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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning

Elementary Lesson Plan Template

UNLV Student: Laura Olsen PSMT Name: Jill Sotelo

Lesson Plan Title: Addition Unit Week 1 Lesson Plan Topic: Math
Date: January 9- January 13 Estimated Time: 60 minutes
Grade Level: Kindergarten School Site: Bonner ES

1. State Standard(s):
K.OA.A.1 Represent addition and subtraction with objects, fingers, mental images,
drawings, sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or
K.OA.A.2 Solve addition and subtraction word problems, and add and subtract within
10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem.
K.OA.A.3 Decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way,
e.g., by using objects or drawings, and record each decomposition by a drawing or
K.OA.A.5 Fluently add and subtract within 5.

2. Teaching Model(s):
Indirect, student centered
Kagan (Showdown, Quiz Quiz Trade, Mix Pair Share)
Lemov (The Hook, Check for understanding, At Bats, Take a stand, No Opt Out)

3. Objective(s):
Monday: Students will be able to use addition vocabulary and identify addition symbols.
Tuesday and Wednesday: Students will be able to identify at least one strategy they can
use to solve an addition problem.
Thursday and Friday: Students will be able to solve addition problems using a strategy
of their choice.

4. Materials and Technology Resources

Andy Addition anchor chart (Prepared in advance with visuals)
Construction paper parts for addition character
o Plus sign
o Feet/shoes
o Eyes and mouth for face
Andy Addition anchor chart
Addition strategies anchor chart
Big white boards
Base ten blocks
White board markers

Andy Addition anchor chart
Addition strategies anchor chart
Big white boards
White board markers

Andy Addition anchor chart
Addition strategies anchor chart
Ten frame mats
Colored counters/ large cubes
White boards
White board markers

Penguin addition sentence starter (fill in the blank)
Colored construction paper

Math Centers:
Snowball mat
Head warmers worksheet
5. Instructional Procedures:

Monday: 1/9

Introduce Andy Addition, Implement Lemov: The Hook I have someone super special I
want to introduce to you! His name is Andy! Actually, his name is Andy Addition! He
goes between two numbers and tells us we need to add them

Discuss and add vocabulary words to Andy Addition anchor chart:
o Adds
o Combines two or more
o Plus
o Equal
o Finds the sum
o Joins sets
o Addition sentence: Addends and sums
Teacher will discuss why math vocabulary is important
o When have you used addition before? DOK 2
o When have you used it at home? DOK 2
o What is the sign we use for addition? DOK 1
o How do we know to add two numbers? DOK 1
Students will create their own addition character
o Teacher will show a model of an addition character
o Teacher will explain to students that we are creating this character to remind us of
the math vocabulary we need during addition

Students will come up to the front of the room to share their addition character and use
addition vocabulary to explain their character
Students who didnt get a chance to share can share with a partner at their table for 1
minute each Impliment Kagan: Timed Pair Share

Math rise and shine binder reinforces addition vocabulary such as: add, combine, joining,
using addition sentences
Math Center
o Students rotate through four math centers throughout the week by table.
o Example: Table 1 goes to center 1 on Monday, center 2 on Tuesday, center 3 on

Tuesday: 1/10

Teacher will connect lesson from previous day by reviewing Andy Addition anchor chart
o What does Andy Addition do? DOK 1
o What are some math vocabulary words Andy Addition uses? BLOOMS
o Is this the equal sign or the plus sign? DOK 1
o How do we know to add two numbers? DOK 1
On carpet, teacher will introduce addition strategies anchor chart
o What is a strategy? DOK 1
o How do you think strategies could help us with addition? DOK 2
Teacher will explain that using your fingers to count is one strategy
o Teacher will add drawing of a hand to anchor chart along with, I can use my
Teacher will explain that another strategy is manipulatives such as: cubes, base ten
blocks, countersTell students they can use anything to help them add (Use an example
that interests themex. Shopkins toys)
o Teacher will add a drawing of cubes/counters to anchor chart along with, I can
use manipulatives.
o Teacher will show a visual of a manipulative
o What other manipulatives could we use to help us add? DOK 1
Impliment Lemov: Tight Transitions At desks, students will take out white boards,
markers, and base ten blocks
Students will draw a line down the middle of their white board
Teacher will pick two numbers and students will count out each number with blocks and
place on both sides of the white board
o Teacher will instruct students to double check themselves and touch and count to
make sure they counted out the correct number of blocks
Teacher will instruct student to place a plus sign in the middle of the blocks
o Why does the plus sign go in the middle? DOK 1 (It tells us to add both numbers
Teacher will instruct students to add an equal sign on the right side of blocks and explain
that this is where we will put the total number of blocks
o What is missing from our addition sentence? DOK 1
Look at Andy Addition anchor chart if you dont remember
Students will add all blocks together and write the answer after the equal sign
o What do we put after the equal sign? DOK 1
Teacher and Students will continue doing this for four problems (Implement Lemov:
Check for Understanding)
A few students will come up in front of the class and create and solve their own math
o The class will give a thumbs up or thumbs down if they are correct Lemov: Take
a Stand
Is the addition sign in the correct spot? DOK 1
Is the equal sign in the correct spot? DOK 1
What are the addends in this sentence? DOK 1
Where is the sum in the sentence? DOK 1
Daily rise and shine binder
Math Centers- Struggling students are pulled in small groups for assistance (Lemov:
Check for Understanding)

