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The Libertarian

Free or Donation

Issue 9 July/August

Aim: the creation of a

World wide Libertarian
Communist Society.

A Discussion Bulletin for the Anti

State, Non Market Sector
2 The Libertarian Communist Issue 9 July/August 2010

The purpose of The Libertarian Communist is to promote discussion amongst

the Anti State, Non Market sector irrespective of whether individuals or
groups consider themselves as Anarchist, Communist or Socialist as all such
titles are in need of further qualification. If you have disagreements with an
article in this or any other issue, wish to offer comment or want to
contribute something else to the discussion then please get in touch. If any
article focuses on a particular group then that group has, as a matter of
course, the right to reply. So please get in touch with your article, letters
and comments. You can do this by contacting
or writing to Ray Carr, Flat 1, 99 Princess Road, Branksome, Poole, Dorset
BH12 1BQ.


Page 2: After the Election.

Page 4: Letters: More on Libertarian Communism/SPGB 1970s: KAZ

Page 4: Industrial Unionism : Mike Young

Page 6: Problems of Revolution: Labour Time Vouchers or Free Access

Page 9: Industrial News (1): ITUC Survey of Trade Union Rights 2010

Page 10 (2): Tea workers face imprisonment from Ethical Tea Company

Page 11/12 News and Contact details from the Anti State, Non Market Sector

After the Election

Well the election is done and dusted, bloody good job too. The sight of all those
politicians going around, shaking peoples hands, holding babies, making promises
they have no intention of keeping even if they could and general arse licking duties for
a few weeks is enough to make your stomach churn and when its going on for weeks
you begin to wonder if that carving knife you have in the draw is sharp enough to put
you out of your misery but then maybe putting your foot through the TV screen will
suffice. This time the speculation dragged on as tweedle-Dave and tweedle-Dum (as
Freedom May 22nd accurately described them) settled the basis of their elected joint
dictatorship to represent the interests of capital in the U K for as long as the pact
holds. We are all only too aware of what the Con-Lib Dem coalition has in store for us
and its nothing too pleasant but the same would have been on offer no matter which
bunch of thugs had assumed power.

The most exasperating thing, especially for those who reject the profit system in all
its guises, is that like so many things within capitalism, (but the election lasts longer),
we know what we are forced to go through is a charade. The media, who seem to be
more influential with every election this time we had the dreadful leadership debates,
put forward the notion that the election was democracy in action; the result would be
3 The Libertarian Communist Issue 9 July/August 2010

the voice of the people. Well if this was democracy you can stuff it where the sun
doesn’t shine. Is it possible that the term democracy can be given to a system where
once every four or five years people get the opportunity to elect a government who
will run a system which can only operate in the interests of a minority and to the
detriment of the majority? Can it be a democracy when you have a choice between
two or three parties who all stand for the same thing? The only difference between
this and a one party state is that in the latter you are not allowed to stand against the
ruling party whilst in the former the agenda is controlled so that real alternatives
cannot be meaningfully discussed. Is it democratic when the most
Vital question of all, that of who owns ideas. Having said that our involvement
and controls the means of producing in such struggles and engaging with
and distributing the means of life is people in a variety of activities is
never even raised? This election like all indispensable if our ideas are to
others here and in other parts of the become more influential and workers
world will leave the ownership of those are to gain the confidence needed to
means in the hands of a few very change society.
wealthy individuals and corporations.
No democracy in this sphere means Writing almost fifty years ago Maurice
that democracy does not exist. Why, Brinton makes some suggestions that
we may ask, do the majority of people are still relevant today [See Maurice
in elections worldwide (those who Brinton: Revolutionary Organisation in
bother to vote) vote for the Workers Power, Page 50, AK Press
continuation of a status quo which is 2004]. Firstly, he suggests we need to
clearly not in their interest? Part of the communicate to workers involved in
answer is that the same minority who conflicts details of other workers
own the means of wealth production struggles. This can be done as Brinton
also own the means of promoting and suggested, through the revolutionary
perpetuating the dominant ideas in press but today we have a wider variety
society. The state and the class it of methods at our disposal via the
represents control such institutions as enhanced world-wide communications
the education system and mass media, network. This also includes bringing
that same mass media that promotes information about workers’ struggles
elections as democracy in action. worldwide as well as making available a
detailed history of the class struggle.
So how might we go about overcoming This helps workers involved in
this problem where because a majority confrontations realise that what they
of workers have accepted that are facing is nothing new and draw
capitalism is the only system possible lessons from the past. A second point
they find it inconceivable that the raised by Brinton is the way we involve
solution to their problems lays outside ourselves in everyday struggles
the confines of that system? How do we whether in the workplace, community
get them to think outside of this box? In or in anti war movements and today we
part the answer to this is that it is their would have to add ecological issues.
involvement in struggles within the Such involvement has several
system that forces people to confront objectives. The first is obviously to
and challenge the notion that secure victory for the workers involved
capitalism is the only system possible. but it is important to encourage people
However the point has to be made that to organise themselves rather than
the class struggle is not a simplistic applying a detailed blue print for how
process whereby it inevitably leads to workers should conduct themselves.
people challenging the system. However, as Brinton argued, this does
Involvement leaves some peoples ideas not mean drawing back from presenting
unchanged and some involved in bitter our own ideas and trying to convince
confrontation can turn to reactionary workers about the wider implications of
4 The Libertarian Communist Issue 9 July/August 2010

