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trappist beer brewing system 10T

1) CE Certificate
2) Perfect turnkey solution
3) 3 years guarantee
4) 50hl to 500hl beer

10T trappist beer brewing system for beer plant

Brand :TianTai

1. Introduction of Medium Brewery System

Complete brewery-systems for medium breweries with production from 50HL up to 500HL of beer per d
100HL | 200HL | 300HL | 400HL | 500HL brewhouse sizes are produced standartly, but also custom-
made specially
composed brewhouses are manufactured on customer's request. Our brewing equipment enables prod
uction of all styles of beer. All brewing operations as well as fermenting & conditioning process can be
controlled via semi-automatic-control with programming system, or can be fully automatic (computer c
ontrolled) depending on customer's requirements.

2. Beer Equipments List of Various Models

Some standard scales of plants are available for small a brewery as below. Our company is able to sp
ecially design as your request.

Model TT-100H TT-200H TT-300H TT-400H TT-500H

Capacity 100HL/Day 200HL/Day 300HL/Day 400HL/Day 500HL/Day

62BBL/Day 125BBL/Day 189BBL/Day 251BBL/Day 314BBL/Day

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3. Equipments Components of Medium Brewery System

Equipments Request Components

1. Milling System Malt Miller

2. Mashing System Mash/Lauter Tun

Boiler Tank


Heat Exchanger

Wort Pump

Stiring Device (Optional)

Other accessories are available: 1. Ornamental Pipe; 2. Mashing Pipeline; 3. Operating Plateform;

4. Yeast Feeder; 5. Venturi Tube; 6. Butterfly Valve DN40; 7. Butterfly Valve DN32; 8. Soft Pipe;
9. Dregs Rake; 10. Sugar Measuring Cylinder; 11. Saccharimeter;

Fermentation Tank

Other accessories are available: 1. L-Pipe; 2. Butterfly Valve; 3. Pressure Gage; 4. Solenoid Valve; 5. Vacuu
3. Fermenting System
m Valve; 6. Cooling Pipe;

7. Thermal Insulation Pipe;

Ice Water Tank

Refrigeration Machine

Centrifugal Pump
4. Cooling System

Ice Water Pump

Relative Pipes and Valves

Washing Tank

5. CIP System Sterilization Tank

Pump and Valve

Kieselguhr Filter

6. Filter System Membrane Filter

Filtered Beer Tanks

Fresh Keg Packing Machine

7. Packing System Pop Can Packing Machine

Glass Bottle Packing Machine

Mashing Control Panel

8. Controlling System Fermenting Control Panel

Refrigerating Control Panel

4. General Flow Chart of Beer Brewing

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Stainless steel beer brewery equipment" ori-width="276" ori-

We are specialized in making many Beer fermenters,bright beer tanks,mash

tuns,lauter tuns,boiling kettles...etc for beer equipment . It adopts strictly
production process,our designed and manufactured products meet both
domestic and foreign customers demands. Our equipment with its fine
workmanship, excellent performance, and convenient operation will be your best
choice for brewing beer.

Our Commitment/Promise Seriously

1. Reasonable price and high quality products.

2. 3 years warranty.

3. Free installation and personel training.

4. Design and maintenance for free.

5. Both inside and outside mirror polishing.

Our Products
Brewing beer equipments for hotel and bar.
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steel beer brewery equipment" width="600" height="600" ori-width="600" ori-height="600">
The following is one our product pictures,please appreciate .

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equipment" width="305" height="340" ori-width="345"

ori-height="564"> <img
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equipment" width="298" height="338" ori-width="356"
Process flow diagram

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equipment" width="500" height="267" ori-width="500"
The Advantages
1.Dished top head

2.Mirror polishing (inner 3mm and outer 2mm)

3.Material:stainless steel 304 with low price or red copper with nice-looking

5.Configure: CIP socket,sideway manhole,strong leg supports,temperature gauge and sampling socket.All in
sanitary grade.
After sale service guarantee
1. Main equipments provided with a three year warranty.

