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Design of a Section

Span of the box girder section

Depth of the section at the root
Depth of the section at the midspan

Sectional properties of the box girder

At the root section,

Area of the box girder,
Moment of inertia about YY-axis,
Distance of the top fibre from N.A,
Distance of the bottom fibre from N.A,
Section modulus at the top fibre,
Section modulus at the bottom fibre,

At the midspan section,

Area of the box girder,

Moment of inertia about YY-axis,
Distance of the top fibre from N.A,
Distance of the bottom fibre from N.A,
Section modulus at the top fibre,
Section modulus at the bottom fibre,

Design forces extracted from Midas-civil

Maximum bending moment due to dead load,

Maximum bending moment due to superimposed dead load,
Maximum bending moment due to live load,
Maximum Shear force,

Computation of Prestressing force required

Using 19K15 cables

where, Number of cables
Diameter of single strand of the cable =
Area of single strand
Area of one cable
Edge distance of the cable
Centre to centre distance of the ((1401920))

To compute maximum possible eccentricity considering no. of cables,
C.G of cables from top fibre =

C.G of section from top fibre =

Therefore, maximum possible eccentricity = e =

Allowable stresses in concrete during service stage,

/+/ _(.)/_/_(.
Maximum compressive stress =
)/ = 0 Maximum tensile stress =
/12.79 +(4.478)/38.525 275647.6/38.525
To find the prestressing force required, 67237.8/38.525 = 0
Equating stresses at top fibre at root section equals to zero

P 0.1944222931

Ultimate tensile strength of single cable =

Jacking force = 0.75Fu

Force in one strand = Area x stress =

Prestressing force in one cable =

Hence number of cables required,

Considering 30% loss in prestressing,

Prestressing force required
After losses the number of cables required

C.G of cables from top fibre,

/ +/ _(.)/
_(.)/ _/
Actual eccentricity for of cables, e=
= 67539.691/12.79 +(67539.6914.46)/38.525
275647.6/38.525 67237.8/38.525
(I) Serviciability limit state
According to IRC:6-2000 the load factors considered for different loads are:
D.L = 1
L.L = 1
SIDL = 1 / / +_(.)/
+_(.)/ +_/
Stress at top =
=67539.691/12.79 (67539.6914.46)/38.525
< 0.33

= 2994.829522796
= 2.99

Stress at bottom =

(_)= (1.25275647.6)+(246253.3)+(2.567237.8)

( _) (1.2513910.7) +(21904.2)+(2.53186.9)

= 7566.4981873527
= 7.5664981874
(II) Ultimate limit state
_= Depth of beam from maximum compression edge to centre of gravity
The ultimate
steel condition at failure under moderate exposure according to IRC:18-2000 ,
(=) tendons
Area of high tensile
1.25G + 2S.G + 2.5Q
(=) Ultimate tensile strength
where for steel G = D.L = 1.25
S.G = SIDL= 2
> (_ )
Q= L.L = 2.5

=0.176( _) ^2 _
= +2/30.8(_)
=web of a tee
_=width of flange of tee
=thickness of flange of=tee 29164.025
beam _

> (_ )
Moment capacity calculation

(i) Failure by yield os steel


_) ^2+0.8__ )

Mu =
767669.616 kNm
_= =0.24_=
(ii) Failure by crushing of concrete
_= = /+/

/ =
where, _= / =
=15548.01 =

Mu = 1266863.10471111 kNm > (_) .

Shear calculation
Section uncracked in flexure:



V =
= 60 m
= 10 m
= 4.254 m

A = 12.79 m2
Iyy = 188 m4
Yt = 4.88 m
Yb = 5.12 m
Zt = 38.525 m
Zb = 36.71 m

A = 6.954 m2
Iyy = 19.95 m4
Yt = 4.88 m
Yb = 5.12 m
Zt = 38.525 m
Zb = 36.71 m

MD.L = 275647.6
MSIDL = 46253.3
ML.L = 67237.8
VD.L = 13910.7
VSIDL = 1904.2
VL.L = 3186.9

= 19
and of the cable = 15.2 mm
= 140 mm2
= 19 x 140 =
= 220 mm
1401920)) = 260 mm

no. of cables, = 20 nos.