their struggles. In addition to this, as we known by. This is a full publishing

argued in an earlier issue of TLC, we history which you might want to publish
see the need for the development of as a JUST FOR THE RECORD:
local social centres or bookshop/cafes.
These could be used for local groups to Libertarian Communism Journal
hold meetings, make literature
available, be used for social events and i) as an internal publication within
for workers involved in struggles to co- the Socialist Party of Great
ordinate their activities and for fund Britain.
raising events. Workers need to be able
to come into contact with anti capitalist “Critical theory and revolutionary practice”
ideas on a daily basis. There are no no. 1, October 1972
easy answers of how to confront the
hold that dominant ideas have over a Unnamed journal, (undated and
majority of people but what we can unnumbered but annotated no. 2,
offer is the space for groups and April 1973)
individuals in the anti state, non market
Unnamed journal, (undated and
sector to discuss ideas of how we could
unnumbered but annotated no. 3,
proceed based on their own
September 1973)
“Revolutionary Communism”, no.4 (no date
The Libertarian Communist is sent out but late 1973)
by post or email, free of charge. We
would like to thank those readers who “Libertarian Communism”, no.5, April 1974
have made donations either by money
or postage stamps. Such donations “Libertarian Communism”, no.6, June 1974
help keep this discussion bulletin going
and hopefully will help achieve, in “Libertarian Communism”, no. 7, January
time, a bigger and better publication. 1975
If you wish to make a financial
contribution please make cheques ii) as the publication of the
payable to (World of Free Access) and organisation Social Revolution
send them or stamps to, C/O Ray Carr,
Flat 1, 99 Princess Road, Branksome, “Libertarian Communism”, no.8 (undated
Poole, Dorset, BH12 1BQ. but June 1975

======================== “Libertarian Communism”, no.9 December

“Libertarian Communism”, no.10, July 1976

Just one letter for this issue this concerns the KAZ
article in issue 7 on the Libertarian Communism Industrial Unionism.
journal produced by SPGB members in the 1970s
and the letter concerning this published in the
It seems to me that “Industrial Unionism”
May/June issue from Mike.
with its principled opposition to capitalism
Dear Lib Com and the state belongs in a fairly
Further to “Mike” about the history of uncomplicated way to the organisations
the original Lib Comm. It was originally of the anti-capitalist, anti-statist, and anti-
called Critical Theory and reformist sector. However, Because of a
Revolutionary Practice but soon recent misunderstanding regarding the
became Libertarian Communism, by character of “Industrial Unionism” I
which name the whole run of the experienced with someone with a
journal (and its associated group) is
5 The Libertarian Communist Issue 9 July/August 2010