Wednesday: 10/3

Teacher will review Andy Addition anchor chart
o Teacher will show an addition sentence
o What is one addend in the sentence? DOK 1
o What is the other addend in the sentence? DOK 1
o What number is the sum? DOK 1
Teacher will review addition strategies anchor chart (Implement Lemov: At Bats)
o Who can name one strategy we have learned so far? DOK 1
o Who can name the other strategy we have learned? DOK 1
Teacher will introduce new strategy: Draw a picture, and add to anchor chart along with
o Teacher will add addition sentence with 3 hearts and 2 hearts
o How do drawings help us add? DOK 2
At desks students will take out white boards and markers
Teacher will read a word problem and draw the model as they read.
o Ex. My mom had two balloons. Teacher draws out two balloons. My dad
gave her two more balloons. Teacher draws out two more balloons
o Students will turn their picture into an addition sentence
Teacher and students will practice with two more story problems using sums up to 10

Teacher will review strategies
o What is one strategy we could we use to solve an addition problem? DOK 1
o Who can tell me one addition sentence? What strategy could you use to solve it?
Students can come up to the front of the class to share their story and how
they would solve it
Students will pair up, Kagan: Hand up, stand up, pair up, and create their addition
sentence using a drawing. Students will trade their drawing with their partner, read the
addition sentence and solve it. Kagan: Quiz Quiz Trade

Thursday: 10/4

Review Andy Addition and Addition Strategies anchor chart
o Teacher will discuss the strategies we have used so far
Teacher will add new strategy to anchor chart, I can use my ten frame.
o Teacher will add a visual of a ten frame to anchor chart
o How can a ten frame help us to add numbers? BLOOMS comprehension
o How many does a ten frame hold? DOK 1
o How many squares are in the top half of a ten frame? DOK 1
o Where do we start when we fill up our ten frame? DOK 1
At desks, students take out white boards, ten frame mats, and large cubes
Teacher will write an addition sentence and model how to use the ten frame to solve the
addition problem
o Teacher will color the first number on the ten frame with one number and then
add the second number in a different color to the ten frame
o Students and teacher will practice 3 more sentences together Impliment Lemov:
No Opt Out
Students will do a showdown with teacher using any addition strategies of their choice-
Students will keep the same addition sentence and will put a circle around the addends
Students will keep the same addition sentence and will put a square around the sum

Students will create and share addition sentences using ten frames with a partner Kagan
Quiz Quiz Trade
Daily math rise and shine binders
Math Centers

Friday: 10/5

Teacher will review addition strategies
o Lets name all of the strategies we have learned so far. Who can name one? DOK 1
Students will warm up by solving one addition sentence on their whiteboard with any
strategy of their choice
Students will create their own addition story problem by filling in the blanks DOK 2
The penguin had ___ _______. His friend gave him _____ more _______. How many
_____ does he have in total?
Students will create a picture that matches their addition sentence using penguin cut out
and colored construction paper
o Teacher will model an example of the addition sentence first and show a model of
a picture that matches the sentence.
o Kagan Mix Pair Share Students will share their addition craft with a partner
Students will come up to the front of the class and read their addition sentence and share
their picture
Daily math rise and shine binder

Math Centers:

Center 1:
Snowball Fight
o Students shake and spill 5 snowballs (Marshmallows) on to the snowball mat
o The snowball mat is divided in half
o Students will write an addition sentence using the marshmallows that landed on
each side of the mat
For example: 3 marshmallows landed on the left side and 2 landed on the
right side so their addition sentence would be 3+2=5
Center 2
Head Warmers
o Students will write an addition sentence (up to 7) to match the number of hats and
glue the correct number as the total answer
Center 3
A Sweet Gift
o Students will use different colors to show ways to make 10
o Reinforces number bonds discussed/practiced in rise and shine binders
Center 4
Hanging to Dry
o Review of ten frames
o Students will count by tens using the 10 frames
Mittens are used as a visual

6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:

Accommodations: ELL student sits closer on the carpet, visual anchor chart.
Students can use anchor chart to look at to add vocabulary to their character
Modifications: Assisting students with sounding out any words on their character.
Assisting students one on one during independent time
Differentiations: Students can write an addition sentence on the back of their
addition character

Accommodations: ELL student sits closer on the carpet, visual anchor chart
Modifications: Assisting where to put addition and equal sign on whiteboard
Differentiations: Students can use manipulatives during lesson. During centers,
struggling students will be pulled for one on one assistance based off of formative

Accommodations: ELL student sits closer on the carpet, visual anchor chart
Modifications: Less amount of story problems
Differentiations: Students can partner up, create a math sentence using drawings
and have their partner solve it. During centers, pull struggling students

Accommodations: ELL student sits closer on the carpet, visual anchor chart
Modifications: Require less practice problems
Differentiations: Students can partner up, create a math sentence using ten frames
and quiz their partner. During centers, pull struggling students

Accommodations: ELL student sits closer on the carpet, visual anchor chart
Modifications: Assist students individually sounding out words for their addition
story problem
Differentiations: Students can create a second addition sentence. During centers,
pull students still struggling

7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:

a. Formative:
Anecdotal notes/ Formative assessment spreadsheet for Fridays story problem
DOK questioning
Thumbs up/down during lessons
b. Summative:
Grade level addition assessment on January 20

8. Homework Assignment:
Addition sentences and word problems reinforced in homework packet

9. Reflection:
a. Strengths: Great engagement! Anchor charts provided great references for
students. Students used vocabulary terms when reviewing before each lesson.
b. Concerns:
c. Insights: Model everything first!

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