Regalo: If You Could Bring Her Back at The Cost of Your Very Existence, What Would You Choose?

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If you could bring her back at the cost of your

very existence, what would you choose?

Table of Contents

Episode Name Page

(You can click the Episodes to instantly move to that page.)

Episode 1 – Sleeping Beauty 2

Episode 2– The Library of the Ancients 6
Episode 3 – Atreus Empire 10
Episode 4 – The Prodigy 13
Episode 5 – Back at the Village 16
Episode 6 – Mira’s Condition 20
Episode 7 – The Takis Caverns 24

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Episode 1

Sleeping Beauty

In the foggy shades of the Ulcas Forest, a shadowy figure appears. Like an eagle, it waits
patiently for its prey to come out, and then quickly lunges forward to take its prey down. As the
unwary victim walks into the shadowy figure’s sight, the clanging sound of steel echoes through the
forest, instantly immobilizing the victim.

“Yay!” a cheerful female voiced was heard. “I bet his jaws will drop if he sees me carrying
this. Tee hee, I can’t wait!” the girl hummed happily as she unsets the trap, now soaked with the
boar’s blood, in which their ‘dinner’ lies without moving an inch. After releasing the boar from the
trap’s mighty bite, she knotted its four legs together and gave it a hard pull. After tying the boar, she
carried it and the trap to a nearby river, to remove the blood. As she cleaned the blood stains on the
trap, her keen senses noticed faint movements on the other side of the river. Thinking it was just a
wild animal; she continued her work and finally cleaned the snare trap.

She kept the newly cleaned snare trap in her bag and placed it onto her shoulders. She
pulled the heavy boar as she walked away onto the entrance of the forest. “Gee, this one’s big! I
don’t think we’ll be able to eat all of this. Wait. I know! I’ll call Lyonn and Andrea over for dinner,
and then we’ll have a huge feast tonight! I’m getting excited!” the girl talked to herself as she
walked. After a few minutes, she heard movement from the bushes around her. Seeing it as a
common occurrence in the forest, she ignored it and moved on. However, in just another few
minutes, the same movement happened. It is now that she began to be wary of her surroundings. As
she continued forward slowly, a feeling of danger came into her. She stopped and took a look
around. In just a few seconds, a pack of wolves came walking out of the bushes, hungry for blood. As
the wolves crouched and readied their stance, the young girl was paralyzed, thinking there is no
escape anymore. She fell down on her knees, trembling from fear. After a short silence, the pack of
wolves started lunging unto her one-by-one.

“Kyaaaa!” the girl screamed as the vicious wolves leap into the air. “Mira!” a young boy’s
voice was heard from behind. Soon enough, a sword of steel comes piercing a wolf’s heart, instantly
killing it. “Milo! You’re here!” the girl shouted, regaining hope. “I told you not to go here alone!” the
boy rushes forward and pulls his sword from the wolf’s chest. “Look what happened! Geez! Your
stubbornness always gives me trouble!” the boy exclaimed, as if he was angry at the girl. “I don’t
have time for your lessons! Look behind you!” the girl pointed and the boy looked. Three wolves
come leaping towards Milo, enraged with the death of a pack member.

The boy, Milo, slashed forward, wounding a wolf. As one wolf bites him, Mira fires an arrow
straight into the wolf’s skull. Now only one is left. Seeing its comrades down, the lone wolf starts
running back to its home. “Phew, thank goodness that’s over.” the girl heaved a big sigh. “Mira…”
the boy said while he looks at Mira sigh. “You… How many times… do I have to tell you… not to go
here all by yourself?!” He snapped in anger. Mira gave a scared look. She knew this was coming. “I-
I’m sorry! I promise I’ll never do it again!” a lame excuse came out of her lips. “That’s what you said
last time!” said Milo, while pulling Mira’s ear. “Owww! I said I’m sorry! Here, look! This boar is so

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huge we can have a party with Lyonn and Andrea tonight!” Mira pointed to her game, still intact
even after all that tension. “I don’t care about that! What if something happened to you?! Please,
think of the consequences!” Milo pulled Mira’s ear even harder. “Nothing happened, right? So what’s
the problem?!” said Mira after freeing her ear from Milo’s fingers. “Arrrgh! Please just stay quiet and
let us head home!” Milo is now officially angry. Holding Mira’s wrist, he guided the girl and the dead
boar home.

On the way home, Milo did not say a thing. Mira kept saying sorry but the only reply she gets
is an “Hmph” from Milo. They finally arrived at home. Their house is small, just enough space for the
two of them. It is made from the wood of the tree that makes up the whole forest. It has a small
window, in which you can easily see the inside if the leather cover isn’t there. Outside stood a
stump, in which a seemingly heavy axe stands atop it. Beside that is a pyramid of lumber, big
enough to be used as firewood.

“Hey… Milo, talk to me. I’m really sorry; I’ll never do it again…” Mira begged for forgiveness.
After fixing up the dead boar and putting it atop the table, Milo finally talked. “You realize what
will happen if I didn’t come there on time, right?” Milo asked with a hint of anger in his tone.
“Yes, I do… but I just want to do something to help you!” said Mira.
“It’s okay to go out and hunt for food, but if you put yourself in danger…” Milo said with a sad
face as he walked toward Mira. He reached for her shoulder.
“I-I’m sorry… I’ll never do it again, I promise.” Again, she promised.
“Sigh… Keep your bag and prepare dinner. I’ll go start the fire.” A sigh of relief came out of Milo.
“Ummm… Milo…” she called for him. “Yes?” he answered.
“I just want to say that… you’re the best brother I’ve ever had… and you’ll always be the best for
me. That’s all.” Mira’s cheeks blushed as she said that line.
“You’re stupid, aren’t you? The ‘best brother you’ve ever had’? I’m the only brother you’ve ever
had, so it’s only natural for me to be the best.” Milo said boastfully.
“Don’t get too cocky!” Mira walked into the kitchen with heavy footsteps.
“Ha ha ha! Be careful. That boar might still be alive and kick your face!” said Milo, with sarcasm.
“Oh, shut up!” Mira shouted from the kitchen.

Night came. As Milo roasts the boar, now chopped up into parts, Lyonn came. “Hey, Milo.”
Lyonn sat down on the tree log behind Milo. “Lyonn! Good to have you here. Where’s Andrea?” Milo
asked after blowing from a wooden pipe to power up the fire. “I don’t know. But she should be here
any minute now. You know her, she likes to be late.” Lyonn said with a laugh. Milo and Lyonn
laughed together until a cute little girl comes running towards them. “Huff puff… Sorry I’m late!”
Andrea said while still catching her breath. “Speak of the devil. Don’t worry you’re not late.” Andrea
did not like Lyonn’s sarcasm. “You two! You’re talking about me again? Arrgh! You tow are the
worst!” Andrea shouted while pouting. Mira came out of the house carrying a pot, probably soup or
rice. “Don’t mind them. They have a crush on you, Andrea.” Mira said with a chuckle. Hearing what
Mira said, Andrea began to blush. She was never good at these sorts of conversations. Andrea
stayed silent, and blushing. “I think we’re all set up. This pig’s already roasted to perfection!” Milo
said while biting a piece of meat. “Yay for barbecue! What--?! Milo! You’re already eating, you
cheater!” Lyonn grabbed the stick with the meat away from Milo’s grasp. The dinner continued with
lots of laughter.

In just half an hour, the boar was almost bones. “I can’t believe you managed to eat all that,
Milo” said Mira “I wonder why you two don’t get fat even after eating all that food.” “Yes, I’m
wondering too.” Andrea was collecting the bones, hoping to feed it to her pet tomorrow. “You two

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are just too sensitive about your weight, that’s why you get fat.” Lyonn points at Mira’s belly, Milo
laughs with him. “You see, as long as you use your head, you won’t get fat even if you eat lots of
food.” Milo said with a chuckle. “WHAT?! Do you mean I’m not using my head?” Mira seems
offended. She’s definitely not using her head… sometimes. “I wonder… I never said anything like
that” Lyonn and Milo started teasing Mira. It was their favorite past time to tease Mira until she
snaps. “Let us change the topic shall we?” Mira successfully prevented herself from killing Lyonn
and Milo. “You two shouldn’t tease Mira too much” said Andrea “You know she doesn’t like it but
you still keep doing it.” After keeping the bones in the bag, she sat down beside Mira. “Just because
it’s fun.” Lyonn and Milo said simultaneously, then the two breaks in laughter. “I wonder… Why
don’t you two tease Andrea?” Mira asked. “Simply because she’s a crybaby.” Milo said while Lyonn
nods his head in agreement. “I’m not a crybaby!” shouted Andrea. “Yes you are. Look, you’re already
crying.” Milo points at her eyes. Tears rolled down Andrea’s cheeks. “See? I told you you’re a
crybaby.” Milo said while handing over a handkerchief. “So you two only tease someone who won’t
cry? Maybe I should try to cry when you tease me.” Mira said, wondering. “You? Crying? It’s
impossible!” Milo exclaimed. “But I do like to see you cry. I think you’re cute when you cry.” Lyonn
continued. After hearing that, Mira blushed a bit and decided to end the day. “I-I guess this ends the
dinner. It’s almost midnight. Shall we get going?” Mira asked the party. Everyone agreed. Lyonn
escorted Andrea back home while Mira headed inside, still blushing. Milo looks up and sees the
moon. Somehow, a bad feeling came to him.

