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4th Grade Math Meeting

October 13, 2016 3:45

Molly Sweeney, Kristin Maffin, Angela VanWoerkom, Darin Wooters, Nicole Bruhn, Bailey
Phares, Christina Cornia

Number Sense Routines - important component in these areas where there are gaps.
Three routines she recommends - if teachers can get good at these three, teachers will get better
at listening to their students and students will get stronger in their math - true math - Number
Talk - Number of the Day - OR Problem Solving - Counting Experiences that they would benefit
Number Talks
Purposeful problems - string of big ideas - think of math mentally - mental computation
Allowing them to think of relationships between numbers
1000-998 = think about the relationship between these numbers rather than going through the
Relate these relationships to other problems - use what they know to help with other problems
Rather than Daily Math Review
Common Core aligned for 4th grade standards - sometimes there are things that they havent
experiences or that have not been taught
Daily Math with review questions is okay - be cautious of future skills so that they can learn the
skills in a conceptual way.
If DMR are done in centers - make sure that they are review so students can go through it on
their own - use this to form instruction - small group of kids who miss the skills
Fully conversational - count by - what are you noticing kids lead conversation record
4th grade needs to be able to count - even by fractions
Match to concepts that are currently being taught
An example for multi digit multiplication was breaking the number apart and discuss if they can
do parts of the number first.
Use number talks to gain their understanding of basic facts - NBT focus as well
5-15 minutes a day we want them to get the oh! on their own
Can use the Mastering the Basic Facts: Multiplication and Division book to set up some math
Set up management plan as a team
Students should be accountable
Students would look at a problem and look at how they would attack a problem - informational
for you
Day 1 - teach a lesson, look at previously to see if it is a good whole group lesson
Day 2 might be smaller groups for practice - may not be next lesson in book.
Rotate groups - meet with those who need reteaching - others are working on problem of the day
Every day should not look the same in your math room
Change it up according to what you are seeing.
Need to be flexible with schedule
GOMath! as a resource - not a be all end all
You dont need to do all of it in there - Achieve the Core Guidance Document
Math Project - make it real - incorporate into your classroom
Beneficial Websites
Open Middle
Challenging math problems worth solving
Teacher could get ideas from this website to discuss with her class
Have students do writing in math - journal??
Book - about problem solving tasks -
Encouraged to do more tasks that take kids out of the classroom and are hands on
3 Acts - Graham Fletcher & Dan Meyer both do these
30 second video
Wheres the Beef? Hot Dog Eating Contest
Total weight of beef consumed
Weight of 1 hotdog
Questions related to the video - estimate - too high too low
Relate questions to videos watched and discuss connections between videos and information
related in videos.
This example was big - may take a couple days
Could use as a center
Some could go out of age level
K-5 Math Teaching Resources
Games and opportunities for practice
Broken down by standards
Blue are available for free
Some are reasonably prices
Some of this could be used as the lesson for the day instead of using what is in the book - using
tiled squares for prime and composite rather than problem in book - conceptual learning
Make an anchor chart
More conceptual based
Engaged students
Kristin can look for free resources here that would be best and useful
Pick a few that will work
Look at big picture of what we are teaching and go from there
She always ends her classes with a debrief
Come back and discuss/debrief
Prime/composite example - gave terms at end
Gradual release - we do first, then summarize at end
Order is not always the same sequence of I do, we do, you do
Think of ways to bring it back at the end - 5-10 minutes
Thinking aloud and talking it out
Math Congress - Kathy Fosnot uses this - worked a lot out of NY
Can compare different ways students got to the answers
Can discuss what went wrong if answered wrong too
Not spoon fed
We want them to be thinkers
We need to give them some things to think about
She recommended coming in and talking with groups about Number Talks
Maybe a PD Monday - or one Monday, then skip and come back to it the 3rd monday after
teachers have tried
Volunteered to model them or coteach it with teacher
Could be a support or model it
Fact fluency games or copies for centers - Kristin can work with Molly on this - sessions on this?
Shared 3 book resources at the end that are good to look for games and ideas

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