generally superb grasp of the “Thin Red unions end up seeking only an
Line”, I realised the understanding of improvement in immediate conditions
revolutionary industrial unionism, as a without going on to seek an "impossible"
group truly belonging to the anti-state alteration in the basic relationship of
non-market sector, might not be as wage-labour and capital. Basically,
ubiquitous as I had previously imagined. I mainstream unionism is thoroughly
thought it might be helpful to write an “reformist”. Obviously (to continue to
“Industrial Unionism” 101 for TLC to preach to the choir here) trade unions
promote discussion of this subject. should continue their efforts to obtain the
Moreover, because of the best conditions they can for workers, and
misunderstanding I encountered I thought should be supported in that struggle (and
it best to make it excruciatingly industrial union members are often trade
straightforward! All apologies to union members through this necessity).
everyone who already knows everything
that follows! However, real social change can only be
secured by workers organizing as a class
Most unions in the UK are trade unions and struggling for the abolition of the
(although, to confuse matters, there are wages system, not just for higher wages.
many trade unions that use the term That is the point of “Industrial Unionism”.
Industrial Union, even though they Revolutionary industrial unionism belongs
organize by trade or craft and not by to the Anti-State Non-Market sector
industry). Trade unionism has become because of its program for the self-
the conventional means by which workers liberation of the working class from wage
organize to "bargain collectively" in order slavery, exploitation and oppression. It is
that they might sell their labour-power at not trade unionism, not simply because it
the best possible price and improve their organises on the basis of industry and not
working conditions. If you are reading this on the basis of trade, but because it is a
fine journal it will be stating the bleeding movement for radical change that asserts
obvious to say that trade union activity, that the working class need to organize
including strikes, is necessary in capitalist (as a large industrial union) precisely in
society to fight against the economic order to establish a classless society
inequality inherent in capitalism. Sadly, without State or Market. Its program
this activity will never be sufficient to seeks to further the organization of
promote meaningful and lasting social working people into a class acting for
change because the mainstream unions itself, seeks to further the defeat and
lack any overall criticism of capitalism, in overthrow of the supremacy of the
which a tiny minority own and control the employing class and seeks to further the
means of producing and distributing achievement of an alternative society by
wealth, as inherently unfair. Therefore, the working class “consciously and
they tend to be co-opted by capitalism democratically” through its own
into misleading the workers that they organizations. In addition, because, it
share interests in common with the tiny belongs to the Anti-State Non-Market
employing class. In addition, all too often sector, it is led from the bottom up by its
unions are led by fat cat salary earning rank-and-file membership rather than by
General Secretaries and other senior fat cat salary earning leaders and/or
officials who "bargain collectively" with vanguardists. All workers are included
bosses behind their members’ backs to and have an equal say in the industrial
reach “negotiated agreements” which are union organization (including those who
then binding on the rank and file. For are disabled and unemployed), and it
these reasons, among others, trade unites all workers across trades,
6 The Libertarian Communist Issue 9 July/August 2010

industries and countries without capitalist, anti-statist, and anti-reformist

distinction of gender, sexuality, sector!)
ethnic/cultural identity or religion. And For further information about IWW-UK go
yes, obviously, it organises on the basis to and for
of industry and not on the basis of trade further information about WIIU-UK go to
or craft! (for an explanation of how this is
designed to work see http://wiiu- (And for SolFed, given the above, go to )
industrial-unionism.html There are also two further sites I would
To the best of my knowledge (and I am recommend looking at, one pro (and
open to correction on this), there are at generally full of exceedingly useful
least two (possibly three) “Industrial information),
Unions” in the UK: and one anti but still quite useful for
1. The IWW, a grassroots, democratic further discussion
and militant union that seeks to organise
ALL workers in ALL industries in ALL ialist_industrial_unions.php .
countries into One Big Union. It is not There you go granny, that is how you
controlled by or affiliated with any political suck those eggs.
party or political movement. No money
goes to politicians. Membership dues are Mike Young
used to maintain the union and assist
organizing campaigns. As a result,
monthly dues are low.
2.The WIIU, which is very similar, but is a Problems of Revolution
Deleonist industrial union in the sense
that it seeks to encourage the working
Hopefully this will become a regular
class to organize both politically, taking feature of The Libertarian Communist
power through democratic elections, and but as always this is dependent on
industrially, to exercise that power by its readership interest and involvement in
full control of the means of production terms of either responding to issues
and distribution. However, the WIIU already raised or raising new areas for
recognises that, at this time, there is “no discussion. The aim of this section will
single political party that can be said to be to discuss problems and issues
stand as a singular representation of the involved in the revolutionary change
principles of revolutionary industrial from capitalism, a system dominated by
unionism”. the state and market with its interest
3. Possibly SolFed. I am uncertain to on profit and capital accumulation to
one of communal ownership, free
what, if any, degree SolFed would wish to
association and living in harmony with
endorse my description of industrial the planet. The issues raised can be on
unionism [no reply to my e-mail]. how we might achieve our aims or the
Therefore, although their constitution problems we may face when we get
includes the excellent phrase there.
“Revolutionary unionism is based on the
class war and holds that all workers must The following discussion is on how we
unite in industrial unions that fight for our will obtain the things we need to live in
liberation from the double yoke of capital a free society, will there be some
and the state”, I cannot unequivocally restrictions as supporters of Labour
include them here. From their web site, Time Vouchers maintain or will it be
they look like thoroughly good folk to me based on free access?
though, and obviously belong to the anti-
7 The Libertarian Communist Issue 9 July/August 2010