Mira woke up early, making sure her brother doesn’t notice her leaving. She headed directly
into the forest, hoping to find some good game again. As she was walking through the forest, she
saw a young girl by a spring. She ran towards the girl and said, “Hey, what are you doing here? It’s
dangerous out here!” The girl looked back and smiled to her. In her hand was a strange fruit that
looks like an apple. The girl handed the fruit to Mira and then ran away. Mira tried to follow the girl
but wasn’t able to catch up. The fruit was definitely strange. Mira haven’t seen the likes of it in her
entire life. She decided to take a bite. Suddenly, she felt weird. Her body gradually weakened. As she
falls into the ground, she saw the little girl’s figure, picking the strange fruit. The little girl was
smiling and then she vanished into thin air. In just a few seconds, her vision became blurry and the
she lost consciousness.

Milo woke up. It was strangely quiet. He headed directly to Mira’s room and saw her gone.
He instantly knew where she was. He hurriedly grabbed his sword and bag and headed to the
forest. He found Mira by the spring, still without consciousness. He grabbed her into his arms and
checked to see what happened. Even with her body being jerked violently, Mira was still
unconscious. Milo hurriedly carried Mira over to their house.

Mira’s temperature was normal. Her breathing was normal. Her sweating was normal.
There were no signs of any type of sickness; the only thing is that she looks like she’s sleeping.
Confused, he ran into the village and called for help. He went to Lyonn and they went towards
Andrea. She suggested asking the village elder if he can help. So they went to the village elder’s
house and hastily dragged him to Milo’s house. Beside the bed, the elder checked her temperature.
There was nothing wrong with her. The elder suggested waiting for her to wake up.

It’s been a whole day but Mira’s still asleep. Everyone’s worried about Mira. Milo became
impatient and tries to wake her up but his shouts did not reach Mira at all. “Ummm… I think this is
not a common sickness. This is something beyond our knowledge.” Andrea suggested. “If you can,
you might want to go to the city and head to the library. There are intelligent scholars there so they

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might help you.” Milo quickly grabbed Andrea’s shoulders. “Where is it? What is that place?” Milo
desperately asked. “Ahh! Milo… you’re hurting me.” Andrea said in pain. Milo’s grip loosened up and
Andrea continued talking. “The library is called the Library of the Ancients. If you go there, you
might find a scholar that knows a cure for this illness. I’m not sure though.” Milo immediately
grabbed his sword and headed outside. Lyonn chased him and insisted to go with him but Milo
denied Lyonn’s request and said to just take care of Mira while he’s gone. “Well, you could at least
say goodbye to her before you go.” Lyonn said with a sigh.

Milo headed inside and placed his palm in Mira’s face. “I‘ll be back, I promise.” Lyonn saw a
teardrop roll down Milo’s cheeks. He escorted Milo outside the village. “Here, take this. This will
help you on your journey. Make sure you come back soon, or I’ll turn you to minced meat.” Lyonn
handed over a map to Milo. “Thanks, I will definitely return soon. Please, take care of Mira.” Milo
said with a sad tone. “You don’t have to say it. I’ll do it even if you didn’t say it.” Lyonn bid goodbye
to Milo.

Milo’s quest for the cure finally begins.

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The Library of the Ancients

The city of Lucas is a one day trip from the village of Ulcas. Lucas is located north east of the
village and is the capital city of the Lucan Empire. Most people in Ulcas are those that cannot afford
to live in the city. The village of Ulcas is one of the places that are free from tax collection. However,
the empire doesn’t give them too much attention, unlike cities like Lucas, which is why they usually
have poor habitat.

After making his way through the monster infested plains, Milo finally arrived at Lucas. The
city was huge. It would take about half a day to go from one side to another. The city has four gates,
facing the four primary directions. The south gate is the smallest, for here is where most small
parties enter. The north and east gates are the biggest. Products from other countries and cities
enter that gate, so it needs to be able to accommodate large vehicles that carry loads of goods. The
western gate is a dock, where ships and small boats enter. These gates provide the city with the
vital resources to fulfill the growing demands of its inhabitants.

Milo went up the southern gate and a guard told him to stop. “What is your business here,
traveler?” Two guards blocked his way. “I came here to visit the library. Please, let me pass.” Milo
pleaded. The two guards looked at each other. Milo couldn’t tell exactly what their facial
expressions are because of their helms but he saw a hint of grinning. “Where’s your pass?” one of
the guards asked him. “No pass no entry.” Milo was confused; he never knew he needed a pass.
“Pass? I don’t have any. I thought anyone is allowed to enter here.” Milo ended up scratching his
head. “Huh?! Are you serious? If we let everyone in, there would be chaos!” One of the guards
exclaimed. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t know but please, let me pass. This is urgent.” Milo pleaded the
guards. “Hmmm… That is a problem then. Well, partner, what shall we do? He needs to get in but he
doesn’t have a pass.” A guard asked the other, grinning. “Yes, that is a problem. Ah! I have an idea! If
you could pay us 1,500 rems, we’ll let you pass. How about it?”

Milo was stuck. That was exactly how much money he has. If he pays, he might not be able
to stay in the city, but if he doesn’t pay, he won’t be able to go to the city. “Uhhh… Please let me
think this out.” asked Milo. The guards nodded and Milo entered a trance-like state in which he is
lost in his thoughts. After a few minutes, a soldier with a cape (obviously of higher rank than the
two guards) comes and greets Milo. “Traveler, what are you doing there? You are blocking the path.
Why not go to the inn and do the thinking there?” the man with cape said to Milo. Confused, Milo
replied. “Huh? But I can’t go inside unless I have a pass.” “Pass?! Non-sense! You do not need a pass
to enter!” the man in cape screamed in anger. Milo pointed the two guards and told him that if he
doesn’t pay 1,500 rems, he won’t be able to enter. “WHAT?! You two! Is this young man’s statement
true?” the man in cape faced the two guards now trembling in fear. None of the guards answered
but one of them did a big gulp. “I hope you know the consequences of what you’ve done! Young
traveler, please go inside and do your business. I shall take care of these two scum bags.” The man
in cape ordered the doors to be opened. He led Milo inside and gave a stare to the two guards. The
guards, as if struck by lightning, trembled silently in place. “Thank you very much, sir knight. I
appreciate your help.” Milo bowed his head. “Don’t worry about it. Now, off you go.”

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Finally, Milo was inside the city. It was a great sight. Unlike home, everything’s made of
stone and steel. It was a truly modern place. Right after the gates was a market. Upon entering, a
number of people immediately went towards him and offered this and that at various prices.
Business is blooming here. A small stall gave Milo a free taste of a yellow-colored watermelon. “This
is a watermelon? It’s yellow!” Milo asked, surprised. “What are you talking about? Oh, it’s your first
time tasting Rebeccan watermelon, huh? Rebecca farms grow these every season. It’s much sweeter
than the normal red watermelon. Isn’t it great?” Milo was astonished by the sweetness of the
watermelon. Just a free taste of a strangely colored watermelon was enough to distract him from his
primary purpose. Milo came to senses and left the shop. He now needs to know where the library is

After spending an hour walking aimlessly, he finally found the inn-slash-pub. Inside was a
happy group of people, drinking and singing loudly. He headed straight into the innkeeper and
asked where to find the library. “The library? What library? There are dozens of libraries here.” The
innkeeper asked while offering a mug of drink. “Don’t worry; it’s free for first timers. Better drink it
when it’s cold, it loses the ‘kick’ once it becomes warm.” The drink looks a lot like beer, only that it’s
colored blue and has this small sparks inside it, plus the foam that is supposed to be on top of it
vanishes almost immediately. Milo took a sip. It really does have a kick, but it’s not alcohol. It was
sweet and tasted like lemon. He wondered how the lemon juice became blue. Again, he snapped out
of it and started to ask for the Library of the Ancients. “Hmmm… That one’s different. All other
libraries are open to the public but that one is restricted to those who have passes. Everyone in the
castle has one while those who aren’t there are mostly scholars from all over the world. You might
want to think about going somewhere else.” Milo got discouraged. He took another sip from the
sparkling blue lemonade and asked for a library with books about illnesses. “Medical libraries… I
don’t think there’s one. Although you might want to look at libraries that focus on botany since
most medicines are made from plants.” “I see… I’ll try that. Thank you very much for the
information. By the way, this blue drink is delicious. What is it?” Milo smiled at the innkeeper and
took a big gulp. “Oh, I’m glad you liked it. I think it’s okay to sell it now. It is lemonade mixed with
Pakkappa Berries. As we all know, Pakkappa Berries are really sweet and its color leaves a mark
when you eat it so I decided to add it to lemonade and this is what happened. The berries give the
sweetness and the lemon adds a tang. Isn’t it great?” Milo never knew he became an experimental
subject. But still, he can’t deny the fact that the blue lemonade was the best drink he ever had. “It’s
great! This will be a big hit!” Milo said. He thanked the innkeeper once again and left.