2. Equipment parts adopt sanitary components from well-known manufacturers at home and
abroad, to ensure their service life.

3. After sale service,personnel received systemized training, within a 24-hour after sale
service contact, to ensure that customers problems are solved in time.

DAFENG warmly welcome old and new friends from all

around the world!

The brewery processing line

beer is the product of the alcoholic fermentation by yeast of extracts of malted barley. Whilst
malt and yeast contribute substantially to the character of beers, the quality of beer is at least as
much a function of the water and, especially, of the hops used in its production.
Barley starch supplies most of the sugars from which the alcohol is derived in the majority of the
worlds beers. Historically, this is because, unlike other cereals such as wheat, barley retains its
husk on threshing and this husk traditionally formed the filter bed through which the liquid
extract of sugars was separated in the brewery.
The starch in barley is enclosed in cell wall and proteins and these wrappings are stripped away
in the malting process (essentially a limited germination of the barley grains), leaving the starch
essentially preserved. This softens the grain and makes it more readily milled. Not only that, but
unpleasant grainy and astringent characters are removed during malting.

Malting commences with steeping of barley in water at 14-18 degreesC for up to 48h, until it
reaches a moisture content of 42-46%. This is usually achieved in a 3-stage process, with the
steeps being interspersed with air rests that allow the barley to get some oxygen (to breathe).
Raising the moisture content allows the grain to germinate, a process that usually takes 3-5 days
at 16-20 degreeC. In germination, the enzymes break down the cell walls and some of the protein
in the starchy endosperm, which is the grains food reserve, rendering the grain friable. Amylases
are produced in germination and these are important for the mashing process in the brewery.
Progressively increasing the temperature during kilning arrests germination, and regimes with
progressively increasing temperatures over the range 50 to perhaps 110degreesC are used to
allow drying to <5% moisture, whilst preserving heat-sensitive enzymes. The more intense the
kilning process, the darker the malt and the more roasted and burnt are its flavor characteristics.
In the brewery, the malted grain must first be milled to produce relatively fine particles, which
are for the most part starch. The particles are then intimately mixed with hot water in a process
called mashing. The water must possess the right mix of salts. For example fine ales are
produced from waters with high levels of calcium. Famous pilsners are from waters with low
levels of calcium. Typically mashes have a thickness of three parts water to one part malt and
contain a stand at around 65 degreesC, at which temperature the granules of starch are converted
by gelatinization from an indigestible granular state into a melted form which is much more
susceptible to enzymatic digestion.
The enzymes that break down the starch are called the amylases. They are developed during the
malting process, but only start to act once the gelatinization of the starch has occurred in the
mash tun. Some brewers will have added starch from other sources, such as maize or rice, to
supplement that from malt. These other sources are called adjuncts.
After perhaps an hour of mashing, the liquid portion of the mash, known as wort, is recovered,
either by straining through the residual spent grains lautering) or by filtering through plates. The
wort is run to the kettle (sometimes known as the copper, even though they are nowadays
fabricated from stainless steel) where it is boiled, usually for 1 hour. Boiling serves various
functions, including sterilization of wort, precipitation of proteins (which would otherwise come
out of solution in the finished beer and cause cloudiness), and the driving away of unpleasant
grainy characters originating in the barley. Many brewers also add some adjunct sugars at this
stage, at which most brewers introduce at least a proportion of their hops.
The hops have two principal components: resins and essential oils. The resins (so-called alpha-
acids) are changed (isomerized) during boiling to yield iso-alpha-acids, which provide the
bitterness to beer. This process is rather inefficient. Nowadays, hops are often extracted with
liquefied carbon dioxide and the extract is either added to the kettle or extensively isomerized
outside the brewery for addition to the finished beer (thereby avoiding losses due to the bitter
substances tendency to stick on to yeast).
The oils are responsible for the hoppy nose on beer. They are very volatile and if the hops are
all added at the start of the boil then all of the aroma will be blown up the chimney. In traditional
lager brewing a proportion of the hops are held back and only added towards the end of boiling,
which allows the oils to remain in the wort. For obvious reasons, this process is called late
hopping. In traditional ale production, a handful of hops is added to the cask at the end of the
process, enabling a complex mixture of oils to give a distinctive character to such products. This
is called dry hopping. Liquid carbon dioxide can be used to extract oils as well as resins and
these extracts can also be added late in the process to make modifications to beer flavor.
After the precipitate produced during boiling has been removed, the hopped wort is cooled and
pitched with yeast. There are many strains of brewing yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae),and
brewers jealously guard and look after their own strains because of their importance in
determining brand identity.


