insurance
Train CR staff about key components of CV disabil- reform to improve program planning and future
ity assessment and treatment strategies that reduce updates of the Listings.
CV disability. It would appear to be cost-effective to conduct
Include activities in CR that simulate work condi- research to validate the Listings, both at SSA and
tions, specific to job-related responsibilities, in pa- externally, with a full and balanced program of
tient assessment and treatment plans.58 research addressing policy implications, program-
Measure impact and outcomes of cardiac disability matic issues, correlation of CV impairments and
assessment and treatment program services, rela- impairment severity with functional limitations related
tive to patient physical work capacity, psychologi- to work capacity, and the underlying prevalence of
cal health, and return to work. trends in CV impairments in the population.
Provide education and communications to local
providers regarding the need for and availability of References
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