“Now where to find this Botany Library…” Milo doesn’t know where to go now. Why didn’t
he ask the innkeeper before? The same question rang into his mind. However, it would be
embarrassing to go back and ask where it is so he decided to go somewhere else.

After asking people here and there, he finally came to the Guard House. No, it’s not a small
house with a window that guards use when they are on duty. It’s a big house that serves as an
information booth for travelers. Milo decided to go inside and ask. In there, he saw the two guards
that were picking on him before. “Ah! It’s you!” One of the guards exclaimed. “You’ll pay for what
you did to us!” the other guard said. “Silence! You don’t talk unless I say so.” The man in cape was
there, too. It seems that the two guards are having the scolding of their life. “We meet again, young
man. What can I do for you this time?” The man in cape asked Milo. “Where can I find this Botany
Library? I’m pretty lost.” Milo admitted he’s lost. Who won’t be lost in a city this big? “A botany
library? Let’s see now… Oh, there is one. Here, I’ll give you a map.” The man in cape opened a map of
the city and marked a path for Milo. “Erba Gilda… What is that?” Milo pointed to the end of the path.

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“Erba Gilda is the library you are looking for. All libraries have names. Some are simply named as
‘library’ while others, like Erba Gilda, use fancy names. Usually, big libraries do that. Ah, look. Right
in front of Erba Gilda is the ‘Old Library’. It’s smaller compared to Erba Gilda so it used a much
simpler name. But wouldn’t it be better if they just used simple names for libraries?” Milo cannot
disagree with that. As he walked towards this place, he saw buildings named ‘Astra Rena’ and ‘Arna
Mana’ that looked like libraries. However, the names were so weird he didn’t bother to go inside. He
thanked the man in cape once again and followed the directions on the map.

The streets were confusing, but thanks to the map, Milo got to Erba Gilda in under an hour.
He went inside the building. He scanned the area. As expected in a library, it’s totally quiet. It’s so
quiet that faint whispers can be classified as ‘loud’. He went to the counter and asked. “Ummm…
Hello, I’d like to borrow a book.” Milo was nervous, he was stuttering. “Oh, hello. What book would
you like to borrow?” The librarian looked like knowledgeable herself so Milo described Mira’s
condition. “Hmmm… That is strange; I’ve never heard or read an illness like that…” Suddenly, a
woman asks Milo. “How did she get it? Is it because of a fruit?” Milo turned. The first thing he
noticed was that the woman was a spitting image of Mira. “Mia! It’s you again! Please don’t talk
about that silly legend. It’s embarrassing, we have a customer here.” The girl, Mia, ignored the
librarian. “Does her breath smell like almonds? Is there a tint of purple in her teeth?” Milo was
surprised. The second set of questions was 100% accurate. “Y-Yes! Her teeth were colored purple
and smelled like almonds. H-How did you know that?” “As expected. This illness you talk about is
caused by a strange fruit. However…” the girl grabbed Milo’s wrist and headed outside the library.

“H-Hey! Wait a minute! Where are you taking me?” Milo was dragged by the girl. Suddenly,
the girl stopped running. “Oh! I’m sorry! I’m really sorry! I forgot to tell you. My name is Mia, and
I’m a scholar.” Milo was once again surprised. Scholars are usually middle aged people but this girl
is just about his age. “W-What? You’re a scholar? You must be kidding!” Mia lifted her spectacles
with a finger. “Amazing, huh? Even I get amazed when I think about it. Fufufu… Anyways, about
your girlfriend...” “She’s my sister, my twin sister.” Mia blushed. She was embarrassed. “Oh! I-I’m
sorry. Anyways, your sister is in deep slumber, right?” For the third time, Mia surprised Milo. “Y-
Yes! How do you know all of these?” “You might not believe me but please, listen to me. Your sister
has eaten a ‘cursed fruit’. Most probably, she will never wake up again.” “What?! T-That’s not true!
There’s a way to cure her, I believe it.” Milo is in rage. Never to wake up again? That’s insane. “It’s
not really a ‘sickness’, it more of a ‘curse’.” Mia is becoming more and more unbelievable. “This is
stupid, I’ll return to the library.” Milo faced the library and walked away.

“W-Wait! Please come with me!” Milo ignored Mia’s pleading. “I know of a way to cure her!”
Milo stopped his walking and faced Mia once again. “If you follow me, I’ll tell you how to cure her.
It’s definitely a curse, please believe me.” Milo went and followed Mia.

In front of the library is the ‘Old Library’. It is filled with book about legends, myths, and
everything old. “Hey, are you sure this is the right place?” Milo wondered.

“Yes, it is. You know that huge tree, right?” Mia asked Milo.
“The Legendary Tree…?”
“Regalo to be precise… Legends speak of this legendary tree to be blooming strange fruits that
have unknown effects. Some of them give the consumer power while some take away power. In
your sister’s case, she ate one of the fruits that take away power. I believe that if there is a fruit that
does a negative effect, there is this other fruit that will do the opposite. Meaning, there should be a
fruit that will cure your sister’s eternal slumber!”

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“This book… This book only talks about the tree being a ‘tree of life’ that provides humans all
the things that they need. How did you know about these fruits…?” Milo wondered.
“Ah… That… I… Uhh…” Mia stuttered. “Ah! Who cares? If you can find that fruit, your sister
might wake up!” Mia was obviously evading the topic.
“But look here. No one in the history of man has entered the tree’s realm.” Milo points to a line
in the book he is reading.

“…” Mia was speechless. “Arrgh! This is getting annoying! Come with me!” All of a sudden, Mia
dragged Milo once again and headed into the castle. Milo entered a huge mess.

In the castle gates, a guard blocked their path. Mia showed a pendant with a dragon’s
symbol engraved in it. The guard moved out of the path and Mia dragged Milo violently inside the
castle. After taking turns, they finally stopped moving. “I just wondered… I still don’t know your
name.” Mia asked Milo, catching his breath. “I-It’s… Mi… lo… It’s Milo. Huff puff…” Milo finally
caught his breath. “Oh, nice to meet you Milo. Anyways, we’re here.” Mia pointed to the door in front
of them. “What is this place?” Milo looked around. He saw numerous scholars walking and talking in
the hall. “This is the Library of the Ancients. All sacred manuscripts in history are kept here.” Milo
was surprised – for the fourth time. “W-What?! You mean, you really are a scholar?” Mia gave an
angry look. “So you didn’t believe me when I told I was a scholar. You better be sorry.” Mia dragged
Milo inside and headed to a shelf of old books. “Look at this. This is written by King Lucas Atreus.
This spoke of the legendary tree, which people named Regalo. It’s said that it was him, and only him
that was able to go in and out of the tree’s realm. Here, he wrote everything he found out about the
tree. Look at this part, it talks about strange fruits. Somehow, this fruit got outside and was eaten by
your sister.”

Milo focused on reading the part that Mia pointed. It talked about strange fruits that have
random effects. It can give you immortality, superhuman strength, beast-like fangs, wings, and
many other things. It also stated that it can give negative effects like death, weakened body, rotting
bones, eternal sleep, lost voice, and halved-lifetime. He now knows that Mia is talking the truth. On
the last parts of the book it said “Whoever comes into the tree’s realm… will have their very
existence erased.” The text in the middle was stained because of time. Without it, the book doesn’t
make sense. If those that enter the tree’s realm will have their existence erased, what about King
Lucas? If his existence was erased, why is it that everyone knows about his existence? Milo’s head
hurt due to the surge of information. At this point, he doesn’t know what to do.

“I’m sorry. It must be hard for you to absorb all these information. But fear not. Your sister
is only asleep. She will not die, even if doesn’t eat or drink. I assure you.” Mia’s words were
unbelievable but somehow, it lightened Milo’s heart. “Hey, how about I treat you lunch? Honestly,
you were the only person that listened to me talk about this stuff, so think of it as a thank you.” Mia
smiled, hoping Milo would accept her proposal. “Thank you very much. You’re really kind.”

Mia and Milo headed to the castle grounds. It was like a separate city from outside. “Wow” is
all that Milo can say.