In traditional lager brewing the 'green beer' is matured by several weeks of cold storage, prior to

Nowadays,the majority of beers, both ales and lagers, receive a relatively short conditioning
period after fermentation and before filtration.This conditioning is ideally performed at -1C for
a minimum of three days, under whichconditions more proteins drop out of solution, making the
beer less likely to go cloudy in the package or glass.

The filtered beer is adjusted to the required carbonation before packaging into cans, kegs or glass
or plastic bottles.

3.All of our brewery equipment are Brandnew,craft-making to meet various kinds of need for our

picutures gallary-

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steel beer brewery equipment" width="275" height="183" ori-width="275" ori-

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Stainless steel beer brewery equipment" width="801" height="632" ori-width="763" ori-

welcome for your inquiry!

Automated/closed system HERMS layout

Hey Guys,

I'm Elco, founder of BrewPi. Up until now BrewPi has only focused on controlling
fermentation, but that's about to change. The very first step in this, is to build a HERMS

Until now I have been doing stove-top BIAB. I have had pretty good results with my very
simple method:
- Heat water on stove (4 burners at once, big kettle)
- Put kettle in fridge for 5 minutes to preheat the fridge
- Put kettle back on stove, keep fridge door closed
- Heat again
- Put back in fridge, add grains, close door. Fridge is well isolated, temp hardly drops.
- For a next mash step, take kettle out, put on stove again (stir!) and put back.

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With that very simple method I could produce pretty decent beers, but I think it's time for
an upgrade.

For the software, we are going to rewrite BrewPi from scratch. It will be very modular and
very flexible. It will adapt to all kinds of setups: HERMS, RIMS, BIAB, Fridges, Glycol, etc.
But that's not the point of this post. I would like to talk about hardware here.

We are going to build 2 systems:

- 1 33L cheap and simple HERMS with manual hose swapping (Koen's system) and probably
just one pump.
- 1 70L fully automated HERMS with motorized ball valves and two pumps. (My system).

Both systems will use electric Camco heating elements in the HLT and BK.

I have sourced most stainless steel parts and we even machined a lot of custom parts. I will
post an update when these are ready (2-3 weeks).
I am building this HERMS for myself, but in such a way that I can provide all these parts
later as a complete, simple to assemble HERMS kit.
On our website we will provide build guides, similar to the Electric Brewery.

So let's get to the point: I made a Piping and Instrumentation diagram.

I used the trial version of Edraw. If you want to adapt my diagram for yourself, get the files
from GitHub:

If you want to download/print the diagrams, get the PDF:


Otherwise, look at the images below.

I got some inspiration from blackheart brewery [tag]blackheart[/tag], but due to lack of
running water they used ice in the HLT to chill. I have running water, so a counter flow
chiller was added for much more effective cooling.

When I brew, I tend to make a huge mess (wort on the floor, burnt hands, sugar solution
splashed everywhere, etc), so that's why I think a closed system would be much better for

A lot of attention has been given to clean in place possibilities of the system. It should be
easy to flush with tap water, hot water and PBW. Therefore a dedicated cold water input and
drain output have been added.