Labour Vouchers or Free consumption. Workers thus contribute

Access? the same amount of labour to society in
one form that they receive back in
In the following discussion more space another form {p.16]. The De Leonist
is likely to be taken up with Labour Socialist Labor Party (DLSLP) argues
Time Vouchers (LTV) than with Free that in a socialist society private
Access this is simply because whilst ownership of the means of production
free access has it critics and problems it and distribution, the profit motive and
is less complex than LTV, not that the money as a means of exchange will all
latter is highly complicated but there disappear and a new system of
are more organisational problems to be production for use would use LTV which
considered. Although LTV are also workers could exchange for goods and
known as simply Labour Vouchers, services. Workers will receive a LTV
Labour Certificates or Labour cheques, from their union showing they have
for this discussion we are going to use contributed a certain amount of hours
the term Labour Time Vouchers (LTV) and the vouchers will give workers the
as this term seems to best describe right to withdraw from the social store
what they are all about. as much as they have contributed to it,
less that reserved for the common
Free access is best summed up by the funds [The People, December 1999].
notion, “From each according to
their abilities to each according to Whilst there is little doubt how free
access would work, the controversy
their self determined needs” Thus in
surround its feasibility and practicality,
a free society based on the common
there are disagreements between
ownership of the means for producing
supporters of LTV of how they would
and distributing the things we need to
live, people would voluntarily contribute
Supporters of LTV agree that they are
their labour to society based on their
paid for hours of labour performed; they
abilities and to a certain extent their
are not money but are used to purchase
interests and would take from the
goods and services. However there are
common store of available goods based
about four debateable issues .(1) will
on their self defined needs. Whilst it
all workers get the same amount of LV
would be expected that the
for a certain amount (say one hour’s
overwhelming majority of people
labour or does it depend on the degree
capable of working would do so there
of difficulty or desirability of labour
would be no compulsion and people
performed? (2) Are LV a temporary
would not be limited in terms of
measure or are they permanent? (3)
consumption but society would expect
What happens to those who cannot
most to act in a reasonable and logical
manner and not take more than they work? In this respect some LTV
need. LTV were first proposed by Robert adherents argue that some basic
Owen in 1820 and were advocated by necessities should be free to all. Others
Marx [Critique of the Gotha say enough vouchers should be given
Programme] as a means of organising out to those who cannot work or work
labour and consumption in a enough hours so they can afford basic
socialist/Communist society as it first necessities or enough vouchers should
comes out of capitalism. Workers be given out to those determined (by
receive a certificate from society that someone or some group) to be needy or
they have contributed such an amount justifiably unable to work to ensure they
of labour (after deducting her/his labour can afford basic necessities.
for the common funds), and this allows (4) Will Labour Time Vouchers
them to withdraw the same amount Circulate? To this question some
from the common stock of the means of answer no, once a purchase is made a
LTV is destroyed or must be re-earned
8 The Libertarian Communist Issue 9 July/August 2010

