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Blessing Chants


edited and translated by

nandajoti Bhikkhu
a]nnxd[j]xt BkxKu
Revised 1st edition

Table of Contents


Blessing Chants
The Invitation to the Gods

Samant cakkavesu atrgacchantu devat

smnxt] ckxkv][Lxsu atR] gczCnxt [dxvt]
May the gods from all over the universe assemble here

saddhamma Munirjassa suantu saggamokkhada:

sdxDmzmM munr]jsxs suNnxt sgxg[m]kxKdM:
and listen to the King of the Sages true Dhamma about heaven and release:

Parittassavaaklo aya bhadant!

ptxtsxsvnk][l]x ayM Bdnxt]!
Reverend Sirs, this is the time for hearing the safeguard!

Parittassavaaklo aya bhadant!

ptxtsxsvnk][l]x ayM Bdnxt]!
Reverend Sirs, this is the time for hearing the safeguard!

Dhammaparittassavaaklo aya bhadant!

Dmzmptxtsxsvnk][l]x ayM Bdnxt]!
Reverend Sirs, this is the time for hearing the safeguard!


Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samm-sambuddhassa

n[m]x tsxs Bgv[t]x arh[t]x smzm]smzbudxDsxs
Reverence to him, the Gracious One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha

Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samm-sambuddhassa

n[m]x tsxs Bgv[t]x arh[t]x smzm]smzbudxDsxs
Reverence to him, the Gracious One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha

Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samm-sambuddhassa

n[m]x tsxs Bgv[t]x arh[t]x smzm]smzbudxDsxs
Reverence to him, the Gracious One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha
Sotthi Paritta - [s]txTq ptxtM - 5

Worshipping the Virtues of the Buddha

Iti pi so Bhagav Araha Sammsambuddho,

it p [s]x Bgv] arhM smzm]smzbudx[D]x,
Such is he, the Gracious One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha,

vijjcaraasampanno Sugato lokavid,

jXj]crNsmzpnx[n]x sug[t]x [l]xk,
the one endowed with understanding and good conduct, the Fortunate One, the one
who understands the worlds,

anuttaro purisadammasrath, Satth devamanussna Buddho Bhagav ti.

anutxt[r]x pusdmzms]rTQ, stxT] [dxvmnusxs]nM budx[D]x Bgv] t.
the unsurpassed guide for those people who need taming, the Teacher of gods and
men, the Buddha, the Gracious One.

Worshipping the Virtues of the Dhamma

Svkkhto Bhagavat Dhammo, sandihiko, akliko,

sxv]kxK][t]x Bgvt] Dmz[m]x, snxzq[k]x, ak][k]x,
The Dhamma has been well-proclaimed by the Gracious One, it is visible, not subject
to time,

ehipassiko, opanayiko, paccatta veditabbo vih ti.

exhp sxs[k]x, ozpny[k]x, pczctxtM [vztbz[b]x xh t.
inviting inspection, onward leading, and can be understood by the wise for

Worshipping the Virtues of the Sagha

Supaipanno Bhagavato svakasagho,

suppnx[n]x Bgv[t]x s]vksz[G]x,
The Gracious Ones Sagha of disciples are good in their practice,

ujupaipanno Bhagavato svakasagho,

Vjuppnx[n]x Bgv[t]x s]vksz[G]x,
the Gracious Ones Sagha of disciples are upright in their practice,
Sotthi Paritta - [s]txTq ptxtM - 6

yapaipanno Bhagavato svakasagho,

]yppnx[n]x Bgv[t]x s]vksz[G]x,
the Gracious Ones Sagha of disciples are systematic in their practice,

smcipaipanno Bhagavato svakasagho,

s]ppnx[n]x Bgv[t]x s]vksz[G]x,
the Gracious Ones Sagha of disciples are correct in their practice,

yad-ida cattri purisayugni aha purisapuggal,

ydM ctxt] pusyug]n az puspugxgl],
that is to say, the four pairs of persons, the eight individual persons,

esa Bhagavato svakasagho,

exs Bgv[t]x s]vksz[G]x,
this is the Gracious Ones Sagha of disciples,

huneyyo, phuneyyo, dakkhieyyo, ajalikaranyo,

a]hu[nxy[Y]x, p]hu[nxy[Y]x, dkx[Nxy[Y]x, axjkrNQ[y]x,
they are worthy of offerings, of hospitality, of gifts, and of reverential salutation,

anuttara puakkhetta lokass ti.

anutxtrM puxkx[KtxtM [l]xksxs] t.
they are an unsurpassed field of merit for the world.

Eva Buddha sarantna, Dhamma Sagha-ca bhikkhavo,

exvM budxDM srnxt]nM, DmzmM szGxc BkxK[v]x,
Thus for those who remember the Buddha, the Dhamma, or the Sagha, monks,

bhaya v chambhitatta v, lomahaso na hessat ti. [4]

ByM v] CmzBttxtM v], [l]xmhM[s]x n [hsxst" t.
(there will be no) fear, or terror, there will be no horror.