I plan to use silicone hose for all connections. I like to see the wort flow and this makes the
system very re-configurable and easy to take apart.

After the clean in place procedure (cold, PBW, cold, hot), the system should be pretty clean,
but I would still like to fully drain it. This can be done by opening all valves. For this to work
well, the tubing that's drawn above the kettles, should be above the kettles. I have to figure
out a nice way to do this. Suggestions welcome.

I have a 150x60cm stainless steel table with 2 levels to hold this beast. Pumps will be below
the kettles on the lower level.

I do not plan to use a tipping system. I do not have room for tipping and read blackheart
comment that they never use their fancy tipping system. All the cables are in the way to
make tipping work well.
I will rely an on a powerful wet vac for cleaning and emptying the kettles.
So without further ado, here are the pics:

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This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 3508x2126.

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This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 3508x2126.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 3508x2126.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 3508x2126.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 3508x2126.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 3508x2126.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 3508x2126.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 3508x2126.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 3508x2126.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 3508x2126.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 3508x2126.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 3508x2126.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 3508x2126.
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 3508x2126.

Your feedback is very welcome!

If you want to play around with the design, all files are available from GitHub under the Creative

Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license .

See larger image

500l home beer brewery equipment

FOB Price: US $999 - 49,999 / Set Get Latest Price

Min.Order Quantity: 1 Set/Sets

Supply Ability: 10 Set/Sets per Month

Port: Qingdao

Payment Terms: L/C,T/T,MoneyGram

Contact Supplier
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Product Details

Company Profile

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Quick Details
Processing: Other Condition: New Place of Origin:

Brand Model 380v

DeGongET DG-500l Voltage:
Name: Number: Adjustable

Processing After-sales Service third-party
Power(W): 45KW BEER
Types: Provided: support

Turnkey Providing
project quality raw Transfferrin
After- available, After-service material( m g new
After-service 3:
service 1: including 2: alt, hops, technology
recipe and yeast) if or recipe
brewers requested

ce for one
service 4:

Packaging & Delivery

Packaging Wrapped with black cotton or with plastic paper firstly then outside
Detail: by iron frame


1. Useful volume: 500l
2.Producing capacity: 500l/day
3.Material: SUS304 OR 316
4.Design as you requirment

Welcome to your inquiry

The wonderful equipment that let you own a little
Many our beer brewery equipments have been exported to many other c
ountries as

Russia, Kazakhstan, USA, Korea, Nepal and etc with high quality and g
ood service.

Beer Equipment materials:

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Flow Diagram
<img src="" alt="500l home
beer brewery equipment" width="627" height="280" ori-width="627" ori-height="280">
Decoction beer brewing method

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equipment" width="598" height="283" ori-
width="570" ori-height="297">
37 C Mash mixing

52 C Mash heating

64 C Low sugar formation temperature

64 C Pumping a part of wort to a lauter tun

73 C High sugar formation temperature

100 C Mash boiling

73 C Lautering

100 C Wort boiling

12 C Wort cooling

Brewery - Combination tank, located on the left-hand side if viewed from the front. It
comprises two parts: the upper one is a lauter tun with a strainer and rake arms. The lower part is
a hot water tank serving to prepare boiling and sprinkling water, which delivers significant
savings in terms of time, water and electricity.

Brewery Mash tun, located on the right-hand side if viewed from the front. It is used for mash
mixing and mash processes, as a boiling kettle, and as a whirling vat for deposit separation.
Inside it has a special mash agitator.