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Atreus Empire

“Ah! I’ve never really thought someone would talk to me about that legend, it feels great!”
Mia said to Milo in excitement as they walk to a restaurant in the castle grounds. “Well, I never
really agreed to talk about it but if you feel that way…” Milo said while facing away from Mia. “Hey,
when you talk to someone, always face them. Have you no manners?” Mia placed her hands in her
hips. “No, it’s not that… It’s just… you look too much like my sister.” Milo said while blushing. “Oh, I
get it. You’re style has been overly used, try thinking of something else.” Mia said as she drags Milo
into an expensive-looking restaurant. “What?! What are you talking about?! Hey… This place looks
expensive! Why are we going inside?” Milo cut the shouting part short. He was amazed by the look
of the place. It was really fancy and all. “Have you forgotten? I’m treating you to lunch.” Mia pulled a
chair and sat down. “I have not forgotten it but… do you have the money to pay here?” Milo asked
Mia as he sat down in another chair. “Don’t worry, I have this pendant. Those that have these can
have discounts. Also, you don’t have to worry about that. This place is cheap.” Mia explained. “Oh, so
you’re a cheapskate. I guess even rich people tighten their belts every once in a while.” Milo
chuckled. “I am not a cheapskate. I call it, being smart when buying something.” “Yeah, yeah,

“So, how did you become a scholar? I’ve never seen a scholar as young as you.” Milo asked.
Mia seemed saddened about the topic although Milo vaguely noticed it. “Heh heh. It’s because I’m a
genius.” Mia said with a chuckle. Just by looking at her, you can tell that she is an intelligent person.
The thick spectacles prove her poor eyesight, probably caused by improper lighting when reading.
Her bag carries only books that seem only she can understand. Her hair is undone and somehow
strange for a lady, Milo thought. But for some reason, she smelled good. “I can tell that you have
devoted your life to studying. Your looks say it all. My guess is that a high ranking scholar or
something saw your talent and then recommended you… you know stuff like that.” Milo was not
really familiar how city folks live, but just for the sake of having a conversation; he readied himself
for humiliation and embarrassment. “Close, but not quite. My parents were considered the most
intelligent scholars ever lived. So, since I can remember, I’ve been reading books and studying
everything to catch up to my parents. Then I became a scholar, because one of my parents’ friend,
who was a scholar too, recommended me to the High Mage. Then, poof, I became the youngest
scholar ever.” She looked proud when saying it but Milo felt something else. “Sorry.” Mia was
confused. “What? Why are you saying ‘sorry’?” Mia asked Milo, who was confused himself. “I-I don’t
know. I just felt like I said something rude or improper…”

There was a moment of silence. “A-Anyway… About your sister, can I come to see her? I
want to know more of this, uh, illness.” Mia desperately revived the conversation. “Can you do
something about her condition?” Milo asked, having this worried look in his face. “I don’t know. But
I can tell if she is still doing good or not. What’s her temperature?” Mia suddenly became a doctor.
“Last time I checked, her temperature was still normal. Her breathing and sweating was fine too.”
Mia scratched her forehead. “That is definitely strange, but that’s good news. I need to see her, I
must see her.” Milo looked at Mia. She seems to have interest in such things.

A fanfare began playing. The prince, Prince Argus Atreus, had returned from a meeting with
the neighboring country. His loyal guard team accompanied him as he stepped into the castle

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grounds. The prince scanned the area and paused to take a look at Mia. He then turned and
whispered to his knight, a woman in red armor. The woman looked at Mia and then nodded at the
prince. The escort continued with the prince faced the crowd that was cheering for him.

“Who was that?” Milo asked. “WHAT?! You don’t know who that is?” Mia screamed in
amazement. It’s probably the first time she’d seen someone who doesn’t know the prince. Wait till
she sees the whole village of Ulcas. “That is the prince of the Lucan Empire! How come you don’t
know him?” Mia almost choked Milo as she grabs his neck. “Ack! Well, the royal family doesn’t care
too much about small villages like Ulcas, so I’ve never seen nor heard of him.” He finally got himself
freed from Mia’s deadly clutch. “You… You’re impossible! Alright, listen well. I will not stop
schooling you until you learn.” Mia grabbed a book from her bag. The title reads “A Century of the
Lucan Empire”.

The Lucan Empire started almost a hundred years ago. Long ago, there were a race called
the ‘Summoners’ that once inhabited the rich lands around the so-called “Tree of Life”. When King
Lucas Atreus came into the continent, he wanted to create a village for his hungry townspeople.
They made a small village outside a summoner town. To the summoners, however, strangers and
aliens are all considered enemies. It was not long before they drove the Lucan people away. The
people started traveling west, to the vast plains surrounded by thick forests and mountain ranges.
Although their numbers have diminished along the way, they still strived hard to make a new place
they could call home. Soon enough, people from the place they came from started moving to the
place King Lucas and his people had built. Unlike the summoners, King Lucas accepted them. Their
people grew larger in numbers. As time passed by, the townspeople decided to call King Lucas their

The summoners saw this as a threat. The summoner leader thought that these aliens are
establishing their own army and wanted to eliminate their race. Soon enough, the summoners
waged war against the Lucan people. King Lucas wanted to negotiate with them so they sent a
messenger to arrange a meeting with the summoner leader. Six days later, a beastly creature came,
delivering a package for the king. The moment the beast dropped the package, it instantly vanished
into thin air. That was the power of the summoners. They are able to invoke the power of the
‘spirits’ and use them as their own power. To their surprise, the package contained the messenger’s
head. The war had officially started.

Ever since that day, fear never left the hearts of the citizens. Their enemies are like
monsters, they are much more powerful than their soldiers. The chances of winning are very low.
However, King Lucas did not falter. The summoners finally came. They took the chance to attack
first, which was expected by the King. With his men, the King charged forward even knowing that
winning can be difficult. Their enemies were not the summoners themselves, but strange and
powerful beasts loyal to their masters. Even with his soldiers killing these beasts down, there was
no sign of victory.

The King noticed something and came up with a plan. He immediately pulled his frontline
men back, causing the beasts to advance forward. At the same time, the summoners moved with
them. With this the King concluded that the summoners and the beasts must be within a specific
range. He continued to pull his soldiers back, until the summoners were within the archers’ range.
Soon enough, a rain of arrows fired down from the sky, killing summoners one by one. As these
summoners die, the number of beasts greatly decreased. The King ordered his soldiers to move

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forward once again and force the enemies down. With the huge decrease in fire power, the
summoners retreated back.

The first clash ended. Many were wounded. The King ordered the most intelligent people to
gather and collect information about the summoners from their dead bodies. The summoners did
not make a move since their defeat. A few years had passed and the summoners remain silent.
However, the Lucan Empire had found a powerful weapon against them. The collected bodies of the
dead summoners contained distinct genes only found from pure summoners. The scientists thought
of putting these genes into their people would give them the summoner abilities. In a few months
the first experiment was done… and it was a success. Although their people were not able to
summon deadly beasts, they were able to do something similar. The experiment subjects had
gained the ability to invoke the power of the elements and use it as weapons or medicine. That was
the birth of the Mages. With this new power in their hand, King Lucas started to form an army to
finally end the summoners’ race once and for all.

In just a few months, the King had an army of Mages, ready to strike down any opponent
they may see. Alas, the time for an epic battle has finally come. The Lucan Army was ready to fight
while the summoners’ army was still recovering from their huge loss. Without hesitation, the Lucan
army pushed forward, razing the summoers’ villages and towns. Soon enough, every summoner
was killed. It was a great victory for the Lucan Empire. That was the beginning of the Lucan Empire.

Ever since then, the Lucan Empire had been the strongest there is. Kingdoms from other
continents tried to invade them but no one succeeded. When King Atreus 57th took the throne, all
wars have stopped. Everything was done through negotiation. It was then when economics
boomed. His era was also the start of the Industrial Era. Ever since then, the use of the word ‘Mages’
had been forbidden. The Mages were then called ‘scholars’, masters of intelligence and wizardry.
From then on, the scholars were divided into many different types: Alchemists, White Mages, Black
Mages, Herbalists, and many others. The Empire soon took over the whole continent. All
neighboring countries had become under the Lucan Empire. Up until now, the Lucan Empire is still
growing bigger and stronger as the years pass.

“So, it’s been a hundred years since the Lucan Empire owned this continent?” Milo asked
after hearing Mia’s lesson. “Ninety eight years, to be exact.” Mia then closed the book. Small clouds
of dusts came out as she slammed the book closed. “So that guy is the ninety-ninth successor to the
throne?” Milo asked, pointing at the escort’s direction while sipping a coffee-like beverage. “Watch
your mouth! That guy is the prince, if anyone hears you being disrespectful; you might get your
head chopped off.” Mia slammed the table, almost knocking the flower vase atop the table down.
“Look who’s talking… Anyway, I thought you’re going to treat me lunch. Don’t tell me this is it.” Milo
pointed at his drink, which is now empty. Mia turned red. “Y-Yes! That’s what I eat for lunch!” A
lame excuse, obviously. “Sigh… Cheapskate.” Milo said as he slaps his palm into his face. “T-Take
that back!” Mia was obviously angry.

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The Prodigy

The prince went inside the palace, along with his escorts. He headed directly into the throne
room. He walked forward, about sixteen paces, and then knelt down before the mighty King Nikolai
Atreus 98th. The King raised his hand, a sign to stand up and talk. The prince did as the King
commanded him and then talked. “My King, the meeting with Pentalima was successful. They have
agreed to import their products into our city.” The Prince was calm and collected. He spoke proudly
as he gave the signed document to the soldier, neatly rolled up into a scroll. The soldier handed the
scroll from the Prince to the King. “Ah! Yet another amazing work, Prince Argus. You truly amaze
me with your abilities.” The King closed the scroll, gave it to the soldier, and gave his long white
beard a good rub. “Now, the only thing left is to go and steal Pentalima blacksmiths! Ha ha ha… ha..”
The King gave a scary look at the soldier on his right and the soldier forced himself to laugh as he
gave the soldier beside him a jerk with his elbow. Soon enough, the soldiers were all laughing. Yes,
the King doesn’t like it when no one laughs at his lame jokes.