Etena saccavajjena sotthi te hotu sabbad!

ex[txn sczcvjX[jXn [s]txTq [tx [h]xt sbzb!
By this declaration of the truth may you be safe at all times!

Etena saccavajjena hotu te jayamagala!

ex[txn sczcvjX[jXn [h]xt [tx jymzglM!
By this declaration of the truth may you have the blessing of success!
Sotthi Paritta - [s]txTq ptxtM - 7

Etena saccavajjena sabbarogo vinassatu!

ex[txn sczcvjX[jXn sbzb[r]x[g]xnsxst!
By this declaration of the truth may all disease be destroyed!

The Discourse on the Great Blessings

Eva me suta:
exvM [mz sutM:
Thus I have heard:

eka samaya Bhagav Svatthiya viharati

exkM smyM Bgv] s]vtxTqyMhrt
at one time the Gracious One was dwelling near Svatthi

Jetavane Anthapiikassa rme.

[jXtv[nx an]TpNxksxs a]r][mz.
at Anthapiikas grounds in Jetas Wood.

Atha kho aatar devat abhikkantya rattiy,

aT [K]x axtr] [dxvt] aBkxknxt]y rtxty ],
Then a certain god, towards the end of the night,

abhikkantava kevalakappa Jetavana obhsetv,

aBkxknxtvNxN] [kxvlkpxpM [jXtvnM ozB][stxv],
having lit up the whole of Jetas Wood with his surpassing beauty,

yena Bhagav tenupasakami,

[yxn Bgv] [txnupszk,
approached the Gracious One,

upasakamitv Bhagavanta abhivdetv, ekam-anta ahsi.

Vpszktxv] BgvnxtM aBv][dtxv] exkmnxtM az]s.
and after approaching and worshipping the Gracious One, he stood on one side.

Ekam-anta hit kho s devat Bhagavanta gthya ajjhabhsi:

exkmnxtM qt] [K]x s] [dxvt] BgvnxtM g]T]y ajXJB]s:
While standing on one side that god addressed the Gracious One with a verse:
Sotthi Paritta - [s]txTq ptxtM - 8

Bah dev manuss ca magalni acintayu

"bhU [dxv] mnusxs] c mzgl]n anxtyuM
Many are the gods and the men who have thought about the blessings

kakhamn sotthna: brhi magalam-uttama. [1]

a]kzKm]n] [s]txT]nM: bR}h mzglmutxtmM."
Hoping for safety: now please say what is the supreme blessing.

Asevan ca blna, paitna-ca sevan,

"a[sxvn] c b]l]nM, pNxt]nxc [sxvn],
Not associating with fools, but associating with the wise,

Pj ca pjanyna: eta magalam-uttama. [2]

pUj] c pUjny]nM: extM mzglmutxtmM.
Honouring those worthy of honour: this is the supreme blessing.

Pairpadesavso ca, pubbe ca katapuat,

ptr}p[dxsv][s]x c, pubz[bz c ktpuxt],
Living in a suitable place, formerly having done good deeds,

Attasammpaidhi ca: eta magalam-uttama. [3]

atxtsmzm]pNq c: extM mzglmutxtmM.
Aspiring in a right way oneself: this is the supreme blessing.

Bhusacca-ca sippa-ca, vinayo ca susikkhito,

b]husczcxc spxpxc, ~n[y]x c suskx[t]x,
Having great learning and craft, and being disciplined and well trained,

Subhsit ca y vc: eta magalam-uttama. [4]

suB]st] c y] v]c]: extM mzglmutxtmM.
And whatever words are well spoken: this is the supreme blessing.

Mtpitu-upahna, puttadrassa sagaho,

m]t]pt-Vpz]nM, putxtrsxs szg[h]x,
Attendance on one's mother and father, looking after ones wife and children,

Ankul ca kammant: eta magalam-uttama. [5]

an]kl] c kmzmnxt]: extM mzglmutxtmM.
With works that are not agitating: this is the supreme blessing.
Sotthi Paritta - [s]txTq ptxtM - 9

Dna-ca Dhammacariy ca, takna-ca sagaho,

nxc Dmzmcy] c, ]tk]nxc szg[h]x,
Giving, and living by the Dhamma, and looking after ones relatives,

Anavajjni kammni: eta magalam-uttama. [6]

anvjXj]n kmzm]n: extM mzglmutxtmM.
(Performing) actions that are blameless: this is the supreme blessing.

rati virati pp, majjapn ca saamo,

a]rtrt p]p], mjXjp]n] c sx[m]x,
Abstinence, avoidance of bad deeds, restraint from intoxicating drink,

Appamdo ca dhammesu: eta magalam-uttama. [7]

apxpm][d]x c Dmz[mzsu: extM mzglmutxtmM.
Being heedful regarding (all) things: this is the supreme blessing.