4880 mm

ccentricity = e = = 4478 mm
= 4.478 m

essive stress =
_(. 0.33Fck = 18.15 ..(IRC 18:2000; Clause 7.2.1)
ile stress = 0 ..(IRC 18:2000; Clause 7.2.2)
25 275647.6/38.525
37.8/38.525 = 0

= 10100.9396496
= 51953.6082357 kN

Fu = 1860 MPa

= 1395 MPa

140 x 1395 = 195300

= 195.3

Fo = 19 x 195.3 =
P = 51953.61 = 14.001026285
Fo 3710.7

= 67539.6907064 kN
= 18.20 18 nos.

= 422.22 mm

= 4457.78 mm
914.46)/38.525 = 4.46 m

or different loads are:


< 0.33

N/mm2 0 O.K

mpression edge to centre of gravity
xposure according to IRC:18-2000 ,



= 2660 x 18 =
= 1860 N/mm2

= /+/

720 mm
12000 mm
200 mm
=.6772010000( 1.78 ^2+0.85.071.
78) 55 MPa

> (_) .
= 720 mm
= 10000 mm
0.24 x 7.4161984871 =

67539.691 = 5280.66 kN/m2

= 5.28 N/mm2

15770.268136033 kN
2660 mm2

= 402 mm

RC 18:2000; Clause 7.2.1)


3710.7 kN
14 nos.
10000 422.22 = 9577.78 mm
47880 mm
1.78 N/mm2
PSC Girder Design

1. General Data
2. Geometric Span Properties
3. Forces and Moments
4. Cable Data
5. Cable Summary
6. Cable Losses Calculation
7. Stress Calculations
8. Temperature Stresses
9. Ultimate Strength Analysis

1. General Data

Cantilever Span length c/c of expansion joints = 25

Depth of Girder at Root Section (DR) = 2110
Depth of Girder at Central Section (DC) = 2111

Grade of concrete (fck) = M 50

Modulus of Elasticity of concrete (Ec) = 5000 x sqrt(fck) = 35355

Permissible stresses in concrete (IRC-18) -

Stage Minimum (MPa) Maximum (MPa)

50% of cube strength at the
Construction 0 corresponding stage (max. 30

5% of corresponding max.
Service 16.67
compression in the section

Type of Prestressing cables used - 19 strands of 15.2 mm

i.e 19 T 15 type anchorage
Area of 1 strand (Astrand) = 140 mm2
Ultimate Tensile Strength of cable steel, stress = 1860 MPa
Ultimate Tensile Strength of 1 strand (UTS)= 260 kN
Modulus of Elasticity of cables (Es) = 195000 MPa

Sheathing Type - Corugated HDPE

As per IRC:18-2000 Table 5 -
Coefficient of friction (meu) = 0.17
Coefficient of wobble (k) = 0.002 per meter

Minimum strength of concrete at the time of stressing = 43

Age of concrete at the time of stressing = 28 days
(assumed minimum age, actual may be more)

2. Geometric Span Properties

Elevation showing location of sections (all dimensions in meters)


Section Properties
Root Section

Area, A =
Moment of Inertia, Iz
Centroid distance -
-from top, Yt =
-from bottom, Yb =
Section Modulus -
-top, Zt =
-bottom, Zb =

Half Cross-Section of Section A

Mid Section

Area, A =
Moment of Inertia, Iz
Centroid distance -
-from top, Yt =
-from bottom, Yb =
Section Modulus -
-top, Zt =
-bottom, Zb =

Half Cross-Section of Section B

3. Loading

4. Load Combination

Dead Load WC SIDL

Section M V M V M V
S0 17.9 2428.5 921.2 904.3 887.5 870.7
S1 627.8 2332.6 1073.7 880.8 687.8 494.8
Load Combinations

long term long term

Load Case at transfer (DL)
0 M V M V M V
S0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
S0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