The Prince was dismissed. He and his knight, Ruby Ledene, walked into his chambers. “That
girl… She is Sir Ferrier’s daughter, right?” The Prince asked the lady in red, as he sat down and
poured tea on the cup the maid had brought for them. “Yes, my lord. I believe Sir Ferrier’s daughter
is one of the best scholars there is… although she is far from her parents.” Ruby kept her stand and
made no movements. “I see… The Ferriers were truly geniuses. Their deaths were definitely a big
loss… Come. Sit down and have tea.” The Prince filled another cup with tea. Ruby resisted at first
but as the Prince forced her, she had no other choice but to drink tea with him. “You said she is far
from her parents. I believe the opposite. I feel that she is much, much intelligent than her parents.
She will accomplish something that her parents failed to do.” The Prince took a sip of tea. “But, my
lord, she is still a novice scholar. She was just accepted a few years ago. I believe her experience is
not enough to be able to match her parents.” Ruby explained after almost spitting out tea at the
Prince. “I see. So that is what you think… Only time can tell. Now, if you will excuse me. I’d like to
have some rest. It was a good conversation.” The Prince stood up, heading to the large window at
his room. “It was a pleasure my lord. Summon me whenever you need something.” Ruby bowed her
head and left the room. The Prince stared at the sky for a while, making no movements and sounds.

Staring upwards, toward the bright blue sky, Milo is worried about Mira. “Hey… You’ve been
lost in thought for some time there. Are you okay?” Mia asked. Milo almost fell on the floor after
seeing Mia’s cute face was just inches away from his. “What the…?! Don’t get too close!” Milo was
blushing. “What’s the problem? Is my face not good enough? Well, you’re not really my type so I
don’t care.” Mia pouted her cheeks. “You ARE a weird girl. It’s already dark. I can’t believe I’ve spent
a whole day here already. I hope Mira’s alright.” Milo looked towards the sky again. “Trust me, there
is nothing to worry about. Anyway, you should go to the inn and rent a room there. Come
tomorrow, we’ll leave for Ulcas. See ya.” Mia ran towards the castle. “What a girl. I do hope she’s
right about Mira.” Milo walked away heading for the inn.

The moon was up. A beautiful crescent moon can be seen from the second floor of the inn. In
the window, Milo sat down, watching the beautiful moon. “This… This was the same moon that
night… Damn! Why did this happen?” Milo wondered about what he learned today. If that fruit does
exist, will he go and get it? The consequences are still unclear, but what if it’s true? Will he sacrifice

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his existence for Mira’s sake? What would happen to Mira then? As all these questions spin around
his head, he decided to take a walk. He headed downstairs, told the innkeeper he’d just get some air,
and then left the inn. In the morning, everything was busy. But in the night, all was quiet. Even the
pubs barely made noise. It was a truly peaceful night.

“Kyaaaa!” An ear-piercing shriek broke the silence in the night. Milo headed to its direction
and saw Mia being harassed by two thugs. Immediately, he drew his sword and fought against the
thugs. “Mind your own business, punk!” one of the thugs pulled a dagger from his belt and
threatened them. The other one took a Scimitar and moved forward by a step. “Harassing a
defenseless lady… How low can you get?” Milo unsheathed his sword and held it with two hands.
“Mia, when I tell you to, run as far as you can, got it?” Milo whispered to Mia without looking at her.
“Uh, wait. I think I can help. I am a white mage.” For the fifth time today, Mia surprised Milo. “Huh?
Okay, but stay away from danger. If you feel threatened, just run away.” Milo readied his stance. “Y-
Yes… Understood.” Mia held a book tightly in her hands.

Milo took the opportunity to do the first attack. He sprinted forward and tried to pierce the
dagger-holding thug however, the thug evaded his attack with ease. It seems that the thugs are
experienced in battle… or Milo is still inexperienced. It’s either of the two. The other thug took the
chance to cut Milo in half but Milo successfully evaded it and even gave a bashing counter-attack on
the back of the head. The scimitar-holding thug lost consciousness. The remaining one made a big
gulp and ran towards Mia. She was in the thugs grip. “Heh heh… Make a move and she’s dead.” The
thug had Mia as a hostage and with that, Milo was immobilized. “Damn it! You dirty bastard! Let her
go!” Milo swung his sword forward but the dagger’s blade came even closer to Mia’s neck. “Heh
heh… You’re not in the position to negotiate with me.” The thug held the dagger even closer to Mia’s
neck. “If you didn’t mess with us, no one could’ve been hurt. But you refused to mind your own
business so—CLANG!” The thug was bashed by a huge shield from a woman in red armor. “Foul
beasts. You shall have the punishment you deserve, I assure you.” It was the Prince’s knight, Ruby
Ledene that aided them in the fight. “L-Lady Ruby! What are you doing here?” Mia asked in
confusion. “I came to your room but found it empty, so I thought you took a stroll outside and here’s
where I found you.” Ruby explained, picking up the unconscious thug and throwing it over to the
other thug which was knocked out earlier. “It’s very valiant of you, young man, to take over two
enemies at once. I admire your bravery.” She looked at Milo, sheathing his sword. “O-Oh, thank you
very much, umm, Lady Ruby…” Milo was stuttering. “However, from what I can see, your fighting
abilities need improvement. If you work on that, you might be able to make it to the royal guards.”
Ruby faced Mia. “Lady Ferrier, please come with me. The prince wishes to see you.” Mia was
shocked. What could the prince want with her? Having no choice, she said goodbye to Milo and left
with Ruby.

Prince Argus was waiting in the common room, making sure his tea doesn’t cool. Soon
enough, two knocks were heard. “My lord, I have returned with Lady Ferrier.” “Come in. The door is
open.” Ruby pushed the door and then it opened with a squeak. “Ah, Lady Ferrier, it is nice to finally
meet you. Ruby, would you mind stepping outside while our conversation lasts?” The Prince started
pouring tea, both to his cup and to the other. “As you wish.” Ruby gave a bow, headed outside the
room, and then closed the door gently. “Come and sit, Lady Ferrier. I hope you like tea.” Mia sat
down. She never said a word, ever since she said goodbye to Milo. “What’s the matter, my lady?”
The Prince asked. “I-I don’t d-drink tea, m-my lord.” Mia was really stuttering. It was her first time
to talk directly to the Prince. “Ah! Apologies, my lady. What do you like then? Coffee?” The Prince
bowed his head in apology. “O-Oh! No! You d-don’t have to a-apologize, my lord. But… yes p-please,

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I-I w-would like to have some c-coffee…” Mia can’t calm down. The Prince rang a bell and then a few
minutes later, a maid comes rushing in. “Please prepare a cup of coffee for Lady Ferrier. Oh, wait a
minute. My lady, how would you like your coffee?” The Prince asked again. “A-Ah… Anything is fine,
r-really.” Her heart was beating abnormally. “Well, then. Please bring black coffee along with sugar
and milk, so that Lady Ferrier here can blend it the way she likes it. Please make it fast.” The maid
bowed her head and ran towards the kitchen. “So, my lady, I heard you’ve become a scholar, like
you parents. Allow me to congratulate you.” The Prince held Mia’s hand. In return, Mia pulled her
hand as quick as she can. “A-Ah, n-no, my lord. I have become a s-scholar but I-I don’t think I am as
g-good as my p-parents.” Mia was breathing heavily. “But I believe you have the potential to be like
you pare—no. You have the potential to surpass your parents. Don’t you think so?” The Prince took
a sip from his cup. A few moments later, the maid came and handed over the coffee. “N-no! I don’t
think I-I can… I-I still have a l-lot to learn, my lord.” Mia clenched her hands together. “Ah, such
humility captivates my heart. Oh, please, use as much as you like.” Mia nodded and took two cubes
of sugar and dropped it in her cup. She took another two and dropped it in the cup. She once again
took another two cubes and dropped it in her cup. “Oh my, you have such a sweet tooth.” The Prince
noticed. “O-Oh! I-I’m sorry. I’m putting a lot…” “No, no. As I said, use as much as you like.” Mia
continued, but this time, she poured down milk in her cup. She then placed the milk in the table and
finally gave it a good stir. Mia took a sip from her cup.

“So, back on topic, I assume you are following your parents’ footsteps.” The Prince
continued the conversation. “Y-Yes. It’s what I have planned on doing.” She took another sip. The
coffee must’ve calmed her down. “Then you are studying about the legendary tree, Regalo, too?”
The Prince took a sip from his cup. “O-Oh yes! I have started reading documents my parents had
written… although I am far from finishing it all.” “I see… So you still haven’t found anything your
parents had not seen?” The Prince lost that seductive look and replaced it with a serious look. “I-I
don’t know… I’m still not finished reading all the documents but…” She took a sip. “But?” The Prince
leaned forward. “But I have met someone that had seen the effects of the tree’s fruit.” “Ah! That is
intriguing, indeed. Then who is this person?” Both of them took a sip, almost at the same time. “I’ve
only met him this morning. Tomorrow, I shall leave for Ulcas to see this affected person. It seems
his sister had been sleeping for about three days now.” “A sleeping beauty? I need to see her… Just
kidding. Ha ha ha!” Mia hardly laughed. She then faked her smile. “I see you are progressing on your
research. Very good. Your parents’ work had been really useful for the empire. I want to give them
my thanks but unfortunately, I cannot so I shall thank you in their steed.” “T-Thank you very much,
my lord! I shall try to further my research!” “Very well then. This conversation is over. It was nice
talking to you. Please return to your room and have a good night.” The Prince took a long sip from
his cup. “I-I will, my lord. Now, if you would excuse me…” Mia walked outside and bowed to Ruby.
She then headed to her room.