Gravo ca nivto ca, santuh ca kataut,

g]r[v]x c nv][t]x c, snxtzQ c ktxt],
Having respect, being humble, being satisfied and grateful,

Klena Dhammasavaa: eta magalam-uttama. [8]

k][lxn DmzmsvNM: extM mzglmutxtmM.
Listening to Dhamma at the right time: this is the supreme blessing.

Khant ca sovacassat, samana-ca dassana,

Knxt c [s]xvcsxst], smN]nxc dsxsnM,
Being patient and easily spoken to, seeing ascetics,

Klena Dhammaskacch: eta magalam-uttama. [9]

k][lxn Dmzms]kczC]: extM mzglmutxtmM.
Discussing Dhamma at the right time: this is the supreme blessing.

Tapo ca brahmacariya-ca, ariyasaccnadassana,

t[p]x c bRhxmcyxc, aysczc]ndsxsnM,
Austere, living spiritually, insight into the noble truths,

Nibbnasacchikiriy ca: eta magalam-uttama. [10]

nbzb]nsczCky] c: extM mzglmutxtmM]
The experience of Nibbna: this is the supreme blessing.
Sotthi Paritta - [s]txTq ptxtM - 10

Phuhassa lokadhammehi, citta yassa na kampati,

Puzsxs [l]xkDmz[mzh, txtM ysxs n kmzpt,
He whose mind does not waver, when it is touched by things of this world,

Asoka viraja khema: eta magalam-uttama. [11]

a[s]xkMrjM [KzmM: extM mzglmutxtmM.
(being) griefless, dustless, and secure: this is the supreme blessing.

Etdisni katvna, sabbattha-m-aparjit,

ext]s]n ktxv]n, sbzbtxTmpr]jqt],
Having done as here directed, they are undefeated everywhere,

sabbattha sotthi gacchanti: ta tesa magalam-uttaman-ti. [12]

sbzbtxT [s]txTqM gczCnxt: tM [txsM mzglmutxtmnxt.
They go everywhere in safety: for them this is the supreme blessing.


Etena saccavajjena sotthi te hotu sabbad!

ex[txn sczcvjX[jXn [s]txTq [tx [h]xt sbzb!
By this declaration of the truth may you be safe at all times!

Etena saccavajjena hotu te jayamagala!

ex[txn sczcvjX[jXn [h]xt [tx jymzglM!
By this declaration of the truth may you have the blessing of success!

Etena saccavajjena sabbarogo vinassatu!

ex[txn sczcvjX[jXn sbzb[r]x[g]xnsxst!
By this declaration of the truth may all disease be destroyed!
Sotthi Paritta - [s]txTq ptxtM - 11

The Discourse on the Treasures

Yndha bhtni samgatni, Bhummni v yni va antalikkhe,

y]nD Bt]n sm]gt]n, Bmzm]n v] y]n v anxtLkx[Kz,
Whatever beings have come together here, whether of the earth or in the firmament,

Sabbe va bht suman bhavantu, atho pi sakkacca suantu bhsita. [1]

sbz[bz v Bt] sumn] Bvnxt, a[T]x p skxkczc suNnxt B]stM.
May the minds of all those beings be happy, and may they listen carefully to what is

Tasm hi bht nismetha sabbe, metta karotha mnusiy pajya,

tsxm] h Bt] ns][mzT sbz[bz, [mtxtM k[r]xT m]nusy] pj]y,
Therefore, all of you beings, be attentive, be friendly towards this generation of men,

Div ca ratto ca haranti ye bali, tasm hi ne rakkhatha appamatt. [2]

v] c rtx[t]x c hrnxt [yx bM, tsxm] h [nx rkxKT apxpmtxt].
They who bring offerings by day and by night, therefore, being heedful, you must
protect them.

Ya kici vitta - idha v hura v saggesu v - ya ratana pata

yM ktxtM - iD v] hurM v] sgx[gxsu v] - yM rtnM pNQtM
Whatever riches there are - here or elsewhere or in the heavens - that excellent

Na no sama atthi Tathgatena idam-pi Buddhe ratana pata:

n [n]x smM atxTq tT]g[txn idmzp budx[Dz rtnM pNQtM:
Is not equal unto the Realised One this excellent treasure is in the Buddha:

Etena saccena suvatthi hotu! [3]

ex[txn scz[czn suvtxTq [h]xt!
By virtue of this truth may there be safety!

Khaya virga amata pata yad-ajjhag Sakyamun samhito,

KyMr]gM amtM pNQtM ydjXJg] skYmun sm]h[t]x,
(Cravings) end, dispassion, deathlessness, excellence which the concentrated Sakyan
sage attained,
Sotthi Paritta - [s]txTq ptxtM - 12

Na tena dhammena samatthi kici idam-pi Dhamme ratana pata:

n [txn Dmz[mzn smtxTq k idmzp Dmz[mz rtnM pNQtM:
There is nothing that is equal to that state this excellent treasure is in the Dhamma:

Etena saccena suvatthi hotu! [4]

ex[txn scz[czn suvtxTq [h]xt!
By virtue of this truth may there be safety!