by labour. However some believe that (well over 51%), in favour of socialism
LTV should circulate like money, some world wide even allowing for a situation
believe they should be able to be where some people do act in an
invested (not for profit) or that when irresponsible manner, such as refusing
something is purchased the seller to work or taking more than they need,
should be able to reuse them [World there is not going to be enough of them
Socialist Movement (WSM), What to disrupt and destroy a system of free
are Labour Vouchers? See their access. To this the argument could be
website] added that free access cannot be
related to the sort of mass consumption
we see in the advanced capitalist
systems where people are urged to
change products constantly in order to
Free access: some criticisms
increase sales {see Murray Bookchin
and counter arguements quote in issue 8 of TLC, page 3].
Kropotkin [The Conquest of Bread,
Free access is viewed by its opponents Page 221] argued that the day when
such as the De Leonist Socialist Labor any civilized association of individual
Party as a non market utopia. In a reply asked themselves the question what
to Frank Girard [Discussion Bulletin are the needs of all and what are the
Jan/Feb 2001] They argue that free needs of satisfying them? It would see
access would allow the old parasite that in industry and agriculture it
(capitalist) class to be able to take just already has the means to satisfy those
what they want from society without needs providing it has the knowledge of
having to work for it. In [Socialism’s how to apply those means to satisfy
Consumer Market, De Leonist those real needs.
Society of Canada, original dated
Jan/Feb 1997] it is argued that the Criticisms of LTV
free access argument is based on the
false premise that the capitalist class
The arguments in favour of LTV have
and it supporters would bow to the will
already been stated in putting the case
of a socialist majority and would not
against free access but to sum up 1)
attempt to undermine it by, for
They would provide a means to control
example, using squads to strip the
former members of the capitalist class
market bare of food. A basic argument
and their supporters if they attempt to
against free access is that some people
disrupt and bring down a socialist
would simply take more than their fair
system in its infancy. 2) The argument
share and thereby cause shortages that
against people refusing to work or
would cause massive disruptions to the
taking more than they needed do not
system. Before he came to favour free
apply with a system of LTV as all would
access Frank Girard argued that the
have to contribute and could only take
concept of LTV did provide an answer to
on the basis of what they have
the most common objection/question
contributed. They would therefore not
raised against free access; what about
have the problems associated with a
the lazy people who would refuse to
system of free access. As we have
work? The LTV supporter’s argument
already noted there are differences
was that all those who were capable of
between those who advocate LTV as to
working would have to work. The WSM
how they might operate. So first of all
[see its website, What are labour
how would the amount of labour
vouchers?] argue that now and for
contributed by each person be
some time enough could be produced,
calculated is it as simple as one hours
in an ecological manner, to satisfy the
labour is worth say five LTV irrespective
self defined needs of the world’s
of the difficulties and skills and worth to
population. With a conscious majority,
9 The Libertarian Communist Issue 9 July/August 2010

society of that labour? [Kropotkin, [The enforce work [WSM]. John Crump [A
conquest of Bread, pp.196], Contribution to a Critique of Marx,
suggests that while you could estimate Solidarity/Social Revolution 1976,
two workers both labouring for 5 hours pp10-11] argues that the only way to
per day over a period of one year and prevent LTV exchanging between
suggest that over that time they have individuals would be a strict policing
contributed equal amounts, you cannot system.
divide their work and estimate that one
hour or day of one is worth the same as Would a LTV system be just
the hour or day of the other. This another form of capitalism?
ignores, he argues, what is complex in
industry and agriculture, it would be The WSM and Frank Girard in criticising
ignoring to what extent all individual LTV as envisioned by the SLP and John
work is the result of past and present Crump criticism of them as advocated
society as a whole. Frank Girard, by Marx in Critique of the Gotha
[Discussion Bulletin May/June Programme all question whether such a
2000], also notes the problems system would simply be another form of
involved in quantifying goods and capitalism. The WSM, argue that LTV
services in terms of time and this, he maintain the idea inherent in the wages
points out, will lead to a group of system that our human worth is
workers having to administer them, determined by the amount of goods we
spending time outside of the areas we produce or own. Likewise Girard
usually regard as useful production. [Discussion Bulletin May/June
Girard suggests that the administration 2000] argues that LTV as described in
of LTV would be an activity very similar SLP literature are remarkably like
to that of banking or business money and the new system sounds like
accounting and could lead to an aspect the old market system with a new
of control associated with accounting. A medium of exchange. Crump {A
similar point is made by the WSM who Contribution to a Critique of Marx,
argue that some body will have to Solidarity/Social Revolution, 1976,
decide who gets them, how many, are page 10] in tracing the problem back
they to be reused or destroyed and this to Marx in, Critique of the Gotha
might lead to more than simple Programme, goes a stage further, Marx,
administration, the system might have he argues, was basically advocating a
to be policed with some engaged in lower and a higher phase of communist
activities to make sure people are not society and here there is some
taking things they have not paid for. continuity between Marx and Lenin. In
[WSM: What are Labour Vouchers?] the first phase the means of production
are communally owned but workers, in
As we have seen there is some order to live, have to supply their labour
disagreement between supporters of power in return for a voucher which
LTV over the issue of whether LTVs allows them to consume. Thus workers,
would circulate. The WSM argue that If Crump argued, are little different to
LTV circulate they are money but if they wage workers, they are voucher or
do not circulate but are only used to certificate labourers and they would
account for hours worked and goods need a lot of convincing that they are in
taken, they are not money as defined in a different position to their status under
the broader capitalist sense, although capitalism. Whatever the myth workers
to workers they would seem to amount would stand before the means of
to the same thing. It is generally agreed production as propertyless certificate
by their supporters that LTV could not labourers and those means would still
be used to accumulate the means of confront them as an alien force. Thus
producing wealth their purpose would this first phase is nothing more than a
be limited to limit consumption and
10 The Libertarian Communist Issue 9 July/August 2010

