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A Table for Ten

You are the host of an English Inn and

the weary pilgrims of The Canterbury
Tales have arrived for a short rest. It
is your task to seat them at a dinner
table set for twelve people. You must
set it up according to who will get along best, or, if you are
a troublemaker, set it up according to who will get along
You have been given background information in the
form of a work in progress entitled Prologue, which is
being written by one of the members of the group. This
work summarizes each of the pilgrims and their individual
character traits, along with their socio-economic statuses
and fashion tastes. The most pertinent information is
primarily shown indirectly through actions, so this is no
easy task!
The supervisor at your Inn has requested that you
write a rationale for each seating arrangement you assign.
Along with this rationale, you must provide some sort of
chart or illustration of the seating arrangement.

You may work on this project individually or with a
There are 30 pilgrims traveling together, but you only
need to make a seating arrangement for ten (10) of
them. You must include the following characters: Wife
of Bath, Nun, Parson, Knight, Monk, and Oxford
Cleric. The other six are up to you, but you should
choose those who have the most information given about
them in the Prologue.
For each seating assignment, you must include a
rationale that is at least one paragraph and that uses
sufficient evidence in the form of at least TWO quotes
from the text (one for each pilgrim). This rationale must
be typed in 12pt. Arial or Times New Roman font.
You must have some sort of illustration or chart for your
seating arrangement. Be creative and have fun with this!
Grading Rubric
Rationale for Seating Arrangements 60 points
Quotes (20)
Mechanics (10)
Content (30)
Visual of Seating Arrangement 15 points

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