Ed Tech Professional Standards

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4900 Raspberry Road Anchorage Alaska

Kincaid Elementary School

Professional Katie
Standards Seybert

The common core standards were Teacher, Coach, Friend
Leads the class to a better tomorrow
created to fulfill the demand of
the state that each student from
K-12 is college and career ready in
literacy no later than the end of
highschool. Currently, the Council
of the Chief of State School
Officers and the National
Governers Association set and
maintain these standards based on
the preexisting knowledge of the
decades long work of crafting
high quality educational standards. Qu estins?
all 907-456-3456
These standards are research and
evidence based, align with college
and work expectations, are
rigorous, and internationally
My Style of Teaching
English Standards
Journal Entries Conferences
Journals will be a large part of the writing used in the Conferences will be held every quarter in which
The grade level that I want to teach is classroom. The student will be given thirty minutes to both the parent and students are expected to show
third grade. Third grade was when I read after recess. This will allow them to bring up. I will then discuss the students work with the
themselves back into the classroom mode by parent. This is a time in which I want to show off
fell in love with reading and writing. requiring them to be quiet. After the student has the hard work that your child is putting forth. As
So, to me the most significant done the allotted thirty minutes of reading they will well as a time to discuss any concerns. However, if
be given fifteen minutes to write a summary of what your student is struggling please dont hesitate to
standard in third grade is of literacy. they have just read, questions that they hope will be give me a call and we can discuss strategies of
The literacy standard can be found in answered in the upcoming chapter, answer the improvement.
the table below. questions that they had previously asked, and they
will be asked to have a character sheet in which the
main characters that are mentioned in the book are

True Knowledge Exists in Knowing that you

Know Nothing. (Socrates)

Standard Ask and answer questions to My students will be encouraged to seek help when
One demonstrate understanding of a they have difficulty with assignments. I will be
text, referring explicitly to the available after school and during lunch as a source of
text as the basis for the answers. aid for any questions pertaining to curriculum learned
Standard Recount stories, including in or out of the classroom. I want my students to be
Two fables, folktales, and myths from aware that it is better to admit that you know nothing
diverse cultures; determine the as Socrates does then do nothing.
central message, lesson, or moral
and explain how it is conveyed
through key details in the text. Contact Me
Kincaid Elementary School
Standard Describe characters in a story 4900 Raspberry Road Anchorage Alaska
Three (e.g., their traits, motivations, or
feelings) and explain how their 907-744-2450
actions contribute to the tri4life@gci.net
sequence of events.

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