form of capitalism. “no matter how who continue to murder those who
insistently Marx might have applied stand up against them.
the label “first phase of communist
society” to this society which he In June the ITUC announced the results
described in the Critique of the Gotha
of its Annual Survey of Trade Union
Programme, as soon as we examine it
in any form of depth we can see that it Rights 2010 and the results do not
is a form of capitalism” [John Crump, make good reading. In 2009 101 trade
op cit page 11] unionists were murdered, this was an
increase of 30% over 2008. Columbia
Several questions arise from this remains the most dangerous place for
discussion. Is a society of free access anyone standing up for fundamental
possible given a substantial majority in workers rights with 48 murders, there
favour of common ownership and were 16 in Guatemala, 12 in Honduras,
production for need/use? How would we 6 in Mexico and Bangladesh,4 in Brazil,
deal with a significant group of 3 in the Dominican Republic and the
capitalists and their supporters who Philippines and 1 each in India, Iraq and
tried to disrupt and bring down a Nigeria . The survey also revealed,
society based on voluntary labour and (unsurprisingly for anyone who has a
free access in its infancy? Are concepts grasp of the realities of world
such as LTVs outdated given the capitalism), that the pressure was
potential of modern society to be able growing on fundamental workers rights
to produce and distribute enough to around the world as the impact of the
satisfy at least the basic necessities of global economic crisis on employment
the world’s population? Did Marx only grows ever deeper.
advocate such a system because in his
day a society of free access would not The ITUC report also recorded an
have been feasible? Are a system of extensive list of violations suffered by
LTV merely capitalism in another form? trade unionists, (i/e workers), struggling
to defend workers interests in 140
++++++++++++++++++++++ countries. Most probably this is a vast
+++++++++ underestimation as workers are either
deprived of the means to make their
voices heard or do not speak out due to
fear of reprisals which could result in
Industrial News the loss of their livelihood or endanger
their physical safety. Thus the survey
ITUC Annual Survey of Trade documented harassment and other
Union Rights 2010. forms of intimidation, a further ten
attempted murders and 35 serious
One reason why members of the anti death threats. Many trade unionists
state, non market socialist/anarchist remained in prison and in 2009 a
sector work for a free society is the lack further 100 joined those already
of fundamental rights for many workers incarcerated. Many others were
throughout the world. In some parts of arrested in countries such as Iran,
the world this denial of rights can be Honduras, Pakistan, South Korea,
anything from starvation wages which Turkey and Zimbabwe. The general
might lead to loss of life to a more trade union rights situation has
immediate form of murder. Whilst it is continued to deteriorate in countries
claimed that such atrocities do not such as Egypt, the Russian Federation,
happen in so-called capitalist South Korea and Turkey. According to
democracies, those countries that come the ITUC survey there were numerous
under that umbrella have no hesitation reports of strike-breaking and strikers
in trading with regimes that deny their facing repressive measures in each
own citizens basic human rights and region and thousands of workers
11 The Libertarian Communist Issue 9 July/August 2010