Yam-Buddhaseho parivaay suci samdhim-nantarika-am-hu,

ymzbudxD[sz[]x pvNxNy suM sm]m]nnxtkxm]hu,
That which the Buddha, the Great One, praised as pure, the concentration said to
have prompt (result),

Samdhin tena samo na vijjati idam-pi Dhamme ratana pata:

sm]n] [txn s[m]x njXjt idmzp Dmz[mz rtnM pNQtM:
No equal to that concentration is found, this excellent treasure is in the Dhamma:

Etena saccena suvatthi hotu! [5]

ex[txn scz[czn suvtxTq [h]xt!
By virtue of this truth may there be safety!

Ye puggal aha sata pasatth cattri etni yugni honti,

[yx pugxgl] az stM pstxT] ctxt] ext]n yug]n [h]nxt,
Those eight individuals praised by the good there are these four pairs (of

Te dakkhieyy Sugatassa svak, etesu dinnni mahapphalni,

[tx dkx[NyY] sugtsxs s]vk], ex[txsu nxn]n mhpxPl]n,
Those disciples of the Fortunate One are worthy of gifts, those things that have been
given to them have great fruit,

Idam-pi Saghe ratana pata: etena saccena suvatthi hotu! [6]

idmzp sz[Gx rtnM pNQtM: ex[txn scz[czn suvtxTq [h]xt!
This excellent treasure is in the Sagha: by virtue of this truth may there be safety!

Ye suppayutt manas dahena nikkmino Gotamassanamhi,

[yx supxpyutxt] mns] dLx[hxn nkxk][n]x [g]xtms]snmzh,
Those who have firm and devoted minds, without sense desire in Gotama's
Sotthi Paritta - [s]txTq ptxtM - 13

Te pattipatt amata vigayha laddh mudh nibbuti bhujamn,

[tx ptxtptxt] amtMgyxh ldxD] muD] nbzbutM Bxjm]n],
Those who have attained, and entered the deathless, are enjoying emancipation,
gained for free.

Idam-pi Saghe ratana pata: etena saccena suvatthi hotu! [7]

idmzp sz[Gx rtnM pNQtM: ex[txn scz[czn suvtxTq [h]xt!
This excellent treasure is in the Sagha: by virtue of this truth may there be safety!

Yathindakhlo pahavi sito siy catubbhi vtehi asampakampiyo,

yTqnxd[l]x pM s[t]x sy] ctbzB v][txh asmzpkmzp[y]x,
Just as a locking post stuck fast in the earth does not waver on account of the four

Tathpama sappurisa vadmi, yo ariyasaccni avecca passati,

tTUpmM spxpusM v, [y]x aysczc]n a[vczc psxst,
In the same way, I say, is the true person, the one who sees the noble truths

Idam-pi Saghe ratana pata: etena saccena suvatthi hotu! [8]

idmzp sz[Gx rtnM pNQtM: ex[txn scz[czn suvtxTq [h]xt!
This excellent treasure is in the Sagha: by virtue of this truth may there be safety!

Ye ariyasaccni vibhvayanti, gambhrapaena sudesitni,

[yx aysczc]nB]vynxt, gmzBrpx[xn su[dxst]n,
Those who clearly distinguish the noble truths, which were well preached by the one
with deep wisdom,

Kicpi te honti bhusappamatt na te bhava ahama diyanti,

kxc]p [tx [h]nxt Bspxpmtxt] n [tx BvM azmM a]ynxt,
However great they become in heedlessness still they do not take up an eighth

Idam-pi Saghe ratana pata: etena saccena suvatthi hotu! [9]

idmzp sz[Gx rtnM pNQtM: ex[txn scz[czn suvtxTq [h]xt!
This excellent treasure is in the Sagha: by virtue of this truth may there be safety!

Sah vassa dassanasampadya tayassu dhamm jahit bhavanti:

sh] vsxs dsxsnsmzpy tysxsu Dmzm] jht] Bvnxt:
With his attainment of (liberating) insight there are a triad of things that are given
Sotthi Paritta - [s]txTq ptxtM - 14

Sakkyadihi vicikicchita-ca slabbata vpi yad-atthi kici.

skxk]yzqkczCtxc slbzbtM v] p ydtxTq k.
Embodiment view, uncertainty, and whatever (grasping at) virtue and practices there

Cathapyehi ca vippamutto, cha cbhihnni abhabbo ktu,

cthp][yxh cpxpmutx[t]x, C c]B]n]n aBbz[b]x k]tM,
He is free from (rebirth in) the four lower worlds, he is incapable of the six great

Idam-pi Saghe ratana pata: etena saccena suvatthi hotu! [10]

idmzp sz[Gx rtnM pNQtM: ex[txn scz[czn suvtxTq [h]xt!
This excellent treasure is in the Sagha: by virtue of this truth may there be safety!

