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Lesson Title: Parts of a Plant

Big Idea: Learn and identify basic parts of a plant

Grade: 1st
Time Allotment: 45

Summary: Students will learn
about the parts of a plant
from teacher and their
functions. They will make
their own picture of a plant
using markers/crayons, and
labeling all of the parts they
learned about.
Materials: construction paper,
crayons, markers, pencils,
sticky notes
Key Concept: Through this
activity students will learn the
parts of a plant, and how
their functions. They will learn
how the parts keep the plant
alive, their purposes, etc.
They will be using artistic
skills by drawing, coloring,
and labeling their own picture of a flower.
Essential Questions: What are the parts of a plant? How do they work
to keep it alive? What is each parts purpose? Where are the parts
located/what do they look like?

Instructional Procedures
1. Introduction: Have a flower drawn up on the board with arrows
pointing to parts you plan on teaching with blank spaces. Explain
your drawing to the class and ask what parts they know, and fill
in accordingly
2. Ask students for suggestions on the labels that are still blank.
After a few guesses, write the correct labels for each. After it is
all filled out, explain what each part does for the plant.
a. Roots hold plant into soil, take in water and help plant stay
b. Stem carries water from roots to other parts of the plant
c. The flower helps the plant reproduce by making seeds
d. The leaves take in the air and light that a plant needs to
3. Development: Pass out paper, crayons, markers, and sticky
notes. Explain to students they will be drawing their own flower
or plant, similar to yours, and labeling the parts. They will need
to draw the flower, stem, leaves, roots, soil, and backdrop
details, as well as draw arrows to labels. They will be able to
keep it for reference in the future.
4. I will instruct students to raise their hand if they have any
5. Closure: I will walk around and check if the student has all parts
and labeled them correctly. Students will then clean up their area
and the drawings will be displayed around the room.

Students will demonstrate their understanding and knowledge of
the parts of a plant, their location, and functions. They will also
show their creativity through their drawings. They will be graded on
completion, participation, and correct labeling. I will also be walking
around and observing students' progress as they are working. At the
end of the lesson, the students will know the components of a plant
and how they work together to keep it alive.
Interdisciplinary Connections:
Students will be using science and art skills in order to draw their
own flower with correct labels for its basic parts. They will use
science skills to learn about the parts of a plant and its functions,
and use their art skills to draw, color, and create their own picture of
a flower.


Standard -- 3.1.2.A5

Explain how different parts of a plant work together to make the

organism function.

Standard -- 3.1.2.C2
Explain that living things can only survive if their needs are being

Standard -- 3.1.1.A5

Identify and describe plant parts and their function.

Arts & Humanities:

Standard -- 9.1.8.A

Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to
create works in the arts and humanities.

Elements: Visual Arts: color form/shape line space

texture value

Standard -- 9.1.8.B
Recognize, know, use and demonstrate a variety of appropriate

elements and principles to produce, review and revise original

works in the arts. Paint, Draw.

Standard -- 9.1.3.H

Handle materials, equipment and tools safely at work and

performance spaces. Identify materials used; Identify issues of
cleanliness related to the arts; Identify methods for storing
materials in the arts.


I will informally assess the students work by observation during work-

time, completion when finished, and accuracy of the labels. I will walk
around the room and make sure students are on task, and putting in
effort. After completion, I will grade their work on a simple 0-3 scale
rubric (displayed below) depending on completion, accuracy, and


Students who finish early:

Students who finish their drawings early will be instructed to add more
detail. If not, they will find a free choice book to read independently
until the rest of the class is finished.

Students who need more time:

Students who are taking longer to complete the drawing will be

instructed to finish their labels, and complete the coloring/details for
the next allotted free time

0 1 2 3

Either Some Labels may Labels are

labels or labels are either be spelled
drawing missing or misspelled correctly
are not more than or few are and placed
present, half are inaccurately accurately,
shows no inaccuratel placed, drawing is
effort or y placed, drawing is creative
signs of drawing colored but and
completio shows with little detailed
n little to no details

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