demonstrating to claim wages, oppose 2009 was the 60th anniversary of the
harsh working conditions or highlight ILO convention 98 on the right to
the harmful effects of the global organise and collective bargaining,
financial and economic crisis faced which has still not been ratified by
beatings, arrest and detention. In countries such as Canada, China, India,
Bangladesh six workers who were on Iran, the Republic of Korea, Mexico,
strike for a pay increase and settlement Thailand, the United States and
of outstanding wages died after police Vietnam. Thus, it adds: “approximately
intervened. half of the world’s economically active
population is not covered by the
Internationally recognised labour convention”.
standards seem to be coming under
increasing pressure and this is leading The truth is that capitalism cannot
to more and more workers facing afford to grant the basic right for
insecurity and vulnerability in workers to organise and take industrial
employment and 50% of the global action effectively without the
labour force are now in precarious jobs. intervention of the forces of the state or
The difficulties faced by such workers to thugs hired by private capitalist
organise industrially and exercise what employers. This is one of the reasons
rights they may have are linked to their the working class, worldwide, cannot
vulnerable labour market position. The afford to let capitalism continue.
survey focused attention on many Industrial News (2)
cases where, while trade union rights
are officially protected in legislation, Tea workers face Imprisonment
restrictions on legal coverage and weak from “Ethical Tea Company
or non-existent enforcement added to
the vulnerability of workers already According to the International Union of
struggling due to the crisis. Severe Foodworkers (IUF), June 2010) workers who
restrictions or outright prohibition of participated in a protest last year against
the abusive treatment of a pregnant 22
strikes still exist in a large number of
year old tea garden worker could face
countries. The term severe restrictions prison sentences of up to 7 years. Mrs Arti
on the right to strike could well apply to Oraon, a tea plucker who collapsed after
the United Kingdom as, in view of the being forced to work whilst eight months
amount of legal challenges where pregnant on a tea plantation estate owned
ballots have resulted in a vote for by Tata Tea is now facing criminal charges.
industrial action, could the next
comment where it states: ”Furthermore Nowera Nuddy Tea Estate is owned by
complex procedural requirements, Amalgamated Plantations Private Limited a
imposition of compulsory arbitration company 49.98% owned by Tata Tea which
and the use of excessively broad has now rebranded itself as Tata Global
definitions of “essential services” Beverages, Tata’s wholly owned Tetley Tea
provisions often make the exercise of is the second biggest global tea brand and
a leading member of the UK’s Ethical Tea
trade union rights impossible in
Partnership. The IUF report that Tetley
practice, depriving workers of their
sources tea from Amalgamated but not it
legitimate rights to union
claims Norwera Nuddy, this assertion has
representation and participation in
been used by Tetley to abdicate all
industrial action”. responsibility for documented abuses in its
When has any government or supply chain.
employer’s spokesperson ever been
heard to comment when confronted The problems can be traced back to August
with a majority vote in favour of strike 2009 when Mrs Arti Oraon collapsed in the
action that workers have a legal and field and was taken to the hospital on a
human right to go on strike? Near the platform towed by a tractor after the
end of its report the ITUC note that medical officer refused to make an
12 The Libertarian Communist Issue 9 July/August 2010

ambulance available. When other workers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

found out about her treatment 500 workers,
mostly female, gathered in protest outside ~~~~~~~
the medical facility and demanded ”celebrate our history, avoid
sanctions against the medical officer. repeating our mistakes”
Worker dissatisfaction was heightened by a
lack of workers rights including long At last nights meeting , RaHN discussed
standing problems over the denial of paid the life and times of Colin Ward [1924-
maternity and sick leave and poor housing. 2010] who died recently. He had
After first agreeing to meet with workers
written more that 30 books and has
the management and the medical officer
left the estate and declared a lock out been described as the anarchist of
which lasted for 2 weeks. A second lock out everyday life. Chair Dale Evans
lasting from September 14th to December opened the meeting with extracts
12th was declared when workers refused to from a DVD on his life then speaker
accept the suspension of 8 workers who Glyn Harries, from Hackney, introduced
management claimed were the leaders of the subject with comments mainly on
the mass protest. his role as writer, practical adviser and
social theorist. One of his books on
The dispute is still ongoing and according to “Influences” was highly recommended .
the IUF there have been no negotiations, no
compensation and the workers targeted for
suspension are still suspended. In late April
The main theme was his idea that
police arrived at the plantation and below the surface of all societies, was a
announced that arrest warrants had been sub culture of libertarian life which
sworn out for Arti Oraon and 11 other reflected the ordinary person’s
worker activists, including the already response to conditions , good and bad.
suspended workers, on charges including People were always trying to control
theft, grievous bodily harm, unlawful their lives, and for example the
assembly, criminal intimidation and provision of welfare benefits by the
unlawful confinement. These charges can friendly societies and trade unions
carry prison terms of 7 years or more. (See
came well before the official welfare
the IUF website for full details)