4 HL 6 HL 10 HL 12 HL 17,5 HL 24 HL 35 HL

Min. Ceiling Height 3 250 3 350 3 550 3 550 3 650 3 900 4 100

Dimension A Height /mm 3 200 3 300 3 500 3 500 3 600 3 850 4 000

Dimension B Width /mm 2 500 2 900 3 500 3 500 4 100 4 400 5 500

Dimension C Length /mm 1 800 2 000 2 250 2 250 2 500 2 650 3 200

Weight of Empty Brewery / (kg) 1 800 1 900 2 200 2 300 2 700 3 800 4 600

Weight of Full Brewery / (kg) 2 780 3 370 4 290 5 230 6 950 9 520 13 100

Capacity of Lauter Tun / (HL) 3,8 5,7 9,4 11,3 16,5 21,2 33

Capacity of Hot Water Tank / (HL) 6 9 15 18 26 36 52

Capacity of Mash Tun / (HL) 4,8 7,2 12,0 14,5 21,0 29,0 42

Wort Volume per Batch / (HL) 400 600 1 000 1 200 1 750 2 400 3 500
Mash system

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Brewery Mash tun. This is used for mash mixing and mashing processes by means of a
special agitator.
Brewery Lauter tun. This is used for the gravitational separation of mash and wort extraction.
The tun is equipped with rake arms with speed adjustment and reverse running features.
Brewery Kettle. This is used for the wort boiling process.
Brewery Whirling vat. This is used for the solids separation from wort.
Brewery Hot water tank. This is used for the preparation of hot water for the boiling process
and collection of heated water from the wort cooler.
Brewery Cold water tank. This is used for the preparation of cold water for the wort cooling
process preceding wort conveyance to fermentation tanks.

Fermentation tank
The tank is a vertical, tapered cylindrical vessel serving the beer
fermentation and maturation processes. The tank has independent
cooling zones and is fitted with adjustable legs.

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brewery equipment" width="606" height="638" ori-width="650" ori-height="650">

Automated control panel

It includes a control panel and an electrical box assembly; valves are operated
The system is automatic, software-operated.
The brewing process is controlled by pre-programmed data.

img src="" alt="500l home beer
brewery equipment" width="607" height="440" ori-width="800" ori-height="469">

The glycol-cooling unit is intended to cool fermentation tanks, cold-water tanks,
yeast tanks and service tanks.

The unit comprises a base frame made from stainless steel I-sections, a glycol tank
composed of a double-jacketed container and an insulated stainless steel lid, valves,
cooling unit pumps and an electric control box. The glycol tank is filled with ethylene
glycol, diluted with water and rated to 10C.

Selling System
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width="606" height="650" ori-width="650" ori-
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width="600" ori-height="800">
Wort cooling & Heat water storage Water
management system MODULO
in Share



Systems for cooling of the wort and storaging of heat

water in microbreweries BREWORX MODULO
The plate heat exchanger is a part of each brewhouse BREWORX MODULO. It provides
cooling of the wort at the end of the brewing process at a temperature of about 20-25 C. This is
a pitching temperature for starting the fermentation with upper-fermenting yeast.

For the production of bottom fermented beer it is necessary to cool the temperature of the wort to
6-10 C. Therefore, it is necessary to install another microbrewery equipment for the second
stage of wort cooling. In minibreweries BREWORX MODULO the unit WCU (Water Cooling
Unit) or the combined water treatment unit WCU / HWT (Water Cooling Unit / Hot Water
Tank) are used for this purpose..
1. Modulo WCU (Wort Cooling Unit) Compact independent unit for cooling of the

The WCU Module is a compact mobile

unit, containing everything to cool down the wort temperature of about 20 C to a temperature
of 6-10 C. This temperature is needed for the wort fermentation in the production of bottom-
fermented beers. This group includes virtually all types of beer that are common in the Czech
Republic for example, light lager of Pilsner type.

The WCU contains :

1) Insulated tank for storing a sufficient volume of ice water.

2) Cooling unit with integrated condenser, which provides cooling in a cold water tank to a
temperature of about 1 C from the initial temperature of about 15 C in 10-20 hours.

3) Plate heat exchanger, ensuring effective transfer of the cold from ice water into wort.

4) Pump for the necessary flow of ice-water through the plate exchanger.