Kicpi so kamma karoti ppaka kyena vc uda cetas v,

kxc]p [s]x kmzmM k[r]xt p]pkM k][yxn v]c] Vd [czts] v],
Whatever bad action there is that he performs by way of body, or of speech, or of

Abhabbo so tassa paicchdya abhabbat dihapadassa vutt,

aBbz[b]x [s]x tsxs pczC]y: aBbzbt] zpdsxs vutxt],
He is incapable of covering it up: this incapacity is said of one who has seen the state
(of peace),

Idam-pi Saghe ratana pata: etena saccena suvatthi hotu! [11]

idmzp sz[Gx rtnM pNQtM: ex[txn scz[czn suvtxTq [h]xt!
This excellent treasure is in the Sagha: by virtue of this truth may there be safety!

Vanappagumbe yath phussitagge gimhnamse pahamasmi gimhe,

vnpxpgmz[bz yT] Pusxstgx[gx gmzh]nm][sx pmsxM gmz[hx,
Just like a tall woodland tree crowned with blossom in the summer months, in the
early summer,

Tathpama Dhammavara adesay, Nibbnagmi paramahitya,

tTUpmM DmzmvrM a[dxsy, nbzb]ng]M prmMht]y,
In the same way he preached the Dhamma which is best, which goes to Nibbna, the
highest benefit,

Idam-pi Buddhe ratana pata: etena saccena suvatthi hotu! [12]

idmzp budx[Dz rtnM pNQtM: ex[txn scz[czn suvtxTq [h]xt!
This excellent treasure is in the Buddha: by virtue of this truth may there be safety!
Sotthi Paritta - [s]txTq ptxtM - 15

Varo vara varado varharo, anuttaro Dhammavara adesay,

v[r]x vrx vr[d]x vr]h[r]x, anutxt[r]x DmzmvrM a[dxsy,
The best one, knowing the best, giving the best, brought the best, brought the best,
unsurpassed he preached the best Dhamma.

Idam-pi Buddhe ratana pata: etena saccena suvatthi hotu! [13]

idmzp budx[Dz rtnM pNQtM: ex[txn scz[czn suvtxTq [h]xt!
This excellent treasure is in the Buddha: by virtue of this truth may there be safety!

Kha pura nava natthi sambhava, virattacitt yatike bhavasmi,

NM pur]NM nvM ntxTq smzBvM, ~rtxttxt] a]yt[kx BvsxM,
The old is destroyed, and nothing new is produced, (their) minds are unexcited by
future rebirth,

Te khabj avirhicchand, nibbanti dhr yathyam-padpo,

[tx Nj] ar{Lxhc zCnx, nbzbnxt r] yT]ymzp[p]x,
They have destroyed the seeds, and have no desire for growth, the wise are still, just
as this lamp (is still),

Idam-pi Saghe ratana pata: etena saccena suvatthi hotu! [14]

idmzp sz[Gx rtnM pNQtM: ex[txn scz[czn suvtxTq [h]xt!
This excellent treasure is in the Sagha: by virtue of this truth may there be safety!

(Spoken by Sakka, lord of the gods:)

(skx [dvz rjusnx kyn l)

Yndha bhtni samgatni, bhummni v yni va antalikkhe,

y]nD Bt]n sm]gt]n, Bmzm]n v] y]n v anxtkx[Kz,
Whatever beings have come together here, whether of the earth or in the firmament,

Tathgata devamanussapjita, Buddha namassma - suvatthi hotu! [15]

tT]gtM [dxvmnusxspUjqtM budxDM nmsxs]m - suvtxTq [h]xt!
The Realised One is revered by gods and men, we honour the Buddha - may there be

Yndha bhtni samgatni, bhummni v yni va antalikkhe,

y]nD Bt]n sm]gt]n, Bmzm]n v] y]n v anxtkx[Kz,
Whatever beings have come together here, whether of the earth or in the firmament,

Tathgata devamanussapjita, Dhamma namassma - suvatthi hotu! [16]

tT]gtM [dxvmnusxspUjqtM DmzmM nmsxs]m -suvtxTq [h]xt!
The Realised One is revered by gods and men, we honour the Dhamma - may there be
Sotthi Paritta - [s]txTq ptxtM - 16

Yndha bhtni samgatni, bhummni v yni va antalikkhe,

y]nD Bt]n sm]gt]n, Bmzm]n v] y]n v anxtkx[Kz,
Whatever beings have come together here, whether of the earth or in the firmament,

Tathgata devamanussapjita, Sagha namassma - suvatthi hotu! [17]

tT]gtM [dxvmnusxspUjqtM szGM nmsxs]m - suvtxTq [h]xt!
The Realised One is revered by gods and men, we honour the Sagha - may there be


Etena saccavajjena sotthi te hotu sabbad!

ex[txn sczcvjX[jXn [s]txTq [tx [h]xt sbzb!
By this declaration of the truth may you be safe at all times!