“My lord, is the discussion over?” Ruby walked inside the room. “Ruby… Women like sweet
things, don’t they?” The Prince was holding Mia’s cup in her hand. “I-I am not sure, my lord. Some
may, some may not.” Ruby was slightly blushing. “I see… Well then, I shall go to my room. Good
night.” The Prince left the common room, leaving Ruby behind. “What’s with that question all of a
sudden?” Ruby walked towards the table and took a sip from Mia’s cup. “Ugh! T-This… T-This is way
too sweet! She actually drank this? It’s almost empty!” Mia’s taste buds must’ve been messed up.

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Back at the Village

The sun rose high in the sky. Its rays passed through the transparent glass windows of the
inn, directly into Milo’s eyes. Blinded by the light, Milo woke up and did a good yawn. “Ah! Slept like
a log! These beds are really comfy. It’s hard to get up once you lie down.” Milo stood up, rubbing his
eyes, and then walked outside his room. The inn maid greeted him ‘good morning’ with a cheerful
smile. He headed downstairs and on the inn lobby, he saw Mia drinking coffee.

“Hey, what’s up?” Milo greeted her as he walked closer to the table. “Oh! Good Morning,
Milo. You ready to go back to Ulcas?” Mia took a sip from her cup. “I am but… Can I eat breakfast
first?” Milo scratched his head. “You can eat anytime once we get into the forest! We must waste no
time!” Mia chugged down the remaining coffee in her cup, grabbed Milo, then ran away from the
inn. “H-Hey! Stop!” the innkeeper called but Mia kept running. “Aack! Damn it! Anyone stop them!
Eat and run!!” Apparently, Mia had not yet paid for her coffee. A fat woman then blocked their path.
“How dare you eat and run on our inn?” It was the fruit vendor Milo met on his first day. “WHAT?!
You haven’t paid?! Aagh!” Milo reached for his pockets. “U-Umm, I’m sorry. Please forgive her. She’s
somewhat stupid. Here’s the payment for the coffee, please keep the change.” Milo then grabbed
Mia and scooted off to the southern gate. “How dare you call a scholar ‘stupid’?” Mia placed her
hands on her hips. “I am not calling you ‘stupid’. I am merely stating a fact.” Milo pointed his fingers
upward, as if giving Mia a lecture. “Scholars always state facts, right?” From Milo’s point of view,
Mia’s nerves started popping up on her forehead as if saying ‘don’t mess with me or I’ll kill you’. “U-
Uhh… Mia?” Milo reached for her shoulder. “DON’T MESS WITH ME OR I’LL KILL YOU!” Mia took a
thick book from her bag and then bashed Milo’s head. After a loud thud, Milo came crashing down
on the ground. “Ah! I’m so sorry Milo! Are you okay?” Weird enough, Mia doesn’t sound she’s sorry.
“Aack… I thought I was gonna die.” Milo tried to stand up, but it was abnormally heavy. “Ohohoho~
Are you saying something?” Mia was sitting on Milo’s back. “Aack! Too… heavy… can’t… breathe…”
Mia stood up a bit, and then slammed Milo’s back when he sat back down. “Ohohoho~ What was it
again?” “Ahh! Please forgive me! I’ll never do it again!” As Milo pleaded, Mia laughed like a succubus.
They made a big scene in the streets.

They made their way on to the southern gate. As expected, it was bustling with activity. It
would require a bit of effort to maneuver through the busy crowd. But they made it out, finally.
Before heading out, Mia checked her belongings. “What are you doing?” Milo asked in confusion.
“Can’t you tell? I’m checking my belongings. In that crowd, at least ten percent of the people there is
a thief, guaranteed.” Mia closely inspected every corner of her bag. Milo started to check his items
too. “Phew! Everything’s all fine. What about you?” Mia asked Milo who seemed like losing
something. “Aack! My money! It’s gone!” Milo looked furiously around, but no one around seems to
be the suspect. “Arrgh! NO!” “Sigh… Why does this always happen? How much did you lose?” Mia
took out her wallet and opened it. “U-Uhh… About 1,500 rems…” Mia handed over a bit of money to
Milo. It was 1,500 rems. Milo gave an evil grin and then said “Oh! I think it was 5,000 rems! Yes, I’m
sure it was 5,000 rems!” After heaving a sigh, Mia opened her wallet again and in a few seconds, her
fist starts drilling into Milo’s face. A one-hit KO. “Let’s go!” Mia was really mad.

They were finally outside, walking into the plains that run between Lucas and Ulcas. Milo,
whose face was still swollen, heaved a big sigh. “You know… You are an interesting girl.” Mia was

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surprised by the sudden conversation. She blushed. “W-What makes you say that?” “Well, for one,
you are a scholar at your age. That is amazing.” Mia turned redder than before. “R-Really?” “Yes.
Another thing is your energy. I always thought scholars were never the athletic ones, you know,
they always lock themselves in studies and endlessly read books, no physical activity at all.” Mia
turned redder than before, however, she wasn’t sure it was a compliment. “The last thing is…” Milo
stopped. Mia faced him, still red, and asked. “The last thing is…?” Milo faced away from Mia then
said “U-Uhh… You’re pretty cute…” Mia was red as apple, and so is Milo. The walk continued with
the two of them blushing.

After half a day of traveling (and blushing), they finally reached the entrance of Ulcas Forest.
Mia was obviously tired. Milo noticed it and decided to take a break. “Just when I thought you were
energetic… Sigh… It’s probably time for a break. I’m hungry.” Milo walked towards the forest. “W-
Wait! Where are you going?” Mia stood up, chasing Milo. “Just sit there. I’m going to find some food.”
W-What?! Are you serious? What if monsters suddenly attack?” “Oh. When that happens, just
explain to them the Theory of Relativity and then they might run away in boredom.” A book comes
flying into Milo’s head. “Oww! I won’t be out for too long so just stay there. When monsters attack,
just scream as loud as you can, okay?” “Oh! A brilliant idea! I never thought you were so bright! If I
scream with a high enough pitch, the monster will get distracted and then run away!” Mia was
really delighted. “Sigh… You have no imagination… Just stay there and don’t leave that place, okay?”
Milo headed off inside the forest.

“So… What should I get? Fruits are easy to find but not really that filling. I haven’t had any
breakfast so… Meat then.” Milo looked around and then spotted a bird, about the size of a two-year
old child. “That’d be good enough.” He carefully walked near it, making sure not to make any noise,
and when he was near enough, he took his unsheathed sword and then bashed the bird’s head.
Instantly, the bird was Milo’s lunch. “Heh heh… This is way too easy. I guess I’ll go find some fruits.
I’m pretty sure Mia will like the sweetness of Pakkappa Berries.” Milo tied the dead bird’s legs
together, pulled out the feathers, and then looked around for some berries. Once the bird is free
from feathers, he walked up into a bush and then collected a bag full of berries. After that, he went
back to Mia.

“Here you go.” Milo handed over the bag of berries while setting up a small campfire
beneath a tree’s shade. He lit up the fire and blew on a wooden pipe he found lying on the ground.
The ember became bigger and bigger with every huff and puff. Soon enough, the fire was big
enough to roast the dead bird. “Hey! These are Pakkappa Berries, right? It’s the first time I’ve
actually seen one.” Mia was examining a berry, looking at it on every angle. “What? Where the hell
do you live? You mean you haven’t eaten a Pakkappa Berry before?” Milo scratched his head. “Yes.
Most Pakkappa Berries in the city often becomes juices and potions, so I’ve never really eaten or
seen a Pakkappa Berry in its real shape.” Mia chomped on one berry. “Ah! It’s really sweet!” Mia’s
cheeks were red, and it’s obvious she was delighted with it. She was kinda cute, Milo thought. “U-
Uhh… Weird but I’m glad you liked it.” Milo was supposed to be checking on the roast be he can’t
remove his eyes off of Mia. She was like an innocent child. “Ahh!” Mia squeezed a berry with two
fingers and its juices come shooting out to her white robe. It left a bluish stain. “It won’t come off!
What’s happening?” Mia kept wiping the stain over and over again, but the stain just kept getting
bigger and bigger. “Don’t wipe it off! You’ll only make it worse. You need salty water to take that off.
Gosh, I can’t believe you. You’re a scholar and you never knew anything about these berries?” Milo
threw a bunch of dead grass on the roast, making the fire grow bigger. “Well, sorry if I’m not
knowledgeable about berries. I’m not an Herbalist, for your information.” “You don’t have to be an

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Herbalist to know that. You need to get out of the city more.” Mia puted her cheeks and continued to
munch on the sweet berries. “Don’t eat too much. You’ll stain your teeth and tongue.” Mia took her
finger and rubbed it in her teeth. “Ah! It’s true! How do I get rid of this?” Mia kept rubbing her teeth
with her finger. “Weren’t you listening? I told you to not wipe it off. Once we reach home, I’ll get you
some sea water.” Milo pinched the barbecue with a stick. “I think this is ready.”