For Ultimate Loading

Ultimate load = 1.25 DL + 2 SIDL + 2.5
(for moderate exposure, as per IRC:18-2000, Cl. 12)
Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate
S0 DL T SIDL T LL T Moment Shear Torsion
S0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
S0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

5. Prestressing Force Calculation

Using 19K15 cables

where, Number of cables = 19
Diameter of single strand of the cable = 15.2 mm
Area of single strand = 140 mm2
Area of one cable = 19 x 140
Edge distance of the cable = 220 mm
Centre to centre distance of the cable = 260 mm

To compute maximum possible eccentricity considering no. of cabl = 20

C.G of cables from top fibre = = ((266010220)+(2660648
C.G of section from top fibre = 0 mm
Therefore, maximum possible eccentricity = e = () = -402
= -0.402

Allowable stresses in concrete during service stage,

Maximum compressive stress = 0.33Fck = 18.15
Maximum tensile stress = 0 ..(IRC 18:2000; Clause 7.2.2)

To find the prestressing force required,

Equating stresses at top fibre at root section equals to zero

.)/ = 0
/12.79 +(4.478)/38.525 275647.6/38.525
46253.3/38.525 67237.8/38.525 = 0
P #DIV/0! = #VALUE!
P = #VALUE! kN

mate tensile strength of single cable = Fu = 1860 MPa

Jacking force = 0.75Fu = 1395 MPa

Force in one strand = Area x stress 140 x 1395 =


Prestressing force in one cable = Fo = 19 x 195.3

Hence number of cables required, P = #VALUE! =

Fo 3710.7

Considering 30% loss in prestressing,

Prestressing force required = #VALUE! kN

After losses the number of cables requir = #VALUE! 18

C.G of cables from top fibre, = 422.22 mm

Actual eccentricity for of cables, e= = -422.22 mm

= -0.42 m

5. Servicability Check

To check with permissible stresses -

For temporary stresses (stage 1) -

Maximum permissible stress = 0 MPa
Minimum permissible stress = 0 MPa
Maximum stress occuring = 2.50 MPa not OK
Minimum stress occuring = 0.00 MPa not OK

For service stresses (stage 2, 3 & 4) -

Maximum permissible stress = 0.00 MPa
Minimum permissible stress = #VALUE! MPa (5% of corresponding max compression)
Maximum stress occuring = #VALUE! MPa #VALUE!
Minimum stress occuring = #VALUE! MPa #VALUE!
(I) Serviciability limit state

According to IRC:6-2000 the load factors considered for different loads are:
D.L = 1
L.L = 1
SIDL = 1

Stress at top =
/ +/ _(.)/
_(.)/ _/

= 67539.691/12.79 +(67539.6914.46)/38.525
275647.6/38.525 67237.8/38.525
= 2
#VALUE! kN/m
= #VALUE! N/mm2 > 0 O.K

Stress at bottom = / / +_(.)/

+_(.)/ +_/

=67539.691/12.79 (67539.6914.46)/38.525
= #VALUE! kN/m2
= #VALUE! N/mm2 < 0.33

5. Ultimate Limit State
Ultimate strength analysis has been done as per IRC:18 - 2000 Cl. 12 (for load combination), Cl. 13
ultimate strength in bending) & Cl. 14 (for ultimate strength in shear and torsion).

Moderate exposure conditions have been assumed, hence loads are combined as -
Ultimate load = 0x DL + 2x SIDL + 2.5 x
Combined forces have been hence calculated in Chapter 3

of Ultimate
conrete. The strength
smaller of in Bending
the two resistances has been taken as the ultimate moment of resistanc