Etena saccavajjena hotu te jayamagala!

ex[txn sczcvjX[jXn [h]xt [tx jymzglM!
By this declaration of the truth may you have the blessing of success!

Etena saccavajjena sabbarogo vinassatu!

ex[txn sczcvjX[jXn sbzb[r]x[g]xnsxst!
By this declaration of the truth may all disease be destroyed!

The Discourse on how Friendliness Meditation should be Done

Karayam-atthakusalena, yan-ta santa pada abhisamecca:

krNQymtxTks[lxn, ynxtM snxtM pdM aBs[mczc:
What should be done by one skilled in goodness, who has comprehended the state of

sakko uj ca sj ca, suvaco cassa mudu anatimn, [1]

skx[k]x VjU c sUjU c, suv[c]x csxs mu antm]n,
he ought to be able, straight, and upright, easy to speak to, meek, without conceit,

santussako ca subharo ca, appakicco ca sallahukavutti,

snxtsxs[k]x c suB[r]x c, apxpkcz[c]x c slxlhukvutxt,
satisfied (with little), easy to support, free from duties, and light in living,

santindriyo ca nipako ca, appagabbho kulesu ananugiddho, [2]

Sotthi Paritta - [s]txTq ptxtM - 17

snxtn x[y]x c np[k]x c, apxpgbz[B]x k[lxsu annugdx[D]x,

with faculties at peace, prudent, not forward, and greedless among the families,

na ca khudda samcare kici yena vi pare upavadeyyu.

n c KudxdM sm]c[rX k [yxnx p[rX Vpv[dxyM.
he should not do the slightest thing whereby others who are wise might find fault
(with him).

Sukhino v khemino hontu, sabbe satt bhavantu sukhitatt! [3]

"su[n]x v] [Kz[n]x [h]nxt, sbz[bz stxt] Bvnxt suttxt]!
(May all beings) be happy and secure, may all beings in their hearts be happy!

Ye keci pabhtatthi tas v thvar v anavases,

[yx [kx p]NBttxTq ts] v] T]vr] v] anv[sxs],
Whatsoever breathing beings there are, trembling, firm, or any other (beings),

dgh v ye mahant v, majjhim rassakukathl, [4]

G] v] [yx mhnxt] v], mjXm] rsxsk]NukTUl],
whether they be long or great, of middle (size), short, tiny, or of compact (body),

dih v ye ca addih, ye ca dre vasanti avidre,

z] v] [yx c adxz], [yx c [rX vsnxt a[rX,
those who are seen, and those who are unseen, those who live far away, those who
are near,

bht v sambhaves v sabbe satt bhavantu sukhitatt! [5]

Bt] v] smzB[vzs v] sbz[bz stxt] Bvnxt suttxt]!"
those who are born, and those who still seek birth, may all beings in their hearts be

Na paro para nikubbetha, ntimaetha katthaci na kaci,

n p[r]x prM nkbz[bzT, n]tmx[xT ktxT nM k,
No one should cheat another, nor should he despise anyone wherever he is,

byrosan paighasa nam-aassa dukkham-iccheyya. [6]

bY][r]xsn] pGsx] n]xmxsxs kxKcz[CXyY.
he should not long for suffering for another because of anger or resentment.
Sotthi Paritta - [s]txTq ptxtM - 18

Mt yath niya putta yus ekaputtam-anurakkhe,

m]t] yT] nyM putxtM a]yus] exkputxtmnurkx[Kz,
In the same way as a mother would protect her child, her only child, with her life,

evam-pi sabbabhtesu mnasa bhvaye aparima. [7]

exvmzp sbzbB[txsu m]nsM B]v[yx apm]NM.
so too towards all beings one should develop the measureless thought (of

Metta-ca sabbalokasmi mnasa bhvaye aparima,

[mtxtxc sbzb[l]xksxM m]nsM B]v[yx apm]NM,
Towards the entire world he should develop the measureless thought of friendliness,

uddha adho ca tiriya-ca, asambdha avera asapatta. [8]

VdxDM a[D]x c tyxc, asmzb]DM a[vzrM asptxtM.
above, below, and across (the middle), without barriers, hate, or enmity.

Tiha cara nisinno v, sayno v yvatassa vigatamiddho,

tzM crM nsnx[n]x v],sy][n]x v] y]vtsxsgtdx[D]x,
Standing, walking, sitting, lying, for as long as he is without torpor,

eta sati adhiheyya, brahmam-eta vihra idha-m-hu. [9]

extM stM az[yY, bRhxm[mztMh]rM iDm]hu.
he should be resolved on this mindfulness, for this, they say here, is the (true)
spiritual life.

