Section A (50 %) Questions 1 - 5: at The Zebra Crossing

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NAME: _____________________________________ CLASS: YEAR 3

KSSR Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR) PKSR 2/2016

Bahasa Inggeris SJK (C) Kampong Coldstream, Bidor, Perak
1 jam 15 minit

SECTION A ( 50 % )
Questions 1 - 5
Read the passage carefully and circle the letters of the correct answers.

Alam is a scout. He is friendly and always ready to help others.

One morning,Alam saw a blind man standing at the zebra crossing on his
way to school. The man was trying to cross the road but nobody tried to
help him.
Pakcik, can I help you ? Alam asked.
Yes, boy , the man answered, I want to cross the road. My son
told me that I can cross the road here. I have waited for quite some time
yet nobody told me when to cross.
Alright, Pakcik. Let me help you, Alam said and hold the blind man
s hand. He led the man across the road when the traffic light turned
So, Alam and the blind man crossed the busy road. The blind man was
grateful to Alam. The young scout was glad that he had helped someone who
was in need.

1. Where did Alam meet the blind man?

A. In front of his school. C. At the zebra crossing.

B. At the bus stop. D. Across the road.

2. What was the man doing there ? He wanted to _________.

A. buy some sweets C. wait for a bus

B. cross the road D. wait for Alam

3. Who told the blind man that he could cross the road there ?

A. The blind mans son C. The blind mans friends

B. The scout D. The blind mans father

4. What colour was the traffic light when Alam and the blind man
crossed the road ?

A. Red B. Green C. Amber D. Yellow

5. What do you think the blind man probably said to Alam ?

A. Here you are. C. I m so sorry.

B. You are welcome. D. Thank you .

Questions 6 10

Choose and circle the letters of the answers with the correct spelling.
A. astronuat

B. astrounat

C. astronaut

A. souce

B. sauce

C. suace

A. buffaloes

B. baffoloes

C. buffoloes

9. James hurt his _______ while playing football.

A. toes B. tose C. teos

10. My mother buys __________from the market every Sunday.

A. tomatos B. tomatoes C. tamotaes

Questions 11 15

Solve the riddles.

11. I work in a hospital.

I go to accident sites. A. I am a teacher.

I go in an ambulance. B. I am a paramedic.

I help the victims. C. I am a firefighter.

Who am I ?

12. I work in a station.

A. I am a policeman.
I wear a uniform and a helmet.
B. I am a firefighter.
I use a hose and a fire hydrant.
C. I am a paramedic.
Who am I ?

13. I work in a school.

A. I am a nurse.
I guide and help pupils.
B. I am a traffic warden.
I listen to their problems.
C. I am a counsellor.
Who am I ?

14. I protect the country.

A. I am a soldier.
I fight enemies.
B. I am a paramedic.
I also go into the jungles.
C. I am a firefighter.
Who am I ?

15. I work in a school.

A. I am a counsellor.
I help pupils to cross the road.
B. I am a policeman.
I make sure they are safe.
C. I am a traffic warden.
Who am I ?
Questions 16 20

Circle the letters of the correct answers .

16. Which animal has sharp quills on its body ?

A. A spider B. A pangolin C. A porcupine

17. Which animal eats ants and termites ?

A. A pangolin B. A lion C. An elephant

18. What animal changes colour to match its moods ?

A. A penguin B. An ostrich C. A chameleon

A. dinosaur

B. dragon C.


A. pangolin

B. Komodo dragon

C. chameleon
Questions 21 25

Study the pictures below carefully. Choose the best answer to fit

the situation shown in the pictures.

A. Were very strong men.

B. Its alright,uncle. Were happy to do so.

C. I think your bags are heavy.

A. Is that a monkey?

B. Do you know what type of animal is that ?

C. Where do monkeys live ?

A. Do you like this triangular cake?

B. Why must you choose this cake ?

C. This cake must be expensive, Siti.

A. What are these shapes ?

B. The shapes look nice, dear.

C. Do you really have to do that ?

A. What do you want to eat ?

B. Who invited you for lunch ?

C. Would you like to have lunch with me ?

Section B ( 50 % )

A.Write the opposite meanings of these words. ( 4%)

back same cool good

1. different x ____________ 2. bad x ______________

3. front x______________ 4. warm x _______________

B. Write the same meanings for these words. ( 4%)

quick enemy big powerful

1. huge = ______________ 2. foe =_____________

3. strong = ______________ 4. fast =_____________

C. Fill in the blanks with articles a or an . (6%)

I had ______ dream last night.

It was about _____ spaceship and ______ alien. The spaceship

was oval. It had long rectangular legs. A rectangular door opened. A

big tall and black figure came out of the spaceship.

The figure had ______ round head with square eyes and ______ oval

mouth. It did not have ______ nose. Its body was square with

rectangular arms and legs.

D. Fill in the blanks with the correct adjectives of shapes. ( 12%)

rectangular round square triangular oval conical

1. 2.

A _______________dice. A _______________table.

3. 4.

A _____________ ball. A _______________sandwich.

5. 6.

An ______________ rugby ball. A _______________tent.

E. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions. in on up under . (4%)


3. The firefighter climbs ________ the ladder.


The cookies are ________ the jar.


The pail is ________ the tap.


She puts the book ________ the table.

F. Use the words given to make a correct sentence. (8%)


- peacock - colourful - feathers



- girl - gave - elf - food


- princess - ate - poisoned -


- knight - killed - giant

G. Read and fill in the blanks. (12 %)

The (1)_____________________ is a large and colourful parrot.

It has (2)_______________________ on its body. Its wings are yellow,

(3)___________________________. It has (4) _________________

around the eyes and the lower beak. Its upper beak is white and its lower

beak is black. It has grey legs. Its tail is (5) _____________________.

The Scarlet Macaw likes to eat (6) _____________________________



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