i) Failure by yield of steel

Mult1 = 0.9 * db * As * fp
As = area of high tensile steel 0 mm2
(refer Chapter 5 for detailed calculation of As)
fp = Ultimate tension strength of steel = Err:508
db = depth of beam from maximum compression edge to CG of steel tendons
Hence, Mult1 = 0.9 x 0 x Err:508
= Err:508 x db
(db in mm, Mult1 in kN-m)
ii) Failure by crushing of concrete
Mult2 = 0.176 * b * db2 * fck + 2/3 * 0.8 (Bf - b) * (db - t/2) * t * fck
b= combined width of webs = 900 mm (for midspan section)
1500 mm (for endspan section)
Bf = Total width of flange (i.e. top slab) = 11650
t= Thickness of flange (i.e. top slab) = 240
( taken as minimum thickness for conservative design)
fck = 0 MPa
Substitution the values in the above formula,
for midspan section,
0.00000 x db x (db - 120.0 )
Mult2 = + 0
(db in mm, Mult2 in kN-m)
for endspan section,
0.00000 x db x (db - 120.0 )
Mult2 = + 0
(db in mm, Mult2 in kN-m)

9.3.any section,strength
Ultimate shear strength Vc is taken as the minimum of cracked shear capacity V
in Shear
shear capacity Vco . Also, shear stress is checked against maximum Shear stress permissible in
(i) Section cracked in Flexure

Vcr = 0.037 * b * db * (fck)0.5 + Mt * ( Vult / Mult ) (but maximum 0.1*b*d*(fck)0.5)

b= combined width of web (reduced by 2/3 diameter of duct,d d =
= 3x ( 500 - 0.67 x 97 ) = 1306 mm (for end section)
= 3x ( 300 - 0.67 x 97 ) = 706 mm (for mid section)
db = depth of beam from maximum compression edge to CG of steel tendons
fck = 0 MPa
Mt = cracking
in which fmoment = (0.37
is the stress * (fck)
due to
prestress+ 0.8 * fat
only ) * I/y
pt the tensile fiber distance
centroid of concrete section which has a second moment of area I;
d= Overall Depth = 2110 mm
Vult / Mult taken as minimum of Case (i) Maximum Shear and Co-existing Bending Moment
Case (ii) Maximum Bending Moment and Co-existing Shear
Minimum value Vcr min = 0.1*b*d*(fck)0.5 = 0.0 kN (for end section)
0.0 kN (for mid section)
(f table
stress due shows thecalculated
to prestress calculationin of crack shear
Chapter capacity,
5, multiplied byV%losses
cr (loss due to elastic
shortening + long term losses 20% higher), calculated in Chapter 6)
Dist. Vult/Mult ,
from sup. fpt (MPa) I/y (mm3) Mt (kN-m) b (mm) db (mm)
(m) (1/m)

ii) Failure 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0

Mult2 = 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
where, 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
b= 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
0.00 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
Bf = 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
t= 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
0.00 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
fck = 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 MPa
Substitution 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
for midspan 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
Mult2 = 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 x db2
0.00 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
for endspan 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
Mult2 = 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 x db2

ii) For sections uncracked in flexure

Vco = 0.67 * b * d * sqrt (ft^2 + 0.8 * fcp * ft) + P * sin

(P sin = vertical component of prestressing, only ad
if section is uncracked in flexure, i.e. Ultimate Mome
Cracking Moment)
b= combined width of web (reduced by 2/3 diameter of duct,dd =
= 3x ( 500 - 0.67 x 97 ) = 1306 mm (for end section)
= 3x ( 300 - 0.67 x 97 ) = 706 mm (for mid section)
d= overall depth of member = 2110 mm
ft = maximum principal tensile stress given by 0.24 * sqrt(fck) =
fcp = compressive stress at centroidal axis due to prestress (taken positive)
(fcp has been calculated in Chapter 5)
The following table shows calculation of Vco at different sections
Page No.



mum (MPa)
be strength at the
ng stage (max. 30


dia. Each
pe anchorage

e, actual may be more)

ns in meters)

8.91E+06 mm2

5.36E+12 mm4

1002 mm
1108 mm

5.35E+09 mm3
4.84E+09 mm3
8.91E+06 mm2

5.36E+12 mm4

1002 mm
1108 mm

5.35E+09 mm3
4.84E+09 mm3
Live Load (Envelope)
0.4 1472.3
441.5 1445.6


= 2660

(2660648 =


..(IRC 18:2000; Clause 7.2.1)

00; Clause 7.2.2)
195300 N
195.3 kN

= 3710.7



ponding max compression)

or load combination), Cl. 13 (for
d torsion).