Dihi-ca anupagamma, slav dassanena sampanno,

zqxc anupgmzm, slv] dsxs[nxn smzpnx[n]x,
Without going near a (wrong) view, virtuous, and endowed with (true) insight,

kmesu vineyya gedha, na hi jtu gabbhaseyya punar-et ti. [10]

k][mzsu[nyY [gxDM, n h j]t gbzB[syYM pun[rXt t.
having removed greed towards sense pleasures, he does not come to lie in a womb
Sotthi Paritta - [s]txTq ptxtM - 19


Etena saccavajjena sotthi te hotu sabbad!

ex[txn sczcvjX[jXn [s]txTq [tx [h]xt sbzb!
By this declaration of the truth may you be safe at all times!

Etena saccavajjena hotu te jayamagala!

ex[txn sczcvjX[jXn [h]xt [tx jymzglM!
By this declaration of the truth may you have the blessing of success!

Etena saccavajjena sabbarogo vinassatu!

ex[txn sczcvjX[jXn sbzb[r]x[g]xnsxst!
By this declaration of the truth may all disease be destroyed!

Protection through the Twenty-Four (Buddhas)

Tahakaro mahvro, Medhakaro mahyaso,

tNxhzk[r]x mh][r]x, [mzDzk[r]x mh]y[s]x,
Tahakara, the great hero, Medhakara, of great repute,

Saraakaro lokahito, Dpakaro jutindharo, [1]

srNzk[r]x [l]xkh[t]x, pzk[r]x jutn xD[r]x,
Saraakara, who benefits the world, Dpakara, the bright one,

Koao janapmokkho, Magalo purissabho,

[k]Nxx[] jnp][m]kx[K]x, mzg[l]x pus]s[B]x,
Kondaa, head of the people, Magala, a bull of a man,

Sumano sumano dhro, Revato rativaddhano, [2]

sum[n]x sum[n]x [r]x, [rXv[t]x rtvdxD[n]x,
The wise one Sumana, whose mind is well, Revata, who increases delight,
Sotthi Paritta - [s]txTq ptxtM - 20

Sobhito guasampanno, Anomadass januttamo,

[s]xB[t]x gNsmzpnx[n]x, a[n]xmdsxs jnutxt[m]x,
Sobhita, endowed with good qualities, Anomadass, supreme man,

Padumo lokapajjoto, Nrado varasrath, [3]

p[m]x [l]xkpjX[j]x[t]x, n]r[d]x vrs]rTQ,
Paduma, the lamp of the world, Nrada, the best of guides,

Padumuttaro sattasro, Sumedho aggapuggalo,

pmutxt[r]x stxts][r]x, su[mz[D]x agxgpugxg[l]x,
Padumuttara, an excellent being, Sumedha, the greatest person,

Sujto sabbalokaggo, Piyadass narsabho, [4]

suj][t]x sbzb[l]xkgx[g]x, pydsxs nr]s[B]x,
Sujta, greatest in all the world, Piyadass, a bull of a man,

Atthadass kruiko, Dhammadass tamonudo,

atxTdsxs k]r{Nq[k]x, Dmzmdsxs t[m]xnu[d]x,
Atthadass, the compassionate one, Dhammadass, darkness-dispeller,

Siddhattho asamo loke, Tisso varadasavaro, [5]

sdxDtx[T]x as[m]x [l]x[kx, tsx[s]x vrdsMv[r]x,
Siddhattha, unequalled in the world, Tissa, who was most restrained,

Phusso varadasambuddho, Vipass ca anpamo,

Pusx[s]x vrdsmzbudx[D]x, ~psxs c anUp[m]x,
Phussa, excellent Sambuddha, Vipass, who has no likeness,

Sikh sabbahito Satth, Vessabh sukhadyako, [6]

s sbzbh[t]x stxT], [vsxsB suKy[k]x,
Sikh, the Teacher who is a benefit to all, Vessabh, who gives happiness,

Kakusandho satthavho, Kogamano raajaho,

kksnx[D]x stxTv][h]x, [k]xN]gm[n]x rNxj[h]x,
Kakusandha, the leader of the pack, Kogamana, who gave up what is

Kassapo sirisampanno, Gotamo Sakyapugavo. [7]

ksxs[p]x ssmzpnx[n]x, [g]xt[m]x skYpuzg[v]x.
Kassapa, the glorious one, and Gotama, the Sakyan bull.
Sotthi Paritta - [s]txTq ptxtM - 21

Tesa saccena slena, khantimettabalena ca,

[txsM scz[czn s[lxn, Knxt[ mtxtb[lxn c,
Through their truth and virtue, and the strength of their patience and

te pi tva anurakkhantu rogyena sukhena c! ti

[tx p txvM anurkxKnxt a][r]xg[Yxn su[Kzn c]! t
may these (Buddhas) always protect you with good health and happiness!