5) Valves and flanges for connection of hoses or stainless steel pipes.

6) 6) Chassis with wheels and adjustable feet for easy handling unit and safe positioning on
uneven ground.

Heat and heat water recovery by WCU unit

The implementation of WCU unit into the brewery without hot water tank does not allow
recovery of heat produced during wort cooling the received hot water is discharged into the
waste drain, or it is collected into a lauter tun or the wort boiler. The volume of lauter tun in a
brewhouse allows to save about 40% received hot water. WCU with volume 2 3 times higher
than the volume of the brewhouse ensures saving of 100% hot water.

2. Modulo WCU / HWT (Wort Cooling Unit / Hot Water Tank) the water management

Mobile independent compact equipment for wort cooling and recovery of heat water
obtained from waste heat in cooling the wort.

Special module, which integrates the unit for cooling of the wort and the hot water tank on a
shared frame with the wheels and adjustable legs. Hot water that we receive from cooling of the
wort in the first stage of cooling (in the plate heat exchanger integrated in the brewhouse) is
collected in a stainless steel insulated tank and is ready for use. Most often brewers use the hot
water for preparing the next batch of brewing, but also when washing and sanitizing other
equipment in microbrewery. This recuperation of waste heat from wort cooling contributes to
substantial savings in production costs.
The WCU-HWT unit contains :
1) Insulated tank for storing a sufficient volume of ice water.

2) Insulated tank for storing a sufficient volume of hot water.

3) Cooling unit with integrated condenser, which provides cooling in a cold water tank to a
temperature of about 1 C from the initial temperature of about 15 C in 10-20 hours.

4) Plate heat exchanger, ensuring effective transfer of the cold from ice water into wort.

5) Pump for the necessary flow of ice-water through the plate exchanger.

6) Pump for creating a pressure in the hot water pipes when using the stored hot water.

7) Valves and flanges for connection of hoses or stainless steel pipes.

8) Chassis with wheels and adjustable feet for easy handling of the unit and safe positioning on
uneven ground.
9) Optionally, the unit can be equipped with electric heating elemets, standardly water is heated
in a wort kettle in the brewhouse.

Heat recovery and utilization of hot water with the WCU-HWT unit
The WCU-HWT unit in the brewery without hot water tank allows recovery to 95% of the heat ,
produced during wort cooling resulting hot water is collected in full volume in the tank for hot
water. Hot water will be used for the next cycle of subsequent wort boiling, or for washing and
sanitizing of brewhouse, tanks and other equipment in the brewery.

Produced WCU and WCU-HWT units technical specifications and price list :
At Erddig Brewery we recognise that
to achieve consistently high quality production, traditional methods and equipment should
be augmented by the use and integration of modern process control equipment.

Our craft brewing plant is equipped with electronic process controllers, which help to ensure
that the same process parameters are applied batch after batch, so maintaining the
consistent high quality of beer produced.

The process diagram above flows from right to left.

1. Water is heated in the Hot Liquor Tank and is mixed with the malt as it goes into the
Mash Tun, where it is held for a while; the starch in the grain is converted to sugar
by an enzyme called amylase which is naturally present in the malted grain.
2. The resulting sugar rich wort is then
pumped into a large boiling vessel known as the Copper. The wort is brought
to the boil as the hops are added at different stages to give the distinctive
flavours and bitterness of the beer.

3. As prolonged temperature tends to weaken the bitter flavouring characteristic

of a hop, it is important to transfer the wort from the copper into the
fermentation vessel at a cooler temperature, this is done by pumping the
hopped wort through a heat exchanger, which cools the wort and in turn
heats up fresh water which flows into the Hot Liquor Tank, so preserving

4. Once the hopped wort is in the fermentation vessel we add a specially

selected strain of brewers yeast which converts the sugar in the wort into
alcohol. After a period of time we take the resultant solution out of the
fermentation vessel and put it into casks, because now it has become beer.
Beitou Refuse Incineration Plant, Department of Environmental
Protection, Taipei City Government

Incineration Process Flowchart

Our process includes:

1. Garbage receiving and treatment procedures, including: entrance loadometer,

dumping platform, garbage bunker, garbage crane, ash bunker, ash crane,

burning chamber, hearth system, etc.