mbined as -

imate moment of resistance for

teel tendons
x db
2) * t * fck

or midspan section)
or endspan section)
nservative design)

hear capacity V cr and uncracked

ar stress permissible in

m 0.1*b*d*(fck)0.5)

97 mm)
or end section)
or mid section)
teel tendons

fiber distance y from the

area I;

ting Bending Moment

and Co-existing Shear
N (for end section)
N (for mid section)
ses (loss due to elastic

Vcr (kN-


nent of prestressing, only added

flexure, i.e. Ultimate Moment >
ing Moment)

97 mm)
or end section)
or mid section)

0.24 x sqrt(0)
0.00 MPa
n positive)
PSC Girder Design

1. General Data
2. Geometric Span Properties
3. Forces and Moments
4. Cable Data
5. Cable Summary
6. Cable Losses Calculation
7. Stress Calculations
8. Temperature Stresses
9. Ultimate Strength Analysis

1. General Data

Cantilever Span length c/c of expansion joints = 25

Depth of Girder at Root Section (DR) = 2110
Depth of Girder at Central Section (DC) = 2111

Grade of concrete (fck) = M 50

Modulus of Elasticity of concrete (Ec) = 5000 x sqrt(fck) = 35355

Permissible stresses in concrete (IRC-18) -

Stage Minimum (MPa) 50% Maximum (MPa)at the

of cube strength
Construction 0 corresponding stage (max. 30
5% of corresponding max. MPa)
Service 16.67
compression in the section

Type of Prestressing cables used - 19 strands of 15.2 mm

i.e 19 T 15 type anchorage
Area of 1 strand (Astrand) = 140 mm2
Ultimate Tensile Strength of cable steel, stress = 1860 MPa
Ultimate Tensile Strength of 1 strand (UTS)= 260 kN
Modulus of Elasticity of cables (Es) = 195000 MPa

Sheathing Type - Corugated HDPE

As per IRC:18-2000 Table 5 -
Coefficient of friction (meu) = 0.17
Coefficient of wobble (k) = 0.002 per meter

Minimum strength of concrete at the time of stressing = 43

Age of concrete at the time of stressing = 28 days
(assumed minimum age, actual may be more)

2. Geometric Span Properties

Elevation showing location of sections (all dimensions in meters)


Section Properties
Root Section

Area, A =
Moment of Inertia, Iz
Centroid distance -
-from top, Yt =
-from bottom, Yb =
Section Modulus -
-top, Zt =
-bottom, Zb =

Half Cross-Section of Section A

Mid Section

Area, A =
Moment of Inertia, Iz
Centroid distance -
-from top, Yt =
-from bottom, Yb =
Section Modulus -
-top, Zt =
-bottom, Zb =

Half Cross-Section of Section B

3. Loading

4. Load Combination

Dead Load WC SIDL

Section M V M V M V
S0 17.9 2428.5 921.2 904.3 887.5 870.7
S1 627.8 2332.6 1073.7 880.8 687.8 494.8

Load Combinations

long term long term

Load Case at transfer (DL)
0 M V M V M V
S0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
S0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

For Ultimate Loading

Ultimate load = 1.25 DL + 2 SIDL + 2.5
(for moderate exposure, as per IRC:18-2000, Cl. 12)
Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate
S0 DL T SIDL T LL T Moment Shear Torsion
S0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
S0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

5. Prestressing Force Calculation

Using 19K15 cables

where, Number of cables = 19
Diameter of single strand of the cable = 15.2 mm
Area of single strand = 140 mm2
Area of one cable = 19 x 140
Edge distance of the cable = 220 mm
Centre to centre distance of the cable = 260 mm

To compute maximum possible eccentricity considering no. of cabl = 20

C.G of cables from top fibre = = ((266010220)+(2660648
C.G of section from top fibre = 0 mm
Therefore, maximum possible eccentricity = e = () = -402
= -0.402

Allowable stresses in concrete during service stage,

Maximum compressive stress = 0.33Fck = 18.15
Maximum tensile stress = 0 ..(IRC 18:2000; Clause 7.2.2)

