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By: Jessa Bille Barabat

At the end of 60-minute session, the students will be able to:

1. Construct sentences using common and proper nouns;

2. Translate sentences into Bisaya;
3. Appreciate the story about The Monkey and the Turtle in relation to present life; and
4. Present a role-paly in native language version about the story A Wise Old Owl.


Topic: Noun
Competence: reading and writing
Time Frame: I hour
Materials: visual aids, marker, activity sheets
Strategies: 4 As Discussion
Interactive Instruction
Grammar- Translation Method


A. Preliminaries
1. Prayer and Greetings
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Submission of Assignments

B. Review Question
1. What was our last topic all about?

C. Lesson Proper
1. The teacher will present a story about The Monkey and the Turtle.
2. The students will be tasked to read carefully to the selection.
3. After reading, the teacher will call students randomly to write sample nouns found in the
passage on the board.
4. The teacher will call another students to translate the words into Bisaya.
5. Below is the selection about The Monkey and the Turtle.
The Monkey and the Turtle

Once there lived a very clever and well behaved tortoise and a selfish and clumsy
monkey. One day, both of them saw a banana tree floating in the river they decided to
get the banana tree and plant them ''Why don't we chop them in half and we will have a
part each.'' said the Monkey, ''Good Idea'' replied the tortoise so they took a part each.
The tortoise took the bottom part and the monkey took the upper part, because he
thought it would grow faster so they went home and planted their banana trees.

The next day they met again the tortoise showed that his plant had grown into a ripe
banana tree but the monkey's plant stayed the same so he got really jealous and started
to climb up the tortoise's tree. The tortoise didn't want him to climb up the tree so he put
some spikey thorns around the tree just then the monkey started to lose his grip
suddenly he fell!

When he was on the ground he saw he was bleeding and then he became angry so
he thought of a punishment to give to the Tortoise ''How dare you do you want to go to
drown in the river or you shall go to the fire.' ', shouted the monkey. ''Oh the fire please I
don't like being drowned.'' said the tortoise. ''OH REALLY'', shouted the Monkey. So he
went to the river and dropped the tortoise in the river but the tortoise could survive in the
water so he was safe the monkey was still angry with the tortoise so he jumped into the
river to get him but he couldn't swim so he drowned and he was never seen again.

1. Who are the characters in the story?
2. What are the characteristics of the Monkey? How about the Turtle?
3. If you are the turtle, would you do the same as what the turtle did in the story?
4. What makes the monkey failed in the end?
5. What are the moral lessons you learned in the story?


Noun is a word that identifies a person, animal, place, thing, or idea.

Nouns can be categorized as either common or proper.
Common nouns name general people, places, things, and ideas.
Examples: car, soda, soap, shampoo, book, smartphone, computer, ocean, game
Proper nouns name specific people, places, things, and ideas.
Examples: Toyota, mountain dew, Palmolive, candy crush, Antarctic

In a sheet of paper, identify whether the ff. nouns are common or proper nouns. Write CN if it
Common noun and PN if it is Proper noun. Then, translate the following words into Bisaya.
1. Country
2. Eagle
3. City
4. Chair
5. Restaurant
6. January
7. Cousin
8. Park
9. Fish
10. School
In a sheet of paper, construct sentences using the following nouns and translate it
into Bisaya.
1. Dentist
2. Bag
3. Painter
4. Chair
5. President

1. The class will be divide into five.
2. The students will perform a role-play about the story A Wise Old Owl.
3. The teacher will provide the copy of the selection.
4. The students will be tasked to translate the selection into Bisaya.
5. After translating, the students will perform a role- play in Bisaya version.
6. The role-play will be presented next meeting with a minimum of 3 minutes and a
maximum of 5 minutes.
7. The script of the story is presented below.

A Wise Old Owl

There was an old owl that lived in an oak. Every day he saw incidents happening
around him. Yesterday he saw a boy helping an old man to carry a heavy basket.
Today he saw a girl shouting at her mother. The more he saw the less he spoke.
As he spoke less, he heard more. He heard people talking and telling stories. He
heard a woman saying that an elephant jumped over a fence. He also heard a man
saying that he had never made a mistake.
The old owl had seen and heard about what happened to people. Some became
better and some became worse. But the old owl had become wiser each and every

Diction/ Clarity of voice - 10 pts.
Facial expressions/Body gestures 10 pts.
Pronunciation - 10 pts.
Organization and overall impact -10 pts.
40 pts.

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