Milo took the dead bird out of the roast and then took a bite from it. “Hmm, good.” He sat
down next to Mia and then offered her a bite. “Here. We don’t have spoons and forks in the wild so
you’ll have to use your hands to eat it.” Mia pinched a meaty part of the bird. “Oww! It’s hot!” “Of
course! I just took it out from the fire so it’ll be naturally hot.” Milo took another bite off the bird.
“Hrmm…” Mia pinched again, this time resisting the high temperature of the bird. Finally, she was
able to get a piece of from the bird’s body. “Ow-ow-ow-ow! Hot!” The piece of meat was jumping in
Mia’s cute little hand. She took the meat with two fingers, resisting the heat, and then chomped it
down. “Hey, this isn’t half bad. You did this with no seasonings?” Mia took another pinch off the
bird’s body and, like before, had it jumping in her hands. “Yup, no seasonings at all. Just the bird and
fire. Isn’t wildlife good?” Milo smiled. He was really delighted to see Mia this happy.

Lunch continued, Milo eating most of the bird and Mia quitting halfway. When the bird was
all bones, Milo took it and dug a hole in the ground. “What are you doing?” Mia stepped closer to
Milo and found him dumping the bones into the hole. “I’m turning this bird into fertilizer. We need
to repay Mother Nature sometimes, you know.” Milo covered the hole and stomped on it several
times. “Bones don’t decay. They’d just dry up and then turn into fossil as time pass by.” Mia looked
at Milo. He doesn’t seem to care about things like that. “Well, we’re done eating, so let’s continue. If
we leave now, we might make it way before sundown.” Milo took his bag and then headed towards
the forest.

Using his sword, Milo slashed down vines and bushes that block the way, giving Mia a clear
path to walk on. At times, Milo can be a gentleman, Mia thought. “Hey, don’t walk too near me or
you might get slashed by my sword.” Milo found Mia hanging tight on his clothes. “Then don’t hit
me!” Mia was trembling. “I see… heh heh…” “What? What’s so funny? What are you planning?” Mia
was scared. It was her first time going in a forest. “Nothing. I’m just thinking of how you’d look like
if a snake pops up hanging on a vine.” Milo was keeping himself from laughing. “D-Don’t scare me!
You know I’m not used to outdoors!” Milo can’t help himself. He bursted out laughing. “Ha ha ha! I’m
sorry. I just can’t help it. You remind me of my sister, she always get furious when I play tricks on
her. Ha ha ha ha!” Mia was getting angry bit by bit, however, when she thought of Milo being
worried about her sister, it made her wonder. “Hey… How can you… How can you do that?” “Do
what?” Milo was confused by the sudden question. “How can you laugh your heart out while… while
your sister could be in trouble?” Milo became silent. “O-Oh! I’m sorry; you don’t have to answer if
you don’t want to.” “O-Oh, no. It’s just that I’m used to it. Ha ha… ha…” Milo forced himself to laugh,
but unfortunately, he can’t. “I’m so sorry I brought that up.” Mia was depressed, facing away from
Milo. “Don’t worry about it. Look, here’s the river. Try cleaning your teeth here.” Thankfully, Milo
found a way to change the topic.

Mia sat down on her knees beside the river. She took both of her hands and then scooped up
water from the river and put it in her mouth. She looked at Milo, saying ‘look away’ with her mouth
full of water. Sometimes, Mia can get really feminine. Milo faced away from Mia and heard her
gargling a few seconds later. Mia then threw the water away and then asked Milo. “So, is it clean?”
Mia showed her teeth to Milo. “It removed the strong tints. It will be totally gone when you wash

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your teeth again this morning, I assure you.” Mia skipped towards Milo and then told him to
continue walking.

It was only a few hours until they reach Ulcas. Milo hurriedly walked, almost leaving Mia
behind. “Hey, what are you doing?” Milo looked back, and sees Mia picking some fruits. “What?
Berries again? Do you want to color your teeth blue?” Milo asked Mia who was just finished
gathering berries. “I can’t help it! They’re really sweet. I’m planning on making some potions using
these later.” Mia happily ate a berry. “Sigh… Just don’t blame me if your teeth becomes permanently
blue.” And then they moved on.

After walking for hours, chopping down vines and bushes, they finally arrived at Ulcas.
“Well, here we are… The small village of Ulcas. We don’e have anything to offer so you can’t go
sightseeing.” Milo presented the village to Mia. Soon enough, a girl comes running towards them.
“Miiiilooooo!” It was Andrea, running as fast as she can to reach Milo. “Andrea! How’s Mira?” “Huff
puff… She’s still sleeping soundly. I’m glad you’re back.” Milo let Andrea catch her breath. “Sleeping
soundly? Then that’s good news!” Mia remarked in delight. “Huh? Who’s she…? Wait! You mean…
No!” Andrea was shocked to see Milo and Mia together. Andrea had always liked Milo and whenever
she sees Milo with another girl besides her and Mira, she always gets jealous and all kinds of stuff
come popping in her head. But really, Milo and Mia look good together as couples. “N-No! It’s not
what you think it is. Andrea, meet Mia. She’s a scholar from Lucas and she’s willing to help us.” Milo
tried his best to explain it as simple as he could. He knows how Andrea’s mind works. “O-Oh… A
scholar… WAIT! SHE, A SCHOALR?!” “You can’t believe it too, huh? Well, she’s one hundred percent
guaranteed a scholar. I’ve doubted her identity at first, too, but she’s proven her words to me.” Mia
looked proud and shy at the same time as Milo introduced her. “A-Amazing! You’ll help Mira, right?”
Andrea took Mia’s hand. “Yes. I’ll do my best to help you.” “Then what are we waiting for! Let’s go
meet Mira!”

Andrea and Mira ran away, leaving Milo behind. “Girls… Why is it that all the girls I know
are weird…? I can’t understand them.” Milo walked towards home. As he walked, he heard a sound
from the forest. “Huh?”

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Mira’s Condition

Andrea ran towards Mira’s location while holding Mia’s hand. Mia doesn’t seem to fall
behind. They must be running at the same speed. “Huff puff… How far is their house?” It seems that
Mia is running in her fastest speed. “Huff… Just… a little more, please… don’t fall behind…” Andrea
seems to be running in her fastest, too. After passing a few more houses, the two girls begin to slow
down. “Just… a… little… more… Hah…” Soon enough, Andrea was walking. “Hey… can we take a rest
first? I’ve been walking for a whole day… Huff…” Mia sat down on a tree stump, catching her breath.
“No, look. It’s just above that hill…” Andrea pointed her finger atop a hill. In there was a small
wooden house. “Oh… Let us go then!” The two girls continued running.

Finally, they’ve reached Milo and Mira’s house. “Lyonn!” Andrea shouted as she pull Mia
inside the small house. “What?! Andrea! Don’t shout like that! And who’s she?” Lyonn scratched her
head. He must’ve been surprised. “She’s Mia, and she’ll take a look at Mira for us.” Andrea dragged
her close to the bed. “So… What do you think?” Andrea was heavily trembling. “Huff… Let’s see…”
Mia took Mira’s palm and examined it for a few minutes. “Hey… Who’s she?” Lyonn whispered to
Andrea. “She’s Mia, a scholar. Milo took her here.” Andrea whispered in reply. “She’s a scholar? She’s
too young!” “Don’t ask now. What’s more important is Mira’s condition.” Andrea and Lyonn looked
at Mia nervously as she does a medical examination. “Strange… Her pulse is normal. Her breathing
is normal. Her sweating is normal. This is unlike any other known diseases” Mia faced the two with
a serious look. “So? What will happen to her?” Lyonn asked nervously. “If this keeps up, she’ll be
fine. But we don’t know how long until she starts having nightmares. Nightmares can potentially kill
anyone, if the timing was bad.” Mia placed her palm over Mira’s head. “Will Mira ever be cured?”
Andrea asked, stepping closer to Mia. “I am not sure if there is a cure for this. Like I said, it’s not a
normal illness. However, I know of a cause, but it might be unbelievable. It is up to you to believe in
me or not.” The two did not answer. Mia took their silence as approval.

“I am Mia Ferrier; I study the so-called legendary tree, Regalo. In my studies, I have learned
that this tree bears fruits that seem to give random effects to its consumer. In this case, Mira ate the
fruit that curses the consumer into an eternal slumber. Do you know of any time that Mira ate a
weird fruit?” “Not that I know of, how about you Lyonn?” Andrea asked. “No, I don’t know either.” “I
see. Then when she is not with anyone of you, she must’ve consumed this fruit at that time. In any
case, we must find the one, whoever or whatever it is, who is responsible for Mira’s curse. That is
the only way I can think of.” Mia sat down beside Mira in her bed. “What do you mean? Isn’t there a
cure for this? There must be something in that tree that can cure her!” Lyonn stood up, clenching
his fists. He was trembling. “I have considered that possibility; however, no one in history has ever
entered that tree’s realm and came out alive” Mia held her two hands together.