To find the prestressing force required,

Equating stresses at top fibre at root section equals to zero

.)/ = 0
/12.79 +(4.478)/38.525 275647.6/38.525
46253.3/38.525 67237.8/38.525 = 0
P #DIV/0! = #VALUE!
P = #VALUE! kN
mate tensile strength of single cable = Fu = 1860 MPa

Jacking force = 0.75Fu = 1395 MPa

Force in one strand = Area x stress 140 x 1395 =


Prestressing force in one cable = Fo = 19 x 195.3

Hence number of cables required, P = #VALUE! =

Fo 3710.7

Considering 30% loss in prestressing,

Prestressing force required = #VALUE! kN

After losses the number of cables requir = #VALUE! 18

C.G of cables from top fibre, = 422.22 mm

Actual eccentricity for of cables, e= = -422.22 mm

= -0.42 m

5. Servicability Check

To check with permissible stresses -

For temporary stresses (stage 1) -

Maximum permissible stress = 0 MPa
Minimum permissible stress = 0 MPa
Maximum stress occuring = 2.50 MPa not OK
Minimum stress occuring = 0.00 MPa not OK

For service stresses (stage 2, 3 & 4) -

Maximum permissible stress = 0.00 MPa
Minimum permissible stress = #VALUE! MPa (5% of corresponding max compression)
Maximum stress occuring = #VALUE! MPa #VALUE!
Minimum stress occuring = #VALUE! MPa #VALUE!

(I) Serviciability limit state

According to IRC:6-2000 the load factors considered for different loads are:
D.L = 1
L.L = 1
SIDL = 1

Stress at top =
/ +/ _(.)/
_(.)/ _/

= 67539.691/12.79 +(67539.6914.46)/38.525
275647.6/38.525 67237.8/38.525
= #VALUE! kN/m

= #VALUE! N/mm2 > 0 O.K

Stress at bottom = / / +_(.)/

+_(.)/ +_/

=67539.691/12.79 (67539.6914.46)/38.525
= #VALUE! kN/m2
= #VALUE! N/mm2 < 0.33

Crack Width Check

5. Ultimate Limit State
Ultimate strength analysis has been done as per IRC:18 - 2000 Cl. 12 (for load combination), Cl. 13
ultimate strength in bending) & Cl. 14 (for ultimate strength in shear and torsion).

Moderate exposure conditions have been assumed, hence loads are combined as -
Ultimate load = 0x DL + 2x SIDL + 2.5 x
Combined forces have been hence calculated in Chapter 3

of Ultimate
conrete. The strength
smaller of in Bending
the two resistances has been taken as the ultimate moment of resistanc

i) Failure by yield of steel

Mult1 = 0.9 * db * As * fp
As = area of high tensile steel 0 mm2
(refer Chapter 5 for detailed calculation of As)
fp = Ultimate tension strength of steel = Err:508
db = depth of beam from maximum compression edge to CG of steel tendons
Hence, Mult1 = 0.9 x 0 x Err:508
= Err:508 x d b

(db in mm, Mult1 in kN-m)

ii) Failure by crushing of concrete
Mult2 = 0.176 * b * db2 * fck + 2/3 * 0.8 (Bf - b) * (db - t/2) * t * fck
b= combined width of webs = 900 mm (for midspan section)
1500 mm (for endspan section)
Bf = Total width of flange (i.e. top slab) = 11650
t= Thickness of flange (i.e. top slab) = 240
( taken as minimum thickness for conservative design)
fck = 0 MPa
Substitution the values in the above formula,
for midspan section,
0.00000 x db x (db - 120.0 )
Mult2 = + 0
(db in mm, Mult2 in kN-m)
for endspan section,
0.00000 x db x (db - 120.0 )
Mult2 = + 0
(db in mm, Mult2 in kN-m)

9.3.any section,strength
Ultimate shear strength Vc is taken as the minimum of cracked shear capacity V
in Shear
shear capacity Vco . Also, shear stress is checked against maximum Shear stress permissible in
(i) Section cracked in Flexure