The Fearless Safeguard

Yan-dunnimitta avamagala-ca, yo cmanpo sakunassa saddo,

ynxnxntxtM avmzglxc, [y]x c]mn][p]x sknsxs sdx[d]x,
Whatever bad sign, inauspicious event, or whatever ominous bird shriek there is,

ppaggaho dussupina akanta Buddhnubhvena vinsamentu!

p]pgxg[h]x sxsupnM aknxtM budxD]nuB][vznn]s[mnxt!
also evil planets, and unpleasant dreams, may they perish through the power of
the Buddha!

Yan-dunnimitta avamagala-ca, yo cmanpo sakunassa saddo,

ynxnxntxtM avmzglxc, [y]x c]mn][p]x sknsxs sdx[d]x,
Whatever bad sign, inauspicious event, or whatever ominous bird shriek there is,

ppaggaho dussupina akanta Dhammnubhvena vinsamentu!

p]pgxg[h]x sxsupnM aknxtM Dmzm]nuB][vznn]s[mnxt!
also evil planets, and unpleasant dreams, may they perish through the power of
the Dhamma!

Yan-dunnimitta avamagala-ca, yo cmanpo sakunassa saddo,

ynxnxntxtM avmzglxc, [y]x c]mn][p]x sknsxs sdx[d]x,
Whatever bad sign, inauspicious event, or whatever ominous bird shriek there is,

ppaggaho dussupina akanta Saghnubhvena vinsamentu!

p]pgxg[h]x sxsupnM aknxtM szG]nuB][vznn]s[mnxt!
also evil planets, and unpleasant dreams, may they perish through the power of
the Sangha!
Sotthi Paritta - [s]txTq ptxtM - 22

Dukkhappatt ca niddukkh, bhayappatt ca nibbhay,

kxKpxptxt] c ndxkxK], Bypxptxt] c nbzBy],
May those who suffer be without suffering, may those who fear be without

sokappatt ca nissok hontu sabbe pi pino!

[s]xkpxptxt] c nsx[s]xk] [h]nxt sbz[bz p p]Nq[n]x!
may those who grieve be without grief, may all living creatures be so!

Dna dadantu saddhya, sla rakkhantu sabbad,

nM ddnxt sdxD]y, slM rkxKnxt sbzb,
You should give gifts with confidence, protect your virtue at all times,

bhvanbhirat hontu, gacchantu devatgat.

B]vn]Brt] [h]nxt, gczCnxt [dxvt]gt].
find delight in meditation, and (after death) go to the gods.

Sabbe Buddh balappatt, Paccekna-ca ya bala

sbz[bz budxD] blpxptxt], pcz[czk]nxc yM blM
All the strength the Buddhas have attained, and whatever strength the
Independent Buddhas

Arahantna-ca tejena rakkha bandhma sabbaso!

arhnxt]nxc [tx[jXn rkxKM bnxD]m sbzb[s]x!
and Worthy Ones have, by that power we bind this protection in every way!

Nakkhattayakkhabhtna, ppaggahanivra,
nkxKtxtykxKBt]nM, p]pgxghnv]rN],
Warding off all unlucky stars, yakkhas, bhtas, and evil planets,

parittassnubhvena hantu tesa upaddave!

ptxtsxs]nuB][vzn hnxt [txsM Vpdxd[vz!
by the power of this safeguard may all their adversities end!
Sotthi Paritta - [s]txTq ptxtM - 23

Devo vassatu klena, sabbasampatti hetu ca,

[dx[v]x vsxst k][lxn, sbzbsmzptxt [hxt c,
May the sky-god rain down in due season, and (may there be) the right
conditions for all good fortune,

phto bhavatu loko ca, rj bhavatu dhammiko!

PQ[t]x Bvt [l]x[k]x c, r]j] Bvt Dmz[k]x!
may the world be prosperous, may the king always be righteous!

ksah ca bhummah dev ng mahiddhik,

a]k]sz] c Bmzmz] [dxv] n]g] mhdxk],
May those powerful gods and ngas stationed in the sky or on the earth,

pua ta anumoditv cira rakkhantu ssana!

puxM tM anu[m]xtxv] rM rkxKnxt s]snM!
having rejoiced in this merit protect the teaching for a long time!

ksah ca bhummah dev ng mahiddhik,

a]k]sz] c Bmzmz] [dxv] n]g] mhdxk],
May those powerful gods and ngas stationed in the sky or on the earth,

pua ta anumoditv cira rakkhantu desana!

puxM tM anu[m]xtxv] rM rkxKnxt [dxsnM!
having rejoiced in this merit protect the preaching for a long time!

ksah ca bhummah dev ng mahiddhik,

a]k]sz] c Bmzmz] [dxv] n]g] mhdxk],
May those powerful gods and ngas stationed in the sky or on the earth,

pua ta anumoditv cira rakkhantu ma paran!-ti

puxM tM anu[m]xtxv] rM rkxKnxt mM prn!t
having rejoiced in this merit protect me and others for a long time!

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