“Lyonn! We need your help!” suddenly, a villager comes and opens the door, surprising
everyone inside, except Mira of course. “Emil! What’s going on?” Lyonn walked towards the door.
“It’s an emergency! A giant Roc is attacking the village!” Emil exclaimed, alarming the two ladies
inside. “Right now, Milo’s there luring it out of the village but I’m afraid he can’t hold out much
longer! You need to help him!” Almost immediately, Lyonn ran towards the village proper. Mia
followed Lyonn and the two ran towards Milo’s location. “Ah! Mia! Wait!” Andrea saw the two ran
really fast from Milo and Mira’s door. She became unusually worried.

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“Aaagh! You damned beast! Stay away from the village!” Milo was taunting the giant Roc.
The bird then faced Milo and ran towards him. Soon enough, the giant bird drilled a hole right into
Milo’s position. At the last minute, Milo evaded the deadly peck. Milo then drew his sword and tried
to slash the bird’s beak. However, it was not effective. The giant bird’s beak was a hard as steel. The
bird got irritated and then locked its eyes on Milo. The only choice left for Milo is to run away as fast
as he can. “Milo!” Lyonn comes running towards Milo’s place. “What the heck is THAT?!” The giant
bird faced Lyonn, and then rushed forward, doing another deadly peck. “Stupid! Do you want to
destroy the village?” Milo pulled Lyonn out of his position and managed to save him from instant
death. “Whoa! Thanks, man. Now how do we beat this guy?” Lyon drew his swords. It seems that he
is adept at dual wielded swords. “I am trying to lure her into the forest, so that I’ll have increased
mobility. But as you can see, I have failed to do it. Look out!” The two dodged another deadly peck
from the bird. “Damn, so the only thing left is to kill this bird?” Lyonn ran towards the bird and tried
to cut it down, however, the feet were too hard for his swords. “Yes, exactly. But we need to find its
weak point first! Damn it, why does she have to show up now?” Milo grabbed a hold of the bird’s
feather and made his way up into its back. “Good thinking, Milo!” Lyonn followed and then soon
enough, the two were at the bird’s back. However, the bird flapped its wings, making the two lose
balance. Milo fell down from the bird’s back and slammed hard on the ground. “Milo!!”

The bird took flight, creating massive gusts of wind enough to destroy the village. “Milo! Are
you alright?” Lyonn screamed from the flying bird’s back. “Aack! Don’t worry about me! Make it
stop or the village will be destroyed!” Soon enough, Mia comes running. She kneeled down and
began to chant a spell. “Mia! What are you doing here? It’s da—Aack!” It seems Milo’s left arm was
injured. “Hey, don’t move! You’re just making it worse!” Mia was healing Milo’s injured arm. Soon
enough, the treatment was over. “Ugh… This will do, thanks!” Mia slammed a book into Milo’s face.
“You! It’s your entire fault! Why did you kill a baby Roc?” Although it was not the right time, Mia
gave Milo a good scolding. “Argh! Now’s not the time for that! We must help Lyonn!” The two looked
up, Lyonn was still in the flying bird’s back. Unable to think of anything, Lyonn stabbed the bird’s
wing, causing it to come crashing down to the ground. In return, Lyonn got tossed over near to
where Milo and Mia is. “Lyonn! Are you alright? Mia, tend to his wounds. I must not waste this
opening Lyonn made!” Milo comes rushing forward, tightening his grip on his sword. He stabbed
the fresh wound that Lyonn made, making it bleed harder. Just by looking at it, it must’ve been
really painful. The bird screeched in pain then used her other wind to blow Milo away. It’s time for
the Roc’s revenge.

The giant bird, with one of it’s wings bleeding heavily, ran towards the three and pecked the
ground hard. Luckily, the three was able to dodge in time. Lyonn and Milo stood up, ready to fight.
They ran forward, aiming for the bleeding wing. Just as they come closer to the bird, it created a
huge gust of wind, however, since the bird was on the ground, it was not as hard as the previous
one. Lyonn and Milo jumped into the Roc’s wing and then gave it a good stab. The bird shook her
body violently, tossing Lyonn out. Milo remained his grasp on the bird’s wing. Milo climbed up,
until he’s on the bird’s back and then stabbed the other wing. The bird shook its body more
violently as the blood comes shooting out of its wounds. Lyonn got back up and grabbed a hold of
the bird’s wing. Now, the two of them are on the bird’s back. “Alright, let’s head onto the bird’s head
and then chop it off. That’s our only chance.” Lyonn nodded in agreement and soon enough, they
were hanging from the bird’s neck. Milo gave the signal and the two of them chopped the bird’s
head off, killing it instantly. The bird’s blood made a huge mess in front of the village. A few minutes
later, the villagers call came outside slowly and then cheered ‘Hooray!’ for Milo and Lyonn’s victory.
The two were surprised.

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After getting up, the village elder talked to them and told them to get cleaned. So, the three
of them headed for Milo and Mira’s house while the villagers cleaned the mess the bird has made.
Tonight, there will be a huge fest in the village.

“Oh my! What happened here?” A woman in red armor came, along with a scary looking
professor. “Lady Ruby!” Thankfully, one of the villagers recognized who she was. “What could the
prince’s knight be doing here in out humble village?” “I am looking for a woman with green hair and
spectacles. But I am more interested as to what happened here. This is a fully-grown Roc, isn’t it?
Who could have done this?” Ruby checked what happened to the Roc. “Oh, if you’re looking for
whoever did that, then it was Milo and Lyonn. Those two are amazing fighters.” “I see… Could you
tell me where these two are?” Ruby asked and the villager pointed at a house atop a hill. Ruby and
the professor went there and knocked on the door.

“Huh? Lady Ruby? What are you doing here?” Milo opened the door and was surprised to
see her here. “It’s you. I know you. What are you doing here?” Ruby asked in confusion. She peered
inside and saw Mia sitting by the bed, tending to Lyonn’s wounds. “Lady Mia, you are here! Wait…
So that means these two young men were the ones who killed that Roc?” Milo and Lyonn was
blushing. They started to scratch their heads. “Uhh… yeah. It was us who did it.” Milo was a bit
proud when he said that. “You surprised me again, young man. You are more than what you look.
Anyway, I came here for Lady Mia.” Ruby walked towards the bed and faced Mira. “So, this is the girl
you are talking of. She seems like she’s just sleeping.” “Yes. I believe it was done by the tree’s fruit
and—“ Mia’s sentence was cut off by the scary professor’s voice. “Non-sense! The tree bears no fruit
and even if it did, it is impossible for it to travel all the way here all by itself!” The angry professor
exclaimed. “Oh, I forgot to tell you. This is Professor Vasyl. He is one of the leading alchemists in our
time and he knows a lot of things about illnesses and diseases.” Ruby introduced him. “I see. So you
are the famed Professor Vasyl. It is nice meeting you sir.” Mia bowed her head in respect. “NO! It is
not nice meeting you! Why do you keep blabbering non-sense about the tree? There is a logical
explanation behind this, I know it!” Mia found the professor’s words rude. She easily loses temper
when it comes to this kind of talk. “Well, if you’re so sure about that then take a look at her!” The
professor walked up and then took a look at Mira’s condition.

“Ah! Exactly as I thought. Eternal slumber? Ridiculous. This is a simple case of Tulonia. I am
pretty sure a drop of the Moondrop Flower extract shall cure this.” Professor Vasyl explained.
“Tulonia? What is that? Does that even exist?” Mia was really angry. “Hmph. Amateurs… Do not
question my logic. I am far more experienced that you. You are not even a professor and yet you
keep contradicting my statements. Tulonia is a variation of a certain sleeping syndrome called
Nemuria. Tulonia pauses the body’s activity, making the patient only require air to live as the
patient sleeps soundly. However, unlike Nemuria, this has a longer effect. Some take months to cure
while others take only days. It has been proven that swallowing a Moondrop Flower extract can
cure any type of Nemuria so we only need to find this flower and feed it to her.” Mia was
overpowered by the professor’s intelligence. Obviously, Mia lost the fight.

“Well then, now that we know the cure, we just need to find it.” Milo was excited. Finally, his
sister’s going to be cured. “Not so fast, you feeble-minded idiot. Moondrop Flowers are rare flowers
that only bloom in certain caverns that let light in during the night. The moist rocky surface and the
moon’s rays are the ones who feed this plant.” Milo was angered by the professor’s words. Now he
knows what Mia feels. “Go to Takis Caverns to the north and try to find this flower there. Pray that
you find it, or you won’t have any cure for this little girl. Well, I shall take my leave. I have done my

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business with Lady Mia here…” The professor left, leaving Ruby behind. “He sure has a rude mouth.
The prince had instructed me to follow you, in case Professor Vasyl tells you to gather something in
a dangerous place. So, who shall go?” Milo walked forward. Mia walked forward. Lyonn walked
forward. “So, it’s the four of us? Fine by me. Then, shall we go?” “Wait, Mia, I think it’s safer if you
stay here with Mira and Andrea, in case something happens.” Milo suggested. “Well… I don’t see
anything wrong with that… Okay.” Mia agreed then sat down beside Mira. “Andrea, please take care
of the two of them.” Lyonn said as the three of them leave the house. “Yes, I will.” Milo bid goodbye
to the three girls and then headed out for the Takis Caverns.

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The Takis Caverns

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