Vcr = 0.037 * b * db * (fck)0.5 + Mt * ( Vult / Mult ) (but maximum 0.1*b*d*(fck)0.5)

b= combined width of web (reduced by 2/3 diameter of duct,d d =
= 3x ( 500 - 0.67 x 97 ) = 1306 mm (for end section)
= 3x ( 300 - 0.67 x 97 ) = 706 mm (for mid section)
db = depth of beam from maximum compression edge to CG of steel tendons
fck = 0 MPa
Mt = cracking
in which fmoment = (0.37
is the stress * (fck)
due to
prestress+ 0.8 * fat
only ) * I/y
pt the tensile fiber distance
centroid of concrete section which has a second moment of area I;
d= Overall Depth = 2110 mm
Vult / Mult taken as minimum of Case (i) Maximum Shear and Co-existing Bending Moment
Case (ii) Maximum Bending Moment and Co-existing Shear
Minimum value Vcr min = 0.1*b*d*(fck)0.5 = 0.0 kN (for end section)
0.0 kN (for mid section)
(f is stress due to prestress calculated in Chapter 5, multiplied byV%losses
following table shows the calculation of crack shear capacity, cr (loss due to elastic
shortening + long term losses 20% higher), calculated in Chapter 6)
Dist. Vult/Mult ,
from sup. fpt (MPa) I/y (mm3) Mt (kN-m) b (mm) db (mm)
(m) (1/m)

ii) Failure 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0

Mult2 = 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
where, 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
b= 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
0.00 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
Bf = 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
t= 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
0.00 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
fck = 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 MPa
Substitution 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
for midspan 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
Mult2 = 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 x db2
0.00 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
for endspan 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 0
Mult2 = 0.00 0.00E+00 0.0 #DIV/0! 0 x db2

ii) For sections uncracked in flexure

Vco = 0.67 * b * d * sqrt (ft^2 + 0.8 * fcp * ft) + P * sin
(P sin = vertical component of prestressing, only ad
if section is uncracked in flexure, i.e. Ultimate Mome
Cracking Moment)
b= combined width of web (reduced by 2/3 diameter of duct,dd =
= 3x ( 500 - 0.67 x 97 ) = 1306 mm (for end section)
= 3x ( 300 - 0.67 x 97 ) = 706 mm (for mid section)
d= overall depth of member = 2110 mm
ft = maximum principal tensile stress given by 0.24 * sqrt(fck) =
fcp = compressive stress at centroidal axis due to prestress (taken positive)
(fcp has been calculated in Chapter 5)
The following table shows calculation of Vco at different sections
Page No.



be (MPa)at the
ng stage (max. 30

dia. Each
pe anchorage


e, actual may be more)

ns in meters)

8.91E+06 mm2

5.36E+12 mm4

1002 mm
1108 mm

5.35E+09 mm3
4.84E+09 mm3
8.91E+06 mm2

5.36E+12 mm4

1002 mm
1108 mm

5.35E+09 mm3
4.84E+09 mm3
Live Load (Envelope)
0.4 1472.3
441.5 1445.6


= 2660 mm2

(2660648 = 402 mm


..(IRC 18:2000; Clause 7.2.1)

00; Clause 7.2.2)
195300 N
195.3 kN

= 3710.7 kN

#VALUE! 14 nos.


ponding max compression)

or load combination), Cl. 13 (for
d torsion).

mbined as -

imate moment of resistance for

teel tendons
x db

2) * t * fck

or midspan section)
or endspan section)
nservative design)
hear capacity V cr and uncracked
ar stress permissible in

m 0.1*b*d*(fck)0.5)

97 mm)
or end section)
or mid section)
teel tendons

fiber distance y from the

area I;

ting Bending Moment

and Co-existing Shear
N (for end section)
N (for mid section)
ses (loss due to elastic

Vcr (kN-

nent of prestressing, only added
flexure, i.e. Ultimate Moment >
ing Moment)

97 mm)
or end section)
or mid section)

0.24 x sqrt(0)
0.00 MPa
n positive)

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