2. Combustion air procedures, including: primary and secondary air blower, air

preheater, air reheater, etc.

3. Bottom slag procedures, including: each bottom slag conveyor, ash ejector,

vibration conveyor, etc.

4. Fly ash procedures, including: fly ash conveyor, pneumatic conveying system, fly

ash storage tank, fly ash stabilizer, etc.

5. Waste metal procedures, including: magnetic selector, waste metal conveyor,

waste metal bunker, waste metal compressor, waste metal crane, etc.

6. Steam procedures, including: high pressure steam distributor, steam turbine,

power generator, steam condenser, etc.

7. Condensed water procedures, including: condensed water recycling equipment,

such as condensed water tank, degassing & water feeding tank, etc.

8. Waste gas treatment procedures, including: dioxin preventiom equipment,

nitrogen oxide removal equipment, semi-dry scrubber, bag filter dust collector,

attraction exhaust fan, etc.

9. Wastewater procedures, including: inorganic wastewater treatment system,

organic wastewater treatment system, sludge production system, etc.

The Brewing of Beer

Almost all beer contains only four ingredients: barley, water, hops, and yeast. Though the process of brewing beer is
complex and varies considerably, the basic stages that are consistent are outlined below. There may be additional
filtration steps between stages.

MALTING: The first ingredient to come into play is barley, which is grain (or, in other words, a seed).
The seeds are soaked in water for about two days and allowed to begin their development into plants. Enzymes
are released that break down the proteins and starches in each grain into simple sugars meant to nourish the
baby plant. However, once this process has begun, the barley is cooked in a kiln, arresting the growth process
while the enzymes are at their peak of production. This is called malting.

MASHING: In the mashing stage, the grain is actually transformed into sugar. The grains are crushed into a
fine powder, or grist, and then soaked in water. Proteins are broken down; these eventually give the beer its
body. Starches are broken down into simple sugars that nourish the yeast. Complex sugars remain to give the
beer its malty taste. The mash is heated and strained to yield a substance called wort.
Next, the wort is brought to a boil and the flowers of the female hop plant are added. Bitter resins and aromatic
hop oils are released. The variety of hop, the amount added, and the point or points in the boil at which they are
added all contribute to the flavor of the beer. They add bitterness when added early to the boil, flavor if added in
the middle, and aroma when added at the end.

FERMENTATION: The wort is then cooled and moved into a fermentation vessel. Yeast is added and
allowed to consume most or all of the sugars in the wort. This is the fermentation process during which alcohol
is produced. The process takes about ten days. Each brewery has its own strains of yeast, and it is the yeast
that determines the character of the beer.

STORAGE: The beer is then separated from the yeast (racked). Once the yeast is removed the beer is
passed from fermentation to storage vessels. During transfer the beer is cooled to minus one degree
centigrade. The beer stays in storage at this temperature, and any material which might impair the appearance,
flavour and shelf-life of the beer settles out.

FILTRATION: Following a set time in storage, carbon dioxide gas collected during fermentation is added to
give beer its characteristic head and sparkling taste. The beer is then passed through a filtration system to
remove surplus yeast and protein.

PASTEURISATION: This is a process of heating and rapid cooling which prolongs shelf-life and destroys
any bacteria or other organisms in the beer. Canned and bottled beers are pasteurised in their containers, while
draught beer is pasteurised by means of a special heat exchanger called a flash pasteuriser.

PACKAGING: The filtered and sparkling beer is packaged into bottles, cans and stainless steel casks,
or kegs, ready for distribution.

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