What’s Happening Features like allotments , residents and

tenants associations, and the wide
existence of music groups were a
News from the ASNM Sector. continuous reminder of popular
creativity and imagination, quite
separate from any free market or State
The following is a report on a meeting arrangements.
organised by the Radical History
Network in June. Every person in the audience of a dozen
spoke in the discussion, and in the
business section many local activities
Radical History Network of NE were mentioned . There was a busy
London literature stall.
c/o PO Box 45155 , London , N 15
4WR. For information on the RHN and future
meetings see below ===============================
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This was posted on the World in
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Common forum.
13 The Libertarian Communist Issue 9 July/August 2010

Group of the World Socialist Postal

Movement in Latin America address: 52 Clapham High Street
London SW4 7UN.
We have adopted the same principles Email
of the World Socialist Movement and
the Socialist Party of Great Britain, and Forthcoming Meetings
its companion parties. It is going to be
All to be held at the above address on
like a group of sympathizers of the
Saturdays commencing at 6.00 PM
WSM, and at the present time we are
going to be based in the Dominican July 3rd “Business Growth in conflict with the
Republic, we are getting in contact with Environment” – Speaker Glenn Morris.
workers from other countries in Latin
America including Haiti, Venezuela, July 17th “Bitter Pill: Capitalism and the
Puerto Rico, Mexico and Brazil. It is not Pharmaceutical Industry”: Speaker Dick
going to be a forum for chatting, it is Field
going to be a forum of propaganda of
the principles and aims of the World July 31st “ Reforming Capitalism or the
Socialist Alternative”: Speaker Vincent Otter
Socialist Movement. Our main objective
is to propagate the real definition of ==========================
socialism, and probably, we might get ============
in contradictions with other groups in
Latin America, region that is influenced
by Castroism, Trotskyism and Leninism, Northern Anarchist Network (NAN)
and all sorts of state capitalist currents.
Some of the contacts that we have at If you want further information about this
the present time were members of group contact: Brian Bamford, 46
Leninist groups or the ICC. Kingsland Road, Rochdale, Lancs Ol1
3HQ or email
Future events and contact ============
information for the ASNM Sector
World In Common:
Radical History Network of North East Email
The next meeting is on Wednesday 14 As stated previously very good for
July, at 8pm. “A Short History of discovering groups that do, or have made
Resistance to Public Sector Cuts” up the Anti State, Non Market sector. Like
Venue: The Postmens Office” at the all discussion forums it sometimes suffers
North London Community House, 22 from discussions that go on too long but it
Moorefield Road, London, N17.[The old is well worth exploring as some of the posts
Post Office] give out information you might not have
picked up elsewhere. Some of the news and
articles featured in TLC are sourced from
WOODWARD this website. So join the forum and help
ON 020 8292 8862 take it forward.
or RaHN at
Email: ========================== ============

worldsocialistmovement/SPGB: Anarchist Federation: Postal Address BM
Arnafed, London WC1N 3XX. Email
14 The Libertarian Communist Issue 9 July/August 2010

Salop, TF1 6XX email:

A new pamphlet has recently been
published, An Introduction to Anarchist
Communism. The Manchester website is
well worth a visit for looking at texts from
Red and Black Notes
former organisations such as Solidarity,
Subversion and Wildcat.
The geo cities site that used to host RBN
has been out of action for some time. You
can obtain some RBN items from
as listed above. If you want to know more
than read issue 6 Of The Libertarian
Communist and the article by Neil Fettes
The following three groups are industrial
pp.4-7. Recommended site if you can still
unions. They offer an anti bureaucratic
obtain the full listings.
alternative to trade unions. You can join
either as an individual or if there is support
for organising at your workplace.

See also: Institute for Anarchist

Industrial Workers of the World: Studies, the very similar but
www. Or P/O Box 7593, separate Anarchist Studies Journal,
Glasgow, G42 2EX Email: Anarchist Archives, Red and Anarchist Action network And Socialist
Workers International Industrial Labor Party of America
Union. (Not to be confused or with the Scargill mob). or see
the article on Industrial Unionism in
this issue,

Solidarity Federation. or PO Box
29, South West D.O Manchester
M15 5HW Email:


Another place to keep up with news from

around the world from a Libertarian
Communist view point. Also has Library,
History and Gallery sections as well as
active online forums.

Wrekin Stop War

This can be found at or contact
Duncan Ball, 23 Sunderland Drive,

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